Joshua A Levine
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-3153
- Gould-Simpson, Rm. 754
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- josh@arizona.edu
Joshua A. Levine is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Arizona. Prior to Arizona, he was an assistant professor in the Visual Computing Division of Clemson University’s School of Computing and a postdoctoral research associate at University of Utah’s Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute. He received his PhD from The Ohio State University after completing his BS and MS in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University. His research interests include visualization, geometric modeling, topological analysis, mesh generation, vector fields, performance analysis, computer graphics, and computational topology.
- Ph.D. Computer Science
- The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
- Delaunay Methods for Approximating Geometric Domains
- M.S. Computer Science
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- Sampling-Based Planning for Hybrid Systems
- B.S. Computer Engineering
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- B.S. Mathematics
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Work Experience
- Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona (2016 - Ongoing)
- School of Computing, Clemson University (2012 - 2016)
- Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah (2009 - 2012)
- DOE Early Career Research Program
- Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Summer 2018
- Best Paper Honorable Mention
- IEEE VIS: SciVis, Fall 2017
- Best Paper
- IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization, Fall 2012
- IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Spring 2011
- International Meshing Roundtable, Fall 2010
visualization, geometric modeling, topological analysis, mesh generation, vector fields, performance analysis, computer graphics, computational topology
2024-25 Courses
Advanced Data Visualization
CSC 544 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
CSC 498H (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Spring 2025) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2025) -
Data Visualization
CSC 444 (Fall 2024) -
Honors Thesis
CSC 498H (Fall 2024) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2024) -
CSC 910 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Data Visualization
CSC 444 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
CSC 498H (Spring 2024) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2024) -
Advanced Data Visualization
CSC 544 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
CSC 498H (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Fall 2023) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Advanced Data Visualization
CSC 544 (Spring 2023) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2023) -
Special Topics in Computer Sci
CSC 296 (Spring 2023) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Adv Tpcs Vis + Graphics
CSC 696D (Spring 2022) -
CSC 920 (Spring 2022) -
MATH 920 (Spring 2022) -
Data Visualization
CSC 444 (Fall 2021) -
CSC 920 (Fall 2021) -
MATH 920 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Fall 2021) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2021) -
CSC 910 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Data Visualization
CSC 444 (Spring 2021) -
CSC 920 (Spring 2021) -
MATH 920 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Spring 2021) -
Advanced Data Visualization
CSC 544 (Fall 2020) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2020) -
MATH 900 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Spring 2020) -
Data Visualization
CSC 444 (Spring 2020) -
Directed Research
CSC 492 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
CSC 599 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
CSC 699 (Spring 2020) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2020) -
MATH 900 (Spring 2020) -
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Fall 2019) -
Computer Graphics
CSC 433 (Fall 2019) -
Computer Graphics
CSC 533 (Fall 2019) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Spring 2019) -
Geometric Algorithms
CSC 437 (Spring 2019) -
Geometric Algorithms
CSC 537 (Spring 2019) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2019) -
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Fall 2018) -
Computer Graphics
CSC 433 (Fall 2018) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Spring 2018) -
Computer Graphics
CSC 433 (Spring 2018) -
Computer Graphics
CSC 533 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
CSC 499 (Spring 2018) -
Adv Topics Software Sys
CSC 630 (Fall 2017) -
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Fall 2017) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Spring 2017) -
Adv. Information Visualization
CSC 544 (Spring 2017) -
CSC 900 (Spring 2017) -
Adv Tpcs:Doctoral Colloq
CSC 695C (Fall 2016) -
CSC 900 (Fall 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Cotsakis, R., Shaw, J., Tierny, J., & Levine, J. A. (2021). Implementing Persistence-Based Clustering of Point Clouds in the Topology ToolKit. In Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization VI -- Theory, Applications, and Software. Springer. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83500-2_17More infoNote: First two authors share lead. Both were undergraduate students from UBC (advised remotely by myself and J. Tierny) during the period of time for this project.
- Masood, T. B., Budin, J., Falk, M., Favelier, G., Garth, C., Gueunet, C., Guillou, P., Hofmann, L., Hristov, P., Kamakshidasan, A., Kappe, C., Klacansky, P., Laurin, P., Levine, J. A., Lukasczyk, J., Sakurai, D., Soler, M., Steneteg, P., Tierny, J., , Usher, W., et al. (2021). An Overview of the Topology ToolKit. In Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization VI -- Theory, Applications, and Software. Springer. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83500-2_16
- Lu, Y., Jiang, K., Levine, J. A., & Berger, M. (2021). Neural Volume Compression using Implicit Representations. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis 2021 Proceedings), 40(3), 135--146. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14295
- Truong, N., Yuksel, C., Watcharopas, C., Levine, J. A., & Kirby, R. M. (2021). Particle Merging-and-Splitting. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (Early Access). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2021.3093776More infoThis journal is ranked A in COREhttps://graphics.cs.utah.edu/research/projects/merging-and-splitting/
- Zhao, Z., Motta, D., Berger, M., Levine, J. A., Kuzucu, I. B., Fleischman, R. B., Paiva, A., & Scheidegger, C. (2021). STFT-LDA: An algorithm to facilitate the visual analysis of building seismic responses. Information Visualization, 20(4), 263-282. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/14738716211038618
- Crum, J., Levine, J. A., & Gillette, A. (2019). Extending discrete exterior calculus to a fractional derivative. Computer-Aided Design (Special Issue of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling), 114, 64-72.More infoWhile published in Journal, this work was presented at Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2019: https://project.inria.fr/spm2019/
- Jallepalli, A., Levine, J. A., & Kirby, R. M. (2020). The Effect of Data Transformation Methodologies on the Topological Analysis of High-Order FEM Solutions. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2019: SciVis), 26(1), 162-172.More infoThis is ranked in category 'Visualization' on CSRankingsThis conference is ranked A in COREWhile the publication appears in a 2020 journal issue, this was a conference paper for IEEE VIS 2019: SciVis in October.
- Berger, M., Li, J., & Levine, J. A. (2019). A Generative Model for Volume Rendering. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1636-1650.More infoThis journal is ranked A in COREPublished first in journal, the paper was eventually presented at IEEE SciVis 2018: http://ieeevis.org/year/2018/info/papers-sessionshttps://github.com/matthewberger/tfgan
- Tierny, J., Favelier, G., Levine, J. A., Gueunet, C., & Michaux, M. (2017). The Topology ToolKit. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics.More infoThe paper first appeared in IEEE SciVis. It was awarded the Best Paper Honorable Mention.This is ranked in category 'Visualization' on CSRankingsThis conference is ranked A in COREThis journal is ranked A in COREhttps://topology-tool-kit.github.io/
- Berger, M., Tagliasacchi, A., Seversky, L. M., Alliez, P., Guennebaud, G., Levine, J. A., Sharf, A., & Silva, C. T. (2016). A Survey of Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds. Comput. Graph. Forum, 36(1), 301-329.
Proceedings Publications
- Wang, Z., Cashman, D., Li, M., Li, J., Berger, M., Levine, J. A., Chang, R., & Scheidegger, C. (2021, 12). NeuralCubes: Deep Representations for Visual Data Exploration. In IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 550-561.
- Jiang, K., Berger, M., & Levine, J. A. (2020, 6). Visualization of Unsteady Flow Using Heat Kernel Signatures. In Pacific Visualization Symposium.
- Berger, M., Nagesh, A., Levine, J. A., Surdeanu, M., & Zhang, H. (2018, 11). Visual Supervision in Bootstrapped Information Extraction. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).More infoThis is ranked in category 'Natural language processing' on CSRankingsThis conference is ranked A in CORE
- Falkenstein, M., Jones, B., Levine, J. A., Shinar, T., & Bargteil, A. W. (2017, November). Reclustering for large plasticity in clustered shape matching. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Motion in Games, 5:1--5:6.More infoAccepted as short paper
- Jones, B., Shinar, T., Levine, J. A., & Bargteil, A. W. (2017, November). Efficient collision detection for example-based deformable bodies. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Motion in Games, 4:1-4:5.More infoAccepted as a short paper
- Jones, B., Martin, A., Levine, J. A., Shinar, T., & Bargteil, A. W. (2016, February). Ductile fracture for clustered shape matching. In Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 65-70.
- Geist, R., Levine, J. A., & Westall, J. (2015, November). A problem-based learning approach to GPU computing. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing, 5:1-5:8.More infoWorkshop paper, co-located with SC 2015
- Husain, B., Gim'enez, A., Levine, J. A., Gamblin, T., & Bremer, P. (2015, November). Relating memory performance data to application domain data using an integration API. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis, 5:1-5:8.More infoWorkshop paper, co-located with SC 2015
- Jones, B., Martin, A., Levine, J. A., Shinar, T., & Bargteil, A. W. (2015, nov). Clustering and collision detection for clustered shape matching. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Motion in Games, 199-204.More infoAccepted as a short paper
- Watcharopas, C., Sapra, Y., Geist, R., & Levine, J. A. (2015, dec). Extracting Surface Geometry from Particle-Based Fracture Simulations. In Advances in Visual Computing - 11th International Symposium, ISVC 2015, Proceedings, Part I, 9474, 82-91.