Erin Elizabeth Posthumus
- Outreach Coordinator, National Phenology Network
- (520) 621-7255
- Biological Sciences East, Rm. 325
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- eposthum@arizona.edu
- USGS Shoemaker Award for Communication Product Excellence
- US Geological Survey, Winter 2019
- USGS, Spring 2015
- Healthy Workplace Award
- American Psychological Association, Fall 2015
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Posthumus, E. E., Barnett, L., Crimmins, T. M., Warren, P. L., Stancioff, E., & Einerson, J. (2018). Building local resilience to climate change through citizen science, environmental education, and decision-making. In Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
- Crimmins, T. M., Gerst, K. L., Marsh, R., Posthumus, E. E., Rosemartin, A. H., & Switzer, J. (2019). The USA National Phenology Network Expands Daily Pest Forecasts to Twelve Insect Pests.. City Trees.
- Crimmins, T. M., Marsh, R., Gerst, K. L., Posthumus, E. E., Rosemartin, A. H., & Switzer, J. (2018). USA-NPN Daily Pest Forecasts Guide Timing of Treatment for Insect Pests.. City Trees.
- Crimmins, T. M., Walker, E. K., Walker, J. J., Posthumus, E. E., & Weltzin, J. F. (2018). Differential changes in the onset of spring across US National Wildlife Refuges and North American migratory bird flyways. PLOS ONE, 13(9), e0202495. doi:doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202495
- Crimmins, T. M., Walker, E. K., Walker, J. J., Posthumus, E. E., & Weltzin, J. F. (2018). Differential changes in the onset of spring across US National Wildlife Refuges and North American migratory bird flyways. PLOS ONE.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2015). Solenodon paradoxus (Soricomorpha: Solenodontidae). Mammalian Species.
- Posthumus, E. E., Koprowski, J. L., & Steidl, R. J. (2015). Red Squirrel Middens Influence Abundance but Not Diversity of Other Vertebrates. PLOS ONE, 10(4).
- Crimmins, T. M., Gerst, K. L., Marsh, R., Posthumus, E. E., Rosemartin, A. H., Switzer, J., & Wallace, C. (2019, November). Time to burn: Phenology products and tools are a piece of the biodiversity puzzle. 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress. Tucson, AZ: Association for Fire Ecology.
- Gerst, K. L., Posthumus, E. E., Crimmins, T. M., & Wallace, C. (2019, November). Phenology data and maps to inform invasive species management and restoration. Southwest Society for Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2019, July). Nature's Notebook: A case study of citizen science at Valle de Oro NWR. Implementing a Successful Citizen Science Effort Online Course. online: National Conservation Training Center, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2019, November). USA Nacional Phenology Network: Fomentando colaboraciones para entender el impacto de cambio climático en los ecosistemas. Simposio Fenología y Ciencia Ciudadana. Mexico City: UNAM.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2019, October). Informing wildlife management with phenology data and information. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Reno, Nevada: The Wildlife Society.
- Rosemartin, A. H., Gerst, K. L., Crimmins, T. M., Marsh, R., Switzer, J., & Posthumus, E. E. (2019, October). New short-term forecasts of pest life cycle stages. North American Invasive Species Management Association Annual Meeting. Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Gerst, K. L., Rosemartin, A. H., Posthumus, E. E., & Crimmins, T. M. (2018, May). Successes and challenges on a spectrum of stakeholder engagement. Collaboration Now for the Future: Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archipelago IV.. Tucson, AZ.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2018, May). Nature’s Notebook: A dynamic plant and animal observation program. Madrean Conference 2018. Tucson, AZ: Sky Island Alliance.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2018, Oct). Citizen Science Case Study: Nature's Notebook. Schoodic Institute's Strengthening Your Citizen Science Workshop for National Park Service. Estes Park, CO: National Park Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2018, October). Phenology and Citizen Science. National Park Service Binational Restoration Workshop. Elgin, AZ: National Park Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2018, September). Phenology Information and Tools for Restoration in the Southwest. Society of Ecological Restoration - SW Chapter. Flagstaff, AZ: Society for Ecological Restoration.
- Posthumus, E. E., Crimmins, T. M., & Rosemartin, A. H. (2018, Apr). A bird’s eye view of forecasting phenology across North America.. 136th American Ornithological Society Meeting.. Tucson, AZ.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2017, July). Engaging youth in citizen science with Nature’s Notebook. Engaging Youth In Citizen Science Webinar Series. National Conservation Training Center: US Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2017, March). A long-term phenology monitoring program for your Refuge – Train the Trainers Workshop. Neal Smith NWR Nature's Notebook training. Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, IA: US Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2017, May). Empowering group leaders with real-time data on participation and data quality. Citizen Science Association Conference 2017. St. Paul, MN: Citizen Science Association.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2017, November). Designing a long-term phenology monitoring program for your Refuge or Unit. Nature's Notebook Workshop. National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, VW: US Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2016, Fall). Natural resource applications of the phenology data and information housed in the National Phenology Database. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Raleigh, NC: The Wildlife Society.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2016, February). How to use Nature’s Notebook in the field. Nature's Notebook workshop. Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and National Wildlife Refuge, MS: Grand Bay NERR.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2016, January). Citizen science on your refuge. Moving Friends Forward Conference. National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV: US Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Barnett, L., & Posthumus, E. E. (2015, March). US Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3 Staff and Volunteer Training. Nature's Notebook Training EventUS Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2015, February). The USFWS Phenology Network: A collaboration between the USFWS and the USA-National Phenology Network. NWR System Webinar Series: Refuge Biology.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2015, June). Engaging Citizen Scientists with Nature’s Notebook. Engaging Youth in Conservation Science Webinar Series, National Conservation Training Center.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2015, October). Nature's Notebook: A plant and animal phenology observation program for professional and citizen scientists. Phenological Research and Observations of Southwest Ecosystems Symposium.
- Rosemartin, A. H., Weltzin, J. F., Crimmins, T. M., & Posthumus, E. E. (2015, Fall). Citizen Scientists Contribute National-Scale Phenology Data for Science, Conservation and Resource Management.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California.
Poster Presentations
- Crimmins, T. M., Gerst, K. L., Marsh, R., Posthumus, E. E., Rosemartin, A. H., Switzer, J., Morelli, T. L., & Weltzin, J. F. (2019, June). Workflows to support integrated predictive science capacity: Forecasting insect pest activity. USGS Community for Data Integration. Boulder, CO.
- Barnett, L., Crimmins, T. M., Posthumus, E. E., & Schaffer, S. (2015, August). The power of long-term observation: Does Nature’s Notebook cultivate long-term participation in phenology monitoring?. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Posthumus, E. E. (2015, January). Involving citizen scientists in natural resource management and public engagement at a National Wildlife Refuge. Citizen Science Association Conference.
Creative Productions
- Barnett, L., & Posthumus, E. E. (2015. Data Download and Visualization for your Nature's Notebook Group. https://www.usanpn.org/node/21822
- Barnett, L., & Posthumus, E. E. (2015. Online Course for Nature's Notebook. USGS. https://www.usanpn.org/node/21853
- Crimmins, T. M., Gerst, K. L., Posthumus, E. E., Rosemartin, A. H., & Weltzin, J. F. (2019, July). Pheno Forecasts predict seasonal activity of pest and invasive species to support decision making.. USA-NPN Information Sheet. https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70204926
- Weltzin, J. F., Crimmins, T. M., Posthumus, E. E., Walker, J. J., & Waller, E. K. (2018, July). Spring leaf and bloom index dates (1880-2013) and migratory bird flyways: U.S. Geological Survey data release. ScienceBase. https://doi.org/10.5066/P9Z4C9LE