Kavan Hazeli
- Associate Professor, Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Associate Professor, Optical Sciences
- Associate Professor
- (520) 621-2235
- Aerospace & Mechanical Engr., Rm. 301
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- hazeli@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
- Drexel Univeristy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Work Experience
- Uniovesity of Alabama in Huntsville (2016 - 2021)
- Johns Hopkins Univerity (2014 - 2016)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
AME 920 (Spring 2025) -
BME 920 (Spring 2025) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 469 (Spring 2025) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 569 (Spring 2025) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Spring 2025) -
AME 900 (Spring 2025) -
AME 920 (Fall 2024) -
BME 920 (Fall 2024) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Fall 2024) -
AME 900 (Fall 2024) -
Rsrch Meth Biomed Engr
BME 592 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
AME 920 (Spring 2024) -
Master's Report
AME 909 (Spring 2024) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Spring 2024) -
AME 900 (Spring 2024) -
Rsrch Meth Biomed Engr
BME 592 (Spring 2024) -
BME 910 (Spring 2024) -
AME 920 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 469 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 569 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Independent Study
PSIO 399H (Fall 2023) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Fall 2023) -
AME 900 (Fall 2023) -
Rsrch Meth Biomed Engr
BME 592 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Directed Research
AME 492 (Spring 2023) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 469 (Spring 2023) -
Engr Design and Mat'l. Select.
AME 569 (Spring 2023) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Spring 2023) -
AME 900 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
AME 592 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
AME 499 (Fall 2022) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Fall 2022) -
AME 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Spring 2022) -
AME 900 (Spring 2022) -
Mechs Of Materials Lab
AME 324L (Fall 2021)
Scholarly Contributions
- Zehnder, A. T., Carroll, J., Hazeli, K., Berke, R., Pataky, G. J., Cavalli, M., Beese, A. M., & Xia, S. (2016).
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 8
. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21611-9
- Wang, F., Barrett, C. D., Hazeli, K., Molodov, K. D., Al‐Samman, T., Oppedal, A., Molodov, D. A., Kontsos, A., Ramesh, K., Kadiri, H. E., & Agnew, S. R. (2017).
The Effect of $$ \{ 10\bar{1}2\} $$ Twin Boundary on the Evolution of Defect Substructure
. In Magnesium Technology. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52392-7_27 - Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P., Hazeli, K., Bartoli, I., & Kontsos, A. (2016). Data-fusion NDE for progressive damage quantification in composites. In Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48096-1_12More infoThe objective of this article is to present a progressive damage quantification framework for fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPC) that have widespread use in aerospace and wind-turbine applications. To this aim, a novel optico-acoustic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) setup is presented based on integration of Digital Image Correlation (DIC), Acoustic Emission (AE), and Infrared Thermography (IRT). DIC and IRT full-field strain and temperature maps reveal early development of structural hot spots, associated with locations where inelastic strains accumulate, damage initiates, and final fracture occurs in both tensile and fatigue experiments. Damage quantification is further related to: (i) energy dissipation, (ii) residual stiffness, (iii) average both temporal and spatial temperature variations, and (iv) AE features in time and frequency domains. The extracted NDE parameters suggest three characteristic stages of fatigue life that can be used to construct appropriate models for reliable remaining life-predictions.
- Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Hazeli, K., Bartoli, I., & Kontsos, A. (2015).
A Hybrid Optico-Acoustic NDE Approach for Deformation and Damage Monitoring
. In ASTM. doi:10.1520/stp158420140051 - Bartoli, I., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Kontsos, A., & Vanniamparambil, P. A. (2014).
Data-Fusion NDE for Progressive Damage Quantification in Composites
. In Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications. doi:10.1002/9781118888414.ch12 - Carmi, R., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Rajaram, S., Guclu, U., Bussiba, A., Bartoli, I., & Kontsos, A. (2014).
Acoustic Emission and Digital Image Correlation as Complementary Techniques for Laboratory and Field Research
. In Advances in Acoustic Emission Technology. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1239-1_56 - Hazeli, K., Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Carmi, R., & Kontsos, A. (2014).
Quantification of Microstructure-Properties-Behavior Relations in Magnesium Alloys Using a Hybrid Approach
. In Magnesium Technology. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48231-6_26 - Hazeli, K., Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Carmi, R., & Kontsos, A. (2014).
Quantification of Microstructure-Properties-Behavior Relations in Magnesium Alloys Using a Hybrid Approach
. In Quantification of Microstructure-Properties-Behavior Relations in Magnesium Alloys Using a Hybrid Approach. doi:10.1002/9781118888179.ch26
- June, D., Pourjam, M., Demeneghi, G., & textbfHazeli, K. (2025). High-temperature behavior of additively manufactured Haynes 214: ductility loss and deformation mechanisms transition. Additive Manufacturing.
- Demeneghi, G., Gradl, P. R., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2024).
Size Effect Characteristics and Influences on Fatigue Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Thin Wall GRCop-42 Copper Alloy
. Heliyon. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4617366 - Demeneghi, G., Gradl, P., Diaz, A., & Hazeli, K. (2024). Effect of Surface Finish and Temperature on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of GRCop-42. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. doi:10.1111/ffe.14526More infoThis study investigates the impact of various surface finishes on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties of laser powder bed fusion GRCop-42. The evaluated surfaces include as-built, machined, and chemically polished finishes (1.0% and 2.0% ranges). LCF life of polished GRCop-42 was assessed at cryogenic (−195°C), ambient, and elevated temperatures (200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 800°C) across three strain ranges. Results indicate that surface finish has minimal impact on LCF life. Stress across different strain levels showed minimal effect of surface finish on cyclic hardening/softening. Cryogenic temperatures led to cyclic hardening followed by stabilization, while ambient and 200°C temperatures showed initial hardening followed by softening. At 400°C and above, specimens displayed continuous cyclic softening. Fractography showed that surface finish impacts plastic deformation: as-printed and polished surfaces had brittle fractures, while machined specimens were ductile. Specimens at cryogenic and ambient temperatures exhibited brittle fractures, whereas those at elevated temperatures showed plastic deformation and microcracks.
- Demeneghi, G., Gradl, P., Mayeur, J., & Hazeli, K. (2024). GRCop-42: Comparison between laser powder bed fusion and laser powder direct energy deposition. Additive Manufacturing Letters, 10. doi:10.1016/j.addlet.2024.100224More infoThis study involves a comparative analysis of additively manufactured GRCop-42 specimens produced using two processes: laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and laser powder direct energy deposition (LP-DED). The investigation characterizes a range of material attributes, including surface topography, internal defects, microstructural features, quasi-static mechanical properties, and fractographic characteristics. The findings demonstrate that, despite the specimens being fabricated with the same base material, the resulting material properties vary significantly between the two additive manufacturing processes. As such, material properties cannot be presumed to be uniform across different manufacturing methods. Consequently, material characterization must be conducted for individual manufacturing processes based on specific parameters.
- June, D., Mayeur, J. R., Gradl, P. R., Wessman, A., & Hazeli, K. (2024). Effects of size, geometry, and testing temperature on additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2024.103970
- June, D., Mayeur, J. R., Gradl, P., Wessman, A., & Hazeli, K. (2024). Effects of size, geometry, and testing temperature on additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Additive Manufacturing, 80, 103970.
- Keleshteri, M., Mayeur, J. R., & textbfHazeli, K. (2024). Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Properties and Crystal Plasticity Parameters for Additively Manufactured Haynes-214 Alloy: Experiments and Numerical Modeling. Additive Manufacturing.
- Pourjam, M., Demeneghi, G., Hazeli, K., Mireles, O., Medina, F., & Colón, B. (2024). On the Mechanical Behavior of LP-DED C103 Thin-Wall Structures. Metals, 14(9). doi:10.3390/met14090958More infoLaser Powder Directed Energy Deposition (LP-DED) can produce thin-wall features on the order of 1 mm. These features are essential for large structures operating in extreme environments such as regeneratively cooled nozzles and heat exchangers, which often make use of refractory metals. In this work, the mechanical behavior of LP-DED C103 was investigated via quasi-static tensile testing and low cycle fatigue (LCF) testing. The effects of vacuum stress relief (SR) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) heat treatments were investigated for specimens in the vertical and horizontal build orientations during tensile testing. The AB and SR properties were lower than literature values for wrought and laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) bulk components but higher than electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF). The application of a HIP cycle improved strength by 7% and ductility by 27% past the initial as-built condition. Fracture images reveal that interlayer stress concentration sites are responsible for fracture in specimens in the vertical orientation. Meanwhile, fracture in the horizontal specimens mainly propagates at a slanted angle typical of plane stress conditions. The LCF results show cycles to failure ranging from 100 cycles to 8000 cycles for max strain levels of 2% and 0.5%, respectively. Fractography on the fatigue specimens reveals an increasing propagation zone as max strain levels are increased. The impact of these findings and future work are discussed in detail.
- Sahoo, S., Keleshteri, M., Mayeur, J., & Hazeli, K. (2024). Stress localization investigation of additively manufactured GRCop-42 thin-wall structure. Thin-Walled Structures, 201. doi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.112022More infoA full-field crystal plasticity (CP) framework is presented for the GRCop-42 alloy to study microscopic mechanical behavior and local stress heterogeneities. The microstructures of additively manufactured (AM) materials are often unique relative to conventionally processed materials, and the local thermal histories drive these differences during the build process. These thermal histories depend on the process parameters (laser power, scan speed, and scan strategy) and the part geometry. Prior research has shown that the mechanical properties of thin-walled structures can vary significantly with wall thickness due to changes in the thermal boundary conditions during manufacturing. It is, therefore, desirable to perform CP simulations based on the phenomenological constitutive model to predict the local mechanical responses induced by microstructural heterogeneities. This work generates representative microstructures based on experimentally collected grain information (i.e., texture) for grain scale stress analysis, and the material constitutive parameters are calibrated using the experimental mechanical testing data. We specifically investigated the effect of crystallographic texture and grain morphologies on the size-dependent mechanical properties of AM GRCop-42. The selection of appropriate material properties for implementing an effective free surface boundary condition and the influence of adjacent buffer layers are also discussed. Analysis of local field results reveals a strong correlation between stress localization and the initial grain orientation. However, no significant relationship between the misorientation of the individual adjacent grains and the average misorientation is observed.
- Wu, M., Linne, M., Forien, J., Barton, N. R., Ye, J., Hazeli, K., Perron, A., Bertsch, K., Wang, Y. M., & Voisin, T. (2024). Additively manufactured β-Ti5553 with laser powder bed fusion: microstructures and mechanical properties of bulk and lattice parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2024.118354
- Demeneghi, G., Gradl, P. R., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2023). Size Effect Characteristics and Influences on Fatigue Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Grcop-42 Copper Alloy. SSRN. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4459393
- Flannagin, M., Barnes, B., O'Donoghue, W., Mayeur, J. R., Hazeli, K., & Nelson, G. J. (2023).
Electrochemical Response of Alkaline Batteries Subject to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading
. Electrochemical Response of Alkaline Batteries Subject to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/acaad0 - Gober, M., Barnes, B., O'Donoghue, W., Mayeur, J. R., Hazeli, K., & Nelson, G. J. (2023).
Electrochemical Response of Alkaline Batteries Subject to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading
. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. doi:10.1149/ma2023-014838mtgabs - June, D., Mayeur, J. R., Gradl, P. R., Wessman, A., & Hazeli, K. (2023).
Effects of Size, Geometry, and Temperature on Additively Manufactured Ti-6al-4v Titanium Alloy
. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4577754 - Rustom, S., Paudel, Y., Mujahid, S., Cagle, M., Anantwar, P., Hazeli, K., Moser, R. D., Paliwal, B., Rhee, H., Kadiri, H. E., & Barrett, C. D. (2023).
Manufacturing Strategies to Mitigate Deformation Twinning in Magnesium
. ASME Open Journal of Engineering. doi:10.1115/1.4056553 - Wu, M., Linne, M., Forien, J., Barton, N. R., Ye, J., Hazeli, K., Perron, A., Bertsch, K., Wang, Y. M., & Voisin, T. (2023).
Additively Manufactured Β-Ti5553 with Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Bulk and Lattice Parts
. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4576396 - Babamiri, B. B., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2022). Synchronous involvement of topology and microstructure to design additively manufactured lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2022.102618
- Babamiri, B. B., Mayeur, J., & Hazeli, K. (2022). Synchronous involvement of topology and microstructure to design additively manufactured lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing, 102618.
- Demeneghi, G., Barnes, B., Gradl, P. R., Ellis, D., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2022).
Direct Energy Deposition Grcop-42 Copper Alloy: Characterization and Size Effects
. Materials and Design. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4072685 - Demeneghi, G., Barnes, B., Gradl, P., Ellis, D., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2022). Directed energy deposition GRCop-42 copper alloy: Characterization and size effects. Materials & Design, 222, 111035.
- Hazeli, K., June, D., Anantwar, P., & Babamiri, B. B. (2022).
Mechanical behavior of additively manufactured GRCop-84 copper alloy lattice structures
. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2022.102928 - Indeck, J., Cereceda, D., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2022). Understanding slip activity and void initiation in metals using machine learning-based microscopy analysis. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 838, 142738.
- Indeck, J., Cereceda, D., Mayeur, J. R., & Hazeli, K. (2022). Understanding slip activity and void initiation in metals using machine learning-based microscopy analysis. Materials Science and Engineering:. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2022.142738More infoThe use of machine learning techniques to supplement traditional data analysis in mechanics and materials research can improve the understanding of microstructure-property relationships. Identification of key microstructural features or correlation between deformation mechanisms and material response can be discerned that might otherwise have been overlooked. Motivated by the possibilities of gaining additional insight into the process of void nucleation in polycrystalline metals, several machine learning techniques are applied to the analysis of mesoscopic deformation mechanisms as determined by experimental characterization and modeling. Results from crystal plasticity modeling, experimental microstructural analysis, and theoretical models of slip transmission are combined to test a hypothesis regarding fatigue-induced void nucleation. Unsupervised spectral clustering was used with results from crystal plasticity simulations to characterize slip system activity for different crystallographic orientations. The slip system activity as determined by the clustering analysis was then fed into a K-nearest neighbor classifier to quantify the probability of slip transmission across different grain boundaries of interest and analyze grains containing fatigue-induced voids. An unique and unanticipated result from the unsupervised clustering analysis shows that including a group of partially-active slip systems was more appropriate than using the binary classification of active/non-active. Predicted slip activity behavior in a face-centered cubic material was shown to differ significantly from that of a body-centered cubic material due to non-Schmid effects. The outcome of the overall analysis was that grains containing fatigue-induced voids were more likely to be surrounded by grains with orientations that inhibited slip transmission according the Lee-Robertson-Birnbaum (LRB) criteria. Finally, it is demonstrated that smaller datasets using limited simulation results were equally effective at predicting a similar outcome when additional physical descriptors for the slip system activity are used.
- Naghavi, S. A., Tamaddon, M., Marghoub, A., Wang, K., Babamiri, B. B., Hazeli, K., Xu, W., Lu, X., Sun, C., Wang, L., Moazen, M., Wang, L., Li, D., & Liu, C. (2022).
Mechanical Characterisation and Numerical Modelling of TPMS-Based Gyroid and Diamond Ti6Al4V Scaffolds for Bone Implants: An Integrated Approach for Translational Consideration
. MDPI. doi:10.3390/bioengineering9100504 - Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Babamiri, B. B., Zhou, Y., Dargusch, M., Hazeli, K., & Zhang, M. (2022). Enhancing specific energy absorption of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures through simultaneous manipulation of architecture and constituent material. Additive Manufacturing, 102887.
- Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Babamiri, B. B., Zhou, Y., Dargusch, M., Hazeli, K., & Zhang, M. (2022). Enhancing specific energy absorption of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures through simultaneous manipulation of architecture and constituent material. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2022.102887
- Babamiri, B. B., Barnes, B., Soltani-Tehrani, A., Shamsaei, N., & Hazeli, K. (2021). Designing additively manufactured lattice structures based on deformation mechanisms. Additive Manufacturing, 46, 102143.
- Babamiri, B. B., Barnes, B., Soltani-Tehrani, A., Shamsaei, N., & Hazeli, K. (2021). Designing additively manufactured lattice structures based on deformation mechanisms. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2021.102143
- Barnes, B., Babamiri, B. B., Demeneghi, G., Soltani-Tehrani, A., Shamsaei, N., & Hazeli, K. (2021). Quasi-static and dynamic behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures with hybrid topologies. Additive Manufacturing, 48, 102466.
- Barnes, B., Babamiri, B. B., Demeneghi, G., Soltani-Tehrani, A., Shamsaei, N., & Hazeli, K. (2021). Quasi-static and dynamic behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures with hybrid topologies. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2021.102466
- Barnes, B., Demeneghi, G., Gradl, P. R., Hazeli, K., & Mayeur, J. R. (2021).
Size effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured copper–chromium–niobium alloy
. Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2021.141511 - Demeneghi, G., Hazeli, K., Indeck, J., Mayeur, J. R., & Williams, C. L. (2021).
Influence of reversible and non-reversible fatigue on the microstructure and mechanical property evolution of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy
. International Journal of Fatigue. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.106094 - Hazeli, K. (2021).
Microstructure-sensitive investigation of plasticity and fatigue of magnesium alloys
. Drexel University Publication. doi:10.17918/etd-6028 - Hazeli, K., Indeck, J., Mares, J. O., & Vitarelli, J. P. (2021).
Determination of the Feature Resolution of Processed Image Data via Statistical Analysis
. Microscopy and Microanalysis. doi:10.1017/s1431927621000143More infoAbstract - Hemker, K. J., Hazeli, K., Xie, K. Y., Dixit, N., Ma, L., & Ramesh, K. T. (2021). Twin boundary migration mechanisms in quasi-statically compressed and plate-impacted Mg single crystals. Science Advances, 7(42). doi:10.1126/sciadv.abg3443
- Indeck, J., Mares, J., Vitarelli, J., & Hazeli, K. (2021). Determination of the Feature Resolution of Processed Image Data via Statistical Analysis. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(2). doi:10.1017/s1431927621000143More infoA method is presented to determine the feature resolution of physically relevant metrics of data obtained from segmented image sets. The presented method determines the best-fit distribution curve of a dataset by analyzing a truncated portion of the data. An effective resolvable size for the metric of interest is established when including parts of the truncated dataset results in exceeding a specified error tolerance. As such, this method allows for the determination of the feature resolution regardless of the processing parameters or imaging instrumentation. Additionally, the number of missing objects that exist below the resolution of the instrumentation may be estimated. The application of the developed method was demonstrated on data obtained via 2D scanning electron microscopy of a pressed explosive material and from 3D micro X-ray computed tomography of a polymer-bonded explosive material. It was shown that the minimum number of pixels/voxels required for the accurate determination of a physically relevant metric is dependent on the metric of interest. This proposed method, utilizing the prior knowledge of the distribution of metrics of interest, was found to be well suited to determine the feature resolution in applications where large datasets can be achieved.
- Kang, M., Dixit, N., Hazeli, K., Xie, K., Hemker, K. J., & Ramesh, K. (2021). The mechanical behavior of single crystal and polycrystalline pure magnesium. Mechanics of Materials. doi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2021.104078More infoWe present a simplified constitutive model, based on the dominant deformation mechanisms, to capture the mechanical behavior of magnesium. This approach takes into account (1) the accumulation and annihilation of 〈 a 〉 and 〈 c + a 〉 dislocations, (2) the volume fraction of extension twins, and (3) two material domains — the parent region and the twinned region. We first show that the model successfully captures the material responses of single crystal magnesium under different loading conditions. We then extend the model for application to a polycrystalline magnesium alloy. The results provide a simple and straightforward approximate model for magnesium and its alloys under various loading conditions. • A simplified constitutive model is developed capturing the anisotropic behavior of Mg. • The model is calibrated with experimental data of single crystal magnesium. • The model captures the material responses of both single crystal and polycrystalline. • The parameters and the simplicity of this approach lend to fast-running simulations.
- Kang, M., Dixit, N., Hazeli, K., Xie, K., Hemker, K., & Ramesh, K. T. (2021). The mechanical behavior of single crystal and polycrystalline pure magnesium. Mechanics of Materials, 163, 104078.
- Xie, K. Y., Hazeli, K., Dixit, N., Ma, L., Ramesh, K. T., & Hemker, K. J. (2021). Twin boundary migration mechanisms in quasi-statically compressed and plate-impacted Mg single crystals. Science advances, 7(42), eabg3443.
- Babamiri, B. B., Askari, H., & Hazeli, K. (2020).
Deformation mechanisms and post-yielding behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures
. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2019.108443More infoThis study develops an anisotropic generalization of the volumetric hardening model (VHM) to investigate the governing deformation mechanisms at the onset of yielding of additively manufactured lattice structure (AMLS) made of a nickel-based superalloy, Inconel 718 (IN718), under quasi-static loading. The discussion of deformation mechanisms relies on defining a new yield surface using a combination of experimental measurements and finite element simulations that enable the representation of three distinct behavioral features of IN718 lattice structures under mechanical loading including (1) tension-compression asymmetry of strut-level response; (2) tension-compression asymmetry of the aggregate response; and (3) hydrostatic pressure sensitivity of the strut-level response. Typically, the VHM is used to describe the aggregate response of lattice or foam materials to global loading. The VHM model could be directly applied at the strut-level; however, this would assume a one-to-one correspondence between the local and global response. Such an assumption is not justified a priori and could alter the evolution of the local deformation mechanisms and the resulting analysis of failure modes and structural degradation. Therefore, we introduce a modified VHM (or MVHM), which represents a more appropriate yield criterion. The Johnson-Cook damage criterion and damage evolution law, which is based on Hillerborg's fracture energy method, are coupled with the MVHM to investigate the damage initiation and evolution, and their influence on the global stress-strain response using finite element simulations. - Babamiri, B. B., Indeck, J., Demeneghi, G., Cuadra, J., & Hazeli, K. (2020).
Quantification of porosity and microstructure and their effect on quasi-static and dynamic behavior of additively manufactured Inconel 718
. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2020.101380 - Barrett, C. B., Hazeli, K., Inal, K., Indeck, J., Kadiri, H. E., Limmer, K. R., Paudel, Y., Priddy, M. W., Rhee, H., & Whittington, W. R. (2020).
Characterization and modeling of {101¯2} twin banding in magnesium
. Acta Materialia. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2019.11.020More infoWe experimentally and numerically examined the localization behavior of {101¯2} extension twins in strongly and weakly textured AZ31 and ZEK100 magnesium alloys as they depart from the surface toward the center of the sheet under the mechanical action of three-point bending. Strain measurement analysis using digital image correlation revealed that twin banding occurs only in the sharply textured AZ31, but with a characteristic spacing between the bands which decreases with the twin height and applied strain. ZEK100 did not exhibit any ordered localization of bands and behaved as a “true” polycrystal. This finding is in agreement with micromechanical calculations by the present authors . We show that full-field plasticity finite element crystal plasticity model was unable to capture many important 2D features of the twin banding. This suggest that twin shear transfer, non-local effects, and the third dimension effects should be included into this model. - Chakraborty, S., Indeck, J., Steinmetz, P., Frieß, J., Hazeli, K., & Genau, A. (2020).
Localized Strain Analysis of Ce- and Mg-Treated Cast Iron under Uniaxial Compression
. MDPI. doi:10.3390/met10121638 - Liang, B., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., & Soghrati, S. (2020).
Stress field analysis in a stony meteorite under thermal fatigue and mechanical loadings
. Icarus. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.07.015 - Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Indeck, J., & Williams, C. L. (2019).
Accumulation and evolution of elastically induced defects under cyclic loading: Quantification and subsequent properties
. International Journal of Fatigue. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.05.025 - Hazeli, K., Babamiri, B. B., Indeck, J., Minor, A. M., & Askari, H. (2019).
Microstructure-topology relationship effects on the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures
. Additive Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107826More infoThis study demonstrates a relationship between manufacturing variables including design topology and post-processing heat treatment on the porosity distribution, quasi-static, and dynamic behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures (AMLS). Lattice structures were manufactured out of Inconel 718 using selective laser melting technique with four different topologies. The effect of heat treatment on the porosity size and distribution was examined using X-ray computed tomography for as-built (AB), stress relieved (SR), and hot isostatic pressed (HIP) plus solution aged (SA) heat-treatment conditions. It was noticed that reduction of porosity in the as-built samples, as a result of SR, was greater compared the porosity reduction due to the subsequent HIP plus SA. Quasi-static and dynamic loading was conducted and it was found that the deformation trends of each topology were independent of the strain rate. It was also found that the stress relieving heat treatment process enhances the quasi-static and dynamic flow stress after yielding. However, further heat-treating, including HIP and SA, for the same topology were not as effective as the initial SR process. Furthermore, the validity of digital image correlation in measuring average global strain and the validity of using a Kolsky bar for measuring dynamic mechanical behavior of AMLS are discussed. - Shabani, M., Indeck, J., Hazeli, K., Jablonski, P. D., & Pataky, G. J. (2019).
Effect of Strain Rate on the Tensile Behavior of CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys
. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. doi:10.1007/s11665-019-04176-y - Agnew, S. R., Al-Samman, T., Barrett, C. L., Hazeli, K., Kadiri, H. E., Kontsos, A., Molodov, K. D., Molodov, D. A., Ramesh, K., & Wang, F. (2018).
Characteristic dislocation substructure in 101¯2 twins in hexagonal metals
. Scripta Materialia. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.09.015More infoAbstract Based on transmission electron microscopy results from pure Mg single crystal examined in the current work, and Mg alloys and other hexagonal metals in literature, a characteristic dislocation substructure inside 10 1 ¯ 2 twins is identified. Abundant non-basal [c] and ⟨c + a⟩ perfect dislocations, as well as basal I1 stacking faults with widths on the order of 100 nm distributed preferentially in the vicinity of a twin boundary, with a low density zone in the middle of the twin. Considering the ubiquity of 10 1 ¯ 2 twins, this characteristic dislocation substructure should be considered in modeling of hexagonal metal alloy deformation. - Hazeli, K., Kannan, V., & Ramesh, K. (2018).
The mechanics of dynamic twinning in single crystal magnesium
. Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2018.03.010More infoAbstract In-situ ultra high speed optical imaging with 200 ns temporal resolution is used to gain insight into the evolution of twinning in single crystal magnesium under dynamic loading. Under compression along the a-axis, nucleation of twins is observed to occur on two conjugate { 10 1 ¯ 2 } twin planes. Twin nucleation appears to be stress-driven with the first twins nucleating at resolved stresses of 5–7 MPa. These first twins propagate across the specimen at very high speeds of the order 1 km/s. After the first twins stop growing, twin boundary growth is observed to be very small and relatively slow. The nucleation of additional twins from the boundaries of pre-existing twins is found to be preferred over twin boundary growth at these rates of loading. As a result, twin nucleation is found to have a dominant contribution to twin volume fraction evolution at later times. Lastly, twinning is found to have a dominant contribution to the net plastic strain at these strain rates. - Hazeli, K., Mir, C. E., Papanikolaou, S., Delbó, M., & Ramesh, K. (2018).
The origins of Asteroidal rock disaggregation: Interplay of thermal fatigue and microstructure
. Icarus. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.035 - Backman, D., Balandraud, X., Beese, A. M., Berke, R. B., Carroll, J., Casem, D., Cavalli, M. N., Cloud, G., Hay, J., Hazeli, K., Karanjgaokar, N., Kimberley, J., Korach, C. S., Lamberson, L., Lamberti, L., Pataky, G. J., Patterson, E. A., Quinn, S., Ralph, W., , Sciammarella, C. A., et al. (2017).
2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
. Experimental Mechanics. - Al-Samman, T., Cabal, M., Hazeli, K., Kadiri, H. E., Kontsos, A., Mo, C., Molodov, K. D., Molodov, D. A., Ramesh, K., & Wisner, B. (2016).
Acoustic Emission of Deformation Twinning in Magnesium
. Materials. doi:10.3390/ma9080662More infoThe Acoustic Emission of deformation twinning in Magnesium is investigated in this article. Single crystal testing with combined full field deformation measurements, as well as polycrystalline testing inside the scanning electron microscope with simultaneous monitoring of texture evolution and twin nucleation were compared to testing at the laboratory scale with respect to recordings of Acoustic Emission activity. Single crystal testing revealed the formation of layered twin boundaries in areas of strain localization which was accompanied by distinct changes in the acoustic data. Testing inside the microscope directly showed twin nucleation, proliferation and growth as well as associated crystallographic reorientations. A post processing approach of the Acoustic Emission activity revealed the existence of a class of signals that appears in a strain range in which twinning is profuse, as validated by the in situ and ex situ microscopy observations. Features extracted from such activity were cross-correlated both with the available mechanical and microscopy data, as well as with the Acoustic Emission activity recorded at the laboratory scale for similarly prepared specimens. The overall approach demonstrates that the method of Acoustic Emission could provide real time volumetric information related to the activation of deformation twinning in Magnesium alloys, in spite of the complexity of the propagation phenomena, the possible activation of several deformation modes and the challenges posed by the sensing approach itself when applied in this type of materials evaluation approach. - Askari, H., Carpick, R. W., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Kontsos, A., Streller, F., & Zbib, H. M. (2015).
Microstructure-sensitive investigation of magnesium alloy fatigue
. International Journal of Plasticity. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.10.010More infoAbstract This article presents results relating macroscopic fatigue behavior to microplasticity, twinning activity, and early fatigue crack formation in wrought magnesium alloy specimens of the AZ series. Experimental data were obtained by testing standard-sized samples prepared to be also suitable for direct microstructural quantification using scanning electron microscopy and electron back scatter diffraction for texture, grain-scale observations and fractography, as well as surface morphology measurements using white-light interferometry. In addition, in situ nondestructive monitoring of the fatigue behavior was performed by using the Acoustic Emission method. To describe the plastic anisotropy, tension–compression asymmetry, pseudoelasticity and their evolution as a function of fatigue loading, strain-control experiments of varying amplitude were conducted in several steps. Experimental measurements at different stages of fatigue life revealed repeatable occurrences of twinning–detwinning, which is further shown to be coupled with reversible surface roughening. It was also found that although tension twinning contributes considerably to overall plasticity, it could also give rise to crack initiation towards the end of the fatigue life. The role of the reported microplasticity effects was additionally explored using a Continuum Dislocation Dynamics Viscoplastic Self-Consistent (CDD-VPSC) model for the first two cycles of the fatigue life. The intention of this section was to incorporate the effect of twinning–detwinning into the CDD-VPSC model and subsequently to capture the experimental effects associated with changes in the fatigue hysteresis observed between first and second cycle. These simulation results were consistent with the hypothesis that detwinning is responsible for the anomalous hardening behavior during the tensile part of the cyclic loading in the first few cycles of loading. This observation was confirmed for several imposed strain amplitudes and was achieved by properly defining an appropriate boundary condition that allows surface morphology changes. Furthermore, the experimental test plan allowed the quantification of the fatigue life in terms of hysteresis loop parameters including plastic/elastic energy, residual stiffness, as well as mean and extreme stresses. Finally, an energy-based relationship for the evaluation of fatigue behavior based on the Ellyin–Kujawski formulation was found to provide life predictions that agree with obtained experimental information. - Hazeli, K., Cuadra, J., Streller, F., Barr, C. M., Taheri, M. L., Carpick, R. W., & Kontsos, A. (2015).
Three-dimensional effects of twinning in magnesium alloys
. Scripta Materialia. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.12.001 - Hogan, J. D., Kimberley, J., Hazeli, K., Plescia, J. B., & Ramesh, K. (2015).
Dynamic behavior of an ordinary chondrite: The effects of microstructure on strength, failure and fragmentation
. Icarus. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.07.027 - Hazeli, K., Sadeghi, A., Pekguleryuz, M., & Kontsos, A. (2014).
Damping and dynamic recovery in magnesium alloys containing strontium
. Materials Science and Engineering: A. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2013.09.090 - Bartoli, I., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Khan, F., Kontsos, A., Schwartz, E. L., & Vanniamparambil, P. A. (2013).
Novel optico-acoustic nondestructive testing for wire break detection in cables
. Structural control & health monitoring. doi:10.1002/stc.1539 - Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Hazeli, K., Bartoli, I., & Kontsos, A. (2013).
Damage quantification in polymer composites using a hybrid NDT approach
. Composites Science and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.04.013More infoDamage is an inherently dynamic and multi-scale process. Of interest herein is the monitoring and quantification of progressive damage accumulation in a newly developed glass fiber reinforced polymer composite subjected to both tensile and fatigue loading conditions. To achieve this goal, the potential of data fusion in structural damage detection, identification and remaining-life estimation is investigated by integrating heterogeneous monitoring techniques and extracting damage-specific information. Damage monitoring is achieved by the use of a hybrid non-destructive testing system relying on the combination of acoustic emission, digital image correlation and infrared thermography. Full-field strain and temperature differential maps reveal appearance and development of damage “hot spots” at prescribed strain/load increments that also correlate well with distinct changes in the recorded acoustic activity. The use of non-destructive and mechanical testing data further allows the quantification of the observed hysteretic fatigue behavior by providing measurements of the: (i) stiffness degradation, (ii) energy dissipation, and (iii) average strain as a function of fatigue cycles. Furthermore, analysis of the real time recorded acoustic activity indicates the existence of three characteristic stages of fatigue life that can be used to construct a framework for reliable remaining life-predictions. - Hazeli, K., Cuadra, J., Vanniamparambil, P. A., & Kontsos, A. (2013).
In situ identification of twin-related bands near yielding in a magnesium alloy
. Scripta Materialia. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.09.009More infoDigital image correlation and acoustic emission were used simultaneously to investigate the near-yielding behavior of textured samples of a magnesium alloy. Distinct band evolution near yielding was monitored in situ and directly related to profuse localized twin formation, verified by ex situ electron backscatter diffraction. The presented results demonstrate for the first time quantitatively in both space and time the dominant role of twinning in the early stages of plastic deformation of magnesium alloys. - Hazeli, K., Kontsos, A., Pekguleryuz, M., & Sadeghi, A. (2013).
The effect of strontium in plasticity of magnesium alloys
. Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2013.04.101More infoAbstract The objective of this article is to quantify relationships between microstructural changes and the room temperature mechanical behavior of novel extruded Mg–Al–Zn–Sr alloys. To this aim, targeted mechanical testing coupled with full-field strain measurements and simultaneous acoustic emission recordings is further combined with grain-scale observations. To date, the precise effect of alloying elements on the plasticity of Mg alloys is still largely unknown. Strontium in wrought Mg alloys has already been shown to reduce grain size and texture anisotropy, as well as improve their creep resistance, replicating the effects of rare earth elements. To further investigate the effects of Sr on the mechanical properties and plasticity of Mg alloys compression tests were performed and were coupled with nondestructive measurements provided by digital image correlation and acoustic emission monitoring. The results presented herein demonstrate the effect of the extrusion temperature and provide direct correlations between Sr content and bulk mechanical properties, overall plasticity and texture evolution in these novel alloys. Furthermore, the addition of Sr was found to be related to distinct strain localizations near yielding, which were linked to twinning activity, providing in this way a route for quantitative control of their microstructural design. - Bartoli, I., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Kontsos, A., Saralaya, R., Schwartz, E. L., & Vanniamparambil, P. A. (2012).
An integrated structural health monitoring approach for crack growth monitoring
. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. doi:10.1177/1045389x12447987More infoA novel structural health monitoring approach consisting of guided ultrasonic waves, acoustic emission, and digital image correlation, as well as real-time and postmortem analyses, was implemented to monitor and quantify crack growth in Al 2024 compact tension specimens, designed, and precracked according to ASTM E647-08. Tensile loads were applied according to ASTM E1290-08. Guided ultrasonic waves were generated with pulses centered at three different frequencies and were recorded using piezoelectric transducers. Guided ultrasonic waves were also modeled using finite element wave propagation models. The same transducers were further used for online acoustic emission monitoring. A digital image correlation system continuously monitored the crack growth and provided full-field surface strains. The application of this integrated structural health monitoring approach resulted in reliable damage detection and quantified crack growth measurements. In addition, a novelty detector based on the Mahalanobis distance was implemented in a data fusion scheme to assess the extent of damage. The reported results constitute a proof-of-concept investigation of a novel structural health monitoring approach based on the combination of real-time optical and acoustic nondestructive testing. - Gogotsi, Y., Hazeli, K., Kontsos, A., Lelkes, P. I., Mochalin, V., Neitzel, I., Niu, J., Zhang, Q., & Zhou, J. G. (2012).
Mechanical properties and biomineralization of multifunctional nanodiamond-PLLA composites for bone tissue engineering
. Biomaterials. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.03.063More infoMultifunctional bone scaffold materials have been produced from a biodegradable polymer , poly( l -lactic acid) (PLLA), and 1–10% wt of octadecylamine-functionalized nanodiamond (ND-ODA) via solution casting followed by compression molding . By comparison to pure PLLA, the addition of 10% wt of ND-ODA resulted in a significant improvement of the mechanical properties of the composite matrix , including a 280% increase in the strain at failure and a 310% increase in fracture energy in tensile tests . The biomimetic process of bonelike apatite growth on the ND-ODA/PLLA scaffolds was studied using microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The enhanced mechanical properties and the increased mineralization capability with higher ND-ODA concentration suggest that these biodegradable composites may potentially be useful for a variety of biomedical applications , including scaffolds for orthopedic regenerative engineering. - Kontsos, A., Λούτας, Θ., Kostopoulos, V., Hazeli, K., Anasori, B., & Barsoum, M. W. (2011).
Nanocrystalline Mg–MAX composites: Mechanical behavior characterization via acoustic emission monitoring
. Acta Materialia. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.048More infoThis paper reports on the mechanical behavior characterization of a nanocrystalline Mg–matrix composite reinforced with Ti2AlC by using the acoustic emission (AE) method. When Mg is reinforced with Ti2AlC, the damping is greatly enhanced and, because the Mg grains are in the 50–100 nm range, the resulting composite has excellent mechanical properties. Monotonic and cyclic tensile, as well as low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out while simultaneously recording the AE activity. The latter was analyzed post-mortem and was additionally coupled with advanced pattern recognition techniques for classification and clustering of the AE signals. The results provide evidence related to the activation and evolution of a possibly novel deformation mechanism in this nanocomposite, and are further found to agree with previously reported theoretical and experimental findings. - Vaziri, S., Shahverdi, H. R., Shabestari, S., Hazeli, K., & Torkamany, M. (2010).
Effect of re-scanning on tribological characterization of laser surface alloyed layers
. Materials & Design. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2010.02.040
Proceedings Publications
- Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Martz, H. E., & Ramesh, K. (2016).
In-situ X-ray CT results of damage evolution in L6 ordinary chondrite meteorites
. In Department of Energy. - Mir, C. E., Hazeli, K., Ramesh, K., & Delbó, M. (2016).
A scaling analysis for thermal fragmentation on small airless bodies
. In American Astronomical Society. - Mir, C. E., Hazeli, K., Ramesh, K., Delbó, M., & Wilkerson, J. (2016).
Thermal Fatigue: Lengthscales, Timescales, and Their Implications on Regolith Size-Frequency Distribution
. In 47th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Dixit, N., Hazeli, K., & Ramesh, K. (2015).
Twinning in magnesium under dynamic loading
. In 11th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading. - Hazeli, K., Wilkerson, J., Mir, C. E., Delbó, M., & Ramesh, K. (2015).
Regolith Formation on Airless Bodies
. In 46th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Hogan, J. D., Kimberley, J., Hazeli, K., Plescia, J. B., & Ramesh, K. T. (2015).
On the Role of Defects in the Dynamic Failure of an Ordinary Chondrite
. In 46th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. - Ayyagari, R. S., Farbaniec, L., Hazeli, K., Xie, K., Hemker, K. J., & Ramesh, K. (2014).
Dynamic response of ECAE-AZ31 magnesium under pressure shear
. In Society of Engineering Science. - Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Cabal, M., & Kontsos, A. (2014).
The Role of Multiscale Strain Localizations in Fatigue of Magnesium Alloys
. In International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. - Dixit, N., Hazeli, K., & Ramesh, K. (2014).
Kinetics of twinning in magnesium under dynamic loading
. In Society of Engineering Science. - Hazeli, K., Hogan, J. D., Mir, C. E., & Ramesh, K. (2014).
Mechanical Properties of Constituent Phases in Meteorites
. In American Geophysical Union. - Kontsos, A., Hazeli, K., Abraham, P., & Cuadra, J. (2014).
Identification of fatigue precursors via quantitative nondestructive evaluation
. In Society of Engineering Sciences. - Schwartz, E. L., Saralaya, R., Cuadra, J., Hazeli, K., Vanniamparambil, P. A., Carmi, R., Bartoli, I., & Kontsos, A. (2013).
The use of digital image correlation for non-destructive and multi-scale damage quantification
. In SPIE. - Gong, H., Kontsos, A., Kim, Y., Lelkes, P. I., Zhang, Q., Yao, D., Hazeli, K., & Zhou, J. G. (2012).
Micro Characterization of Mg and Mg Alloy for Biodegradable Orthopedic Implants Application
. In International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Cnference. - Vanniamparambil, P. A., Bartoli, I., Hazeli, K., Cuadra, J., Schwartz, E. L., Saralaya, R., & Kontsos, A. (2012).
In-situ acousto-ultrasonic monitoring of crack propagation in Al2024 alloy
. In SPIE.