Barbara Mckean
- (520) 621-1044
- Modern Languages, Rm. 345
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- bmckean@arizona.edu
Dr. Bobbi McKean is an Associate Professor for the School of Theatre, Film and Television at the University of Arizona. As Associate Professor, she teaches courses in Acting, Theatre Appreciation, Popular Entertainment, Improvisation and Collaborative Play Development.
Dr. McKean is the Faculty Director for the Bachelor of General Studies degree for the Colleges of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
Her research focuses on the role of the teaching artist within arts education and the preparation of beginning teaching artists. Her book, A Teaching Artist at Work, was published by Heinemann in 2006. She has been the educational consultant for Montana Shakespeare in the Parks/Schools since 2004. She is currently developing an Actor-Teacher Handbook for Teaching Shakespeare in high school and middle schools.
Before teaching at the University level, Bobbi was a professional actress and teaching artist. She was Director of Education at the Seattle Children's Theatre for seven years and served as Artistic Director of the Seattle Peace Theatre, where she directed collaborations with young people and artists from Seattle, Moscow, Russia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and Zurich, Switzerland.
- Ph.D.
- University of Washington
- M.Ed.
- University of Washington
- B.F.A. Theatre
- University of Utah
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, College of Fine Arts, School of Theatre, Film & Television (2006 - Ongoing)
- Antioch University Seattle, Center for Programs in Education (2006)
- Montana Shakespeare in the Parks/Schools (2004 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, College of Fine Arts, School of Theatre Arts (2000 - 2006)
- University of Arizona, College of Education, Teaching and Teacher Education (1997 - 2000)
- University of Washington, College of Education (1995 - 1997)
- Seattle University, Department of Teacher Education (1995)
- Seattle University, Department of Teacher Education (1989)
- University of Washington, School of Drama (1988)
- Roy and Stardust K. Johnson Faculty Mentoring Award
- College of Fine Arts, Fall 2017
- CFA Small Grant
- College of Fine Arts, Spring 2014
- Academic Leadership Institute
- Spring 2012
- Theatre Arts Assessment
- Spring 2010
- Medici Faculty Fellow
- Spring 2005
- Spring 2004
- Beyond the Call of Duty
- Spring 2003
- Faculty Incentive Grant
- Spring 2001
Dr. McKean has taught courses in Acting, Theatre Appreciation, Popular Entertainment, Improvisation, Colloquium in Career Development and Collaborative Play Development.She is interested in preparaing young theatre artists to become teaching artists.
Dr. McKean's research focuses on the role of the teaching artist within arts education and the preparation of beginning teaching artists. Her book, A Teaching Artist at Work, was published by Heinemann in 2006. She has been the educational consultant for Montana Shakespeare in the Parks/Schools since 2004. She is currently developing an Actor-Teacher Handbook for Teaching Shakespeare in high school and middle schools.
2019-20 Courses
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Spring 2020) -
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Summer I 2019) -
TAR 493 (Spring 2019) -
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Spring 2019) -
Audience Development
TAR 431 (Fall 2018) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Fall 2018) -
Research Methods
TAR 601 (Fall 2018) -
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Summer I 2018) -
Clq in Career Development
TAR 395A (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
TAR 499 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
TAR 699 (Spring 2018) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Spring 2018) -
Senior Capstone
LASC 498 (Spring 2018) -
Workshop Performance
TAR 497W (Spring 2018) -
Audience Development
TAR 431 (Fall 2017) -
Dramaturgy Production
TAR 597G (Fall 2017) -
TAR 262 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
LASC 399 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
TAR 499 (Fall 2017) -
TAR 493 (Fall 2017) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Summer I 2017) -
Clq in Career Development
TAR 395A (Spring 2017) -
Dramaturgy Production
TAR 597G (Spring 2017) -
TAR 493 (Spring 2017) -
Meth Ed Outrch Theat Art
TAR 407 (Spring 2017) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Spring 2017) -
Workshop Performance
TAR 497W (Spring 2017) -
Dramaturgy Production
TAR 597G (Fall 2016) -
TAR 262 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
TAR 499 (Fall 2016) -
TAR 493 (Fall 2016) -
TAR 497F (Fall 2016) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Fall 2016) -
Senior Capstone
TAR 498 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
TAR 499 (Summer I 2016) -
Popular Entertainment
TAR 160D1 (Summer I 2016) -
TAR 394 (Summer I 2016) -
TAR 494 (Summer I 2016) -
Clq in Career Development
TAR 395A (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
TAR 499 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- McKean, B. (2013). Popular Entertainment: Performance, Spectacle, Sport and Culture..More infoTextbook for TAR 160D Popular Entertainment
- Mckean, B. (2013). Popular Entertainment:Performance, Spectacle, Sport and Culture. Cognella.More infoEditors: Cole, Carrie
- Mckean, B. (2012). Popular Entertainment:Performance, Spectacle, Sport and Culture. Cognella.More infoEditors: Cole, Carrie
- Mckean, B. (2011). Popular Entertainment:Performance, Spectacle, Sport and Culture. Cognella.More infoEditors: Cole, Carrie and Haralovich
- Mckean, B. (2007). International Handbook on Research in Arts Education. The Netherlands: Springer.. The Netherlands: Springer.
- Mckean, B. (2006). A Teaching Artist at Work: Teaching theatre in educational settings.. Heinemann.
- Mckean, B. (2006). A Teaching Artist at Work: Theatre with young people in educational settings.. Heinenmann.
- Mckean, B. (2002). Spielzeit: Rosmaire Metzenthin. Zurich: Kinder-und-Jugendtheater Metzenthin AG.More infoHeimgartner, S. (Editor), Translated by Jonathan Powers
- Mckean, B. (2001). Classroom voices: Teaching about genocide and intolerance in the middle schools.. National Council of Teachers of English.More infoMiletta, A.
- McKean, B., & McKean, B. (2007). Composition in Theatre/Drama Education. In International Handbook on Research in Arts Education.
- McKean, B. (2002). DasEis brechen. Internationaler Austausch 1992-1993. Breaking the Ice: The Seattle Peace Theatre Exchange 1992-1993. In Spielzeit: Rosmaire Metzenthin. Kinder-und-Jugendtheater Metzenthin.
- Mckean, B. (2015). All the World's a Stage: Professional Development of Teaching Artists. The Journal of the Desert Skies Symposium on Research in Music Education 2015 Proceedings, 33-44.More infoPaper based on invited keynote speech at the Symposium
- Mckean, B. (2009). Artistry in Preparation and Practice: A Comparative Study. Teaching Artist Journal.
- Mckean, B. (2008). Critical Contributions. Journal for Learning through the Arts, n/a.
- Mckean, B. (2002). Artistic representations in three fifth-grade social studies textbooks. Elementary School Journal, 103 (2), 0.
- Mckean, B. (2002). Considerations for Theatre Teachers on Research on Belongingness. Stage of the Art, 14 (3), 0.
- Mckean, B. (2002). Drama and Language Arts: Will Drama Improve Student Writing?. Youth Theatre Journal, 16, 0.More infoPeg Sudol
- Mckean, B. (2001). Concerns and Considerations for Teacher Development in the Arts. Arts Education Polich Review, 5.
- Mckean, B. (2001). Considerations for theatre teachers on research on belongingness.. Stage of the Art.
- Mckean, B. (2001). Cups of Beauty: Using the arts to teach history.. Social Education.
- Mckean, B. (2001). Drama and language arts: Will drama improve student writing?. Youth Theatre Journal.
- Mckean, B. (2001). Looking at the arts in social studies textbooks and elementary classrooms.. Elementary School Journal.
- McKean, B., & Miller, S. (2015, January). All the World's a Stage: Touring Shakespeare to Schools. Shakespeare Theatre Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: Shakespeare Theatre Association.More infoPresentation on my sabbatical research on the preparation of teaching artists for the Montana Shakespeare in the Schools tour.
- Mckean, B. (2015, February). All the World's a Stage: Professional Development of Teaching Artists. 2015 Desert Skies Symposium on Research in Music Education. Tucson, AZ: Desert Skies National Advisory Board.More infoInvited keynote address
- Mckean, B. (2010, Summer). The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later - Perspectives on Media, Social Change, and a National Theatre. ATHE Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA.More infoPanel Speaker
- Mckean, B. (2009, Spring). Professional Educational Theatres and Teaching Artists: A Comparative Study. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,. San Deigo, CA.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Mckean, B. (2009, Summer). A roundtable discussion on Human Subject Research and Negotiating the IRB. AATE/ATHE Annual Confernce. New York City, NY.More infoPanel Speaker
- Mckean, B. (2009, Summer). Gaining teaching artist expereince while still in school: Building partnerships between University programs, theatres, schools and community. AATE/ATHE Annual Confernce. New York City, NY.More infoPanel Speaker
- Mckean, B. (2007, April 2007). Composition in theatre:Writing and Devising Theatre.. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,. Chicago, IL..
- Mckean, B. (2007, April 2007). Metaphors and Patterns: Inquires into Drama, Dance, and Music.. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,. Chicago, IL..
- Mckean, B. (2007, August 2007). Collaborative Play Development for Building Theatre for Young Audiences. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Vancouver, B.C..
- Mckean, B. (2007, August 2007). How to create a successful internship.. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Vancouver, B.C..
- Mckean, B. (2007, August 2007). Internship Fair. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Vancouver, B.C..
- Mckean, B. (2007, August 2007). Reading the Current: How different folk navigate the waters in professional, academic and community.. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Vancouver, B.C..
- Mckean, B. (2007, August 2007). Theatre in the service of healing: Social responsibility in the aftermath of teen suicide.. American Alliance for Theatre and Education,. Vancouver, B.C..
- Mckean, B. (2007, July 2007). Interdisciplinarity in the theatre. International Drama and Education Association World Congress. Hong Kong, China.
- Mckean, B. (2007, July 2007). The Teaching Artist at Work: Discovering our unique artistry for teaching,. International Drama and Education Association World Congress,. Hong Kong, China.
- Mckean, B. (2006, April 2006). Artistry in Pratice: A framework for teaching artists. American Educational Research Association annual meeting. San Francisco, CA.
- Mckean, B. (2006, August). Artistry in Practice: A Framework for Teaching Artists,. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Washginton, DC.
- Mckean, B. (2006, August). Internship Fair. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Washington, DC.
- Mckean, B. (2005, August). Exploring the Boundaries of Drama/Theatre Education Research. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Mckean, B. (2005, August). New Links: Conversations for Creating Internships. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Mckean, B. (2005, August). Workshop for New and Emerging Writers. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Mckean, B. (2004, August). Community-Based Theatre and Youth Arts: Practical, Political, and Ethical Considerations. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Salt Lake City.
- Mckean, B. (2004, August). Stories that Soar!. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Salt Lake City.
- Mckean, B. (2004, August). Storypath and Process Drama: An Innovative Approach for Teaching Social Studies and Drama. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. Salt Lake City.
- Mckean, B. (2004, July 2004). Stories that Soar!. International Drama and Education Association World Congress. Ottawa, Canada.
- Mckean, B. (2004, July 2004). Storypath and Process Drama: An Innovative Approach for Teaching Social Studies and Drama.. International Drama and Education Association World Congress. Ottawa, Canada..
- Mckean, B. (2003, April). Assessment of the Use of Drama in a Writing-to-Learn Social Studies Unit.. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago.
- Mckean, B. (2003, April). Professional Development in the Arts: Models for Assessment and Evaluation.. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,. Chicago.
- Mckean, B. (2003, August). Theatre and Community: Exploring Purposes and Future Possibilities. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. New York City.
- Mckean, B. (2003, August). “Alternative” Theatre for Young Audiences: Blueprints for Transformation.. American Alliance for Theatre and Education Conference. New York City.
- Mckean, B. (2002, April, 2002). Finding Connections between Boal and Improvisation: “Before and After”. Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference. Toledo, Ohio.
- Mckean, B. (2002, July, 2002). Exploring Connections between Boal and Improvisation. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Minneapolis, MN.
- Mckean, B. (2002, July, 2002). Plays for Young Audiences: Purpose and Politics.. American Alliance for Theatre and Education. Minneapolis, MN.
- Mckean, B. (2002, March 2002). Stories that Soar: A theatre and literacy project for elementary schools.. Annual Conference on Literature and Literacy. Tucson, AZ.
- Mckean, B. (2001, August 2001). Drama and writing in the social studies: Will drama improve student writing?. American Alliance for Theatre Education annual conference. San Diego, CA.
- Mckean, B. (2001, August 2001). How might we view children and adolescents? Possibilities to consider for drama/theatre practice.. American Alliance for Theatre Education annual conference. San Diego, CA.
- Mckean, B. (2001, August 2001). Peace is possible: A look at the Seattle Peace Theatre, 1989-1993.. American Alliance for Theatre Education annual conference. San Diego, CA.
- Mckean, B., & , . (2001. Review of Soft Boundaries: Re-visioning the arts and aesthetics in American education.(p. 3). Studies in Art Education.
Creative Works
- Way Out West; theatre for yougn audeinces; March; I created an original adaptation of Susan Lowell's books for Stories on Stage.
- Words and Other Voices Palabras y Otras Voces Selected poems by Francisco X. Alarcón; theatre for young audiences; March; I created an original bi-lingual production based on the poetry of Francisco X. Alarcon. The production toured to ten libraries throughout Pima County. On Campus performances were held at the Tucson Festival of Books in March and at the UA Poetry Center on May 1.
- Co-Editor; University of California On line Library; January 2009; Journal for Learning through the Arts; Editor of Volume 4 Issue 1http:repositories.cdlib.org/clta/lta
- Teaching and Learning through the Arts; University of California On line Library; January 2009; Journal for Learning through the Arts; Vloume 5 Issue 1http:repositories.cdlib.org/clta/lta
- TFTV Studio Series; Theatre
- Shakespeare in the Schools; Theatre; I create the educational materials and curriculum for the Shakespeare in the Schools program with the Montana Shakespeare in the Parks company located at Montana State University.