Jeremiah D Hackett
- Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
- Associate Professor, Genetics - GIDP
- Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-1588
- Biological Sciences West, Rm. 306
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- hackettj@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Genetics
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
- Endosymbiosis and Genome Evolution
- B.S. Biology and History
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2014 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2007 - 2014)
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2005 - 2006)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
ECOL 920 (Spring 2025) -
ECOL 920 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2024) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2024) -
ECOL 900 (Spring 2024) -
ECOL 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2023) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2023) -
ECOL 900 (Fall 2022) -
ECOL 910 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2022) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2022) -
The Diversity of Life
ECOL 170C2 (Summer I 2022) -
Honors Thesis
ECOL 498H (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
ECOL 299 (Spring 2022) -
ECOL 900 (Spring 2022) -
ECOL 910 (Spring 2022) -
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Fall 2021) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
ECOL 498H (Fall 2021) -
ECOL 900 (Fall 2021) -
Rsrch Ecology+Evolution
ECOL 610A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2021) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2021) -
Honors Thesis
ECOL 498H (Summer I 2021) -
Intro to Biological Scis
ECOL 195M (Summer I 2021) -
The Diversity of Life
ECOL 170C2 (Summer I 2021) -
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Spring 2021) -
Evol/Infectious Disease
ECOL 409 (Spring 2021) -
Evol/Infectious Disease
ECOL 509 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
ECOL 399 (Spring 2021) -
Population Biology
ECOL 596B (Spring 2021) -
The Diversity of Life
ECOL 170C2 (Spring 2021) -
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Winter 2020) -
ECOL 326 (Winter 2020) -
The Diversity of Life
ECOL 170C2 (Winter 2020) -
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Fall 2020) -
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Fall 2020) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2020) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2020) -
Intro to Biological Scis
ECOL 195M (Summer I 2020) -
The Diversity of Life
ECOL 170C2 (Summer I 2020) -
Directed Rsrch
MCB 392 (Spring 2020) -
Intrnship Present+Plan
ECOL 610C (Spring 2020) -
Natural History of SW
ECOL 230 (Spring 2020) -
ECOL 320 (Winter 2019) -
Directed Rsrch
MCB 392 (Fall 2019) -
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Fall 2019) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2019) -
ECOL 320 (Summer I 2019) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2019) -
Intro Biology II Lab
ECOL 182L (Summer I 2019) -
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Fall 2018) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2018) -
Introductory Biology II
ECOL 182R (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Evolutionary Medicine
ECOL 220 (Summer I 2018) -
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2018) -
Introductory Biology II
ECOL 182R (Spring 2018) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2017) -
Intro Biology II Lab
ECOL 182L (Fall 2017) -
Introductory Biology II
ECOL 182R (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2017) -
Fundament Of Evolution
ECOL 600A (Spring 2017) -
Honors Thesis
ECOL 498H (Spring 2017) -
ECOL 326 (Fall 2016) -
Honors Thesis
ECOL 498H (Fall 2016) -
ECOL 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ECOL 326 (Summer I 2016) -
Honors Thesis
MCB 498H (Summer I 2016) -
Honors Thesis
MCB 498H (Spring 2016) -
Honors Thesis
MIC 498H (Spring 2016) -
Intrnship Present+Plan
ECOL 610C (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Driscoll, W. W., Hackett, J. D., & Ferrière, R. (2016). Eco-evolutionary feedbacks between private and public goods: evidence from toxic algal blooms. Ecology letters, 19(1), 81-97.More infoThe importance of 'eco-evolutionary feedbacks' in natural systems is currently unclear. Here, we advance a general hypothesis for a particular class of eco-evolutionary feedbacks with potentially large, long-lasting impacts in complex ecosystems. These eco-evolutionary feedbacks involve traits that mediate important interactions with abiotic and biotic features of the environment and a self-driven reversal of selection as the ecological impact of the trait varies between private (small scale) and public (large scale). Toxic algal blooms may involve such eco-evolutionary feedbacks due to the emergence of public goods. We review evidence that toxin production by microalgae may yield 'privatised' benefits for individual cells or colonies under pre- and early-bloom conditions; however, the large-scale, ecosystem-level effects of toxicity associated with bloom states yield benefits that are necessarily 'public'. Theory predicts that the replacement of private with public goods may reverse selection for toxicity in the absence of higher level selection. Indeed, blooms often harbor significant genetic and functional diversity: bloom populations may undergo genetic differentiation over a scale of days, and even genetically similar lineages may vary widely in toxic potential. Intriguingly, these observations find parallels in terrestrial communities, suggesting that toxic blooms may serve as useful models for eco-evolutionary dynamics in nature. Eco-evolutionary feedbacks involving the emergence of a public good may shed new light on the potential for interactions between ecology and evolution to influence the structure and function of entire ecosystems.
- Lasek-Nesselquist, E., Wisecaver, J. H., Hackett, J. D., & Johnson, M. D. (2015). Insights into transcriptional changes that accompany organelle sequestration from the stolen nucleus of Mesodinium rubrum. BMC genomics, 16, 805.More infoOrganelle retention is a form of mixotrophy that allows organisms to reap metabolic benefits similar to those of photoautotrophs through capture of algal prey and sequestration of their plastids. Mesodinium rubrum is an abundant and broadly distributed photosynthetic marine ciliate that steals organelles from cryptophyte algae, such as Geminigera cryophila. M. rubrum is unique from most other acquired phototrophs because it also steals a functional nucleus that facilitates genetic control of sequestered plastids and other organelles. We analyzed changes in G. cryophila nuclear gene expression and transcript abundance after its incorporation into the cellular architecture of M. rubrum as an initial step towards understanding this complex system.
- Martinson, E. O., Hackett, J. D., Machado, C. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2015). Metatranscriptome Analysis of Fig Flowers Provides Insights into Potential Mechanisms for Mutualism Stability and Gall Induction. PloS one, 10(6), e0130745.More infoA striking property of the mutualism between figs and their pollinating wasps is that wasps consistently oviposit in the inner flowers of the fig syconium, which develop into galls that house developing larvae. Wasps typically do not use the outer ring of flowers, which develop into seeds. To better understand differences between gall and seed flowers, we used a metatranscriptomic approach to analyze eukaryotic gene expression within fig flowers at the time of oviposition choice and early gall development. Consistent with the unbeatable seed hypothesis, we found significant differences in gene expression between gall- and seed flowers in receptive syconia prior to oviposition. In particular, transcripts assigned to flavonoids and carbohydrate metabolism were significantly up-regulated in gall flowers relative to seed flowers. In response to oviposition, gall flowers significantly up-regulated the expression of chalcone synthase, which previously has been connected to gall formation in other plants. We propose several genes encoding proteins with signal peptides or associations with venom of other Hymenoptera as candidate genes for gall initiation or growth. This study simultaneously evaluates the gene expression profile of both mutualistic partners in a plant-insect mutualism and provides insight into a possible stability mechanism in the ancient fig-fig wasp association.
- Wisecaver, J. H., & Hackett, J. D. (2014). The impact of automated filtering of BLAST-determined homologs in the phylogenetic detection of horizontal gene transfer from a transcriptome assembly. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 71(1), 184-192.More infoAbstract: Phylomes (comprehensive sets of gene phylogenies for organisms) are built to investigate fundamental questions in genomics and evolutionary biology, such as those pertaining to the detection and characterization of horizontal gene transfer in microbes. To address these questions, phylome construction demands rigorous yet efficient phylogenetic methods. Currently, many sequence alignment and tree-building models can analyze several thousands of genes in a high-throughput manner. However, the phylogenetics is complicated by variability in sequence divergence and different taxon sampling among genes. In addition, homolog selection for automated approaches often relies on arbitrary sequence similarity thresholds that are likely inappropriate for all genes in a genome. To investigate the effects of automated homolog selection on the detection of horizontal gene transfer using phylogenomics, we constructed the phylome of a transcriptome assembly of Alexandrium tamarense, a microbial eukaryote with a history of horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer, using seven sequence similarity thresholds for selecting putative homologs to be included in phylogenetic analyses. We show that no single threshold recovered informative trees for the majority of A. tamarense unigenes compared to the pooled results from all pipeline iterations. As much as 29% of trees built could have misleading phylogenetic relationships that appear biased in favor of those otherwise indicative of horizontal gene transfer. Perhaps worse, nearly half of the unigenes were represented by a single tree built at just one threshold, making it difficult to assess the validity of phylogenetic relationships recovered in these cases. However, combining the results from several pipeline iterations maximizes the number of informative phylogenies. Moreover, when the same phylogenetic relationship for a given unigene is recovered in multiple pipeline iterations, conclusions regarding gene origin are more robust to methodological artifact. Using these methods, the majority of A. tamarense unigenes showed evolutionary relationships indicative of vertical inheritance. Nevertheless, many other unigenes revealed diverse phylogenetic associations, suggestive of possible gene transfer. This analysis suggests that caution should be used when interpreting the results from phylogenetic pipelines implementing a single similarity threshold. Our approach is a practical method to mitigate the problems associated with automated sequence selection in phylogenomics. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
- Wisecaver, J. H., & Hackett, J. D. (2014). The impact of automated filtering of BLAST-determined homologs in the phylogenetic detection of horizontal gene transfer from a transcriptome assembly. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 71, 184-92.More infoPhylomes (comprehensive sets of gene phylogenies for organisms) are built to investigate fundamental questions in genomics and evolutionary biology, such as those pertaining to the detection and characterization of horizontal gene transfer in microbes. To address these questions, phylome construction demands rigorous yet efficient phylogenetic methods. Currently, many sequence alignment and tree-building models can analyze several thousands of genes in a high-throughput manner. However, the phylogenetics is complicated by variability in sequence divergence and different taxon sampling among genes. In addition, homolog selection for automated approaches often relies on arbitrary sequence similarity thresholds that are likely inappropriate for all genes in a genome. To investigate the effects of automated homolog selection on the detection of horizontal gene transfer using phylogenomics, we constructed the phylome of a transcriptome assembly of Alexandrium tamarense, a microbial eukaryote with a history of horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer, using seven sequence similarity thresholds for selecting putative homologs to be included in phylogenetic analyses. We show that no single threshold recovered informative trees for the majority of A. tamarense unigenes compared to the pooled results from all pipeline iterations. As much as 29% of trees built could have misleading phylogenetic relationships that appear biased in favor of those otherwise indicative of horizontal gene transfer. Perhaps worse, nearly half of the unigenes were represented by a single tree built at just one threshold, making it difficult to assess the validity of phylogenetic relationships recovered in these cases. However, combining the results from several pipeline iterations maximizes the number of informative phylogenies. Moreover, when the same phylogenetic relationship for a given unigene is recovered in multiple pipeline iterations, conclusions regarding gene origin are more robust to methodological artifact. Using these methods, the majority of A. tamarense unigenes showed evolutionary relationships indicative of vertical inheritance. Nevertheless, many other unigenes revealed diverse phylogenetic associations, suggestive of possible gene transfer. This analysis suggests that caution should be used when interpreting the results from phylogenetic pipelines implementing a single similarity threshold. Our approach is a practical method to mitigate the problems associated with automated sequence selection in phylogenomics.
- Hackett, J. D., Wisecaver, J. H., Brosnahan, M. L., Kulis, D. M., Anderson, D. M., Bhattacharya, D., Plumley, F. G., & Erdner, D. L. (2013). Evolution of saxitoxin synthesis in cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates. Molecular biology and evolution, 30(1), 70-8.More infoDinoflagellates produce a variety of toxic secondary metabolites that have a significant impact on marine ecosystems and fisheries. Saxitoxin (STX), the cause of paralytic shellfish poisoning, is produced by three marine dinoflagellate genera and is also made by some freshwater cyanobacteria. Genes involved in STX synthesis have been identified in cyanobacteria but are yet to be reported in the massive genomes of dinoflagellates. We have assembled comprehensive transcriptome data sets for several STX-producing dinoflagellates and a related non-toxic species and have identified 265 putative homologs of 13 cyanobacterial STX synthesis genes, including all of the genes directly involved in toxin synthesis. Putative homologs of four proteins group closely in phylogenies with cyanobacteria and are likely the functional homologs of sxtA, sxtG, and sxtB in dinoflagellates. However, the phylogenies do not support the transfer of these genes directly between toxic cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates. SxtA is split into two proteins in the dinoflagellates corresponding to the N-terminal portion containing the methyltransferase and acyl carrier protein domains and a C-terminal portion with the aminotransferase domain. Homologs of sxtB and N-terminal sxtA are present in non-toxic strains, suggesting their functions may not be limited to saxitoxin production. Only homologs of the C-terminus of sxtA and sxtG were found exclusively in toxic strains. A more thorough survey of STX+ dinoflagellates will be needed to determine if these two genes may be specific to SXT production in dinoflagellates. The A. tamarense transcriptome does not contain homologs for the remaining STX genes. Nevertheless, we identified candidate genes with similar predicted biochemical activities that account for the missing functions. These results suggest that the STX synthesis pathway was likely assembled independently in the distantly related cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates, although using some evolutionarily related proteins. The biological role of STX is not well understood in either cyanobacteria or dinoflagellates. However, STX production in these two ecologically distinct groups of organisms suggests that this toxin confers a benefit to producers that we do not yet fully understand.
- Hackett, J., Driscoll, W. W., Espinosa, N. J., Eldakar, O. T., & Hackett, J. D. (2013). Allelopathy as an emergent, exploitable public good in the bloom-forming microalga Prymnesium parvum. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 67(6).More infoMany microbes cooperatively secrete extracellular products that favorably modify their environment. Consistent with social evolution theory, structured habitats play a role in maintaining these traits in microbial model systems, by localizing the benefits and separating strains that invest in these products from 'cheater' strains that benefit without paying the cost. It is thus surprising that many unicellular, well-mixed microalgal populations invest in extracellular toxins that confer ecological benefits upon the entire population, for example, by eliminating nutrient competitors (allelopathy). Here we test the hypotheses that microalgal exotoxins are (1) exploitable public goods that benefit all cells, regardless of investment, or (2) nonexploitable private goods involved in cell-level functions. We test these hypotheses with high-toxicity (TOX+) and low-toxicity (TOX-) strains of the damaging, mixotrophic microalga Prymnesium parvum and two common competitors: green algae and diatoms. TOX+ actually benefits from dense populations of competing green algae, which can also be prey for P. parvum, yielding a relative fitness advantage over coexisting TOX-. However, with nonprey competitors (diatoms), TOX- increases in frequency over TOX+, despite benefiting from the exclusion of diatoms by TOX+. An evolutionary unstable, ecologically devastating public good may emerge from traits selected at lower levels expressed in novel environments.
- Wisecaver, J. H., Brosnahan, M. L., & Hackett, J. D. (2013). Horizontal gene transfer is a significant driver of gene innovation in dinoflagellates. Genome biology and evolution, 5(12), 2368-81.More infoThe dinoflagellates are an evolutionarily and ecologically important group of microbial eukaryotes. Previous work suggests that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an important source of gene innovation in these organisms. However, dinoflagellate genomes are notoriously large and complex, making genomic investigation of this phenomenon impractical with currently available sequencing technology. Fortunately, de novo transcriptome sequencing and assembly provides an alternative approach for investigating HGT. We sequenced the transcriptome of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Group IV to investigate how HGT has contributed to gene innovation in this group. Our comprehensive A. tamarense Group IV gene set was compared with those of 16 other eukaryotic genomes. Ancestral gene content reconstruction of ortholog groups shows that A. tamarense Group IV has the largest number of gene families gained (314-1,563 depending on inference method) relative to all other organisms in the analysis (0-782). Phylogenomic analysis indicates that genes horizontally acquired from bacteria are a significant proportion of this gene influx, as are genes transferred from other eukaryotes either through HGT or endosymbiosis. The dinoflagellates also display curious cases of gene loss associated with mitochondrial metabolism including the entire Complex I of oxidative phosphorylation. Some of these missing genes have been functionally replaced by bacterial and eukaryotic xenologs. The transcriptome of A. tamarense Group IV lends strong support to a growing body of evidence that dinoflagellate genomes are extraordinarily impacted by HGT.
- Chan, C. X., Soares, M. B., Bonaldo, M. F., Wisecaver, J. H., Hackett, J. D., Anderson, D. M., Erdner, D. L., & Bhattacharya, D. (2012). ANALYSIS OF ALEXANDRIUM TAMARENSE (DINOPHYCEAE) GENES REVEALS THE COMPLEX EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF A MICROBIAL EUKARYOTE(). Journal of phycology, 48(5), 1130-1142.More infoMicrobial eukaryotes may extinguish much of their nuclear phylogenetic history due to endosymbiotic/horizontal gene transfer (E/HGT). We studied E/HGT in 32,110 contigs of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) using a conservative phylogenomic approach. The vast majority of predicted proteins (86.4%) in this alga are novel or dinoflagellate-specific. We searched for putative homologs of these predicted proteins against a taxonomically broadly sampled protein database that includes all currently available data from algae and protists and reconstructed a phylogeny from each of the putative homologous protein sets. Of the 2,523 resulting phylogenies, 14-17% are potentially impacted by E/HGT involving both prokaryote and eukaryote lineages, with 2-4% showing clear evidence of reticulate evolution. The complex evolutionary histories of the remaining proteins, many of which may also have been affected by E/HGT, cannot be interpreted using our approach with currently available gene data. We present empirical evidence of reticulate genome evolution that combined with inadequate or highly complex phylogenetic signal in many proteins may impede genome-wide approaches to infer the tree of microbial eukaryotes.
- Molnár, I., Lopez, D., Wisecaver, J. H., Devarenne, T. P., Weiss, T. L., Pellegrini, M., & Hackett, J. D. (2012). Bio-crude transcriptomics: Gene discovery and metabolic network reconstruction for the biosynthesis of the terpenome of the hydrocarbon oil-producing green alga, Botryococcus braunii race B (Showa). BMC Genomics, 13(1).More infoPMID: 23110428;PMCID: PMC3533583;Abstract: Background: Microalgae hold promise for yielding a biofuel feedstock that is sustainable, carbon-neutral, distributed, and only minimally disruptive for the production of food and feed by traditional agriculture. Amongst oleaginous eukaryotic algae, the B race of Botryococcus braunii is unique in that it produces large amounts of liquid hydrocarbons of terpenoid origin. These are comparable to fossil crude oil, and are sequestered outside the cells in a communal extracellular polymeric matrix material. Biosynthetic engineering of terpenoid bio-crude production requires identification of genes and reconstruction of metabolic pathways responsible for production of both hydrocarbons and other metabolites of the alga that compete for photosynthetic carbon and energy.Results: A de novo assembly of 1,334,609 next-generation pyrosequencing reads form the Showa strain of the B race of B. braunii yielded a transcriptomic database of 46,422 contigs with an average length of 756 bp. Contigs were annotated with pathway, ontology, and protein domain identifiers. Manual curation allowed the reconstruction of pathways that produce terpenoid liquid hydrocarbons from primary metabolites, and pathways that divert photosynthetic carbon into tetraterpenoid carotenoids, diterpenoids, and the prenyl chains of meroterpenoid quinones and chlorophyll. Inventories of machine-assembled contigs are also presented for reconstructed pathways for the biosynthesis of competing storage compounds including triacylglycerol and starch. Regeneration of S-adenosylmethionine, and the extracellular localization of the hydrocarbon oils by active transport and possibly autophagy are also investigated.Conclusions: The construction of an annotated transcriptomic database, publicly available in a web-based data depository and annotation tool, provides a foundation for metabolic pathway and network reconstruction, and facilitates further omics studies in the absence of a genome sequence for the Showa strain of B. braunii, race B. Further, the transcriptome database empowers future biosynthetic engineering approaches for strain improvement and the transfer of desirable traits to heterologous hosts. © 2012 Molnár et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
- Molnár, I., Lopez, D., Wisecaver, J. H., Devarenne, T. P., Weiss, T. L., Pellegrini, M., & Hackett, J. D. (2012). Bio-crude transcriptomics: gene discovery and metabolic network reconstruction for the biosynthesis of the terpenome of the hydrocarbon oil-producing green alga, Botryococcus braunii race B (Showa). BMC genomics, 13, 576.More infoMicroalgae hold promise for yielding a biofuel feedstock that is sustainable, carbon-neutral, distributed, and only minimally disruptive for the production of food and feed by traditional agriculture. Amongst oleaginous eukaryotic algae, the B race of Botryococcus braunii is unique in that it produces large amounts of liquid hydrocarbons of terpenoid origin. These are comparable to fossil crude oil, and are sequestered outside the cells in a communal extracellular polymeric matrix material. Biosynthetic engineering of terpenoid bio-crude production requires identification of genes and reconstruction of metabolic pathways responsible for production of both hydrocarbons and other metabolites of the alga that compete for photosynthetic carbon and energy.
- Wisecaver, J. H., & Hackett, J. D. (2011). Dinoflagellate genome evolution. Annual review of microbiology, 65, 369-87.More infoThe dinoflagellates are an ecologically important group of microbial eukaryotes that have evolved many novel genomic characteristics. They possess some of the largest nuclear genomes among eukaryotes arranged on permanently condensed liquid-crystalline chromosomes. Recent advances have revealed the presence of genes arranged in tandem arrays, trans-splicing of messenger RNAs, and a reduced role for transcriptional regulation compared to other eukaryotes. In contrast, the mitochondrial and plastid genomes have the smallest gene content among functional eukaryotic organelles. Dinoflagellate biology and genome evolution have been dramatically influenced by lateral transfer of individual genes and large-scale transfer of genes through endosymbiosis. Next-generation sequencing technologies have only recently made genome-scale analyses of these organisms possible, and these new methods are helping researchers better understand the biology and evolution of this enigmatic group of eukaryotes.
- Moustafa, A., Evans, A. N., Kulis, D. M., Hackett, J. D., Erdner, D. L., Anderson, D. M., & Bhattacharya, D. (2010). Transcriptome profiling of a toxic dinoflagellate reveals a gene-rich protist and a potential impact on gene expression due to bacterial presence. PLoS ONE, 5(3).More infoPMID: 20300646;PMCID: PMC2837391;Abstract: Background: Dinoflagellates are unicellular, often photosynthetic protists that play a major role in the dynamics of the Earth's oceans and climate. Sequencing of dinoflagellate nuclear DNA is thwarted by their massive genome sizes that are often several times that in humans. However, modern transcriptomic methods offer promising approaches to tackle this challenging system. Here, we used massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) to understand global transcriptional regulation patterns in Alexandrium tamarense cultures that were grown under four different conditions. Methodology/Principal Findings: We generated more than 40,000 unique short expression signatures gathered from the four conditions. Of these, about 11,000 signatures did not display detectable differential expression patterns. At a p-value
- Moustafa, A., Evans, A. N., Kulis, D. M., Hackett, J. D., Erdner, D. L., Anderson, D. M., & Bhattacharya, D. (2010). Transcriptome profiling of a toxic dinoflagellate reveals a gene-rich protist and a potential impact on gene expression due to bacterial presence. PloS one, 5(3), e9688.More infoDinoflagellates are unicellular, often photosynthetic protists that play a major role in the dynamics of the Earth's oceans and climate. Sequencing of dinoflagellate nuclear DNA is thwarted by their massive genome sizes that are often several times that in humans. However, modern transcriptomic methods offer promising approaches to tackle this challenging system. Here, we used massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) to understand global transcriptional regulation patterns in Alexandrium tamarense cultures that were grown under four different conditions.
- Wisecaver, J. H., & Hackett, J. D. (2010). Transcriptome analysis reveals nuclear-encoded proteins for the maintenance of temporary plastids in the dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata. BMC Genomics, 11(1).More infoPMID: 20537123;PMCID: PMC3017763;Abstract: Background: Dinophysis is exceptional among dinoflagellates, possessing plastids derived from cryptophyte algae. Although Dinophysis can be maintained in pure culture for several months, the genus is mixotrophic and needs to feed either to acquire plastids (a process known as kleptoplastidy) or obtain growth factors necessary for plastid maintenance. Dinophysis does not feed directly on cryptophyte algae, but rather on a ciliate (Myrionecta rubra) that has consumed the cryptophytes and retained their plastids. Despite the apparent absence of cryptophyte nuclear genes required for plastid function, Dinophysis can retain cryptophyte plastids for months without feeding.Results: To determine if this dinoflagellate has nuclear-encoded genes for plastid function, we sequenced cDNA from Dinophysis acuminata, its ciliate prey M. rubra, and the cryptophyte source of the plastid Geminigera cryophila. We identified five proteins complete with plastid-targeting peptides encoded in the nuclear genome of D. acuminata that function in photosystem stabilization and metabolite transport. Phylogenetic analyses show that the genes are derived from multiple algal sources indicating some were acquired through horizontal gene transfer.Conclusions: These findings suggest that D. acuminata has some functional control of its plastid, and may be able to extend the useful life of the plastid by replacing damaged transporters and protecting components of the photosystem from stress. However, the dearth of plastid-related genes compared to other fully phototrophic algae suggests that D. acuminata does not have the nuclear repertoire necessary to maintain the plastid permanently. © 2010 Wisecaver and Hackett; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
- Wisecaver, J. H., & Hackett, J. D. (2010). Transcriptome analysis reveals nuclear-encoded proteins for the maintenance of temporary plastids in the dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata. BMC genomics, 11, 366.More infoDinophysis is exceptional among dinoflagellates, possessing plastids derived from cryptophyte algae. Although Dinophysis can be maintained in pure culture for several months, the genus is mixotrophic and needs to feed either to acquire plastids (a process known as kleptoplastidy) or obtain growth factors necessary for plastid maintenance. Dinophysis does not feed directly on cryptophyte algae, but rather on a ciliate (Myrionecta rubra) that has consumed the cryptophytes and retained their plastids. Despite the apparent absence of cryptophyte nuclear genes required for plastid function, Dinophysis can retain cryptophyte plastids for months without feeding.
- Hackett, J. D., Tong, M., Kulis, D. M., Fux, E., Hess, P., Bire, R., & Anderson, D. M. (2009). DSP toxin production de novo in cultures of Dinophysis acuminata (Dinophyceae) from North America. Harmful Algae, 8(6), 873-879.More infoAbstract: For decades, many aspects of Dinophysis biology have remained intractable due to our inability to maintain these organisms in laboratory cultures. Recent breakthroughs in culture methods have opened the door for detailed investigations of these important algae. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate toxin production in cultures of North American Dinophysis acuminata, isolated from Woods Hole, MA. These findings show that, despite the rarity of Dinophysis-related DSP events in North America, D. acuminata from this area has the ability to produce DSP toxins just as it does in other parts of the world where this species is a major cause of DSP toxicity. In our cultures, D. acuminata cells were observed feeding on Myrionecta rubra using a peduncle. Culture extracts were analyzed using LC-MS/MS, providing unequivocal evidence for the toxin DTX1 in the Dinophysis cultures. In addition, a significant amount of an okadaic acid diol ester, OA-D8, was detected. These results suggest that this Dinophysis isolate stores much of its OA as a diol ester. Also, toxin PTX-2 and a hydroxylated PTX-2 with identical fragmentation mass spectrum to that of PTX-11, but with a different retention time, were detected in this D. acuminata culture. This demonstration of toxin production in cultured North American Dinophysis sets the stage for more detailed studies investigating the causes of geographic differences in toxicity. It is now clear that North American Dinophysis have the ability to produce DSP toxins even though they only rarely cause toxic DSP events in nature. This may reflect environmental conditions that might induce or repress toxin production, genetic differences that cause modifications in toxin gene expression, or physiological and biochemical differences in prey species. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Herron, M. D., Hackett, J. D., Aylward, F. O., & Michod, R. E. (2009). Triassic origin and early radiation of multicellular volvocine algae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(9), 3254-8.More infoEvolutionary transitions in individuality (ETIs) underlie the watershed events in the history of life on Earth, including the origins of cells, eukaryotes, plants, animals, and fungi. Each of these events constitutes an increase in the level of complexity, as groups of individuals become individuals in their own right. Among the best-studied ETIs is the origin of multicellularity in the green alga Volvox, a model system for the evolution of multicellularity and cellular differentiation. Since its divergence from unicellular ancestors, Volvox has evolved into a highly integrated multicellular organism with cellular specialization, a complex developmental program, and a high degree of coordination among cells. Remarkably, all of these changes were previously thought to have occurred in the last 50-75 million years. Here we estimate divergence times using a multigene data set with multiple fossil calibrations and use these estimates to infer the times of developmental changes relevant to the evolution of multicellularity. Our results show that Volvox diverged from unicellular ancestors at least 200 million years ago. Two key innovations resulting from an early cycle of cooperation, conflict and conflict mediation led to a rapid integration and radiation of multicellular forms in this group. This is the only ETI for which a detailed timeline has been established, but multilevel selection theory predicts that similar changes must have occurred during other ETIs.
- Moustafa, A., Loram, J. E., Hackett, J. D., Anderson, D. M., Plumley, F. G., & Bhattacharya, D. (2009). Origin of saxitoxin biosynthetic genes in cyanobacteria. PLoS ONE, 4(6).More infoPMID: 19484122;PMCID: PMC2684587;Abstract: Background: Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is a potentially fatal syndrome associated with the consumption of shellfish that have accumulated saxitoxin (STX). STX is produced by microscopic marine dinoflagellate algae. Little is known about the origin and spread of saxitoxin genes in these under-studied eukaryotes. Fortuitously, some freshwater cyanobacteria also produce STX, providing an ideal model for studying its biosynthesis. Here we focus on saxitoxin-producing cyanobacteria and their non-toxic sisters to elucidate the origin of genes involved in the putative STX biosynthetic pathway. Methodology/Principal Findings: We generated a draft genome assembly of the saxitoxin-producing (STX+) cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis ACBU02 and searched for 26 candidate saxitoxin-genes (named sxtA to sxtZ) that were recently identified in the toxic strain Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii T3. We also generated a draft assembly of the nontoxic (STX-) sister Anabaena circinalis ACFR02 to aid the identification of saxitoxin-specific genes. Comparative phylogenomic analyses revealed that nine putative STX genes were horizontally transferred from non-cyanobacterial sources, whereas one key gene (sxtA) originated in STX+ cyanobacteria via two independent horizontal transfers followed by fusion. In total, of the 26 candidate saxitoxin-genes, 13 are of cyanobacterial provenance and are monophyletic among the STX+ taxa, four are shared amongst STX+ and STX-cyanobacteria, and the remaining nine genes are specific to STX+ cyanobacteria. Conclusions/Significance: Our results provide evidence that the assembly of STX genes in ACBU02 involved multiple HGT events from different sources followed presumably by coordination of the expression of foreign and native genes in the common ancestor of STX+ cyanobacteria. The ability to produce saxitoxin was subsequently lost multiple independent times resulting in a nested relationship of STX+ and STX- strains among Anabaena circinalis strains. © 2009 Moustafa et al.
- Moustafa, A., Loram, J. E., Hackett, J. D., Anderson, D. M., Plumley, F. G., & Bhattacharya, D. (2009). Origin of saxitoxin biosynthetic genes in cyanobacteria. PloS one, 4(6), e5758.More infoParalytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is a potentially fatal syndrome associated with the consumption of shellfish that have accumulated saxitoxin (STX). STX is produced by microscopic marine dinoflagellate algae. Little is known about the origin and spread of saxitoxin genes in these under-studied eukaryotes. Fortuitously, some freshwater cyanobacteria also produce STX, providing an ideal model for studying its biosynthesis. Here we focus on saxitoxin-producing cyanobacteria and their non-toxic sisters to elucidate the origin of genes involved in the putative STX biosynthetic pathway.
- Soares, M. B., De, M., Hackett, J. D., & Bhattacharya, D. (2009). Expressed Sequence Tags: Normalization and subtraction of cDNA libraries. Methods in Molecular Biology, 533, 109-123.More infoAbstract: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) provide a rapid and efficient approach for gene discovery and analysis of gene expression in eukaryotes. ESTs have also become particularly important with recent expanded efforts in complete genome sequencing of understudied, nonmodel eukaryotes such as protists and algae. For these projects, ESTs provide an invaluable source of data for gene identification and prediction of exon-intron boundaries. The generation of EST data, although straightforward in concept, requires nonetheless great care to ensure the highest efficiency and return for the investment in time and funds. To this end, key steps in the process include generation of a normalized cDNA library to facilitate a high gene discovery rate followed by serial subtraction of normalized libraries to maintain the discovery rate. Here we describe in detail, protocols for normalization and subtraction of cDNA libraries followed by an example using the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. © 2009 Humana Press, a part of Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
- Soares, M. B., de Fatima Bonaldo, M., Hackett, J. D., & Bhattacharya, D. (2009). Expressed sequence tags: normalization and subtraction of cDNA libraries expressed sequence tags\ normalization and subtraction of cDNA libraries. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 533, 109-22.More infoExpressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) provide a rapid and efficient approach for gene discovery and analysis of gene expression in eukaryotes. ESTs have also become particularly important with recent expanded efforts in complete genome sequencing of understudied, nonmodel eukaryotes such as protists and algae. For these projects, ESTs provide an invaluable source of data for gene identification and prediction of exon-intron boundaries. The generation of EST data, although straightforward in concept, requires nonetheless great care to ensure the highest efficiency and return for the investment in time and funds. To this end, key steps in the process include generation of a normalized cDNA library to facilitate a high gene discovery rate followed by serial subtraction of normalized libraries to maintain the discovery rate. Here we describe in detail, protocols for normalization and subtraction of cDNA libraries followed by an example using the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense.
- Hackett, J. D., Yoon, H. S., Li, S., Reyes-Prieto, A., Rümmele, S. E., & Bhattacharya, D. (2007). Phylogenomic analysis supports the monophyly of cryptophytes and haptophytes and the association of rhizaria with chromalveolates. Molecular biology and evolution, 24(8), 1702-13.More infoHere we use phylogenomics with expressed sequence tag (EST) data from the ecologically important coccolithophore-forming alga Emiliania huxleyi and the plastid-lacking cryptophyte Goniomonas cf. pacifica to establish their phylogenetic positions in the eukaryotic tree. Haptophytes and cryptophytes are members of the putative eukaryotic supergroup Chromalveolata (chromists [cryptophytes, haptophytes, stramenopiles] and alveolates [apicomplexans, ciliates, and dinoflagellates]). The chromalveolates are postulated to be monophyletic on the basis of plastid pigmentation in photosynthetic members, plastid gene and genome relationships, nuclear "host" phylogenies of some chromalveolate lineages, unique gene duplication and replacements shared by these taxa, and the evolutionary history of components of the plastid import and translocation systems. However the phylogenetic position of cryptophytes and haptophytes and the monophyly of chromalveolates as a whole remain to be substantiated. Here we assess chromalveolate monophyly using a multigene dataset of nuclear genes that includes members of all 6 eukaryotic supergroups. An automated phylogenomics pipeline followed by targeted database searches was used to assemble a 16-protein dataset (6,735 aa) from 46 taxa for tree inference. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of these data support the monophyly of haptophytes and cryptophytes. This relationship is consistent with a gene replacement via horizontal gene transfer of plastid-encoded rpl36 that is uniquely shared by these taxa. The haptophytes + cryptophytes are sister to a clade that includes all other chromalveolates and, surprisingly, two members of the Rhizaria, Reticulomyxa filosa and Bigelowiella natans. The association of the two Rhizaria with chromalveolates is supported by the approximately unbiased (AU)-test and when the fastest evolving amino acid sites are removed from the 16-protein alignment.
- Li, S., Nosenko, T., Hackett, J. D., & Bhattacharya, D. (2006). Phylogenomic analysis identifies red algal genes of endosymbiotic origin in the chromalveolates. Molecular biology and evolution, 23(3), 663-74.More infoEndosymbiosis has spread photosynthesis to many branches of the eukaryotic tree; however, the history of photosynthetic organelle (plastid) gain and loss remains controversial. Fortuitously, endosymbiosis may leave a genomic footprint through the transfer of endosymbiont genes to the "host" nucleus (endosymbiotic gene transfer, EGT). EGT can be detected through comparison of host genomes to uncover the history of past plastid acquisitions. Here we focus on a lineage of chlorophyll c-containing algae and protists ("chromalveolates") that are postulated to share a common red algal secondary endosymbiont. This plastid is originally of cyanobacterial origin through primary endosymbiosis and is closely related among the Plantae (i.e., red, green, and glaucophyte algae). To test these ideas, an automated phylogenomics pipeline was used with a novel unigene data set of 5,081 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the haptophyte alga Emiliania huxleyi and genome or EST data from other chromalveolates, red algae, plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. We focused on nuclear-encoded proteins that are targeted to the plastid to express their function because this group of genes is expected to have phylogenies that are relatively easy to interpret. A total of 708 genes were identified in E. huxleyi that had a significant Blast hit to at least one other taxon in our data set. Forty-six of the alignments that were derived from the 708 genes contained at least one other chromalveolate (i.e., besides E. huxleyi), red and/or green algae (or land plants), and one or more cyanobacteria, whereas 15 alignments contained E. huxleyi, one or more other chromalveolates, and only cyanobacteria. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of these data sets turned up 19 cases of EGT that did not contain significant paralogy and had strong bootstrap support at the internal nodes, allowing us to confidently identify the source of the plastid-targeted gene in E. huxleyi. A total of 17 genes originated from the red algal lineage, whereas 2 genes were of green algal origin. Our data demonstrate the existence of multiple red algal genes that are shared among different chromalveolates, suggesting that at least a subset of this group may share a common origin.
- Reyes-Prieto, A., Hackett, J. D., Soares, M. B., Bonaldo, M. F., & Bhattacharya, D. (2006). Cyanobacterial contribution to algal nuclear genomes is primarily limited to plastid functions. Current biology : CB, 16(23), 2320-5.More infoA single cyanobacterial primary endosymbiosis that occurred approximately 1.5 billion years ago is believed to have given rise to the plastid in the common ancestor of the Plantae or Archaeplastida--the eukaryotic supergroup comprising red, green (including land plants), and glaucophyte algae. Critical to plastid establishment was the transfer of endosymbiont genes to the host nucleus (i.e., endosymbiotic gene transfer [EGT]). It has been postulated that plastid-derived EGT played a significant role in plant nuclear-genome evolution, with 18% (or 4,500) of all nuclear genes in Arabidopsis thaliana having a cyanobacterial origin with about one-half of these recruited for nonplastid functions. Here, we determine whether the level of cyanobacterial gene recruitment proposed for Arabidopsis is of the same magnitude in the algal sisters of plants by analyzing expressed-sequence tag (EST) data from the glaucophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa. Bioinformatic analysis of 3,576 Cyanophora nuclear genes shows that 10.8% of these with significant database hits are of cyanobacterial origin and one-ninth of these have nonplastid functions. Our data indicate that unlike plants, early-diverging algal groups appear to retain a smaller number of endosymbiont genes in their nucleus, with only a minor proportion of these recruited for nonplastid functions.
- Yoon, H. S., Hackett, J. D., & Bhattacharya, D. (2006). A genomic and phylogenetic perspective on endosymbiosis and algal origin. Journal of Applied Phycology, 18(3-5), 475-481.More infoAbstract: Accounting for the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes is an important challenge in microbial biology. It has now become clear that endosymbiosis explains the origin of the photosynthetic organelle (plastid) in different algal groups. The first plastid originated from a primary endosymbiosis, whereby a previously non-photosynthetic protist engulfed and enslaved a cyanobacterium. This alga then gave rise to the red, green, and glaucophyte lineages. Algae such as the chlorophyll c-containing chromists gained their plastid through secondary endosymbiosis, in which an existing eukaryotic alga (in this case, a rhodophyte) was engulfed. Another chlorophyll c-containing algal group, the dinoflagellates, is a member of the alveolates that is postulated to be sister to chromists. The plastid in these algae has followed a radically different path of evolution. The peridinin-containing dinoflagellates underwent an unprecedented level of plastid genome reduction with the ca. 16 remaining genes encoded on 1-3 gene minicircles. In this short review, we examine algal plastid diversity using phylogenetic and genomic methods and show endosymbiosis to be a major force in algal evolution. In particular, we focus on the evolution of targeting signals that facilitate the import of nuclear-encoded photosynthetic proteins into the plastid. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
- Hackett, J. D., Scheetz, T. E., Yoon, H. S., Soares, M. B., Bonaldo, M. F., Casavant, T. L., & Bhattacharya, D. (2005). Insights into a dinoflagellate genome through expressed sequence tag analysis. BMC Genomics, 6.More infoAbstract: Background: Dinoflagellates are important marine primary producers and grazers and cause toxic "red tides". These taxa are characterized by many unique features such as immense genomes, the absence of nucleosomes, and photosynthetic organelles (plastids) that have been gained and lost multiple times. We generated EST sequences from non-normalized and normalized cDNA libraries from a culture of the toxic species Alexandrium tamarense to elucidate dinoflagellate evolution. Previous analyses of these data have clarified plastid origin and here we study the gene content, annotate the ESTs, and analyze the genes that are putatively involved in DNA packaging. Results: Approximately 20% of the 6,723 unique (11,171 total 3′-reads) ESTs data could be annotated using Blast searches against GenBank. Several putative dinoflagellate-specific mRNAs were identified, including one novel plastid protein. Dinoflagellate genes, similar to other eukaryotes, have a high GC-content that is reflected in the amino acid codon usage. Highly represented transcripts include histone-like (HLP) and luciferin binding proteins and several genes occur in families that encode nearly identical proteins. We also identified rare transcripts encoding a predicted protein highly similar to histone H2A.X. We speculate this histone may be retained for its role in DNA double-strand break repair. Conclusions: This is the most extensive collection to date of ESTs from a toxic dinoflagellate. These data will be instrumental to future research to understand the unique and complex cell biology of these organisms and for potentially identifying the genes involved in toxin production. © 2005 Hackett et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
- Hackett, J. D., Scheetz, T. E., Yoon, H. S., Soares, M. B., Bonaldo, M. F., Casavant, T. L., & Bhattacharya, D. (2005). Insights into a dinoflagellate genome through expressed sequence tag analysis. BMC genomics, 6, 80.More infoDinoflagellates are important marine primary producers and grazers and cause toxic "red tides". These taxa are characterized by many unique features such as immense genomes, the absence of nucleosomes, and photosynthetic organelles (plastids) that have been gained and lost multiple times. We generated EST sequences from non-normalized and normalized cDNA libraries from a culture of the toxic species Alexandrium tamarense to elucidate dinoflagellate evolution. Previous analyses of these data have clarified plastid origin and here we study the gene content, annotate the ESTs, and analyze the genes that are putatively involved in DNA packaging.
- Yoon, H. S., Hackett, J. D., Van Dolah, F. M., Nosenko, T., Lidie, K. L., & Bhattacharya, D. (2005). Tertiary endosymbiosis driven genome evolution in dinoflagellate algae. Molecular biology and evolution, 22(5), 1299-308.More infoDinoflagellates are important aquatic primary producers and cause "red tides." The most widespread plastid (photosynthetic organelle) in these algae contains the unique accessory pigment peridinin. This plastid putatively originated via a red algal secondary endosymbiosis and has some remarkable features, the most notable being a genome that is reduced to 1-3 gene minicircles with about 14 genes (out of an original 130-200) remaining in the organelle and a nuclear-encoded proteobacterial Form II Rubisco. The "missing" plastid genes are relocated to the nucleus via a massive transfer unequaled in other photosynthetic eukaryotes. The fate of these characters is unknown in a number of dinoflagellates that have replaced the peridinin plastid through tertiary endosymbiosis. We addressed this issue in the fucoxanthin dinoflagellates (e.g., Karenia brevis) that contain a captured haptophyte plastid. Our multiprotein phylogenetic analyses provide robust support for the haptophyte plastid replacement and are consistent with a red algal origin of the chromalveolate plastid. We then generated an expressed sequence tag (EST) database of 5,138 unique genes from K. brevis and searched for nuclear genes of plastid function. The EST data indicate the loss of the ancestral peridinin plastid characters in K. brevis including the transferred plastid genes and Form II Rubisco. These results underline the remarkable ability of dinoflagellates to remodel their genomes through endosymbiosis and the considerable impact of this process on cell evolution.
- Bhattacharya, D., Yoon, H. S., & Hackett, J. D. (2004). Photosynthetic eukaryotes unite: Endosymbiosis connects the dots. BioEssays, 26(1), 50-60.More infoPMID: 14696040;Abstract: The photosynthetic organelle of algae and plants (the plastid) traces its origin to a primary endosymbiotic event in which a previously non-photosynthetic protist engulfed and enslaved a cyanobacterium. This eukaryote then gave rise to the red, green and glaucophyte algae. However, many algal lineages, such as the chlorophyll c-containing chromists, have a more complicated evolutionary history involving a secondary endosymbiotic event, in which a protist engulfed an existing eukaryotic alga (in this case, a red alga). Chromists such as diatoms and kelps then rose to great importance in aquatic habitats. Another algal group, the dinoflagellates, has undergone tertiary (engulfment of a secondary plastid) and even quaternary endosymbioses. In this review, we examine algal diversity and show endosymbiosis to be a major force in algal evolution. This area of research has advanced rapidly and long-standing issues such as the chromalveolate hypothesis and the extent of endosymbiotic gene transfer have recently been clarified. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Hackett, J. D., Anderson, D. M., Erdner, D. L., & Bhattacharya, D. (2004). Dinoflagellates: a remarkable evolutionary experiment. American journal of botany, 91(10), 1523-34.More infoIn this paper, we focus on dinoflagellate ecology, toxin production, fossil record, and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of hosts and plastids. Of ecological interest are the swimming and feeding behavior, bioluminescence, and symbioses of dinoflagellates with corals. The many varieties of dinoflagellate toxins, their biological effects, and current knowledge of their origin are discussed. Knowledge of dinoflagellate evolution is aided by a rich fossil record that can be used to document their emergence and diversification. However, recent biogeochemical studies indicate that dinoflagellates may be much older than previously believed. A remarkable feature of dinoflagellates is their unique genome structure and gene regulation. The nuclear genomes of these algae are of enormous size, lack nucleosomes, and have permanently condensed chromosomes. This chapter reviews the current knowledge of gene regulation and transcription in dinoflagellates with regard to the unique aspects of the nuclear genome. Previous work shows the plastid genome of typical dinoflagellates to have been reduced to single-gene minicircles that encode only a small number of proteins. Recent studies have demonstrated that the majority of the plastid genome has been transferred to the nucleus, which makes the dinoflagellates the only eukaryotes to encode the majority of typical plastid genes in the nucleus. The evolution of the dinoflagellate plastid and the implications of these results for understanding organellar genome evolution are discussed.
- Hackett, J. D., Yoon, H. S., Soares, M. B., Bonaldo, M. F., Casavant, T. L., Scheetz, T. E., Nosenko, T., & Bhattacharya, D. (2004). Migration of the Plastid Genome to the Nucleus in a Peridinin Dinoflagellate. Current Biology, 14(3), 213-218.More infoPMID: 14761653;Abstract: Dinoflagellate algae are important primary producers and of significant ecological and economic impact because of their ability to form "red tides" [1]. They are also models for evolutionary research because of an unparalleled ability to capture photosynthetic organelles (plastids) through endosymbiosis [2]. The nature and extent of the plastid genome in the dominant perdinin-containing dinoflagellates remain, however, two of the most intriguing issues in plastid evolution. The plastid genome in these taxa is reduced to single-gene minicircles [3, 4] encoding an incomplete (until now 15) set of plastid proteins. The location of the remaining photosynthetic genes is unknown. We generated a data set of 6,480 unique expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (for details, see the Experimental Procedures in the Supplemental Data) to find the missing plastid genes and to understand the impact of endosymbiosis on genome evolution. Here we identify 48 of the non-minicircle-encoded photosynthetic genes in the nuclear genome of A. tamarense, accounting for the majority of the photosystem. Fifteen genes that are always found on the plastid genome of other algae and plants have been transferred to the nucleus in A. tamarense. The plastid-targeted genes have red and green algal origins. These results highlight the unique position of dinoflagellates as the champions of plastid gene transfer to the nucleus among photosynthetic eukaryotes.
- Yoon, H. S., Hackett, J. D., Ciniglia, C., Pinto, G., & Bhattacharya, D. (2004). A molecular timeline for the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes. Molecular biology and evolution, 21(5), 809-18.More infoThe appearance of photosynthetic eukaryotes (algae and plants) dramatically altered the Earth's ecosystem, making possible all vertebrate life on land, including humans. Dating algal origin is, however, frustrated by a meager fossil record. We generated a plastid multi-gene phylogeny with Bayesian inference and then used maximum likelihood molecular clock methods to estimate algal divergence times. The plastid tree was used as a surrogate for algal host evolution because of recent phylogenetic evidence supporting the vertical ancestry of the plastid in the red, green, and glaucophyte algae. Nodes in the plastid tree were constrained with six reliable fossil dates and a maximum age of 3,500 MYA based on the earliest known eubacterial fossil. Our analyses support an ancient (late Paleoproterozoic) origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes with the primary endosymbiosis that gave rise to the first alga having occurred after the split of the Plantae (i.e., red, green, and glaucophyte algae plus land plants) from the opisthokonts sometime before 1,558 MYA. The split of the red and green algae is calculated to have occurred about 1,500 MYA, and the putative single red algal secondary endosymbiosis that gave rise to the plastid in the cryptophyte, haptophyte, and stramenopile algae (chromists) occurred about 1,300 MYA. These dates, which are consistent with fossil evidence for putative marine algae (i.e., acritarchs) from the early Mesoproterozoic (1,500 MYA) and with a major eukaryotic diversification in the very late Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, provide a molecular timeline for understanding algal evolution.
- Hackett, J. D., Maranda, L., Yoon, H. S., & Bhattacharya, D. (2003). Phylogenetic evidence for the cryptophyte origin of the plastid of Dinophysis (Dinophysiales, Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 39(2), 440-448.More infoAbstract: Photosynthetic members of the genus Dinophysis Ehrenberg contain a plastid of uncertain origin. Ultrastructure and pigment analyses suggest that the two-membrane-bound plastid of Dinophysis spp. has been acquired through endosymbiosis from a cryptophyte. However, these organisms do not survive in culture, raising the possibility that Dinophysis spp. have a transient kleptoplast. To test the origin and permanence of the plastid of Dinophysis, we sequenced plastid-encoded psbA and small subunit rDNA from single-cell isolates of D. acuminata Claparède et Lachman, D. acuta Ehrenberg, and D. norvegica Claparède et Lachman. Phylogenetic analyses confirm the cryptophyte origin of the plastid. Plastid sequences from different populations isolated at different times are monophyletic with robust support and show limited polymorphism. DNA sequencing also revealed plastid sequences of florideophyte origin, indicating that Dinophysis may be feeding on red algae.
- Welch, R. A., Burland, V., Plunkett, G., Redford, P., Roesch, P., Rasko, D., Buckles, E. L., Liou, S., Boutin, A., Hackett, J., Stroud, D., Mayhew, G. F., Rose, D. J., Zhou, S., Schwartz, D. C., Perna, N. T., Mobley, H. L., Donnenberg, M. S., & Blattner, F. R. (2002). Extensive mosaic structure revealed by the complete genome sequence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(26), 17020-4.More infoWe present the complete genome sequence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli, strain CFT073. A three-way genome comparison of the CFT073, enterohemorrhagic E. coli EDL933, and laboratory strain MG1655 reveals that, amazingly, only 39.2% of their combined (nonredundant) set of proteins actually are common to all three strains. The pathogen genomes are as different from each other as each pathogen is from the benign strain. The difference in disease potential between O157:H7 and CFT073 is reflected in the absence of genes for type III secretion system or phage- and plasmid-encoded toxins found in some classes of diarrheagenic E. coli. The CFT073 genome is particularly rich in genes that encode potential fimbrial adhesins, autotransporters, iron-sequestration systems, and phase-switch recombinases. Striking differences exist between the large pathogenicity islands of CFT073 and two other well-studied uropathogenic E. coli strains, J96 and 536. Comparisons indicate that extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli arose independently from multiple clonal lineages. The different E. coli pathotypes have maintained a remarkable synteny of common, vertically evolved genes, whereas many islands interrupting this common backbone have been acquired by different horizontal transfer events in each strain.
- Yoon, H. S., Hackett, J. D., & Bhattacharya, D. (2002). A single origin of the peridinin- and fucoxanthin-containing plastids in dinoflagellates through tertiary endosymbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(18), 11724-11729.More infoPMID: 12172008;PMCID: PMC129336;Abstract: The most widely distributed dinoflagellate plastid contains chlorophyll c2 and peridinin as the major carotenoid. A second plastid type, found in taxa such as Karlodinium micrum and Karenia spp., contains chlorophylls c1 + c2 and 19′-hexanoyloxy-fucoxanthin and/or 19′-butanoyloxy-fucoxanthin but lacks peridinin. Because the presence of chlorophylls c1 + c2 and fucoxanthin is typical of haptophyte algae, the second plastid type is believed to have originated from a haptophyte tertiary endosymbiosis in an ancestral peridinin-containing dinoflagellate. This hypothesis has, however, never been thoroughly tested in plastid trees that contain genes from both peridinin- and fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates. To address this issue, we sequenced the plastid-encoded psaA (photosystem I P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein A1), psbA (photosystem II reaction center protein D1), and "Form I" rbcL (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) genes from various red and dinoflagellate algae. The combined psaA + psbA tree shows significant support for the monophyly of peridinin- and fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates as sister to the haptophytes. The monophyly with haptophytes is robustly recovered in the psbA phylogeny in which we increased the sampling of dinoflagellates to 14 species. As expected from previous analyses, the fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates formed a well-supported sister group with haptophytes in the rbcL tree. Based on these analyses, we postulate that the plastid of peridinin- and fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates originated from a haptophyte tertiary endosymbiosis that occurred before the split of these lineages. Our findings imply that the presence of chlorophylls c1 + c2 and fucoxanthin, and the Form I rbcL gene are in fact the primitive (not derived, as widely believed) condition in dinoflagellates.
- Yoon, H. S., Hackett, J. D., Pinto, G., & Bhattacharya, D. (2002). The single, ancient origin of chromist plastids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(24), 15507-12.More infoAlgae include a diverse array of photosynthetic eukaryotes excluding land plants. Explaining the origin of algal plastids continues to be a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Current knowledge suggests that plastid primary endosymbiosis, in which a single-celled protist engulfs and "enslaves" a cyanobacterium, likely occurred once and resulted in the primordial alga. This eukaryote then gave rise through vertical evolution to the red, green, and glaucophyte algae. However, some modern algal lineages have a more complicated evolutionary history involving a secondary endosymbiotic event, in which a protist engulfed an existing eukaryotic alga (rather than a cyanobacterium), which was then reduced to a secondary plastid. Secondary endosymbiosis explains the majority of algal biodiversity, yet the number and timing of these events is unresolved. Here we analyzed a five-gene plastid data set to show that a taxonomically diverse group of chlorophyll c(2)-containing protists comprising cryptophyte, haptophyte, and stramenopiles algae (Chromista) share a common plastid that most likely arose from a single, ancient ( approximately 1,260 million years ago) secondary endosymbiosis involving a red alga. This finding is consistent with Chromista monophyly and implicates secondary endosymbiosis as an important force in generating eukaryotic biodiversity.
- Lim, A., Dimalanta, E. T., Potamousis, K. D., Yen, G., Apodoca, J., Tao, C., Lin, J., Qi, R., Skiadas, J., Ramanathan, A., Perna, N. T., Plunkett, G., Burland, V., Mau, B., Hackett, J., Blattner, F. R., Anantharaman, T. S., Mishra, B., & Schwartz, D. C. (2001). Shotgun optical maps of the whole Escherichia coli O157:H7 genome. Genome research, 11(9), 1584-93.More infoWe have constructed NheI and XhoI optical maps of Escherichia coli O157:H7 solely from genomic DNA molecules to provide a uniquely valuable scaffold for contig closure and sequence validation. E. coli O157:H7 is a common pathogen found in contaminated food and water. Our approach obviated the need for the analysis of clones, PCR products, and hybridizations, because maps were constructed from ensembles of single DNA molecules. Shotgun sequencing of bacterial genomes remains labor-intensive, despite advances in sequencing technology. This is partly due to manual intervention required during the last stages of finishing. The applicability of optical mapping to this problem was enhanced by advances in machine vision techniques that improved mapping throughput and created a path to full automation of mapping. Comparisons were made between maps and sequence data that characterized sequence gaps and guided nascent assemblies.
- Perna, N. T., III, G. P., Burland, V., Mau, B., Glasner, J. D., Rose, D. J., Mayhew, G. F., Evans, P. S., Gregor, J., Kirkpatrick, H. A., Posfai, G., Hackett, J., Klink, S., Boutin, A., Shao, Y., Miller, L., Grotheck, E. J., Davis, N. W., Lim, A., , Dimalanta, E. T., et al. (2001). Erratum: Genome sequence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (Nature (2001) 409 (529-533)). Nature, 410(6825), 240-.
- Perna, N. T., Plunkett, G., Burland, V., Mau, B., Glasner, J. D., Rose, D. J., Mayhew, G. F., Evans, P. S., Gregor, J., Kirkpatrick, H. A., Pósfai, G., Hackett, J., Klink, S., Boutin, A., Shao, Y., Miller, L., Grotbeck, E. J., Davis, N. W., Lim, A., , Dimalanta, E. T., et al. (2001). Genome sequence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. Nature, 409(6819), 529-33.More infoThe bacterium Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a worldwide threat to public health and has been implicated in many outbreaks of haemorrhagic colitis, some of which included fatalities caused by haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Close to 75,000 cases of O157:H7 infection are now estimated to occur annually in the United States. The severity of disease, the lack of effective treatment and the potential for large-scale outbreaks from contaminated food supplies have propelled intensive research on the pathogenesis and detection of E. coli O157:H7 (ref. 4). Here we have sequenced the genome of E. coli O157:H7 to identify candidate genes responsible for pathogenesis, to develop better methods of strain detection and to advance our understanding of the evolution of E. coli, through comparison with the genome of the non-pathogenic laboratory strain E. coli K-12 (ref. 5). We find that lateral gene transfer is far more extensive than previously anticipated. In fact, 1,387 new genes encoded in strain-specific clusters of diverse sizes were found in O157:H7. These include candidate virulence factors, alternative metabolic capacities, several prophages and other new functions--all of which could be targets for surveillance.
- Reed, K. M., Hackett, J. D., & Phillips, R. B. (2000). Comparative analysis of intra-individual and inter-species DNA sequence variation in salmonid ribosomal DNA cistrons. Gene, 249(1-2), 115-125.More infoPMID: 10831845;Abstract: This study examines sequence divergence in three spacer regions of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) cistron, to test the hypothesis of unequal mutation rates. Portions of two transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and 5' ETS) and the non-transcribed spacer (NTS) or intergenic spacer (IGS) formed the basis of comparative analyses. Sequence divergence was measured both within an individual lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and among several related salmonid species ( lake trout; brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis; Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus; Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar; and brown trout, Salmo trutta). Despite major differences in the length of the rDNA cistron within individual lake trout, minimal sequence difference was detected among cistrons. Interspecies comparisons found that molecular variation in the rDNA spacers did not conform to the predicted pattern of evolution (ITS spacers