Arthur Christian Nelson
- Lecturer
- (520) 621-4004
- Architecture Bldg. Expansion, Rm. 301
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- acnelson@arizona.edu
Arthur C. (Christian) Nelson has made significant contributions to the fields of: real estate analysis including the role of changing demographics in shifting long-term real estate development trends; urban growth management and open space preservation, central city revitalization; infrastructure financing; planning effectiveness; transportation and land use outcomes; metropolitan development patterns; the economic effects of facility location; the role of suburban redevelopment in reshaping metropolitan America; and the new “megapolitan” geography of the United States.
- Professional and Academic Life
- Significant Scholarly Contributions
- Sources
- References
Professional and Academic Life
Arthur C. Nelson is Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development at the University of Arizona. He is also Presidential Professor Emeritus of City & Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah where, from 2008-2014, he served as founding Director of the Metropolitan Research Center, Adjunct Professor of Finance in the David Eccles School of Business, and founding Co-Director of the Master of Real Estate Development program.
Between 2002 and 2008, Dr. Nelson was founding Director of the Urban Affairs and Planning program at Virginia Tech’s Alexandria Center where he was also Co-Director (with Robert E. Lang) of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, and founder of the Planning Academy at Virginia Tech. From 1987 to 2002, he was Professor of City and Regional Planning in the College of Architecture and Professor of Public Policy in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and between 2000 and 2002 he was Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgia State University. With Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer he co-founded the nation’s only bi-university dual master of planning (Georgia Tech) and juris doctor (Georgia State) degree program. Dr. Nelson’s academic career started as visiting Assistant Professor of Regional and Community Planning at Kansas State University (1984-85) and then as Associate Professor of Urban and Public Affairs (now Planning and Urban Studies) at the University of New Orleans (1986-87) where he was Adjunct Professor of Social Work at Southern University New Orleans.
Dr. Nelson received his Bachelor of Science degree in political science with certificates in Urban Studies and Social Service at Portland State University in 1972. As a consultant in planning and fiscal analysis along the West Coast based in Portland, Oregon for a dozen years (1972-1984), he returned to Portland State where he received the Master of Urban Studies degree (1976) and later the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Urban Studies specializing in regional science and regional planning in 1984.
Dr. Nelson has received numerous distinctions over his academic career. He is a member of College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), was commissioned Honorary Lieutenant Colonial by the Georgia Governor, received research, teaching and scholarship awards, and was advisor to students winning the AICP national student project of the year award. He has also served as editor of Housing Policy Debate[21], associate editor of the Journal of Urban Affairs, and Planners’ Notebook editor and associate editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association. He serves in other editorial capacities for several journals.
Significant Scholarly Contributions
Urban containment and open space preservation Dr. Nelson was the first to demonstrate empirically how land markets respond to urban containment that includes Greenfield preservation. Urban containment will steer regional market demand for development to areas inside urban containment boundaries (UCBs) with the effect that the value of land for urban development rises inside UCBs and falls outside them. The value of land for farming and other working landscape uses rises as with respect to distance from UCBs because the closer to the boundary such land is, the more it is impacted adversely by negative externalities imposed by urban neighborhoods. On the other hand, the value of land just inside the UCB falls with respect to UCB distance because the positive effects of Greenbelt amenities diminish. Dr. Nelson argued for schemes that capture positive land use gains inside the UCB to compensate for losses outside. Dr. Nelson also showed that the aggregate effect of leapfrog urban development patterns is to push the value of land for working landscape purposes below that which may sustain economically viable operations.
Urban containment and central city revitalization Dr. Nelson and his colleagues have shown that by ameliorating the outward expansion of urban development, urban containment can accelerate the redevelopment of central cities.
The social benefits of urban containment While urban containment can be viewed as restricting the supply of land for development thereby raising housing prices and generally undermining efficient urban development, Nelson and his colleagues have shown otherwise. Effective urban containment planning increases development densities, facilitates mixed-use development, reduces inefficient land development, increases employment, improves fiscal resilience, and reduces socioeconomic segregation.
Infrastructure financing Critical to managing urban growth is providing public facilities to accommodate it. Ideally, users of public facilities will pay their proportionate costs. Otherwise, higher-cost development may be subsidized by lower-cost development resulting in economically perverse outcomes. Dr. Nelson has helped pioneer methodologies to achieve economically efficient pricing of public facilities as well as studies showing how such pricing leads to efficient land use patterns.
Plan effectiveness Land use plans are made in part to improve development outcomes. Whether plans are effective in doing so is illusive because of counter-factual complications. Dr. Nelson has helped pioneer the field of measuring the effectiveness of land use plans by showing plans can achieve their intended objectives of mitigating impacts of natural hazardssuch as seismic events. He has also pioneered metrics to evaluate comprehensive plan outcomes with respect to several planning objectives showing that plans can affect desired outcomes.
Transportation and land use outcomes Through a series of studies in Atlanta, Dr. Nelson developed and tested theories on how the land market responds to transit stations. Because Atlanta is viewed by many analysts as the nation's most sprawling metropolitan area, he reasoned that if the market responded positively to the presence and location of transit stations in Atlanta in ways he theorized, one could conclude reasonably that rail transit per se could influence urban form and regional development patterns. Dr. Nelson found that residential neighborhoods of differing incomes valued proximity to neighborhood transit stations positively.He was also the first to confirm statistically that commercial property values rise with respect to transit station proximity and that transit ridership increases when developments are clustered around transit stations. Finally, through his research he found statistical evidence that even in the nation's most sprawled and most automobile-dependent metropolitan area, rail transit influences regional development patterns and in ways that confer important social benefits. Dr. Nelson’s research in these areas helps planners understand the relationship between rail transit and urban form in contemporary metropolitan areas.
American exurbanization Dr. Nelson pioneered much of the current insights into the drivers of “exurbanization” which he characterizes as the suburbs of the suburbs. His early work characterized exurbanization and the role of exurban industrialization in facilitating it. His later work evaluates the behavioral motivations underlying exurban settlement, calling into question whether exurbanization is nothing more than the "suburbanization of suburbs". Because of its land-consumptive nature and because it is fueled by the motivation to escape from urban areas, exurbanization could very well pose the greatest planning challenge in the next century. Dr. Nelson's work is pioneering in bringing to the attention of planners and scholars the implications of exurbanization.
Economic effects of facility location Dr. Nelson pioneered studies evaluating the economic effects of landfills, major sports stadiums, beltways, and regional sewerage systems. Contradicting findings in the industry, he found that landfills had adverse effects on residential property values up to a few miles away. In another, study, Dr. Nelson was the first to show conclusively that the most economically beneficial place in which to locate sports stadiums is in a central business district. He also found that locating a stadium elsewhere can lead to neighborhood blight. In the third study, Dr. Nelson found that beltways, especially multiple layers of beltways, reduce retail and service trade at the metropolitan scale by reducing the income-density thresholds needed to sustain local-serving operations. Dr. Nelson and his colleagues also found that regional-scale sewerage systems with associated land-use planning has the effect of reducing development costs, thereby shifting regional development away from areas served by smaller systems to regions served by larger systems.
Plan effectiveness Do plans matter? That is, can long-range comprehensive plans actually affect the desired outcomes? They can but only when plans have clear, measurable objectives and are implemented by regulatory tools designed to meet those objectives. This finding was confirmed when Dr. Nelson and his colleagues discovered the relationship between the factual basis of local plans and policies in mitigating damage associated with natural disasters, such as earthquakes and flooding. In other work, Dr. Nelson has demonstrated that implementing plans based on factually-grounded projections of development needs is effective at reducing financial risk associated with overbuilding. In a series of studies based on Oregon’s statewide land-use planning process, Dr. Nelson and colleagues demonstrated that plans with factual bases, clear objectives, measurable benchmarks, and rigorous implementation can achieve desired outcomes in preserving open spaces while also meeting urban development needs. As global climate change becomes an leading planning challenge, state and local governments may need to elevate plan quality and implementation rigor to mitigate potentially adverse outcomes.
Planning implications of demographic and economic change Based on demographic and changes in consumer preferences, Dr. Nelson was among the first to show that America has more homes on large lots than the market demands. By some accounts, he also created a new field of projecting large-scale nonresidential redevelopment opportunities that may be sufficient to meet all future development needs of nearly all metropolitan areas to about mid-century.
The role of suburban redevelopment in reshaping metropolitan America Dr. Nelson’s research is helping inform planning and development processes of the key role that American suburbs will play in meeting future development needs.Indeed, while the demand for downtown housing may be increasing it will account for only one to two percent of the entire demand in nearly all metropolitan areas. In contrast, most of America’s opportunity to meet future development needs is through the redevelopment of its suburbs. This demand will result in the rise of more suburban “downtowns” albeit of many different types based on their market contexts. Moreover, based on survey research, Dr. Nelson finds that members of the “baby boom” generation (those born between 1946 and 1964) may be instrumental in reshaping suburban America.
The new “megapolitan” geography of the United States Until 1900, most people in the United States lived in rural areas. Over the next half century, America’s central cities accounted for most of the nation’s population. By 1980, the urban population was comprised mostly of suburban residents but the rise of suburbia belied a more fundamental shift in America’s economic geography. Using rigorous analytic techniques, Dr. Nelson and his colleagues have created a new view of America’s economic geography: the rise of Megapolitan America. By 2040, America will be comprised of 23 economic regions composed of multiple core-based statistical areas that form a coherent economic unit. Nelson and his colleagues argue that for America to be globally competitive, it needs to leverage the economic advantages these Megapoltian areas offer.
- Ph.D Urban Studies - Regional Planning & Regional Science
- Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Evaluating Urban Containment Programs
Work Experience
- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah (2008 - 2014)
- Virginia Tech (2002 - 2008)
- Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia (1987 - 2002)
- University of New Orleans (1986 - 1987)
- Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas (1984 - 1985)
- Sole proprietor (1972 - 1984)
- Presidential Professor Emeritus
- University of Utah, Spring 2014
Licensure & Certification
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (1990)
- Member, Lambda Alpha - Land Economics Honorary Society (2006)
- Member, American Institute of Certified Planners (1978)
- Fellow, American Institute of Certififed Planners (2000)
Foundations of real estate development financingPublic-private partnershipsUrban growth management/smart growthInfrastructure planning and financeProjecting land use and facility needs
Metropolitan development patternsTransportation and land useTransportation and economic developmentFiscal impact analysis
2024-25 Courses
GEOG 920 (Spring 2025)
2023-24 Courses
GEOG 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
GEOG 920 (Spring 2023) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
GEOG 920 (Spring 2022) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
GEOG 920 (Spring 2021) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Independent Study
PLG 599 (Summer I 2020) -
Independent Study
PLG 599 (Fall 2019) -
Planning & RE Economics
PLG 485 (Fall 2019) -
Planning & RE Economics
PLG 585 (Fall 2019) -
Planning & RE Economics
RED 485 (Fall 2019) -
Planning & RE Economics
RED 585 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Responsible Real Estate Devel.
PLG 610 (Fall 2018) -
Responsible Real Estate Devel.
RED 610 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
PLG 599 (Spring 2018) -
Real Estate Finance
PLG 502A (Spring 2018) -
Real Estate Finance
RED 402A (Spring 2018) -
Real Estate Finance
RED 502A (Spring 2018) -
Planning & RE Economics
PLG 585 (Fall 2017) -
Planning & RE Economics
RED 585 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Real Estate Finance
PLG 502A (Spring 2017) -
Real Estate Finance
RED 402A (Spring 2017) -
Real Estate Finance
RED 502A (Spring 2017) -
Responsible Real Estate Devel.
PLG 610 (Fall 2016) -
Responsible Real Estate Devel.
RED 610 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
PLG 599 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
RED 599 (Spring 2016) -
Real Estate Finance
RED 601 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Nelson, A. C. (2014). Foundations of Real Estate Development Financing: A Guide for Public-Private Partnerships. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013). A Home for Everyone: San Joaquin Valley Preferences and Opportunities to 2050. Sacramento, CA: Council of Infill Builders.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013). Reshaping Metropolitan America: Trends and Opportunities to 2030. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Nelson, A. C., Bowles, L. K., Juergensmeyer, J. C., & Nicholas, J. C. (2008). A guide to impact fees and housing affordability. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Nelson, A. C., Pruetz, R., & Woodruff, D. (2012). The TDR Handbook: Planning and Designing Transfer of Development Rights Programs. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Nelson, A. C., Randolph, J., McElfish, J. M., Schilling, J. M., Logan, J., & others, . (2012). Environmental regulations and housing costs. Island Press.
- Burchell, R. W., Dolphin, W., Nelson, A. C., Ewing, R., Nicholas, J. C., Spasovic, L. N., & Dimitrijevic, B. (2011). Transportation Costs of New Development: Procedural Guide, User Guide and Model. Center for Urban Policy Research, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University.
- Nelson, A. C. (2011). The New California Dream. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.
- Nelson, A. C., & Robert, L. E. (2011). Megapolitan America: A New Vision for Understanding America’s Metropolitan Geography. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C., & Lang, R. E. (2009). The New Politics of State Planning. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.
- Nelson, A. C., Nicholas, J. C., & Juergensmeyer, J. C. (2009). Impact Fees: Principles and Practice of Proportionate-Share Development Fees. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C., & Burchell, R. (2007). Calculating the Transportation Cost Impacts of New Development: Literature Review. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.
- Nelson, A. C., & Newport Partners, . (2007). Impact Fees and Housing Affordability Guidebook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C. J., & Sanchez, T. W. (2007). The social impacts of urban containment. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
- Nelson, A. C., Allen, B. L., & Trauger, D. (2006). Toward a Resilient Metropolis: The Role of State and Land Grant Universities in the 21st Century. Alexandria, VA: Metropolitan Institute Press.
- Nelson, A. C. (2004). Planners Estimating Guide: Projecting Land-Use and Facility Needs. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C., & Dawkins, C. J. (2004). Urban containment in the United States: History, models and techniques for regional and metropolitan growth management. American Planning Association.
- Wachter, S. M., Penne, J. L., & Nelson, A. C. (2000). Bridging the Divide: Making Regions Work for Everyone— Shaping the Federal Agenda. Washington, DC: Office of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Drummond, W., & Nelson, A. C. (1998). Handbook for Economic Development Geographic information Systems. Washington, DC: Economic Development Administration.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995). System development charges for water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities. CRC Press.
- Nelson, A. C., & Duncan, J. B. (1995). Growth Management Principles and Practice. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Knaap, G., & Nelson, A. C. (1992). The regulated landscape. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Nicholas, J. C., Nelson, A. C., & Juergensmeyer, J. C. (1991). A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988). Development Impact Fees: Theory, Issues, and Practice. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Demographic and Housing Trends in the Rocky Mountain West. In 25 Years of the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, Susan Daggett, Ed.. Denver, CO: Sturm School of Law.
- Nelson, A. C. (2015). Forward. In How Cities Will Save the World. London UK: Ashgate.More infoRaymond Brescia and John Travis Marshall, eds.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013). Growth Management. In International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
- Nelson, A. C., Petheram, S., Ewing, R., Stoker, P. A., & Hamidi, S. (2013). Compact Development as a Factor in Income Resilience among Shrinking Counties in the United States: Statistical Analysis with Policy Implications. In Shrinking Cities: A Global Perspective. London UK: Taylor and Francis.More infoHarry Richardson, ed.
- Ewing, R., Nelson, A. C., & Bartholomew, K. (2010). Compactness vs Sprawl – Have Energy, Climate, Health, and Demographics Resolved the Debate?. In Companion to Urban Design: Roots, Influences and Trends(pp 467 - 483). New York NY: Routledge.More infoTridib Banerjee, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, eds.
- Nelson, A. C., & Lang, R. E. (2008). Defining Megapolitan Regions. In Megaregions: Planning for Global Competitiveness. Washington DC: Island Press.More infoCatherine B Ross and Cheryl Contant, eds.
- Burby, R. J., Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (2006). The Problems of Containment and the Promise of Planning. In Rebuilding Urban Places After Disaster(pp 47-65). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.More infoEugenie L. Birch and Susan M. Wachter, eds.
- Nelson, A. C. (2006). Urban Growth Boundaries and Development Impact Fees. In Planning and Urban Design Standards. New York: Wiley.
- Nelson, A. C., Allen, B. L., & Trauger, D. L. (2006). Introduction: Toward a Resilient Metropolis. In Toward a Resilient Metropolis: A New Role for State and Land Grant Universities(pp x-xiii). Alexandria VA: Metropolitan Institute Press.
- Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C., Sanchez, T., & Danielson, K. (2006). Urban Containment Effects on Housing and Neighborhood Quality in Florida. In Growth Management in Florida: a 20-Year Assessment. Birmingham, AL: M.E. Sharpe.More infoCharles Connerly ed.
- Nelson, A. C., & Burby, R. J. (2005). The Effect of Regional Smart Growth on Metropolitan Growth and Construction: A Preliminary Assessment. In Revitalizing the City: Strategies to Contain Sprawl and Revive the Core. Birmingham AL: M.E. Sharpe.More infoFritz W. Wagner, et al eds.
- Pendall, R., Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C. J., & Knaap, G. (2005). Connecting Smart Growth, Housing Affordability, and Racial Equity. In The Geography of Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America,(pp 219-245). Washington DC: Brookings Institution.More infoXavier de Sousa Briggs, ed.
- Nelson, A. C. (2004). Urban Containment American Style. In Urban Sprawl in Europe and the United States. London: Ashton.More infoChristine Bae. Harry Richardson ed.
- Nelson, A. C., Pendall, R., Dawkins, C. J., & Knaap, G. J. (2004). Growth Management and Affordable Housing: The Academic Evidence. In Growth Management and Affordable Housing. Washington DC: Brookings Institution.More infoAnthony Downs, ed.
- Nelson, A. C. (2003). Smart Growth or Business-as-Usual. In Strategies for Safe and Sustainable Communities. Vienna VA: Landscape Architectural Registration Boards Foundation.
- Nelson, A. C. (2002). How Do You Know Smart Growth When You See It?. In Smart Growth: Form and Consequences. Cambridge MA: MIT Press and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.More infoTerry Szold, Armando Carbonelle, eds.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. (2002). Lassoing Exurban Sprawl. In In Post Suburbia: Examining the New Metropolitan Form(pp 43-102). Washington DC: Fannie Mae Foundation.
- Nelson, A. C. (2001). Growth Management. In International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences.. Oxford UK: Elsevier.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000). Regulations to Improve Development Patterns. In Metropolitan Development Patterns(pp 72-79). Cambridge MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000). Smart Growth or Business as Usual? Which is Better at Improving Quality of Life and Central City Vitality?. In Bridging the Divide: Making Regions Work for Everyone(pp 83-106). Washington DC: Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research.More infoSusan M. Wachter, R. Leo Penne and Arthur C. Nelson, eds
- Nelson, A. C., & Wachter, S. M. (2000). Smart Growth and Housing Policy. In Bridging the Divide: Making Regions Work for Everyone(pp 203-212). Washington DC: Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). Growth Management. In Practice of Local Government Planning. ICMA/APA publishers.More infoFrank S. So, ed.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). La Nuova Generazione di Oneri Urbanizzativi Negli Stati Uniti. In Urbanistica e Fiscalità Locale: Orientamenti di Riforma e Buone Pratiche in Italia e all’Estero(pp 95-134). Rome.More infotranslated into the Italian by Fausto Curti.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). Sports Stadia and Central City Revitalization. In Physical Managing Capital Resources for Central City Revitalization(pp 117-146). New York: Grland.More infoFritz W. Wagner, Timothy E. Joder and Anthony J. Mumphrey, Jr., eds.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). The Exurban Battleground. In In Contested Landscapes. London: Avebury.More infoMark Lapping and Owen Furuseth, eds.
- Nelson, A. C. (1998). The Urban Fringe. In International Encyclopedia of Urban Affairs.
- Nelson, A. C. (1996). A New Metropolitan Umbrella. In Regional Politics: America in a Post City Era. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.More infoHank V. Savitch and Ronald K. Vogel, eds.
- Nelson, A. C., & Milgroom, J. H. (1994). Central City Revitalization Through Regional Growth Management. In Central City Revitalization. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.More infoFritz W. Wagner, Anthony Mumphrey, and Timothy Joder, eds.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993). Regional Development Theory. In In Regional Economic Development: A Theoretical Perspective, Richard D Bingham et al eds. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993). The Urban Growth Boundary as a Growth Management Tool. In In Planning the Oregon Way: A Twenty-Year Appraisal, Carl Abbott and Deborah Howe, eds. Corvallis OR: Oregon State University Press.
- "Nelson, {. C., Nicholas, {. C., & Marsh, {. L. (1992). "New-fangled impact fees". In "Planning (APA)"(pp "20--24").
- Nelson, A. C. (1990). An Appraisal of Farmland Preservation Policies: Which Work as Intended?. In In Protecting Our Common Future: Conflict Resolution Within the Farming Community, Ronald Corbett, ed.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987). Financing Infrastructure with Development Impact Fees. In In Public Infrastructure Planning and Management Jay M. Stein et al.. Beverly Hills CA: Sage.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987). How Regional Planning Policies Designed to Contain Urban Sprawl and Sustain Agriculture Near Cities Should Influence Rural Land Values. In In Sustaining Agriculture Near Cities. Washington DC: Soil Conservation Service.
- Nelson, A. C. (2017). Compact Development Reduces VMT: Evidence and Application for Planners—Comment on “Does Compact Development Make People Drive Less?”. Journal of the American Planning Association, 83(1), 36-41.
- Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C. J., Ganning, J. P., Kittrell, K. G., & Ewing, R. (2015). The Association Between Professional Performing Arts and Knowledge Class Growth Implications for Metropolitan Economic Development. Economic Development Quarterly, 0891242415619008.
- Ewing, R., Hamidi, S., Gallivan, F., Nelson, A. C., & Grace, J. B. (2014). Structural equation models of VMT growth in US urbanised areas. Urban Studies, 0042098013516521.
- Ewing, R., Meakins, G., Hamidi, S., & Nelson, A. C. (2014). Relationship between urban sprawl and physical activity, obesity, and morbidity--Update and refinement. Health & place, 26, 118--126.
- Burge, G. S., Trosper, T. L., Nelson, A. C., Juergensmeyer, J. C., & Nicholas, J. C. (2013). Can development impact fees help mitigate urban sprawl?. Journal of the American Planning Association, 79, 235--248.
- Ewing, R., Hamidi, S., Gallivan, F., Nelson, A., & Grace, J. (2013). Combined effects of compact development, transportation investments, and road user pricing on vehicle miles traveled in urbanized areas. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2397, 117--124.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013). Toward a new suburban America: will we catch the wave?. Planning Theory & Practice, 14, 391--415.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013). Zoning Restrictiveness and Housing Foreclosures: Exploring a New Link to the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Housing Policy Debate, 23, 458--459.
- Nelson, A. C., Appleyard, B., Kannan, S., Ewing, R., Miller, M., & Eskic, D. (2013). Bus Rapid Transit and Economic Development: Case Study of the Eugene-Springfield BRT System. Journal of Public Transportation, 16, 3.
- Nelson, A. C., Meakins, G., Weber, D., Kannan, S., & Ewing, R. (2013). The Tragedy of the Unmet Demand for Walking and Biking. The Urban Lawyer, 45, 615.
- Petheram, S., Nelson, A., Miller, M., & Ewing, R. (2013). Use of the Real Estate Market to Establish Light Rail Station Catchment Areas: Case Study of Attached Residential Property Values in Salt Lake County, Utah, by Light Rail Station Distance. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 95--99.
- Nelson, A. C. (2012). The Mass Market for Suburban Low-Density Development is Over. The Urban Lawyer, 44(4), 29-40.
- Ewing, R., Nelson, A. C., Bartholomew, K., Emmi, P., & Appleyard, B. (2011). Response to Special Report 298 Driving and the built environment: the effects of compact development on motorized travel, energy use, and CO2 emissions. Journal of Urbanism, 4, 1--5.
- Nelson, A. C. (2010). Reforming Infrastructure Financing with 2020 Vision. The Urban Lawyer, 29--40.
- Nasser, H. E. (2008). Open House Anyone?. USA Today, 148.More infoCover story. Provided story line including statistical, graphical and editorial assistance.
- Nelson, A. (2009). Catching the Next Wave: Older Adults and the'New Urbanism'. Generations, 33, 37--42.
- Nelson, A. C. (2009). Demographic Outlook. Urban Land, 68(9), 196-199.
- Nelson, A. C. (2009). Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes. Journal of the American Planning Association, 76, 126--126.
- Nelson, A. C. (2009). The new urbanity: The rise of a new America. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 626, 192--208.
- Lang, R., Nelson, A. C., & Sohmer, R. R. (2008). Boomburb downtowns: the next generation of urban centers. Journal of Urbanism, 1, 77--90.
- Nelson, A. C., & Young, K. T. (2008). Limited role of downtowns in meeting metropolitan housing needs. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 134, 1--8.
- Burge, G. S., Nelson, A. C., & Matthews, J. (2007). Effects of proportionate-share impact fees. Housing Policy Debate, 18, 679--710.
- Lang, R. E., & Nelson, A. C. (2007). America 2040. Planning, 73(1), 7--12.
- Lang, R. E., & Nelson, A. C. (2007). Boomburb Politics and the Rise of Private Government. Housing Policy Debate, 18(3), 627-634.
- Nelson, A. C., & Lang, R. (2007). The next 100 million. PLANNING-CHICAGO-, 73(1), 4.
- Nelson, A. C., Bowles, L., & Daquisto, D. (2007). Impact Fees and Housing Affordability. Practicing Planner, 5(3).
- Lang, R., LeFurgy, J., & Nelson, A. C. (2006). The six suburban eras of the United States. Opolis, 2.
- Nasser, H. E. (2006). Where Will Everybody Live?. USA Today.More infoCover story. Provided story line including statistical, graphical and editorial assistance.
- Nelson, A. C. (2006). America Circa 2030-Stop worrying about the housing market. According to the latest long-range forecast, the future of the US building industry looks startlingly bright.. Architecture-American Institute of Architects, 95(11), 92--97.
- Nelson, A. C. (2006). Getting ahead of the (housing) curve: A look at emerging housing needs and market dynamics. Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities.
- Nelson, A. C. (2006). Leadership in a new era: Comment on “Planning Leadership in a New Era”. Journal of the American Planning Association, 72, 393--409.
- Wilkins, J., Riall, W., & Nelson, A. C. (2006). Rural Industrial Zoning and Economic Development. Economic Development Journal, 5(4), 24-33.
- Nelson, A. C. (2005). Comment on Paul G. Lewis's “Can state review of local planning increase housing production?”.
- Nelson, A. C. (2005). Imapct Fees and Equity. Units Magazine - National Apartment Association.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (2005). The effectiveness of urban containment regimes in reducing exurban sprawl. disP-The Planning Review, 41, 42--47}, @book{nelson2012environmental, title={Environmental regulations and housing costs}, author={Nelson, Arthur C and Randolph, John and McElfish, James M and Schilling, Joseph M and Logan, Jonathan and others}, year={2012}, publisher={Island Press}.
- Nelson, A. C. (2004). Buildings Go Up Like Never Before. USA Today, 23(50), 4A.More infoUSA Today Cover story and companion article Report Gives Communities a Tool to Match Development to Growth, page 4A, 23(50) (December 13, 2004). Provided story line including statistical, graphical and editorial assistance.
- Nelson, A. C. (2004). Multi-Family Housing and Impact Fees. Units Magazine - National Apartment Association.
- Nelson, A. C., Burby, R. J., Feser, E., Dawkins, C. J., Malizia, E. E., & Quercia, R. (2004). Urban containment and central-city revitalization. Journal of the American Planning Association, 70, 411--425.
- Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C. J., & Sanchez, T. W. (2004). Urban containment and residential segregation: A preliminary investigation. Urban Studies, 41, 423--439.
- Nelson, A. C., Sanchez, T. W., & Dawkins, C. J. (2004). The effect of urban containment and mandatory housing elements on racial segregation in US metropolitan areas, 1990--2000. Journal of Urban Affairs, 26, 339--350.
- Nelson, A., Sanchez, T., Wolf, J., & Farquhar, M. (2004). Metropolitan planning organization voting structure and transit investment bias: Preliminary analysis with social equity implications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1--7.
- Dawkins, C. J., & Nelson, A. C. (2003). State growth management programs and central-city revitalization. Journal of the American Planning Association, 69, 381--396.
- Nelson, A. C., & Wachter, S. M. (2003). Growth management and affordable housing policy. Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law, 173--187.
- Dawkins, C. J., & Nelson, A. C. (2002). Urban containment policies and housing prices: an international comparison with implications for future research. Land Use Policy, 19, 1--12.
- Nelson, A. C. (2002). Comment on Anthony Downs's “Have housing prices risen faster in Portland than elsewhere?”.
- Nelson, A. C. (2002). Locating Major League Stadiums Where They Can Make a Difference Empirical Analysis with Implications for All Major Public Venues. Public Works Management & Policy, 7, 98--114.
- Nelson, A. C., & French, S. P. (2002). Plan quality and mitigating damage from natural disasters: A case study of the Northridge earthquake with planning policy considerations. Journal of the American Planning Association, 68, 194--207.
- Burby, R. J., Nelson, A. C., Parker, D., & Handmer, J. (2001). Urban containment policy and exposure to natural hazards: is there a connection?. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 44, 475--490.
- Nelson, A. C. (2001). Exclusionary housing, urban sprawl, and smart growth. Georgia State University Law Review, 17, 1087--1102.
- Nelson, A. C. (2001). Prosperity or blight? A question of major league stadia locations. Economic Development Quarterly, 15, 255--265.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000). New kid in town: The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority and its role in managing growth in metropolitan Georgia. Wake Forest L. Rev., 35, 625.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000). Reducing financial hazard risk through planning intervention. Journal of urban planning and development, 126, 39--54.
- Nelson, A. C., & Peterman, D. R. (2000). Does growth management matter? The effect of growth management on economic performance. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 19, 277--285.
- Nelson, A., & Moody, M. (2000). Effect of beltways on metropolitan economic activity. Journal of urban planning and development, 126, 189--196.
- Hise, R., & Nelson, A. (1999). Urban brownfields: Strategies for promoting urban brownfield re-use at the state and local level. Economic Development Review, 16, 67--72.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). Comparing states with and without growth management analysis based on indicators with policy implications. Land Use Policy, 16, 121--127.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). Growth and Economic Development. Economic Development, publication of the Economic Development Division of the American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C. (1999). Transit stations and commercial property values: a case study with policy and land-use implications. Journal of Public Transportation, 2.
- Nelson, A. C., & Foster, K. A. (1999). Metropolitan governance structure and income growth. Journal of Urban Affairs, 21, 309--324.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (1999). Debunking the exurban myth: A comparison of suburban households. HOUSING POLICY DEBATE-WASHINGTON-, 10, 689--709.
- Burby, R. J., French, S. P., & Nelson, A. C. (1998). Plans, code enforcement, and damage reduction: Evidence from the Northridge earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 14, 59--74.
- Nelson, A. C., Drummond, W. J., & Sawicki, D. S. (1998). Determinants of Exurban Industrialization with Implications for Economic Development Practitioners. Economic Development Review, 16.
- Peng, Z., & Nelson, A. (1998). Rural transit services: A local economic and fiscal impact analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 57--62.
- Nelson, A. (1997). PART 3: Society: Social Benefits of Transit: Case Study of Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 123--131.
- Nelson, A. C., Genereux, J., & Genereux, M. M. (1997). Price effects of landfills on different house value strata. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 123, 59--67.
- Nelson, A., & Allen, D. (1997). If you build them, commuters will use them: association between bicycle facilities and bicycle commuting. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 79--83.
- Nelson, A., Meyer, M., & Ross, C. (1997). Parking supply policy and transit use: Case study of Atlanta, Georgia. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 60--66.
- Nelson, A., Sanchez, T., Ross, C., & Meyer, M. (1997). Rail Transit in the suburbs: Case study of Transit use in Atlanta's affluent northern tier. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 142--150.
- Nelsonand, A., & Sanchez, T. (1997). Influence of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid transit authority on population and employment location. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 18--25.
- Peiser, R., & Nelson, A. C. (1997). Using master planning expert panels to achieve planning objectives. Journal of the American Planning Association, 63, 439--453.
- Sanchez, T. W., & Nelson, A. C. (1997). Exurban and Suburban Residents: A Departure from Traditional Location Theory?. Journal of Housing Research, 8(2), 249-276.
- Nelson, A. C., & Moore, T. (1996). Assessing growth management policy implementation: Case study of the United States' leading growth management state. Land Use Policy, 13, 241--259.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995). Comparative Judicial Land-Use Appeals Processes. The Urban Lawyer, 251--265.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995). Growth management and the savings-and-loan bailout. The Urban Lawyer, 71--85.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995). Private provision of public pedestrian and bicycle access ways: public policy rationale and the nature of public and private benefits. Transportation research record, 96--104.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995). The Planning of Exurban America: Lessons from Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 337--356.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (1995). Socioeconomic considerations of road impact fees. Transportation research record, 32--35.
- Davis, J. S., Nelson, A. C., & Dueker, K. J. (1994). The New'Burbs The Exurbs and Their Implications for Planning Policy. Journal of the American Planning Association, 60, 45--59.
- Moore, T., & Nelson, A. C. (1994). Lessons for effective urban-containment and resource-land-preservation policy. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 120, 157--171.
- Nelson, A. C. (1994). Development impact fees: The next generation. Urb. Law., 26, 541.
- Nelson, A. C., Drummond, W. P., & Sawicki, D. S. (1994). Economic base analysis of employment trends by economic sector. Economic Development Review, 12, 32.
- Moore, T., & Nelson, A. C. (1993). Case study of the effectiveness of coastal growth management in a growth management state.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993). Attitudes of business climate for high-tech industry. Economic Development Review, 11, 53.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993). Disamenity influences of edge cities on exurban land values: a theory with empirical evidence and policy implications. Urban Studies, 30, 1683--1690.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993). Estimating Land-Use and Facility Needs for Small Geographic Areas. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 1.
- Nelson, A. C., & Moore, T. (1993). Assessing urban growth management: The case of Portland, Oregon, the USA's largest urban growth boundary. Land Use Policy, 10, 293--302.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992). Characterizing exurbia. Journal of Planning Literature, 6, 350--368.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992). Effects of elevated heavy-rail transit stations on house prices with respect to neighborhood income. Transportation Research Record.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992). Elements of effective state land-use planning policy. Journal of urban planning and development, 118, 97--105.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992). Preserving prime farmland in the face of urbanization: lessons from Oregon. Journal of the American Planning Association, 58, 467--488.
- Nelson, A. C., & Nicholas, J. C. (1992). Estimating functional population for facility planning. Journal of urban planning and development, 118, 45--58.
- Nelson, A. C., & Ogawa, S. (1992). Characteristics of Japanese Investment in the United States. Economic Development Review, 10.
- Nelson, A. C., Frank, J. E., & Nicholas, J. C. (1992). Positive influence of impact-fee in urban planning and development. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 118, 59--64.
- Nelson, A. C., Genereux, J. H., & Genereux, M. (1992). Price effects of landfills on residential land values. Journal of urban planning and development, 118, 128--137.
- Nelson, A. C., Genereux, J., & Genereux, M. (1992). Price effects of landfills on house values. Land economics, 68(4), 359--365.
- Burby, R. J., & Nelson, A. C. (1991). Local government and public adaptation to sea-level rise. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 117, 140--153.
- Nelson, A. C., & Talley, J. (1991). Revitalizing minority commercial areas through commercial historic district designation: a case study of Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of Urban Affairs, 13, 221--232.
- Nelson, A. C., Burby, R. J., & Drummond, W. J. (1991). Wastewater planning and administration concerns along southeastern US coast. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 117, 32--40.
- Nelson, A. C., Lillydahl, J. H., Frank, J. E., & Nicholas, J. C. (1991). Price effects of road and other impact fees on urban land. Transportation Research Record.
- Paterson, R. G., Burby, R. J., & Nelson, A. C. (1991). Sewering the coast: bane or blessing to marine water quality. Coastal Management, 19, 239--252.
- Nelson, A. (1990). Improving urban growth management. Real Estate Finance, 58, 11--22.
- Nelson, A. C. (1990). Economic critique of US prime farmland preservation policies: Towards state policies that influence productive, consumptive, and speculative value components of the farmland market to prevent urban sprawl and foster agricultural production in the United States. Journal of Rural Studies, 6, 119--142.
- Nelson, A. C. (1990). Regional patterns of exurban industrialization: Results of a preliminary investigation. Economic Development Quarterly, 4, 320--333.
- Nelson, A. C. (1990). The analytic basis for an effective prime farmland landscape preservation scheme in the USA. Journal of Rural Studies, 6, 337--346.
- Nelson, A. C., & Dueker, K. J. (1990). The exurbanization of America and its planning policy implications. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 9, 91--100.
- Nelson, A. C., & McClesky, S. J. (1990). Elevated rapid rail station impacts on single-family house values. Transportation Research Record, 1266, 173--80.
- Nelson, A. C., Nicholas, J. C., & Juergensmeyer, J. C. (1990). Critical elements of development impact-fee programs. Journal of urban planning and development, 116, 34--47.
- Nelson, A. C. (1989). Advancing Planning Practice: A Guide for'Planner's Notebook'Contributors. Journal of the American Planning Association, 55, 484--485.
- Nelson, A. C. (1989). Development Impact Fees Are Coming. Georgia County Government, 41(5), 10-15.
- Nelson, A. C. (1989). Preventing Urban Sprawl: Florida’s Cities are Dared to Be Great. Quality Cities, 16--20.
- Nelson, A. C., & Cosson, P. (1989). Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Speculative Industrial Building Program. Economic Development Review v7 (3), 55--57.
- Nelson, A. C., & Dueker, K. J. (1989). Exurban living using improved water and wastewater technology. Journal of urban planning and development, 115, 101--113.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanford, E. (1989). Integrated Solid Waste Management is Around the Corner. Public Works, 120(10), 151-157.
- Nelson, A. C., & Whelan, R. (1989). Rural Enterprise Zones: Evaluating Their Effectiveness in Louisiana. Economic Development Commentary, 13(3), 27-35.
- Nelson, A. C., Poirier-Elliott, M. L., & Debo, T. N. (1989). Impact fee program for Fulton county, Georgia. Journal of urban planning and development, 115, 18--32.
- Barnebey, M. P., MacRostie, T., Schoennauer, G. J., Simpson, G. T., & Winters, J. (1988). Paying for growth: community approaches to development impact fees. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54(1), 18--28.
- Blewett, R. A., & Nelson, A. C. (1988). A public choice and efficiency argument for development impact fees. Development Impact Fees: Policy rationale, practice, theory, and issues.
- Debo, T. N., Elliott, M., & Nelson, A. (1988). County Begins to Develop an Impact Fee Program. Public Works, 119.
- Huffman, F. E., Huffman, F. E., Nelson, A. C., Nelson, A. C., Smith, M. T., Smith, M. T., Stegman, M. A., & Stegman, M. A. (1988). Who bears the burden of development impact fees?. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 49--55.
- Juergensmeyer, J. C. (1988). A Standard Development Impact Fee Enabling Statute.
- Knaap, G. J., & Nelson, A. C. (1988). The effects of regional land use control in Oregon: a theoretical and empirical review. The Review of Regional Studies, 18, 37.
- Lillydahl, J. H., Lillydahl, J. H., Nelson, A. C., Nelson, A. C., Ramis, T. V., Ramis, T. V., Rivasplata, A., Rivasplata, A., Schell, S. R., & Schell, S. R. (1988). The need for a standard state impact fee enabling act. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 7--17.
- Nelson, A. (1988). Additional and reduced demand, amenity and disamenity increment recapture: considerations of urban containment policy. Real Estate Issues, 13, 47--51.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988). An empirical note on how regional urban containment policy influences an interaction between greenbelt and exurban land markets. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 178--184.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988). Downtown Office Development and Housing Linkage Fees: Introduction to the Symposium. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 197--198.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988). Introduction: Symposium on Development impact fees. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 3--6.
- Nelson, A. C., & Recht, J. R. (1988). Inducing the residential land market to grow timber in an antiquated rural subdivision. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 529--536.
- Nicholas, J. C., & Nelson, A. C. (1988). Determining the appropriate development impact fee using the rational nexus test. Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 56--66.
- Nicholas, J. C., & Nelson, A. C. (1988). The rational nexus test and appropriate development impact fees. Development Impact Fees: Policy Rationale, Practice, Theory and Issues, Chicago: Planners Press, American Planning Association, 171--87.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987). Impact Fees as an Emerging Method of Infrastructure Finance. Florida Policy Review, 2, 22--26.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987). Teaching Civil Engineers about Planning: The View from Planning Educators. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 113, 44--53.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987). Teaching Planners about Infrastructures A Call to Civil Engineers. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 113, 67--76.
- Nelson, A. C., & Hsing, Y. (1987). Determinants of Unemployment in New Orleans: A Working Paper with Policy Implications.. Urban Resources (New Orleans Edition), 3(3).
- Nelson, A. C., & Knaap, G. J. (1987). A theoretical and empirical argument for centralized regional sewer planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 53, 479--486.
- Nelson, A. C., & Nelson, A. C. (1987). The effect of a regional sewer service on land values, growth patterns, and regional fiscal structure within a metropolitan area. Urban Resources, 4, 15--18.
- Nelson, A. C., & Stegman, M. A. (1987). Tax reform and planners. Journal of the American Planning Association, 53, 299--302.
- Daniels, T. L., & Nelson, A. C. (1986). Is Oregon's farmland preservation program working?. Journal of the American Planning Association, 52, 22--32.
- Nelson, A. (1986). Urban growth management and the decline in available housing for migrant farmworkers. The Rural sociologist (USA).
- Nelson, A. C. (1986). More Lessons on Negotiated Replatting in Oregon. The Platted Lands Press: A Journal of Antiquated Subdivision Studies, 3.
- Nelson, A. C. (1986). The Amenity and Disamenity Effects of Urban Containment Programs on Urban-Fringe Land Values. Environmental Planning Quarterly, 13-16.
- Nelson, A. C. (1986). Towards a theory of the American rural residential land market. Journal of Rural Studies, 2, 309--319.
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Proceedings Publications
- Nelson, A., Eskic, D., Ganning, J. P., Hamidi, S., Petheram, S. J., Liu, J. H., & Ewing, R. (2015). Office rent premiums with respect to distance from light rail transit stations in Dallas and Denver. In 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Reseach Board, Washington, DC.
- Nelson, A. C., & Currans, K. M. (2018, March). Impacts of Transportation Investment on Real Estate Value. Two presentations for Washington State Department of Transportation as part of Smart Growth America project. Olympia and Spokane, Washington: Smart Growth America.
- Nelson, A. C. (2017). Atlanta @ 1.3 Million. Presentation to the Urban Fellows, Georgia State University School of Law. Atlanta, GA.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Buses Mean Business: New Evidence Supporting Economic Benefits of Bus Rapid Transit. National presentation of research in Washington, DC, organized by Transportation for America. Washington, DC: Transportation for America.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Buses Mean Business: New Evidence Supporting Economic Benefits of Bus Rapid Transit. National webinar organized by Transportation for AmericaTransportation for America.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Evidence-Based Streetcar Planning. Tucson Association of Realtors.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Get Ahead of the Robotic Vehicle or Get Run Over. Growth and Infrastructure Consortium. Denver, CO.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). How Big Can Atlanta Get?. City of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, GA.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Show Me the Money 2: Financing Public-Private Partnerships. International Municipal Law Association webinar.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Show me the Money 1: Policy Foundations of Financing Public-Private Partnerships. International Municipal Law Association webinar.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). Streetcar Development Outcomes. Tucson Association of Realtors. Tucson, AZ.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). The Association Between Light Rail Transit, Streetcars and Bus Rapid Transit on Jobs, People and Rents. webinar sponsored by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016). The New American Demography with Planning Law Implications. Georgia State University Law School Urban Fellows Symposium. Atlanta, GA.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, April). Arizona Demographic and Housing Trends to 2050. American Planning Association Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, April). Demographic Demand for Missing Middle Housing. American Planning Association Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, April). Using Value-Added as a Transit Financing Tool. American Planning Association Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, August). Arizona Trends and Opportunities. Arizona League of Cities and Towns. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, January). Bus Rapid Transit and Economic Development. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, January). Miami-Dade Transit and Economic Development. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, March). Fortress Mentality: Why Gated Communities Are Not the Answer. Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute. Denver, CO.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, October). Land Use Regulation and Affordable Housing: Myths and Facts. Utah Land Use Institute Annual Conference. Sandy, UT.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016, October). TODs Make a Difference in Job Location. Cooper-Walsh Colloquium, Fordham Law School. New York, NY.
- Petheram, S., Nelson, A. C., Ewing, R., & Miller, M. (2016, January). The Value of Neighborhood Transit and Amenities. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
- Nelson, A. C. (2013. From Sprawl to Sustainability: Smart Growth, New Urbanism, Green Development, and Renewable Energy, 2nd edition(pp 516-517).
- Nelson, A. C. (1983. Comment on Minimum Lot Size Zoning: Implications for Commercial Agricultural Land Preservation: The Oregon Experience(pp 85-87). Journal of the American Planning Association.
- Nelson, A. C. (1983. Comment on Oregon’s Statewide Agricultural Land Use Planning Program(pp 1-5). Natural Resources Journal.
Case Studies
- Hinners, S. J., & Nelson, A. C. (2016. Streetcars and Economic Development: Four Case Studies.
- Hinners, S. J., & Nelson, A. C. (2016. Streetcars, Jobs, People and Equity.
- Hinners, S., & Nelson, A. C. (2016. Assessing the Impacts of Streetcars on Economics, Equity and Quality of Life.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Bus Rapid Transit and Economic Development: A Quasi-Experimental Treatment and Control Analysis.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Commuter Rail Transit and Economic Development.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Employment Change by Transit Mode and Station Distance Band.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Household Transportation Cost Variation with Respect to Distance From Light Rail Stations(p. 19).
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. The Influence of Transit on Demographic and Housing Change.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Transit Station Proximity and Share of Regional Jobs.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Transit and Real Estate Rents.
- Nelson, A. C. (2016. Transit and Wages: The Association between Wages and Transit Station Proximity Over Time and with Respect to the Great Recession.
- Nelson, A. C., & Kim, K. (2016. Light Rail Transit Station Proximity, Urban Form and the Short Commute to Work.
- Nelson, A. C., & Stoker, P. A. (2016. Light Rail Transit and Economic Recovery: A Case of Resilience or Transformation?.
- Nelson, A. C., Kim, K., Eskic, D., & Cartaya, N. M. (2016. Express Busways and Economic Development: Case Study of the Miami-Dade South Busway.
- Nelson, A. C. (2015. Do TOD's Make a Difference.
- Nelson, A. C. (2015. Maryland Parkway Corridor: Transit-Related Development Assessment..
- Nelson, A. C. (2015. Transit Funding Options, Assessments, and Approach to Capturing Regional and Spatially-Related Value Literature Review and Synthesis into a Proportionate-Share, Spatially-Related Value Capture Funding Scheme for Transit..
- Nelson, A. C., & Ganning, J. P. (2015. National Study of BRT Development Outcomes..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Denver Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Portland Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Portland Streetcar Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Seattle Commuter Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Seattle Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Liu, J., Berggren, M., Mumuni, Z., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2014. Seattle Streetcar Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Albuquerque-Santa Fe Commuter Rail Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Charlotte Bus Rapid Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Charlotte Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Dallas Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Eugene-Springfield Bus Rapid Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Houston Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Las Vegas Bus Rapid Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Miami Commuter Rail Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Phoenix Bus Rapid Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Phoenix Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Sacramento Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Salt Lake City Bus Rapid Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Salt Lake City Commuter Rail Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Salt Lake City Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. South Miami-Dade Busway Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Twin Cities Light Rail Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., Ganning, J., Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., Eskic, D., Ewing, R., & Ganning, J. (2014. Tampa Streetcar Transit Case Study. Report prepared for the National Institute of Transportation and Communities..
- Nelson, A. C. (2014. Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area Trends, Preferences, and Opportunities: 2010 to 2030 and to 2040..
- Nelson, A. C. (2014. Metropolitan Council Area Trends, Preferences, and Opportunities: 2010 to 2020, 2030 and 2040..
- Nelson, A. C. (2013. Economic Growth and Resilience Application for Envision Tomorrow Plus..
- Nelson, A. C. (2013. Greater Nashville Trends, Preferences and Opportunities 2010 to 2025 and to 2040..
- Nelson, A. C. (2013. Trends, Preferences and Opportunities Facing the Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area..
- Nelson, A. C., & Eskic, D. (2013. Adapting the Federal Reserve Board’s Fiscal Impact Tool to Envision Tomorrow Plus..
- Dawkins, C. J., Nelson, A. C., & Kittrell, K. (2012. Performing Arts and Metropolitan Economic Development..
- Nelson, A. C. (2012. Demographic and Economic Trends for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Austin, Texas, metropolitan area).
- Nelson, A. C. (2012. Demographic and Economic Trends for the Mid-America Regional Council (Kansas City Missouri-Kansas metropolitan area).
- Nelson, A. C. (2012. Piedmont Triad Market Trends, Preferences and Opportunities to 2025 and 2040..
- Nelson, A. C. (2012. Redevelopment Opportunity Application for Envision Tomorrow Plus..
- Nelson, A. C., & Eskic, D. (2012. Fiscal Impact Assessment Application for Envision Tomorrow Plus..
- Nelson, A. C., Dawkins, C. J., & Kittrell, K. (2012. The Role of Professional Performing Arts in Metropolitan Economic Development..
- Bartholomew, K., Nelson, A. C., & Meakins, G. (2011. Envisioning Efficiency: How Scenario Planning Can Lead to More Cost-Effective Transportation Investments..
- Nelson, A. C. (2011. Development Trends and Opportunities to 2060: Fort Collins, Colorado..
- Nelson, A. C., & Bjarnson, G. (2011. Estimating Ripeness for Redevelopment..
- Nelson, A. C., & Parker, B. (2011. Fiscal Impact Model for the State of Vermont..
- Ewing, R., Nelson, A. C., & Bartholomew, K. (2010. Response to Special Report 298: Driving and the Built Environment: The Effects of Compact Development on Motorized Travel, Energy Use, and CO2 Emissions..
- Nelson, A. C. (2010. Professional Performing Arts and Economic Development: A Preliminary Assessment..
- Nelson, A. C., & Ewing, R. (2009. CO2 Reductions Attributable to Smart Growth in California..
- Nelson, A. C., & Nicholas, J. C. (2009. Transportation Utility Fees..
- Nelson, A. C., & Seggerman, K. (2009. Florida Mobility Fee Study..
- Nelson, A. C., Anderson, G., Bartholomew, K., Perlich, P., & Sanchez, T. W. (2009. The Best Stimulus for the Money: Briefing Papers on the Economics of Transportation Spending..
- Burchell, R., Dolphin, W., Nelson, A. C., Ewing, R., & Nicholas, J. (2008. Transportation Costs of New Development: Literature Review..
- Nelson, A. C. (2008. The reconstruction of America..
- Nelson, A. C. (2008. Virginia Transportation Impact Fees..
- Randolph, J. R., Randolph, J. R., Nelson, A. C., Nelson, A. C., Schilling, J., Schilling, J., McElfish, J., McElfish, J., Logan, J., Logan, J., Nowak, M., & Nowak, M. (2008. Environmental Regulations and Housing Affordability..
- Lang, R. E., & Nelson, A. C. (2007. Beyond the Metroplex: Examining Commuting Patterns at the “Megapolitan” Scale..
- Lang, R. E., & Nelson, A. C. (2007. The Megapolitan West..
- Nelson, A. C. (2007. Where Will Everybody Live?.
- Nelson, A. C. (2006. Getting Ahead of the (Housing) Curve..
- Nelson, A. C. (2006. Multi-Family Housing and Proportionate-Share Impact Fees..
- Nelson, A. C. (2005. Designing Impact Fee Systems to Internalize Efficiencies..
- Nelson, A. C. (2005. Desperately Seeking Equity: Apartments and Impact Fee Practice.
- Nelson, A. C. (2005. How Congress Can Help Communities Reclaim, Reuse, and Recover From the 2005 Round of Military Base Closures?.
- Nelson, A. C. (2005. Volcano Heights Impact Fee Reductions Associated with Development Efficiencies..
- Nelson, A. C. (2004. Development Impact Fee Policy.
- Nelson, A. C. (2004. Development Impact Fee Policy..
- Nelson, A. C. (2004. Top Ten Reasons for Meeting Workforce Housing Needs..
- Nelson, A. C. (2004. Toward a New Metropolis: The Opportunity to Rebuild America..
- Nelson, A. C., & Burby, R. J. (2003. Urban Containment and Central City Reinvestment..
- Nelson, A. C., & Moody, M. (2003. Paying for Growth: Impact Fees and Job Growth..
- Nelson, A. C., & Moody, M. (2003. Price Effects of Apartments on Nearby Single Family Residential Housing..
- Nelson, A. C., Burby, R. J., Steinberg, L. J., & Sanchez, T. W. (2003. Urban Containment and Natural Hazard Mitigation..
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (2002. Lassoing Urban Sprawl.
- Nelson, A. C., Pendall, R., Dawkins, C. J., & Knaap, G. J. (2002. Growth Management and Affordable Housing: The Academic Evidence..
- Wilkins, J., Riall, W., & Nelson, A. C. (2002. Zoning and Economic Development.
- Nelson, A. C. (2001. Livable Communities Assessment.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000. City of Cordele Capital Recovery Program.
- Nelson, A. C. (2000. Plan for Port Wentworth, Georgia.
- Miller, M., Nelson, A. C., & Peng, Z. (1999. Development of a Methodology to Evaluate the Economic Impact of Rural Public Transportation on Georgia Counties.
- Nelson, A. C., & Dagenhart, R. (1999. Oxford Unified Town Planning Code.
- Nelson, A. C. (1998. ...And Then There Were Property Taxes: A Primer on Property Tax Structure and Policy.
- Nelson, A. C. (1997. Differential Wastewater Rate Study.
- Nelson, A. C. (1997. Location of Professional Sports Stadia to Facilitate Urban Economic Development.
- Nelson, A. C. (1997. Metropolitan Governance Structures and Metropolitan Economic Development, National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities.
- Nelson, A. C. (1996. Location of Professional Sports Venues and Metropolitan Economic Development, New Orleans, LA: National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities.
- Nelson, A. C. (1996. Wireless Communication Tower Plan.
- Nelson, A. C., & French, S. P. (1996. Land-Use Planning and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Impact Study: Level of Service, Operating Economics, and Social Benefits.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Impact Study: North and Northeast Lines Travel Market Analysis.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Impact Study: Patronage Analysis.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Impact Study: Regional Propensity to Use MARTA.
- Nelson, A. C. (1995. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Logistic and Regression Analysis.
- Nelson, A. C., Ferguson, E. T., Meyer, M. D., & Ross, C. B. (1995. Atlanta: Special Public Interest District Case Study.
- Nelson, A. C. (1994. Application of Proportionate Share Requirements to the Calculation of Sewer and Water Capital Component Connection Fees.
- Nelson, A. C. (1994. Comprehensive Plan.More infoStudents won the National Student Project of the Year Award from the American Institute of Certified Planners for 1996.
- Nelson, A. C., & Sanchez, T. W. (1994. Exurban and Suburban Residents: A Departure from Traditional Location Theory?.
- Nelson, A. C., Drummond, W. J., & Sawicki, D. S. (1994. Exurban Industrialization..
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Capital Improvements Program Revisions.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Comprehensive Development Plan Revisions.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Regional Development Managament and central City Revitalization.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Self-Help Housing Programs and Central City Revitalization.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. The Role of Regional Development Management in Revitalizing Central Cities, New Orleans, LA.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. The Role of Regional Development Management in Revitalizing Central Cities.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. The Role of Regional Growth Management in Preventing Overbuilding, Reducing Bankruptcy Costs, Stimulating Central City Revitalization, and Making the U.S. Globally Competetive.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Transportation Facility Development Impact Fee Policy for the city of Athens, Georgia..
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Transportation Facility Development Impact Fee Study.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Transportation Facility Impact Fee Feasibility Study.
- Nelson, A. C. (1993. Water and Wastewater Connection Fees for the City of Columbus Georgia.
- Nelson, A. C., & Debo, T. N. (1993. Urban Stormwater Facility Financing.
- Nelson, A. C., & Nelson, A. C. (1993. Water and Sewer Connection Fee Analysis.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992. Capital Improvements Program Revisions.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992. Comprehensive Development Plan Revisions.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992. Development Impact Fees for the City of Atlanta, Georgia.
- Nelson, A. C. (1992. Development Impact Fees.
- Nelson, A. C., Drummond, W. P., & Sawicki, D. S. (1992. Exurban Industrialization.
- Nelson, A. C. (1991. Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
- Nelson, A. C. (1990. Annexation Program for the City of Sandersville, Georgia.
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- Nelson, A. C. (1991. Urban Planning Manual, two volumes.
- Nelson, A. C., Frank, J. E., & Nicholas, J. C. (1990. Final Report on Research into the Incidence of Impact Fees in a Relatively Competitive Land Use Market.
- Nelson, A. C., Frank, J. E., & Nicholas, J. C. (1990. The Incidence of Development Impact Fees on Undeveloped Urban Land.
- Nelson, A. C., & McMeen, K. J. (1989. Financial Feasibility Analysis for Different Housing Schemes.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988. Land Use Planning Processes of Selected States, Elements of Successful Land Use Planning Processes, and Statewide Land Use Planning Process Considerations for Georgia, Governor's Growth Strategies Task Force on Land Use.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988. Statewide Land Use Planning Policy Considerations for Georgia.
- Nelson, A. C. (1988. Successful Elements of Effective Statewide Land Use Planning.
- Nelson, A. C., & Burby, R. J. (1988. Regional Sewer Planning Among Southeastern United States Coastal Regions.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987. Airport Industrial Park Strategic Plan.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987. Economic Analysis of Alternative Sites for the New Orleans Aquarium.
- Nelson, A. C. (1987. Neighborhood Revitalization.
- Nelson, A. C., & Wagner, F. W. (1988. Environmental and Human Ecology.
- Nelson, A. C., & Whelan, R. K. (1987. Assessing the Effectiveness of Rural Enterprise Zones in Louisiana.
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- Nelson, A. C., & Currans, K. M. (2018, May). Economic Performance Metrics to Improve Transportation Investment Decision Making Part I: Literature Review and Economic Vitality Indicator Concepts. Smart Growth America.