- Ph.D. Linguistics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Underspecification in Yawelmani Phonology and Morphology
- M.A. Linguistics
- University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
- B.A. English Literature/General studies -- Linguistics Option
- Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Work Experience
- University of Hong Kong (2013 - 2017)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, University of Arizona (2000 - 2007)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona (2000 - 2006)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1998 - 1999)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1997 - 1998)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1985 - Ongoing)
- Incentivized Retirement
- University of Arizona, Fall 2022
- SBSRI Research Professorship
- SBSRI, U Arizona, Spring 2022
- Sabbatical
- University of Arizona, Winter 2018
- Faculty Visitor Scheme
- University of Hong Kong, Spring 2018
- Graduate College Seed Grant for Maximizing Resources to Improve Time-to-degree of PhD students at the University of Arizona
- University of Arizona Graduate College, Spring 2018
- Honorary Professor
- University of Hong Kong, Fall 2017
- Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award
- University of Arizona, Spring 2013
- Fellow
- Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Spring 2008
- Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Fall 2007
Emergent Phonology, a theory of phonology that makes minimal assumptions about innate phonology-specific capabilities; vowel harmony systems; nonlinear phonology & morphology; ways in which ultrasound can be used to answer phonological questions
phonological theory; phonetics; professional skills; language & linguistics
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
LING 699 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
LING 699 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
LING 920 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
LING 699 (Spring 2022) -
LING 920 (Fall 2021) -
Found Phonol Theory I
LING 510 (Fall 2021) -
Linguistic Theory
LING 697A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
LING 920 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
LING 699 (Spring 2021) -
Tpcs Phonology+Phonetics
LING 696B (Spring 2021) -
LING 920 (Fall 2020) -
Found Phonol Theory I
LING 410 (Fall 2020) -
Found Phonol Theory I
LING 510 (Fall 2020) -
Linguistic Theory
LING 697A (Fall 2020)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Independent Study
LING 499H (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
LING 599 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
LING 699 (Spring 2019) -
Tpcs Phonology+Phonetics
LING 696B (Spring 2019) -
Honors Thesis
LING 498H (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
LING 699 (Fall 2018) -
Learning a Foreign Language
GER 114 (Fall 2018) -
Learning a Foreign Language
LING 114 (Fall 2018) -
Struc Non-Western Lang
LING 445A (Fall 2018) -
Struc Non-Western Lang
LING 545A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
History Of Phonology
LING 516 (Spring 2018) -
Linguistic Theory
LING 697A (Spring 2018) -
Found Phonol Theory I
LING 410 (Fall 2017) -
Found Phonol Theory I
LING 510 (Fall 2017) -
Intro To Phonology
LING 315 (Fall 2017)
2015-16 Courses
Honors Independent Study
NSCS 299H (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2019). What is length compensating for? A surface-based account of NC lengthening. In Festschrift for Mutaka Ngessimo(p. 13). unknown: unknown.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2018). Emergent phonology illustrated: Malagasy alternations. In Heading in the right direction: Linguistic treats for Lisa Travis(p. 10). Montreal: McGill Linguistics Department.
- Warner, N., Ussishkin, A. P., Hammond, M., Fisher, M., Clayton, I., Archangeli, D. B., Carnie, A. H., Kloehn, N., & Meyer, J. (2018). The field is not the lab and the lab is not the field: Experimental linguistics and endangered language communities. In Community Based Research. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2017). A minimalist take on Setswana harmony. In A schrift to fest Kyle Johnson(pp 33-42). Linguistics Open Access Publications.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2017). Variable Length in Nuu-chah-nulth. In He loves the people’s languages. Essays in honour of Henry Davis. Vancouver, BC:: UBC Occasional Papers in Linguistics vol. 6.
- Pulleyblank, D., & Archangeli, D. B. (2017). Phonology as an emergent system. In The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory(pp 476-503). London: Routledge Handbooks Online. doi:10.4324/9781315675428-17
- Allen, B., Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014). Assessing an allomorphy-based account of Japanese verb morphology. In The Simplicity of Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2016). Emergent morphology. In Morphological Metatheory(pp 237-270). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2016). Phonology as an Emergent System. In The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory(p. 32). London: Routledge.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. G. (2015). Emergence and allomorphy: Kinande Recent Past tone patterns. In Challenges and New Prospects on Prosody in West Africa(p. 30).
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014). Vowel Harmony in Emergent Grammar: The Case of Yoruba. In Cutting edge essentials of Yoruba and other African languages: Essays in Honour of Oladele Awobuluyi(pp 140--177). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2015). Tonal allomorphy in Kinande. In Capturing Phonological Shades(pp 76-100). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Pulleyblank, D., & Archangeli, D. B. (2015). Vowel Harmony in Emergent Grammar: The Case of Yoruba. In Current research in African linguistics: Pa- pers in honor of Oladele Awobuluyi,(pp 140-177). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Archangeli, D. B., Mielke, J., & Pulleyblank, D. (2012). From Sequence Frequencies to Conditions in Bantu Vowel Harmony: Building a Grammar from the Ground Up. In Phonology in the 21st Century: in Honor of Glynn Piggot, McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
- Archangeli, D. B., Mielke, J., & Pulleyblank, D. (2012). Greater than noise: Frequency effects in Bantu height harmony. In Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues(pp 191-222). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2011). Feature Specification and Underspecification. In Companion to Phonology(pp 148-170). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Archangeli, D. B., Baker, A., & Mielke, J. (2011). Categorization and Features: Evidence from American English /r/. In Where do Phonological contrasts come from?(pp 173-196). John Benjamins.
- Archangeli, D. B., Jeff, B., Ji, S., Josephs, K., Hunt, N., Fisher, M., & Carnie, A. H. (2011). ATR in Scottish Gaelic Tense Sonorants. In Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics(pp 283-306). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Mohanan, K. P., Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2010). The Emergence of Optimality Theory. In Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language & Life(pp 143-158). Stanford, CA: CSLI.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2007). Harmony. In The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology(pp 772–889).
- Yiu, S., Yip, J., & Archangeli, D. (2021). Articulatory Strategies for Place Contrasts of Unreleased Final Stops on Preceding Vowels: Evidence from Ultrasound Imaging. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, 9. doi:10.3765/amp.v9i0.4904More infoThis ultrasound study examines the gestural coordination involved in vowel-to-consonant sequences concerning unreleased final stops, which are more susceptible to reduction than their released counterparts. Thus, coarticulatory information on the preceding vowel is important to signal place contrasts of post-vocalic stops. The gestural coordination of vowel-consonant sequences of monosyllabic words in Cantonese represents a testing case for having preserved phonemic contrasts of six unreleased final stops in a range of vowel contexts. Preliminary results from smoothing spline ANOVA and linear mixed-effect regression show that coarticulatory patterns depend on vowel height, that is, non-high vowels are undergoing gradual coarticulation whereas high vowels are phonologising the lingual properties of the unreleased final stops on the preceding vowels.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yip, J. (2020). Assamese vowels and vowel harmony. journal of south asian languages and linguistics, 33.
- Yip, J., Tanashur, P., & Archangeli, D. (2020). Sasak, Meno-Mené dialect. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 50(1), 93-108. doi:10.1017/s0025100318000063More infoSasak is a Malayo-Sumbawan (Adelaar 2005) language spoken as a primary language in Lombok, Indonesia (see the map in Figure 1). It is estimated to be spoken by 2 million (Clynes 1995) or 2.5 million (Marli 2015) people. Sasak is reported to have four (Jacq 1998) or five (Austin 2003) major dialects, to which Austin (2003) gives informal names based on the pronunciation of the deictic words for ‘like this’ and ‘like that’: Ngeno-Ngene (central northeast, central east, and central west coasts of Lombok), Meno-Mene (central Lombok), Ngoto-Ngete (northeastern Lombok), Ngeno-Mene, also known as Kuto-Kute (north Lombok), and Meriaq-Meriku (south central Lombok). The dialects with the broadest geographical distribution are Meno-Mene and Ngeno-Ngene.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yip, J. (2019). Illustration of IPA Indonesian Bajau (East Lombok). Journal of the International Phonetic Association.
- Carnie, A. H., Hammond, M., Fisher, M., Clayton, I., Johnstone, S., Archangeli, D. B., & Jae-Hyun, J. (2018). Individual variation in lexical palatalization: Articulatory evidence from Scottish Gaelic. Eoneohag [언어학], 80, 23-51. doi:. DOI 10.17290/jlsk.2018..80.23
- Archangeli, D. B., Tanashur, P., & Yip, J. (2017). Illustration of IPA Sasak, Meno-Mené dialect. Journal of the International Phonetic Association.
- Archangeli, D. B., Yip, J., Qin, L., & Lee, A. (2017). Phonological and phonetic properties of nasal substitution in Sasak and Javanese. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 8(1), 1-17. doi:DOI:
- Hammond, M., Chen, Y., Bell, E., Carnie, A. H., Archangeli, D. B., Ussishkin, A. P., & Fisher, M. (2017). Phonological restrictions on lenition in Scottish Gaelic. Language, 93(2), 446--472. doi:
- Archangeli, D. B., Yip, J., Qin, L., & Lee, A. (2016). Phonological and phonetic properties of Nasal Substitution in Sasak and Javanese. Laboratory Phonology, 29.
- Mielke, J., Baker, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2016). Individual-level contact reduces phonological complexity: evidence from bunched and retroflex /r/. Language, 92(1), 1-40.
- Yip, J., & Archangeli, D. (2016). The effect of context on the articulation of harmonic vowels in Assamese: An ultrasound study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 3105-3105. doi:10.1121/1.4969693More infoTongue root (TR) harmony in Assamese affects high back vowels and mid vowels (Mahanta 2007). The description (based on perception and limited acoustic measurements) is that Assamese shows the following five properties.—Constrast: TR contrasts in monosyllabic words. — [bel] “bell” vs. [bɛl] “stupid person”—Harmony: Vowels agree with a following vowel, e.g., triggered by suffixes. — [nomori] “not-die.non-finite” vs. [nɔmɔra] “not-die.habitual.non-finite”—CC-blocking: Harmony crosses one consonant only, no harmony in __CCi vs. harmony in __Ci. — [bɔnti] “lamp” vs. [nomori] “not-die.non-finite"—N-blocking: There is no harmony in [….ɔNi…] (*[…oNi…], N = any nasal). — [kʰɔmir] “leavening agent” vs. [nomori] “not-die.non-finite"—Idiosyncrasy: /a/, which otherwise does not harmonize, appears as [e]/[o] before an idiosyncratic set of suffixes. — [kɔpal] “destiny” vs. [kopolija] “destined.” This ultrasound study explores Assamese vowel articulation to determine the nature of tongue position in different harmonic co...
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2015). Phonology without Universal Grammar. Frontiers, 6(unknown), 19. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01229
- Hammond, M. -., Warner, N. -., Davis, A., Carnie, A. H., Archangeli, D. B., & Fisher, M. (2014). Vowel insertion in Scottish Gaelic.. Phonology, 31, 123-153.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2012). Emergent Phonology: Evidence from English. Issues in English Linguistics, 1-26.
- Brenner, D., Davis, A., Warner, N. -., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Schertz, J., Hammond, M. -., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011). Can you say [ṽ] or [x̃]. Aerodynamics of Nasalized Fricatives in Scottish Gaelic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2550.
- Jeff, M., Olson, K., Baker, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011). Articulation of the Kagayanen interdental approximant: An ultrasound study. Journal of Phonetics, 403-412.
- Warner, N. -., Schertz, J., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Mathieu, L., Gorrie, C., Hammond, M. -., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011). Timing of Perceptual Cues in Scots Gaelic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2573.
Proceedings Publications
- Berry, J., Fasel, I., Fadiga, L., & Archangeli, D. B. (2012, unknown). Training deep nets with imbalanced and unlabeled data.. In Interspeech, 1756-1759.
- Berry, J., Ji, S., Fasel, I., & Archangeli, D. B. (2012, unknown). Towards the Articulatory Reduction of Uttering Mandarin Words. In Interspeech 2012.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2011, summer). Entropy Coding for Training Deep Belief Networks with Imbalanced and Unlabeled Data. In International Conference on Machine Learning.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2009, May). Public and Private Patterns in Language. In Interlocution Workshop: Interlocution: Linguistic Structure and Human Interaction, University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics: Papers for the Interlocution Workshop: Interlocution: Linguistic Structure and Human Interaction, 36-43.
- Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2008, unknown). More velar than /g/: Consonant Coarticulation as a Cause of Diphthongization. In WCCFL 26, 60--68.
- Twist, A., Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2007, unknown). Are "covert" /r/ Allophones Really Indistinguishable?. In Selected Papers from NWAV 35, 207-216.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2017, July). Lexicalization: from sounds to words. Invited speaker, Chiangmai University. Chiangmai, Thailand: University of Chiangmai.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2017, March). Chain shifts in Mayak: an argument for Emergent Phonology. University of Arizona Linguistics Colloquium. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yip, J. (2017, May). Phonological and phonetic properties of Nasal Substitution in Sasak. Mataram Lingua Franca Institute special lecture. Lombok, Indonesia: Mataram Lingua Franca Institute.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yiu, S. (2017, April). The phonetics & phonology of World Englishes. Mahidol University. Bangkok, Thailand: Mahidol University.
- Hammond, M., Anderson, S., Archangeli, D. B., Bell, E., Brooks, H. L., Carnie, A. H., Ohala, D. K., Ussishkin, A. P., Webb-Davies, P., & Wedel, A. B. (2017, july). Grant ar dreigladau’r Gymraeg: adroddiad interim (Interim report on the grant on the mutations of Welsh). Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg Gregynog. Newtown, Wales.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, December). Abstractness & opacity in Emergent Phonology. MIT Phonology Circle. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, December). An articulatory and phonological analysis of Assamese vowel distribution. 1st Asian Junior Linguists Conference Keynote. International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, February). What a look inside the mouth can tell us about language. Japan Association for Language Teaching Special Lecture. Okinawa, Japan: Japan Association for Language Teaching.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, February). What phonology can do for you. Department Seminar, University of the Ryukyus. Okinawa, Japan: University of the Ryukyus.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, October). Biophonology: Emergence of Phonological Universals from Biological Substrate. Research seminar at IISER, Pune. Pune, India: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yip, J. (2016, August). Phonological and phonetic properties of Nasal Substitution in Sasak. Mataram Lingua Franca Institute-University of Hong Kong Showcase. Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia: Mataram Lingua Franca Institute.
- Webb-Davies, P., Hammond, M., Bell, E., Anderson, S., Archangeli, D. B., Brooks, H. L., Carnie, A. H., Ohala, D. K., Ussishkin, A. P., & Wedel, A. B. (2016, Summer). The Arizona-Wales mutation grant: introducing the project. 23ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog.
- Webb-Davies, P., Webb-Davies, P., Hammond, M., Hammond, M., Bell, E., Bell, E., Anderson, S., Anderson, S., Archangeli, D. B., Archangeli, D. B., Brooks, H. L., Brooks, H. L., Carnie, A. H., Carnie, A. H., Ohala, D. K., Ohala, D. K., Ussishkin, A. P., Ussishkin, A. P., Wedel, A. B., , Wedel, A. B., et al. (2016, ?). The Arizona-Wales mutation grant: introducing the project. 23ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog.
- Yip, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2016, January). Stress, Syllabification, and the Articulation of Mid Vowels in Two Dialects of Sasak. Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Linguistics Society of America.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2015, December). Introduction to ultrasound language research. Special Session at Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum. University of Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2015, October). Language research with ultrasound. Colloquium, University of Macau. University of Macau: Department of English.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2015, October). Ultrasound Laboratory Phonology. Colloquium, Guwahati Institute of Technology. Guwahati, India: Guwahati Institute of Technology.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014, March). Allomorphs in a connected world. Colloquium, University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley, CA: Linguistics Department, University of California at Berkeley.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2015, February). Out from under lying representations. Colloquium, Linguistics, Rutgers University. Rutgers University: Rutgers University Linguistics Department.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. G. (2015, December). An Emergent Phonology is a Transparent Phonology. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum. University of Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. G. (2015, January). The Southern Min tone circle from the bottom up: An Emergent Grammar analysis. The University of Hong Kong Tone Conference. University of Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong.
- Sung, J., Archangeli, D. B., Johnston, S., Clayton, I., & Carnie, A. H. (2015, Spring). The articulation of Mutated Consonants: Palatalization in Scottish Gaelic. International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, Scotland.
- Yip, J., Archangeli, D. B., & To, C. (2015, December). Development of lingual articulations among Cantonese-speaking children. Ultrafest 7. University of Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014, December). Emergent Morphology & Phonology: An example from Assamese. Linguistics Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Linguistics Society of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014, May). Tonal Allomorphy in Kinande. Challenges and New Prospects on Prosody in West Africa. Abidjan, Ivory Coast: Humboldt Kolleg.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014, May). Vowel harmony in Emergent Grammar. Challenges and New Prospects on Prosody in West Africa. Abidjan, Ivory Coast: Humboldt Kolleg.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2014, September). The Emergent Lexicon. Colloquium, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B., Pulleyblank, D., Anghelescu, A., Garambage, J., & Lam, Z. (2014, May). Tonal Allomorphy in Kinande and Nata. Amazonicas V.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2013, February). Phonology as an Emergent System. University of Arizona Cognitive Science Brown Bag Seminar. University of Arizona: Cognitive Science.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2013, April). Emergent Grammar: Morphology, Phonology, Phonetics. University of Arizona Linguistics Department Colloquium. University of Arizona.More infopresentation of current research
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2013, February). The Role of UG in Phonology. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 31. Tempe AZ: Arizona State University.
- Archangeli, D. B., Coto, R., Ellison, D., Mahdavi, M., Hahn-Powell, G., Berry, J. B., & Boersma, P. (2013, November). UltraPraat: Software for simultaneous acoustic and articulatory analysis. UltraFest 6. Edinburgh: Queen Margaret University.
- Sung, J., Berry, J. B., Cooper, M., Hahn-Powell, G., & Archangeli, D. B. (2013, November). Testing AutoTrace: A Machine-learning Approach to Automated Tongue Contour Data Extraction. UltraFest 6. Edinburgh: Queen Margaret University.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2012, 2012-05-01). Emergent Grammar: Evidence from Phonetics and Phonology. Colloquium, Linguistics, University of Hong Kong. University of Hong Kong.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2012, 2012-06-01). Emergent Phonology: Evidence from English. World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics I. Seoul, Korea.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2012, 2012-09-01). Emergent Grammar: Evidence from English. Colloquium, Linguistics, University of Arizona. University of Arizona.
- Berry, J., Fasel, I., Fadiga, L., & Archangeli, D. B. (2012, 2012-09-01). Training deep nets with imbalanced and unlabeled data. Interspeech 2012. Portland, OR.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Fasel, I. (2011, 2011-10-01). Seeing Speech. Seeing Speech Workshop. Biosphere 2, Arizona.
- Archangeli, D. B., Fasel, I., & Berry, J. (2011, 2011-01-01). UltraSpeech & UltraWord: Software & data for multimodal speech analysis. New Tools and Methods for Very-Large-Scale Phonetics Research. U Pennsylvania.
- Archangeli, D. B., Mielke, J., & &, D. P. (2011, 2011-12-01). Exploring Emergent Phonology. MIT 50th Anniversary. Cambridge, MA.
- Archangeli, D. B., Mielke, J., & Pulleyblank, D. (2011, 2012-02-01). From sequence frequencies to conditions in Bantu vowel harmony. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Conference. Toronto, Canada.
- Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011, 2011-03-01). English s-Retraction & the Actuation Problem. ASU/UofA Workshop on Factors in Language Variation and Change. U of AZ.
- Berry, J., Ji, S., Fasel, I., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011, 2012-02-01). Towards the Articulatory Reduction of Uttering Mandarin Words. 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2011). Florence, Italy.
- Brenner, D., Warner, N. -., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Archangeli, D. B., Hammond, M. -., Clymer, M., Davis, A., Gorrie, C., Fisher, J., Mathieu, L., Schertz, J., & Sung, J. (2011, February). Fitting the Phonetically Impossible into Phonology: Nasalized Fricatives in Scots Gaelic. University of Arizona Linguistics Colloquium, Datablitz. Tucson Arizona.
- Davis, A., Hammond, M. -., Archangeli, D. B., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Warner, N. -., Lionel, M., Gorrie, C., & Schertz, J. (2011, August). Perceptual and Judgment-based Experiments on Scottish Gaelic Svarabhakti.. 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies. Maynooth Ireland.
- Schertz, J., Archangeli, D. B., Carnie, A. H., Sung, J., Mathieu, L., Hammond, M. -., Warner, N. -., Ward, B., Milburn, C., Brown, P. A., Brenner, D., Gorrie, C., & Davis, A. (2011, August). The articulation of epenthetic vowels in Scottish Gaelic.. 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies. Maynooth Ireland.
- Warner, N. -., Carnie, A. H., Brenner, D., Clymer, M., Mathieu, L., Sung, J., Schertz, J., Hammond, M. -., Archangeli, D. B., Fisher, M., & Gorrie, C. (2011, August). Nasalization and Frication in Scottish Gaelic. 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies. Maynooth, Ireland.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2010, 2010-11-01). What the ear doesn't hear: representing the articulators. Colloquium, SISTA, University of Arizona. U of AZ.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Berry, J. (2010, 2010-03-01). Different dark and light /l/s: English & Georgian. UltraFest V. New Haven, CT.More infoJeff gave the presentation; I was unable to go.;Your Role: lead concept, design, analysis;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Archangeli, D. B., Berry, J., Gorrie, C., Mathieu, L., Schertz, J., & Sung, J. (2010, 2010-07-01). Timing of tongue tip & dorsum gestures in French and Georgian /l/s. LabPhon 12. Albuquerque NM.
- Berry, J., Archangeli, D. B., & Fasel, I. (2010, 2010-07-01). Automatic classification of tongue gestures in ultrasound images. LabPhon 12. Albuquerque NM.
- Mielke, J., Baker, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2010, unknown). Covert /r/ allophony in English: Variation in a Socially Uninhibited Sound Pattern. LabPhon 10.
- Archangeli, D. B., & none, . (2009, 2009-05-01). Public and Private Patterns in Language. Interlocution Workshop. U British Columbia.
- Archangeli, D. B., Jeff, B., Hunt, N., Ji, S., Josephs, K., & Carnie, A. H. (2009, March). ATR in Scottish Gaelic Tense Sonorants: A preliminary report. Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics Workshop. TUcson.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2008, 2008-01-01). Phonology and Emergent Features. Colloquium, University of California at Berkeley Linguistics Department. Berkeley, CA: University of California at Berkeley.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2008, 2008-04-01). Categories of Sounds: Arguing for Emergence. Colloquium, Stanford University.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2008, 2008-05-01). Emergence in Phonology. Colloquium, Stanford University Linguistics Department.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2008, 2008-05-01). Implications of Emergent Features. University of California at Santa Cruz.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2007, 2007-11-01). Emergence R-ticulated. Center for Advanced Studies of the Behavioral Sciences. Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2007, 2007-12-01). Harmony and Language. Research on Embodied Mathematical Cognition, Technology, and Learning. Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Baker, A. (2007, 2007-10-01). Phonological Primitives in the Brain, the Mouth, and the Ear. Where do Features Come From?. Sorbonne, Paris.
- Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2007, 2007-04-01). More Velar than /g/: Consonant Coarticulation as a Cause of Diphthongization'. WCCFL 26. Berkeley.
- Baker, A., Twist, A., Watanabe, Y., & Archangeli, D. B. (2007, 2007-09-01). Lingual implementations of non-lingual features: cross-linguistic data from Turkish, Japanese, and French. Ultrafest 4. NYU.
- Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2006, 2006-01-01). Probing the Big Bang with ultrasound: /s/ retraction in English. Linguistics Society of America. Albuquerque.
- Baker, A., Mielke, J., & Archangeli, D. B. (2006, 2007-04-01). Top-down and bottom-up influences in English s-retraction. NWAV. Ohio State University.
- Mielke, J., Baker, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2006, 2006-01-01). Forever young: Inaudible /r/ allophony resists conventionalization. Linguistics Society of America. Albuquerque.
- Mielke, J., Baker, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2006, 2006-06-01). Covert /r/ allophony in English: Variation in a Socially Uninhibited Sound Pattern. LabPhon.
- Mielke, J., Twist, A., & Archangeli, D. B. (2006, 2006-11-01). Are covert /r/ allophones really indistinguishable?. NWAV. Ohio State University.
Poster Presentations
- Archangeli, D. B., Yiu, S., & Yip, J. (2020, fall). Articulatory strategies for place contrasts of unreleased final stops on preceding vowels: Evidence from ultrasound imaging. Annual Meeting on Phonology 2020. Santa Cruz (virtual meeting): UCSC.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2016, December). A cognitively responsible theory of phonology. UA-ASU Cognitive Science Conclave. Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona & Arizona State University.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Yip, J. (2016, November). The effect of context on the articulation of harmonic vowels in Assamese. Acoustic Society of America 172. Honolulu, Hawaii: Acoustic Society of America.
- Archangeli, D. B., Johnston, S., Sung, J., Fisher, M., Hammond, M. -., & Carnie, A. H. (2014, July). Inserted vowel articulation in Scottish Gaelic: a preliminary report.. Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon) 14. Tokyo, Japan.
- Archangeli, D. B., Johnston, S., Sung, J., Fisher, M., Hammond, M. -., & Carnie, A. H. (2014, May). Articulation and Neutralization: A Preliminary Study of Lenition in Scottish Gaelic. Interspeech 2014. Singapore.
- Sung, J., Archangeli, D. B., Clayton, I., Brennan, D., Johnston, S., Hammond, M. -., & Carnie, A. H. (2014, May, 2014). The articulation of lexical palatalization in Scottish Gaelic. 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Providence, RI.
- Archangeli, D. B., & Pulleyblank, D. (2013, September). A Bottom-up approach to Margi tone. Metrical Structure: Meter, Text-setting and Stress. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Johnston, S., Brenner, D., Coto, R., & Archangeli, D. B. (2013, November). Probe Skewing Effects & Kinect Head-tracking in Tongue Contour Imaging. UltraFest 6. Edinburgh: Queen Margaret University.
- Sung, J., Sung, J., Archangeli, D. B., Archangeli, D. B., Clayton, I., Clayton, I., Brenner, D., Brenner, D., Johnston, S., Johnston, S., Hammond, M. -., Hammond, M. -., Carnie, A. H., & Carnie, A. H. (2013, November). The Articulation of Scottish Gaelic Plain and Palatalized Consonants. UltraFest 6. Edinburgh: Queen Margaret University.
- Warner, N. -., Clayton, I., Carnie, A. H., Hammond, M. -., Archangeli, D. B., Fisher, M., & Brenner, D. (2013, December). Perception of Scottish Gaelic alternating (leniting) consonants. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. San Francisco.
- Warner, N. -., Schertz, J., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Hammond, M. -., Archangeli, D. B., Mathieu, L., & Gorrie, C. (2012, June). Timing of Perceptual Cues in Scots Gaelic sound distinctions. Celtic Linguistics Conference 7. Rennes France.
- Brenner, D., Davis, A., Warner, N. -., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Schertz, J., Hammond, M. -., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011, October). Can you say [ṽ] or [x̃]. Aerodynamics of Nasalized Fricatives in Scottish Gaelic. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. San Diego.
- Warner, N. -., Carnie, A. H., Fisher, M., Schertz, J., Mathieu, L., Gorrie, C., Hammond, M. -., & Archangeli, D. B. (2011, October). The Timing of perceptual Cues in Scots Gaelic. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. San Diego.
- Archangeli, D. B. (2017, unknown). Assamese Vowels: The Role of the Linguist. International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics (ICUWPL) 2, 1-8..