Daniel Charles Russell
- Professor, Philosophy
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-5045
- Social Sciences, Rm. 239A
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- danrussell@arizona.edu
- Visiting Scholar
- Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Summer 2013
- Honorary Fellow in Philosophy
- What type of organization made the award?: Department of Philosophy, University of Melbourne;, Fall 2012
- Seymour Reader in Ancient History and Philosophy
- What type of organization made the award?: Ormond College, University of Melbourne;Description: Percy Seymour Readership at Ormond College, a residential college at University of Melbourne, 2012-14.;, Fall 2012
- Visiting Research Scholarship
- Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Summer 2011
No activities entered.
2023-24 Courses
PHIL 920 (Spring 2024) -
PHIL 920 (Fall 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
ECON 205 (Fall 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PA 205 (Fall 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PHIL 205 (Fall 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PPEL 205 (Fall 2023) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
PHIL 920 (Spring 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
ECON 205 (Spring 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PHIL 205 (Spring 2023) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PPEL 205 (Spring 2023) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Spring 2023) -
PHIL 920 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
PHIL 920 (Spring 2022) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
ECON 205 (Spring 2022) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PA 205 (Spring 2022) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PHIL 205 (Spring 2022) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PPEL 205 (Spring 2022) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Spring 2022) -
PHIL 920 (Fall 2021) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Fall 2021) -
Seminar:Moral Philosophy
PHIL 596G (Fall 2021) -
Survey of Philosophy
PHIL 595A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
ECON 205 (Spring 2021) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PA 205 (Spring 2021) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PHIL 205 (Spring 2021) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PPEL 205 (Spring 2021) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Spring 2021) -
Ancient Philosophy
CLAS 260 (Fall 2020) -
Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 260 (Fall 2020) -
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Fall 2019) -
Survey of Philosophy
PHIL 595A (Fall 2019) -
The Ethical Marketplace
ENTR 404 (Fall 2019) -
The Ethical Marketplace
ENTR 504 (Fall 2019) -
The Ethical Marketplace
FCSC 404 (Fall 2019) -
The Ethical Marketplace
PHIL 404 (Fall 2019) -
The Ethical Marketplace
PHIL 504 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Seminar:Moral Philosophy
PHIL 596G (Fall 2018) -
Survey of Philosophy
PHIL 595A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 220 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
PHIL 920 (Spring 2017) -
Philosophy Of Freedom
PHIL 320B (Spring 2017) -
PHIL 920 (Fall 2016) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
ECON 205 (Fall 2016) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PA 205 (Fall 2016) -
Ethics+Econ/Wealth Creat
PHIL 205 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
PHIL 920 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Russell, D. C. (2013). The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
- Russell, D. C. (2012). Happiness for Humans.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Happiness for Humans (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012).;
- Russell, D. C. (2021). "The Reciprocity of the Virtues". In Practical Wisdom: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Routledge.More infoChapter on the thesis that the virtue are mutually entailing, focusing on the role of idealization in the theory of the virtues
- Russell, D. C. (2018). Practical Unintelligence and the Vices. In Evil in Aristotle. Cambridge University Press.
- Russell, D. C., & LeBar, M. (2018). Doing Justice to Oneself. In Neglected Virtues. Oxford University Press.
- Russell, D. C., & Munger, M. (2018). Can Profit-Seekers be Virtuous?. In The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics. Routledge Press.
- Russell, D. C. (2017). When Does Income Cost Too Much?. In Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management. Springer.
- Russell, D. C. (2018). Putting Ideals in Their Place. In The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press.
- Russell, D. C. (2016). Putting ideals in their place. In The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford.
- Russell, D. C. (2016). Self-Ownership as a Form of Ownership. In The Oxford Handbook of Freedom. Oxford University Press.
- Russell, D. C., & Russell, D. C. (2015). From Personality to Character to Virtue. In Current Controversies in Virtue Theory. Routledge.
- Russell, D. C. (2014). Deliberation and Phronesis in Aristotle’s Ethics. In Ancient Ethics. Ruprecht.
- Russell, D. C. (2014). Phronesis and the Virtues: Nicomachean Ethics VI.12-13. In The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Cambridge.
- Russell, D. C. (2014). What Virtue Ethics Can Learn from Utilitarianism. In Cambridge Companion to Utilitarianism. Cambridge University Press.More info;Your Role: Author;
- Russell, D. C. (2017). Self-Ownership as a Form of Ownership. In The Oxford Handbook of Freedom. Oxford.
- Russell, D. C. (2013). Virtue Ethics, Happiness, and the Good Life. In The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
- Russell, D. C. (2015). Aristotle on Cultivating Virtue. In Virtue Cultivation: Multiple Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
- Russell, D. C., & LeBar, M. (2013). Well-being and Eudaimonia: A Reply to Haybron. In Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective. Routledge.
- Russell, D. C. (2012). “Virtue Ethics and Political Philosophy”.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: “Virtue Ethics and Political Philosophy,” in F. D'Agostino and G. Gaus, eds., The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy (Routledge, 2012).;
- Russell, D. C. (2014). Aristotelian Virtue Theory: After the Person-Situation Debate. International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
- Russell, D. C. (2012). "Aristotle's Virtues of Greatness". Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: “Aristotle's Virtues of Greatness,” in R. Kamtekar and B. Inwood, eds., Virtue and Happiness: Essays in Honour of Julia Annas, a supplementary issue of Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 2012.;
- Russell, D. C. (2017, January). Practical Unintelligence and the Vices. Oriel Conference, Jubilee Center for Character and Virtue. Oriel College, Oxford, UK: Jubilee Center for Character and Virtue.
- Russell, D. C. (2017, May). Practical Unintelligence and the Vices. Aristotle Resurgent. University of Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.
- Russell, D. C. (2015, March). Comments on Neera Badhwar's Happiness: Well-Being in a Worthwhile Life. Arizona Current Research Workshop. University of Arizona: Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom.
- Russell, D. C. (2015, November). Putting Ideals in Their Place. Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Ryerson University.
- Russell, D. C. (2015, October). Putting Ideals in Their Place. Keynote address, Virtue and Moral Cognition, University of Gdansk. Gdansk, Poland: University of Gdansk.
- Russell, D. C. (2014, March). From Personality to Character to Virtue. School of Philosophy colloquium, Monash University. Melbourne, Australia.
- Russell, D. C. (2014, November). The Cost of Earning More Money. Podcast interview, Free Thoughts.
- Russell, D. C. (2016, January). Putting Ideals in Their Place. Keynote address, Cultivating Virtues, Oriel College, Oxford. Oxford, United Kingdom: Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue, University of Birmingham.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, April). Well-being and Eudaimonia: A Reply to Haybron. Philosophy Department Colloquium. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Philosophy, Deakin University.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, April). What Virtue Ethics Can Learn from Utilitarianism. Philosophy Department Colloquium. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Philosophy, University of Melbourne.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, June). Happiness is .... Podcast interview, ABC Radio Australia. Melbourne, Australia: ABC Radio Australia.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, June). Well-being and Eudaimonia: A Reply to Haybron. Keynote address, Melbourne Ancient Philosophy Colloquium. Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, March). Virtue and Medical Skill. Social Determinants of Health Seminar. Melbourne, Australia: The Cranlana Programme.
- Russell, D. C. (2013, November). Happiness -- A Feeling or a Future?. Public lecture, SBS Downtown Lecture Series. Tucson, Arizona: College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona.
- Russell, D. C. (2012, 2012-05-01). “Two Mistakes about Stoic Ethics”. Barney Allen Memorial Lecture. Ormond College, University of Melbourne.More infoBarney Allen Memorial Lecture at Ormond College, University of Melbourne, organized by the Classics Association of Victoria;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Russell, D. C. (2012, 2012-05-01). “Why the Stoics Think There is No Right Way to Grieve”. Classics in the City Series. Australia Club.More infoPresentation on Stoic Ethics to the Australia Club, Melbourne, as part of the "Classics in the City" Series, organized by the Department of Classics, University of Melbourne;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Russell, D. C. (2012, 2012-05-01). “Why the Stoics Think There is No Right Way to Grieve”. Dean of Arts Lecture Series. University of Melbourne.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Russell, D. C. (2012, 2012-07-01). “Meaning Well and Doing Well”. Cranlana Programme Lecture Series. The Cranlana Programme.More infoPublic lecture for The Cranlana Programme (an independent organization for teaching ethics in industry), Melbourne, July 2012; broadcast in Australia on ABC Radio's “Big Ideas” series, December 2012;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Russell, D. C. (2014. J. Annas, Intelligent Virtue. Philosophical Quarterly.
- Russell, D. C. (2014, January). Eudaimonism. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Springer.More info;Your Role: Author;
- Russell, D. C. (2012). “Plato on Akrasia”.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: “Plato on Akrasia,” The Continuum Companion to Plato, edited by G. Press (Continuum International Publishing, 2012).;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia entry;
- Russell, D. C. (2012). “Plato's Protagoras”.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: “Plato's Protagoras,” The Continuum Companion to Plato, edited by G. Press (Continuum International Publishing, 2012).;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia entry;