Cheryl Ann Knott
- Professor, School of Information
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Richard P. Harvill Building, Rm. 435C
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- cherylknott@arizona.edu
- PhD
- University of Texas, Austin, US
- Ph.D. Library and Information Science
- University of Texas, Austin
- “Accommodating Access: ‘Colored’ Carnegie Libraries, 1905-1925”
- M.L.S. Library Science
- University of Arizona, Tucson
- M.A. History
- University of Arizona, Tucson
- “Labor Without Pay: Women's Volunteer Work in American Hospitals, 1945-1965.”
- B.A. Journalism
- University of Houston, Texas
Work Experience
- University of Arizona (2001 - Ongoing)
- Lillian Smith Book Award
- Southern Regional Council, University of Georgia Libraries, DeKalb County Public Library/ Georgia Center for the Book and Piedmont College, Fall 2016
- Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award
- American Library Association Library History Round Table, Spring 2016
- Fellow
- What type of organization made the award?: Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History;, Fall 2012
- What type of organization made the award?: Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History;, Fall 2011
- What type of organization made the award?: Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History;, Fall 2010
online searching; government information; information discovery; hacking and open source culture; information resource development
history of public libraries; print culture and the environmental movement; information access
2024-25 Courses
Info Intermediation
LIS 532 (Spring 2025) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2025) -
Government Information
LIS 472 (Fall 2024) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Fall 2024) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Info Intermediation
LIS 532 (Spring 2024) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2024) -
Government Information
LIS 472 (Fall 2023) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Fall 2023) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Info Intermediation
LIS 532 (Spring 2023) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2023) -
Government Information
LIS 472 (Fall 2022) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Fall 2022) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Info Intermediation
LIS 532 (Spring 2022) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2022) -
Government Information
LIS 472 (Fall 2021) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Fall 2021) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Government Information
LIS 472 (Spring 2021) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Spring 2021) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2021)
2019-20 Courses
LIS 909 (Summer I 2020) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2020) -
LIS 909 (Spring 2020) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2019) -
LIS 909 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
LIS 909 (Summer I 2019) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2019) -
LIS 909 (Spring 2019) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2018) -
LIS 909 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2018) -
Hacking & Open Source Culture
ESOC 210 (Fall 2017) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Government Information
LIS 472 (Spring 2017) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Spring 2017) -
Online Searching
LIS 532 (Spring 2017) -
Hacking & Open Source Culture
ESOC 210 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Government Information
LIS 472 (Spring 2016) -
Government Information
LIS 572 (Spring 2016) -
Online Searching
LIS 432 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Knott, C. A. (2016). Find the Information You Need!: Resources and Techniques for Making Decisions, Solving Problems, and Answering Questions.. Rowman Littlefield.
- Knott, C. A. (2015). Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow. University of Massachusetts Press.More infoAmericans tend to imagine their public libraries as time-honored advocates of equitable access to information for all. Through much of the twentieth century, however, many black Americans were denied access to public libraries or allowed admittance only to separate and smaller buildings and collections. While scholars have examined and continue to uncover the history of school segregation, there has been much less research published on the segregation of public libraries in the Jim Crow South. In fact, much of the writing on public library history has failed to note these racial exclusions.In Not Free, Not for All, Cheryl Knott traces the establishment, growth, and eventual demise of separate public libraries for African Americans in the South, disrupting the popular image of the American public library as historically welcoming readers from all walks of life. Using institutional records, contemporaneous newspaper and magazine articles, and other primary sources together with scholarly work in the fields of print culture and civil rights history, Knott reconstructs a complex story involving both animosity and cooperation among whites and blacks who valued what libraries had to offer. African American library advocates, staff, and users emerge as the creators of their own separate collections and services with both symbolic and material importance, even as they worked toward dismantling those very institutions during the era of desegregation.
- Knott, C. A. (2014). The publication and reception of The Southern Negro and the Public Library.
- Knott, C. A. (2012). What two books can (and cannot) do: Stewart Udall's the quiet crisis and its twenty-fifth anniversary edition.
- Knott, C. A. (2018). Centering the Periphery: Dorothy Burnett Porter Wesley as a Scholar-Librarian. In Aux marges de l’écriture de l’histoire: des historiens africains-américains à l’histoire global. Presses Universitaires de Tours.
- Knott, C. A. (2018). Centering the Periphery: Dorothy Burnett Porter Wesley as a Scholar-Librarian. In Aux marges de l’écriture de l’histoire : des historiens africains-américains à l’histoire global. Presses Universitaires de Tours.
- Knott, C. A. (2018). Mettre la périphérie au centre : Dorothy B. Porter Wesley, bibliothécaire et chercheuse. In Histoire en marges: Les périphéries de l'histoire globale. Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais.
- Knott, C. A. (2017). Uncommon Knowledge: Late Eighteenth-Century American Subscription Library Collections. In Before the Public Library: Reading, Community, and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850. Brill.
- Knott, C. A. (2016). A Race Against Obscurity: Merl R. Eppse and The Negro, Too, in American History. In Writing History from the Margins: African Americans and the Quest for Freedom. Routledge.
- Knott, C. A. (2009). What a Book Can (and Can't) Do: Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis. University of Wisconsin Press.More infoChapter in an anthology refereed by Editors Rima D. Apple, Greg Downey, and Stephen Vaughn titled The Print Culture of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine.;
- Knott, C. A. (2012). "What a Book Can (and Can't) Do: Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis.". In Science in Print. University of Wisconsin Press.
- Knott, C. A. (2007). Unannounced and unexpected: The desegregation of Houston Public Library in the early 1950s. Library Trends.
- Knott, C. A. (2006). A virtual depository: The Arizona project. Reference Librarian.
- Knott, C. A. (2005). Measuring the new economy: Industrial classification and open source software production. Knowledge Organization.
- Knott, C. A. (2004). Assessing the virtual depository program: The Arizona experience. Journal of Government Information.
- Knott, C. A. (2003). Information as commodity and economie sector: Its emergence in the discourse of industrial classification. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
- Knott, C. A. (2002). Imagining information retrieval in the library: Desk set in historical context. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.
- Knott, C. A. (2001). Elaborate Isolation: Metastructures of Knowledge About Women. Information Society.
- Knott, C. A. (2000). Books for black children: Public library collections in Louisville and Nashville, 1915-1925. Library Quarterly.
Proceedings Publications
- Knott, C. A. (2007). When more is better: A counter-narrative regarding keyword and subject retrieval in digitized diaries. In Advances in Classification Research Online.
- Knott, C. A. (2019, July). The Limits to Growth and Its Southern Critique. Third World Congress on Environmental History.
- Knott, C. A. (2019, November). “Writing Sustainability: Donella Meadows, The Limits to Growth, and the First-Author Effect,”. Cultures of the Book: Science, Technology and the Spread of Knowledge, sponsored by the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and Birmingham City University (U.K.),.
- Knott, C. A. (2017, June). “Materiality and Sustainability: The Ironies of Print”. Annual Conference, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing. Victoria, Canada.
- Knott, C. A. (2017, March). "Think Globally, Act Nationally: The Translation and Transformation of The Limits to Growth". Annual Conference, American Society for Environmental History. Chicago.
- Knott, C. A. (2016, April). "Environmental Activism and Paper Pollution: The Ironies of Print". Annual Conference, American Society for Environmental History. Seattle, WA.
- Knott, C. A. (2016, July). "Translation and Transformation: The Limits to Growth and Halte à la Croissance?". Annual Conference, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing. Paris, France.
- Knott, C. A. (2015, April). "Embodied Readers: A History of Racially Segregated Public Libraries in the U.S. South". Open Embodiments: Locating Somatechnics in Tucson.
- Knott, C. A. (2015, July). "Collections in Common: An Overlap Study of Library Company Catalogs from the 1790s,". Library History Seminar XIII. Boston, MA.
- Knott, C. A. (2015, July). "The Limits and Dynamics of Science Publishing". Annual Conference, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing. Montreal, Canada.
- Knott, C. A. (2015, June). "A Librarian on the Margins of History: The Authorial Career of Dorothy Burnett Porter Wesley". Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires. Université Paris Diderot.
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-01-01). Collaborating to Build 'Colored' Libraries: The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington and Andrew Carnegie. Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference. Boston.More info;Submitted: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-02-01). Preparing the Way: A Brief History of Library Education for African Americans. panel discussion organized by SIRLS student groups in honor of Black History Month and the 40th Anniversary of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. University of Arizona Library, Tucson.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-04-01). Pluck[ing] the Fruits of Science without Harming the Tree of Life": The Use of Scientific Research in Stewart L. Udall's The Quiet Crisis. Mellon/White Science and Print Culture Workshop. University of Wisconsin, Madison.More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-06-01). Desegregating the Southern Public Library,. American Library Association. Washington, DC.More infoInvited;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-08-01). Collection Building from Below: The Negro Public Library in Tyler, Texas. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Helsinki, Finland.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2012, 2010-09-01). Selected Texts: The Shaping of One Racially Segregated Public Library's Collection. Library History Seminar XII. Madison, WI.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-01-01). Collaborating to Build 'Colored' Libraries: The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington and Andrew Carnegie. Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference. Boston.More info;Submitted: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-02-01). Preparing the Way: A Brief History of Library Education for African Americans. panel discussion organized by SIRLS student groups in honor of Black History Month and the 40th Anniversary of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. University of Arizona Library, Tucson.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-04-01). Pluck[ing] the Fruits of Science without Harming the Tree of Life": The Use of Scientific Research in Stewart L. Udall's The Quiet Crisis. Mellon/White Science and Print Culture Workshop. University of Wisconsin, Madison.More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-06-01). Desegregating the Southern Public Library,. American Library Association. Washington, DC.More infoInvited;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-08-01). Collection Building from Below: The Negro Public Library in Tyler, Texas. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Helsinki, Finland.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2011, 2010-09-01). Selected Texts: The Shaping of One Racially Segregated Public Library's Collection. Library History Seminar XII. Madison, WI.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-01-01). Collaborating to Build 'Colored' Libraries: The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington and Andrew Carnegie. Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference. Boston.More info;Submitted: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-02-01). Preparing the Way: A Brief History of Library Education for African Americans. panel discussion organized by SIRLS student groups in honor of Black History Month and the 40th Anniversary of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. University of Arizona Library, Tucson.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-04-01). Pluck[ing] the Fruits of Science without Harming the Tree of Life": The Use of Scientific Research in Stewart L. Udall's The Quiet Crisis. Mellon/White Science and Print Culture Workshop. University of Wisconsin, Madison.More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-06-01). Desegregating the Southern Public Library,. American Library Association. Washington, DC.More infoInvited;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-08-01). Collection Building from Below: The Negro Public Library in Tyler, Texas. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Helsinki, Finland.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2010, 2010-09-01). Selected Texts: The Shaping of One Racially Segregated Public Library's Collection. Library History Seminar XII. Madison, WI.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2009, 2009-02-01). The Politics of Publishing and the Culture of Print: Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis".More info;Type of Presentation: SIRLS research brown bag;
- Knott, C. A. (2008, 2008-09-01). Just and Intelligent Scrutiny": Eliza Atkins Gleason's Investigation of Library Services for African Americans in the 1930s. School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison. University of Wisconsin.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Knott, C. A. (2008, 2008-09-01). What a Book Can (and Cannot) Do: Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis and its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition. The Culture of Print in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine Conference, Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern America. University of Wisconsin-Madison.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Knott, C. A. (2008, 2009-01-01). The Politics of Publishing and the Culture of Print: Stewart Udall's The Quiet Crisis. School of Information Resources and Library Science, Tucson, AZ.More infoPresented at the SIRLS Research Brown Bag get-together ;Type of Presentation: University;
- Knott, C. A. (2009). Mellon/White Science & Print Culture Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.More infoI was invited to present this paper at the Mellon/White Science & Print Culture Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in April 2010. I will revise it afterward and submit it to a peer-reviewed journal. ;Full Citation: Pluck[ing] the Fruits of Science without Harming the Tree of Life": The Use of Scientific Research in Stewart L. Udall's The Quiet Crisis, "a paper to be presented at the Mellon/White Science & Print Culture Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2010. ;
- Knott, C. A. (2010). History of African-Americans as Library Users and Professionals in US Libraries.More infoInvited;Full Citation: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Eds. Marcia Bates and Mary Niles Maack, Taylor and Francis, 2010. ;Type of Publication: Reference work;
- Knott, C. A. (2010). Virginia Lacy Jones, Sarah Alice Tyler, Andrew Carnegie, Congressional Record, Federal Register (5 separate entries).More info;Full Citation: Oxford Companion to the Book, Oxford University Press, 2010.;Type of Publication: Reference work;