David Pietz
- Director, School of Global Studies
- Professor, History
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Regents Professor, History
- Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg., Rm. 360
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- dpietz@arizona.edu
- Carnegie Fellowship
- Carnegie Foundation, Fall 2021
- Carnegie Floundation, Spring 2021
- Guggenheim Fellowship
- Spring 2021
- Guggenheim Foundation, Fall 2020
- Carnegie Fellows Fellowship
- Carnegie Foundation, Fall 2020
- NEH Landmarks Grant
- National Endowment for the Humanties, Summer 2020
- NEH, Summer 2018
- Fulbright Fellowship
- Fulbright Foundation, Spring 2020
- Visiting Resarch Fellowship
- Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Spring 2020
- Isaac Manasseh Meyer Residential Fellowship
- National University of Singapore, Fall 2019
- Distinguished Visiting Professor
- Zhejiang Normal University (China), Summer 2019
- Guest Professor
- Department of History, Hubei University, Summer 2019
- Faculty Seed Grant (2019)
- College of Social and Behavioral Science Research Institute, Spring 2019
- Cecil B. Curry Book Award
- Association of Global South Studies, Fall 2016
- UNESCO Chair in Environmental History
- UNESCO, Spring 2015
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
HIST 920 (Spring 2025) -
HIST 920 (Fall 2024) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
EAS 270 (Fall 2024) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
HIST 270 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Intro Study of History
HIST 301 (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
HIST 699 (Fall 2023) -
Intro to General Ed Experience
UNIV 101 (Fall 2023) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
EAS 270 (Fall 2023) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
HIST 270 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Intro to General Ed Experience
UNIV 101 (Fall 2022) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
EAS 270 (Fall 2022) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
HIST 270 (Fall 2022)
2020-21 Courses
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
HIST 699 (Spring 2020) -
Senior Capstone
GLS 498 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Independent Study
GLS 399H (Spring 2019) -
Intro Study of History
HIST 301 (Spring 2019) -
Senior Capstone
GLS 498 (Spring 2019) -
Honors Independent Study
GLS 499H (Fall 2018) -
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Fall 2018) -
Modern East Asia
EAS 270 (Fall 2018) -
Modern East Asia
HIST 270 (Fall 2018) -
Proseminar Internatl Std
GLS 396A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
GLS 399 (Summer I 2018) -
Dimensions of Globalization
GLS 250 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Spring 2018) -
Dimensions of Globalization
GLS 250 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
GLS 399 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Independent Study
GLS 399 (Summer I 2017) -
Environmental History: E Asia
EAS 460 (Spring 2017) -
Environmental History: E Asia
EAS 560 (Spring 2017) -
Environmental History: E Asia
GEOG 460 (Spring 2017) -
Environmental History: E Asia
HIST 460 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
GLS 399 (Spring 2017) -
Dimensions of Globalization
GLS 250 (Fall 2016) -
Special Topics in Humanities
HNRS 195J (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
EAS 399 (Summer I 2016) -
Chinese Civilization
EAS 160A3 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
GLS 399 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Pietz, D. (2021). Water and Human Societies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Palgrave McMillan.
- Pietz, D. (2016). Landscape Changes and Resource Utilization in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History. Routledge.
- Pietz, D. (2018). Landscape Change and Resource Utilization in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History. Routledge.
- Pietz, D. (2015). The Yellow River: The Problem of Water in Modern China. Harvard University Press.
- Pietz, D. (2016). The Geography and Environment of China. In Sage Handbook of Contemporary China. Sage.
- Pietz, D. (2016). Writing the 20th Century History of Water on the North China Plain. In Landscape Changes and Resource Utilization in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History. Routledge.
- Pietz, D. (2018). “The Geography and Environment of China". In The Sage Handbook of Contemporary China(pp 67-92). Sage.
- Pietz, D. (2018). “Writing the 20th Century History of Water on the North China Plain”. In Landscape Changes and Resource Utilization in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History(pp 29-36). Routledge.
- Pietz, D. (2020). “The Yellow River, the Chinese State, and the Ecology of North China,” (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, 20+.
- Pietz, D. (2017). “China’s Water Challenges: National and Global Implications". Education About Asia, 8-15.
- Pietz, D. (2021). “The History of the IWHA”. 'World Water Day Workshop on Water, Wastewater and Environment,”. Hellenic Open University (Greece): International Water Association.
- Pietz, D. (2021, September). “Extinction and Conservation on the Yangtze”. Association for East Asian Environmental History. Kyoto: Association for East Asian Environmental History.
- Pietz, D. (2016, January). Making the Mountains Bow and the Rivers Yield: Engineering China’s Yellow River. Honors SmartTalk Lecture Series. Student Union Memorial Center: UA Honors College.
- Pietz, D. (2016, March). Managing Scarcity: Water and Culture in Modern China. UC Berkeley Center for Chinese Studies Colloquium Series. UC Berkeley Center for Chinese Studies Colloquium: UC Berkeley Center for Chinese Studie.
- Pietz, D. (2016, May). The Baiji: Writing the History of Extinction on the Yangtze River. Workshop on Water, Culture, and Society in Global Historical Perspective. Ohio State University: Ohio State University Dept of History.
- Pietz, D. (2015, 06-25-2015). Writing the History of China's Water Management. International Water History Association. Netherlands.
- Pietz, D. (2015, 10-25-2015). Writing the History of Water on the North China Plain. Association for East Asian Environmental History. Japan.
- Pietz, D. (2014, December). Managing Scarcity: The Yellow River and the North China Plain. Udall Center for Public Policy.
- Pietz, D. (2016. Coping with Calamity: Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949.
- Pietz, D. (2016. Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power.
- Pietz, D. (2016. Review of Coping with Calamity: Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949(p. 3).
- Pietz, D. (2016. Review of Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water.
- Pietz, D. (2015, August). “The Yellow River: A History of China’s Water Crisis”. ChinaDialogue. https://www.chinadialogue.net/books/8134-The-Yellow-River-a-history-of-China-s-water-crisis/enMore infoonline forum of China affairs