Fabio Lanza
- Professor, History
- Professor, East Asian Studies
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-3737
- Cesar E Chavez Building, Rm. 324
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- flanza@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Modern Chinese History
- Columbia University, New York, New York, United States
- National Humanities Center residential fellowship
- National Humanities Center, Fall 2018
- ACLS Fellowship
- American Council of Learned Societies, Fall 2016
- ACLS/LUCE fellowship for collaborative reading workshop
- ACLS/Luce Foundation, Fall 2016
- Faculty Fellow
- Telluride House, University of Michigan, Spring 2015
- SBS Professorship
- Social and Behavioral Science College, Spring 2014
- Sponsored Project Grant, CNU
- Capital Normal University, Beijing, Spring 2014
- Visiting Scholar at the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies
- University of Michigan, Spring 2014
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Spring 2025) -
Modern China
CHN 476 (Spring 2025) -
Modern China
HIST 476 (Spring 2025) -
Spec Topic Asian Studies
EAS 596C (Spring 2025) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
EAS 270 (Spring 2025) -
War & Revolution in East Asia
HIST 270 (Spring 2025) -
Asia and the World
HIST 160A2 (Fall 2024) -
Communist China
EAS 376 (Fall 2024) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Chinese Civilization
EAS 160A3 (Spring 2024) -
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
CHN 376A (Spring 2024) -
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
HIST 376A (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
HIST 599 (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
HIST 699 (Spring 2024) -
Communist China
EAS 376 (Fall 2023) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Asia and the World
HIST 160A2 (Spring 2023) -
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
CHN 376A (Spring 2023) -
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
HIST 376A (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
HIST 499 (Spring 2023) -
Communist China
EAS 376 (Fall 2022) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Fall 2022) -
Modern China
CHN 476 (Fall 2022) -
Modern China
HIST 476 (Fall 2022) -
Modern China
HIST 576 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
CHN 376A (Spring 2022) -
Contemp China in Hist Perspect
HIST 376A (Spring 2022) -
Graduate Colloquium
EAS 595A (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
HIST 498H (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
CHN 599 (Spring 2022) -
EAS 910 (Spring 2022) -
Communist China
EAS 376 (Fall 2021) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
HIST 498H (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
CHN 599 (Fall 2021) -
Modern China
CHN 476 (Fall 2021) -
Modern China
CHN 576 (Fall 2021) -
Modern China
HIST 476 (Fall 2021) -
Modern China
HIST 576 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Asia and the World
HIST 160A2 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Spring 2021) -
The Global Sixties
HIST 478A (Spring 2021) -
Modern China
CHN 476 (Fall 2020) -
Modern China
CHN 576 (Fall 2020) -
Modern China
HIST 476 (Fall 2020) -
Modern China
HIST 576 (Fall 2020) -
Modern East Asia
EAS 270 (Fall 2020) -
Modern East Asia
HIST 270 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Communist China
EAS 376 (Spring 2020) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Spring 2020) -
Modern East Asia
EAS 270 (Spring 2020) -
Modern East Asia
HIST 270 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
CHN 599 (Fall 2019) -
Spec Topic Asian Studies
EAS 596C (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Asia and the World
HIST 160A2 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
HIST 699 (Spring 2019)
2017-18 Courses
EAS 920 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Spring 2018) -
Modern East Asia
EAS 270 (Spring 2018) -
Modern East Asia
HIST 270 (Spring 2018) -
The Global Sixties
HIST 478A (Spring 2018) -
Asia and the World
HIST 160A2 (Fall 2017) -
Communist China
EAS 376 (Fall 2017) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Fall 2017) -
EAS 920 (Fall 2017) -
Spec Topic Asian Studies
EAS 596C (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
EAS 920 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
EAS 599 (Spring 2017) -
CHN 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
CHN 599 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Communist China
EAS 376 (Spring 2016) -
Communist China
HIST 376 (Spring 2016) -
EAS 920 (Spring 2016) -
Modern East Asia
EAS 270 (Spring 2016) -
Modern East Asia
HIST 270 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Lanza, F. -. (2015). The End of Concern. Maoism, Activism, and Asian Studies in the Global Sixties.More info;Full Citation: The End of Concern. Maoism, Activism, and Asian Studies in the Global Sixties, volume-length manuscript.;
- Lanza, F. (2018). A City of Workers, A City for Workers? Remaking Beijing Urban Space in the Early PRC. In China: A Historical Geography of the Urban, ed. by Ding Yannan, Maurizio Marinelli, and Zhang Ziaohong(pp 41-66). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lanza, F. (2015). America’s Asia? Revolution, Scholarship and Asian Studies. In Asianisms, Regionalist Interactions, and Asian Integration(pp 134-155).
- Lanza, F. (2015). Deng’s Children: Chinese Youth in the Beijing Spring, 1989. In Transnational Histories of Youth in the Twentieth Century(pp 260-282). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lanza, F. -. (2012). Making Sense of China during the Cold War: Global Maoism and Asian Studies. In De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change(pp 147-166). Routledge.
- Lanza, F. -. (2012). Tiananmen 1989. In Demystifying China: New Understandings of Chinese History(pp 225-232). Rowman and Littlefield.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: “Tiananmen 1989,” in Naomi Standen, ed. Demystifying China: New Understandings of Chinese History. Rowman and Littlefield, 2012: 225-232.;
- Lanza, F. (2016). 首都的诸多矛盾:20世纪50年代北京对于社会主义生活的规划. Remapping 区域, 7, 159-175.
- Lanza, F. (2014). Do We Need to Rethink Sinology? Views from the Eastern Bloc. The China Review, 14(2), 155-158.
- Lanza, F. -. (2013). Of Chronology, Failure, and Fidelity. When Did The May Fourth Movement End?. Twentieth-Century China, 38(1), 53-70.More info;Your Role: Author;
- Lanza, F. -. (2012). Springtime and Morning Suns: Youth as Political Category in Twentieth-Century China. Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 5(1), 31-51.
- Lanza, F. (2019, January). How to Write a Revolution. Harold Isaacs and the Political History of Politics. Panel: "China by the Book: Cold War, Hot Debate”. American Historical Association annual meeting, Chicago..
- Lanza, F. (2018, April). Production, Family, and the Everyday in Maoist China. Pomona College invited lecture. Pomona College.
- Lanza, F. (2018, April). The Politics of Concern: Global Maoism And Asian Studies in The Long Sixties. Pomona College lunch talk. Pomona College.
- Lanza, F. (2018, March). ‘Something Other Than Exploitation:’ Workers, Peasants, Soldiers, and Students. annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. Washington DC.
- Lanza, F. (2018, November). Collective Life, Socialized Labor: Capital, Welfare, and the Everyday in the Urban Commune Movement. How Maoism Was Made: Analysing Chinese Communism beyond the Totalitarian Lens, 1949-1965. The British Academy, London.
- Lanza, F. (2018, October). Is There a Socialist Everyday? Production and Social Reproduction in Maoist Beijing. Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies Lecture series. University of Michigan.
- Lanza, F. (2018, October). Production, Gender, and the Everyday: The Urban Commune Movement in late 1950s Beijing. Rethinking 1950s China – New Approaches, New Materials, and New Challenges. Hanover, Germany.
- Lanza, F. (2018, September). Liberation Through Labor? The Urban Commune Experiment in Beijing. Fairbank Center Lecture Series. Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University.
- Lanza, F. (2017, August). Gender and the Socialist Everyday? Experiments of Collectivization in Beijing. Pacific Coast Branch meeting of the AHA.
- Lanza, F. (2017, January). “Taking ‘China’ Seriously: Global Maoism and Asian Studies in the Long Sixties,”. Hong Kong University history seminar series. Hong Kong University.
- Lanza, F. (2017, January). “To See and to Tell a Revolution: On Going (and not Going) to China in the Long Sixties”. Invited talk. Center for Chinese Studies, CUHK: Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Lanza, F. (2017, March). The Place of Desire: Of Going and Not Going to China in the Longs Sixties. annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. Toronto.
- Lanza, F. (2017, May). A Socialist City? Or What Beijing in the 1950s Can Tell Us About Beijing Today. Lecture at China Youth University. Beijing.
- Lanza, F. (2017, November). The Politics of Concern: Global Maoism And Asian Studies in The Long Sixties. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Oregon.
- Lanza, F. (2017, October). Is There a Socialist Everyday? Collectivizing Beijing in the Mao Era. Confucius Institute distinguished lecture, University of Buffalo. Buffalo, NY.
- Lanza, F. (2016, February). A City of Workers, A City for Workers? Beijing Urban Space in the 1950s. UCLA Center for Chinese Studies. UCLA: UCLA.
- Lanza, F. (2016, January). The Cultural Revolution in the Global Sixties. American Historical Association. Atlanta, GA: AHA.
- Lanza, F. (2016, July 18). “The Meanings of ‘China’ in the Long Sixties: Global Maoism and Asian Studies”. University of Cologne talk series. University of Cologne, Germany.
- Lanza, F. (2016, July 19). “A Sideways Gaze: Thinking Maoist China in the US and Europe". China in Europe, Europe in China. University of Hamburg, Germany.
- Lanza, F. (2016, October). "The Place of Desire: Of Going and Not Going to China in the Longs Sixties,”. Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies talk series. Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies.
- Lanza, F. (2016, October). “A Socialist City? What Beijing in the 1950s Can Tell Us About Beijing Today,”. Master for International Development at Qinghua University. Qinghua University.
- Lanza, F. (2016, October). “Concern in the Age of Thermidor: The End of the Cultural Revolution and Asian Studies”. The Cultural Revolution in Asia and Beyond. Duke University.
- Lanza, F. (2015, January 3). Youth/Caution: How to Study Youth Movements in Twentieth-Century China. American Historical Association. New York, NY.
- Lanza, F. (2015, January 30). Theory and Practice of the Socialist City: Beijing in the 1950s. Geography Colloquium at the University of Arizona.
- Lanza, F. (2015, July 9). Modernism and the Chinese City. International Conference of Historical Geographers. London.
- Lanza, F. (2015, March 20). Area Redux: The Meaning of ‘China’ in Asian Studies in the 1980s. Association of Asian Studies. Chicago.
- Lanza, F. (2015, May). Roundtable on Global Maoism and Asian Studies. School of the Humanities, Tsinghua University in Beijing.
- Lanza, F. (2015, September). Capital Contradictions: Planning Socialist Life in 1950s Beijing. 20th Century Socialism: Ideas and Practices in Soviet Union and China. Tsinghua University, Beijing.
- Lanza, F. (2014, April). When China Existed: Scholarship, Activism and Asian Studies. Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in the Modern Chinese HumanitiesUC Berkeley.
- Lanza, F. (2014, December). China’s Future, China’s Children: Meanings of Youth in Tiananmen Square, 1989. East Asian Studies ColloquiumUniversity of Arizona.
- Lanza, F. (2014, January). Youth and the 1989 Movement in Beijing. A Global Age: Doing Transnational Histories of Youth. Washington, DC: American Historical Association.
- Lanza, F. (2014, June). After Mao: The Meaning of China in Asian Studies in the 1980s. Global Studies Conference. Shanghai: Shanghai University.
- Lanza, F. (2014, October). Taking China Seriously. Global Maoism and Asian Studies in the Long Sixties. Asian/Pacific Studies InstituteDuke University.
- Lanza, F. (2014, September). A Modernist Revolution? Urban Space in Maoist China. Beyond Modernity? Understanding Change in China. New York: Columbia University.
- Lanza, F. (2014, September). What Was the Socialist City? The View from Beijing. East Asia Center lecturesMiddlebury Colleger.
- Lanza, F. (2013, May). Not just in their heads: Assessing global Maoism at its end. Capital, Class and Culture in Asia. Houston, TX: Rice University.
- Lanza, F., & Lanza, F. (2013, December). Facing Thermidor: Global Maoism at Its End. Critical China Studies Workshop. Toronto: University of Toronto.
- Lanza, F. -. (2012, 2012-10-28). Asia and China in the Global Sixties: Concerned Scholars and French Maoists. The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Society and China Studies. Nanjing University.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Lanza, F. -. (2012, 2012-10-30). Rethinking China in the Global Sixties: Concerned Scholars and French Maoists,. Noon Lecture Series, Center for Chinese Studies. University of Michigan.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Lanza, F. -. (2012, June). Deng’s Children: Chinese ‘Youth’ and the 1989 Movement. A Transnational Age: Youth in Twentieth-Century Asia and the West. Hong Kong University.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Lanza, F. (2018. Frank Dikötter, The Cultural Revolution. A People’s History 1962-1976 (New York and London: Bloomsbury Press, 2016)(pp 134-135). The Historian.
- Lanza, F. (2018. Jeremy A. Murray, China’s Lonely Revolution. The Local Communist Movement of Hainan Island, 1926-1950 (SUNY Press, 2017)(pp E13-E14). Twentieth Century China, 43, no. 2 (May 2018).
- Lanza, F. (2018. Ralph A. Thaxton, Jr., Force and Contention in Contemporary China. Memory and Resistance in the Long Shadow of the Catastrophic Past (Cambridge, UK and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2016),(pp 1136-1137). Journal of Social History 51:4 (Summer 2018).
- Lanza, F. (2018. Yang Guobin, The Red Guard Generation and Political Activism in China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016)(pp 205-206.). Pacific Historical Review 87:1 (Winter 2018).
- Lanza, F. (2017. Review essay of Maggie Clinton, Revolutionary Nativism: Fascism and Culture in China, 1925-1937 (Duke, 2017) and Reto Hoffman, The Fascist Effect: Japan and Italy, 1915-1952 (Cornell, 2015)(pp 169-178). Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 25 (2017).
- Lanza, F. (2016. Joyce Mao, Asia First: Asia First. China and the Making of Modern American Conservatism(pp 510-12). Journal of Asian Studies 75:2 (May 2016).
- Lanza, F. (2016. Shakhar Rahav, The Rise of Political Intellectuals in Modern China. May Fourth Societies and the Roots of Mass-Party Politics (Oxford and New York: Oxford University, Press, 2015)(pp 83-85). The Chinese Historical Review 23:1 (2016).
- Lanza, F. (2015. Review of David Strand, An Unfinished Republic: Leading by Word and Deed in Modern China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011)(pp 203-05). China Review International, 20:1-2 (2015).
- Lanza, F. (2015. Review of Malcolm Thompson, “The Birth of the Chinese Population: A Study in the History of Governmental Logics”. Dissertation Reviews.
- Lanza, F. (2015. The Making and Unmaking of the Chinese Working Class: Mining Anyuan for Revolutionary History(pp 11-13).
- Lanza, F. -. (2013. Tom Buchanan, East Wind. China and the British Left, 1925-1976(pp 436-37).
- Lanza, F. -. (2012. Daniel F. Vukovich, China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the PRC.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Daniel F. Vukovich, China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the PRC (Routledge, 2011) in Twentieth-Century China/The China Beat (online), April 10, 2012. Accessible at http://www.thechinabeat.org/?p=4244;Electronic: Yes;
- Lanza, F. -., & Mooney, J. P. (2012). De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change.More info;Your Role: Co-editor;Full Citation: Jadwiga Pieper Mooney and Fabio Lanza, eds. De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change. Routledge, 2012.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;