John S Lansing
- (520) 626-2047
- EMIL W HAURY, Rm. 210
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0030
- jlansing@arizona.edu
- RAPID: Critical transitions in at-risk Balinese subaks
- What type of organization made the award?: NSF;, Fall 2012
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar
- What type of organization made the award?: Nanyang Tech University;Description: n/a;, Fall 2011
- Senior Research Fellow
- What type of organization made the award?: Stockholm Resilience Centre;Description: Permanent appointment;, Fall 2008
- Julian Steward Book Prize
- What type of organization made the award?: Environmental Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association ;Description: Book prize ($500) for my book Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali. Princeton University Press, 2006.;, Fall 2007
- Winifred Jean Stubbs Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Durham University
- What type of organization made the award?: Durham University, England;Description: Winifred Jean Stubbs Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Durham University(residential fellowship at Grey College and Institute for Advanced Study, Durham University);, Fall 2007
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Lansing, J. S. (2012). Guide to Bali's UNESCO World Heritage. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture..More infoA guidebook to the UNESCO World Heritage that came into existence in July 2012. I wrote the 330 page nomination dossier, and selected the sites.;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: J. Stephen Lansing and Julia N. Watson, 2012. Guide to Bali's UNESCO World Heritage: Cultural Landscape of Balinese Subaks. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Julia Watson;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007). Foreword to Revised Edition. Princeton University Press.More info;Your Role: author;Full Citation: J. Stephen Lansing, Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali. Princeton University Press, 1991. Revised 2nd edition 2007.;
- Lansing, J. S. (2011). Anthropology and Complexity. a.More infoa;Your Role: a;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen and Sean S. Downey. 2011. Anthropology and Complexity. In Clifford Hooker, ed., Philosophy of Complex Systems, Vol 10 of Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. 2011. North Holland: Elsevier, pp 569-601.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Karafet, T. M., Schoenfelder, J. W., Hammer, ., & M., F. (2008). A DNA signature for the expansion of irrigation in Bali?. Routledge.More info;Your Role: First author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. S., Karafet, T. M., Schoenfelder, J. W. and Hammer, M. F. (2008). A DNA signature for the expansion of irrigation in Bali? In Past Human Migrations in East Asia and Taiwan: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (eds A. Sanchez-Mazas, R. Blench, M. Ross, I. Peiros and M. Lin). London: Routledge, pp 356-375.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: J.W. Schoenfelder;
- Lansing, J. S., & Vet, T. d. (2012). The Functional Role of Balinese Water Temples: A Response to Critics.More info;Your Role: author;Full Citation: Lansing, J.S and T de Vet. 2012. The Functional Role of Balinese Water Temples: A Response to Critics. Human Ecology 40(2012)3: 453-467.;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Ann, S., Chew4, L. Y., Cox5, M. P., Ho6, M. R., & Arthawiguna7, W. A. (2012). Alternate Stable States in a Socio-Ecological System. Santa Fe Institute.More info;Your Role: First author;Full Citation: J. Stephen Lansing, Siew Ann Cheong, Lock Yue Chew, Murray P. Cox, Moon-Ho Ringo Ho, Wayan Alit Arthawiguna2012. Alternate stable states in a social-ecological system. Working Papers of the Santa Fe Institute 12-08-012.;Electronic: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Various;
- Lansing, J. S. (2011). An ongoing Austronesian expansion in Island Southeast Asia.. x.More infox;Your Role: a;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen, Murray P. Cox, Therese A. de Vet, Sean S. Downey, Brian Hallmark and Herawati Sudoyo. 2011. An ongoing Austronesian expansion in Island Southeast Asia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 (3): 262-272.;
- Lansing, J. S. (2011). Niche construction on Bali: the gods of the countryside. z.More infoz;Your Role: z;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen and Karyn Fox. 2011. Niche construction on Bali: the gods of the countryside. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2011 366, 927-934.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S. (2011). Rice, Fish and the Planet.. x.More infoa;Full Citation: a;
- Lansing, J. S. (2011). The Domain of the Replicators: Cultural Evolution and the Neutral Theory.. z.More infoz;Your Role: z;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen and Murray P. Cox. 2011. The Domain of the Replicators: Cultural Evolution and the Neutral Theory. Current Anthropology, February 2011: Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 105-125;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: z;
- Lansing, J. S., & Cox, M. (2010). The Domain of the Replicators: Cultural Evolution and the Neutral Theory.. Current Anthropology.More infoarticle;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen and Murray P. Cox. The Domain of the Replicators: Cultural Evolution and the Neutral Theory. Current Anthropology, Volume 52 No. 1, February 2011.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: former post-doc;
- Lansing, J. S., & Fox, K. (2010). Lansing, J. Stephen and Karyn Fox. Niche construction on Bali: the gods of the countryside. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2011 366, 927-934.. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.More infoarticle;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen and Karyn Fox. Niche construction on Bali: the gods of the countryside. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2011 366, 927-934.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Cox, M. P., Karafet, T. M., Lansing, J. S., Sudoyo, H., & Hammer, M. F. (2010). Autosomal and X- linked SNPs reveal a sharp transition from Asian to Melanesian ancestry in eastern Indonesia and a female-bias in admixture rates.. Proc R Soc Lond B.More infoarticle;Your Role: co-author;Full Citation: Cox MP, Karafet TM, Lansing JS, Sudoyo H, Hammer MF (2010). Autosomal and X- linked SNPs reveal a sharp transition from Asian to Melanesian ancestry in eastern Indonesia and a female-bias in admixture rates. Proc R Soc Lond B 277: 1589-1596.;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Karafet, T. M., Hallmark, B., Cox, M. P., Sudoyo, H., Downey, S., Lansing, J. S., & Hammer, M. F. (2010). “Major East-West Division Underlies Y Chromosome Stratification Across Indonesia”,. Molecular Biology and Evolution.More infoarticle;Your Role: co-author;Full Citation: Tatiana M. Karafet, Brian Hallmark, Murray P. Cox, Herawati Sudoyo, Sean Downey, J. Stephen Lansing and Michael F. Hammer, “Major East-West Division Underlies Y Chromosome Stratification Across Indonesia”, Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 1833-1844.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Lansing, ., Cox, M. P., Downey, S. S., Jannsen, M. A., & Schoenfelder, J. W. (2009). A robust budding model of Balinese water temple networks. World Archaeology.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Lansing, J.S., M. P. Cox, S. S. Downey, M. A. Jannsen, J. W. Schoenfelder. (2009). A robust budding model of Balinese water temple networks. World Archaeology 41(1):110-131.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: ;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009). Complexité et anthropologie.. Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. Stephen. Complexité et anthropologie. Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales, Volume 4, numéro 2, avril 2009, p. 47-52.;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008). Inference and Proto-Sumba: Reply.. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci..More info;Your Role: author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. S. (2008) Inference and Proto-Sumba: Reply. PNAS 105(1):E2.;
- Lansing, J. S., Cox, M. P., Downey, S. S., Jannsen, M. A., & Schoenfelder., J. W. (2008). A robust budding model of Balinese water temple networks. World Archaeology.More info;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: Lansing, J.S., M. P. Cox, S. S. Downey, M. A. Jannsen, J. W. Schoenfelder. (2009). A robust budding model of Balinese water temple networks. World Archaeology 41(1):110-131;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Downey, S. S., B., H., & P., N. (2008). Computational Feature-Sensitive Reconstruction of Language Relationships: Developing the ALINE Distance for Comparative Historical Linguistic Reconstruction. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics.More info;Your Role: co-author;Full Citation: Downey, S. S., B. Hallmark, M. P. Cox, P. Norquest, & J. S. Lansing. (2008). Computational Feature-Sensitive Reconstruction ofLanguage Relationships: Developing the ALINEDistance for Comparative Historical LinguisticReconstruction* Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 15(4): 340-369.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Watkins, J., , B. H., Cox, M. P., Karafet, T. M., , H. S., & Hammer., M. F. (2008). Male dominance rarely skews the frequency distribution of Y chromosome haplotypes in human populations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci..More info;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: Lansing, J. S., J.C. Watkins, B. Hallmark, M. P. Cox, T. M. Karafet, H. Sudoyo, & M. F. Hammer. (2008). Male dominance rarely skews the frequency distribution of Y chromosome haplotypes in human populations. PNAS 105(33):11645-50.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S., Cox, M. P., Downey, S. S., Gabler, B. M., Hallmark, B., Karafet, T. M., Norquest, P., Schoenfelder, J. W., Sudoyo, H., Watkins, J. C., & Hammer, M. F. (2007). Coevolution of languages and genes on the island of Sumba, eastern Indonesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.More info;Your Role: first author;Full Citation: J. Stephen Lansing, Murray P. Cox, Sean S. Downey, Brandon M. Gabler, Brian Hallmark, Tatiana M. Karafet, Peter Norquest, John W. Schoenfelder, Herawati Sudoyo, Joseph C. Watkins, and Michael F. HammerCoevolution of languages and genes on the island of Sumba, eastern IndonesiaPNAS 2007 104: 16022-16026; published online before print as 10.1073/pnas.0704451104 ;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Lansing, J. S. (2012, 2013-03-01). Bali's Water Temples. Poptech!. Reykjavik, Iceland.More infoSeehttp://poptech.org/popcasts/steve_lansing_balis_water_temples;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Lansing, J. S. (2012, 2013-03-01). More is Different. Symposium on complexity. Singapore.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2012, 2013-03-01). The Balinese Would Like a Word: Implications of Alternate Steady States in Lakes and Rice Paddies. All Scientists Annual Meeting, NSF LTER. Boulder, CO.More infoVideo available to download from NSF:http://mtsms.unm.edu/Mediasite/Play/72639bf8318145958676391ea8a0a12d1d?catalog=fe4c458d-cdd9-432f-ada7-85d9556d6020;Your Role: Keynote speaker;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2012, 2013-05-01). Applying Complex Systems Thinking to Program Evaluation. Santa Fe Institute.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-01-01). Distinguished Lecture. University of Colorado Anthropology.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-02-01). Keynote lecture: Perfect Order. UNM Graduate Student Symposium. University of New Mexico.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-02-01). Perfect Order. Celebration of John Holland's 80th Birthday. Nanyang University, Singapore.More infoA conference in honor of John Holland, creator of genetic algorithms, held in Singapore by the Santa Fe Institute;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-03-01). Domain of the Replicators. Complexity lecture series. Arizona State University.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-03-01). Domain of the Replicators. Speaker in Interdisciplinary Program in Evolutionary Theory. University of Washington.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2009-04-01). Keynote address. UNM Anthropology Graduate Student annual symposium. University of New Mexico.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2009, 2010-01-01). Topologies of the Possible. Advanced Seminar. School for Advanced Research , Santa Fe.More infoa chapter for a volume to be published by SAR Press, based on an SAR Advanced Seminar held in October 2009;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Lansing, J. S., & Fox, K. (2009, 2009-12-01). Resilience theory and World Heritage in Bali. AAA annual meeting. Philadelphia.More info;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2007-06-01). Co-evolution of genes and languages in Indonesia. James McDonnell Foundation conference. University College, Oxford.More infoA lecture presenting results from a grant funded by the James McDonnell Foundation, held at Oxford.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2008-02-01). Domain of the Replicators. Conference on Cultural Evolution. Santa Fe Institute.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2008-03-01). UCLA Human Complex Systems: Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Dynam. Morrison lecture. UCLA.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2008-05-01). Cultural Landscape of Bali. UNESCO headquarters, Paris France.More infoInvited by the Indonesian ambassador to UNESCO to give an address in support of the nomination of Bali as a World Heritage site, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Government/Policy Audiences;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2008-06-01). The Neutral theory in Anthropology. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2008, 2008-10-01). South Asia Seen From the East: Lessons and Questions from Lansing's "Perfect Order. American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies. University of Wisconsin.More infoOn October 16th 2008, AISLS sponsored a one-day conference at the University of Wisconsin--Madison considering insights for the study of South and Southeast from J. Stephen Lansing's book Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali, which focuses on social organization, religious practices, and irrigation networks in Bali. Professor Lansing participated by videoconferencing from Bali. The conference was organized by Charles Hallisey and Deborah Winslow. Other participants included Kenneth George, Leedom Lefferts, Anne Hansen, John Rogers, Dennis McGilvray, Preeti Chopra and Anne Monius.;Your Role: Honoree;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: ;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-01-01). Village Assembly, Language Speciation, and the Neutral Theory in Indonesia. Stanford University, Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies..More infohttp://www.stanford.edu/group/morrinst/c07.html;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-02-01). Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali. Michigan state university, Asian Studies colloquium.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-02-01). Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali. Society for American Archaeology. Austin Texas.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-02-01). Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali. invited lecture. Yale University Dept of Anthropology.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-09-01). the Neutral Theory comes to Anthropology. Stockholm Environment Institute; Beijer Institute. Linne Hall, Royal swedish academy of sciences.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2007-10-01). Presentations at Durham University, England. listed below. Durham University.More infoSeminars and lecturesOct 2, Archaeology Dept: Male dominance rarely yields long-term evolutionary benefitsOct 8, IAS: Male dominance rarely yields long-term evolutionary benefitsOct 10, Anthropology Dept: Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in BaliOct 17, Grey College: Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in BaliOct 22, Archaeology Dept: Seminar on the Austronesian expansion (with Atholl Anderson and Keith Dobney)Oct 24, Anthropology Dept: Seminar on Anthropology and Development;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2008-01-01). The next generation of agent-based models. Complexity Institute. Arizona State U.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007, 2008-02-01). Complexity research at the Santa Fe Institute. European Network for the Coordination of Complexity Research and Training.. Collegium Budapest, Budapest Hungary.More info;Your Role: I was invited by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to give a lecture on complexity research in the US, at a meeting of the European Network for the Coordination of Complexity Research and Training.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Lansing, J. S. (2007). Perfect Order: A Thousand Years in Bali.More infohttp://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Lansing-Perfect-Order-Thousand/dp/B000V78O5K/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_bORhttp://www.wholeearthfilms.com/lansing_stephen.html;Your Role: Videotape of my lecture to the Long Now Foundation;Full Citation: Whole Earth Films and the Long Now Foundation, "Stephen Lansing:Perfect Order: A Thousand Years in Bali;Electronic: Yes;