Eduardo Blanco
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP
- Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
- (520) 621-6613
- Gould-Simpson, Rm. 739
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- eduardoblanco@arizona.edu
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
APPL Research
APPL 900 (Spring 2025) -
CSC 920 (Spring 2025) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2025) -
Text Retrieval & Web Search
CSC 483 (Spring 2025) -
Text Retrieval & Web Search
CSC 583 (Spring 2025) -
Algorithms for NLP
CSC 585 (Fall 2024) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
AdvTpc Artificial Intelligence
CSC 696H (Spring 2024) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2024) -
Algorithms for NLP
CSC 585 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Fall 2023) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
CSC 900 (Spring 2023) -
AdvTpc Artificial Intelligence
CSC 696H (Fall 2022) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2022)
Scholarly Contributions
- Palacios, A., Acharya, P., Peidl, A., Beck, M., Blanco, E., Mishra, A., Bawa-Khalfe, T., & Pakhrin, S. (2024). SumoPred-PLM: human SUMOylation and SUMO2/3 sites Prediction using Pre-trained Protein Language Model. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 6(1), lqae011.
- Albanyan, A., & Blanco, E. (2022). Pinpointing Fine-Grained Relationships between Hateful Tweets and Replies. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(10), 10418-10426.
- Hamilton, J. E., Blanco, E., Selek, S., Wirfel, K. L., Bernstam, E. V., Velligan, D., Gudala, M., & Roberts, K. (2022). Patient and Provider Perspectives on Medication Non-adherence Among Patients with Depression and/or Diabetes in Diverse Community Settings---A Qualitative Analysis. Patient Preference and Adherence, 16, 1581--1594.
- Blanco, E., & Morante, R. (2021). Processing negation: An introduction to the special issue. Natural Language Engineering, 27(2), 119???120.
- Chinnappa, D., & Blanco, E. (2021). Extracting possessions from text: Experiments and error analysis. Natural Language Engineering, 1???22.
- Madala, K., Piparia, S., Blanco, E., Do, H., & Bryce, R. (2021). Model elements identification using neural networks: a comprehensive study. Requirements Engineering, 26, 67--96.
- Morante, R., & Blanco, E. (2021). Recent advances in processing negation. Natural Language Engineering, 27(2), 121???130.
- Tarau, P., & Blanco, E. (2021). Interactive Text Graph Mining with a Prolog-Based Dialog Engine. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 21(2), 244???263.
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2021). Temporally anchored spatial knowledge: Corpora and experiments. Natural Language Engineering, 27(5), 519???543.
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2020). Extracting Biographical Spatial Timelines: Corpus and Experiments. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 28, 1395-1403.
- Alohaly, M., Takabi, H., & Blanco, E. (2019). Automated extraction of attributes from natural language attribute-based access control (ABAC) Policies. Cybersecurity, 2(1).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2015). A Semantic Logic-Based Approach to Determine Textual Similarity. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 23(4), 683-693.
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2014). Composition of Semantic Relations: Theoretical Framework and Case Study. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, 10(4).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2014). Retrieving implicit positive meaning from negated statements. Natural Language Engineering, 20(4), 501???535.
- Hakki, C., & Moldovan, D. (2012). Semantic composition of AT-LOCATION relation with other relations. Natural Language Engineering, 18, 343--374.
Proceedings Publications
- Akoju, S. A., Vacareanu, R., Blanco, E., Riaz, H., & Surdeanu, M. (2023, jun). Synthetic Dataset for Evaluating Complex Compositional Knowledge for Natural Language Inference. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Reasoning and Structured Explanations (NLRSE).
- Albanyan, A., Hassan, A., & Blanco, E. (2023, dec). Finding Authentic Counterhate Arguments: A Case Study with Public Figures. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Albanyan, A., Hassan, A., & Blanco, E. (2023, jul). Not All Counterhate Tweets Elicit the Same Replies: A Fine-Grained Analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023).
- Asl, J., Blanco, E., & Takabi, D. (2023, dec). RobustEmbed: Robust Sentence Embeddings Using Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023.
- Cooper, P., Surdeanu, M., & Blanco, E. (2023, dec). Hiding in Plain Sight: Tweets with Hate Speech Masked by Homoglyphs. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023.
- Mathur, S., Park, K., Chinnappa, D., Kotamraju, S., & Blanco, E. (2023, dec). Interpreting Answers to Yes-No Questions in User-Generated Content. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023.
- Wang, Z., Hossain, M. d., Mathur, S., Melo, T., Ozler, K., Park, K., Quintero, J., Rezaei, M., Shakya, S., Uddin, M. d., & Blanco, E. (2023, dec). Interpreting Indirect Answers to Yes-No Questions in Multiple Languages. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023.
- Xiao, Z., Huang, Y., & Blanco, E. (2023, nov). Context Helps Determine Spatial Knowledge from Tweets. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: IJCNLP-AACL 2023 (Findings).
- Yu, X., Zhao, A., Blanco, E., & Hong, L. (2023, dec). A Fine-Grained Taxonomy of Replies to Hate Speech. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Hossain, M. M., & Blanco, E. (2022, dec). Leveraging Affirmative Interpretations from Negation Improves Natural Language Understanding. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Hossain, M. M., Chinnappa, D., & Blanco, E. (2022, may). An Analysis of Negation in Natural Language Understanding Corpora. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers).
- Hossain, M. M., Holman, L., Kakileti, A., Kao, T., Brito, N., Mathews, A., & Blanco, E. (2022, jul). A Question-Answer Driven Approach to Reveal Affirmative Interpretations from Verbal Negations. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022.
- Sanagavarapu, K., Singaraju, J., Kakileti, A., Kaza, A., Mathews, A., Li, H., Brito, N., & Blanco, E. (2022, jul). Disentangling Indirect Answers to Yes-No Questions in Real Conversations. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Xiao, Z., & Blanco, E. (2022, oct). Are People Located in the Places They Mention in Their Tweets? A Multimodal Approach. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
- Yu, X., Blanco, E., & Hong, L. (2022, jul). Hate Speech and Counter Speech Detection: Conversational Context Does Matter. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Kotamraju, S., & Blanco, E. (2021, nov). Written Justifications are Key to Aggregate Crowdsourced Forecasts. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021.
- Chinnappa, D., Murugan, S., & Blanco, E. (2020, jul). Beyond Possession Existence: Duration and Co-Possession. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Chinnappa, D., Palmer, A., & Blanco, E. (2020, may). WikiPossessions: Possession Timeline Generation as an Evaluation Benchmark for Machine Reading Comprehension of Long Texts. In Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.
- Hossain, M. M., Anastasopoulos, A., Blanco, E., & Palmer, A. (2020, nov). It's not a Non-Issue: Negation as a Source of Error in Machine Translation. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020.
- Hossain, M. M., Hamilton, K., Palmer, A., & Blanco, E. (2020, jul). Predicting the Focus of Negation: Model and Error Analysis. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Hossain, M. M., Kovatchev, V., Dutta, P., Kao, T., Wei, E., & Blanco, E. (2020, nov). An Analysis of Natural Language Inference Benchmarks through the Lens of Negation. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
- Jim\'enez-Zafra, S. M., Morante, R., Blanco, E., Mart\'\in, V., & Ure\~na, L. (2020, may). Detecting Negation Cues and Scopes in Spanish. In Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.
- Murugan, S., Chinnappa, D., & Blanco, E. (2020, nov). Determining Event Outcomes: The Case of \#fail. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020.
- Rashid, F., Fornaciari, T., Hovy, D., Blanco, E., & Vega-Redondo, F. (2020, nov). Helpful or Hierarchical? Predicting the Communicative Strategies of Chat Participants, and their Impact on Success. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020.
- Sanders, J., Gudala, M., Hamilton, K., Prasad, N., Stovall, J., Blanco, E., Hamilton, J. E., & Roberts, K. (2020, dec). Extracting Adherence Information from Electronic Health Records. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
- Tarau, P., & Blanco, E. (2020). Interactive Text Graph Mining with a Prolog-based Dialog Engine. In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages.
- Alohaly, M., Takabi, H., & Blanco, E. (2019). Towards an Automated Extraction of ABAC Constraints from Natural Language Policies. In IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection.
- Chinnappa, D., Murugan, S., & Blanco, E. (2019, nov). Extracting Possessions from Social Media: Images Complement Language. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP).
- Sarabi, Z., & Blanco, E. (2019). Identifying the Focus of Negation Using Discourse Structure. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS).
- Sarabi, Z., Killian, E., Blanco, E., & Palmer, A. (2019, jun). A Corpus of Negations and their Underlying Positive Interpretations. In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2019).
- Singh, A., Blanco, E., & Jin, W. (2019, jun). Incorporating Emoji Descriptions Improves Tweet Classification. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers).
- Alohaly, M., Takabi, H., & Blanco, E. (2018). A Deep Learning Approach for Extracting Attributes of ABAC Policies. In Proceedings of the 23nd ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies.
- Chinnappa, D., & Blanco, E. (2018, jun). Mining Possessions: Existence, Type and Temporal Anchors. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers).
- Chinnappa, D., & Blanco, E. (2018, oct # "-" # nov). Possessors Change Over Time: A Case Study with Artworks. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Doudagiri, V. R., Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2018, May 7-12, 2018). Annotating If the Authors of a Tweet are Located at the Locations They Tweet About. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).
- Rashid, F., & Blanco, E. (2018, oct # "-" # nov). Characterizing Interactions and Relationships between People. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2018, May 7-12, 2018). Annotating Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge by Leveraging Syntactic Dependencies. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).
- Vempala, A., Blanco, E., & Palmer, A. (2018, jun). Determining Event Durations: Models and Error Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers).
- Rashid, F., & Blanco, E. (2017, sep). Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships: Corpus and Experiments. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Sanagavarapu, K. C., Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2017, jul). Determining Whether and When People Participate in the Events They Tweet About. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers).
- Sarabi, Z., & Blanco, E. (2017, apr). If No Media Were Allowed inside the Venue, Was Anybody Allowed?. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers.
- Blanco, E., & Sarabi, Z. (2016, jun). Automatic Generation and Scoring of Positive Interpretations from Negated Statements. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Sanders, J., & Blanco, E. (2016, nov). Automatic Extraction of Implicit Interpretations from Modal Constructions. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Sarabi, Z., & Blanco, E. (2016, nov). Understanding Negation in Positive Terms Using Syntactic Dependencies. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Schwartz, H. A., Sap, M., Kern, M. L., Eichstaedt, J. C., Kapelner, A., Agrawal, M., Blanco, E., Dziurzynski, L., Park, G., Stillwell, D., Kosinski, M., Seligman, M. E., & Ungar, L. H. (2016). Predicting individual well-being through the language of social media. In Biocomputing 2016: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium.
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2016). Complementing Semantic Roles with Temporally Anchored Spatial Knowledge: Crowdsourced Annotations and Experiments. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2016, aug). Beyond Plain Spatial Knowledge: Determining Where Entities Are and Are Not Located, and For How Long. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers).
- Vempala, A., & Blanco, E. (2016, may). Annotating Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge on Top of OntoNotes Semantic Roles. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016).
- Blanco, E., & Vempala, A. (2015, May--June). Inferring Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge from Semantic Roles. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2014, apr). Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2013, May). A Logic Prover Approach to Predicting Textual Similarity. In Proceedings of the 26th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-26).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2013, October). A Semantically Enhanced Approach to Determine Textual Similarity. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Dziurzynski, L., Kern, M. L., Blanco, E., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., Seligman, M., & Ungar, L. H. (2013). Toward Personality Insights from Language Exploration in Social Media. In In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series.
- Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J., Blanco, E., Dziurzy?????ski, L., Kern, M. L., Ramones, S., Seligman, M., & Ungar, L. (2013, June). Choosing the Right Words: Characterizing and Reducing Error of the Word Count Approach. In Proceedings of the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2012, June). Fine-Grained Focus for Pinpointing Positive Implicit Meaning from Negated Statements. In Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2012, May). Finding Associations between People. In Proceedings of the 25th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-25).
- Moldovan, D., & Blanco, E. (2012, May). Polaris: Lymba's Semantic Parser. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2012).
- Morante, R., & Blanco, E. (2012, "7-8 " # jun). *SEM 2012 Shared Task: Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation. In *SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics -- Volume 1: Proceedings of the main conference and the shared task, and Volume 2: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2011, January). A Model for Composing Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2011, May). Some Issues on Detecting Negation from Text. In Proceedings of the 24th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-24).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2011, jun). Semantic Representation of Negation Using Focus Detection. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2011, jun). Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relation Composition. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- Blanco, E., Cankaya, H. C., & Moldovan, D. (2011, May). Commonsense Knowledge Extraction Using Concepts Properties. In Proceedings of the 24th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-24).
- Blanco, E., & Moldovan, D. (2010, oct). Automatic Discovery of Manner Relations and its Applications. In Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Blanco, E., Cankaya, H. C., & Moldovan, D. (2010, August). Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications. In Coling 2010: Posters.
- Blanco, E., Castell, N., & Moldovan, D. (2008, may). Causal Relation Extraction. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08).