Courtney Duchardt
- Assistant Professor, Rangeland Wildlife
- Assistant Specialist, Rangeland Wildlife
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-7255
- Biological Sciences East, Rm. 325
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- B.S. Biology
- Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, United States
- M.S. Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
- Ph.D. Ecology
- University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, United States
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Wildlife & Fisheries Seminar
WFSC 596B (Fall 2024)
Scholarly Contributions
- Hovick, T., Duchardt, C., & Duquette, C. (2023). Rangeland biodiversity. In Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-34037-6_8More infoIn its simplest form, biodiversity is defined as species richness (the number of species in a given area). More complex definitions include the variety of life on Earth, from genes to ecosystems, and include the ecological and evolutionary processes that sustain that life. As in other ecosystems, biological communities in rangelands are influenced by a number of different abiotic and biotic drivers or "filters" at both broad and fine scales, and an understanding of these processes is critical for maintaining ecosystem services as well as addressing widespread biodi-versity declines. In rangeland ecosystems specifically, the primary threats to biodi-versity are habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation through mismanagement, which includes suppression or mis-application of historical disturbance regimes. Restoring heterogeneity to rangelands by mimicking historical disturbance regimes has been shown to benefit biodiversity, but the exact role of disturbance varies widely throughout North American rangelands. As such, careful consideration of the type, duration/periodicity, intensity, and spatial and temporal extent and config-uration of these disturbances is necessary when managing for site-specific biodi-versity outcomes. It is important to consider the effects of both inherent (i.e., either natural or historical) and human-caused variability on rangeland plant and wildlife communities. In the future, practitioners should promote management prac-tices that maintain and enhance biodiversity to maximize ecosystem functions and services that improve the quality and quantity of economic (e.g., livestock produc-tion, carbon banking) and ecological (e.g., biodiversity, sustainability) outcomes in North American rangelands.
- Van, L., Duchardt, C. J., Pejchar, L., Shyvers, J. E., & Aldridge, C. L. (2025). Considering Multiecosystem Trade-Offs Is Critical When Leveraging Systematic Conservation Planning for Restoration. Global Change Biology, 31(1), e70020.
- Salas, A., Duchardt, C., & Carr, N. (2024). Overwintering Raptor Abundance and Community Composition in Relation to Prairie Dog Colonies in the Southern and Central Great Plains. Journal of Raptor Research, 58(1). doi:10.3356/JRR-22-119More infoNonbreeding raptors are vulnerable to many anthropogenic changes such as habitat fragmentation and increasing risk of collision (e.g., with wind turbines, powerlines, or vehicles). One aspect of habitat quality for raptors during winter has received comparably less attention: The role of colonial burrowing rodents such as prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) as a reliable food source, and the effects of widespread reduction in prairie dog abundance and availability to nonbreeding raptors. We used a historical dataset (1998-2002) of roadside surveys for raptors and prairie dogs in the Southern and Central Great Plains, including Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, USA, and the Mexican state of Chihuahua, to provide the most spatially and temporally expansive analysis to date of the potential role of prairie dogs in influencing presence and abundance of raptors. We assessed patterns of co-occurrence among raptors and prairie dogs and modeled the response of selected species to weather, latitude, grassland cover, and prairie dog presence and abundance at multiple spatial scales. During the study period, we detected 19 species of raptors and identified nine raptor species that co-occurred with prairie dogs more than expected by chance. We also found evidence that occurrence of prairie dogs was related to presence and/or abundance of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis), Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and Rough-legged Hawks (B. lagopus). Our work underscores the association of prairie dogs with many wintering raptor species, especially Ferruginous Hawks and Golden Eagles, and indicates that prairie dogs may also be an important resource for Rough-legged Hawks and Bald Eagles during the nonbreeding season.
- Barrile, G., Augustine, D., Porensky, L., Duchardt, C., Shoemaker, K., Hartway, C., Derner, J., Hunter, E., & Davidson, A. (2023). A big data–model integration approach for predicting epizootics and population recovery in a keystone species. Ecological Applications, 33(4). doi:10.1002/eap.2827More infoInfectious diseases pose a significant threat to global health and biodiversity. Yet, predicting the spatiotemporal dynamics of wildlife epizootics remains challenging. Disease outbreaks result from complex nonlinear interactions among a large collection of variables that rarely adhere to the assumptions of parametric regression modeling. We adopted a nonparametric machine learning approach to model wildlife epizootics and population recovery, using the disease system of colonial black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD, Cynomys ludovicianus) and sylvatic plague as an example. We synthesized colony data between 2001 and 2020 from eight USDA Forest Service National Grasslands across the range of BTPDs in central North America. We then modeled extinctions due to plague and colony recovery of BTPDs in relation to complex interactions among climate, topoedaphic variables, colony characteristics, and disease history. Extinctions due to plague occurred more frequently when BTPD colonies were spatially clustered, in closer proximity to colonies decimated by plague during the previous year, following cooler than average temperatures the previous summer, and when wetter winter/springs were preceded by drier summers/falls. Rigorous cross-validations and spatial predictions indicated that our final models predicted plague outbreaks and colony recovery in BTPD with high accuracy (e.g., AUC generally >0.80). Thus, these spatially explicit models can reliably predict the spatial and temporal dynamics of wildlife epizootics and subsequent population recovery in a highly complex host–pathogen system. Our models can be used to support strategic management planning (e.g., plague mitigation) to optimize benefits of this keystone species to associated wildlife communities and ecosystem functioning. This optimization can reduce conflicts among different landowners and resource managers, as well as economic losses to the ranching industry. More broadly, our big data–model integration approach provides a general framework for spatially explicit forecasting of disease-induced population fluctuations for use in natural resource management decision-making.
- Davidson, A., Duchardt, C., Augustine, D., Connell, L., Porensky, L., Scasta, J., Beck, J., Pellatz, D., Hennig, J., Hennig, J., Pellatz, D., Beck, J., Scasta, J., Porensky, L., Connell, L., Augustine, D., Davidson, A., & Duchardt, C. (2023). Disease and weather induce rapid shifts in a rangeland ecosystem mediated by a keystone species (Cynomys ludovicianus). Ecological Applications, 33(1). doi:10.1002/eap.2712More infoHabitat loss and changing climate have direct impacts on native species but can also interact with disease pathogens to influence wildlife communities. In the North American Great Plains, black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are a keystone species that create important grassland habitat for numerous species and serve as prey for predators, but lethal control driven by agricultural conflict has severely reduced their abundance. Novel disease dynamics caused by epizootic plague (Yersinia pestis) within prairie dog colonies have further reduced prairie dog abundances, in turn destabilizing associated wildlife communities. We capitalized on a natural experiment, collecting data on prairie dog distributions, vegetation structure, avian abundance, and mesocarnivore and ungulate occupancy before (2015–2017) and after (2018–2019) a plague event in northeastern Wyoming, USA. Plague decimated black-tailed prairie dog populations in what was then the largest extant colony complex, reducing colony cover in the focal area from more than 10,000 ha to less than 50 ha. We documented dramatic declines in mesocarnivore occupancy and raptor abundance post-plague, with probability of occupancy or abundance approaching zero in species that rely on prairie dogs for a high proportion of their diet (e.g., ferruginous hawk [Buteo regalis], American badger [Taxidea taxus], and swift fox [Vulpes velox]). Following the plague outbreak, abnormally high precipitation in 2018 hastened vegetation recovery from prairie dog disturbance on colonies in which constant herbivory had formerly maintained shortgrass structure necessary for certain colony-associates. As a result, we observed large shifts in avian communities on former prairie dog colonies, including near-disappearance of mountain plovers (Charadrius montanus) and increases in mid-grass associated songbirds (e.g., lark bunting [Calamospiza melanocorys]). Our research highlights how precipitation can interact with disease-induced loss of a keystone species to induce drastic and rapid shifts in wildlife communities. Although grassland taxa have co-evolved with high spatiotemporal variation, fragmentation of the remaining North American rangelands paired with higher-than-historical variability in climate and disease dynamics are likely to destabilize these systems in the future.
- Duchardt, C., Monroe, A., Edmunds, D., Holloran, M., Holloran, A., & Aldridge, C. (2023). Using neutral landscape models to evaluate the umbrella species concept in an ecotone. Landscape Ecology, 38(6). doi:10.1007/s10980-022-01586-7More infoContext: Steep declines in North American rangeland biodiversity have prompted researchers and managers to use umbrella species as a tool to manage diverse suites of co-occurring wildlife, but efficacy of this method has been variable. Evaluation of prairie and shrubland grouse as umbrellas is typically restricted to observed overlap between umbrella and background species, but this approach does not distinguish between overlap due to ubiquity or niche overlap. Objectives: We demonstrate a novel application of neutral landscape models (NLMs) to test the effectiveness of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as an umbrella species for grassland songbirds at a grassland-sagebrush ecotone in northeastern Wyoming, USA. Methods: We leveraged existing spatial data representing sage-grouse habitat in two distinct seasons (nesting and late brood-rearing) and density and distribution of eight grassland songbirds. We applied a permutation-based analysis using NLMs to determine whether overlap between background species and greater sage-grouse was greater than expected by chance. Results: Three species (western meadowlark Sturnella neglecta, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, and lark bunting Calamospiza melanocorys) had greater overlap than expected with at least one type of greater sage-grouse habitat, while western kingbirds (Tyrannus verticalis) indicated avoidance of all sage-grouse habitat assessed. Conclusions: NLMs provided a more nuanced evaluation of the umbrella species concept than previously available and allowed us to differentiate between overlap due to ubiquity (e.g., vesper sparrow; Pooecetes gramineus) rather than overlap in habitat use. All grassland passerine species with greater than expected overlap with sage-grouse habitat either nest in sagebrush (loggerhead shrike) or often select nest locations underneath small shrubs (western meadowlark, lark bunting). These results indicate that nesting substrate is a potential niche axis to consider when evaluating the umbrella species concept, especially within sagebrush-grassland ecotones.
- Hennig, J., Duchardt, C., Esmaeili, S., Fuhlendorf, S., Beck, J., Francisco, T., & Scasta, J. (2023). A crossroads in the rearview mirror: the state of United States feral equid management in 2023. Bioscience, 73(6). doi:10.1093/biosci/biad033
- Laughlin, L., Freeman, H., Blevins, C., Depuy, V., Gatewood, A., MacKenzie, B., Ranallo, N., McQuaig, J., Davis, C., Goodman, L., Fuhlendorf, S., Andersson, K., Duchardt, C., & Chitwood, M. (2023). Assessing efficacy of cellular transmission technology in camera trapping for wildlife research. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 47(4). doi:10.1002/wsb.1491More infoCamera traps are an important noninvasive tool used by scientists to monitor wildlife efficiently and at reduced costs. New camera trap features improve performance and encourage increased use by researchers and the public. Cellular transmission of image data, which provides users the ability to digitally receive images instead of retrieving or downloading images in the field is a useful new feature. Cellular data transmission has 2 key benefits for wildlife research in that it reduces travel time required for downloading image data and the uncertainty involving storage capacity of SD cards and battery life, and cellular transmission allows for near real-time analysis of images, which could redistribute the time usually devoted to processing a large data set when the memory card is retrieved. Despite potential benefits, cellular transmission technology in camera traps is still new and questions remain about its reliability. Our objective was to determine the efficacy of cellular transmission technology in wildlife research by designing a camera trap study as part of a senior-level class (Wildlife Management Applications and Planning; NREM 4522) project at Oklahoma State University. We used ArcGIS to generate a stratified random sample of trap locations, deploying five cellular transmission camera traps in open grassland and five in closed canopy forest areas from 5 September to 5 October 2021. We monitored the number of transmitted images each day online, and after camera trap retrieval, we compared the number of transmitted images to those stored on the memory card to determine transmission efficiency. Our data indicated the majority of the images taken each day were transmitted successfully; however, transmission efficiency (i.e., number transmitted divided by total number taken by the camera trap) tended to be lower in forested areas (47%) compared to open grassland (86%). Though cellular transmission technology shows promise, the combination of cellular signal, landscape features, and transmitted data quality may limit the effectiveness of cellular transmission technology for near real-time data analysis. Based on our results, we recommend that researchers consider advantages and disadvantages of cellular transmission when designing studies and note that researchers may need to adopt an adaptive approach or conduct pilot testing that includes quantifying the transmission functionality.
- Van Lanen, N., Shyvers, J., Duchardt, C., & Aldridge, C. (2023). A multi-ecosystem prioritization framework to balance competing habitat conservation needs of multiple species in decline. Landscape Ecology, 38(11). doi:10.1007/s10980-023-01712-zMore infoContext: Individual species often drive habitat restoration action; however, management under this paradigm may negatively affect non-target species. Prioritization frameworks which explicitly consider benefits to target species while minimizing consequences for non-target species may improve management strategies and outcomes. Objectives: We examined extents to which conifer removal, an approach frequently implemented to restore sagebrush ecosystems, can be conducted without detrimental effects to conifer-associated species, including the imperiled Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus). Additionally, we prioritized sites for conifer removal, and predicted abundance responses for multiple species following simulated conifer removal at selected sites to achieve variable management objectives. Methods: We used model-predicted changes in species’ densities following simulated conifer removal to identify optimal removal sites under single species, multi-species (ecosystem), and multi-ecosystem management scenarios. We simulated conifer removal at prioritized sites and evaluated resulting changes in abundance for six passerine species. Results: Management prioritized for a single species (Brewer’s Sparrow) provided the greatest per-unit-effort benefits for that species but resulted in the lowest population outcomes for all other species considered. In comparison, prioritizations for multiple species within a single ecosystem (i.e., pinyon–juniper or sagebrush) resulted in larger population benefits for species associated with that ecosystem and reduced detrimental effects on non-target species associated with another ecosystem. For example, single species management for Brewer’s Sparrow resulted in an average increase of 1.38% for sagebrush-associated species and a 4.58% decrease for pinyon–juniper associated species. In contrast, when managing for multiple sagebrush-associated species sagebrush-associated songbird populations increased by 3.98% and pinyon–juniper associated species decreased by 2.36%, on average. Conclusions: Our results illustrate single species management can result in detrimental outcomes and/or opportunity costs for non-target species compared to management designed to benefit multiple species. Our framework can be used to balance undesired consequences for non-target species and is adaptable for other systems and taxa.
- Davidson, A., Augustine, D., Jacobsen, H., Pellatz, D., Porensky, L., Mckee, G., & Duchardt, C. (2022). Boom and bust cycles of black-tailed prairie dog populations in the Thunder Basin grassland ecosystem. Journal of Mammalogy, 103(5). doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyac035More infoBlack-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) exhibit boom and bust cycles in landscapes where they are affected by outbreaks of plague caused by the introduced bacterium Yersinia pestis. We examined spatiotemporal dynamics of black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming over a period of 21 years. The colony complex experienced three plague epizootics during that time, and consequently three boom and bust cycles. The entire prairie dog colony complex collapsed over a 1-year period during the first and third epizootics, and over a 3-year period during the second epizootic. The boom and bust cycles were characterized by relatively rapid contractions in total area occupied by prairie dogs during a plague outbreak (e.g., >99% decline from 10,604 ha to 47 ha over 1 year [2017-2018]) followed by much slower recovery times (e.g., an increase from 410 ha to 10,604 ha over 11 years [2006-2017]). Prairie dogs occupied a total of 10,604 ha during at least one survey within the study period, but much of the area was not continuously occupied over time. We found that each of the three plague outbreaks occurred in years with highly connected prairie dog colonies and slightly above-average temperatures and summer precipitation, which were preceded by a dry year. Although plague outbreaks were associated with climatic conditions, we were unable to detect a role of climate in driving colony expansion. Our results illustrate the cyclic and extreme nature of fluctuations in black-tailed prairie dog colony size and distribution in a landscape where plague occurs and illuminate some of the drivers of these cycles. Further, our work shows how introduced diseases can dramatically influence populations of a keystone species, with important consequences for the broader ecological system.
- Pilliod, D., Beck, J., Duchardt, C., Rachlow, J., & Veblen, K. (2022). Leveraging rangeland monitoring data for wildlife: From concept to practice. Rangelands, 44(1). doi:10.1016/j.rala.2021.09.005More info• Available rangeland data, from field-measured plots to remotely sensed landscapes, provide much needed information for mapping and modeling wildlife habitats. • Better integration of wildlife habitat characteristics into rangeland monitoring schemes is needed for most rangeland wildlife species at varying spatial and temporal scales. • Here, we aim to stimulate use of and inspire ideas about rangeland monitoring data in the context of wildlife habitat modeling and species conservation.
- Dinkins, J., Duchardt, C., Hennig, J., & Beck, J. (2021). Changes in hunting season regulations (1870s–2019) reduce harvest exposure on greater and Gunnison sage-grouse. Plos One, 16(10 October). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253635More infoHunter harvest is a potential factor contributing to population declines of sage-grouse (Centrocercus spp.). As a result, wildlife agencies throughout western North America have set increasingly more conservative harvest regulations over the past 25 years to reduce or eliminate hunter success and concomitant numbers of harvested greater (C. urophasianus) and Gunnison (C. minimus) sage-grouse. Sage-grouse hunting has varied widely over time and space, which has made a comprehensive summary of hunting management challenging. We compiled data on harvest regulations among 11 western U.S. states and 2 Canadian provinces from 1870–2019 to create a timeline representative of hunting regulations. We compared annual harvest boundaries and area-weighted average hunting regulations, 1995–2018, relative to administrative boundaries and areas of high probability of sage-grouse occupation. We also summarized estimated numbers of birds harvested and hunters afield, 1995–2018, across both species’ ranges. From 1995–2018, there was a 30% reduction in administrative harvest boundaries across the greater sage-grouse range compared to a 16.6% reduction in area open to harvest within 8 km from active leks. Temporary closures occurred in response to wildfires, disease outbreaks, low population numbers, and two research projects; whereas, permanent closures primarily occurred in small populations and areas on the periphery of the species distribution. Similarly, area-weighted possession limits and season length for greater sage-grouse decreased 52.6% and 61.0%, respectively, while season start date stayed relatively stable (mean start date ~259 [mid-September]). In contrast, hunting of the now federally-threatened Gunnison sage-grouse ended after 1999. While restrictions in harvest regulations were large in area, closures near areas of high greater sage-grouse occupancy were relatively smaller with the same trend for Gunnison sage-grouse until hunting ceased. For greater sage-grouse, most states reduced bag and possession limits and appeared to adhere to recommendations for later and shorter hunting seasons, reducing potential for additive mortality.
- Duchardt, C., Monroe, A., Heinrichs, J., O'Donnell, M., Edmunds, D., & Aldridge, C. (2021). Prioritizing restoration areas to conserve multiple sagebrush-associated wildlife species. Biological Conservation, 260. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109212More infoStrategic restoration of altered habitat is one method for addressing worldwide biodiversity declines. Within the sagebrush steppe of western North America, habitat degradation has been linked to declines in many species, making restoration a priority for managers; however, limited funding, spatiotemporal variation in restoration success, and the need to manage for diverse wildlife species make decision-making regarding restoration actions challenging. To address the challenge of spatial conservation prioritization, we developed the Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET). This decision support tool utilizes the prioritizr package in program R and an integer linear programming algorithm to select parcels representing both high biodiversity value and high probability of restoration success. We tested PReSET on a sagebrush steppe system within southwestern Wyoming using distributional data for six species with diverse life histories and a spatial layer of predicted sagebrush recovery times to identify restoration targets at both broad and local scales. While the broad-scale portion of our tool outputs can inform policy, the local-scale results can be applied directly to on-the-ground restoration. We identified restoration priority areas with greater precision than existing spatial prioritizations and incorporated range differences among species. We noted tradeoffs, including that restoring for habitat connectivity may require restoration actions in areas with lower probability of success. Future applications of PReSET will draw from emerging datasets, including spatially-varying economic costs of restoration, animal movement data, and additional species, to further improve our ability to target effective sagebrush restoration.
- Duchardt, C., Porensky, L., & Pearse, I. (2021). Direct and indirect effects of a keystone engineer on a shrubland-prairie food web. Ecology, 102(1). doi:10.1002/ecy.3195More infoKeystone engineers are critical drivers of biodiversity throughout ecosystems worldwide. Within the North American Great Plains, the black-tailed prairie dog is an imperiled ecosystem engineer and keystone species with well-documented impacts on the flora and fauna of rangeland systems. However, because this species affects ecosystem structure and function in myriad ways (i.e., as a consumer, a prey resource, and a disturbance vector), it is unclear which effects are most impactful for any given prairie dog associate. We applied structural equation models (SEM) to disentangle direct and indirect effects of prairie dogs on multiple trophic levels (vegetation, arthropods, and birds) in the Thunder Basin National Grassland. Arthropods did not show any direct response to prairie dog occupation, but multiple bird species and vegetation parameters were directly affected. Surprisingly, the direct impact of prairie dogs on colony-associated avifauna (Horned Lark [Eremophila alpestris] and Mountain Plover [Charadrius montanus]) had greater support than a mediated effect via vegetation structure, indicating that prairie dog disturbance may be greater than the sum of its parts in terms of impacts on localized vegetation structure. Overall, our models point to a combination of direct and indirect impacts of prairie dogs on associated vegetation, arthropods, and avifauna. The variation in these impacts highlights the importance of examining the various impacts of keystone engineers, as well as highlighting the diverse ways that black-tailed prairie dogs are critical for the conservation of associated species.
- Hennig, J., Beck, J., Duchardt, C., & Derek Scasta, J. (2021). Variation in sage-grouse habitat quality metrics across a gradient of feral horse use. Journal of Arid Environments, 192. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104550More infoFeral horse (Equus ferus caballus) grazing can alter arid shrubland habitat in the western United States to the detriment of sympatric wildlife species, including the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). To date, studies of horse-influenced habitat alteration have only occurred in a few locations and have infrequently represented gradients of horse use. We investigated whether greater sage-grouse habitat quality metrics were negatively associated with feral horse use in southcentral Wyoming, USA. We also tested whether utilization distributions generated from feral horses tracked with global position system transmitters were correlated with dung pile density, our index of horse use. Dung pile density did not vary among utilization distribution levels, indicating utilization distributions were a poor predictor of cumulative horse use. Bare ground increased with dung pile density (β = 0.06, 85% CI = 0.04–0.18), and grass height exhibited a threshold response and began to decline after 638 piles/ha. Other habitat metrics including percent shrub cover, native perennial grass cover, and visual obstruction were better explained by topographic and temporal variation. Our results suggest that herd size reduction may limit soil erosion potential and improve desired herbaceous structure, though additional management actions regarding feral horse use are needed to sustain high-quality greater sage-grouse habitat.
- Duchardt, C., Augustine, D., & Beck, J. (2020). Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbance Differentially Affect Sagebrush Bird Habitat Use. Journal of Wildlife Management, 84(7). doi:10.1002/jwmg.21907More infoNorth American sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)-obligate birds are experiencing steep population declines due in part to increased disturbance, mainly human-caused, across their range. At the eastern edge of the sagebrush steppe, this issue may potentially be exacerbated because of natural disturbance by black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus). Our goal was to compare local and landscape models of habitat use by greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), Brewer's sparrow (Spizella breweri), and sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) with models including effects of natural (i.e., prairie dog) and anthropogenic disturbance. We used a combination of field data collection, and state and national datasets for the Thunder Basin National Grassland, eastern Wyoming, USA, to understand the factors that influence lek attendance by sage-grouse and habitat use by 2 passerines in this system. For all 3 species, models including big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) cover at local and landscape scales were the most competitive among univariate models, supporting the paradigm that sagebrush is key for these species. Models including anthropogenic disturbance (well density, road density) explained more variation than models of prairie dog disturbance alone for 2 of the 3 species, but long-term disturbance by prairie dogs did reduce abundance of Brewer's sparrows. Although long-term prairie dog disturbance has the potential to reduce sagebrush cover for sagebrush-obligate birds, such events are likely rare because outbreaks of plague (Yersina pestis) and lethal control on borders with private land reduce prairie dog disturbance. Conversely, anthropogenic disturbance is slated to increase in this system, suggesting potentially accelerated declines for sagebrush birds into the future. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.
- Duchardt, C., Augustine, D., & Beck, J. (2019). Threshold responses of grassland and sagebrush birds to patterns of disturbance created by an ecosystem engineer. Landscape Ecology, 34(4). doi:10.1007/s10980-019-00813-yMore infoContext Burrowing mammals play a role in rangeland disturbance worldwide, enhancing habitat for certain species while negatively affecting others. However, little is known concerning effects of disturbance spatial pattern on co-occuring fauna. In the North American Great Plains, colonial black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) may enhance habitat for one suite of birds while degrading habitat for others. Objectives We examined the influence of prairie dogs on birds in a mosaic grassland–shrubland landscape. We evaluated how birds associated with shortgrass, midgrass, and sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) plant communities respond to spatial pattern of prairie dog disturbance and identified thresholds where abundance changes. Methods We surveyed bird abundance on prairie dog colonies of varying sizes and shapes, across colony edges into undisturbed habitat, and within undisturbed sagebrush in northeastern Wyoming. We modeled species responses to colony presence, distance to colony edge, and total area and edge density of colonies at four spatial scales (100 m, 225 m, 500 m, 1000 m). Results Sagebrush specialists like Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri) and sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) were 4.5 times more abundant in undisturbed shrublands. Conversely, the shortgrass-specialist mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) was abundant on colonies but showed a non-linear response to colony edge, increasing in abundance up to 600 m from edges then declining further towards colony cores. Conclusions While some species may be broadly intolerant to disturbance, disturbance-dependent birds can display a ‘‘goldilocks syndrome’’ relative to disturbance size. As such, management for multiple species of conservation concern can be optimized relative to other goals by identifying thresholds associated with the effect of disturbance.
- Duchardt, C., Beck, J., & Augustine, D. (2019). Mountain Plover habitat selection and nest survival in relation to weather variability and spatial attributes of black-tailed prairie dog disturbance. Ornithological Applications, 122(1). doi:10.1093/condor/duz059More infoHabitat loss and altered disturbance regimes have led to declines in many species of grassland and sagebrush birds, including the imperiled Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus). In certain parts of their range Mountain Plovers rely almost exclusively on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies as nesting habitat. Previous studies have examined Mountain Plover nest and brood survival on prairie dog colonies, but little is known about how colony size and shape influence these vital rates or patterns of habitat selection. We examined how (1) adult habitat utilization, (2) nest-site selection, and (3) nest success responded to a suite of local- and site-level variables on large prairie dog colony complexes in northeastern Wyoming. Abundance of adult Mountain Plovers was highest on points within older, "medium"-sized (100-500 ha) colonies with high cover of annual forbs and bare ground (5.8 birds km-2), but lower on extremely large (>2,000 ha) colonies (2.1 birds km-2). Nest sites were characterized by high proportions of annual forbs and bare ground and low cactus cover and vegetation height. Nest survival was higher for older nests, and nests with lower cactus cover, and decreased with increasing temperatures. Uncertainty was high for models of daily nest survival, potentially because of 2 competing sources of nest failure: nest depredation and nest abandonment or inviability of eggs. Drivers of these 2 sources of nest failure differed, with inclement weather and higher temperatures associated with nest abandonment or egg inviability. We highlight how prairie dogs alter vegetation structure and bare ground heterogeneously across the landscape, and how this in turn influences bird abundance and nest distribution at different temporal and spatial scales. Furthermore, our work reveals how partitioning the causes of nest failure during nest survival analyses enhances understanding of survival rate covariates.
- Parker, R., Duchardt, C., Dwyer, A., Painter, C., Pierce, A., Michels, T., & Wunder, M. (2019). Trophic ecology warrants multispecies management in a grassland setting: Proposed species interactions on black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Rangelands, 41(3). doi:10.1016/j.rala.2019.02.002More info• Trophic cascades occur when flora and fauna directly and/or indirectly influence co-occurring species populations at different levels of the food chain, and North American temperate grasslands provide an interesting case study to research these relationships. • We briefly define trophic cascades in terrestrial systems and explore the potential for a cascading trophic interaction among grassland-associated swift fox (Vulpes velox), western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), and mountain plover (Charadrius montanus), three rangeland species of conservation concern, on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies using two US Forest Service data sets. • Historic patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence suggest top-down control governs the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of the three species and may be influenced by habitat fragmentation and management actions. • Managing for interactive, multitrophic communities requires the identification of species interactions and the mechanisms that drive them. • Long-term multispecies occupancy research, combined with hypothesized driving mechanisms and the co-occurrence of associated grassland species, is recommended for addressing these complex interactions moving forward.
- Duchardt, C., Porensky, L., Augustine, D., & Beck, J. (2018). Disturbance shapes avian communities on a grassland–sagebrush ecotone. Ecosphere, 9(10). doi:10.1002/ecs2.2483More infoEcotones, or transitional zones between ecosystems, are often hotspots for biodiversity and targets for conservation. Where the Great Plains meet the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe, an opportunity exists to conserve habitat for the two most imperiled avian guilds in North America, grassland and shrub-steppe birds. This ecotone creates a unique challenge with respect to the management of disturbance processes, such as fire and grazing, because grassland and sagebrush-shrubland birds respond quite dissimilarly to disturbance. To address this management challenge and maximize conservation opportunities, we examined the responses of grassland and sagebrush bird communities to disturbance at a grassland–sagebrush ecotone in northeast Wyoming, USA. Specifically, we surveyed bird communities on active black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies and burned areas, as well as on paired undisturbed points in 2016 and 2017. Bird community structure varied in response to both the presence and type of disturbance. Although alpha diversity of avian species was highest on undisturbed sites and burned areas, only prairie dog colonies provided breeding habitat for the imperiled shortgrass-obligate mountain plover (Charadrius montanus), and species turnover (beta diversity) was greatest between on-colony and off-colony points. Furthermore, bird communities were shaped by both disturbance-dependent (e.g., disturbance age) and disturbance-independent (e.g., topography and soils) landscape features. Managers must balance the benefits of high species diversity in undisturbed sagebrush with habitat requirements of other imperiled species like the mountain plover. This may entail prioritizing the amount and distribution of disturbances in relation to population goals for species of conservation concern while simultaneously maintaining a mosaic of all three patch types in this landscape.
- Maresh Nelson, S., Coon, J., Duchardt, C., Miller, J., Debinski, D., & Schacht, W. (2018). Contrasting impacts of invasive plants and human-altered landscape context on nest survival and brood parasitism of a grassland bird. Biological Invasions, 33(10). doi:10.1007/s10980-018-0703-3More infoContext: Humans have altered grasslands in recent decades through crop conversion, woody encroachment, and plant invasions. Concurrently, grassland birds have experienced range-wide declines. Studies have reported effects of plant invasions and land conversion on nest ecology, but few have assessed relative impacts of these changes. Objectives: We compared impacts of invasive plants and landscape context on nest survival of a grassland songbird, the dickcissel (Spiza americana). We also compared effects on parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and tested whether parasitism affects survival. Methods: From 2013–2016, we monitored 477 dickcissel nests. We measured nest-site vegetation (including woody plants, tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceous, and other invasive grasses) and measured landscape context at broad scales. Results: Nest survival declined with increasing tall fescue cover at nest sites, and parasitism was more common at nests with greater fescue and woody cover. Some evidence suggested a negative effect of row-crop cover within 1000 m on nest survival, but no landscape patterns unambiguously affected survival. Woodland cover and wooded-edge prevalence were associated with reduced parasitism risk. Parasitized nests had smaller clutches, failed more frequently, and produced fewer fledglings than non-parasitized nests. Conclusions: Determining the impacts of invasive plants and other anthropogenic changes on grassland birds will aid in prioritizing management to improve habitat quality. Our results indicate that optimizing landscape context around habitats may not affect dickcissel nest survival strongly, except perhaps through effects on parasitism. In contrast, controlling tall fescue and shrubs within grasslands could benefit birds by increasing nest success and reducing parasitism.
- Nelson, S., Coon, J., Duchardt, C., Fischer, J., Halsey, S., Kranz, A., Parker, C., Schneider, S., Swartz, T., & Miller, J. (2017). Patterns and mechanisms of invasive plant impacts on North American birds: a systematic review. Landscape Ecology, 19(5). doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1377-5More infoUnderstanding how invasive plants affect biodiversity is a crucial conservation need. Numerous studies examine impacts of invasions on birds, but trends in these effects have not been synthesized. We reviewed 128 studies from North America to quantify the frequency of positive, negative, and neutral (non-significant) effects of invasive plants on avian ecology, and then evaluated support for proposed mechanisms of impacts. Our frequency-based approach enabled us to draw value from the full breadth of available literature, including articles that do not provide information necessary for meta-analyses and articles examining understudied phenomena. Total avian abundance and prevalence of individual bird species were usually unaffected by invasion, with 48.9 and 57.2% of tests showing neutral results, respectively. Avian richness decreased with invasion in 41.3% of tests. Although birds often preferred nesting in invasive vegetation (45.0% of tests), effects on nest survival were typically neutral (57.9%). Multiple metrics (e.g. body condition, fledgling survival) have received scant attention. Some of the patterns we highlight differ across ecological contexts, emphasizing the need to understand impact mechanisms. Several studies have directly linked invasion impacts to altered nest-site availability, habitat heterogeneity, and food supplies. There is mixed evidence that plant architecture impacts nest-site selection and nest predation. Our review highlights the nonuniform consequences of biological invasions. The high frequency of reported neutral effects suggests that invasions often have minimal impacts on birds, but positive and negative impacts certainly can arise. Managers considering eradicating invasive plants for avian conservation should monitor impacts locally to determine whether eradication will be beneficial.
- Duchardt, C., Miller, J., Debinski, D., & Engle, D. (2016). Adapting the fire-grazing interaction to small pastures in a fragmented landscape for grassland bird conservation. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 69(4). doi:10.1016/j.rama.2016.03.005More infoIn North America, the loss of habitat heterogeneity resulting from homogeneous livestock grazing is one factor contributing to steep population declines of many grassland bird species. Patch-burn grazing is a management technique that uses historic grassland disturbance as a model to create heterogeneous grassland composition and structure, providing for the diverse habitat requirements of grassland birds. Though this management technique has been used successfully in relatively extensive grasslands, its utility on smaller grassland patches is less clear. We examined the efficacy of patch-burn grazing to restore habitat heterogeneity and increase grassland bird diversity in relatively small pastures (15-32 ha) in a grassland landscape fragmented by cultivation and tree encroachment. In 2006, we established 12 experimental pastures in the Grand River Grasslands of southern Iowa and northern Missouri, with 4 pastures in each of three treatments: 1) patch-burn graze, with spatially discrete fires and free access by cattle (the fire-grazing interaction), 2) graze-and-burn, with free access by cattle and a single burn of the entire pasture every third year, and 3) burn-only, with a single burn of the entire pasture every third year and no grazing. Patch-burn grazing in the first phase of the project (2007-2009) did not generate habitat heterogeneity or significant differences in bird diversity. From 2010 to 2013, stocking rates were reduced to increase residual vegetation in unburned patches at the end of the grazing season to increase heterogeneity. Habitat heterogeneity in patch-burn graze pastures subsequently increased relative to other treatments. Concomitantly, diversity of obligate grassland birds also increased in patch-burn graze pastures and was greatest in 2012 and 2013. We conclude that the fire-grazing interaction can be used to restore habitat heterogeneity and increase grassland bird diversity, even in relatively small grassland patches embedded in a highly fragmented landscape.
- Scasta, J., Duchardt, C., Engle, D., Miller, J., Debinski, D., & Harr, R. (2016). Constraints to restoring fire and grazing ecological processes to optimize grassland vegetation structural diversity. Ecological Engineering, 95. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.06.096More infoExtirpation of the ecosystem engineer (bison) and its interaction with fire, coupled with the utilitarian concept of moderate grazing, have contributed to homogenization of grassland habitat in North America. Although cattle may serve as a proxy for bison, combining fire with cattle grazing has been uncommon and to date managers have not always successfully applied cattle and controlled burns as tools to manipulate grassland vegetation heterogeneity and increase habitat diversity. Using an information-theoretic approach, we assessed factors constraining the fire-grazing interaction ecological process to engineer habitat structure of grasslands via patch-burn grazing. We assessed how grazing, fire, and biotic and abiotic features in tallgrass prairie influenced establishment and maintenance of low vegetative structure in burned patches, the positive feedback driving the fire-grazing interaction, and subsequent structural heterogeneity across a pasture. Four pastures were divided into three patches with a different patch burned annually in March/April from 2007 to 2013. Cattle were stocked from light to heavy (1.1–4.4 AUM/ha) from May to October (∼150 days) with access to the entire pasture. We hypothesized that the exotic C3 grass tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus), lag-time between burning date and the date cattle were put into experimental pastures, and burn date would be the constraining factors. However, the most informative model included stocking rate, date of burn completion, and precipitation. The lightest cattle stocking rate did not establish low vegetative structure in the burn patch, which resulted in the lowest heterogeneity among patches. The heaviest cattle stocking rate established but did not maintain low vegetative structure in the burn patch. The intermediate cattle stocking rate maintained the lowest vegetative structure in the burn patch and the greatest heterogeneity among patches, i.e., the best efficacy of patch-burn grazing to engineer habitat structural heterogeneity. The relationships of stocking rate to burn patch vegetative structure and to landscape heterogeneity were both quadratic and were both optimized at intermediate stocking rate.