Amy C Kimme Hea
- Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Student Success
- Professor, English
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-1112
- Douglass, Rm. 200W
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- kimmehea@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. English (Rhetoric & Composition)
- Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- Entanglements: Re-articulating Discourses and Practices of Web-based Teaching and Learning
- M.A. English (Teaching of Writing)
- Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, A Teacher’s Search: Finding Ways to the Liberatory Classroom
- B.A. English
- Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2018 - Ongoing)
- College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona (2015 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2015 - 2019)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2012 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2010 - 2011)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2007 - 2018)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2004 - 2012)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2001 - 2007)
- Chair, Consortium of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition
- CCCC, Summer 2015
- Executive Board Member
- Council of Writing Program Administrators, Summer 2013
- Associate Chair of Rhetoric and Composition Doctoral Consortium
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, Spring 2013
- Member of State-wide Taskforce on Common Core
- Arizona Department of Education, Spring 2013
- Nomination Committee Member
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, Spring 2012
- Faculty Fellow, Faculty Learning Community on Program Assessment
- Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs & Office of Instruction and Assessment, Spring 2011
Computers and Composition, Technical and Professional Writing, and Writing Program Administration
Writing, Rhetoric, Professional Communication, New Media
2021-22 Courses
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2022)
2020-21 Courses
ENGL 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2020) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2019) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Intro to Stats for Social Sci
SBS 200 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2017) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2016) -
Intro to Stats for Social Sci
SBS 200 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2009). Going Wireless: A Critical Exploration of Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Composition Teachers and Researchers.. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.More infoNominated for the 2009 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award
- Mapes, A. C., & Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2018). Devices and Desires: A Complicated Narrative of Mobile Writing and Device-Driven Ecologies. In Handbook to Digital Rhetoric and Writing(pp 73 - 83). Routledge.
- Sheffield Pack, J. (2017). Figuring Programmatic Agency: The Framework as Critical Rearticulatory Practice in Writing Program Administration. In Applications of the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship, Theories, and Practices(pp 21-37). Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.More info“Figuring Programmatic Agency: The Framework as Critical Rearticulatory Practice in Writing Program Administration.” Applications of the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship, Theories, and Practices. Ed. Nicholas N. Behm, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Duane Roen. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2017. 21-37. (with Jenna Sheffield Pack and Kenneth C. Walker).NOTE: two co-authors but system only allowed for one.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2015). Teacher Evaluation in the Age of Web 2.0: What Every College Instructor Should Know and WPA Should Consider. In Assessing the Teaching of Writing(pp 152-170). Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2011). Rearticulating Web 2.0 Technologies: Student Constructions of Social Media in Community Projects. In Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Models, and Applications(pp 235-244). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Turnley, M. (2010). Refiguring the Interface Agent: An Exploration of Productive Tensions in New Media Composing. In RAW: Reading and Writing in New Media(pp 257-273). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Turnley, M. (2011). A Tale of Two Tech Chicks: Negotiating Gendered Assumptions about Program Administration and Technology. In Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies.(pp 109-124). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2009). Introduction to Going Wireless. In Going Wireless: A Critical Exploration of Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Composition Teachers and Researchers(pp 1-11). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2009). Perpetual Contact: Articulating The Anywhere, Anytime Pedagogical Model of Mobile and Wireless Composing. In Going Wireless: A Critical Exploration of Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Composition Teachers and Researchers(pp 199-221). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Smith, S. N. (2008). Transformative Mentoring: Thinking Critically about the Transition from Graduate Student to Faculty through a Graduate-Level Teaching Experience Program. In Stories on Mentoring: Theory and Praxis(pp 207-221). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2007). Riding the Wave: Articulating a Critical Methodology for WWW Research Practices in Computers & Composition. In Digital Writing Research: Technologies, Methodologies, and Ethical Issues(pp 269-286). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.More infoWon the 2007 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2002). Articulating (Re)visions of the Web: Exploring Links Among Corporate and Academic Web Sites. In Images and Words: New Steps in an Old Dance(pp 231-255). Greenwich, CT: Ablex.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Sheffield Pack, J. (2016). Leveraging the Affordances of Facebook: A Model of Social Media Strategy. Composition Forum, 33.More infoAbstractWhile composition studies researchers have examined the ways social media are impacting our lives inside and outside of the classroom, less attention has been given to the ways in which social media—specifically Social Network Sites (SNSs)—may enhance our own research methods and methodologies by helping to combat research participant attrition and build a community around a research project. In this article, we share some of the successes and shortfalls of using SNSs for research purposes, based on our own experiences using Facebook in the context of our writing program’s Longitudinal Study of Student Writers. Specifically, we present five considerations related to the integration of Facebook for research—Building a Community, Sharing Study Data, Constructing Identity, Understanding Analytics, and Conducting Usability Testing—and we discuss how these methods can be extended to other SNSs.
- Sheffield, J., & Kimme-hea, A. C. (2016).
Leveraging the Methodological Affordances of Facebook: Social Networking Strategies in Longitudinal Writing Research.
. Composition Forum, 33. - Wendler Shah, R. (2016). Silent Partners: Developing a Critical Understanding of Community Partners in Technical Communication Service-Learning Pedagogies. Technical Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 48-66. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/10572252.2016.1113727More infoAlthough many technical communication teachers and programs integrate some form of service-learning pedagogy, there is a dearth of technical communication research on the silent partners of these projects: the community partners. Drawing upon research data from 14 former community partners of professional writing service-learning courses, the authors suggest that understanding community partners’ own self-defined stakes in service-learning projects can challenge hyperpragmatist representations of community partners and aid us in the continued creation, management, and critical evaluation of service-learning pedagogies and curricula.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2014). Social Media in Technical Communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 23(1), 1-5.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2014). Special Issue: Social Media in Technical Communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 23(1), 1-68.More infoI edited this special issue of Technical Communication Quarterly,Volume 23, Issue 1, 2014, Special Issue: Social Media in Technical Communication. My introduction as of 2/20/2014 is the most read essay in the journal.The issue includes the following blind-reviewed contributions:Technical Communication Unbound: Knowledge Work, Social Media, and Emergent Communicative Practices by Toni Ferro & Mark ZachryUsing Social Media for Collective Knowledge-Making: Technical Communication Between the Global North and South by Bernadette LongoTweeting an Ethos: Emergency Messaging, Social Media, and Teaching Technical Communication by Melody A. BowdonThe Rhetoric of Reach: Preparing Students for Technical Communication in the Age of Social Media by Elise Verzosa Hurley & Amy C. Kimme Hea
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Verzosa, E. (2014). The Rhetoric of ‘Reach’: Preparing Students for Technical Communication in the Age of Social Media. Technical Communication Quarterly, 23(1), 55-68.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2012). Space | Event | Movement: Reflections on a Spatial & Visual Rhetorics Graduate Course. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 16(3), electronic publication.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., Holmes, A. J., & Haley-Brown, J. (2012). Spatial Praxis: Theories of Space, Place, and Pedagogy. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 16(3), webtext which includes hundreds of "pages.".
- Kimme-hea, A. C., Verosa, A. C., Fodrey, C. N., Archer, A. F., Haley-brown, J., Holmes, A. J., Juarez, M. M., Martin, L. T., & Vinson, J. (2012).
space | event | movement: reflections on a spatial & visual rhetorics graduate course
. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. - Haley-brown, J., & Hea, A. C. (2011).
Review of Rhetorics and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication, Stuart A. Selber, ed.
. Rhetoric Review, 30(1), 99-103. doi:10.1080/07350198.2011.530156More infoThose in our field who define themselves as computer compositionists, techno-rhetoricians, or technical communicators will be unsurprised by Stuart Selber's recent edited collection, Rhetorics and ... - Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2008). Destabilizing the Categories of New Media Research: A Response to Jeff Rice’s Folksono(me). jac (Journal of Advanced Composition), 28(3/4), 738-749.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2005). Developing Stakeholder Relationships: What’s at Stake?. Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy, 4(2), 54-76.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2004). A Making: The Job Search & Our Work as Computer Compositionists. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 9(1), electronic publication.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., & Johnson-Eilola, J. (2003). After Hypertext: Other Ideas. Computers & Composition, 20(1), 415-425.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2002). Rearticulating E-dentities in the Web-based Classroom: One Technoresearcher’s Exploration of Power & the WWW. Computers & Composition, 19(3), 331-346.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2000). Exploring Articulation as a Methodology: An Articulation of the Corporate Presence in Relationship to Scholarship. Educare/Educere, 5(7), 41-52.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2016, Summer). Year Three Data of the UA Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Writers: Identity Work and Tracking Personal Histories. Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Raleigh, NC: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2015, March). Exigencies and emergencies: The making of crisis in college student writers’ development. College Composition and Communication Conference. Tampa, FL: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2015, Summer). From Crisis-Oriented to Mission-Driven: Deploying Research Praxis as a Means to Create a Sustainable Writing Program. Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Boise, Idaho.: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2014, Fall). Undergraduate Student Writing and Metacognition: A Longitudinal Study at a Public, RU/VH University. Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, Kentucky: University of Louisville.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2014, Spring). Knowledge-production in Rhetoric and Composition: An Inquiry into Rhetoric and Composition’s Role in Preparing Graduate Students to Intervene in Discourses and Practice of Education. College Composition and Communication Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2014, Summer). Big Data and Deep Data: Situating the UA Study of Student Writers against the Either-Or Binary between Local-Global Research. Council of Writing Program Administrators. Normal, Illinois: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2013, Summer). “Going Public" with Longitudinal Research: Stakeholder Theory and UA Study of Student Writers. Council of Writing Program Administrators. Savannah, Georgia: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2012, Spring). Sustainable Ironies: A Permacultural Approach to Writing Program Administration. CUNY Conference on Writing (COW). New York, New York: City University of New York.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2012, Spring). The Rhetoric of "Reach": Preparing Students for Technical Communication in the Age of Social Media. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. St. Louis, Missouri: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.
- Kimme-Hea, A. C. (2012, Summer). Mission-oriented, Crisis-avoided: Creating a Writing Program Strategic Plan to Identify New Localities of Program Development & Assessment. Council of Writing Program Administrators. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
Poster Presentations
- Kimme-Hea, A. C., Burd, G., & McGrath, S. (2012, Summer). UA Assessment: Evolution of Writing Development. Higher Learning Commission Workshop on Program Assessment. St. Charles, Illinois: Higher Learning Commission.