Lydia R Otero
- (520) 621-8985
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0023
- lotero@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. History
- University of Arizona
- M.A. History
- California State University, Los Angeles
Work Experience
- The Department of Mexican American Studies (2010 - Ongoing)
- The Department of Mexican American Studies (2003 - 2010)
- Faculty Collaboration Grant
- UA's Confluencecenter for Creative Inquiry, Spring 2015
- Book Award
- What type of organization made the award?: Border Regional Library Association.;Description: From MAS Departmental News: La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City, written by Prof Lydia Otero, a University of Arizona associate professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies, has been named winner of a Southwest Book Award from the Border Regional Library Association. Full story at UA News: http://uanews.org/node/44640;, Fall 2012
- Junior Faculty Professional Development Leave
- What type of organization made the award?: UA Social and Behavior Sciences;Description: Provided paid leave during the Fall 2008 for manuscript preparation.;, Fall 2008
- Mexican American Studies Research Stipend
- What type of organization made the award?: MAS Department ;Description: Funded initial research for "Incorporating Lesbian Voices, Activism and Advocacy into HIV/AIDS History in Los Angeles';, Fall 2008
- The John Randolph and Dora Haynes Award
- What type of organization made the award?: The Historical Society of Southern California (HSSC);, Fall 2008
Social, Cultural and Urban History; Historical Preservation; Chicana History; Tucson History
MAS 265: Overview of Mexican American Studies,MAS 485/585: Chicana/Mexicana History,MAS/GEOG 423:Latino Urbanization,MAS 560: Chican@ Historiography
2018-19 Courses
Mex-Chicana Women's Hist
MAS 485 (Spring 2019) -
Mex-Chicana Women's Hist
MAS 585 (Spring 2019) -
Latino Urbanization
MAS 423 (Fall 2018) -
MAS 591 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Culture, Community & Identity
MAS 265 (Spring 2018) -
MAS 920 (Spring 2018) -
Culture, Community & Identity
MAS 265 (Fall 2017) -
MAS 920 (Fall 2017) -
Mex-Am Cultural Perspect
LAS 508 (Fall 2017) -
Mex-Am Cultural Perspect
MAS 508 (Fall 2017) -
MAS 900 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
MAS 920 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
MAS 599 (Spring 2017) -
Overview: Mex Amer Std
MAS 265 (Fall 2016) -
MAS 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
MAS 920 (Spring 2016) -
Overview: Mex Amer Std
MAS 265 (Spring 2016) -
MAS 900 (Spring 2016) -
Spec Tpcs in Mex Am Studies
MAS 395A (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Otero, L. R. (2010). La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City. University of Arizona Press.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Lydia R. Otero, La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City(Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2010).;
- Otero, L. R. (2008). La Placita Committee: Claiming Place and Challenging Historical Memory. University of Illinois Press.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Lydia R. Otero, “La Placita Committee: Claiming Place and Challenging Historical Memory” in Mapping Memories and Migrations: Locating Boricua/Chicana Histories, Vicki L. Ruiz and John R. Chávez, eds., University of Illinois Press, 2008.;
- Otero, L. R. (2018). "New Directions for La Casa Cordova: Recentering the Latinx Past and Present in Tucson". History News: The Magazine of the American Association for State and Local History, Summer 2018., Volume 73(#3), 8-12.
- Otero, L. R., & Cammarota, J. (2011). Notes from the Ethnic Studies Home Front: Student Protests, Texting, and Subtexts of Oppression. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education: Special Issue: Youth Resistance Revisited: New Theories of Youth Negotiations of Educational Injustices.More infoABSTRACT: The protest against Arizona House Bill 2281 designed to ban Ethnic Studies from K-12 public schools on 12 May 2010 in Tucson resulted in 15 arrests. Students walked out of their classrooms in large numbers to defend their Mexican American Studies curriculum and program. Based primarily on participant observation of the protest, the authors examine the pedagogies of transformational resistance, interrogate HB 2281's repressive aspects, and illuminate the role of social networking media as expressions of cultural citizenship in the twenty-first century.;Your Role: First Author;Full Citation: Otero, Lydia R., and Julio Cammarota. 2011. "Notes from the Ethnic Studies Home Front: Student Protests, Texting, and Subtexts of Oppression." International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education (QSE) 24, no. 5: 639-648. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 2, 2012).;Electronic: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Otero, L. R. (2018, march). The history and politics involved in establishing Mexican American museums and cultural centers. Women's Histpry Month. Bakersfield College.More infoI was part of the Bakersfield College Distinguished Speakers Distinguished Speaker Series for Women's History Month that also included Anita Hill and Dolores Huerta.
- Romero, E. D., Otero, L. R., Pinate, M., & Ortiz, M. (2016, 2016-02-10). Barrio Stories Project. Show and Tell @ Playground. Playground Bar and Lounge: Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry.More infoOur team gave a public presentation in downtown Tucson in preparation for the Barrio Stories Project.
- Otero, L. R. (2011, 2011-03-01). Colorado State University. Individual presentation. CSU Pueblo Campus.More infoTitle: Arizona's Political Climate";Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Otero, L. R. (2011, 2011-08-01). Placemaking and Cultural Landscapes. Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social. California State University, Los Angeles.More infoThis panel expands Chicana Studies by highlighting the dynamics involved in placemaking. Based on ethnographic field work and oral interviews, presenters examine the underlying demands and public expressions of Mexicana/Chicana/indigenous women in the United States that alter perceptions of place through their participation in creating cultural landscapes that speak to difference and multiple cultural expressions.;Your Role: Panelist;Submitted: Yes;Type of Presentation: Panel Discussant (Reporting Research);
- Otero, L. R. (2011, 2011-10-01). Do Historians Matter?: Perspectives on Arizona in 2010. Western History Association. Oakland, California.More infoInvited to present by the Committee on Race in the American West;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Roundtable;
- Otero, L. R. (2008, 2008-07-01). Mexican American History in the Southwest. New Technologies and Contemporary Issues Institute. UA Campus.More infoFeatured speaker for the Iraqi Youth Leadership Exchange Program organized by World Learning, an international nongovernmental organization.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Otero, L. R. (2008, 2008-08-01). Public History in Academic Settings: The Power of Remembering and Telling. Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social 2008 Summer Institute. University of Utah.More info;Submitted: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Otero, L. R. (2008, 2008-10-01). La Plaza Theatre: A Site of Cultural Continuity in the Tucsonense Downtown. University of Texas, El Paso History Department.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Otero, L. R. (2014. Buildings & Landscapes: The Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum.
- Otero, L. R. (2011. The Archaeology of Ethnogenesis: Race and Sexuality in Colonial California by Barbara L. Voss.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: OTERO, L. R. (2011), The Archaeology of Ethnogenesis: Race and Sexuality in Colonial California. By Barbara L. Voss. Transforming Anthropology, 19: 81-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1548-7466.2011.01121_4.x;
- Otero, L. R. (2010. World War II and Mexican American Civil Rights.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: World War II and Mexican American Civil Rights edited by Richard Griswold del Castillo. (Summer 2010);
- Otero, L. R. (2009. Historic Preservation and the Imagined West by.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Historic Preservation and the Imagined West by Judy Mattivi Morley. New Mexico Historical Review (Summer 2009). ;
- Otero, L. R. (2008. Las Hijas de Juan: Daughters Betrayed by Josie MĂ©ndez-Negrete.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Las Hijas de Juan: Daughters Betrayed by Josie MĂ©ndez-Negrete. New Mexico Historical Review(Summer 2008);
- Otero, L. R. (2008. The Desert Remembers My Name: On Family and Writing by Kathleen Alcalá.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: The Desert Remembers My Name: On Family and Writing by Kathleen Alcalá. Journal of Arizona History (Summer 2008). ;
- Otero, L. R. (2019, January). "Reflecting on Shirley Achor’s Mexican Americans in a Dallas Barrio Forty Years Later". University of Arizona's Open Arizona Project. https://open.uapress.arizona.edu/read/untitled-97122e1d-398e-44a0-90cf-d9cb5ba24e52/section/fa01304b-5531-4068-b392-725a800bc98bMore infoOpen Arizona is a collection of open-access University of Arizona Press titles made available through the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The scholarship, histories, and approaches in the selected titles emphasize the relevance of the southwestern United States to understanding contemporary American life. Open Arizona is part of the Humanities Open Book program, jointly sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Otero, L. R. (2015, October 22). Guest Opinion: Modernism Week: A Golden Age for Whom?. Tucson Weekly. http://www.tucsonweekly.com/tucson/guest-opinion/Content?oid=5944519More infoAs part of an interdisciplinary department, I press for reevaluating this type of as a category of community engaged scholarship. Pieces such as this indicate civic engagement and its arguments are built around an extensive research specialty. I consider it a scholarly production.
- Otero, L. R. (2012). Served as a consultant for Safos Dance Theatre's "Silent Stories..More infoServed as a consultant for Safos Dance Theatre's "Silent Stories.
- Otero, L. R. (2008). Alva Torres.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Authored "Alva Torres" for the Latinas in History: An Interactive Website Projecthttp://depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/latinashistory/;Electronic: Yes;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia Entry;