Carol Bender
- Professor Emeritus
- (520) 621-7560
- Life Sciences South, Rm. 352
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- bender@arizona.edu
- M.S. Social Work
- Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- B.S. Human Ecology
- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2018 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1988 - 2018)
- Fulbright Senior Scholar (IEA) to Japan
- Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, US Department of State, Summer 1998
- Celebrate Service Learning Award
- Pima Community College, Spring 1998
- Travel Award
- University of Arizona Office of International Programs: Multiple travel awards--1996, 1999, 2992, 2006, to present papers in Japan, Singapore, Canada, Mexico and China., Spring 1996
- Center for Insect Science, UA, Fall 2011
- Michael A. Cusanovich Arizona Biosciences Educator of the Year
- AZBIO, Fall 2017
- Coprenicus Fellow
- University of Arizona College of Science Gallileo Circle, Fall 2016
- Invited Speaker
- Fulbright Commission, Prague, Czech, Spring 2016
- Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, Spring 2009
- AAAS Fellow
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fall 2015
- Women's Plaza of Honor at the University of Arizona
- Faculty and students who participate in UBRP, Spring 2014
- Keynote speaker, Lamar University Undergraduate Research Banquet
- Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, Fall 2013
- Invited Panelist, Models of Undergraduate Research Offices
- Council on Undergraduate Research, held on the campus of the College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ, Summer 2012
- Fulbright Nehru Seminar (International Education Administrators) Seminar
- US State Department in Conjunction with the US India Educational Foundation (USIEF), Spring 2011
- Invited Speaker on Proposal Development
- Council on Undergraduate Research, CUR Dialogues Meeting in Washington, DC, Spring 2011
- Recognition Award from UBRP Students and Mentors, 2011
- Undergraduate Biology Research Program mentors and students (similar awards received in 1991, 1993, 1999, Spring 2011
- University Distinguished Outreach Professor
- The Office of the Provost, The University of Arizona, Spring 2011
- Invited Speaker on integrating undergraduate research from community college through undergraduate years
- Council on Undergraduate Research, AACU, Meeting held at Duke in Durham, NC, Fall 2010
- Invited Speaker, Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation
- AAAS, HHMI, NSF. Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Professionals through International Research Experiences!, Conference held in Washington, DC, Spring 2010
- Invited Speaker, Workshop on Initiating Undergraduate Research
- Louisiana State University, Alexandria, LA, Spring 2010
- Invited Webinar Speaker on Proposal Development
- Fulbright Association, Spring 2010
- Recognition Award
- Arizona Chapter of the Fulbright Association; Chapter recognition awards received in 2005, 2009, 2010; for Chapter Leadership, Spring 2010
- UA Academic Leadership Institute
- Office of the Provost, The University of Arizona, Spring 2010
- Invited Speaker, USB in a World without Borders on the 20th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution
- The University of South Bohemia, Czech, Fall 2009
- Jon W. McGarity Leadership Award
- Market Rx, a Cognizant Company--for person in Arizona who provided the most outstanding leadership that contributed significantly to the development of the state's bioindustry and/or recognition of the advancement of bioscience in Arizona, Spring 2008 (Award Finalist)
- Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award
- University of Arizona Mortar Board Senior Honorary, Spring 2008
- University of Arizona Honors College, Spring 2005
- Invited Speaker, 30th Annual Fulbright Association Meeting
- Fulbright Association, Washington, DC, Fall 2007
- Member, Sino-US Seminar on Undergraduate STEM Education
- US National Science Foundation, Project Kaleidoscope, Chinese Ministry of Education (member of delegations to Wuhan China in 2005, 2006), Fall 2005
- Medal of Honor
- University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech, Summer 2003
- Outstanding Academic Professional
- University of Arizona College of Science, Spring 2002
- Millennium International Volunteer
- US Department of State, Spring 2000
Licensure & Certification
- English as a Second Language, The University of Arizona Center for English as a Second Language (2010)
- Certified Social Worker, Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW) (1977)
- Ethical Issues in International Health Research, Harvard University (2001)
Career exploration and professional development for STEM students
Assessment of the impact of undergraduate research on students' persistence and learning, and on their educational and career trajectories. Impact of program structure (group vs individual) on cultural and disciplinary gains by undergraduate student who participate in a international research experiences
2017-18 Courses
MCB Special Topics Seminar
MCB 396 (Spring 2018) -
Career Explor/Professional Dev
MCB 396I (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Directed Rsrch
MCB 492 (Summer I 2017) -
MCB Special Topics Seminar
MCB 396 (Spring 2017) -
Preparation for Prozkoumat!
MCB 396J (Spring 2017) -
Career Explor/Professional Dev
MCB 396I (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Directed Rsrch
MCB 492 (Spring 2016) -
MCB Special Topics Seminar
MCB 396 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Bender, C. (2012). The University of Arizona Undergraduate Biology Research Program: Chapter 9. In Undergraduate Research Offices & Programs: Models & Practices(pp 149-164). Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Bender, C. (2004). Biomedical Research Abroad: Vistas Open (BRAVO!): A Program to Internationalize the Undergraduate Science Curriculum. In Reinvigorating the Undergraduate Research Experience: Successful Models Supported by NSF's AIRE/RAIRE Program(pp 1-12). Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Bender, C. (1997). Biomedical Research Abroad: Vistas Open!. In Aspectos Ambientales, Ideologicos, Eticos y Politicos en el Debate Sobre Bioprospeccion y Uso de Recursos Geneticso en Chile(pp 82-85). Santiago, Chile: Sociedad de Biologia de Chile Press.
- Bender, C., & Vlasak, M. (2017). Osm Hodin Denne v Laboratori. Journal: casopis Jihoceske univerzity v Ceskych Budejovicich, 19, 8 - 9.More infoArticle about the Prozkoumat Program which is a collaboration between the University of Arizona and the Biology Centre, CAS, in Ceske Budejovice, Czech.
- Yaffe, K., Bender, C., & Sechrest, L. (2014). How Does Undergraduate Research Experience Impact Career Trajectories and Level of Career Satisfaction: A Comparative Survey. Journal of College Science Teaching, 44(1), 25-33.More infoThe immediate benefits of research experiences for undergraduates have been documented. However, little has appeared about the long-term impacts of these experiences on participants' career trajectories and their level of career satisfaction. In addition, many studies of undergraduate research lack a comparison group. This article reports a comparison of results from a survey of participants in the University of Arizona (UA) Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) with those of a comparable group drawn from the UA College of Medicine who did not participate in UBRP. Findings indicate that exposure to undergraduate research clarifies career paths and demonstrates to many students that they have an aptitude for scientific research that has a strong effect on their professional development. Participation in research for many who pursue medical careers tends to be "instrumental" int hat it is seen as a means of becoming a more competitive medical school applicant. Both the UBRP group and the College of Medicine group indicated that mentors were key to determining and achieving their professional success. Response rates suggest that an organized undergraduate research program fosters a feeling of community and engenders an enduring sense of loyalty within a large institution.
- Bender, C. (2013). The UBRP Ethics Retreat: A Model for Introducing Undergraduate Researchers to Ethics and Professional Values.. International Journal of Science in Society, 4(2).
- Bender, C., Yaffe, K., & Sechrest, L. (2012). What is a Mentor?. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 33(2), 34-39.
- Bender, C. (2010). Ethical behavior requires knowledge. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 30(3), 35.
- Bender, C. (2010). Fostering a New Generation of Scientists. UAN Enzymatic: The Newsletter of the ASBMB Undergraduate Affiliate Network.
- Bender, C., Wright, D., & Lopatto, D. (2009). Students' Self-Reported Changes in Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Associated with Three Undergraduate Science Experiences. Frontiers in International Education, 18, 307-321.
- Blockus, L., & Webster, M. (2008). Building community in your undergraduate research program: It doesn't happen spontaneously!. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 28(4), 8-12.
- Bender, C. (2007). It all began with a simple question: What do you guys do around here?. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 28(2), 11-15.
- Bender, C. (2004). Assessing the value of undergraduate research: A hot topic!. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 25(1), 34.
- Bender, C. (2000). Advance Science: Mentor an Undergraduate. The Pharmacologist, 42(3), 141-145.
- Bender, C. (1999). The Development of an Undergraduate Research Program in Biology: A Guide for the Uninitiated. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 118-125.
- Bender, C. (1998). Hosting Short Term Japanese IEAs is a Meaningful (and FUn!) Extension of an American IEA's Experience in Japan. JUSEC Fulbrighter, 21, 12.
- Bender, C. (1995). International Research Experience in Biology for Undergraduates. Council on Undergraduate Research, 16, 73-76.
- Bender, C., Ward, S., & Wells, M. A. (1994). Improving undergraduate biology education in a large Research University. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5(2), 129-134.More infoPMID: 8018999;PMCID: PMC301019;Abstract: The campus-wide Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) at the University of Arizona improves undergraduate science education by expanding student opportunities for independent research in faculty laboratories. Within the supportive community of a research laboratory, underclassmen, nonscience majors, and those aspiring to scientific careers all learn to appreciate the process of science. The Program impacts more than the students, promoting departmental cooperation, interdisciplinary collaborations, and improvements in undergraduate science education throughout a Research I University.
- Bender, C. (1987). Tapping Hidden Resources: Building Blocks for Training Staff and Students in Proposal Development. SRA Journal, 19, 9-14.
- Bender, C., & Hart, J. P. (1987). A model for health promotion for the rural elderly.. Gerontologist, 27(2), 139-142.More infoPMID: 3583003;
- Bender, C., & Hart, J. P. (1986). Rural health promotion: bailiwick for social work.. Health & social work, 11(1), 52-58.More infoPMID: 3957151;Abstract: A variety of factors have prompted increasing interest in prevention in health care practice in this country. In describing a rural health promotion project in which a social worker played a key role, this article illustrates how social work practitioners can bring their many skills to bear in efforts to promote health.
- Bender, C., & Grubhoffer, L. (2016, April). 25 Years of Collaboration Between the University of Arizona and the University of South Bohemia/Czech Academy of Science. STEM Study Abroad Capacity Building. Prague, Czech: The Binational Fulbright Commission.More infoThis panel, hosted by the Binational Fulbright Commission in Prague, featured Dr. Libor Grubhoffer and Professor Carol Bender discussing lessons learned from a 25 year collaboration involving the exchange of students and scholars.
- Bender, C., McConnaughay, K., Brew, A., & Ahern-Rindell, A. (2015, October). Assessing Undergraduate Research: What We Can Learn from Assessment at Multiple Levels. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Melbourne, Australia: ISSOTL.
- Bender, C. (2012, May). We Share the Planet: Strategies for Fostering Collaboration Between Indian and US Institutions of Higher Education. National Association of Foreign Student Advisors (NAFSA). Houston, TX: NAFSA.
- Bender, C. (2012, November). Introducing Undergraduate Researchers to the Ethical Conduct of Science: The UBRP Ethics Retreat. Science in Society Meeting. Berkeley, California: Science in Society.
- Bender, C. (2011, June). Student Experiences and Models in International Undergraduate Research. Gateways to Best Practices for Undergraduate Research Program Directors. St. Louis, Missouri: Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Bender, C., Wubah, D., & Webster, M. (2011, January). Engaging Students in International Undergraduate Research. American Association of Colleges & Universities (AACU). San Francisco, California: AAC&U.
- Bender, C., & Brown, D. (2010, June). International Undergraduate Research. 13th National Council on Undergraduate Research Conference. Ogden, Utah: Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Bender, C., Hensel, N., & Hewlett, J. (2010, November). Fostering Research Methodologies Across the Undergraduate Experience. American Association of Colleges & Universities Workshop. Durham, North Carolina: AAC&U.
- Bender, C. (2008, Spring). International Undergraduate Research. Campus France: Innovation Workshop. Washington, DC: NAFSA, Project Kaleidoscope.
- Bender, C., & Brown, D. (2008, November). Developing Plans to Provide International Research Experience for Students. 42nd Annual Canadian Bureau for Interntional Education. Newfoundland, Canada: Canadian Bureau for International Education.
- Bender, C., & Wright, D. (2008, March). Many Routes to the Development of Interculturally Competent Students. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE). Tokyo, Japan: APAIE.
- Bender, C. (2007, March). Biomedical Research Abroad: Vistas Open! (BRAVO!): Preparing Students for the International Scientific Community. Asian Pacific Association for International Education Conference (Student Mobility Session). Singapore: APAIE.
- Bender, C., Hensel, N., & Husic, D. (2006, Fall). Supervising Undergraduate Research. Faculty Work in the New Academy. Chicago, Illinois: American Association of Colleges & Universities (AACU).
- Bender, C. (1999, July). A MODEL FOR PREPARING THE NEXT GENERATION OF WOMEN SCIENTISTS. Proceedings" Science and Technology for Global Ecology": Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, July 24-27, 1999.
Poster Presentations
- Bender, C. (2015, March). Developing and Evaluating Communication Skills Among Students in an Undergraduate STEM Research Program. 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts: Experimental Biology (FASEB).
- Bender, C. (2015, October). Developing and Evaluating Communication Skills Among Students in an Undergraduate STEM Research Program-Linking to the Community. ISSOTL. Melbourne, Australia: ISSOTL.
- Bender, C. (2013, April). Educating the Next Generation of Pharmacologists \& Toxicologists: The ASPET SURF Program at the University of Arizona. The FASEB Journal.More infoPublished poster abstract.
- Bender, C. (2013, March). BRAVO!: A Model for Offering International Undergraduate Research Experiences. Asian Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Meeting. Hong Kong: APAIE.
- Bender, C. (2012, Winter). Biomedical Research Abroad: VIstas Open! Minority Health International Research Training. Eliminating Health Disparities Conference. Washington, DC: National Institutes of Health.
- Bender, C., Bender, C., Watkins, J. C., Watkins, J. C., Tolbert, L. P., & Tolbert, L. P. (2012, October). Assessing Undergraduate Research and BioMath Efforts at the University of Arizona. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program Directors' Meeting. Chevy Chase, Maryland: Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
- Bender, C. (2011, Fall). Educating the Next Generation of Insect Scientists. Sixth International Symposium on MOlecular Insect Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Center for Insect Science and Elsevier.
- Bender, C. (2010, June). Developing Communities of Scholars: Critical to Undergraduate Research Programs. 13th Annual Council on Undergraduate Research Conference. Weber State University, Ogden, Utah: Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Bender, C. (2009, May). Developing Communities of Scholars: Critical to Undergraduate Research Programs. 3rd Annual Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Research Careers. Washington, DC: HHMI, NIH, NSF.
- Bender, C. (2008, April). Educating the Next Generation of Scientists: Lessons Learned from 17 Years of ASPET SURF Support. The FASEB Journal.
- Bender, C. (1997, Fall). Climbing Mt. Fuji (or How It Must Have Felt to be an Extra in a Cecil B. Demille Production). JUSEC Fulbrighter.
- Bender, C. (1996, November). Education Reform in Eastern Europe. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Letter to the Editor.