Robert J Glennon
- Limited Term Adjunct Professor, Law
- (520) 621-1614
- College of Law Building, Rm. 226
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- glennon@arizona.edu
- Most Read Author
- Research Gate, Summer 2017
- Top 10% of Authors
- SSRN, Summer 2017
- Clyde O. Martz Teaching Award in Natural Resources
- Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Fall 2016
No activities entered.
2022-23 Courses
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2023) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2023)
2021-22 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2022) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2022) -
Water Law
GEOG 641 (Spring 2022) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2022) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2022)
2020-21 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2021) -
Colorado River in American Hst
LAW 625B (Spring 2021) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2021) -
Water Law
GEOG 641 (Spring 2021) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2021) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2021) -
LAW 624B (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2020) -
Colorado River in American Hst
LAW 625B (Spring 2020) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2020) -
Water Law
GEOG 641 (Spring 2020) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2020) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2020) -
Water Law
MNE 641 (Spring 2020) -
LAW 624B (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2019) -
Colorado River in American Hst
LAW 625B (Spring 2019) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2019) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2019) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2019) -
Water Law
MNE 641 (Spring 2019) -
LAW 624B (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2018) -
Constitutional Law I
LAW 606 (Spring 2018) -
The American Public Law System
LAW 404 (Spring 2018) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2018) -
Water Law
GEOG 641 (Spring 2018) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2018) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2018) -
LAW 624B (Fall 2017) -
Colorado River in American Hst
LAW 625B (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2017) -
Constitutional Law I
LAW 606 (Spring 2017) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Spring 2017) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2017) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2017) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2017) -
LAW 624B (Fall 2016) -
Colorado River in American Hst
LAW 625B (Fall 2016) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
LAW 624B (Spring 2016) -
Constitutional Law I
LAW 606 (Spring 2016) -
Water Law
ENVS 641 (Spring 2016) -
Water Law
HWRS 641 (Spring 2016) -
Water Law
LAW 641 (Spring 2016) -
Water Law
MNE 641 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Glennon, R. J., Culp, P. W., & Libecap, G. (2014). Shopping for Water: How the Market Can Mitigate Water Shortages in the American West. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009). The Conflict Between Law and Science in the San Pedro River, in Ecology and Conservation of the San Pedro River. University of Arizona Press.More infoThe Conflict Between Law and Science in the San Pedro River, in Ecology and Conservation of the San Pedro River, edited by Julie Stromberg and Barbara Tellman (University of Arizona Press, 2009).
- Glennon, R. J. (2009). Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Glennon, R. J. (2002). Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America’s Fresh Waters. Washington, DC: Island Press.
- Glennon, R. J. (2019). Moral Stewardship of Our Most Precious Resource: Water (Gerard Magill & James Benedicts eds., 2019 Forthcoming). In The Global Water Crisis.More infoArizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 18-07
- Glennon, R. J. (2018). Foreword - Water Exchanges: Arizona’s Most Recent Innovation in Water Law and Policy. Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, 8(3).More infofile:///C:/Users/lopezb/Documents/Glennon/AJELP_June%202018.pdf
- Glennon, R. J. (2017). The Unfolding Tragedy of Climate Change in Bangladesh. Scientific American (online), https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/the-unfolding-tragedy-of-climate-change-in-bangladesh/.
- Glennon, R. J., & Stanley, S. (2017). Technology is Cropping Up In Our Lettuce Fields. High Country News (online).
- Glennon, R. J. (2016). A Problem of Math (article). Grand Canyon Trust's Advocate.
- Glennon, R. J. (2016). America’s Water Supply: The Corrosion of a Proud Tradition. Scientific American (Guest Blog).
- Glennon, R. J. (2016). The Future of Farming in a Warming, Water-Stressed World. F@rmletter (WFO E-Magazine), 5-7.
- Glennon, R. J., & Taylor, C. (2016). Desalination Vs. Duct Tape (Dis)Incentives to Securing Water Supplies. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Journal, 108(9), 56-63. doi:10.5942/jawwa.2016.108.0118
- Glennon, R. J. (2013). Using Price Signals to Confront the Water Crisis. Water Utility Infrastructure Management.
- Glennon, R. J., & Kavkewitz, J. (2013). “A Smashing Victory?”: Was Arizona v. California a Victory for the State of Arizona?. Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, 4(1).
- Glennon, R. J., & Sabo, J. (2013). Financing Water Reform in the Western United States. Solutions, 4.
- Glennon, R. J. (2012). Diamonds in Disguise: Using Price Signals and Market Forces to Address the Water Crisis. Public Affairs.More info"Diamonds in Disguise: Using Price Signals and Market Forces to Address the Water Crisis," in Last Call at the Oasis (Public Affairs, 2012).
- Glennon, R. J. (2012). The American East: Squandered Water Riches?. Freshwater.
- Glennon, R. (2011). Overcoming barriers to water reuse. American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition 2011, ACE 2011, 4743-4749.
- Glennon, R. J. (2011). Storm Clouds Over Solar Energy. Solar Today, 25(23).
- Glennon, R. J., & Glennon, R. J. (2011). Water in the West. Cowboys and Indians.
- Glennon, R. J., & Reeves, A. (2010). Solar Energy’s Cloudy Future. Arizona journal of Environmental Law & Policy, 1(91).
- Glennon, R., & Udall, M. K. (2010). Unquenchable. AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference and Exposition 2010.
- Glennon, R. (2009). America's water crisis and what to do about it. Environmental Forum, 26(5), 50-.More infoAbstract: Robert Glennon expresses concern over the depleting water supply in the US, suggesting ways on how to conserve water to meet future requirements for its citizens. Robert believes that modest conservation methods can save a large quantities of water. Another important measure would be to create water-less methods to dispose of human waste. Robert refers to water treatment plants that treat sewer water to potable quality and send it back to homes for consumption. One-third of domestic water use gets flushed in the toilet, causing unnecessary water wastage. Robert asserts that market forces need to play their role in pricing water to encourage conservation and reallocation. The government should participate in the regulation of this water market to protect third parties and environment from degradation. Robert suggests that existing water users should be given rights to specific quantities of water and their rights should be made transferable.
- Brewer, J., Glennon, R., Ker, A., & Libecap, G. (2008). 2006 Presidential address water markets in the west: Prices, trading, and contractual forms. Economic Inquiry, 46(2), 91-112.More infoAbstract: Rising urban and environmental demand for water has created growing pressure to reallocate water from traditional agricultural uses. The evolution of water markets has been more complicated than those for other resources. In this paper, we first explain these differences by examining water rights and regulatory issues. Second, we place our research in the context of the economics literature on water marketing. Third, we present new, comprehensive data on prices and the extent, nature, and timing of water transfers across 12 western states from 1987 to 2005. We find that prices are higher for agriculture-to-urban trades versus within-agriculture trades, in part, reflecting the differences in marginal values between the two uses. Prices for urban use are also growing relative to agricultural use. Markets are responding in that the number of agriculture-to-urban transactions is rising, whereas the number of agriculture-to-agriculture transfers is not. Further, there is a shift from using short-term leases to using multiyear leases of water and permanent sales of water rights. This pattern underscores the need to consider the amounts of water obligated over time rather than examining only annual flows in assessing the quantities of water traded as is the common practice in the literature. Considering water obligated over time, termed committed water, we find significantly more is transferred and the direction of trading is different than if the focus is on annual flows. Finally, the data reveal considerable variation in water trading across the states. (JEL Q2, N5, L5, K3) © 2007 Western Economic Association International.
- Glennon, R. (2005). Water scarcity, marketing, and privatization. Texas Law Review, 83(7), 1873-1902.
- Glennon, R., Eckstein, G., Amery, H. A., Keppen, D., & Werner, S. (2005). Turning on the tap: The world's water problems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(9), 503-509.
- Hogg, R. W., Glennon, R., & Udall, M. K. (2003). Comments on 'Water Follies'. Ground Water, 41(3), 291-292.
Creative Productions
- Glennon, R. J. (2019. Interview - The Buzz. Arizona Public Media. https://news.azpm.org/p/news-articles/2019/1/24/144886-wading-into-colorado-river-negotiations/
- Glennon, R. J. (2019. Interview on "Here and Now". NPR. https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2019/01/31/colorado-river-plan-deadline
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. A Stumble, A Failure in Water Management. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2018/04/18/arizona-water-supply-desalination-desert-rivers-glennon/501468002/
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. Could Craft Breweries Help Lead the Way in Water Conservation?. Pacific Standard. https://psmag.com/environment/crafting-solutions-to-water-shortages-in-brewing
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. Craft Beer Turns Out To Be A Big Business. The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/craft-beer-turns-out-to-be-a-big-business-1522604996
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. Does Arizona Have Enough Water?. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2018/04/08/does-arizona-have-enough-water-glennon/484149002/
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. Six Innovative Water Policies That Helped Arizona Grow During a Drought. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2018/04/10/arizona-water-policy-innovative-groundwater-conservation-glennon/499898002/
- Glennon, R. J. (2018. Three Authors See Water, Water Everywhere, For Better and Worse. New York Times Book Review. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/30/books/review/water-will-come-jeff-goodell.html
- Glennon, R. J. (2017. How Craft Brewers are Embracing New Water Technologies. Water Deeply. https://www.newsdeeply.com/water/articles/2017/12/18/how-craft-brewers-are-embracing-new-water-technologies
- Glennon, R. J. (2017. The Era of Water Reallocation. Bayer Crop Science blog. https://www.cropscience.bayer.com/en/blogs/corporate-blog/2017/robert-glennon-the-era-of-water-reallocation
- Glennon, R. J. (2016. Source of information for journalists. Various.
- Glennon, R. J. (2016. The Era of Water Reallocation. Crop Science | Bayer: Science for a Better Life (blog)Bayer. https://www.cropscience.bayer.com/en/blogs/corporate-blog/2017/robert-glennon-the-era-of-water-reallocation
- Glennon, R. J. (2016. Various documentaries on water including "Beyond the Mirage" on PBS. https://tv.azpm.org/s/37712-beyond-the-mirage-the-future-of-water-in-the-west/
- Glennon, R. J., & Leshy, J. (2016. Our Turn: 2 Bills Undermine Arizona's Water Supply (op-ed). Arizona Republic.
- Glennon, R. J., & Murray, S. (2016. Drought Should be an Ever-Present Concern, Even in Wet Years (op-ed). BizJournals, Portland, Oregon.
- Glennon, R. J. (2015. Can the Planet Be Saved? (op-ed). The Atlantic.
- Glennon, R. J. (2015. Modernize Irrigation with Incentives (op-ed). The New York Times.
- Glennon, R. J. (2015. Should Farm Communities Support Water Markets? (op-ed). Western Farm Press.
- Glennon, R. J. (2015. To Cut Water Use, Do We Focus on Cities or Farms? An Exchange with Pat O'Toole (op-ed). Water Talk, Pro Publica.org.
- Glennon, R. J. (2015. Why a Higher Price for Water Makes Sense (op-ed). GE Reports.com.
- Glennon, R. J., MacDonnell, L. J., Benson, R., Colby, B., Udall, B., & Wilkinson, C. (2015. Navigating a Pathway Toward Colorado's Water Future. Colorado Law, University of Boulder. Boulder, CO: Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment.More infoI was a member of a team that prepared a report on the State of Colorado's Water Plan. Lawrence MacDonnell of the University of Colorado was the lead author on our report.
- Glennon, R. J. (2014. Sensible Tiered Water Rates Needed to Curb Use. The Sacramento Bee.
- Glennon, R. J. (2014. We Need A Water Market In the West and Southwest. The New York Times.
- Glennon, R. J., & Libecap, G. (2014. The West Needs a Water Market to Fight Drought (op-ed). The Wall Street Journal.
- Glennon, R. J. (2013. Lessons from Arizona’s Water War. Arizona Republic.
- Glennon, R. J. (2013. Protect Great Lakes with Tighter Groundwater Pumping. Detroit Free Press.
- Glennon, R. J., & Culp, P. (2013. West Must Strive for Water Sustainability. Arizona Republic.
- Glennon, R. J., & Culp, P. (2012. Parched in the West but Shipping Water to China, Bale by Bale. The Wall Street Journal.
- Glennon, R. J. (2011. Save Habitats by Giving More Land to Solar Power. Bloomberg Businessweek.
- Glennon, R. J. (2011. Solar Energy Plants Deserve More U.S. Land,. Bloomberg Businessweek, Debate Room.
- Glennon, R. J. (2010. Glue Traps Can Lure Innocents Like Screech Owls, Cactus Wrens. Arizona Daily Star.
- Glennon, R. J. (2010. Let’s Price Water Sensibly. Currents.
- Glennon, R. J. (2010. Volume-Based Water Rates Send Mixed Conservation Messages. Global Water Forum.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009. Arizona’s Precious Water Factor. Arizona Republic.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009. Is Solar Power Dead in the Water?. The Washington Post.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009. U.S. Must Rethink Policies on Water Supply. The Washington Post.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009. Water is a Resource with Financial and Economic Value. Arizona Daily Star.
- Glennon, R. J. (2009. When Renewable Is Not Sustainable. In These Times.
Creative Performances
- Glennon, R. J. (2019. The Genius of Toilet to Tap. Los Angeles Times. https://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=6b0976db-7404-444d-9362-6e2e0ea7a87d
- Glennon, R. J., Leshy, J., & Burke, B. (2015, August 2015). Amicus brief, Silver v. Pueblo Del Sol.More infoI wrote an amicus brief with John Leshy and Bruce Burke as co-authors, in Silver v. Pueblo Del Sol, a case in which the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and two environmental groups are challenging the adequacy of the water supply for a new 7000 home development in Sierra Vista, AZ near the San Pedro River.
- Glennon, R. J., Culp, P., & Libecap, G. (2014, October 2014). Shopping for Water - Report for the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institute.More infoMy 2014 report for the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institute, co-authored with Peter Culp and Gary Libecap, titled "Shopping for Water," has had some clear impact. At a White House National Economic Council inter-agency briefing, the Department of the Interior was very intrigued with our proposal for using markets to finance agricultural infrastructure modernization. That led to additional conference calls and the announcement in February 2016 that the Department of the Interior will establish a Center for Natural Resource Investment.
- Glennon, R. J. (2011). Foreword: The World’s Water, 2010-2011: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources.More infoForeword, The World’s Water, 2010-2011: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources, by Peter H. Gleick, et al. (Island Press, 2011).