Jessica Barnes
- Assistant Professor, Planetary Sciences
- Assistant Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6963
- Gerard P. Kuiper Space Sci., Rm. 325
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- jjbarnes@arizona.edu
- Women of Impact
- University of Arizona, Fall 2022
- NASA Planetary Science Early Career Award
- NASA, Spring 2020
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2025) -
Alien Earths
ASTR 170A1 (Fall 2024) -
Alien Earths
PTYS 170A1 (Fall 2024) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
PTYS 599 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2024) -
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Fall 2023) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2023) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Spring 2023) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2022) -
GEOS 596A (Fall 2022) -
Plnt Earth:Evl Hab World
ASTR 170A1 (Fall 2022) -
Plnt Earth:Evl Hab World
PTYS 170A1 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
PTYS 510A (Spring 2022) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Spring 2022) -
PTYS 920 (Spring 2022) -
PTYS 900 (Spring 2022) -
Senior Capstone
BIOC 498 (Spring 2022) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2021) -
PTYS 900 (Fall 2021) -
Senior Capstone
BIOC 498 (Fall 2021) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Directed Research
ASTR 492 (Spring 2021) -
PTYS 920 (Spring 2021) -
GEOS 520 (Spring 2021) -
PTYS 520 (Spring 2021) -
Directed Research
ASTR 492 (Fall 2020) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2020) -
Spec Tops in Planetary Science
PTYS 595B (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
PTYS 510A (Spring 2020) -
PTYS 920 (Spring 2020)
Scholarly Contributions
- Kunert, N., Antier, S., Nedora, V., Bulla, M., Pang, P., Anand, S., Coughlin, M., Tews, I., Barnes, J., Hussenot-Desenonges, T. .., Healy, B., Laz, T., Pilloix, M., Kiendrebeogo, W., & Dietrich, T. (2024). Bayesian model selection for GRB 211211A through multiwavelength analyses. \mnras, 527(2), 3900-3911.
- Lauretta, D. S., Connolly, H. C., Aebersold, J. E., Alexander, C., Ballouz, R., Barnes, J. J., Bates, H. C., Bennett, C. A., Blanche, L., Blumenfeld, E. H., Clemett, S. J., Cody, G. D., DellaGiustina, D. N., Dworkin, J. P., Eckley, S. A., Foustoukos, D. I., Franchi, I. A., Glavin, D. P., Greenwood, R. C., , Haenecour, P., et al. (2024). Asteroid (101955) Bennu in the laboratory: Properties of the sample collected by OSIRIS-REx. \maps, 59(9), 2453-2486.
- Ramsey, S. R., Ostwald, A. M., Udry, A., O'Neal, E., Day, J. M., Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J. J., & Griffin, S. (2024). Northwest Africa 13669, a reequilibrated nakhlite from a previously unsampled portion of the nakhlite igneous complex. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59(1), 134--170.
- Ramsey, S. R., Ostwald, A. M., Udry, A., O'Neal, E., Day, J. M., Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J. J., & Griffin, S. (2024). Northwest Africa 13669, a reequilibrated nakhlite from a previously unsampled portion of the nakhlite igneous complex. \maps, 59(1), 134-170.
- Saxey, D. W., Fougerouse, D., Dimitriou, D., Barnes, J. J., Rickard, W. D., Timms, N. E., Jourdan, F., Reddy, S. M., Bland, P. A., Ireland, T. R., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024). Geochemical Quantification of Olivine Minerals by Atom Probe Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, ozae044.032.
- Shearer}, C., McCubbin, F., Eckley, S., Simon, S., Meshik, A., McDonald, F., Schmitt, H., Zeigler, R., Gross, J., Mitchell, J., Krysher, C., Morris, R., Parai, R., Jolliff, B., Gillis-Davis, J., Joy, K., Bell, S., Lucey, P., Sun, L., , Sharp, Z., et al. (2024). Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA): an Apollo Participating Scientist Program to Prepare the Lunar Sample Community for Artemis. \ssr, 220(6), 62.
- Stadermann, A., Erickson, T., Seifert, L., Chang, Y., Zeszut, Z., Zega, T., Michels, Z., & Barnes, J. (2024). A diversity of temperature and pressure conditions recorded by zircon within suevite from Ries crater, Germany. \maps, 59(12), 3322-3339.
- Varnam, M., Hamilton, C. W., Aleinov, I., & Barnes, J. J. (2024). Composition and speciation of volcanic volatiles on the Moon. Icarus, 116009.
- Varnam, M., Hamilton, C. W., Aleinov, I., & Barnes, J. J. (2024). Composition and speciation of volcanic volatiles on the Moon. \icarus, 413, 116009.
- Wilbur, Z. E., McCoy, T. J., Corrigan, C. M., Barnes, J. J., Brown, S. V., & Udry, A. (2024). The formation of volatile-bearing djerfisherite in reduced meteorites. \maps, 59(9), 2373-2387.
- Barrett, T. J., Robinson, K. L., Barnes, J. J., Jeffrey Taylor, G., Nagashima, K., Huss, G. R., Franchi, I. A., Anand, M., & Kring, D. A. (2023). Deciphering the origin(s) of H and Cl in Apollo 15 quartz monzodiorites: Evidence for multiple processes and reservoirs. \gca, 358, 192-206.
- Dauphas, N., Russell, S., Beaty, D., Thiessen, F., Barnes, J., Bonal, L., Bridges, J., Bristow, T., Eiler, J., Ferriere, L., Fornaro, T., Gattacceca, J., Hoffman, B., Javaux, E., Kleine, T., McSween, H., Prasad, M., Rampe, L., Schmidt, M., , Schoene, B., et al. (2023). Science Priorities for the Extraction of the Solid MSR Samples from their Sample Tubes. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2301.04694.
- McCubbin, F. M., Barnes, J. J., Ni, P., Hui, H., Klima, R. L., Burney, D., Day, J. M., Magna, T., Boyce, J. W., Tart{\`ese}, R., Kaaden, K., Steenstra, E., Elardo, S. M., Zeigler, R. A., Anand, M., & Liu, Y. (2023). Endogenous Lunar Volatiles. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 89(1), 729-786.
- McCubbin, F. M., Lewis, J. A., Barnes, J. J., Boyce, J. W., Gross, J., McCanta, M. C., Srinivasan, P., Anzures, B. A., Lunning, N. G., Elardo, S. M., Keller, L. P., Prissel, T. C., & Agee, C. B. (2023). On the origin of fluorine-poor apatite in chondrite parent bodies. American Mineralogist, 108(7), 1185-1200.
- Stadermann, A. C., Barnes, J. J., Erickson, T. M., Prissel, T. C., & Michels, Z. D. (2023). Evidence for Extrusive Mg-Suite Magmatism on the Moon? Fine-Grained Magnesian Clasts in an Apollo 16 Impact Melt Breccia. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 128(8), e2022JE007728.
- Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., Ong, I., Brounce, M., Crow, C., Erickson, T., Kent, J., Boyce, J., Mosenfelder, J., Hahn, T., McCubbin, F., & Zega, T. (2023). Volatiles, vesicles, and vugs: Unraveling the magmatic and eruptive histories of Steno crater basalts. \maps, 58(11), 1600-1628.
- Wilbur, Z., McCoy, T., Corrigan, C., & Barnes, J. (2023). Vapor Phase Metasomatism on the Aubrite Parent Body Evidenced by the Volatile-Bearing Sulfide Djerfisherite. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29, 830-831.
- Schatz, H., Becerril, R. A., Best, A., Brown, E., Chatziioannou, K., Chipps, K., Deibel, C., Ezzeddine, R., Galloway, D., Hansen, C., Herwig, F., Ji, A., Lugaro, M., Meisel, Z., Norman, D., Read, J., Roberts, L., Spyrou, A., Tews, I., , Timmes, F., et al. (2022). Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyond. Journal of Physics G Nuclear Physics, 49(11), 110502.
- Stadermann, A. C., Jolliff, B. L., Krawczynski, M. J., Hamilton, C. W., & Barnes, J. J. (2022). Analysis and experimental investigation of Apollo sample 12032,366-18, a chemically evolved basalt from the Moon. \maps, 57(4), 794-816.
- Wilbur, Z. E., Udry, A., MCCubbin, F. M., Kaaden, K. E., DeFelice, C., Ziegler, K., Ross, D. K., MCCoy, T. J., Gross, J., Barnes, J. J., Dygert, N., Zeigler, R. A., Turrin, B. D., & MCCoy, C. (2022). The effects of highly reduced magmatism revealed through aubrites. \maps, 57(7), 1387-1420.
- McCubbin, F. M., Lewis, J. A., Barnes, J. J., Elardo, S. M., & Boyce, J. W. (2021). The abundances of F, Cl, and H$_2$O in eucrites: Implications for the origin of volatile depletion in the asteroid 4 Vesta. \gca, 314, 270-293.
- Brounce, M., Boyce, J., Barnes, J., & McCubbin, F. (2020). Sulfur in the Apollo Lunar Basalts and Implications for Future Sample-Return Missions. Elements Magazine, 361-362.
- McCubbin, F., & Barnes, J. (2020). The chlorine-isotopic composition of lunar KREEP from magnesian-suite troctolite 76535.. American Mineralogist Letters.
- Barnes, J. J., Franchi, I. A., McCubbin, F. M., & Anand, M. (2019). Multiple reservoirs of volatiles in the Moon revealed by the isotopic composition of chlorine in lunar basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266, 144-162.
- Barrett, T., Barnes, J., Anand, M., Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Charlier, B., Zhao, X., Moynier, F., & Grady, M. (2019). Investigating magmatic processes in the early Solar System using the Cl isotopic systematics of eucrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266, 582-597.
- Hayes, A., Ye, P., Loy, D., Muralidharan, K., Potter, B., & Barnes, J. (2019). Additive Manufacturing of Lunar Mineral-Based Composites. LPI Contributions, 2152, 5009.
- McCubbin, F. M., & Barnes, J. J. (2019). Origin and abundances of H2O in the terrestrial planets, Moon, and asteroids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 526, 115771.
- Peslier, A., Hervig, R., Yang, S., Humayun, M., Barnes, J., Irving, A., & Brandon, A. (2019). Determination of the water content and D/H ratio of the martian mantle by unraveling degassing and crystallization effects in nakhlites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266, 382-415. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.04.023
- Boyce, J. W., Kanee, S. A., McCubbin, F. M., Barnes, J. J., Bricker, H., & Treiman, A. H. (2018). Early loss, fractionation, and redistribution of chlorine in the Moon as revealed by the low-Ti lunar mare basalt suite. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 500, 205-214.
- Potts, N. J., Barnes, J. J., Tartese, R., Franchi, I. A., & Anand, M. (2018). Chlorine isotopic compositions of apatite in Apollo 14 rocks: Evidence for widespread vapor-phase metasomatism on the lunar nearside similar to 4 billion years ago. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 230, 46-59.
- Barnes, J. J., Kring, D. A., Tartese, R., Franchi, I. A., Anand, M., & Russell, S. S. (2016). An asteroidal origin for water in the Moon. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7.
- Barnes, J. J., Tartese, R., Anand, M., McCubbin, F. M., Neal, C. R., & Franchi, I. A. (2016). Early degassing of lunar urKREEP by crust-breaching impact(s). EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 447, 84-94.
- Barrett, T., Barnes, J., Tartese, R., Anand, M., Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Charlier, B., & Grady, M. (2016). The abundance and isotopic composition of water in eucrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51, 1110-1124. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.12649
- Robinson, K. L., Barnes, J. J., Nagashima, K., Thomen, A., Franchi, I. A., Huss, G. R., Anand, M., & Taylor, G. J. (2016). Water in evolved lunar rocks: Evidence for multiple reservoirs. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 188, 244-260.
- Snape, J. F., Nemchin, A. A., Bellucci, J. J., Whitehouse, M. J., Tartese, R., Barnes, J. J., Anand, M., Crawford, I. A., & Joy, K. H. (2016). Lunar basalt chronology, mantle differentiation and implications for determining the age of the Moon. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 451, 149-158.
- McCubbin, F. M., Kaaden, K., Tartese, R., Klima, R. L., Liu, Y., Mortimer, J., Barnes, J. J., Shearer, C. K., Treiman, A. H., Lawrence, D. J., Elardo, S. M., Hurley, D. M., Boyce, J. W., & Anand, M. (2015). Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: Abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 100(8-9), 1668-1707.
Proceedings Publications
- Baird, M., Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., Kerrison, N., Domanik, K., & Hill, D. (2024, mar). Assessing the Lithological Diversity of Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 10203. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Barnes, J. (2024, jan). ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 537.
- Barnes, J., Haenecour, P., Smith, L., Ong, I., Wilbur, Z., Jourdan, F., King, A., McCoy, T., Russell, S., Keller, L., Timms, N., Rickard, W., Bland, P., Saxey, D., Reddy, S., Ireland, T., Yurimoto, H., Chaves, L., Bloch, E., , Franchi, I., et al. (2024, mar). Coordinated Analysis of Phosphates in Samples from Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Barnes, J., Haenecour, P., Smith, L., Ong, I., Wilbur, Z., Jourdan, F., King, A., McCoy, T., Salge, T., Russell, S., Keller, L., Timms, N., Rickard, W., Bland, P., Saxey, D., Reddy, S., Ireland, T., Yurimoto, H., Bloch, E., , Franchi, I., et al. (2024, jul). Characterization of Phosphates in Samples Returned from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Busemann, H., Krietsch, D., Maden, C., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Noble Gases in Samples Returned from Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Chaves, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Hill, D., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Russell, S., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Evaluating the Chemical Composition of Sulfides from Asteroid Bennu: Preparation for Sulfur Isotopic Analysis. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Chaves, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Smith, L., Ong, I., Wilbur, Z., Bloch, E., Zega, T., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., McCoy, T., Russell, S., Hill, D., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Characterization of Sulfides in Samples from Asteroid Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Crowther, S., Gilmour, J., Cowpe, J., Fawcett, L., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Initial Xenon Isotopic Analysis of Individual Intermediate-Sized Particles from the OSIRIS-REx Sample of Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Crowther, S., Gilmour, J., Cowpe, J., Fawcett, L., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Xenon Isotopic Analysis of Individual Intermediate Particles from the OSIRIS-REx Sample of Asteroid Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Erickson, T., Prissel, K., Christoffersen, R., Barnes, J., Buckley, W., Crow, C., Eckley, S., Hahn, T., Keller, L., Kent, J., Kinny, P., Setera, J., Simon, J., & Valencia, S. (2024, mar). Microstructural Evolution of the Civet Cat Norite (72255). In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Erickson, T., Prissel, K., Christoffersen, R., Barnes, J., Buckley, W., Crow, C., Eckley, S., Hahn, T., Keller, L., Kent, J., Kinny, P., Setera, J., Simon, J., & Valencia, S. (2024, mar). Ternary Feldspar Within Felsite Clasts from Apollo Impact Melt Breccia 72255. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Erickson, T., Prissel, K., Crow, C., Christoffersen, R., Barnes, J., Buckley, W., Eckley, S., Hahn, T., Keller, L., Kent, J., Kinny, P., Setera, J., Simon, J., & Valencia, S. (2024, oct). Coordinated Microscale Observations of Unique Lithologies in Apollo Sample 15405. In LPI Contributions, 3063.
- Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Malley, J., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Bulk Oxygen Isotope Composition of Aggregate Samples from Asteroid Bennu Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Fries, M., Abell, P., Barnes, J., Harvey, R., McCubbin, F., Pugel, B., Waddell, J., & Zeigler, R. (2024, mar). Morphological Comparison of Debris Recovered Searching for the 2018 Meteorite Fall into the Pacific with Those Recovered from the Purportedly Interstellar 2014 Fall. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- F{\"uri}, E., Marty, B., Zimmermann, L., Bekaert, D., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Investigating Bennu's Volatile Accretion History Through Step-Heating N-Ne-Ar Analyses of Single Aggregate Particles. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Grady, M., Verchovsky, A., Abernethy, F., Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Russell, S., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Presolar Grains in Bennu: Constraints from C and N Isotopic Compositions. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Grady, M., Verchovsky, A., Abernethy, F., Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Russell, S., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Carbon and Nitrogen Abundance, Distribution, and Isotopic Composition in Samples of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Smith, L., Hill, D., Bloch, E., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., Glavin, D., Dworkin, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Isotopically Anomalous Insoluble Organic Matter and Presolar Grains in Bennu Samples. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Smith, L., Hills, D., Bloch, E., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., Glavin, D., Dworkin, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Search for Presolar Materials and Isotopically Anomalous Diffuse Insoluble Organic Matter in Samples from Asteroid 101955 Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Haenecour, P., Bennett, C., Lehnert, K., Johnson, T., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Challenges with Sample Analysis Data Management and Data Peer Review: Initial Lessons Learned from OSIRIS-REx. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Haenecour, P., Lehnert, K., Mays, J., Bennett, C., Johnson, T., Barnes, J., Heck, P., Liu, Y., Thompson, M., Mayne, R., Mane, P., Wolner, C., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, oct). Toward Inclusive, Accessible, and FAIR Community Standards and Best Practices for Managing Astromaterial Data. In LPI Contributions, 3062.
- Hamilton, V., Keller, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Hill, D., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Mineralogy of Bennu from Spectral Analysis of the Sample Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Heck, P., Liu, Y., Thompson, M., Barnes, J., Burgess, K., Chaves, L., Gainsforth, Z., Glavin, D., Haenecour, P., Hallis, L., Jadhav, M., Mayne, R., McCanta, M., Ni, P., Schrader, D., Stephant, A., Robinson, K., McCubbin, F., & Vander, K. K. (2024, jul). Overview of the Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group (ExMAG). In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Jardine, K., Hoover, C., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Hill, D., Ryan, A., Sanchez, P., Biele, J., Ballouz, R. -., Macke, R., Landsman, Z., Long-Fox, J. .., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Nano-Mechanical AFM Cohesion Measurements of Bennu Particles: Implications for Asteroid Strength. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Klima, R., Neal, C., Jawin, E., Pieters, C., Hanlon, M., Keane, J., Livengood, T., Barnes, J., Rubio, M., Glotch, T., Schmidt, G., & Byrne, P. (2024, sep). International Lunar Year 2027: Advancing Lunar Science and Exploration Globally. In European Planetary Science Congress.
- Koefoed, P., Wang, K., Alexander, C. O., Barrat, J., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Bulk Major and Trace Elemental Composition of an Aggregate Sample from Asteroid Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Marty, B., Zimmermann, L., F{\"uri}, E., Bekaert, D., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Noble Gases in Individual Particles from Bennu: Investigating the Origin of Gas-Rich Asteroidal Material. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Marty, B., Zimmermann, L., F{\"uri}, E., Bekaert, D., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., Tachibana, S., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Noble Gases in Individual Particles from Bennu and Ryugu: Investigating the Origin of Garish Asteroidal Material. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- McCubbin, F., Boyce, J., Anzures, B., Barrett, T., Barnes, J., Lunning, N., Tait, K., Tart{\`ese}, R., & Day, J. (2024, mar). Variations in Apatite F, Cl, and OH Abundances in Primitive Achondrites: Evidence of Fractional Melting?. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- McCubbin}, F., Shearer, C., Barnes, J., Burgess, K., Cohen, B., Curran, N., Dyar, M., Elsila, J., Gillis-Davis, J., Gross, J., Sehlke, A., Welten, K., Zeigler, R., & Team, {. (2024, oct). Summary of Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) and Insights for Artemis Preliminary Examination Activities. In LPI Contributions, 3063.
- Nguyen, A., Clemett, S., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Keller, L., Glavin, D., Dworkin, J., Barnes, J., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Thompson, M., Haenecour, P., King, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Coordinated Analysis of Isotopically Anomalous Nanoglobules and Insoluble Organic Matter in Quick-Look Samples from Asteroid Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Nguyen, A., Clemett, S., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Keller, L., Seifert, L., Rahman, Z., Gainsforth, Z., Dominguez, G., Marcus, M., Glavin, D., Dworkin, J., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). N-Rich Isotopically Anomalous Nanoglobules and Organic Matter in Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Nguyen, A., Keller, L., Clemett, S., Barnes, J., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Thompson, M., Haenecour, P., King, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Identification of Presolar Grains in Quick-Look Samples of Asteroid Bennu Returned by the OSIRIS-REx Mission. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Nguyen, A., Thomas-Keprta, K. .., Le, L., Clemett, S., Keller, L., Seifert, L., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). The Presolar Grain Content of Morphologically Distinct Particles from Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Ong, I., Barnes, J., Haenecour, P., Bloch, E., Prince, B., Chaves, L., Smith, L., Wilbur, Z., Hill, D., Zega, T., McCoy, T., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., Nguyen, A., Russell, S., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Identification and Characterisation of Carbonates Suitable for Isotopic Analysis in Samples from Asteroid 101955 Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Ong, I., Barnes, J., Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Zega, T., Domanik, K., Madej, C., & Sims, R. (2024, jul). Coordinated Microanalytical Study of Hydrothermal Alteration in the Winchcombe Meteorite. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Piani, L., Marrocchi, Y., Villeneuve, J., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Hydrous Minerals in Particles from Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Ray, S., McCoy, T., Corrigan, C., Connolly, H., Barnes, J., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Texture and Mineralogy of Late-Stage Veins Containing Mg, Na-Phosphates in Bennu Samples. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Render, J., Shollenberger, Q., Brennecka, G., Wimpenny, J., Armytage, R., Simon, J., R{\"ufenacht}, M., Meyer, L., Ek, M., Liszewska, K., Fehr, M., Sch{\"onb\"achler}, M., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). An Outer Solar System Origin of Bennu as Revealed by Its Bulk Chemical and Major Element Isotopic Compositions. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Russell, S., King, A., Connolly, H., Salge, T., Almeida, N., Bates, H., Schofield, P., Harrison, C., Jones, R., Franchi, I., Zhao, X., Bland, P., Ireland, T., Jourdan, F., Reddy, S., Rickard, W., Saxey, D., Timms, N., Zega, T., , McCoy, T., et al. (2024, mar). Anhydrous Silicates in Asteroid Bennu Samples: Evidence for Primordial Protoplanetary Disk Components. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- R{\"ufenacht}, M., Ek, M., Meyer, L., Liszewska, K., Fehr, M., Sch{\"onb\"achler}, M., Render, J., Shollenberger, Q., Brennecka, G., Wimpenny, J., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Genetic Relationships and the Nucleosynthetic Heritage of the Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Bloch, E., & Domanik, K. (2024, jul). Presolar Grains in the C2-Ungrouped Chondrite Tarda. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Hill, D., Ong, I., Prince, B., McCoy, T., Zega, T., Russell, S., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Pseudomorph Melt Spherules in Asteroid Bennu and Aqueously Altered Meteorites. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Stadermann}, A., Gross, J., Erickson, T., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., McCubbin, F., & Team, {. S. (2024, mar). Preliminary Characterization of Spinel Troctolite Clast Identified in Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Core 73002. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Thompson, D., Boyce, J., Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., & Erickson, T. (2024, mar). The Relationship Between Volatile Element Abundances and Iron Mass Transport in Lunar Volcanic and Impact Vapors. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Timms, N., Rickard, W., Barnes, J., Bland, P., Saxey, D., Jourdan, F., Reddy, S., Mayers, C., Sun, X., Ireland, T., Nguyen, A., Haenecour, P., Thompson, M., Keller, L., King, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Salty Bennu: Halite and Sylvite in Fines Returned by OSIRIS-REx. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Valencia, S., Valenciano, J., Wilbur, Z., Curran, N., Bullock, E., Corrigan, C., Cohen, B., Barnes, J., & Neal, C. (2024, mar). Petrography and Mineralogy of Basalt Fragments in Apollo 17 Double Drive Tube 73002 and 73002. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Villeneuve, J., Piani, L., Marrocchi, Y., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Olivine Grains in Bennu Samples. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Wang, K., Koefoed, P., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). The Potassium Isotope Composition of Aggregate Material from Asteroid Bennu. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Welten, K., Nishiizumi, K., Caffee, M., Masarik, J., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, mar). Constraining the Surface Exposure Age of Asteroid Bennu Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides in an OSIRIS-REx Aggregate Sample and Individual Particles. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Welten, K., Nishiizumi, K., Caffee, M., Masaryk, J., Barnes, J., Nguyen, A., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Surface Exposure History of the Regolith on Asteroid Bennu Based on Cosmogenic Radionuclides in OSIRIS-REx samples. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., Erickson, T., Domanik, K., & Zeigler, R. (2024, jul). The Eruptive Histories of Compositionally and Texturally Diverse Low-Titanium Mare Basalts. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Wilbur}, Z., Tatsch, A., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., Erickson, T., Brounce, M., Crow, C., Boyce, J., Mosenfelder, J., Stadermann, A., Gross, J., & Team, {. S. (2024, mar). Petrologic Comparison of High- and Low-Titanium Basalt Clasts Derived from ANGSA Core 73001. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Zega, T., Barnes, J., Haenecour, P., Lauretta, D., Bloch, E., Chang, Y., Domanik, K., & Zeszut, Z. (2024, mar). The Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis (K-ALFAA) at the University of Arizona. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Zega, T., Prince, B., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Domanik, K., Zeszut, Z., Hill, D., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2024, jul). Petrologic and Mineralogic Analysis of Bennu Aggregate Sample. In LPI Contributions, 3036.
- Cannon, K., Rampe, E., Malaret, E., King, I., Chen, J., Gross, J., Yen, A., Wilbur, Z., Ewing, R., McNally, P., Hanna, R., Udry, A., Vaniman, D., Barnes, J., Gailhanou, M., Hamilton, J., Moriarty, I., Blake, D., Bergman, D., , Obbard, R., et al. (2023, mar). Mineralogical, Elemental, and Tomographic Reconnaissance Investigation for CLPS (METRIC): A Proposed Mission to the Lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- McCubbin, F., Lewis, J., Barnes, J., Boyce, J., Gross, J., McCanta, M., Srinivasan, P., Anzures, B., Lunning, N., Elardo, S., Keller, L., Prissel, T., & Agee, C. (2023, mar). Volatile Abundances of Apatite in CK and R Chondrites: Implications for Apatite Volatile Records in Oxidized and Thermally Altered Chondrite Parent Bodies. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Moitra, P., Mallik, A., Barnes, J., & Andrews-Hanna, J. (2023, mar). Effects of C-O-H Degassing and Bubble Growth on Explosive Lunar Volcanic Eruptions Eruptions. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Roy, A., Mallik, A., Barnes, J., Moitra, P., & Allmeyer, A. (2023, mar). urKREEP Origin of Enigmatic Silicic Lunar Magmas. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Domanik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., Ogliore, R., & Koefoed, P. (2023, mar). Abundance of Presolar Grains in the C3.00-Ungrouped Chondrite Chwichiya 002. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Thiessen, F., Russell, S., Dauphas, N., Barnes, J., Bonal, L., Bridges, J., Bristow, T., Eiler, J., Ferri{\`ere}, L., Fornaro, T., Gattacceca, J., Hoffman, B., Javaux, E., Kleine, T., McSween, H., Prasad, M., Rampe, E., Schmidt, M., Schoene, B., , Siebach, K., et al. (2023, mar). Options for Post-Landing Extraction of Solid-Core Samples from the NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return Mission. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Thompson, D., Boyce, J., Dudley, J. -., Barnes, J., & Wilbur, Z. (2023, mar). Thermodynamic Modeling of the Vapor in Equilibrium with Apollo 17 Basalts. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Varnam, M., Hamilton, C., Barnes, J., & Aleinov, I. (2023, mar). The Composition of Lunar Volcanic Volatile Outgassing During Mare Eruptions. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Anzures, B., McCubbin, F., Dygert, N., Barnes, J., & Boyce, J. (2022, aug). On the Origin and Evolution of Winonaite and IAB Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies: Application of Silicate Geospeedometry and Apatite Characterization. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Barnes, J., McCubbin, F., & Hahn, T. (2022, aug). The Evolution of the IAB Iron-Winonaite Parent Body as Told by Apatite. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., Ong, L., Eckley, S., Brounce, M., Pomeroy, S., Crow, C., Boyce, J., Mosenfelder, J., Erickson, T., Hahn, T., Fires, M., & Zega, T. (2022, oct). A Multifaceted Approach to Investigating the Magmatic and Post-Magmatic History of Volatiles in Basalts from the Rim of Steno Crater. In LPI Contributions, 2704.
- Brounce}, M., Barnes, J., Crow, C., Economos, R., Erickson, T., Boyce, J., Wilbur, Z., McCubbin, F., Mosenfelder, J., Zega, T., & Team, {. S. (2022, mar). Measuring the Oxidation State of Sulfur in Apatites in Thin Sections of Meteorites versus Apollo Rocks. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Haenecour, P., & Barnes, J. (2022, mar). In-Situ Heating Experiments of the Tarda Meteorite: Effects of Thermal Processing on Aqueously Altered Carbonaceous Chondrite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Haenecour, P., Bennett, C., Westermann, M., Crombie, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, T., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Domanik, K., Smith, L., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2022, mar). SAMIS: A Micro-Information System for OSIRIS-REs Sample Analysis Data Management. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Haenecour, P., Lehnert, K., Bennett, C., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., Crombie, K., Davidson, J., Ebel, D., Gemma, M., Heck, P., Mayne, R., McCubbin, F., Ogliore, R., & Schrader, D. (2022, jun). Vision and Strategy for the Implementation of NASA Science Information Policy Document (SPD)-41 for Astromaterials Sample Science. In 2022 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, 2684.
- Haenecour, P., Maisano, J., Hanna, R., Smith, L., & Barnes, J. (2022, aug). Correlated Two- and Three-Dimensional Mineralogy and Petrography of the C3.00-Ungrouped Chwichiya 002 AND C2- Ungrouped Tarda Carbonaceous Chondrites. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- McCubbin, F., Lewis, J., Barnes, J., Elardo, S., & Boyce, J. (2022, mar). The Abundances of F, Cl, and H2O in 4 Vesta from Eucrites. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- McCubbin}, F., Shearer, C., Zeigler, R., Gross, J., Krysher, C., Parai, R., Pravdivtseva, O., Meshik, A., McDonald, F., Sharp, Z., Eckley, S., Hanna, R., Ketcham, R., Mitchell, J., Welten, K., Barnes, J., Dyar, M., Burgess, K., Curran, N., , Elsila, J., et al. (2022, aug). Overview of Progress for the Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA). In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Moitra, P., Mallik, A., Barnes, J., & Andrews-Hanna, J. (2022, mar). Controls of fO2-Based C-O-H Degassing and Diffusive Bubble Growth on Explosive Volcanic Eruptions on the Moon. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Ong, I., Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., Stadermann, A., Domanik, K., & McCubbin, F. (2022, mar). Identification of an Unusual Iron Rich Lithology in Luna 24 Soil. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Pomeroy, S., Crow, C., Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Boyce, J., Mosenfelder, J., Brounce, M., Erikson, T., & Zega, T. (2022, mar). Chronology of Steno Crater Basalts. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Rampe, E., Cannon, K., Sarrazin, P., Blake, D., Obbard, R., Yen, A., Lucey, P., Haberle, C., Bergman, D., Hamilton, J., Bullard, J., Chen, J., Downs, R., Ewing, R., Hammer, J., Hanna, R., Lafuente, B., McNally, P., Taylor, G., , Udry, A., et al. (2022, mar). Mineralogical, Elemental, and Tomographic Reconnaissance Investigation for CLPS (METRIC). In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Shearer}, C., McCubbin, F., Zeigler, R., Gross, J., Simon, S., Meshik, A., McDonald, F., Morris, R., Schmitt, H., Neuman, M., Wang, K., Jolliff, B., Joy, K., Sharp, Z., Cato, M., Gargano, A., Eckley, S., Cano, E., Para, R., , Simon, J., et al. (2022, mar). Preparing for Artemis Through Lessons Learned from Apollo 17. Highlighting the Progress of the ANGSA Initiative. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Domanik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, aug). Phosphide-Rich Clasts in the C2-Ungrouped Tarda Meteorite. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Dominik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, mar). Detailed Coordinated Analysis of the Mineralogy, Petrography, and Elemental Composition of the Carbonaceous Chondrite Falls Tarda and Kolang. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Smith, L., Haenecour, P., Barnes, J., Dominik, K., Neuman, M., Wang, K., & Ogliore, R. (2022, mar). Mineralogy, Petrography, and Presolar Components of the Chwichiya 002 Ungrouped Chondrite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Stadermann, A., Barnes, J., Erickson, T., & Michels, Z. (2022, aug). Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation of Zirconium-Bearing Phases in Suevite from Ries Crater, Germany. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Stadermann, A., Barnes, J., Erickson, T., & Michels, Z. (2022, mar). Zircon, Baddeleyite, and Reidite Found in Ries Crater Suevite. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Stadermann, A., Barnes, J., Erickson, T., Michels, Z., & Prissel, T. (2022, mar). Pink Spinel in Apollo Impact Melt Rock 68815: Implications for Mg-Suite Magmatism. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., & Zeigler, R. (2022, aug). Volcanic Histories of Lunar Basalts Revealed Via 3D Visualization. In LPI Contributions, 2695.
- Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., & Zeigler, R. (2022, oct). Magmatic and Volcanic Histories of Apollo 17 Basalts. In LPI Contributions, 2704.
- Wilbur}, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., Brounce, M., Pomeroy, S., Crow, C., Boyce, J., Mosenfelder, J., Zega, T., & Team, {. S. (2022, mar). From Source to Surface: An Investigation of Magmatic Lunar Volatiles. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Anand, S., Andreoni, I., Goldstein, D., Kasliwal, M., Ahumada, T., Barnes, J., Bloom, J., Bulla, M., Cenko, S., Cooke, J., Coughlin, M., Nugent, P., & Singer, L. (2021, sep). DECam-GROWTH Search for the Faint and Distant Binary Neutron Star and Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers in O3a. In Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, 53.
- Barnes, J., Crow, C., Jolliff, B., Joy, K., Lapen, T., Gross, J., Mitchell, J., Zeigler, R., & Fagan, A. (2021, aug). The Scientific Value of Lunar Sample Exchange. In 2021 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 2635.
- Barnes, J., Schwartz, S., & Jacobson, S. (2021, jun). The Role of Gravitational Collapse in Planetesimal Formation. In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, 53.
- Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., & Domanik, K. (2021, aug). Phosphate Chemistry in Brachinites and Brachinite Like Meteorites. In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Bennett, C., Haenecour, P., Crombie, K., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, T., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Westermann, M., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021, nov). An Overview of the OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Micro-Information System (SAMIS). In LPI Contributions, 2654.
- Brounce}, M., Barnes, J., Boyce, J., Wilbur, Z., McCubbin, F., Crow, C., Mosenfelder, J., Zega, T., & Team, {. S. (2021, mar). The Oxidation State of Sulfur in Apollo Samples 71035 and 71055. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Haenecour, P., Bennett, C., Crombie, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Ferro, A., Hammond, D., McDonough, E., Westermann, M., Barnes, J., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021, aug). The OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Micro Information System (SAMIS). In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Hurley, D., Blewett, D. T., Cahill, J., Chabot, N., Greenhagen, B., Hibbitts, C., Klima, R., Lawrence, D., Mandt, K., Nunez, J. I., Patterson, W., Prem, P., Stickle, A., Deutsch, A., Delitsky, M., Flahaut, J., Sowers, G., Sefton-Nash, E., Brisset, J., , Zacny, K., et al. (2021, may). Mission to Characterize Volatiles in Old, Cold, Permanently Shadowed Regions on the Moon. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Mainzer, A., Abell, P., Bannister, M. T., Barbee, B., Barnes, J., Bell, I., Benner, L., Betts, B., Bose, M., Bottke, W., Britt, D., Brozovi{\'c}, M., Bruckner, M., Busch, M. W., Carey, S., Castillo-Rogez, J. .., Chesley, J., Christensen, E., Chodas, P., , Cotto-Figueroa, D. .., et al. (2021, may). The Future of Planetary Defense in the Era of Advanced Surveys. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- McCubbin, F., Allton, J. H., Barnes, J. J., Calaway, M. J., Corrigan, C. M., Filiberto, J., Fries, M. D., Gross, J., Harrington, A. D., Herd, C. D., Hutzler, A., Ishii, H. A., McCoy, T. J., McKeegan, K., Mitchell, J. L., Nittler, L. R., Regberg, A. B., Righter, K., Snead, C. J., , Stroud, R., et al. (2021, may). Advanced Curation of Astromaterials for Planetary Science Over the Next Decade. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- McCubbin}, F., Shearer, C., Barnes, J., Burgess, K., Cohen, B., Curran, N., Dyar, M., Elsila, J., Gross, J., Mitchell, J., Sehlke, A., Walroth, R., Welten, K., Zeigler, R., & Team, {. S. (2021, mar). The ANGSA Program: A Low-Cost Lunar ``Sample Rreturn Mission.'' An Overview and Progress Over the Last 18 Months. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Miller, K. E., Theiling, B., Hofmann, A. E., Castillo-Rogez, J., Neveu, M., Hosseini, S., Barnes, J., Kleer, K., Barrett, T. J., Franz, H. B., Glein, C. R., House, C. H., Blase, R. C., Libardoni, M. J., Spilker, L. J., Choukroun, M., & Drouin, B. J. (2021, may). The value of CHONS isotopic measurements of major compounds as probes of planetary origin, evolution, and habitability. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Morin, S., Barnes, J., Wilbur, Z., Stadermann, A., Domanik, K., & McCubbin, F. (2021, aug). Assessing the Volatile Inventory of Basaltic Fragments in Luna Soils. In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Stadermann, A., Barnes, J., Erickson, T., & Zega, T. (2021, aug). Apollo Sample 64455: Petrologic and Geochemical Characterization of a Glass-Coated Impact Melt Rock. In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Stadermann, A., Jolliff, B., Krawczynski, M., Hamilton, C., & Barnes, J. (2021, mar). Apollo Sample 12032,366-18: Characterization and Experimental Investigation of a Chemically Evolved Lunar Basalt. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Stroud, R., Barnes, J., Nittler, L., Gross, J., Davidson, J., Corrigan, C., Ishii, H., Cook, J. E., Filiberto, J., Lawrence, S., Zolensky, M., Schrader, D., Cohen, B., & McKeegan, K. (2021, may). Strategic Investment in Laboratory Analysis of Planetary Materials as Ground Truth for Solar System Exploration. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Thompson, M., Barnes, J., Blewett, D., Cahill, J., Denevi, B., Donaldson, H. K., Gillis-Davis, J., Glotch, T., Jha, D., Kramer, G., Kumari, N., Legett, C., Moriarty, D., Retherford, K., Shukla, S., Shusterman, M., & Varatherajan, I. (2021, may). Space Weathering Across the Solar System: Lessons from the Moon and Outstanding Questions. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Wilbur, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., & Zeigler, R. (2021, aug). Investigating the Petrogenesis and Eruption Histories of Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 Basalts. In 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 84.
- Wilbur}, Z., Barnes, J., Eckley, S., Boyce, J., Brounce, M., Crow, C., Mosenfelder, J., Zega, T., & Team, {. S. (2021, mar). Investigating the Magmatic History of Volatiles in Apollo 17 Basalts, Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Mane, P., Nguyen, A., Barnes, J., Needham, A., Messenger, S., Ross, D., & Simon, J. (2019, Jul). Oxygen Isotopic Imaging of a Hibonite-Grossite-Rich Inclusion from the Miller Range (MIL) 090019 CO3 Chondrite. In 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 82.