Pierre Haenecour
- Assistant Professor, Planetary Sciences
- Assistant Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6963
- Gerard P. Kuiper Space Sci., Rm. 544
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- haenecour@arizona.edu
Pierre grew up in Brussels (Belgium) and graduated with B.A. and M.S. degrees in Geology and Geochemistry from the Free University of Brussels. He then moved to St. Louis (Missouri) and obtained a M.A. degree and a Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis. His background is in geochemistry and cosmochemistry, from terrestrial samples (e.g., Pb and Zn isotopes in Archean komatiitic lava flows) to primitive extraterrestrial samples (e.g., meteorites and micrometeorites), using a variety of analytical techniques (e.g., multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and secondary ion mass spectrometry, Auger and Raman spectroscopy, and electron microscopy). As an Assistant Professor at LPL, his research interests focus on the identification and coordinated micro-analytical study of circumstellar (presolar) grains and organics in primitive planetary materials, such as meteorites, micrometeorites and interplanetary dust particles.
- Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Washington University in St Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- Presolar Grains in Primitive Astromaterials: Stellar Nucleosynthesis & Insights into Secondary Processes in the Early Solar System.
- M.A. Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Washington University in St Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- M.S. Geology & Geochemistry
- Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
- Study of Pb and Zn isotopic fractionation and in situ trace element variations in terrestrial komatiitic lava flows from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in Ontario, Canada.
- B.S. Earth & Environment Sciences
- Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Work Experience
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2019 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2017 - 2019)
- Washington University in St. Louis (2016)
- Washington University in St. Louis (2011 - 2016)
Licensure & Certification
- NASA Cosmochemistry Travel Awards for the Annual MetSoc meetings, NASA (2012)
- Seventh LPI Career Development Award (2014)
- Dr. Diane DeMell Jacobsen Scholarship, Washington University in St. Louis (2015)
- NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NNX12AN77H), NASA (2012)
- Summer Research Fellowship from the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis (2009)
- Selected for the AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2017)
- Early Career Scientist Award, Meteoritical Society (2017)
- The Brian Mason Award, Meteoritical Society (2016)
- Dean’s Recognition for Student Leadership at Washington University, Washington University in St. Louis (2016)
Cosmochemistry – Astromaterials/Planetary Samples – Sample Science – Solar system formation and evolution – Origin of life – Asteroids – Comets – Meteorites – Circumstellar (presolar) grains – Primitive organic matter - Data Management/Visualization/Archiving
2024-25 Courses
Directed Research
PTYS 392 (Spring 2025) -
PTYS 920 (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
MCB 399 (Spring 2025) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Universe and Humanity
ASTR 170B2 (Fall 2024) -
Universe and Humanity
PTYS 170B2 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
PTYS 510A (Spring 2024) -
PTYS 920 (Spring 2024) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
PTYS 599 (Spring 2023) -
PTYS 900 (Spring 2023) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
PTYS 599 (Fall 2022) -
PTYS 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Directed Research
PTYS 392 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
BIOC 498H (Spring 2022) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Spring 2022) -
Senior Capstone
BIOC 498 (Fall 2021) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
ASTR 170B2 (Spring 2021) -
PTYS 170B2 (Spring 2021) -
Astr,Comet,Kuipr Blt Obj
PTYS 416 (Fall 2020) -
Astr,Comet,Kuipr Blt Obj
PTYS 516 (Fall 2020)
Scholarly Contributions
- Fulford, R. E., Golish, D. R., Lauretta, D. S., DellaGiustina, D. N., Meyer, S., Lunning, N., Snead, C., Dworkin, J. P., Bennett, C. A., Connolly, H. C., Johnson, T., Polit, A. T., Haennecour, P., & Ryan, A. J. (2024). QRIS: A Quantitative Reflectance Imaging System for the Pristine Sample of Asteroid Bennu.More infoThe Quantitative Reflectance Imaging System (QRIS) is a laboratory-basedspectral imaging system constructed to image the sample of asteroid Bennudelivered to Earth by the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, ResourceIdentification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft. Thesystem was installed in the OSIRIS-REx cleanroom at NASA's Johnson Space Centerto collect data during preliminary examination of the Bennu sample. QRIS uses a12-bit machine vision camera to measure reflectance over wavelength bandsspanning the near ultraviolet to the near infrared. Raw data are processed by acalibration pipeline that generates a series of monochromatic,high-dynamic-range reflectance images, as well as band ratio maps, band depthmaps, and 3-channel color images. The purpose of these spectral reflectancedata is to help characterize lithologies in the sample and compare them tolithologies observed on Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. This initialassessment of lithological diversity was intended to help select the subsamplesthat will be used to address mission science questions about the early solarsystem and the origins of life and to provide important context for theselection of representative subsamples for preservation and distribution tointernational partners. When QRIS imaged the Bennu sample, unexpectedcalibration issues arose that had not been evident at imaging rehearsals andnegatively impacted the quality of QRIS data. These issues were caused by straylight within the lens and reflections off the glovebox window and interior, andwere exacerbated by the sample's extremely low reflectance. QRIS data wereuseful for confirming conclusions drawn from other data, but reflectance andspectral data from QRIS alone unfortunately have limited utility.[Journal_ref: ]
- Haenecour, P. (2021). A reassessment of the quasi-simultaneous arrival effect in secondary ion mass spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 491, 17-28. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2021.01.007
- Haenecour, P., Floss, C., Brearley, A., & Zega, T. (2020). The Effects of Secondary Processing in the Unique Carbonaceous Chondrite Miller Range 07687. Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences.
- Leitner, J., Metzler, K., Vollmer, C., Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Kodolanyi, J., Harries, D., & Hoppe, P. (2020). The Presolar Grain Inventory of the Mighei-type (CM) Chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences.
- Seifert, L. B., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. J. (2023). An in situ study of presolar grains and the fine-grained matrices of the Meteorite Hills 00526 and Queen Alexandra Range 97008 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. \maps, 58(8), 1079-1098.
- Seifert, L. B., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., Brearley, A. J., & Zega, T. J. (2023). An in situ investigation of the preservation and alteration of presolar silicates in the Miller Range 07687 chondrite. \maps, 58(3), 360-382.
- Zega, T., Haenecour, P., & Floss, C. (2020). An in-situ investigation of several circumstellar oxide and silicate grains in carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences.
- Brearley, A. J., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., Seifert, L., & Zega, T. J. (2022).
Coordinated Analyses of an Altered Presolar Silicate Grain in the Miller Range 07687 Carbonaceous Chondrite
. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28(S1), 2674-2676. doi:10.1017/s1431927622010121 - Haenecour, P., Seifert, L. B., & Zega, T. J. (2022).
Coordinated chemical and microstructural analyses of presolar silicate grains from AGB/RGB stars and supernovae in the CO3.0 chondrite Dominion Range 08006
. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 57(6), 1119-1145. doi:10.1111/maps.13811More infoWe report the structural and chemical analyses of six presolar silicate grains identified in situ in the CO3.0 carbonaceous chondrite Dominion Range (DOM) 08006. Two of the grains have O-isotopic compositions consistent with origins in the circumstellar envelopes of low-mass ( - Ramprasad, T., Haenecour, P., Domanik, K., & Zega, T. J. (2022). A petrologic and microstructural study of a compact type A calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion from the Northwest Africa 5028 CR2 chondrite: Implications for nebular and parent-body processes. \maps, 57(10), 1936-1956.
- Seifert, L. B., Haenecour, P., & Zega, T. J. (2022). Coordinated chemical and microstructural analyses of presolar silicate grains from AGB/RGB stars and supernovae in the CO3.0 chondrite Dominion Range 08006. \maps, 57(6), 1119-1145.
- Ogliore, R., Nagashima, K., Huss, G., & Haenecour, P. (2021). A reassessment of the quasi-simultaneous arrival effect in secondary ion mass spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 491, 17-28.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. (2021). Coordinated Analyses of a Supernova Silicate Grain in the CO3.0 Chondrite Miller Range 07687. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(S1), 2790-2791.
- Bose, M., & Haenecour, P. (2020).
Understanding our solar system history through in situ nanoscale analysis of extraterrestrial materials: A special issue for Dr. Christine Floss
. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55(6), 1153-1159. doi:10.1111/maps.13489 - Haenecour, P., & Bose, M. (2020). Understanding our solar system history through in situ nanoscale analysis of extraterrestrial materials: A special issue for Dr. Christine Floss. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55(6), 1153-1159.
- Leitner, J., Metzler, K., Vollmer, C., Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Kodol{\'anyi}, J., Harries, D., & Hoppe, P. (2020). The presolar grain inventory of fine-grained chondrule rims in the Mighei-type (CM) chondrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55(6), 1176-1206.
- Zega, T. J., Haenecour, P., & Floss, C. (2020). An in situ investigation on the origins and processing of circumstellar oxide and silicate grains in carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55(6), 1207-1227.
- Bernal, J., Haenecour, P., Howe, J., Zega, T., Amari, S., & Ziurys, L. (2019). Formation of Interstellar C$_60$ from Silicon Carbide Circumstellar Grains. \apjl, 883(2), L43.
- Floss, C., Haenecour, P., & Zega, T. J. (2019).
An in situ investigation on the origins and processing of circumstellar oxide and silicate grains in carbonaceous chondrites
. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55(6), 1207-1227. doi:10.1111/maps.13418 - Haenecour, P., Howe, J. Y., Zega, T. J., Amari, S., Lodders, K., Jos{\'e}, J., Kaji, K., Sunaoshi, T., & Muto, A. (2019). Laboratory evidence for co-condensed oxygen- and carbon-rich meteoritic stardust from nova outbursts. Nature Astronomy, 3, 626-630.
- Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. J. (2019).
Coordinated Analysis of a Compact Type-A Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusion in the Northwest Africa (NWA) 5028 CR2 Chondrite: Implications for Refractory Inclusions to be Returned by the Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx Missions?
. LPI Contributions. - Haenecour, P., Seifert, L., & Zega, T. J. (2019).
Analysis of a Supernova Olivine Aggregate in the CO Chondrite Dominion Range 08006: Implications for the Measurement of Presolar Grains in Samples of Asteroids Bennu and Ryugu
. LPI Contributions. - Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., Zega, T. J., Howe, J. Y., & Chen, W. (2019). In situ Ion Irradiation and Heating Experiments in the Transmission Electron Microscope: Simulations of Dust Processing in Circumstellar Environments. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2454-2455.
- Ramprasad, T., Haenecour, P., Seifert, L., & Zega, T. J. (2019). Understanding the Origin and Evolution of Meteoritic Refractory Minerals Through Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2458-2459.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., Zega, T., & Ramprasad, T. (2019). Coordinated Analyses of a Supernova Polycrystalline Olivine Aggregate in the CO Chondrite Dominion Range 08006. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2490-2491.
- Zega, T. J., Bernal, J., Howe, J. Y., Haenecour, P., Amari, S., & Ziurys, L. M. (2019). Putting Stars in the Gap: in situ Irradiation and Heating of Synthetic SiC and Implications for the Origins of C-rich Circumstellar Materials. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2488-2489.
- Amari, S., Atsushi, M., Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Howe, J. M., Kaji, K., Lodders, K., Sunaoshi, T., Wallace, P. J., & Zega, T. J. (2018).
Microstructure and Inclusions of In-Situ and Acid-Residue Presolar Graphite Grains
. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Atsushi, M., Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Howe, J. M., Kaji, K., Takeshi, S., Wallace, P. J., Yada, T., & Zega, T. J. (2018).
Mineralogy and 15N-Rich Organic Matter in the Fine-Grained Antarctic Micrometeorite T98G8: Evidence for a Cometary Origin?
. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Carpenter, P. A., Croat, T. B., Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Jolliff, B. L., Wang, A., & Zega, T. J. (2018).
Presolar silicates in the matrix and fine-grained rims around chondrules in primitive CO3.0 chondrites: Evidence for pre-accretionary aqueous alteration of the rims in the solar nebula
. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.06.004More infoAbstract To investigate the origin of fine-grained rims around chondrules (FGRs), we compared presolar grain abundances, elemental compositions and mineralogies in fine-grained interstitial matrix material and individual FGRs in the primitive CO3.0 chondrites Allan Hills A77307, LaPaz Icefield 031117 and Dominion Range 08006. The observation of similar overall O-anomalous (∼155 ppm) and C-anomalous grain abundances (∼40 ppm) in all three CO3.0 chondrites suggests that they all accreted from a nebular reservoir with similar presolar grain abundances. The presence of presolar silicate grains in FGRs combined with the observation of similar estimated porosity between interstitial matrix regions and FGRs in LAP 031117 and ALHA77307, as well as the identification of a composite FGR (a small rimmed chondrule within a larger chondrule rim) in ALHA77307, all provide evidence for a formation of FGRs by accretion of dust grains onto freely-floating chondrules in the solar nebula before their aggregation into their parent body asteroids. Our study also shows systematically lower abundances of presolar silicate grains in the FGRs than in the matrix regions of CO3 chondrites, while the abundances of SiC grains are the same in all areas, within errors. This trend differs from CR2 chondrites in which the presolar silicate abundances are higher in the FGRs than in the matrix, but similar to each other within 2σ errors. This observation combined with the identification of localized (micrometer-scaled) aqueous alteration in a FGR of LAP 031117 suggests that the lower abundance of presolar silicates in FGRs reflects pre-accretionary aqueous alteration of the fine-grained material in the FGRs. This pre-accretionary alteration could be due to either hydration and heating of freely floating rimmed chondrules in icy regions of the solar nebula or melted water ice associated with 26 Al-related heating inside precursor planetesimals, followed by aggregation of FGRs into the CO chondrite parent-body. - Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Howe, J. Y., Seifert, L., & Zega, T. J. (2018).
Multi-keV Analyses of a Presolar Mg-Silicate Grain via SEM/STEM
. Microscopy and Microanalysis. doi:10.1017/s1431927618010978 - Floss, C., Haenecour, P., Seifert, L. S., & Zega, T. Z. (2018).
TEM Analysis of Presolar Silicate Grain in the Dominion Range 08006, CO Chondrite
. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Bose, M., Domanik, K. J., Haenecour, P., & Zega, T. J. (2017).
Correlated Deuterium and Nitrogen Isotopic Enrichments in Meteoritic Organic Matter
. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. - Haenecour, P., Jolliff, B. L., Croat, T. K., Floss, C., & Zega, T. J. (2015). Abundances and Elemental Compositions of Presolar Silicates in CO3.0 Chondrites: Possible Indicators of Secondary Processing?. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Debaille, V., Haenecour, P., & Mattielli, N. (2010).
Zn isotope fractionation in the komatiitic and tholeiitic lava flows of Fred's flow and Theo's flow (Ontario, Canada)
Proceedings Publications
- Almeida, N. V., Russell, S. S., King, A. J., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Keller, L. P., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Tu, V., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). X-Ray Computed Tomography of Bennu Particle OREX-501054-0. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1521.
- Barnes, J. J., Haenecour, P., Smith, L. R., Ong, I. J., Wilbur, Z. E., Jourdan, F., King, A. J., McCoy, T. J., Russell, S. S., Keller, L. P., Timms, N. E., Rickard, W., Bland, P., Saxey, D., Reddy, S., Ireland, T., Yurimoto, H., Chaves, L., Bloch, E., , Franchi, I. A., et al. (2024, 2024/03/1). Coordinated Analysis of Phosphates in Samples from Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1532.
- Chaves, L. C., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Smith, L. R., Ong, I. J., Wilbur, Z. E., Bloch, E., Zega, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Keller, L. P., King, A. J., McCoy, T. J., Russell, S. S., Hill, D., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Characterization of Sulfides in Samples from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1586.
- Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Smith, L. R., Hills, D., Bloch, E., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Keller, L. P., King, A. J., Glavin, D. P., Dworkin, J. P., Nguyen, A. N., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Search for Presolar Materials and Isotopically Anomalous Diffuse Insoluble Organic Matter in Samples from Asteroid 101955 Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1134.
- Hamilton, V. E., Keller, L. P., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Hill, D., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Mineralogy of Bennu from Spectral Analysis of the Sample Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1366.
- Jardine, K., Hoover, C. G., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Hill, D., Ryan, A. J., Sanchez, P., Biele, J., Ballouz, R. -., Macke, R. J., Landsman, Z. A., Long-Fox, J. .., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Nano-Mechanical AFM Cohesion Measurements of Bennu Particles: Implications for Asteroid Strength. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2198.
- Keller, L. P., Thompson, M. S., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Rahman, Z., Seifert, L. B., Haenecour, P., King, A. J., McCoy, T. J., Zega, T. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Space Weathering in OSIRIS-REx Samples from Bennu: Impact Melt Deposits. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1399.
- Keller, L. P., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., King, A. J., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Tu, V., Seifert, L. B., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Nanoscale Mineralogy of Bennu Samples Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1163.
- King, A. J., Tu, V., Schofield, P. F., Najorka, J., Russell, S. S., Bates, H. C., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Keller, L. P., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). The Mineralogy of Asteroid Bennu: First Results from X-Ray Powder Diffraction of Returned Samples. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1109.
- Koefoed, P., Wang, K., Alexander, C., Barrat, J. A., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Nguyen, A. N., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Bulk Major and Trace Elemental Composition of an Aggregate Sample from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2264.
- Le, L., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Keller, L. P., Clemett, S. J., Haenecour, P., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Zega, T. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Forsterite-Rich Clasts in an Asteroid Bennu Sample: Possible Chondrule-Like Objects. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1120.
- Nguyen, A. N., Clemett, S. J., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Keller, L. P., Glavin, D. P., Dworkin, J. P., Barnes, J. J., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Haenecour, P., King, A. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Coordinated Analysis of Isotopically Anomalous Nanoglobules and Insoluble Organic Matter in Quick-Look Samples from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2500.
- Nguyen, A. N., Keller, L. P., Clemett, S. J., Barnes, J. J., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Haenecour, P., King, A. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Identification of Presolar Grains in Quick-Look Samples of Asteroid Bennu Returned by the OSIRIS-REx Mission. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2580.
- Ong, I. J., Barnes, J. J., Haenecour, P., Bloch, E., Prince, B., Chaves, L., Smith, L. R., Wilbur, Z. E., Hill, D., Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Keller, L. P., King, A. J., Nguyen, A. N., Russell, S., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Identification and Characterisation of Carbonates Suitable for Isotopic Analysis in Samples from Asteroid 101955 Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1901.
- Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Keller, L. P., Clemett, S. J., Haenecour, P., McCoy, T. J., Thompson, M. S., Zega, T. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Preliminary Examination of Returned Samples from Bennu Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1119.
- Thompson, M. S., Keller, L. P., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Rahman, Z., Seifert, L. B., Haenecour, P., King, A. J., McCoy, T. J., Zega, T. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Identifying Solar Wind and Other Volatiles in Space-Weathered Samples from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1225.
- Timms, N. E., Rickard, W., Barnes, J. J., Bland, P. A., Saxey, D. W., Jourdan, F., Reddy, S. M., Mayers, C., Sun, X., Ireland, T., Nguyen, A. N., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., Keller, L. P., King, A. J., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). Salty Bennu: Halite and Sylvite in Fines Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 1743.
- Wang, K., Koefoed, P., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J. J., Nguyen, A. N., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). The Potassium Isotope Composition of Aggregate Material from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2286.
- Zega, T. J., Barnes, J. J., Haenecour, P., Lauretta, D. S., Bloch, E., Chang, Y. J., Domanik, K., & Zeszut, Z. (2024, 2024/03/1). The Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis (K-ALFAA) at the University of Arizona. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2328.
- Zega, T. J., McCoy, T. J., Keller, L. P., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M. S., King, A. J., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Tu, V., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024, 2024/03/1). A Quick-Look Analysis of Asteroid Bennu ??? Part 2. In LPI Contributions, 3040, 2348.
- Haenecour, P., Smith, L., Neuman, M., Koefoed, P., Wang, K., & Dominik, K. (2023, mar). Major and Trace Element Composition of Carbonaceous Chondrites: Insight into Their Alteration Histories. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Domanik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., Ogliore, R., & Koefoed, P. (2023, mar). Abundance of Presolar Grains in the C3.00-Ungrouped Chondrite Chwichiya 002. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Bennett, C., Haenecour, P., Lehnert, K., & Richard, S. (2022, aug). Achieving Long-Term Data Archiving Goals for OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Through Coordinated Efforts with AstroMat. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Haenecour, P., & Barnes, J. (2022, mar). In-Situ Heating Experiments of the Tarda Meteorite: Effects of Thermal Processing on Aqueously Altered Carbonaceous Chondrite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Haenecour, P., Bennett, C., Westermann, M., Crombie, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, T., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Domanik, K., Smith, L., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2022, mar). SAMIS: A Micro-Information System for OSIRIS-REs Sample Analysis Data Management. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Haenecour, P., Lehnert, K., Bennett, C., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., Crombie, K., Davidson, J., Ebel, D., Gemma, M., Heck, P., Mayne, R., McCubbin, F., Ogliore, R., & Schrader, D. (2022, jun). Vision and Strategy for the Implementation of NASA Science Information Policy Document (SPD)-41 for Astromaterials Sample Science. In 2022 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, 2684.
- Haenecour, P., Maisano, J., Hanna, R., Smith, L., & Barnes, J. (2022, aug). Correlated Two- and Three-Dimensional Mineralogy and Petrography of the C3.00-Ungrouped Chwichiya 002 AND C2- Ungrouped Tarda Carbonaceous Chondrites. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. (2022, mar). Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of a Presolar Silicate from the Miller Range 07687 Chondrite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Domanik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, aug). Phosphide-Rich Clasts in the C2-Ungrouped Tarda Meteorite. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Dominik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, mar). Detailed Coordinated Analysis of the Mineralogy, Petrography, and Elemental Composition of the Carbonaceous Chondrite Falls Tarda and Kolang. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Dominik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, mar). Mineralogy, Petrography, and Presolar Components of the Chwichiya 002 Ungrouped Chondrite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Bennett, C., Haenecour, P., Crombie, K., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, T., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Westermann, M., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021, nov). An Overview of the OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Micro-Information System (SAMIS). In LPI Contributions, 2654.
- Haenecour, P., Bennett, C., Crombie, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, A., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Westermann, M., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021, aug). The OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Micro Information System (SAMIS). In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. (2021, aug). Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of a Presolar Silicate Grain from the Uniquely Altered Miller Range 07687 Chondrite. In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Westermann, M., Bennett, C., Connolly, H., Domanik, K., Ferro, A., Fitzgibbon, M., Haenecour, P., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Smith, L., & Lauretta, D. (2021, nov). OSIRIS-Rex Sample Analysis Micro-Information System: 2D Spatial Registration and Visualization of Microscopic Data. In LPI Contributions, 2654.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., Ramprasad, T., & Zega, T. (2020, mar). Structure and Chemistry of a Supernova Orthopyroxene Grain in the CO Chondrite Dominion Range 08006. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Bernal, J., Ziurys, L. M., Haenecour, P., Howe, J., Zega, T. J., & Amari, S. (2019, Jun). Formation of Interstellar C$_60$ from Silicon Carbide Circumstellar Grains. In 74th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy.
- Bernal, J., Ziurys, L. M., Haenecour, P., Howe, J., Zega, T., & Amari, S. (2019, Jun). Formation of Interstellar C$_60$ from Silicon Carbide Circumstellar Grains. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#234, 51.
- Haenecour, P., Floss, C., Brearley, A., Howe, J., & Zega, T. (2019, Mar). A Large Donut-Shaped Presolar Silicate from the MIL 07687 Carbonaceous Chondrite. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Haenecour, P., Howe, J. Y., Takeshi, S., & Zega, T. J. (2019).
. In Geological Society of America. - Haenecour, P., Howe, J., Zega, T., Sunaoshi, T., Thompson, M., Dogel, S., & Sagar, J. (2019, Mar). Thermal Alteration of Organics and Volatiles in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Insights from In-Situ Heating Experiments. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Jadhav, M., Haenecour, P., Amari, S., Davidson, J., & Zega, T. (2019, Mar). A Preliminary Search for Presolar Grains in a New Acid Residue of the Tagish Lake Meteorite. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- McGlaun, M., Thompson, M., Vander, K. K., Loeffler, M., McCubbin, F., Rahman, Z., & Haenecour, P. (2019, Mar). Understanding the Space Weathering of Mercury via Simulation of Micrometeorite Impacts. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Ramprasad, T., Haenecour, P., & Zega, T. (2019, Mar). Microstructural Analysis of a Compact Type-A Calcium-Aluminum Rich Inclusion in the Northwest Africa (NWA) 5028 CR2 Chondrite. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Seifert, L., Haenecour, P., & Zega, T. (2019, Mar). Elemental Composition and Microstructure of a Supernova Polycrystalline Olivine Aggregate in the CO Chondrite Dominion Range 08006. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Thompson, M., Haenecour, P., Howe, J., Laczniak, D., Zega, T., Hu, J., Chen, W., Keller, L., & Christoffersen, R. (2019, Mar). Simulating Space Weathering in the Transmission Electron Microscope via Dynamic In Situ Heating and Helium Irradiation of Olivine. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Zega, T., Bernal, J., Howe, J., Haenecour, P., Amari, S., & Ziurys, L. (2019, Mar). In Situ Irradiation and Heating of Synthetic SiC and Implications for the Origins of C-Rich Circumstellar Materials. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.