Giuseppe Cavatorta
- Professor, French and Italian
- Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-7349
- Modern Languages, Rm. 549
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- beppe@arizona.edu
Born in Parma in 1964, Beppe Cavatorta is associate professor of Italian at University of Arizona. His research interests include experimental writings, Italian Futurism and the neo-avant-garde, the Second World War in literature and film, theory and practice of translation. His essays have appeared in journals like Studi Novecenteschi, Anterem, Rivista di studi italiani, Nuova prosa, Il Verri, Carte Italiane, NAE, Or, Italica, Italian Culture, and Lectura Dantis Virginiana. He is the editor of several books and anthologies: Balleriniana (Montanari 2010), A. Spatola, The Composition of Things. Collected Poems 1961-1992 (Green Integer 2008), The Promised Land (Sun & Moon Press 2000). He is also the author of Scrivere contro (Scritture 2010), in which he recreated a profile of experimental writing in Italy from the beginning of the Twentieth Century to the late Sixties, and highlighted works that had been categorized under spurious and often conflicting ideological headings. Cavatorta also specializes in the theory and practice of translation and cultural interchange. He has co-edited an anthology of contemporary Italian poetry, The Promised Land (with Luigi Ballerini, Elena Coda and Paul Vangelisti - Sun & Moon Press 2000), he published his translations of several American poets into Italian in the anthologies, Nuova poesia Americana: San Francisco (Mondadori 2006) and Nuova poesia Americana: New York (Mondadori 2009). Recently, he published the edition of the experimental novel The Porthole by Adriano Spatola (translated with Polly Geller) (Seismicity Editions 2011), and, in the Journal of Italian Translation, the translation of Emilio Zucchi’s The marrow of Evil. He is a co-founder of the literary criticism collective Sempremai, recently launched at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles.
- Ph.D. Italian
- UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Per la ricostituzione di un canone avanguardistico
- M.A. Italian
- University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
- Dalle mura di Ferrara al giardino dei Finzi-Contini: Claustrofobia e soffocamento nel microcosmo bassaniano.
- B.A. Materie Letterarie
- Università degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2007 - Ongoing)
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire (2001 - 2007)
- Outstanding Service Award
- American Association of Teachers of Italian, Fall 2024
His research interests are varied and include second language acquisition, experimental writings, Italian Futurism and neo-avant-garde, the Second World War in literature and film, and theory and practice of translation.
His teaching interests are varied and include Italian language and culture at all levels, experimental writings, Italian Futurism and neo-avant-garde, the Second World War in literature and film, and theory and practice of translation.
2024-25 Courses
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2025) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2025) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2025) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2025) -
Resisting Fascism
ITAL 330A (Spring 2025) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2024) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2024) -
Food for Thought: Ital Culture
ITAL 160D1 (Fall 2024) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2024) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2024) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Summer I 2024) -
Tops Adv Ital Studies
ITAL 496A (Summer I 2024) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2024) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2024) -
Food for Thought: Ital Culture
ITAL 160D1 (Spring 2024) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2024) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2024) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2023) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2023) -
Food for Thought: Ital Culture
ITAL 160D1 (Fall 2023) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2023) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2023) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Summer I 2023) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2023) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2023) -
Food for Thought: Ital Culture
ITAL 160D1 (Spring 2023) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2023) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2023) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2022) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2022) -
Food for Thought: Ital Culture
ITAL 160D1 (Fall 2022) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2022) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Summer I 2022) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2022) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2022) -
ITAL 330A (Spring 2022) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2022) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2022) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2021) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2021) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2021) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2021) -
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Fall 2021) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2021) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2021) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2021) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2021) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2020) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2020) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2020) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2020) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Spring 2020) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2020) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Spring 2020) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Spring 2020) -
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Spring 2020) -
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Fall 2019) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Fall 2019) -
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 201 (Fall 2019) -
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 202 (Fall 2019) -
Italian Fiction/Film
ITAL 410 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Spring 2019) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Spring 2018) -
Writ Ital Cultr Context
ITAL 320 (Spring 2018) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 101 (Summer I 2017) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Summer I 2017) -
Tops Adv Ital Studies
ITAL 496A (Summer I 2017) -
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 102 (Spring 2017) -
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Spring 2017) -
Writ Ital Cultr Context
ITAL 320 (Spring 2017) -
Spoken Ital Cult Context
ITAL 310 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Honors Thesis
ITAL 498H (Spring 2016) -
Italian Civilization
ITAL 420 (Spring 2016) -
Writ Ital Cultr Context
ITAL 320 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Cavatorta, G. (2025).
Maria Grazia Calandrone, The Seed and Other poems
. New York: Agincourt Press. - Cavatorta, G., & Santini, F. (2019). Deconstructing the Model: Italian 20th and 21st-century Experimental Writings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
- Cavatorta, G., & Ballerini, L. (2017). Those Who from afar Look like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present. Volume 1, 1956-1975. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016). Luigi Ballerini. Poesie 1972-2015. Milan: Mondadori.
- Cavatorta, G. (2021).
«Ho sbattuto contro il muro / e c’ho un occhio tutto azzuro». Teatro di varietà e funzione del comico nei versi di Luigi Ballerini. [“‘I’ve hit the wall / and my eye is bluish now.’ Vaudeville and the Function of Comedy in Luigi Ballerini’s Verses]
. In Ugo Perolino (ed.), Il remo di Ulisse. Saggi sulla poesia e la poetica di Luigi Ballerini(pp 73-92). Venezia: Marsilio. - Cavatorta, G. (2021). “«Ho sbattuto contro il muro / e c’ho un occhio tutto azzuro». Teatro di varietà e funzione del comico nei versi di Luigi Ballerini. In Il remo di Ulisse. La poesia di Luigi Ballerini(pp 55-74). Venezia: Marsilio.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017). E il romanzo?… Non pervenuto. Parole ‘color nostalgia’ a proposito del romanzo neoavanguardista” [And what about the novel?... Not a Trace of it. Words ‘Colored with Nostalgia’ apropos the Neo-avant-gardistic Novel. In On the Fringe of the Neo-avant-garde(pp 171-184). New York: Agincourt Press.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017). “Scrivere significa costruire il linguaggio, non spiegarlo: la manovalanza di Adriano Spatola verso una poesia totale” [To Write Means to Construct Language, Not to Explain It: Adriano Spatola’s Labor Towards a Total Poetry]. In I verbovisionari, L’altra avanguardia tra sperimentazione visiva e sonora(pp 83-98). Venezia: Engramma.
- Cavatorta, G., & Matuk, F. (2021). Previously Unpublished Poem/ Poesia inedita(translated to Italian by Giuseppe Cavatorta). Rossocorpolingua, 1 ms. pg..More infoOriginal English composition translated to Italian by Giuseppe Cavatorta
- Cavatorta, G., & Santini, F. (2021). “Tra un mondo che si disfa e uno che si fa: note preliminari su Principessa Giacinta di Rossana Ombres.” [Between a Failing World and One in the Making: Neo-Avant-Garde and Experimentalism in Principessa Giacinta by Rossana Ombres ]. Studi Novecenteschi, xlviii(101), 137-160.More infoThis essay focuses on the 1970 novel Principessa Giacinta by Rossana Ombres and explores its connections with experimental works and the neo-avant-garde. Through a detailed analysis of the novel, the study unveils two fundamental aspects of the work beyond her unique linguistic experimentations : its use of human-animal fusion (with a particular treatment of vegetation) and of a lossof control on the body, which, transformed by external agents, becomesan assemblage of autonomous elements/organs in continuous transformation.The textual analysis also reveals yet unexplored connections betweenOmbres and several authors (from Savinio to Spatola, from Vasio to Broggi)who belong to an experimental milieu not always coinciding with the officialones of the avant-garde and the neo-avantgarde.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018). Innovation and Increasing Enrollments in Italian. Una sfida all’insegna dell’incertezza. TILCA (Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual), Special Issue, edited by Louise Hipwell and Donatella Melucci, 7-21.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014). Adriano Spatola «più Novissimo dei Novissimi»: dal verso all'urlo, passando attraverso alcune cancellature” [Adriano Spatola “More Novissimo Than the Novissimi”: From the Line to the Voice Going Through Some Cancellations. Autografo, 79-91.
- Cavatorta, G. (2004). Così vicini, così lontani: Pagliarani e Spatola dal narrare in versi al poetar narrando. Carte Italiane, 2(1). doi:10.5070/c921011344
Proceedings Publications
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, May 15-17). La Sardegna di Sergio Atzeni: dalla terra di pastori al milkshake linguistico [Sergio Atzeni’s Sardinia: from the Land of Shepherds to the Linguistic Milkshake]. In Latte & Linguaggio III, Latte & Linguaggio.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, Summer). “La Sardegna di Sergio Atzeni: dalla terra di pastori al milkshake linguistico [Sergio Atzeni’s Sardinia: from the Land of Shepherds to the Linguistic Milkshake]. In Latte & Linguaggio III, 97-111.
- Cavatorta, G., Gaspar, B., & Bellocchio, M. L. (2025). The Italian in Wonderland Platform for Language and Culture Learning: Beginners Level. Language OER Conference. Online: The University of Kansas - Open Language Resource Center.
- Cavatorta, G., Gaspar, B., & Bellocchio, M. L. (2025, February, 27-28). Italian in Wonderland: An OER Initiative for Language and Culture Learning – Successes and Lessons Learned. 2025 OERizona Conference. Online: Open Textbooks for Rural Arizona consortium, a collaborative grant-funded initiative supported through the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE).
- Cavatorta, G., Bellocchio, M. L., & Gaspar, B. (2024, May 3).
Italian in Wonderland: An Open Educational Digital Platform to Teach and Learn Italian. IMLC/Fullbright Heys Title VI Grand OER Workshop. Baylor University, Waco, Texas (zoom online), May 3, 2024.
. IMLC/Fullbright Heys Title VI Grand OER Workshop. Baylor University, Waco, Texas (zoom online). - Cavatorta, G., Gaspar, B., & Bellocchio, M. L. (2024, February 17).
Italian in Wonderland: An Open Educational Digital Platform to Teach and Learn Italian.
. 2024 Language OER Conference. The University of Kansas, Lawrence (KS), (zoom online): The University of Kansas. - Cavatorta, G. (2023, 17-19 November).
Italian in Wonderland: the Arti Visive Module.
. ACTFL/AATI Conference. Chicago: ACTLF / AATI. - Cavatorta, G. (2022, 18-20 November).
Italian in Wonderland: the Arti Visive Module.
. ACTFL/AATI Conference. Online Event: ACTFL / AATI. - Cavatorta, G. (2022, March).
La cucina italiana in classe: per un menu alternativo. [Kitchen in the Classroom: for an Alternative Menu]
. Teacher Professional Development Event “Italia…Nonsolocibo…ma anche”. Tempe University, Philadelphia: Italian General Consulate, the AATI Keystone Chapter, Temple University and the America-Italy Society of North America. - Cavatorta, G. (2022, November).
Italian in Wonderland: the Visual Art Module.
. ACTFL/AATI Conference. Boston. - Cavatorta, G. (2021, August). from Istantanee di un amor de lonh. Panorami Poetici. Spilimbergo (Italy).
- Cavatorta, G. (2021, January). Uno sconfinato recinto, un dibattito sul sonetto.. Online Event - Una scontrosa grazia.
- Cavatorta, G. (2021, July). from Istantanee di un amor de lonh. Il giardino segreto. Cordenons (Italy).
- Cavatorta, G. (2021, November). Italian in Wonderland: Digging into the Modules. Actfl/AATI Conference. Online.
- Cavatorta, G. (2021, September). My recent translations: from Emilio Zucchi to Sergio Atzeni. Festival of Languages. UofA Poetry Center.
- Cavatorta, G. (2020, Fall). AP Italian - the New Exam. Virtual Symposium on AP World Languages and Cultures. zoom - online event: College Board.
- Cavatorta, G. (2020, October 22). Italians & Food: a Matter of Identities. Special AP Daily video lecture for Unit 2 of AP Italian Language and Culture. Recorded video from home - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEQru7a377A&t=124s: College Board.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, 2019-03-15). Principessa Giacinta: prime ricognizioni nella narrativa di Rossana Ombres.” , , March 14-16, 2019. American Association of Italian Studies Conference. Winston Salem, NC, OH: AAIS.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, 2019-05-31). Rossana Ombres ovvero della pigrizia della critica letteraria. , May 31-June 1st 2019.. AATI Conference. Poughkeepsie, NY: AATI.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, 2019-10-12). Il cliente ha sempre ragione: nuovi gusti per il palato di una nuova generazione. L’Italia e gli italiani a vent’anni dal nuovo millennio.. Italian Language Teacher’s Workshop: (Re)imagining Italy: The Culture We Teach Our Students. University of Southern California, Los Angeles: University of Southern California Italian Department.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, 2019-11-21). Kitchen nightmares…Il cibo scade anche nelle classi di italiano. Nuovi menù per i millenials. STRATEGIES AND BEST PRACTICES IN TEACHING ITALIAN. Italian Embassy, Washington, D.C.: Italian Embassy, Washington, D.C..
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, 2019-11-22). Creating an Exciting Open Source Textbook. ACTFL Conference. Washington, DC: ACTFL.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, February). Dissecting the Fly. Taking a Stand: A New Poetics for Italy. Los Angeles: UCLA.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019, February). New Italian Poetry. Beyond Baroque Readings. Los Angeles: Beyond Baroque Foundation.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, February). Teaching Humanities in the Third Millennium. Humanities talks. Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw (GA): The Division of Global Affairs and The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, November). Dreaming of an Open Source Italian Textbook. Creating AP Italian Language and Culture Materials. ACTFL/AATI Conference. New Orleans: ACTFL/AATI.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, November). Spatola performativo. Adriano Spatola. Sala del Grechetto di Palazzo Sormani, Milano: GrechettodiPoesia 2018.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, November). Teaching Italian Through Music, Theater, and Visual Arts. ACTFL/AATI Conference. New Orleans: ACTFL/AATI.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, October). Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present. A new anthology of Italian Poetry. Dublin (Ireland): Italian Cultural Institute in Dublin & Trinity College Italian Department, Dublin (Ireland).
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, april). Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present. A New Anthology of Italian Poetry. Toronto: Department of Italian, University of Toronto.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, february). Italian Songs through the Decades. Italian Club February Event. Kennesaw State University (GA): The Division of Global Affairs and The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018, february). The Flies and Beyond. Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. Italian Poetry Translation and Reading. Poetry Center, Tucson: University of Arizona College of Humanities et al..
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, April). Giulia Niccolai: una serie di scatti per il nuovo romanzo” [Giulia Niccolai. A Few Clicks for the New Novel]. American Association of Italian Studies Annual Conferences. Columbus, Ohio: AAIS.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, November). Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present. Book Presentation at The Italian Cultural Institute in New York. New York City: Italian Cultural Institute.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, November). Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present. Those Who From Afar Look Like Flies Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present A two-day symposium on contemporary Italian poetry, poetics and translation.. New haven: Yale University.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017, October). Is the Diagnosis Benign? The Status of Italian Teaching in North America’s Universities and High Schools. Italian Language and Culture Conference: Innovation in Italian Programs and Pedagogy. Washington D. C.: Georgetown University.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, November 17-19). Music in the Classroom. Creating Materials for AP Italian Language and Culture. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference. Boston: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, November 24-25). “Scrivere significa costruire il linguaggio, non spiegarlo: la manovalanza di Adriano Spatola verso una poesia totale [To Write Means to Construct Language, Not to Explain It: Adriano Spatola’s labour towards a total poetry].. I verbovisionari: l’altra avanguardia tra sperimentazione sonora e visiva Conference. Pisa, Italy: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, November 4). “… perché se questa storia fosse una canzone…” La canzone italiana e l’America: tra miracoli (didattici) & abusi (culturali). IX Teaching Italian Symposium. EduMusica: Songs and Music in the Italian Curriculum. Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State University.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, October 20-22). Original Italian clips: Uses and Abuses. Creating Materials for AP Italian Language and Culture. Florida Foreign Language Association Annual Conference. Kissimmee, Florida: Florida Foreign Language Association.
- Cavatorta, G. (2015, May). La Sardegna di Sergio Atzeni: dalla terra di pastori al milkshake linguistico. Latte & Linguaggio III. Milan, Italy: EXPO 2015.
- Cavatorta, G. (2015, November). AP Italian Language and Culture Exam Results – 2015. ACTFL Conference. San Diego.
- Cavatorta, G. (2015, October). Creating Materials for AP Italian Language and Culture. MaFLA Annual Conference. Climbing the Proficiency Ladder: Many Languages, One Goal!. Sturbridge (MA).
- Cavatorta, G. (2015, October). Re-writing the World: Nature and the Literature of the Italian Neo-avant-garde. Center for the Art and the Humanities Series. Waterville, Maine: Colby College.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014, June). Understanding and Scoring the Persuasive Essay Task in the AP Word Languages Exam. Italian Advanced Placement Exam Reading. Cincinnati: College Board.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014, November). AP Italian Language and Culture Exam Results – 2014. ACTFL. San Antonio, TX: ACTFL.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014, November). Authentic Materials in the Classroom 2. ACTFL. San Antonio, TX: ACTFL.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014, November). Creating AP Italian Language and Culture Materials. ACTFL. San Antonio, TX: ACTFL.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014, November). L’esame AP di lingua e cultura itaiana: strategie d’insegnamento rubate ad un esame. Goggio Workshop. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto.
- Cavatorta, G. (2022. Federica Santini, Unearthed(pp 88-91).
- Cavatorta, G. (2021. Sara Sermini, «E se paesani / zoppicanti sono questi versi». Povertà e follia nell'opera di Amelia Rosselli.(pp 109-111). Modern Italy.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017. Francesco Ciabattoni, La citazione è sintomo d’amore. Cantautori italiani e memoria letteraria. Italica, vol. 93, 4.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016. Gianluca Rizzo (ed.), Elio Pagliarani. Tutto il teatro(pp 186-188). Italica, vol. 93, 1.
- Cavatorta, G. (2015. Thomas Peterson (ed.), Pier Paolo Pasolini, The Divine Mimesis(pp 531-533).
- Cavatorta, G. (2014. Federica Santini. Io era una bella figura una volta. Viaggio nella poesia di ricerca del secondo Novecento(pp 723-725).
- Cavatorta, G. (2014. Paolo Chirumbolo, John Picchione (eds.). Edoardo Sanguineti. Literature, Ideology and the Avant-Garde(pp 670-672).
Creative Productions
- Cavatorta, G. (2024.
slepless words (1 poem)
. Griffel, VI, 15,. https://www.griffel.no/issue/griffel-issue-number-15/. - Cavatorta, G. (2023. Luigi Meneghello, The Armistice Came as a Scream (from The Young Teachers). Journal of Italian Translation. Volume XVIII, Numer 1.
- Cavatorta, G. (2022. The Nautilus (1 poem). VIA – Voices of Italian Americana, 33, 1. p.73.
- Cavatorta, G. (2022. of foretelling in a new language (1 poem). Ovunque siamo. https://ovunquesiamoweb.com/archive/spring-2022-2/beppe-cavatorta/.
- Cavatorta, G. (2022. “Off the Lybian Coast,” “April 25th” (2 poems) . Pummarola - Reinvigorating Italian Culture in the Diaspora. https://pummarol.com/poetry/cavatorta-poems/.
- Cavatorta, G. (2022. damascus, august 21, 2013 – sarin over ghūta (1 visual poem)
. Harpy Hybrid Review, Special Issue: War. http://www.harpyhybridreview.org/issues/issue-8-war/#.
- Cavatorta, G., & Santini, F. (2022.
Anne Sexton, “Disse la poetessa all’analista” (Translation)
. Maria Grazia Calandrone (ed.), Versi di libertà. Trenta poetesse da tutto il mondo. Milan: Mondadori. - Cavatorta, G. (2021. forevers must be always weighed well. Bluing the Blade, 1, 3,.
- Cavatorta, G. (2021. life that you measure in missteps. The Closed Eye Open: Maya’s Micros. https://theclosedeyeopen.com/mayas-micros-ed-10.
- Cavatorta, G. (2021. nell’indiviso si potrebbe. Rossocorpolingua, IV, 4. Rossocorpolingua, IV, 4, December 2021, pp. 1-2.
- Cavatorta, G. (2020. Istantanee di un amor de lonh. Samuele Editore. Pordenone.
- Cavatorta, G. (2020. La stanza sgombra. Transeuropa. Massa.
- Cavatorta, G., & Santini, F. (2020. Anne Sexton, “Per te, Dottor Martin,” “Gentile Signore: questi boschi,” “L'aquilone,” “Disse la poetessa all’analista…,” “La sua pelle di muschio,” “Passeggiata di mezzogiorno sul prato dell’istituto,” “La via del ritorno,” Journal of Italian Translations, Fall 2019 2019, 3-17. (Selected Poems). Journal of Italian Translations, XIV, 2.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019. Kenneth Irby: “Sequenza,” “per Paul Metcalf ,” “Offertorio,” “Omaggio a Albert Pike,” “Omaggio a Tennyson – La dama di Shalott,” “nella storia del bucato,” “[pietre],” “quando sono uscito alle 9,” “Monica qui". Nuova poesia americana. Chicago. Torino: Aragno.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019. Merrill Gilfillan: “Contro gli indiani Crow,” “Aoȗt 72,” “Lettera del solstizio,” “Satin Street,” “Giorni in un anno”. Nuova poesia americana. Chicago. Torino: Aragno.
- Cavatorta, G. (2019. Paul Carroll, “Canzone dalla spiaggia di Fullerton,” “Padre,” “Ode a Fellini sull’intervistare attori per un film da farsi,” “Poesia della profondissima felicità provata oggi il 18 maggio sul Campus dell’Università dell’Illinois a Chicago Circle,” “Canzone nello studio di Paul Klee,” “Paesaggio,” “Nota a proposito di un’osservazione di Wallace Stevens: un poeta guarda il mondo allo stesso modo in cui un uomo guarda una donna,” “Canzone per un parco senza nome,” “Tonsura (Marcel Duchamp) ,” “Ode ai denti,” “Della lussuria”. Nuova poesia americana. Chicago. Torino: Aragno.
- Cavatorta, G. (2018. Paul Carroll, “Canzone dalla spiaggia di Fullerton,” “Padre,” “Ode a Fellini sull’intervistare attori per un film da farsi,” “Poesia della profondissima felicità provata oggi il 18 maggio sul Campus dell’Università dell’Illinois a Chicago Circle,” “Canzone nello studio di Paul Klee,” “Paesaggio,” “Nota a proposito di un’osservazione di Wallace Stevens: un poeta guarda il mondo allo stesso modo in cui un uomo guarda una donna,” “Canzone per un parco senza nome,” “Tonsura (Marcel Duchamp) ,” “Ode ai denti,” “Della lussuria”. Journal of Italian Translation.
- Cavatorta, G., & D'Arpa, B. M. (2018. Federico Craveri: Journal of a Voyage. Federico Craveri and the Gulf of California in 1856. Journal of the Southwest. Tucson: The Southwest Center, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona. https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/39064/print
- Cavatorta, G., & Jorstad, S. (2018. Giorgio Caproni, "Your House Too," "'Christmas' said Pablo...". Journal of Italian Translation. New York: Journal of Italian Translation.
- Cavatorta, G. (2017. Merrill Gilfillan: “Contro gli indiani Crow,” “Aoȗt 72,” “Lettera del solstizio,” “Satin Street,” “Giorni in un anno”. Journal of Italian Translation.
- Cavatorta, G., & Ballerini, L. (2017. Giulia Niccolai: “From the Novissimi,” “Substitution,” “Positive & Negative,” “The Subject Is the Language,” “Syntactic and Verbal,” “Result and Function of Complexity,” “Questions & Answers,” “Only Indirectly,” “How to Eliminate Contradictions”. Those Who from afar Look Like Flies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Cavatorta, G., & Siracusa, D. (2017. Antonio Delfini: “What I Think Is a Secret,” “The Death of a Founder is the Beginning,” “The Only Option Is Death,” “We Threaten to Wage War,” “A Sea of Flames,” “Liberty Returns,” “Evil-part,” “True Poetry,” “It’s My Duty To Write Evil Poetry,” “Dedicated to the City of Reggio,” “The Anti-Laura of the Anti-Canzoniere Said You Are”. Those who from afar Look Like Flies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Cavatorta, G., & Ward, B. (2015. Sergio Atzeni, “As Everyone Knows, Otis Is a Pianist and a Singer,” “Life Is a War for Gangs,” “Gesuino Morenu’s Pub,” “Two Colors Exist in the World, Green Is the Second (Jouney with Vincent)”. Journal of Italian Translation. New York.
- Cavatorta, G. (2014. Paul Carroll: “Canzone dalla spiaggia di Fullerton,” “Padre,” “Ode a Fellini che intervista attori per un film in uscita,” “Poesia della grande, grandissima felicità provata oggi 18 maggio sul Campus dell’Università dell’Illinois a Chicago Circle,” “Canzone nello studio di Paul Klee”. L'Ulisse: Mappe del nuovo. Percorsi nella poesia ..., nr. 17, pp. 233-241.More infoShowcase of poems by Paul Carroll translated in Italian which will be included in L.Ballerini, G. Rizzo, P. Vangelisti (eds.), Nuova poesia americana. Chicago, Milano: Mondadori, (forthcoming Spring 2015)
Creative Performances
- Cavatorta, G. (2021. da Istantanee di un amor de lonh. Una scontrosa grazia. zoom - Online event: Samuele Editore.
- Cavatorta, G. (2020. da Istantanee di un amor de lonh. Bookcity Festival. Milan (Italy). (see from 29:12 to 33:33 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9duV1LEpg8Y&t=1678s)
Other Teaching Materials
- Cavatorta, G., Gaspar, B., & Bellocchio, M. L. (2021.
Italian in Wonderland (Modules 9-10-11-12) (with Letizia Bellocchio & Borbala Gaspar) An Open Source Online Textbook and Workbook for Italian 201.
- Cavatorta, G., Bellocchio, M. L., & Gaspar, B. (2020.
Italian in Wonderland (Modules 13-14-15-16) (with Letizia Bellocchio & Borbala Gaspar) An Open Source Online Textbook and Workbook for Italian 202.
. University of Arizona.
- Cavatorta, G. (2025, January 17).
Food and Identity: an interview.
. Bellaire High School Italian AP event. Houston, Texas. (via zoom). - Cavatorta, G. (2022, September). Interview with the Poet. Bellaire High School (Houston, Texas) - via zoom.
- Cavatorta, G., & Ballerini, L. (2017, July). A Consumation Devoutly to Be Wished. L. Ballerini, B. Cavatorta, Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, tome I, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, 10 maggio). Luigi Ballerini, Poesie 1972-2015. Libreria dell'Arco.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, 17 maggio). Luigi Ballerini, Poesie 1972-2015. Fondazione Mudina.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, 18 maggio). Luigi Ballerini, Poesie 1972-2015. Libreria Assaggi, Roma.
- Cavatorta, G. (2016, april). ‘ma sotto c’è un’altra lingua’: la poesia di Luigi Ballerini [“but beneath there’s another language”: Luigi Ballerini’s Poetry],. in Luigi Ballerini, Poesie 1972-2015, Milano, Mondadori.