Kirti N Joshi
- Associate Professor, Mathematics
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2743
- Mathematics, Rm. 609A
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- kirti@arizona.edu
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Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
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Intro to Linear Algebra
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MATH 399 (Spring 2019) -
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MATH 129 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
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MATH 129 (Spring 2017) -
Calculus II
MATH 129 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Commutative Algebra
MATH 516 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Joshi, K. (2014). Some remarks on Hodge symmetry. arxiv.More infoI make some remarks on Hodge symmetry, and prove for instance that if $k$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p>0$ and $X/k$ smooth, proper and Hodge-Witt scheme, and Hodge de Rham sequence of $X$ degenerates at $E_1$ and $X$ has torsion-free crystalline cohomology, then Hodge symmetry holds for $X$. [Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2023). Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces II(1/2): Deformations of Number Fields. arxiv.More infoThis paper lays the foundation of the Theory of Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces of Number Fields by explicitly constructing many arithmetically inequivalent avatars of a fixed number field. This paper also constructs a topological space of such avatars and describes its symmetries. Notably amongst these symmetries is a global Frobenius morphism which changes the avatar of the number field! The existence of such avatars has been suggested and used by Shinichi Mochizuki in his work on the arithmetic Vojta and Szpiro conjectures. The key advantage of my approach is that one can quantify the difference between two inequivalent avatars and this renders my theory fundamentally and quantitatively more precise than Mochizuki's approach. In the appendix, I provide a discussion of the proofs of the geometric Szpiro Conjectures due to [Bogomolov et. al. 2000] and [Zhang 2001] from the point of view of this paper. I also discuss applications of my theory to the theory of arithmetic loops and arithmetic knots. [Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). A method for construction of rational points over elliptic curves II: Points over solvable extensions.More infoI provide a systematic construction of points, defined over finite radicalextensions, on any Legendre curve over any field of characteristic not equaltwo. This includes as special case Douglas Ulmer's construction of rationalpoints over a rational function field in characteristic $p>0$. In particular Ishow that if $n\geq 4$ is any even integer and not divisible by thecharacteristic of the field then any elliptic curve $E$ over this field has atleast $2n$ rational points over a finite solvable field extension. Underadditional hypothesis, when the ground field is a number field, I show thatthese are of infinite order. I also show that Ulmer's points lift tocharacteristic zero and in particular to the canonical lifting.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces I.More infoIn this note I construct some categories which can be called ArithmeticTeichmuller Spaces. This construction is very broadly inspired by ShinichiMochizuki's ideas on Anabelian Geometry, p-adic Teichmuller theory and his workon the abc-conjecture, but my approach is based on a completely different setof ideas.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces III: A `Rosetta Stone' and a proof of Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12.More infoThis is a continuation of my work on Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces(arXiv:2106.11452, arXiv:2210.11635, arXiv:2303.01662, arXiv:2305.10398). Thispaper establishes a number of important results including (1) a proofMochizuki's Corollary 3.12 (2) establishes a `Rosetta Stone' for a parallelreading of Mochizuki's Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory and my Theory ofArithmetic Teichmuller Spaces, and (3) a proof that Mochizuki's gluing ofHodge-Theaters, Frobenioids along prime-strips as described in his theory isnaturally provided by the existence of Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller spaces II: Towards Diophantine Estimates.More infoThis paper deals with three consequences of the existence of ArithmeticTeichmuller spaces of arXiv:2106.11452. Let $\mathscr{X}_{F,\mathbb{Q}_p}$(resp. $B=B_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$) be the complete Fargues-Fontaine curve (resp. thering) constructed by Fargues-Fontaine with the datum $F={\mathbb{C}_p^\flat}$(the tilt of $\mathbb{C}_p$), $E=\mathbb{Q}_p$. Fix an odd prime $\ell$, let$\ell^*=\frac{\ell-1}{2}$. The construction (\S 7) of an uncountable subset$\Sigma_{F}\subset \mathscr{X}_{F,\mathbb{Q}_p}^{\ell^*}$ with a simultaneousvaluation scaling property (Theorem 7.8.1), Galois action and other symmetries. Now fix a Tate elliptic curve over a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Theexistence of $\Sigma_{F}$ leads to the construction (\S 9) of a set$\widetilde{\Theta}\subset B^{\ell^*}$ consisting of lifts (to $B$), of values(lying in different untilts provided by $\Sigma_{F}$) of a chosentheta-function evaluated at $2\ell$-torsion points on the chosen ellipticcurve. The construction of $\widetilde{\Theta}$ can be easily adelized.Moreover I also prove a lower bound (Theorem 10.1.1) for the size of$\widetilde{\Theta}$ (here size is defined in terms of the Fr\'echet structureof $B$). I also demonstrate (in \S 11) the existence of ``log-links'' in the theory of[Joshi 2021].[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). The Absolute Grothendieck Conjecture is false for Fargues-Fontaine Curves.More infoI prove that the absolute Grothendieck Conjecture is false forFargues-Fontaine curves.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). The t-motivic mixed Carlitz zeta category and Carlitz-Thakur multi-zeta values.More infoWe construct the t-motivic mixed Carlitz zeta category over $\F_q(t)$ andshow that it contains all the (mixed) t-motives with Carlitz-Thakur multi-zetavalues as periods constructed by Anderson and Thakur. Our construction iscanonical and our category is Tannakian and neutral and every object isequipped with a weight filtration whose graded pieces are Carlitz motives over$\F_q(t)$. For any finite separable extension L/\F_q(t) we show that existenceof a similar category over $L$ is a consequence of a version of a conjecture ofL. Taelman. Along the way we also prove the existence of the category of mixed$t$-motives and the category of mixed Carlitz motives over any $L$ (these twoexistence results are independent of any conjectures).[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). Untilts of fundamental groups: construction of labeled isomorphs of fundamental groups -- Arithmetic Holomorphic Structures.More infoLet $p$ be a prime number. Let $X/E$ be a geometrically connected, smooth,quasi-projective variety over a finite extension $E/\mathbb{Q}_p$. In thispaper I demonstrate the existence of isomorphs of the tempered (and hence also\'etale) fundamental group of $X/E$ which are labeled by distinct arithmeticholomorphic structures, just as isomorphs of the fundamental group of a Riemannsurface $\Sigma$ may be labeled by Riemann surfaces (i.e. complex holomorphicstructures) $\Sigma'$ in the Teichmuller space of $\Sigma$. This is thestarting point of the theory elaborated in [Joshi, 2021a,b,c, 2022] for whichthis paper is intended as an brief sketch and announcement. Arithmeticholomorphic structures introduced here also provide distinct arithmeticholomorphic structures used by Shinichi Mochizuki in [Mochizuki,2021a,b,c,d].Since the question of whether or not there exists distinct arith. hol.structures in [Mochizuki,2021a,b,c,d] was raised in [Scholze and Stix], Iinclude a discussion of [Scholze and Stix]. See the introduction for additionaldetails.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2024). Untilts of fundamental groups: construction of labeled isomorphs of fundamental groups.More infoI show that one can explicitly construct topologically/geometricallydistinguishable data which provide isomorphic copies (i.e. \emph{isomorphs}) ofthe tempered fundamental group of a geometrically connected, smooth,quasi-projective variety over $p$-adic fields.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K., & Joshi, K. (2024). Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller spaces II: Proof of a local prototype of Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12.More infoThis paper deals with consequences of the existence of Arithmetic Teichmullerspaces established in https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.11452 andhttps://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11635. Theorem~9.2.1 provides a proof of a localversion of Mochizuki's Corollary~3.12. Local means for a fixed $p$-adic field.There are several new innovations in this paper. Some of the main results areas follows. Theorem~3.5.1 shows that one can view the Tate parameter of Tateelliptic curve as a function on the arithmetic Teichmuller space of [Joshi,2021a], [Joshi, 2022b]. The next important point is the construction ofMochizuki's $\Theta_{gau}$-links and the set of such links, called Mochizuki'sAnsatz in {\S}6. Theorem~6.9.1 establishes valuation scaling property satisfiedby points of Mochizuki's Ansatz (i.e. by my version of $\Theta_{gau}$-links).These results lead to the construction of a theta-values set ({\S}8) which issimilar to Mochizuki's Theta-values set (differences between the two are in{\S}8.7.1). Finally Theorem~9.2.1 is established. For completeness, I providean intrinsic proof of the existence of Mochizuki's $\log$-links (Theorem10.9.1), $\mathfrak{log}$-links (Theorem~10.15.1) and Mochizuki's log-KummerIndeterminacy (Theorem~10.20.1) in my theory.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2022).
Corrigendum to “On the construction of weakly Ulrich bundles” [Adv. Math. 381 (2021) 107598]
. Advances in Mathematics, 394, 108025. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2021.108025 - Joshi, K. (2022). Comments on Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces. arxiv, 12.More infoI provide some comments on Arithmetic Teichmuller Spaces constructed in my paper arXiv:2106.11452. [Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. (2021).
. Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 242, 35-51. doi:10.1017/nmj.2019.19More infoIn this article, I give a crystalline characterization of abelian varieties amongst the class of smooth projective varieties with trivial tangent bundles in characteristic $p>0$. Using my characterization, I show that a smooth, projective, ordinary variety with trivial tangent bundle is an abelian variety if and only if its second crystalline cohomology is torsion-free. I also show that a conjecture of KeZheng Li about smooth projective varieties with trivial tangent bundles in characteristic $p>0$ is true for smooth projective surfaces. I give a new proof of a result by Li and prove a refinement of it. Based on my characterization of abelian varieties, I propose modifications of Li’s conjecture, which I expect to be true. - Joshi, K. (2021). On the construction of weakly Ulrich bundles. Advances in Mathematics, 381, 107598. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2021.107598
- Joshi, K. (2020). Crystalline aspects of geography of low dimensional varieties I: numerology. European Journal of Mathematics, 6(4), 1111-1175.
- Joshi, K. (2020). On Mochizuki's idea of Anabelomorphy and its applications.More infoShinichi Mochizuki has introduced many fundamental ideas in his work, amongstone of them is the foundational notion, which I have dubbed anabelomorphy(pronounced as anabel-o-morphy). I coined the term anabelomorphy as a conciseway of expressing "Mochizuki's anabelian way of changing ground field, ringsetc." The notion of anabelomorphy is firmly grounded in a well-known theorem ofMochizuki which asserts that a $p$-adic field is determined by its absoluteGalois group equipped with its (upper numbering) ramification filtration.However as there exist many non-isomorphic $p$-adic fields with topologicallyisomorphic Galois groups, the ramification filtration itself is fluid i.e. avariable and this variable controls amongst many other things, the additivestructure of a $p$-adic local field, and Mochizuki's remarkable suggestion isthat this fluidity can and should be exploited in proving theorems in numbertheory. In this paper I provide a number of results which illustrate theusefulness of Mochizuki's idea. I refer the reader to the Introduction of thepaper and the table of contents for the list of all the results proved in thispaper.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K., & Pauly, C. (2020). Opers of higher types, Quot-schemes and Frobenius instability loci. Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 4. doi:https://doi.org/10.46298/epiga.2020.volume4.5721
- Joshi, K. (2019). A remark on Ulrich and ACM bundles. Journal of Algebra, 527, 20-29.
- Joshi, K. N. (2019). On determinantal equations for curves and Frobenius split hypersurfaces.More infoI consider the problem of existence of intrinsic determinantal equations forplane projective curves and hypersurfaces in projective space and prove that inmany cases of interest there exist intrinsic determinantal equations. Inparticular I prove (1) in characteristic two any ordinary, plane projectivecurve of genus at least one is given by an intrinsic determinantal equation (2)in characteristic three any plane projective curve is an intrinsic Pfaffian (3)in any positive characteristic any plane projective curve is set theoreticallythe determinant of an intrinsic matrix (4) in any positive characteristic, anyFrobenius split hypersurface in ${\bf P}^n$ is given by set theoretically asthe determinant of an intrinsic matrix with homogeneous entries of degreebetween $1$ and $n-1$. In particular this implies that any smooth, Fanohypersurface is set theoretically given by an intrinsic determinantal equationand the same is also true for any Frobenius split Calabi-Yau hypersurface.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2019). On the Grothendieck ring of varieties in positive characteristic.More infoLet $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. I provethat the ring of smooth, complete $k$-varieties and Bittner relations containszero divisors if $p>13$ or $p=11$. In particular it follows, under the samehypothesis, that the isomorphism class of any supersingular elliptic curve is azero divisor in this ring.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2019). On varieties with trivial tangent bundle. Nagoya Math. Journal. doi:DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nmj.2019.19
- Joshi, K. N., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Eigenform product identities for Hilbert modular forms. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 18. doi:10.1007/s00209-018-2214-y
- Joshi, K. N. (2018). A question about Belyi's Theorem. arxiv, 6.More infoI discuss a natural version of Belyi's Theorem over $\fq(T)$ and prove that the situation I describe is unique and rigid for $q\geq5$ (in the sense described below). [Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2017). A method for construction of rational points over elliptic curves.More infoI provide a systematic construction of points (defined over number fields) onLegendre elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$: for any odd integer $n\geq 3$ mymethod constructs $n$ points on the Legendre curve and I show that rank of thesubgroup of the Mordell-Weil group they generate is $n$ if $n\geq 7$. I alsoshow that every elliptic curve over any number field admits similar type ofpoints after a finite base extension.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2017). Methods for constructing elliptic and hyperelliptic curves with rational points.More infoI provide methods of constructing elliptic and hyperelliptic curves overglobal fields with interesting rational points over the given fields or overlarge field extensions. I also provide a elliptic curves defined over any givennumber field equipped with a rational point, (resp. with two rational points)of infinite order over the given number field, and elliptic curves over therationals with two rational points over `simplest cubic fields.' I also providehyperelliptic curves of genus exceeding any given number over any given numberfields with points (over the given number field) which span a subgroup of rankat least $g$ in the group of rational points of the Jacobian of this curve. Ialso provide a method of constructing hyperelliptic curves over rationalfunction fields with rational points defined over field extensions with largefinite simple Galois groups, such as the Mathieu group $M_{24}$.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2017). On the equation $N_{p_1}(E)\cdot N_{p_2}(E)\cdots N_{p_k}(E)=n$.More infoFor a given elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$, set $N_p(E)$ to be the number ofpoints on $E$ modulo $p$ for a prime of good reduction for $E$. Given integer$n$, let $G_k(E,n)$ be the number of $k$-tuples of pairwise distinct primes$p_1,\ldots,p_k$ of good reduction for $E$, for which equation in the titleholds, then on assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for elliptic curveswithout CM (and unconditionally if the curves have complex multiplication), Ishow that $\varlimsup_{n\to\infty} G_k(E,n)=\infty$ for any integer $k\geq 3$.I also conjecture that this result also holds for $k=1$ and $k=2$. Inparticular for $k=1$ this conjecture says that there are "elliptic progressionsof primes" i.e. sequences of primes $p_1
- Joshi, K. N. (2017). The Degree of the Dormant Operatic Locus. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017(9), 2599–2613. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnw066
- Joshi, K. N. (2016). On Primes of Ordinary and Hodge-Witt Reduction.More infoJean-Pierre Serre has conjectured, in the context of abelian varieties, thatthere are infinitely primes of good ordinary reduction for a smooth, projectivevariety over a number field. We consider this conjecture and its naturalvariants. In particular we have conjectured (with C. S. Rajan) the existence ofinfinitely many primes of Hodge-Witt reduction (any prime of ordinary reductionis also a prime of Hodge-Witt reduction). The two conjectures are notequivalent but are related. We prove a precise relationship between the two; weprove several results which provide some evidence for these conjectures; weshow that primes of ordinary and Hodge-Witt reduction can have differentdensities. We prove our conjecture on Hodge- Witt and ordinary reduction forabelian varieties with complex multiplication. We include here an unpublishedjoint result with C. S. Rajan (also independently established by FedorBogomolov and Yuri Zarhin by a different method) on the existence of primes ofordinary reductions for K3 surfaces; our proof also shows that for an abelianthreefold over a number field there is a set of primes of positive density atwhich it has Hodge-Witt reduction (this is also a joint result with C. S.Rajan). We give a number of examples including those of Fermat hypersurfacesfor which all the conjectures we make hold.[Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N. (2016). Ordinary reductions of abelian varieties. arxiv, 13.More infoI show that a conjecture of Joshi-Rajan on primes of Hodge-Witt reduction and in particular a conjecture of Jean-Pierre Serre on primes of good, ordinary reduction for an abelian variety over a number field follows from a certain conjecture on Galois rep- resentations which may perhaps be easier to prove (and I prove this conjecture for abelian compatible systems of a suitable type). This reduction (to a conjecture about certain sys- tems of Galois representations) is based on a new slope estimate for non Hodge-Witt abelian varieties. In particular for any abelian variety over a number field with at least one prime of good ordinary or split toric reduction, I show that the conjecture of Joshi-Rajan and the conjecture of Serre on ordinary reductions can be reduced to proving that a certain rational trace of Frobenius is in fact an integer. The assertion that this trace is an integer is proved for abelian systems of Galois representations (of suitable type). [Journal_ref: ]
- Joshi, K. N., & Pauly, C. (2015). Hitchin–Mochizuki morphism, opers and Frobenius-destabilized vector bundles over curves. Advances in Mathematics, 274, 39--75 (38 pages).
- Joshi, K., & Petrov, A. (2014). On the action of Hecke operators on Drinfeld modular forms. Journal of Number Theory, 137, 186-200.More infoAbstract:In this paper we determine the explicit structure of the semisimple part of the Hecke algebra that acts on Drinfeld modular forms of full level modulo T. We show that modulo T the Hecke algebra has a non-zero semisimple part. In contrast, a well-known theorem of Serre asserts that for classical modular forms the action of Tℓ for any odd prime ℓ is nilpotent modulo 2. After proving the result for Drinfeld modular forms modulo T, we use computations of the Hecke action modulo T to show that certain powers of the Drinfeld modular form h cannot be eigenforms. Finally, we pose a question a positive answer to which will mean that the Hecke algebra that acts on Drinfeld modular forms of full level is not smooth for large weights, which again contrasts the classical situation. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.
- Joshi, K. (2012). Remarks on the Fourier coefficients of modular forms. Journal of Number Theory, 132(6), 1314-1336. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2011.10.004More infoAbstract:We consider a variant of a question of N. Koblitz. For an elliptic curve E/Q which is not Q-isogenous to an elliptic curve with torsion, Koblitz has conjectured that there exists infinitely many primes p such that Np(E)=#E(Fp)=p+1-ap(E) is also a prime. We consider a variant of this question. For a newform f, without CM, of weight k≥4, on Γ 0(M) with trivial Nebentypus χ 0 and with integer Fourier coefficients, let N p(f)=χ 0(p)p k-1+1-a p(f) (here a p(f) is the p-th-Fourier coefficient of f). We show under GRH and Artin's Holomorphy Conjecture that there are infinitely many p such that N p(f) has at most [5k+1+log(k)] distinct prime factors. We give examples of about hundred forms to which our theorem applies. We also show, on GRH, that the number of distinct prime factors of N p(f) is of normal order log(log(p)) and that the distribution of these values is asymptotically a Gaussian distribution ("Erdo{double acute}s-Kac type theorem"). © 2012 Elsevier Inc..
- Joshi, K. (2011).
Ordinarity of configuration spaces and of wonderful compactifications
. Documenta Mathematica, 16, 669-676. doi:10.4171/dm/347 - Joshi, K., & Mcleman, C. (2011).
Infinite Hilbert Class Field Towers from Galois Representations
. International Journal of Number Theory, 07(01), 1-8. doi:10.1142/s1793042111003879More infoWe investigate class field towers of number fields obtained as fixed fields of modular representations of the absolute Galois group of the rational numbers. First, for each k ∈ {12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26}, we give explicit rational primes l such that the fixed field of the mod-l representation attached to the unique normalized cusp eigenform of weight k on SL2(ℤ) has an infinite class field tower. Further, under a conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood, we prove the existence of infinitely many cyclotomic fields of prime conductor, providing infinitely many such primes l for each k in the list. Finally, given a non-CM curve E/ℚ, we show that there exists an integer ME such that the fixed field of the representation attached to the n-division points of E has an infinite class field tower for a set of integers n of density one among integers coprime to ME. - Joshi, K. (2010).
Musings on $\Q(1/4)$: Arithmetic spin structures on elliptic curves
. Mathematical Research Letters, 17(6), 1013-1028. doi:10.4310/mrl.2010.v17.n6.a1 - Joshi, K., & Mehta, V. B. (2009). Vectors bundles with theta divisors I-bundles on castelnuovo curves. Archiv der Mathematik, 92(6), 574-584.More infoAbstract:In this paper we show that semistable vector bundles on a Castelnuovo curve of genus g ≥ 2 have theta divisors. As a corollary, we deduce that semistable vector bundles on a smooth, general curve of genus g ≥ 2 which extend to semistable vector bundles on any flat Castelnuovo degeneration of the general curve admit a theta divisor. © 2009 Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland.
- Joshi, K. (2008).
Two Remarks On Subvarieties Of Moduli Spaces
. International Journal of Mathematics, 19(02), 237-243. doi:10.1142/s0129167x08004649More infoWe study two natural questions about subvarieties of moduli spaces. In the first section, we study the locus of curves equipped with F-nilpotent bundles and its relationship to the p-rank zero locus of the moduli space of curves of genus g. In the second section, we study subvarieties of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves. We prove an analogue of a result of F. Oort about proper subvarieties of moduli of abelian varieties. - Joshi, K. (2007). Exotic torsion, frobenius splitting and the slope spectral sequence. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 50(4), 567-578.More infoAbstract: In this paper we show that any Frobenius split, smooth, projective threefold over a perfect field of characteristic p > 0 is Hodge-Witt. This is proved by generalizing to the case of threefolds a well-known criterion due to N. Nygaard for surfaces to be Hodge-Witt. We also show that the second crystalline cohomology of any smooth, projective Frobenius split variety does not have any exotic torsion. In the last two sections we include some applications. ©Canadian Mathematical Society 2007.
- Joshi, K., Ramanan, S., Xia, E. Z., & Yu, J. (2006). On vector bundles destabilized by Frobenius pull-back. Compositio Mathematica, 142(3), 616-630.More infoAbstract: Let X be a smooth projective curve of genus g > 1 over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic. This paper is a study of a natural stratification, defined by the absolute Frobenius morphism of X, on the moduli space of vector bundles. In characteristic two, there is a complete classification of semi-stable bundles of rank 2 which are destabilized by Frobenius pull-back. We also show that these strata are irreducible and obtain their respective dimensions. In particular, the dimension of the locus of bundles of rank two which are destabilized by Frobenius is 3g-4. These Frobenius destabilized bundles also exist in characteristics two, three and five with ranks 4, 3 and 5, respectively. Finally, there is a connection between (pre)-opers and Frobenius destabilized bundles. This allows an interpretation of some of the above results in terms of pre-opers and provides a mechanism for constructing Frobenius destabilized bundles in large characteristics. © Foundation Compositio Mathematica 2006.
- Joshi, K., & Raghunathan, R. (2005). Infinite product identities for l-functions. Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 49(3), 885-891.More infoAbstract: We establish certain infinite product identities for Dirichlet series twisted by Dirichlet characters and give examples where the products have meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane. ©2005 University of Illinois.
- Joshi, K. (2004). A p-adic proof of Hodge symmetry for threefolds. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 338(10), 781-786.More infoAbstract: We give a p-adic proof of Hodge symmetry for smooth and projective varieties of dimension three over the field of complex numbers. © 2004 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
- Joshi, K. (2004). Stability and locally exact differentials on a curve. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 338(11), 869-872.More infoAbstract: We show that the locally free sheaf B1⊂F*(Ω1X) of locally exact differentials on a smooth projective curve of genus g≥2 over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p is a stable bundle. This answers a question of Raynaud. © 2004 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
- Joshi, K., & Rajan, C. S. (2003). Frobenius splitting and ordinarity. International Mathematics Research Notices, 109-121.
- Gordon, B. B., & Joshi, K. (2002). Griffiths groups of supersingular abelian varieties. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 45(2), 213-219.More infoAbstract: The Griffiths group Grr(X) of a smooth projective variety X over an algebraically dosed field is defined to be the group of homologically trivial algebraic cycles of codimension r on X modulo the subgroup of algebraically trivial algebraic cycles. The main result of this paper is that the Griffiths group Gr2 (Ak̄) of a supersingular abelian variety Ak̄ over the algebraic closure of a finite field of characteristic p is at most a p-primary torsion group. As a corollary the same conclusion holds for supersingular Fermat threefolds. In contrast, using methods of C. Schoen it is also shown that if the Tare conjecture is valid for all smooth projective surfaces and all finite extensions of the finite ground field k of characteristic p > 2, then the Griffiths group of any ordinary abelian threefold Ak̄ over the algebraic closure of k is non-trivial; in fact, for all but a finite number of primes ℓ ≠ p it is the case that Gr2 (Ak̄) ⊗ ℤℓ ≠ 0.
- Joshi, K., & Kim, M. (2002). A remark on potentially semi-stable representations of Hodge-Tate type (0,1). Mathematische Zeitschrift, 241(3), 479-483.
- Joshi, K. (2000). Kodaira-akizuki-nakano vanishing: A variant. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 32(2), 171-176.
- Joshi, K., & Xia, E. Z. (2000). Moduli of Vector Bundles on Curves in Positive Characteristics. Compositio Mathematica, 122(3), 315-321.More infoAbstract: Let X be a projective curve of genus 2 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. The Frobenius map on X induces a rational map on the moduli scheme of rank-2 bundles. We show that up to isomorphism, there is only one (up to tensoring by an order two line bundle) semi-stable vector bundle of rank 2 (with determinant equal to a theta characteristic) whose Frobenius pull-back is not semi-stable. The indeterminacy of the Frobenius map at this point can be resolved by introducing Higgs bundles.
- Joshi, K. (1999). Remarks on Methods of Fontaine and Faltings. International Mathematics Research Notices, 1999(22), X1-1209.
- Joshi, K., & Tzermias, P. (1999). On the Coleman-Chabauty bound. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series I: Mathematics, 329(6), 459-463.More infoAbstract: The Coleman-Chabauty bound is an upper bound for the number of rational points on a curve of genus g ≥ 2 whose Jacobian has Mordell-Weil rank r less than g. The bound is given in terms of the genus of the curve and the number of Fp-points on the reduced curve, for all primes p of good reduction such that p > 2g. In this Note we show that the hypothesis on the Mordell-Weil rank is essential. We do so by exhibiting, for each prime p ≥ 5, an explicit family of curves of genus (p - 1) /2 (and rank at least (p - 1) /2) for which the bound in question does not hold. Our examples show that the difference between the number of rational points and the bound in question can in fact be linear in the genus. Under mild assumptions, our curves have rank at least twice their genus. © 1999 Académie des Sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS.
- Joshi, K., & Yogananda, C. S. (1999). A remark on product of Dirichlet L-functions. Acta Arithmetica, 91(4), 325-327.
- Joshi, K. (1996). A family of Étale coverings of the affine line. Journal of Number Theory, 59(2), 414-418.More infoAbstract: It this note we prove the following theorem. Let Πalg1(A1C) be the algebraic fundamental group of the affine line over C, where C is the completion of the algebraic closure of Fq((1/T)), and Fq is a field with q elements. If Fq has at least four elements, then we show that there is a continuous surjection Πalg1(A1C) → ←lim SL2(A/I)/{+ ± 1}, where A = Fq[T] and the inverse limit is over the family of non-zero, proper ideals of A. This result is proved by using the moduli of Drinfel'd A-modules of rank two over C with I-level structures; these curves give (tamely) ramified covers of the line and the tame ramification is removed using a variant of Abhyankar's lemma. © 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
- Joshi, K. N. (2019, November). Galois Theory of Fields and Addition and Multiplication Laws. Colloquium Talk U Vermont. Math Department, University of Vermont: Math Department, University of Vermont.