Lauren Simpson
- Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- Arizona Health Sciences Center, Rm. 245070
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0026
- laurensimpson1@arizona.edu
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Scholarly Contributions
- Mamaril-Davis, J. C., Riordan, K., Sumdani, H., Bowlby, P., Emami Neyestanak, M., Simpson, L., Avellino, A. M., Tang, A., & Weinand, M. E. (2024). Subdural hematoma, retinal hemorrhage, and fracture triad as a clinical predictor for the diagnosis of child abuse. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics, 33(2), 142-148.More infoNonaccidental trauma (NAT) is a major cause of traumatic death during infancy and early childhood. Several findings are known to raise the index of clinical suspicion: subdural hematoma (SDH), retinal hemorrhage (RH), fracture, and external trauma. Combinations of certain injury types, determined via statistical frequency associations, may assist clinical diagnostic tools when child abuse is suspected. The present study sought to assess the statistical validity of the clinical triad (SDH + RH + fracture) in the diagnosis of child abuse and by extension pediatric NAT.
- Baird, K., McCroskey, J., Arynchyna, A., Abdullatif, H., Ashraf, A. P., Simpson, L., & Rocque, B. G. (2021). Incidental Pituitary Cysts in Children: Does Growth Hormone Treatment Affect Cyst Size?. Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 27(11), 1128-1132.More infoTo evaluate the response of incidentally discovered pituitary cysts to growth hormone (GH) treatment.
- Simpson, L. N., Schneble, E. J., Griffin, E. D., Obayashi, J. T., Setran, P. A., Ross, D. A., Pettersson, D. R., & Pollock, J. M. (2020). Morphological changes of the dorsal contour of the corpus callosum during the first two years of life. Pediatric radiology, 50(4), 543-549.More infoIn the medicolegal literature, focal concavities or notching of the corpus callosum has been thought to be associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Recent work suggests corpus callosum notching is a dynamic and normal anatomical feature, although it has not yet been defined in early life or infancy.
- Bridges, K. J., Simpson, L. N., Bullis, C. L., Rekito, A., Sayama, C. M., & Than, K. D. (2018). Combined Laminoplasty and Posterior Fusion for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Treatment: A Literature Review. Asian spine journal, 12(3), 446-458.More infoA literature review.
- Sellin, J. N., Steele, W. J., Simpson, L., Huff, W. X., Lane, B. C., Chern, J. J., Fulkerson, D. H., Sayama, C. M., & Jea, A. (2016). Multicenter retrospective evaluation of the validity of the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score system in children. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics, 18(2), 164-70.More infoOBJECTIVE The Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS) system was developed to streamline injury assessment and guide surgical decision making. To the best of the authors' knowledge, external validation in the pediatric age group has not been undertaken prior to this report. METHODS This study evaluated the use of the TLICS in a large retrospective series of children and adolescents treated at 4 pediatric medical centers (Texas Children's Hospital, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Riley Children's Hospital, and Doernbecher Children's Hospital). A total of 147 patients treated for traumatic thoracic or lumbar spine trauma between February 1, 2002, and September 1, 2015, were included in this study. Clinical and radiographic data were evaluated. Injuries were classified using American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) status, Denis classification, and TLICS. RESULTS A total of 102 patients (69%) were treated conservatively, and 45 patients (31%) were treated surgically. All patients but one in the conservative group were classified as ASIA E. In this group, 86/102 patients (84%) had Denis type compression injuries. The TLICS in the conservative group ranged from 1 to 10 (mean 1.6). Overall, 93% of patients matched TLICS conservative treatment recommendations (score ≤ 3). No patients crossed over to the surgical group in delayed fashion. In the surgical group, 26/45 (58%) were ASIA E, whereas 19/45 (42%) had neurological deficits (ASIA A, B, C, or D). One of 45 (2%) patients was classified with Denis type compression injuries; 25/45 (56%) were classified with Denis type burst injuries; 14/45 (31%) were classified with Denis type seat belt injuries; and 5/45 (11%) were classified with Denis type fracture-dislocation injuries. The TLICS ranged from 2 to 10 (mean 6.4). Eighty-two percent of patients matched TLICS surgical treatment recommendations (score ≥ 5). No patients crossed over to the conservative management group. Eight patients (8/147, 5%) had a calculated TLICS of 4, which meant they were candidates for surgery or conservative therapy by TLICS criteria. Excluding these patients, the degree of agreement between TLICS and surgeon decision was deemed to be very good (κ = 0.878). CONCLUSIONS The TLICS results and recommendations matched treatment in 96% of conservative group cases. In the surgical group, TLICS recommendations matched treatment in 93% of cases. The TLICS recommendations and surgeon decision making displayed very good concordance. The TLICS appears to be effective in the classification of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries and in guiding treatment in the pediatric age group.
- Ellegala, D. B., Simpson, L., Mayegga, E., Nuwas, E., Samo, H., Naman, N., Word, D. B., & Nicholas, J. S. (2014). Neurosurgical capacity building in the developing world through focused training. Journal of neurosurgery, 121(6), 1526-32.More infoIn Tanzania, there are 4 neurosurgeons for a population of 46 million. To address this critical shortage of neurosurgical care, the authors worked with local Tanzanian health care workers, neurosurgeons, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and the Office of the President of Tanzania to develop a train-forward method for sustainable, self-propagating basic and emergency neurosurgery in resource-poor settings. The goal of this study was to assess the safety and effectiveness of this method over a 6-year period.
- Simpson, L. N., Hughes, B. D., Karikari, I. O., Mehta, A. I., Hodges, T. R., Cummings, T. J., & Bagley, C. A. (2012). Catecholamine-secreting paraganglioma of the thoracic spinal column: report of an unusual case and review of the literature. Neurosurgery, 70(4), E1049-52; discussion E1052.More infoParagangliomas are rare tumors of neuroendocrine origin that arise from paraganglionic tissue of the extrachromaffin cell system. These lesions may be seen at various sites along the neuraxis. Primary thoracic paragangliomas have rarely been reported in the literature, with secretory thoracic lesions being exceedingly rare as only 3 previous cases have been cited.
- Karikari, I. O., Mehta, A. I., Nimjee, S., Hodges, T. R., Tibaleka, J., Montgomery, C., Simpson, L., Cummings, T. J., & Bagley, C. A. (2011). Primary intradural extraosseous Ewing sarcoma of the spine: case report and literature review. Neurosurgery, 69(4), E995-9.More infoTo report a rare case of spinal intradural extraosseous Ewing sarcoma in an adult and review current literature. Although Ewing sarcoma belongs to the family, the treatment modalities are different, and thus the correct diagnosis is very important despite its rare occurrence.
Proceedings Publications
- Ellegala, D. B., Simpson, L., Mayegga, E., Nuwas, E., Samo, H., Naman, N., Word, D. B., & Nicholas, J. S. (2014).
Neurosurgical capacity building in the developing world through focused training
. In J Neurosurg . 2014 Dec;121(6):1526-32. doi: 10.3171/2014.7.JNS122153. Epub 2014 Sep 12. - Simpson, L. (2012).
Potential Economic Benefit of Treatment for Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Uganda
. In Revista Eletrônica Ge st ã o & S o c ied ade v.11, n.28 , p . 1 6 3 7 -1 6 5 0 | J an e i r o /Ab r i l – 2 0 1 7 ISSN 1980 - 5 7 5 6 | D OI : 1 0. 2 1 1 7 1 / g e s . v 1 1 i 2 8. 2 1 62.