Collin Stewart
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Surgery - (Clinical Series Track)
- (520) 626-6302
- Arizona Health Sciences Center, Rm. 5408
- chstewart@arizona.edu
- M.D. Doctorate of Medicine
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
- B.S. Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
- Texas A&M University
- B.S. Bachelor of Science in Entomology
- Texas A&M University
- The Anthony C Guzauskas Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
- Department of Surgery, University of Arizona, Summer 2024
- Fellow American College of Surgeons
- American College of Surgeons, Fall 2023
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Junior Selection
- UT Southwestern Medical School, Fall 2012
- University Honors
- Texas A&M University, Fall 2009
- Buck Weirus Spirit Award
- Texas A&M University, Fall 2008
- Eagle Scout
- Fall 2004
Licensure & Certification
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) (2017)
- Arizona Medical Board (2019)
- Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (2017)
- Drug Enforcement Administration (2017)
Rib fracturesResource utilization
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Stewart, C., & Tang, A. (2022). Esophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum. In Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery: Clinical Questions and Answers. Wiley.
- Stewart, C., Chehab, M., & Joseph, B. A. (2020). Tracheal and Pulmonary Injury. In Management of Chest Trauma: A Practical Guide. Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06959-8_17
- Otaibi, B. W., Khurshid, M. H., Hejazi, O., Hage, K., Stewart, C., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2025). The abdomen does not lie, but the labs might: Predictors of intra-abdominal injury on computed tomography imaging in pediatric blunt trauma patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoMultiple studies have indicated that isolated abnormal laboratory results necessitate obtaining abdominal computed tomography (CT) for pediatric patients with blunt abdominal trauma (BAT), regardless of the normal abdominal examination. This study aims to identify the predictors of intra-abdominal injury (IAI) and the role of laboratory tests in CT imaging among pediatric BAT patients.
- Akl, M., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Okosun, S., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., & Joseph, B. (2024). From Procedure to Prognosis: The Association Between Obesity and Outcomes of Iliac Artery Injuries. The Journal of surgical research, 302, 621-627.More infoThe management of injuries to the iliac artery presents a challenging clinical scenario due to the impeded anatomical access. Obesity is a common comorbid condition known to affect the outcomes of trauma patients; however, there is a paucity of data on the association of obesity with the treatment and outcomes of iliac artery injuries. The aim of this study was to assess the association between body mass index (BMI) on the management and outcomes of patients with iliac artery injuries.
- Alexander, H. D., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). The Synergy Factor: Trauma and Cancer. The Journal of surgical research, 302, 393-397.More infoTrauma and cancer are the leading causes of death in the US. There is a paucity of data describing the impact of cancer on trauma patients. We aimed to determine the influence of cancer on outcomes of trauma patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Ditillo, M., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hejazi, O., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Nelson, A., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Development and Validation of Futility of Resuscitation Measure in Older Adult Trauma Patients. The Journal of surgical research, 301, 591-598.More infoThis study aimed to develop and validate Futility of Resuscitation Measure (FoRM) for predicting the futility of resuscitation among older adult trauma patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Surgical stabilization of rib fractures: The impact of volume and the need for standardized indications. American journal of surgery, 234, 112-116.More infoWe aimed to examine impact of trauma center (TC) surgical stabilization of rib fracture (SSRF) volume on outcomes of patients undergoing SSRF.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Ditillo, M., Matthews, M. R., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Outcomes of Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury Transferred to Trauma Centers. JAMA surgery, 159(11), 1282-1288.More infoWide variations exist in traumatic brain injury (TBI) management strategies and transfer guidelines across the country.
- Choron, R. L., Piplani, C., Kuzinar, J., Teichman, A. L., Bargoud, C., Sciarretta, J. D., Smith, R. N., Hanos, D., Afif, I. N., Beard, J. H., Dhillon, N. K., Zhang, A., Ghneim, M., Devasahayam, R., Gunter, O., Smith, A. A., Sun, B., Cao, C. S., Reynolds, J. K., , Hilt, L. A., et al. (2024). Pancreaticoduodenectomy in trauma patients with grade IV-V duodenal or pancreatic injuries: a post hoc analysis of an EAST multicenter trial. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 9(1), e001438.More infoThe utility of pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for high-grade traumatic injuries remains unclear and data surrounding its use are limited. We hypothesized that PD does not result in improved outcomes when compared with non-PD surgical management of grade IV-V pancreaticoduodenal injuries.
- Choron, R. L., Rallo, M., Piplani, C., Youssef, S., Teichman, A. L., Bargoud, C. G., Sciarretta, J. D., Smith, R. N., Hanos, D. S., Afif, I. N., Beard, J. H., Dhillon, N. K., Zhang, A., Ghneim, M., Devasahayam, R. J., Gunter, O. L., Smith, A. A., Sun, B. L., Cao, C., , Reynolds, J. K., et al. (2024). The impact of post-operative enteral nutrition on duodenal injury outcomes: A post hoc analysis of an EAST multicenter trial. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoLeak following surgical repair of traumatic duodenal injuries results in prolonged hospitalization and oftentimes nil per os(NPO) treatment. Parenteral nutrition(PN) has known morbidity; however, duodenal leak(DL) patients often have complex injuries and hospital courses resulting in barriers to enteral nutrition(EN). We hypothesized EN alone would be associated with 1)shorter duration until leak closure and 2)less infectious complications and shorter hospital length of stay(HLOS) compared to PN.
- Colosimo, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). When Every Minute Counts: REBOA Before Surgery Is Independently Associated With a 15-Minute Delay in Time to Definitive Hemorrhage Control. Military medicine, 189(Suppl 3), 262-267.More infoResuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is a temporizing hemorrhage control intervention, but its inevitable effect on time to operating room (OR) has not been assessed. The aim of our study is to assess the impact of undergoing REBOA before surgery (RBS) on time to definitive hemorrhage control surgery.
- Colosimo, C., Otaibi, B., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Stewart, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Obesity is a predictor of abdominal computed tomography imaging in pediatric trauma patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoComputed tomography (CT) has helped to reduce the morbidity due to missed injuries. However, CT imaging is associated with radiation exposure and thus has limited indications in pediatric patients. In this study, we aimed to identify the association between obesity and abdominal CT imaging in pediatric trauma patients.
- Hage, K., Nelson, A., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Okosun, S., Hejazi, O., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., & Joseph, B. (2024). Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Trauma Patients: Do We Need to Open and See if We Can See Without Opening?. The Journal of surgical research, 303, 14-21.More infoDiagnostic laparoscopy (DL) has been advocated to reduce the incidence of nontherapeutic laparotomies (NL) among stable trauma patients. This study aimed to compare the outcomes of hemodynamically stable trauma patients undergoing DL versus NL.
- Hejazi, O., Ghaedi, A., Stewart, C., Khurshid, M. H., Spencer, A. L., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). The Harsh Reality: Outcomes of Patients With Operatively Managed Lung Injuries. The Journal of surgical research, 302, 656-661.More infoMost traumatic lung injuries are managed non-operatively. There is a paucity of recent data on the outcomes of operatively managed lung injuries. The aim of our study is to determine the survival rates of operatively managed traumatic lung injury patients on a nationwide scale.
- Hosseinpour, H., Magnotti, L. J., Huang, D. D., Weinberg, J. A., Tang, A., Hejazi, O., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., & Joseph, B. (2024). The role of number of affected vessels on radiologic and clinical outcomes of patients with blunt cerebrovascular injury. Journal of vascular surgery, 80(3), 685-692.More infoThere is a lack of data on the role of characteristics of injured vessels on the outcomes of patients with blunt cerebrovascular injuries (BCVIs). The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the number (single vs multiple) of injured vessels on outcomes.
- Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Hejazi, O., Okosun, S. E., Khurshid, M. H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). FINDING THE SWEET SPOT: THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN WHOLE BLOOD TO RED BLOOD CELLS RATIO AND OUTCOMES OF HEMORRHAGING CIVILIAN TRAUMA PATIENTS. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), 62(3), 344-350.More infoPurpose: To evaluate the dose-dependent effect of whole blood (WB) on the outcomes of civilian trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock. Methods: We performed a 2-year (2020-2021) retrospective analysis of the ACS-TQIP dataset. Adult (≥18) trauma patients with a shock index (SI) >1 who received at least 5 units of PRBC and one unit of WB within the first 4 h of admission were included. Primary outcomes were 6-h, 24-h, and in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were major complications and hospital and intensive care unit length of stay. Results: A total of 830 trauma patients with a mean (SD) age of 38 (16) were identified. The median [IQR] 4-h WB and PRBC requirements were 2 [2-4] U and 10 [7-15] U, respectively, with a median WB:RBC ratio of 0.2 [0.1-0.3]. Every 0.1 increase in WB:RBC ratio was associated with decreased odds of 24-h mortality (aOR: 0.916, P = 0.035) and in-hospital mortality (aOR: 0.878, P < 0.001). Youden's index identified 0.25 (1 U of WB for every 4 U of PRBC) as the optimal WB:PRBC ratio to reduce 24-h mortality. High ratio (≥0.25) group had lower adjusted odds of 24-h mortality (aOR: 0.678, P = 0.021) and in-hospital mortality (aOR: 0.618, P < 0.001) compared to the low ratio group. Conclusions: A higher WB:PRBC ratio was associated with improved early and late mortality in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock. Given the availability of WB in trauma centers across the United States, at least one unit of WB for every 4 units of packed red blood cells may be administered to improve the survival of hemorrhaging civilian trauma patients.
- Huang, R., Hejazi, O., Khurshid, M. H., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Anand, T., Matthews, M. R., Okosun, S. E., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Diversity in crisis: The impact of race and ethnicity on failure to rescue among geriatric trauma patients over the years. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoFailure to rescue (FTR) is an indicator of the quality of care provided by trauma centers. The aim of this study was to examine the trends of FTR incidence in geriatric trauma patients over the years and to determine whether race, ethnicity, and sex impact the FTR incidence.
- Joseph, B., Hosseinpour, H., Sakran, J., Anand, T., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Zhang, B., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). Defining the Problem: 53 Years of Firearm Violence Afflicting America’s Schools. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 238(4), 671-678. doi:10.1097/xcs.0000000000000955
- Khurshid, M. H., Hejazi, O., Spencer, A. L., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Colosimo, C., Ditillo, M., Matthews, M. R., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). A little goes a long way: A comparison of enterolithotomy versus single-stage cholecystectomy in the management of gallstone ileus. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoGallstone ileus is an infrequent complication of cholelithiasis with no specific guidelines for its management. This study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with gallstone ileus managed with both enterolithotomy with cholecystectomy (EL-CCY) versus those managed with enterolithotomy (EL) only.
- Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Stewart, C., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Nelson, A., & Joseph, B. (2024). Less Is More: Dissecting Trauma Centers by Procedural Volume. Annals of surgery, 280(4), 667-675.More infoThis study aims to examine the relationship between procedural volume and annual trauma volume (ATV) of ACS Level I trauma centers (TC).
- O'Connor, D., Hejazi, O., Colosimo, C., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Khurshid, M., Nelson, A. C., Joseph, B., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Spencer, A. L., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). Role of endovascular management on outcomes in patients with traumatic inferior vena cava injuries. American journal of surgery, 238, 115836.More infoThe aim of this study was to examine the association between the injury mechanism and repair type with outcomes in patients with traumatic inferior vena cava injuries.
- Otaibi, B. W., Bhogadi, S. K., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A. L., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Endovascular Versus Open Repair in Adolescent Patients With Difficult-to-Access Vascular Injuries. The Journal of surgical research, 302, 385-392.More infoManagement of subclavian artery injuries (SAI) and iliac artery injuries (IAI) in adolescent trauma patients poses a considerable challenge due to their complex anatomical locations. The aim of our study was to determine the association between the injury mechanism and type of repair with the outcomes of patients with traumatic SAI and IAI.
- Zambetti, B. R., Nelson, A. C., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Joseph, B., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). The optimal management of blunt aortic injury in the young. American journal of surgery, 237, 115943.More infoBlunt aortic injury (BAI) is relatively uncommon in the pediatric population. The goal of this study was to examine the management of BAI in both children and adolescents, using a large national dataset.
- Alizai, Q., Anand, T., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Colosimo, C., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). From surveillance to surgery: The delayed implications of non-operative and operative management of pancreatic injuries. American journal of surgery, 226(5), 682-687.More infoOur study compares the delayed outcomes of operative versus nonoperative management of pancreatic injuries.
- Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., Joseph, B., & , A. F. (2023). It's Not All Black and White: The Effect of Increasing Severity of Frailty on Outcomes of Geriatric Trauma Patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoFrailty is associated with poor outcomes in trauma patients. However, the spectrum of physiologic deficits, once a patient is identified as frail, is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamic association between increasing frailty and outcomes among frail geriatric trauma patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Stewart, C., Nelson, A., Ditillo, M., Castanon, L., Magnotti, L. J., Joseph, B., , B. M., , A. A., Dultz, L., Black, G., Campbell, M., Berndtson, A. E., Costantini, T., Kerwin, A., Skarupa, D., , Burruss, S., et al. (2023). Not all traumatic brain injury patients on preinjury anticoagulation are the same. American journal of surgery.More infoPrognostic significance of different anticoagulants in TBI patients remains unanswered. We aimed to compare effects of different anticoagulants on outcomes of TBI patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Stewart, C., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Castanon, L., Spencer, A. L., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). Local Antibiotic Therapy for Open Long Bone Fractures: Appropriate Prophylaxis or Unnecessary Exposure for the Orthopedic Trauma Patient?. Military medicine, 188(Supplement_6), 407-411.More infoProphylactic local antibiotic therapy (LAbT) to prevent infection in open long bone fracture (OLBF) patients has been in use for many decades despite lack of definitive evidence confirming a beneficial effect. We aimed to evaluate the effect of LAbT on outcomes of OLBF patients on a nationwide scale.
- Choron, R. L., Teichman, A. L., Bargoud, C. G., Sciarretta, J. D., Smith, R. N., Hanos, D. S., Afif, I. N., Beard, J. H., Dhillon, N. K., Zhang, A., Ghneim, M., Devasahayam, R. J., Gunter, O. L., Smith, A. A., Sun, B. L., Cao, C. S., Reynolds, J. K., Hilt, L. A., Holena, D. N., , Chang, G., et al. (2023). Outcomes among trauma patients with duodenal leak following primary versus complex repair of duodenal injuries: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter trial. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 95(1), 151-159.More infoDuodenal leak is a feared complication of repair, and innovative complex repairs with adjunctive measures (CRAM) were developed to decrease both leak occurrence and severity when leaks occur. Data on the association of CRAM and duodenal leak are sparse, and its impact on duodenal leak outcomes is nonexistent. We hypothesized that primary repair alone (PRA) would be associated with decreased duodenal leak rates; however, CRAM would be associated with improved recovery and outcomes when leaks do occur.
- El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., Stewart, C., & Joseph, B. (2023). Trauma in the Geriatric and the Super-Geriatric: Should They Be Treated the Same?. The Journal of surgical research, 293, 316-326.More infoThere is paucity of studies comparing the characteristics of trauma in geriatrics and super-geriatrics. We aimed to explore the injury characteristics and outcomes of older adult trauma patients on a nationwide scale.
- El-Qawaqzeh, K., Hosseinpour, H., Gries, L., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Stewart, C., Cooper, Z., & Joseph, B. (2023). Dealing with the elder abuse epidemic: Disparities in interventions against elder abuse in trauma centers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.More infoElder abuse is a major cause of injury, morbidity, and death. We aimed to identify the factors associated with interventions against suspected physical abuse in older adults.
- Keller, B. A., Skubic, J., Betancourt-Garcia, M., Ignacio, R. C., Radowsky, J. S., Tyroch, A. H., Lascano, C. P., Joseph, B., Stewart, C., Moore, F. O., Costantini, T. W., Rizzo, J. A., Paul, J. S., Galindo, R. M., Silva, A., Coimbra, R., & Berndtson, A. E. (2023). Understanding the Burden of Traumatic Injuries at the United States-Mexico Border: A Scoping Review of the Literature. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoThe United States-Mexico border is the busiest land crossing in the world and faces continuously increasing numbers of undocumented border crossers. Significant barriers to crossing are present in many regions of the border, including walls, bridges, rivers, canals, and the desert, each with unique features that can cause traumatic injury. The number of patients injured attempting to cross the border is also increasing, but significant knowledge gaps regarding these injuries and their impacts remain. The purpose of this scoping literature review is to describe the current state of trauma related to the US-Mexico border to draw attention to the problem, identify knowledge gaps in the existing literature, and introduce the creation of a consortium made up of representatives from border trauma centers in the Southwestern United States, the Border Region Doing Research on Trauma (BRDR-T) Consortium. Consortium members will collaborate to produce multicenter, up-to-date data on the medical impact of the US-Mexico border, helping to elucidate the true magnitude of the problem and shed light on the impact cross-border trauma has on migrants, their families, and the United States healthcare system. Only once the problem is fully described can meaningful solutions be provided.
- Litmanovich, B., Alizai, Q., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). Outcomes of Geriatric Burn Patients Presenting to the Trauma Service: How Does Frailty Factor in?. The Journal of surgical research, 293, 327-334.More infoFrailty has been known to negatively affect the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients. However, there is a lack of data on the effect of frailty on the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries. The aim of our study was to compare the outcomes of frail versus nonfrail geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries.
- Nelson, A. C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Anand, T., Spencer, A. L., Colosimo, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). There Is No Such Thing as Too Soon: Long-Term Outcomes of Early Cholecystectomy for Frail Geriatric Patients with Acute Biliary Pancreatitis. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 237(5), 712-718.More infoEarly cholecystectomy (CCY) for acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) is recommended but there is a paucity of data assessing this approach in frail geriatric patients. This study compares outcomes of frail geriatric ABP patients undergoing index admission CCY vs nonoperative management (NOM) with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
- Zambetti, B. R., Patel, D. D., Stuber, J. D., Zickler, W. P., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Nelson, A. C., Stewart, C., Joseph, B., & Magnotti, L. J. (2023). Role of Endovascular Stenting in Patients with Traumatic Iliac Artery Injury. Journal of the American College of Surgeons.More infoCommon and external iliac artery injuries (IAI) portend significant morbidity and mortality. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of mechanism of injury and type of repair on outcomes and identify the optimal repair for patients with traumatic IAI using a large, national dataset.
- Culbert, M. H., Nelson, A., Obaid, O., Castanon, L., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Stewart, C., Reina, R., & Joseph, B. (2022). Failure-to-rescue and mortality after emergent pediatric trauma laparotomy: How are the children doing?. Journal of pediatric surgery.More infoEmergent trauma laparotomy is associated with mortality rates of up to 40%. There is a paucity of data on the outcomes of emergent trauma laparotomies performed in the pediatric population. The aim of our study was to describe the outcomes, including mortality and FTR, among pediatric trauma patients undergoing emergent laparotomy and identify factors associated with failure-to-rescue (FTR).
- Hosseinpour, H., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Stewart, C., Akl, M. N., Anand, T., Culbert, M. H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., & Joseph, B. (2022). Emergency readmissions following geriatric ground-level falls: How does frailty factor in?. Injury.More infoGround-level falls (GLFs) in older adults are increasing as life expectancy increases, and more patients are being discharged to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for continuity of care. However, GLF patients are not a homogenous cohort, and the role of frailty remains to be assessed. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the impact of frailty on the in-hospital and 30-day outcomes of GLF patients.
- Obaid, O., Anand, T., Nelson, A., Reina, R., Ditillo, M., Stewart, C., Douglas, M., Friese, R., Gries, L., & Joseph, B. (2022). Fibrinogen Supplementation for the Trauma Patient: Should You Choose Fibrinogen Concentrate Over Cryoprecipitate?. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoTrauma-induced coagulopathy is frequently associated with hypofibrinogenemia. Cryoprecipitate (Cryo), and fibrinogen concentrate (FC) are both potential means of fibrinogen supplementation. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of traumatic hemorrhagic patients who received fibrinogen supplementation using FC versus Cryo.
- Reina, R., Anand, T., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Ditillo, M., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Castanon, L., Stewart, C., & Joseph, B. (2022). Nonoperative management of blunt abdominal solid organ injury: Are we paying enough attention to patients on preinjury anticoagulation?. American journal of surgery.More infoThis study aims to assess the impact of pre-injury anticoagulant use on outcomes of isolated blunt abdominal SOI patients who underwent NOM.
- Rodriguez, M., Stewart, C., Khan, O., & Citro, B. (2020). Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Resection of a Transverse Colon Schwannoma. Case reports in surgery, 2020, 8057352.
- Pearcy, C., Almahmoud, K., Jackson, T., Hartline, C., Cahill, A., Spence, L., Kim, D., Olatubosun, O., Todd, S. R., Campion, E. M., Burlew, C. C., Regner, J., Frazee, R., Michaels, D., Dissanaike, S., Stewart, C., Foley, N., Nelson, P., Agrawal, V., & Truitt, M. S. (2017). Risky business? Investigating outcomes of patients undergoing urgent laparoscopic appendectomy on antithrombotic therapy. American journal of surgery, 214(6), 1012-1015.More infoThe literature regarding outcomes in patients on irreversible antithrombotic therapy (IAT) undergoing urgent laparoscopic appendectomy is limited. The aim of this multicenter retrospective study was to examine the impact of prehospital IAT on outcomes in this population.
- Bailey, S. H., Oni, G., Brown, S. A., Kashefi, N., Cheriyan, S., Maxted, M., Stewart, C., Jones, C., Maluso, P., Kenkel, A. M., Kenkel, M. M., Hoopman, J., Barton, F., & Kenkel, J. M. (2012). The use of non-invasive instruments in characterizing human facial and abdominal skin. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 44(2), 131-42.More infoThe skin is highly variable. This variation, although helpful for function, causes inconsistencies when assessed using subjective scales. The purpose of this study is to measure differences in skin on the face and abdomen using non-invasive, objective devices as a method to eliminate subjective error and help reduce intra- and inter-observer variability in clinical analysis.
- Rifkin, L. H., Stojadinovic, S., Stewart, C. H., Song, K. H., Maxted, M. C., Bell, M. H., Kashefi, N. S., Speiser, M. P., Saint-Cyr, M., Story, M. D., Rohrich, R. J., Brown, S. A., & Solberg, T. D. (2012). An athymic rat model of cutaneous radiation injury designed to study human tissue-based wound therapy. Radiation oncology (London, England), 7, 68.More infoTo describe a pilot study for a novel preclinical model used to test human tissue-based therapies in the setting of cutaneous radiation injury.