Timothy J Finan
- Research Professor Emeritus
- Visiting Scholar, Anthropology
- (520) 621-6972
- Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg., Rm. 316
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- finan@arizona.edu
- Senior Visiting Researcher
- Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Fall 2017
- The Inaugural Lecture in Geography
- Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Fall 2017
- Honorary Citizen of the City of Fortaleza, Brazil
- Câmara dos Vereadores, City of Fortaleza, Summer 2016
No activities entered.
2021-22 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2022) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Spring 2022) -
Master's Report
ANTH 909 (Spring 2022) -
Spcl Tpcs Applied Anthro
ANTH 595F (Spring 2022) -
Spec Tops Applied Anth
ANTH 495F (Spring 2022) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
GLS 498H (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
ANTH 499 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2021) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2021) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2021) -
ANTH 900 (Spring 2021) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2020) -
ANTH 900 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2020) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2020) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2020) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ANTH 493 (Summer I 2019) -
ANTH 331 (Spring 2019) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2019) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2019) -
ARL 920 (Spring 2019) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2018) -
ARL 920 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2018) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2018) -
Directed Research
ANTH 492 (Spring 2018) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2018) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
ANTH 499 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2017) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2017) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ARL 599 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
DVP 699 (Winter 2016) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2016) -
Foundations of Development
DVP 600 (Fall 2016) -
Methods Development Practice
DVP 640 (Fall 2016) -
Research & Data Analysis Tools
DVP 631 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ANTH 331 (Spring 2016) -
LAS 331 (Spring 2016) -
ANTH 920 (Spring 2016) -
ARL 920 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Finan, T. J., Vazquez-Leon, M., & Burke, B. (2010). Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America. University of Arizona Press.More infoBook has been accepted, final manuscript in preparation for review;Your Role: Second author of edited volume, contributor;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Finan, T. J. (2010). Cooperativa dos Produtores Rurais de Comunidade de Sabrado Coracao de Jesus do Parana da Eva (ASCOPE). University of Arizona Press.More infoin the volume: Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America;Your Role: author;
- Finan, T. J. (2010). Cooperative Experiences in Brazil. University of Arizona Press.More infoin the volume: Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America;Your Role: Author;
- Finan, T. J. (2012). Cooperativa dos Produtores Rurais de Comunidade de Sagrado Coração de Jesus do Parana da Eva (ASCOPE). UA Press.More infoChapter in Latin American coops book;Your Role: sole author;
- Finan, T. J., & Piekelek, J. (2010). The Cooperativa Agricola Mista de Tome-Acu: A Case Study of Cooperativism and Agros-forestry in the Eastern Amazon. University of Arizona Press.More infoin the volume: Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America;Your Role: Second author;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Finan, T. J., & Piekelek, J. (2012). The Cooperativa Agricola Mista de Tome-Au: A Case Study of Cooperativism and Agros-forestry in the Eastern Amazon. UA Press.More infoIn the Latin American Coops book;Your Role: Second author;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Faculty member at other university;
- Finan, T. J., Vazquez-Leon, M., & Burke, B. (2010). Cooperatives as Change Agents in Rural Latin America: Synthesizing Experiences Across Countries.More infoConclusion to volume: Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America;Your Role: second author;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Finan, T. J., Nelson, D. R., de, F., & Ferreira, S. (2012). Trajectories of Adaptation: A Retrospectus for Future Dynamics. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.More infoAccepted but under revision;Your Role: Third author;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Faculty collleagues at other institutions;
- Finan, T. J., & Nelson, D. R. (2009). “Decentralized Planning and Adaptation to Drought in Rural Northeast Brazil: An Application of GIS and Participatory Appraisal toward Transparent Governance”.More info;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: 2009 “Decentralized Planning and Adaptation to Drought in Rural Northeast Brazil: An Application of GIS and Participatory Appraisal toward Transparent Governance” with D.R. Nelson, in Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance. W. Neil Adger, Irene Lorenzoni, Karen O'Brien (eds.) Cambridge University Press;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaboration with faculty member at University of Georgia;
- Finan, T. J., & Nelson, D. R. (2009). “Weak Winters: Dynamic Decision-Making and Extended Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil,”. Altamira Press.More info;Your Role: second author;Full Citation: 2009 “Weak Winters: Dynamic Decision-Making and Extended Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil,” with Donald R. Nelson, forthcoming in The Political Economy of Hazards and Disasters. Jones, E.C. and A.D. Murphy (eds.) Lanham: AltaMira Press pp. 107-32;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaboration with faculty member at University of Georgia;
- Finan, T. J., Smith, L., Khan, F., & Frankenberger, T. R. (2010). Assets and Access: the SHOUHARDO Approach to Build Resilience Among the Ultra-Poor in Bangladesh. Development in Practice.More infoPaper has been submitted, based on empirical research in Bangladesh;Your Role: lead author;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: collaborative with project partners;
- Finan, T., Jacobs, K., Lebel, L., Buizer, J., Addams, L., Matson, P., McCullough, E., Garden, P., Saliba, G., & Finan, T. J. (2010). Linking knowledge with action in the pursuit of sustainable water-resources management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.More infoManaging water for sustainable use and economic development is both a technical and a governance challenge in which knowledge production and sharing play a central role. This article evaluates and compares the role of participatory governance and scientific information in decision-making in four basins in Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States. Water management institutions in each of the basins have evolved during the last 10-20 years from a relatively centralized water-management structure at the state or national level to a decision structure that involves engaging water users within the basins and the development of participatory processes. This change is consistent with global trends in which states increasingly are expected to gain public acceptance for larger water projects and policy changes. In each case, expanded citizen engagement in identifying options and in decision-making processes has resulted in more complexity but also has expanded the culture of integrated learning. International funding for water infrastructure has been linked to requirements for participatory management processes, but, ironically, this study finds that participatory processes appear to work better in the context of decisions that are short-term and easily adjusted, such as water-allocation decisions, and do not work so well for longer-term, high-stakes decisions regarding infrastructure. A second important observation is that the costs of capacity building to allow meaningful stakeholder engagement in water-management decision processes are not widely recognized. Failure to appreciate the associated costs and complexities may contribute to the lack of successful engagement of citizens in decisions regarding infrastructure.
- Finan, T. J., & Nelson, D. R. (2009). Praying for Drought: persistent vulnerability and the politics of power in Ceara, Northeast Brazil. American Anthropologist.More infobased on Brazil work;Your Role: second author;Full Citation: 2009 “Praying for Drought: Persistent Vulnerability and the Politics of Power in Ceará, Northeast Brazil,” with Donald R. Nelson,AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, Vol. 111, Issue 3, pp. 302-316;Electronic: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaboration with colleague at University of Georgia (ex-graduate advisee);
- Finan, T. J., Browning-Aiken, A., , K. L., & B.Valdés, J. (2009). “Increasing Social-Ecological Resilience by Placing Science at the Decision Table; The role of the San Pedro Basin Decision Support System Model (Arizona)”. Ecology and Society.More info;Your Role: fourth author;Full Citation: “Increasing Social-Ecological Resilience by Placing Science at the Decision Table; The role of the San Pedro Basin Decision Support System Model (Arizona)” with Serrat-Capdevila, A., A. Browning-Aiken, K. Lansey, T. Finan and J. B.Valdés. Ecology and Society 14(1);Electronic: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Finan, T. J., Nelson, D. R., & Folhes, M. (2009). Mapping the road to development: a methodology for inclusion and scaling up of participation in policy processes. Development in Practice.More infoBased on on-going research in Brazil;Your Role: third author;Full Citation: 2009 “Mapping the road to development: a methodology for inclusion and scaling-up of participation in policy processes,” with Donald R. Nelson and Marcelo Folhes, Development in Practice 19(3): 386-95;Electronic: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaboration with faculty colleague at University of Georgia (ex-graduate student) and Brazilian colleague;
- Finan, T. J., Nelson, D. R., & West, C. T. (2009). Introduction to “In Focus: Global Change and. American Anthropologist.More info;Your Role: third author;Full Citation: Introduction to “In Focus: Global Change andAdaptation in Local Places”AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, Vol. 111, Issue 3, pp. 271-274,;Electronic: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaborating authors at University of Georgia and North Carolina University;
- Finan, T. J. (2012, 2013-01-01). Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia. Partnership Transition Workshop. Bahir Dar Ethiopia.More infoI was PI on the project, attendees represented academia, government, civil society, donors;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Government/Policy Audiences;
- Finan, T. J. (2011, 2008-04-01). Two Brazilian Coops in the Amazon. SFAA. Seattle.More infoPresentation of two video documentaries completed in 2010, each video a case study of an agricultural cooperative in the Amazonian rainforest of Brazil.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2011, 2011-05-01). Sweatshops and snakebites: the role of governance in climate change adaptation in Northeast Brazil. Presentation to the Department of Anthropology. University of Western Ontario.More infoI was invited to make this presentation on our Brazilian research at the University of Western Ontario in London, ONT.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Finan, T. J. (2011, 2011-11-01). Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Semi-arid NE Brazil: Clientilism or Participatory Governance. Class presentation. Department of Hydrology (SAHRA).More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Finan, T. J., & Aiazzi, T. (2011, 2011-01-01). FAO no Brasil Avaliação do Programa de Colaboração FAO-Brasil 2002-2010. FAO national meeting. BrasĂlia, Brazil.More infoPresentation on FAO evaluation made to Government of Brazil;Your Role: leader author, presenter;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Program manager, Office of Evaluation, FAO, Rome;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Finan, T. J., NELSON, D., SOUSA, F., FINAN, F. (., & MEEK, D. (2011, 2011-04-01). N, Timothy (U Arizona), Where's the Ball?: Exploring the Past to Envision the Future. Society for Applied Anthropology. Seattle, Washington.More infoReports on on-going research in Brazil;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaborative with colleagues at Georgia, UC Berkeley and the Federal University of Ceará, Northeast Brazil;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2010, 2010-03-01). A BARA Model of Engagement: Looks a Lot Like Courtship. Society for Applied Anthropology. Merida, Mexico.More info;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2010, 2010-03-01). Anthropological Perspectives on Social- Ecological Resilience. Society for Applied Anthropology. Merida, Mexico.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2010, 2010-04-01). School Feeding in Kenya. Meeting of the World Food Programme. Rome, Italy.More infoReport on research to the sponsoring organization ;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Finan, T. J. (2010, 2010-08-01). The historical evolution of adaptive political institutions in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. ICID-II (Intenational Conference on Climate Variability and Sustainable Devleopment in the Semi-Arid Tropics. Fortaleza, Ceará.More info;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2010, 2011-01-01). Graduate Research in Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia: the Case of Bahir Dar University. International Meeting on Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.More info;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Government/Policy Audiences;
- Finan, T. J. (2009, 2009-02-01). Sea Level Rise and Adaptation in Southwest Bangladesh. Climate Change and Adaptation in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh.More infoPaper was presented at BUET (Bangladesh University for Engineering and Technology), the premier engineering school in the country.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2009, 2009-03-01). Macro and Micro Impacts of Food Scarcity of Food Aid Flows:. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe.More infoThis was an invited session on the Global Food Crisis held at the SfAA meetings;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Finan, T. J. (2009). Cooperatives in Latin America.More infoThis is an edited volume, the culmination of 5 years of research;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Full Citation: Cooperatives in Latin America: Development and Change;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Finan, T. J. (2011). Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America.More infoIn this edited volume, based on 5 years of field research in Latin America, I shared responsibility for the overall theoretical introduction, the introduction to Brazilian cooperativism, two case study chapters (Tomé-Açu and ASCOPE, an the conclusions. The manuscript has been accepted by the UA press and is under revision.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Full Citation: Vásquez-León, M., T. Finan, and B. Burke, eds. Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America. University of Arizona Press. forthcoming in 2012;Status: Under Revision (Revise and Resubmit);
- Finan, T. J. (2011). Smallholder Cooperativism as a Development Strategy in Latin America.More info;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Full Citation: Vásquez-Leon, M. and T. Finan Smallholder Cooperativism as a Development Strategy in Latin America (Introduction)in Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America, University of Arizona Press (forthcoming);Status: Under Revision (Revise and Resubmit);
- Finan, T. J., Trzaska, S., Caffrey, P., Laker-Ojok, R., Miller, D., & Huston, S. (2012). ARCC Uganda Vulnerability Assessment Report.More info;Your Role: Co-author, major contributor responsible for all livelihood chapters;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Collaborative with team members;
- Finan, T. J., Vasquez-Leon, M., & Burke, B. (2012). Rural Cooperatives and Socio-economic Change in Latin America.More infoI have two chapters and an introduction in this book.;Your Role: Co-editor;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: One co-editor at University of Georgia;
- Finan, T. J. (2009). Peer Review Research Report: PATHWAYS TO FOOD AID UPDATEFood Aid under the Current Global Crisis.More infoPeer Review Research Report: PATHWAYS TO FOOD AID UPDATEFood Aid under the Current Global Crisis (with Karyn Fox and Roger W. Fox). This report, commissioned by World Vision International, is a study of the impacts of increases in global commodity prices on food aid flows and on the lives and livelihoods of food aid beneficiaries
- Finan, T. J. (2009). Peer Reviewed Research Report: An Assessment of Enhanced School Feeding Programs: Programming Food.More infoPeer Reviewed Research Report: An Assessment of Enhanced School Feeding Programs: Programming Food for Development. Report presented to World Vision International. Food Programming and Management Group, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2009. This report has been incorporated into the global policy of school feeding for World Vision International (the largest NGO in the world), and is known as FEED (Food for Education and Enhanced Development)
- Finan, T. J. (2010). Continuity and Sustainability in the Amazon RainforestTim Finan, Producer, Writer, Narrative; Dan.More infoContinuity and Sustainability in the Amazon RainforestTim Finan, Producer, Writer, Narrative; Dan Duncan, DirectoerA Video-Documentary (26 min) of CAMTA cooperative in Tomé-Açu, Pará, BrazilFunded by ACDI-VOCA through a grant from USAIDhttp://vimeo.com/18258835In English and in Portuguese
- Finan, T. J. (2010). Cooperative and Community: the Story of ASCOPETim Finan, Producer, Director, Narrator; Dan Duncan.More infoCooperative and Community: the Story of ASCOPETim Finan, Producer, Director, Narrator; Dan Duncan, DirectorA Video-Documentary (28 min) of ASCOPE cooperative in Itacoitiara, Amazonas, BrazilFunded by ACDI-VOCA through a grant from USAIDhttp://vimeo.com/18249468In English and Portuguese
- Finan, T. J. (2011). Trajectories of Adaptation: A Retrospectus for Future Dynamics.More infoThis is the second of two collaborative works, already written and presented at several professional venues. It is under revision being readied for submission.;Other collaborative: Yes;Please specify if you select "Other collaborative" : with Don Nelson at UGeorgia;Full Citation: Nelson, D. and T. Finan Trajectories of Adaptation: A Retrospectus for Future Dynamics;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Finan, T. J., & various, . (2011). Evaluation of FAO cooperation with Brazil 2002-2010.More infoThis was a major evaluation of the multi-million dollar program of technical assistance supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization in Brazil. Fieldwork, report writing, and review took six months of effort;Your Role: Team leader for field work and report preparation;Full Citation: Finan, T.J. et al. Evaluation of FAO cooperation with Brazil 2002-2010. Report prepared for the Office of Evaluation. Food and Agriculture Organizaton. Rome. Feburary 2011;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: I was team leader of a large group of colleagues representing several different disciplines;
- Finan, T. J., Downen, J., Gomes, M., & Walters, T. (2011). School Feeding in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation.More infoThis was a major quantitative/qualitative project to assess the impacts of school feeding for 720,000 Bangladeshi primary school children. Effort took 6 months to go through the entire peer review process in Rome, Dhaka, and Washington, D.C.;Your Role: Quantitative specialist, organized fieldwork, analyzed data set, wrote about 50% of the report;Full Citation: Downen, J., Finan, T. Gomes, M. and T. Walters (2011) School Feeding in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation. Technical report presented to the Evaluation Office, World Food Program. Rome. July 2011;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Major report presented to the World Food Program as part of their multi-country evaluation of school feeding programs;
- Finan, T. J. (2010). Impact Evaluation of WFP School Feeding Programs in Kenya (1999-2008): A Mixed-Methods Approach.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Impact Evaluation of WFP School Feeding Programsin Kenya (1999-2008):A Mixed-Methods ApproachReport Commissioned by the World Food ProgrammeOffice of EvaluationRome, Italy;
- Finan, T. J., Fox, R., & Fox, K. (2010). Pathways to Food Aid Food Assistance as Development: Strategies for a Resilient Food Security.More infoA commissioned research report on the global food crisis;Your Role: PI and Lead Author;Full Citation: Pathways to Food Aid Food Assistance as Development:Strategies for a Resilient Food Security Report presented to World Vision InternationalJohannesburg, South Africa;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;