Karen M Zimmermann
- Professor, Art
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Director
- (520) 621-1265
- Art Building & Art Museum, Rm. 247A
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- kzim@arizona.edu
Karen Zimmermann is the Associate Director of the School of Art and a professor in the Illustration, Design & Animation (IDA) program. She is also the director of the Book Arts & Letterpress Lab. She has taught Typography, Information Graphics, Motion Graphics, Design History, Design, Culture and Language, Design Studios, Visual Narratives, and Letterpress and the Multiple. Courses explore technique and practice as well as theoretical, historical, and critical issues. Karen has received numerous grants and awards for her design and artwork, including a School of Art Professional Development Grant, an Arizona Project Grant by the Arizona Commission of the Arts, the UA Deans Fund for Excellence, and a UA Faculty Fellowship. She was a 2020 UA Academic Leadership Institute recipient.Her writing has been published in “The Education of a Graphic Designer,” “The Education of an E Designer,” “The Education of a Motion Designer,” JAB (Journal of Artists’ Books), “Design Education in Progress: Methodology and Process,” American Institute of Graphic Arts, Adobe Magazine, FATE, SIGGRAPH, and Zed.
Selected design clients include The Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona, Fort Lowell Historic Board, and Tinfish Press. Her art practice examines print and book production and visual communication.
She has been on the boards and planning committees to organize several conferences, panels, and events, including and participated in Amalgamated Printers Association (APA), College Book Arts (CBAA) Annual Meeting, and AIGA Geopgraphics, and presented work in: “Action/Interaction” Panel, Columbia College; Design Studies Forum (DSF) College Arts Association “Collaboration in Design” Panel; the UA Digital Arts Education Symposium; “Women, Identity and Borders” video screenings and presentations; “Alternate Routes” Video Art Series; and “Departure/Arrival A Reflection on Diaspora” Lecture and Visiting Artist.
- M.F.A. Communicaiton Arts
- Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, Virginia, United States
- A Comparison of Rivers and Cities
- B.A. Computer Art
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey, United States
Work Experience
- School of Art, University of Arizona (2018 - Ongoing)
- School of Art, University of Arizona (2011 - Ongoing)
- School of Art, University of Arizona (2004 - 2011)
- School of Art, University of Arizona (1998 - 2004)
- Art Department, University of Hawaii (1994 - 1998)
- Small Grant
- School of Art, Spring 2025
- School of Art, Summer 2024
- School of Art, Spring 2024
- Culturally Responsive Curriculum Development Institute Fellowship Award.
- CRCDI is a collaborative endeavor between HSI Initiatives, University Center for Assessment, Teaching, & Technology (UCATT), Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES), Faculty Affairs, College of Science, College of Education, and College of Engineering, Summer 2024
- Sabbatical
- College of Fine Arts, Spring 2024
- University of Arizona, Fall 2017 (Award Finalist)
- Spring 2011
- Fall 2010
- Spring 2004
- Academic Leadership Fellow
- University of Arizona Academic Leadership Institute, Fall 2019
- Charles and Irene Putnam Teaching Award
- University of Arizona, Spring 2017
- Purchase Prize Award
- Sandy 23 Gallery, Fall 2015
- Faculty Fellow
- Senior Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment ManagementSenior Vost Provost, Academic Initiatives and Student Successs, Spring 2015
- University of Arizona, Fall 2013
- Spring 2012
- Spring 2011
- Spring 2010
- Spring 2009
- Spring 2008
- Faculty Professional Development Endowment Award
- School of Art., Spring 2013
- 2012 Preservation Awards
- Spring 2012
- Faculty Interaction Grant
- Spring 2012
- Spring 2011
- Artist Residency
- Spring 2011
- Student Interaction Grant
- Spring 2009
- Beyond the Call of Duty Award
- Spring 2008
- Spring 2007
- Fine Arts Small Grant
- Spring 2008
- Turning Information into Knowledge
- Fall 2004
- Backflow Prevention Assemblies Public Art Project
- Spring 2002
- Digital Arts Award
- Spring 2002
Graphic Design, Typography, Type Design, Letterpress, Publishing, Print, Information Graphics, Processing, Writing, Infographics, Semiotics, Representation, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe After Effects, Motion Design, Design Thinking, Information Graphics, Communication, Wayfinding, Data Visualization, Processing
Graphic Design, Typography, Type Design, Letterpress, Publishing, Print, Information Graphics, Processing, Writing, Infographics, Semiotics, Representation, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe After Effects, Motion Design, Design Thinking, Information Graphics, Communication, Wayfinding, Data Visualization, Processing
2024-25 Courses
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
ART 498H (Spring 2025) -
Topics In Studio Art
ART 504 (Spring 2025) -
Design: Culture and Language
ART 160D2 (Fall 2024) -
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Fall 2023) -
ART 393 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
ART 599 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
ART 699 (Spring 2023) -
ART 393 (Spring 2023) -
Letterpress+The Multiple
ART 562E (Spring 2023) -
Letterpress+the Multiple
ART 462E (Spring 2023) -
Special Topics in Fine Arts
HNRS 195K (Spring 2023) -
Honors Thesis
ART 498H (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
ART 499 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
ART 599 (Fall 2022) -
ART 593 (Fall 2022) -
ART 694 (Fall 2022) -
Visual Narrative+Art Bk
ART 467B (Fall 2022) -
Visual Narrative+Art Bk
ART 567B (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
ART 498H (Spring 2022) -
Letterpress+The Multiple
ART 562E (Spring 2022) -
Letterpress+the Multiple
ART 462E (Spring 2022) -
Special Topics
HNRS 395A (Spring 2022) -
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Fall 2021) -
ART 393 (Fall 2021) -
Visual Narrative+Art Bk
ART 467B (Fall 2021) -
Visual Narrative+Art Bk
ART 567B (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Independent Study
ART 499 (Summer I 2021) -
Design: Culture and Language
ART 160D2 (Spring 2021) -
Graduate Thesis Studio
ART 698 (Spring 2021) -
ART 393 (Spring 2021) -
ART 493 (Spring 2021) -
Special Topics in Fine Arts
HNRS 195K (Spring 2021) -
Grad Interdiscipl Critiq
ART 642 (Fall 2020) -
ART 393 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Design: Culture and Language
ART 160D2 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ART 399 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ART 599 (Spring 2020) -
ART 493 (Spring 2020) -
Special Topics in Fine Arts
HNRS 195K (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ART 599 (Fall 2019) -
ART 393 (Fall 2019) -
ART 493 (Fall 2019) -
Letterpress+The Multiple
ART 562E (Fall 2019) -
Letterpress+the Multiple
ART 462E (Fall 2019) -
ART 694 (Fall 2019) -
ART 391 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Design: Culture and Language
ART 160D2 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ART 599 (Spring 2019) -
ART 593 (Spring 2019) -
ART 693 (Spring 2019) -
ART 393 (Fall 2018) -
Topics In Studio Art
ART 504 (Fall 2018)
2016-17 Courses
ART 358 (Summer I 2017) -
Independent Study
ART 399 (Spring 2017) -
ART 393 (Spring 2017) -
ART 493 (Spring 2017) -
Letterpress+The Multiple
ART 562E (Spring 2017) -
Letterpress+the Multiple
ART 462E (Spring 2017) -
ART 694 (Spring 2017) -
ART 391 (Spring 2017) -
Typography I
ART 363A (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ART 399 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ART 599 (Fall 2016) -
Information Graphics
ART 462F (Fall 2016) -
ART 393 (Fall 2016) -
Special Topics in Fine Arts
HNRS 195K (Fall 2016) -
Typography I
ART 363A (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ART 358 (Summer I 2016) -
ART 393 (Summer I 2016) -
ART 493 (Summer I 2016) -
Honors Thesis
ART 498H (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ART 699 (Spring 2016) -
Information Graphics
ART 462F (Spring 2016) -
ART 393 (Spring 2016) -
ART 493 (Spring 2016) -
Letterpress+The Multiple
ART 562E (Spring 2016) -
Letterpress+the Multiple
ART 462E (Spring 2016) -
Special Topics
HNRS 395A (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2019). The Visual History of Type. In Design and Culture: The Journal of the Design Studies Forum(p. 135). New York: Routledge.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2008). Introduction to Motion Design. In Teaching Motion Design(pp 247-253). Allworth Press.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2005). "Visual Culture, Community and Distance". United Design: Graphic Design Practice and Education, 5.More infoKaren White and John Bowers; Inyoung Choi, Editor,
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2019, Fall). Independent Publishing in the Southwest. Center for Creative Photography. Tucson, Arizona: Center for Creative Photogarphy.More infoDiscussion at the Center for Creative Photography on publishing. Attendance was around 50 people.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2019, November). Curious. Public History Collaborative (PHC). University of Arizona, Chavez 406: Public History Collaborative / Department of History.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2017, October). Letterpress and Typography Today. Invited to Present to Residents at Splendido. Tucson: Splendido.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2017, September). Design, Print, and Book. St. Louis Print Week/Ladies of the Letterpress. St. Louis, MO: Ladies of the Letterpress.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2017, Spring). The Book is Dead: Long Live the Book. School of Art Advisory Board Event. Tucson: Art Advisory Board.More infoPhilip Zimmermann and I both gave lectures for this event; I lectured on Design and Printing of the book historically and technically.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2016, August). Inter and Multi-Disciplinary in Design Education Panel. ICO-D Platform. ArtCenter, Pasadena CA: ICOGRADA (International Council of Graphic Design Assocaition).
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2016, Fall). Visting Artist Presentation. Senior Design Student Lecture. Boone, North Carolina: Appalachia State Univeristy.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2015, MARCH 28). Interactions: Tree Mortality and Big Cooper in the American Southwest. BALANCE/UNBALANCE. Pheonix: ASU.More infoThis was a conference where Ellen McMahon, Beth Weinsten, and I presented each seperatly addressing the same project.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2015, October). 2015 AIGA Design Conference. American Institute of Graphic Arts.More infoRoundtable Discussion Leader
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2015, October). 2015 AIGA Design Conference. National American Institute of Graphic Arts. New Orleans: American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA).More infoAffinity Session on Design Pedagoy
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2012, Spring). Education in Letterpress. Ladies of the Letterpress Conference. Ashville, North Carolina.More infoPanel Speaker
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2011, Fall). Design and Digital Arts Lecture. SISTA Student Group. U of A, School of Hearing.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2011, Spring). Visiting Artist Lecture: Design and Art. School of the Art Institute. Chicago.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2007, Spring). Collaboration and participation in Design Education. College Art Association Annual Conference. New York City.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2007, Spring). Graphic Design and Book Arts. Action/Interaction. Columbia College Center for Book and Paper.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2005, August). Visual Culture, Community and Distance. Eastman IDSA National Design Education Conference. Washington DC.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2005, October 26-28). Design, Teaching, and the Bauhaus. Envisioning design for the XX1 Century. Mexico City, Mexico.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2004, April). Learning/Teaching Design using Interactive Web Technolog. Center for Teaching and Learning Design. Barcelona, Spain.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2004, April). UNC Design Lecture: Karen White. Visiting artist. University of North Carolina | Ashville.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2004, October 26, 2003). Shaping Design Education Through: Distance, Visual Culture and Community. American Institute of Graphic Arts, Chicago. Chicago, Illinois.
Creative Productions
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2022.
Hand Papermaking, Inc., End of Year Broadside, Print & Design. Cave Paper, Pam Wood, Illustrator, Sandra Marchetti, Poet.
Hand Papermaking, Inc.. - Zimmermann, K. M. (2022.
Southwest Print Fiesta Portfolio, Silver City, NM.
. Portfolio ExchangeSouthwest Print Fiesta. - Zimmermann, K. M., & Kim, J. (2022.
Alta Literary Translation Poetry Broadside., Hysteria by Kim Yideum Collaborated with Prof. Jehe Kim, Designed and printed.
. National. Tucson: Alta American Literary Translation Association.
- Zimmermann, K. M. (2014, September). New Ventures: Instersections in Design Education. American Institute of Graphic Arts Education Conference.More infoRoundtable Discussion Leader
Creative Works
- People vs The Empire Poster; Lawrie Shabibi in Al Serkal Avenue, Dubai; September 2011; Sama Alshaibi Catalog; Designed poster to be included in an exhbition and catalog for Sama Alshabi's show.
- Graphic Design and the Book Arts; Columbia College Chicago Center for the Book & Paper Arts; September 2007; JAB 22 The Journal of Artists' Books
- State of the Art; University of Arizona | School of Art; October; Unititled, 2004, 12x12 inches, mixed-media encaustic on birch plywood.
- Visiting Artist Central Print; Letterpress Visiting Artist; October 2018; Internal Advertising St. Louis; Visiting artist at Central Print in St. Louis. Interactions with community and college students from Washington Univerisity. Invitational.
- Corridor; Grahame Galleries; October 2012; Lessons in History Vol. II – Democracy Calatlog; Catalog of exhibition / See under exhibitions.
- Invitations for the Center of Creative Photography; Graphic Design; March; Designed and oversaw the production of several invitations for the Center of Creative Photography.
- Poeta en San Francisco; Graphic Design; March; Invited to designed a book of poems by Barbara Jane Reyes. The book was the winner of the 2005 Jmes Laughlin Award of The American Poets. It is over 100 pages, two color and perfect bound.
- Touch: A Vista Sans Type Project; Letterpress Art Project; Pointed Press Studio; June 2013; Book
- Playa Summer Lake; Design; Residency in Oregon. Creative mixed media experiments.
- Design Incubation Fellow; Design Scholar; Bloomsbury; Design and Culture; Design Incubation Fellowship Workshop at St. Johns in Manhattan, NYC. Invitational participation in 3-day intensive workshop with designers and publishers.
- Frameworks; print; ILSSA; ILSSA Frameworks; ILSSA Frameworks is ILSSA’s latest call & response, asking impractical laborers What frameworks are essential supporting structures for your practice?
- Post Humanism vs Humanism Design Workshop; Collaborative Workshop; web; Pedagogical Design Practice Workshop. This is a design experience. Proceedings are published on the web and presented in conferences by the organizers. All collaborative and speculative work is done by all participants. Workshop was held at California College of Arts, San Francisco.