Herve Rezeau
- Assistant Professor, Geosciences
- Endowed Chair, Lundin - Economic Geology
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6000
- Gould-Simpson, Rm. 208
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- hrezeau@arizona.edu
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Economic Geology
GEOS 596B (Spring 2025) -
Mineral+Energy Resources
GEOS 346 (Spring 2025) -
GEOS 900 (Spring 2025) -
GEOS 910 (Spring 2025) -
Tpcs Structure+Tectonics
GEOS 496E (Spring 2025) -
Tpcs Structure+Tectonics
GEOS 596E (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
GEOS 599 (Fall 2024) -
Ore Deposits Mapping
GEOS 504B (Fall 2024) -
Ore Deposits Mapping
MNE 504B (Fall 2024) -
GEOS 900 (Fall 2024) -
GEOS 910 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Spring 2024) -
Physical Geology
GEOS 251 (Spring 2024) -
GEOS 900 (Spring 2024) -
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Fall 2023) -
Mineral+Energy Resources
GEOS 346 (Fall 2023) -
Ore Deposits Mapping
GEOS 504B (Fall 2023) -
GEOS 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Geology Field Camp
GEOS 414 (Summer I 2023) -
GEOS 596A (Spring 2023) -
Physical Geology
GEOS 251 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Fall 2022) -
GEOS 596H (Fall 2022) -
Mineral+Energy Resources
GEOS 346 (Fall 2022) -
GEOS 900 (Fall 2022)
Scholarly Contributions
- Rezeau, H., Jagoutz, O., Beaudry, P., Izon, G., Kelemen, P., & Ono, S. (2023). The role of immiscible sulfides for sulfur isotope fractionation in arc magmas: Insights from the Talkeetna island arc crustal section, south-central Alaska. Chemical Geology, 619, 121325.
- Grosjean, M., Moritz, R., Rezeau, H., Hovakimyan, S., Ulianov, A., Chiaradia, M., & Melkonyan, R. (2022). Arabia-Eurasia convergence and collision control on Cenozoic juvenile K-rich magmatism in the South Armenian block, Lesser Caucasus. Earth-Science Reviews, 226, 103949.
- Liu, Z. e., Zhu, D., Rezeau, H., Jagoutz, O., Wang, Q., & Eyuboglu, Y. (2022). Late Cretaceous Transition From Calc-Alkaline to Alkaline Magmatism in the Eastern Anatolian Plateau: Implications for Microblock Collision Timing. Journal of Petrology, 63.
- Liu, Z. e., Zhu, D. C., Jagoutz, O., Rezeau, H., Wang, Q., & Eyuboglu, Y. (2021). Magmatic Evolution following Damp Tholeiitic and Wet Calc-alkaline Liquid Lines of Descent: an Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) Example. Journal of Petrology, 62, 1-37.
- Rezeau, H., Klein, B. Z., & Jagoutz, O. (2021). Mixing dry and wet magmas in the lower crust of a continental arc: new petrological insights from the Bear Valley Intrusive Suite, southern Sierra Nevada, California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2021 176:9, 176, 1-25.
- Rezeau, H., & Jagoutz, O. (2020). The importance of H2O in arc magmas for the formation of porphyry Cu deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 126, 103744.
- Zhu, D., Wang, Q., Rezeau, H., Liu, Z., Jagoutz, O., & Eyuboglu, Y. (2020). Magmatic Evolution Following Damp Tholeiitic and Wet Calc-alkaline Liquid Lines of Descent: An Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) Example. Journal of Petrology, 62(5). doi:10.1093/petrology/egaa088More infoAbstract A o ations between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline arc magmatism with close spatial and temporal relationships can provide critical constraints on magma genesis and allow the reconstruction of subduction polarity at convergent margins. This study identifies two compositionally distinct intrusive series from the Yusufeli region in the Eastern Pontides arc, NE Turkey. The intrusive rocks from the Yusufeli intrusive complex were emplaced at 179–170 Ma and are dominated by the low- to medium-K tholeiitic series, with depleted Hf isotopic compositions. In contrast, the intrusive rocks from the Camlikaya intrusive complex were emplaced at 151–147 Ma and are characterized by the medium- to high-K calc-alkaline series, with relatively enriched Hf isotopic compositions. The Al-in-hornblende geobarometer reveals that the magmas of both intrusive complexes crystallized at upper crustal levels (∼150–250 MPa, ∼5–8 km). The presence of patchy-textured plagioclase and the widespread occurrence of coeval dykes and magmatic mafic enclaves indicate that the two intrusive complexes are derived from multiple magma pulses in open magmatic systems. The mineral crystallization order of amphibole and plagioclase, the trace elemental signatures (e.g. Sr/Y and Y), and rare earth element modeling collectively suggest that the Yusufeli intrusive complex was dominated by plagioclase and clinopyroxene fractionation with earlier plagioclase crystallization than amphibole, whereas the Camlikaya intrusive complex was dominated by the fractionation of amphibole accompanied by co-crystallization of plagioclase. Such significant differences in the fractionating mineral assemblages at comparable intrusion pressures can be attributed to different initial H2O contents of the Yusufeli and Camlikaya parental magmas, which ultimately control their distinct liquid lines of descent. In accord with thermodynamic modeling results derived using the Rhyolite-MELTS software, we propose that the Yusufeli intrusive rocks are derived from damp (∼1–2 wt% H2O) parental magmas formed dominantly by decompression melting of mantle wedge in a back-arc setting. In contrast, the wet parental magmas (>∼2 wt% H2O) of Camlikaya intrusive rocks are more hydrous and formed through flux melting of suprasubduction-zone mantle wedge. This conclusion, combined with the back-arc basin related Jurassic sedimentary and structural records previously determined in the Southern Zone of the Eastern Pontides, indicates that the geochemical compositions and spatial relationship of the Yusufeli and Camlikaya intrusive complexes are preferably explained by the southward subduction of the Paleotethys oceanic lithosphere in the Early to Late Jurassic.
- Rezeau, H., Moritz, R., Wotzlaw, J. F., Hovakimyan, S., & Tayan, R. (2019). Zircon petrochronology of the Meghri-Ordubad pluton, Lesser caucasus: Fingerprinting igneous processes and implications for the exploration of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. Economic Geology, 114, 1365-1388.
- Georgatou, A., Chiaradia, M., Rezeau, H., & Wälle, M. (2018). Magmatic sulphides in Quaternary Ecuadorian arc magmas. Lithos, 296-299, 580-599.
- Rezeau, H., Leuthold, J., Tayan, R., Hovakimyan, S., Ulianov, A., Kouzmanov, K., & Moritz, R. (2018). Incremental Growth of Mid- to Upper-Crustal Magma Bodies During ArabiaâEurasia Convergence and Collision: A Petrological Study of the Calc-Alkaline to Shoshonitic MeghriâOrdubad Pluton (Southern Armenia and Nakhitchevan, Lesser Caucasus). Journal of Petrology, 59, 931-966.
- Rezeau, H., Moritz, R., & Beaudoin, G. (2017). Formation of Archean batholith-hosted gold veins at the Lac Herbin deposit, Val-dâOr district, Canada: Mineralogical and fluid inclusion constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 52, 421-442.
- Rezeau, H., Moritz, R., Leuthold, J., Hovakimyan, S., Tayan, R., & Chiaradia, M. (2017). 30Â Myr of Cenozoic magmatism along the Tethyan margin during ArabiaâEurasia accretionary orogenesis (MeghriâOrdubad pluton, southernmost Lesser Caucasus). Lithos, 288-289, 108-124.
- Rottier, B., Rezeau, Â. H., Casanova, Â. V., Kouzmanov, Â. K., Moritz, Â. R., Schlöglova, Â. K., Wälle, Â. M., & Fontboté, Â. L. (2017). Trace element diffusion and incorporation in quartz during heating experiments.
- Moritz, R., Rezeau, H., Ovtcharova, M., Tayan, R., Melkonyan, R., Hovakimyan, S., Ramazanov, V., Selby, D., Ulianov, A., Chiaradia, M., & Putlitz, B. (2016). Long-lived, stationary magmatism and pulsed porphyry systems during Tethyan subduction to post-collision evolution in the southernmost Lesser Caucasus, Armenia and Nakhitchevan. Gondwana Research, 37, 465-503.
- Rezeau, H., Moritz, R., Wotzlaw, J., Tayan, R., Melkonyan, R., Ulianov, A., Selby, D., D'abzac, F. -., & Stern, R. A. (2016). Temporal and genetic link between incremental pluton assembly and pulsed porphyry Cu-Mo formation in accretionary orogens. GEOLOGY, 44.
- Rottier, B., Kouzmanov, K., Bouvier, A. S., Baumgartner, L. P., Wälle, M., Rezeau, H., Bendezú, R., & Fontboté, L. (2016). Heterogeneous melt and hypersaline liquid inclusions in shallow porphyry type mineralization as markers of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition (Cerro de Pasco district, Peru). Chemical Geology, 447, 93-116.
- Rezeau, H., Forni, F., Hsu, Y., Troch, J., & Large, S. (2023, August). Editorial: The fate of volatiles and metals in magmas: volcanic eruptions, plutons and ore deposits.