Kyle Hanquist
- Assistant Professor, Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2235
- Aerospace & Mechanical Engr., Rm. N613
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- hanquist@arizona.edu
Kyle Hanquist is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) at the University of Arizona, where he is the Director of the Computational Hypersonics and Nonequilibrium Laboratory (CHANL). His research group is active in the development and application of physical models and computational methods for simulation of complex phenomena such as nonequilibrium and reactive flows experienced during hypersonic flight.
Previously to joining the department, Prof. Hanquist was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. He has research experiences at NASA Ames Research Center in the area of aerothermodynamics and heat shield design and has teaching interests in the area of fluid mechanics and computational methods. He earned his Ph.D. (2017) and M.S.E. (2015) in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan and a B.S.E. (2012) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska.
Dr. Hanquist is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the AIAA Thermophysics Technical Committee, and the American Physical Society (APS).
- Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
- Modeling of Electron Transpiration Cooling for Leading Edges of Hypersonic Vehicles
- M.S. Aerospace Engineering
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
Work Experience
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (2018 - 2019)
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (2017 - 2019)
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (2013 - 2017)
- NASA Ames Research Center (2013)
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (2011 - 2012)
- United States Senate (2010)
- Featured Article
- AIP Publishing - Physics of Fluids, Summer 2021
- 2020 AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Best Paper Award
- AIAA, Spring 2021
- Editor's Choice
- AIP Publishing - Physics of Fluids, Summer 2020
- Frontiers in Physics – Plasma Physics, Spring 2020
Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, Nonequilibrium Flows
Hypersonics, Aerothermodynamics, Nonequilibrium Flows, Molecular Gas Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Low-Temperature Plasmas, Thermal Management, Optimization, Finite-Rate Chemistry
2024-25 Courses
AME 437 (Spring 2025) -
AME 537 (Spring 2025) -
AME 920 (Spring 2025) -
APPL 920 (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
AME 599 (Spring 2025) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
AME 331 (Spring 2025) -
AME 900 (Spring 2025) -
AME 910 (Spring 2025) -
AME 920 (Fall 2024) -
APPL 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
AME 499 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
AME 599 (Fall 2024) -
AME 900 (Fall 2024) -
AME 910 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Compressible Fld Dynamic
AME 536C (Spring 2024) -
AME 920 (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
AME 499 (Spring 2024) -
MATH 900 (Spring 2024) -
Directed Research
AME 492 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
AME 599 (Fall 2023) -
AME 900 (Fall 2023) -
AME 910 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
AME 537 (Spring 2023) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 431 (Spring 2023) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 531 (Spring 2023) -
AME 910 (Spring 2023) -
AME 920 (Fall 2022) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
AME 331 (Fall 2022) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
BME 331 (Fall 2022) -
AME 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
AME 920 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
AME 499 (Spring 2022) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 431 (Spring 2022) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 531 (Spring 2022) -
AME 900 (Spring 2022) -
Directed Research
AME 492 (Fall 2021) -
AME 900 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 431 (Spring 2021) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 531 (Spring 2021) -
AME 900 (Spring 2021) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
AME 331 (Fall 2020) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
BME 331 (Fall 2020) -
AME 900 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 431 (Spring 2020) -
Num Mth Fld Mech+Ht Trsf
AME 531 (Spring 2020) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
AME 331 (Fall 2019) -
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
BME 331 (Fall 2019)
Scholarly Contributions
- Campbell, N. S., Hanquist, K., Morin, A., Meyers, J., & Boyd, I. (2021). Evaluation of Computational Models for Electron Transpiration Cooling. Aerospace. doi:10.3390/aerospace8090243
- Gimelshein, S. F., Wysong, I. J., Fangman, A. J., Andrienko, D. A., Kunova, O. V., Kustova, E. V., Garbacz, C., Fossati, M., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Kinetic and Continuum Modeling of High-Temperature Oxygen and Nitrogen Binary Mixtures. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. doi:https://doi.org/10.2514/1.T6258
- Parent, B., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Plasma Sheath Modelling for Computational Aerothermodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. doi:10.1080/10618562.2021.1949456
- Holloway, M. E., Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2020). Assessment of Thermochemistry Modeling for Hypersonic Flow over a Double Cone. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 34(3), 538--547.
- Streicher, J. W., Streicher, J. W., Krish, A., Krish, A., Hanson, R. K., Hanson, R. K., Hanquist, K. M., Hanquist, K. M., Chaudhry, R. S., Chaudhry, R. S., Boyd, I. D., & Boyd, I. D. (2020). Shock-tube measurements of coupled vibration-dissociation time-histories and rate parameters in oxygen and argon mixtures from 5000 K to 10 000 K. Physics of Fluids, 32(7), 1--21.
- Eyi, S., Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019). Aerothermodynamic Design Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicles. JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER, 33(2), 392-406. doi:10.2514/1.T5523More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Eyi, S., Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019). Shape Optimization of Reentry Vehicles to Minimize Heat Loading. JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER, 33(3), 785-796. doi:10.2514/1.T5705More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019). Plasma Assisted Cooling of Hot Surfaces on Hypersonic Vehicles. FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, 7. doi:10.3389/fphy.2019.00009More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Hara, K., & Hanquist, K. (2018). Test cases for grid-based direct kinetic modeling of plasma flows. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 27(6).
- Hanquist, K. M., Alkandry, H., & Boyd, I. D. (2017). Evaluation of Computational Modeling of Electron Transpiration Cooling at High Enthalpies. JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER, 31(2), 283-293.
- Hanquist, K. M., Hara, K., & Boyd, I. D. (2017). Detailed modeling of electron emission for transpiration cooling of hypersonic vehicles. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 121(5).
Proceedings Publications
- Footohi, P., Mozzone, L., Shkarayev, S., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Wingtip Jets Effects on Flow Entrainment and Aerodynamic Loads. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM.
- Parent, B., Hanquist, K., Rajendran, P., & Liza, M. (2021). Effect of Cesium Seeding on Plasma Density in Hypersonic Boundary Layers. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum.
- Sadagopan, A., Huang, D., Duzel, U., Liza, M., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Assessment of High-Temperature Effects on Hypersonic Aerothermoelastic Analysis using Multi-Fidelity Multi-Variate Surrogates. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum.
- Hanquist, K. M., Chaudhry, R. S., Boyd, I. D., Streicher, J. W., Krish, A., & Hanson, R. K. (2020, June). Detailed Thermochemical Modeling of O2-Ar in Reflected Shock Tube Flows. In AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition.
- Hanquist, K. M., Duzel, U., Liza, M. E., Sadagopan, A., & Huang, D. (2020, December). Modeling High-Temperature Flow Field Effects Relevant to Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions. In Joint Meeting of the Combustion, Airbreathing Propulsion, Exhaust Plume and Signatures, and Energetic Systems Hazards subcommittees, and Programmatic and Industrial Base meeting.
- Parent, B., Omprakas, A., & Hanquist, K. M. (2020, June). Fully-Coupled Simulation of Plasma Discharges, Turbulence, and Combustion in a Scramjet Combustor. In AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition.More infoSimulating plasma-assisted combustion represents a considerable challenge due to the large discrepancy of the time scales involved. While the turbulent eddy time scales are of the order of microseconds, the plasma sheath time scales are 3-4 orders of magnitude lower. Contrarily to the chemical reactions, the stiffness of the plasma equations can not be relieved simply by using an implicit integration strategy, thus leading to excessive computational effort even for the simplest cases. Recently, it was shown that this hurdle can be overcome by recasting the plasma drift-diffusion transport equations such that the potential is not obtained from Gauss's law directly but rather from Ohm's law. Such a recast is performed while still ensuring that Gauss's law is satisfied and thus does not modify the physics of the drift-diffusion model in any way. In this paper, we use this novel approach to integrate, for the first time, a plasma discharge in fully coupled form with the turbulent hydrogen/air mixing layer and combustion process taking place in the combustor of a scramjet flying at Mach 11. The chemical model includes electrons, 7 different types of ions, 11 neutral species and 79 reactions. Results indicate that more than 5 discharges need to be performed before achieving a self-repeating pattern due to the strong coupling between the flow, combustion, and plasma. Further, the plasma-assisted flame anchoring is seen to create a recirculation region of significant size within the turbulent boundary layer which affects skin friction and heat loads considerably.
- Sadagopan, A., Huang, D., & Hanquist, K. (2020, January). Impact of High-Temperature Effects on the Aerothermoelastic Behavior of Composite Skin Panels in Hypersonic Flow. In AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.
- Eyi, S., Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019, January). Shape Optimization of Reentry Vehicles to Minimize Heat Loading. In AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019, June). Modeling of Electronically Excited Oxygen in O2-Ar Shock Tube Studies. In AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition.More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Holloway, M., Hanquist, K. M., & Boyd, I. D. (2019, January). Effect of Thermochemistry Modeling on Hypersonic Flow Over a Double Cone. In AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.More infoPerformed work as Post-Doc at the University of Michigan.
- Chengalrayan, S., Hanquist, K., & Shkarayev, S. (2021). Determination of Flow Field Parameters using Inverse Interpolation Methods. 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
- Footohi, P., Mozzone, L., Shkarayev, S., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Flow Entrainment and Aerodynamic Performance for Small Aspect Ratio Wings with Wingtip Jets. 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
- Liza, M., Burton, G., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Examining turbulent length scales and flow correlations in a direct numerical simulation study of a hypersonic boundary layer flow produced by a uniform aspect ratio mesh using a high-resolution low dissipation massively parallel CFD code. 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
- Liza, M., & Hanquist, K. (2020, October). Simulation of Hypersonic Flow Fields with Application to Aero-Optics. Technical Mini Conference - AIAA Tucson Section.
Poster Presentations
- Chengalrayan, S., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Determination of Flow Field Parameters using Inverse Interpolation Method. Los Alamos / Arizona Days Conference.
- Duzel, U., & Hanquist, K. (2021). Assessment of High-Temperature Effects on Hypersonic Aerothermoelastic Analysis. Los Alamos / Arizona Days Conference.