Daniel E Martinez
- Associate Professor, Sociology
- Assistant Professor, School of Geography and Development
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Professor, Mexican American Studies
- Distinguished Scholar
- (520) 621-3531
- Social Sciences, Rm. 400
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- mada0102@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Sociology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- The Crossing Experience: Unauthorized Migration along the Arizona-Sonora Border
- M.A. Sociology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- M.S. Mexican American Studies
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.A. Business Economics and Spanish
- St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota, United States
Work Experience
- School of Sociology, University of Arizona (2017 - Ongoing)
- Department of Sociology, George Washington University (2013 - 2017)
- Department of Sociology, Catholic University of America (2012 - 2013)
- 5-Star Teaching Award (Semi-Finalist)
- The Honors College, University of Arizona, Spring 2025 (Award Finalist)
- 2024 Immigration Fellow
- FWD.us, Spring 2024
- Coramae Richey Mann Award
- American Society of Criminology’s (ASC) Division of People of Color and Crime (DPCC), Fall 2022
- 5 Star Faculty Award
- The Honors College, University of Arizona, Spring 2022 (Award Nominee)
- Distinguished Scholar Award
- Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, University of Arizona, Spring 2022
- Louis Wirth IM Best Article Award (Honorable Mention)
- International Migration Section, American Sociological Association, Summer 2021
- HSI Faculty Fellow
- Office of the Provost, University of Arizona, Fall 2020
- Donal MacNamara Award
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Spring 2020
- Morris Rosenberg Award
- DC Sociological Society (DCSS), Spring 2016
- Crime and Justice Summer Research Institute
- Racial Democracy, Crime, and Justice Network, Summer 2015
Immigration; Unauthorized Migration; Criminology; Race and Ethnicity; Drugs and Society; Transnational Crime; Juvenile Delinquency
Immigration; Unauthorized Migration; Criminology; Race and Ethnicity; Drugs and Society; Transnational Crime; Juvenile Delinquency
2024-25 Courses
Adv Topics in Research
SOC 596A (Spring 2025) -
SOC 920 (Spring 2025) -
SOC 394 (Spring 2025) -
SOC 900 (Spring 2025) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
GEOG 699 (Fall 2024) -
SOC 900 (Fall 2024) -
Transnational Crime
LAS 440 (Fall 2024) -
Transnational Crime
MAS 440 (Fall 2024) -
Transnational Crime
SOC 440 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
SOC 920 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Spring 2024) -
Race and Ethnicity
SOC 560 (Spring 2024) -
PA 342 (Fall 2023) -
SOC 342 (Fall 2023) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Fall 2023) -
MAS 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
PA 342 (Spring 2023) -
SOC 342 (Spring 2023) -
Honors Thesis
SOC 498H (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
SOC 499 (Spring 2023) -
PA 342 (Fall 2022) -
SOC 342 (Fall 2022) -
Honors Thesis
SOC 498H (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
MAS 699 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
PA 342 (Spring 2022) -
SOC 342 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
MAS 599 (Spring 2022) -
PA 342 (Fall 2021) -
SOC 342 (Fall 2021) -
Transnational Crime
LAS 440 (Fall 2021) -
Transnational Crime
SOC 440 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
PA 342 (Spring 2021) -
SOC 342 (Spring 2021) -
Honors Thesis
SOC 498H (Spring 2021) -
PA 342 (Fall 2020) -
SOC 342 (Fall 2020) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2020) -
Honors Thesis
SOC 498H (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
MAS 599 (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
SOC 599 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
PA 342 (Spring 2020) -
SOC 342 (Spring 2020) -
SOC 920 (Spring 2020) -
Race and Ethnicity
SOC 560 (Spring 2020) -
LAS 910 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
PA 342 (Fall 2018) -
SOC 342 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Ethnic Relations/U S
AFAS 260 (Spring 2018) -
Ethnic Relations/U S
SOC 260 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
SOC 498H (Spring 2018) -
Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 496 (Spring 2018) -
Race and Ethnicity
SOC 560 (Fall 2017)
Scholarly Contributions
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., & Whiteford, S. (2018). In the Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the US-Mexico Border. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
- Soler, A., Beatrice, J. S., & Martinez, D. E. (2022). Oral Pathologies as a Reflection of Structural Violence and Stigma Among Undocumented Migrants from Mexico and Central America. In The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era. Lexington Books.
- Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2019). The Geography of Migrant Death: Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border. In Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018). The Role of Critical Criminology in Confronting the "War on Immigration". In Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology(pp 486-500). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Martinez, D. E., Martinez-Schuldt, R., & Cantor, G. (2018). "Sanctuary Cities" and Crime. In Routledge Handbook of Immigration & Crime(pp 270-283). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. (2018).
Research Methods
. In The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border(pp 18-42). University of Arizona Press. - Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. (2018). The Rise of Mass Deportation. In The Handbook of Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
- Pierson, A., & Martinez, D. E. (2018). Immigrants and the Federal Court System. In Routledge Handbook of Immigration & Crime(pp 248-259). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., & Whiteford, S. (2018). Introduction. In The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border(pp 3-17). University of Arizona Press.
- Whiteford, S., Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2018).
Conclusion: Where Do We Go From Here?
. In The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border(pp 220-226). University of Arizona Press. - Soto, G., & Martinez, D. E. (2018). The Geography of Migrant Death: Implications for Policy and Forensic Science. In Sociopolitics of Migrant Death and Repatriation: Perspectives from Forensic Science(pp 67-82). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Martinez, D. E. (2016). Migrant Deaths in the Sonora Desert: Evidence of Unsuccessful Border Militarization Efforts from Southern Arizona. In Migrant Deaths in the Arizona Desert: La Vida No Vale Nada(pp 97-119). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., Chavez, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). 'American Dream': Walking toward and Deporting It. In The Latino/a American Dream(pp 68-98). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
- Slack, J., Whiteford, S., Bass Zavala, S., Martinez, D. E., & Lee, A. E. (2016). Collaborative Research on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Social Media, Activism and the Impact of Scholarship. In Ethnographic Collaborations in Latin America: The Effects of Globalization(pp 111-130). New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Reineke, R. C., & Martinez, D. E. (2014). Migrant Deaths in the Americas (United States and Mexico). In Fatal Journeys: Tracking Lives Lost during Migration(pp 45-83). Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration.
- Martinez, D. E., Vandervoet, P., & Slack, J. (2013). Methodological Challenges and Ethical Concerns of Researching Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations: Evidence from Firsthand Experiences of Working with Undocumented Migrants. In Uncharted Terrains: New Directions in Border Research Methodology, Ethics, and Practice(pp 101-120). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Martinez, D. E. (2012). Immigration, Latinos, and Crime: A Ward-Level Exploratory Assessment of Washington DC Property and Violent Crime Rates. In Hispanic Migration and Urban Development: Studies from Washington DC(pp 199-228). Cambridge, MA: Emerald Publishers.
- Aguilar, M., & Martinez, D. E. (2024). Handling Pesticides and Self-Reported Pain/Discomfort among Farmworkers in the United States. American Behavioral Scientist.
- Crocker, R. M., Martinez, D. E., Maldonado Gonzalez, A., & Garcia, D. O. (2024).
The Maintenance of Mexican Traditional Medicine Practices Among Mexicans in Southern Arizona
. Social Science & Medicine, 351. - Kerwin, D., & Martinez, D. E. (2024). Forced Migration, Deterrence, and Solutions to the Non-Natural Disaster of Migrant Deaths along the US-Mexico Border and Beyond. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 12(3), 127-159.
- Kerwin, D., Martinez, D. E., & Siegert, C. (2024). Forced Migration, Deterrence, and Solutions to the Non-Natural Disaster of Migrant Deaths along the US-Mexico Border and Beyond (Co-Edited Special Issue of JMHS). Journal on Migration and Human Security, 12(3), 127-331.
- LaFleur, M., On, K., Ceja, L., & Martinez, D. E. (2024). Migrant Deaths in California’s Borderlands, 2018-2023. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1-20. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/23315024241291825
- Maldonado, A., Martinez, D. E., Villavicencio, E. A., Crocker, R. M., & Garcia, D. O. (2024). Salud sin Fronteras: Identifying determinants of frequency of healthcare use among Mexican immigrants in Southern Arizona. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-15.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024). Reflections of a Chicano Social Scientist. Latino Studies, 1-11.
- Martinez, D. E., Chambers, S. N., Boyce, G. A., & Slack, J. (2024). Title 42 'Expulsions' and Migrant Deaths along the Arizona-Sonora Border. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 12(3), 182-203.
- Reineke, R. C., & Martinez, D. E. (2024). Excessive Use of Force and Migrant Death and Disappearance in Southern Arizona. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 12(3), 243-256.
- Chambers, S., Boyce, G. A., Martinez, D. E., Bongers, C., & Keith, L. (2023). The contribution of physical exertion to heat-related illness and death in the Arizona borderlands. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 46(2023), 100590.
- Dormer, A., Martinez, D. E., & Gardella, A. (2023). The Criminalization of Asylum Along the US-Mexico Border: How Asylum Seekers Experience and Navigate Encounters with Customs and Border Protection Officials. Journal of the Southwest, 65(2), 177-204.
- Chambers, S. N., Boyce, G., & Martinez, D. E. (2022). Climate impact or policy choice? The spatiotemporality of thermoregulation and border crosser mortality in southern Arizona. The Geographical Journal, 1-35.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022). The Racialized Dimensions of Contemporary Immigration and Border Enforcement Policies. Public Administration Review, 1-6.
- Thompson, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2022). Linked fate, cumulative discrimination, and panethnic identification and use of 'Latinx' among a nationally representative sample of Hispanics/Latinos. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(19), 4503-4526. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2081838
- Beatrice, J., Soler, A., Reineke, R., & Martinez, D. E. (2021). Skeletal evidence of structural violence among undocumented migrants from Mexico and Central America Running head: Structural violence among undocumented migrants. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
- Jang, B., Zeng, L., Gonzalez, K. E., & Martinez, D. E. (2021). The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences Among Latinos and Asians in the United States. Sociological Perspectives.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez, D. E. (2021). Immigrant Sanctuary Policies and Crime-Reporting Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Victims’ Reports of Crime Victimization to Law Enforcement, 1980-2004. American Sociological Review, 81(1), 154-185.
- Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2021). Post-Deportation Geographies: Immigration Enforcement and Organized Crime on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(4), 1062-1078.
- Bloch, S., & Martinez, D. E. (2020). Canicide by Cop: A Geographical Analysis of Canine Killings by Police in Los Angeles. Geoforum.
- Coulter, K., Sabo, S., Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., Gonzalez, K., Levy, T., Bass, S., & Villalobos, F. (2020). A Study and Analysis of the Treatment of Mexican Unaccompanied Minors by Customs and Border Protection. Journal on Migration and Human Security.
- Martinez, D. E., & Gonzalez, K. E. (2020). Panethnicity as a Primary Identifier among Latino-Hispanics in the United States. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Martinez, D. E., & Gonzalez, K. E. (2020). “Latino” or “Hispanic”?: The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Label Preferences among US Latinos/Hispanics. Sociological Perspectives.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez, D. E. (2020). Destination Intentions of Unauthorized Mexican Border Crossers and Familial Ties to US Citizens. The Sociological Quarterly.
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2018). Repeat Migration in the Age of the Unauthorized Permanent Resident: A Quantitative Assessment of Migration Intentions Post-Deportation. International Migration Review, 52(4), 1186-1217. doi:10.1177/0197918318767921
- Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2018). What Makes a Good Human Smuggler? The Differences between Satisfaction and Recommendation of Coyotes on the U.S.-Mexico Border. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 676(1), 152-173. doi:10.1177/0002716217750562
- Abrego, L., Coleman, M., Martinez, D. E., Menjivar, C., & Slack, J. (2017). Making Immigrants into Criminals: Processes of Social and Legal Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 5(3), 694-715.
- Lee, A., Weitzer, R., & Martinez, D. E. (2018). Recent Police Killings in the United States: A Three-City Comparison. Police Quarterly, 21(2), 196-222. doi:10.1177/1098611117744508
- Leon, K. S., & Martinez, D. E. (2017). To Study, to Party, or Both? Assessing Risk Factors for Non-prescribed Stimulant Use among Middle and High School Students. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 49(1), 22-30. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02791072.2016.1260187
- Martinez, D. E., & Ward, M. H. (2018). Agency and Resilience along the Arizona-Sonora Border: How Unauthorized Migrants Become Aware of and Resist Contemporary U.S. Nativist Mobilization. Social Problems. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spx028
- Martinez, D. E., Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Cantor, G. (2018). Providing Sanctuary or Fostering Crime? A Review of the Research on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ and Crime. Sociology Compass, 12(1), 1-13. doi:10.1111/soc4.12547
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., Beyerlein, K., Vandervoet, P., Klingman, K., Molina, P., Manning, S., Burham, M., Walzak, K., Valencia, K., & Gamboa, L. (2017). The Migrant Border Crossing Study: A Methodological Overview of Research along the Sonora-Arizona Border. Population Studies, 71(2), 249-264. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00324728.2017.1306093
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez, D. E. (2019). Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990 to 2010. Justice Quarterly, 36(4), 567-593. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/07418825.2017.1400577
- Sanford, R., Martinez, D. E., & Weitzer, R. (2016). Framing Human Trafficking: A Content Analysis of Recent U.S. Newspaper Reporting. Journal of Human Trafficking, 2(2), 139-155. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/23322705.2015.1107341
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32. doi:10.1353/lag.2016.0009
- Martinez, D. E. (2016). Coyote Use in an Era of Heightened Border Enforcement: New Evidence from the Arizona-Sonora Border Region. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(1), 103-119. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1076720
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Whiteford, S., & Peiffer, E. (2015). In Harm’s Way: Family Separation, Immigration Policy and Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 3(2), 109-128.
- Ward, M. H., & Martinez, D. E. (2015). Know Your Enemy: How Unauthorized Migrants Learn About and Perceive Anti-Immigrant Mobilization in the United States. Migration Letters, 12(2), 50-66. doi:http://www.tplondon.com/journal/index.php/ml/article/view/398
- Martinez, D. E., Reineke, R. C., Rubio-Goldsmith, R., & Parks, B. O. (2014). Structural Violence and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona: Data from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 2(4), 257-286.
- Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2013). What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand? The consequences of criminalizing unauthorized Mexican migrants in the United States. Social & Legal Studies, 22(4), 535-551. doi:10.1177/0964663913484638
- Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2011). Migración y el surgimiento de (in)seguridad en la frontera Estados Unidos-México. Sonarida, 16(31), 25-28.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., & Vandervoet, P. (2011). Methods of Violence: Researcher Safety and Adaptability in Times of Conflict. Practicing Anthropology, 33(1), 33-37.
- Romero, A. J., Martinez, D. E., & Carvajal, S. C. (2007). Bicultural Stress and Adolescent Risk Behaviors in a Community Sample of Latinos and Non-Latino Whites. Ethnicity & Health, 12(5), 443-463. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13557850701616854
- Martinez, D. E. (2025). Translating Research Into Policy. Im/migrant Wellbeing Conference: A Nexus for Research & Policy. St. Petersburg, FL: Im/migrant Wellbeing Collaborative.
- Granovsky-Larsen, S., Corderio Viana e Silva, C., Martinez, D. E., & Young, J. (2024, April). La invisibilizacion de la muete de migrantes en la frontera Canada-EE.UU.. CISAN Seminar Series. UNAM: CISAN.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024). Author Meets Critic: Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life, by Asad Asad. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024). The US-Mexico Border. Notre Dame Migration Symposium: Issues, Research, and Public Policy. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024, April). The US-Mexico Border. Notre Dame Migration Symposium: Issues, Research, and Public Policy. South Bend, IN: Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights and the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024, January). Migrant Deaths along the Arizona-Sonora Border. Border Health Service-Learning Course. Tucson, Arizona: Health Promotion Sciences, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ..
- Martinez, D. E. (2024, November). Migrant Deaths Along the US-Mexico Border and Beyond. Center for Migration Studies Academic and Policy Symposium. New York, NY (Virtual): Center for Migration Studies of New York.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024, October). Title 42 Expulsions and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona. The Untold Story: Migrant Deaths Along the US-Mexico Border and Beyond. New York, New York (Virtual): Center for Migration Studies of New York.
- Martinez, D. E. (2024, September). Unidentified and Missing Migrants at the Border: Implications for Immigration Policies in the Americas. Inter-American Course on Migration and Protection. Washington, DC: University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs and Organization of American States.
- Aguilar, M., & Martinez, D. E. (2023, February). Pesticide Exposure and Self-Reported Pain/Discomfort among Farmworkers in the United States. Im/migrant Well-Being: A Nexus for Research & Policy. St. Petersburg, FL.
- Martinez, D. E., Chambers, S. N., & Boyce, G. (2023, October). Title 42 ‘Expulsions’ and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona. Migrant Deaths Along the US-Mexico Border: Methods, Practice, Policy, and Human Security. Tucson, AZ: Binational Migration Institute, Research, Innovation, and Impact, University of Arizona.
- Thompson, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2023, August). Does Framing Matter? The Implications of How ‘Latinx’ is Framed for its use among Hispanic-Latino. American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022). Militarización fronteriza, violencia estructural, y la muerte de migrantes indocumentados en el sur de Arizona. Seminario sobre movilidad humana del SUJ y el Seminario permanente de la Red Jesuita con Migrantes Centroamericana-NotreamericanaSistema Universitario Jesuita.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022, April). Border Militarization, Structural Violence, and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona. Seminario Trinacional Actores Emergentes en Seguridad HumanaLa Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Centro de Investigaciones sobre America del Norte (CISAN) & Consorcio Binacional Universidad de Arizona-UNAM.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022, February). Border Militarization, Structural Violence, and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona. School of Government & Public Policy Speaker Series. Virtual.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022, May). Arizona-Sonora. Segundo Encuentro: Flujos Migratorios En La Frontera Norte Y Sur. Virtual: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and University of California San Diego.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022, November). Reflections of a Chicano Social Scientist. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2022, March). An Assessment of the Immigration-Crime Link in the Southwest: Evidence from Tucson, Arizona. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.
- Martinez, D. E., & Reineke, R. (2022, March). Hostile Terrain 94. Immigration Advocacy Week PresentsUniversity of Notre Dame.
- Martinez, D. E., & Rubio-Goldsmith, R. (2022, March). Escalated Border Enforcement, Structural Violence, and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona. 2022 Border Health Service Learning Institute. Tucson, AZ: Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez, D. E. (2022, November). Inter- and Intra-Ethnoracial Patterns in Police Use of Deadly Force: A Comparative Analysis of Officer-Involved Shootings in Los Angeles, CA and Tucson, AZ. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., Martinez, D. E., Cadena, R., & Rigby, D. (2022, March). Neighborhood Context and Officer-Involved Shootings: The Case of Los Angeles. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.
- Aleinikoff, T. A., Martinez, D. E., Kerwin, D., Nezar, M., Rodriguez, C., & Amos, D. (2021, February). Biden’s Immigration Agenda: Immediate Actions Taken. The Center for Migration Studies of New York and the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility. Virtual Panel: The Center for Migration Studies of New York and the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility.
- Martinez, D. E. (2021). Border Militarization, Migrant Deaths, and Structural Violence along the Sonora-Arizona Border. American Sociological Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2021, July). Student Racial Identity Development in Theory and Practice: From Participant to Professional. Building Diverse Programs to Support Diverse Students: Program Development for Cultural Heritage Exploration with St. Cloud State University.. Virtual: St. Cloud State University & US Department of State.
- Jang, B., Gonzalez, K. E., Zeng, L., & Martinez, D. E. (2020, August). The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences Among Latinos and Asians in the USA. American Sociological Association. Virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic: American Sociological Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2020, June). El maltrato de inmigrantes mexicanos bajo la custodia de la patrulla fronteriza. COVID-19 en la frontera entre Arizona y Sonora: migración y solicitantes de asilo en tiempos de pandemia. Virtual panel: Alianza Interuniversitaria Sonora-Arizona.
- Martinez, D. E. (2020, November). Muertes de migrantes en la frontera Sonora/Mexico - Arizona/EUA. Seminario Migraciones internacionales y procesos de violencia en contextos fronterizos de securitizacion: Escenarios del sur y notre global. Virtual: Instituto de Geografia UNAM.
- Martinez, D. E., & Gonzalez, K. E. (2020, August). Panethnicity as a Primary Identifier among Latino-Hispanics in the United States. American Sociological Association. Virtual due to COVID-19: American Sociological Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, Fall). Do ‘Sanctuary’ Policies Encourage Public Safety?: Violent Crime Victimization Reporting in Sanctuary and Non-Sanctuary Cities. Department of Criminology. Tampa, FL: Department of Criminology, University of South Florida.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, Fall). The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the US-Mexico Border. Center for Comparative Immigration Studies. San Diego, CA: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, Fall). What Makes a Good Coyote?: Customer Satisfaction among Unauthorized Mexican Border Crossers. Department of Sociology and Criminology, Pennsylvania State University. State College, PA.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, June). Congressional ‘Ask a Criminologist’ Series: What is the Connection between Immigration & Crime?. Congressional Briefing. Washington DC: Crime & Justice Research Alliance and the Consortium of Social Science Associations.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, March). Communities, Law, and Inequality. UA Symposium on Policing, Prosecution & Power: Examining Processes of Law and InequalitySchool of Government and Public Policy.
- Martinez, D. E. (2019, October). Sanctuary City: What Does it Mean for Tucson and Beyond?. Learning, Understanding & Cultivating Health Advocacy (LUCHA) SymposiumCollege of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ..
- Martinez, D. E., & Gonzalez, K. E. (2019, Summer). ‘Latino’ or ‘Hispanic’: The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Label Preferences among US Latinos/Hispanics. American Sociological Association. New York, NY: American Sociological Association.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2019, April). Sanctuary Policies and Violent Crime Victimization Reporting. Western Political Science Association Pre-Conference. San Diego, CA: University of California, San Diego.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2019, January). Immigrant Political Opportunities and Crime Reporting Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis on Latino and Other Minority Victims' Odds of Reporting Victimization to Law Enforcement. School of Geography and Development Colloquium. Tucson, AZ: School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona.
- Coulter, K., Chisholm, K., Sabo, S., Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2018, Fall). Deporting youth: Abuse of due process for unaccompanied minors on the U.S.-Mexico Border. American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018, April). Repeat Migration in the Age of the 'Unauthorized Permanent Resident'. Due Process and Access to Justice in an Era of Mass Deportation. University of Southern California Gould School of Law, Los Angeles, CA: Center for Migration Studies and University of Southern California Gould School of Law.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018, April). Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990 to 2010. Latin American Studies Charlas con Cafe (colloquia series). University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Arizona.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018, February). Biological Deaths. And the Deaths, Disappearances and Deportations Continue…No Vale Nada La Vida. Tucson, AZ: Binational Migration Institute, University of Arizona, and Global Justice Center.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018, July). Repeat Migration in the Age of the ‘Unauthorized Permanent Resident. Racial Democracy Crime and Justice Network Symposium. Newark, NJ: Racial Democracy Crime and Justice Network, Rutgers University-Newark.
- Martinez, D. E. (2018, May). Undocumented Immigration along the US-Mexico Border. CEREN Research Colloquium. Helsinki, Finland: The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2018, Fall). 'Sanctuary' Policies and Crime Victimization Reporting. Social Science History Association. Phoenix, AZ.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2018, Fall). Immigrant Political Opportunities and Crime Reporting Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Latino and Other Minority Victims’ Odds of Reporting Victimization to Law Enforcement. Form/Huber Colloquium Series. Columbus, OH: Department of Sociology, Ohio State University.
- Martinez, D. E. (2017, November). Latina/o Criminology in the Age of Trump. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA.
- Martinez, D. E., Egmont, W., & Cowan, M. (2017, January). Keynote Address. Santa Cruz Valley Border Issues Fair and Common Ground on the Border. Sahuartia, AZ: The Good Shepherd UCC.
- Martinez, D. E., Navarro, C., & Ishizawa, H. (2017, May). The Social and Economic Determinants of Recent Female and Male Unauthorized Mexican Border-Crossers. Latin American Studies Association. Lima, Peru.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R., & Martinez, D. E. (2017, November). Sanctuary Cities and Crime. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA.
- Martinez, D. E. (2016, April). Border Enforcement Impacts on Migrants and Border Agency Accountability. Academic Convening on Border and Immigration Issues. El Paso, TX: American Immigration Council and the University of Texas at El Paso.
- Martinez, D. E. (2016, January). Immigrant Detention: ‘Secure Communities’ and Imprisoned Families. Bates College’s Martin Luther King Jr. 2016 Observance. Lewiston, ME: Bates College.
- Martinez, D. E. (2016, October). Opening Remarks, Best Short Films. Immigration Film Festival. Washington, DC: Washington Ethical Society.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2016, March). Immigration and Social Disorganization: A Quantitative Assessment of Violent Crime in Washington DC Neighborhoods. Southwestern Social Science Association. Las Vegas, NV: Southwestern Social Science Association.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2016, November). An Assessment of the Impact of ‘Sanctuary’ Policies and Anti-Immigrant Legislation on Crime Rates in Traditional, New, and Re-Emerging Immigrant Destinations. American Society of Criminology. New Orleans, LA: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2016, April). What Makes a Good Smuggler? Customer Satisfaction among Undocumented Migrants. Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Dismantling the Human Smuggler Narrative. Fiesole, Toscana, Italy: European University Institute.
- Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2016, Spring). What makes a good smuggler? Customer satisfaction among undocumented migrants. Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Dismantling the Human Smuggler Narrative. Fiesole, Toscana, Italia: European University Institute.
- Martinez, D. E., Martinez, D. E., Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. (2016, July). A Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of ‘Sanctuary’ Policies and Anti-Immigrant Legislation on City-Level Violent Crime Rates Across the US. Society for the Study of Social Problems. Seattle, WA.
- Martinez, D. E., Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Slack, J. (2016, July). Return Migration in the Age of Unauthorized Permanent Residents: An Assessment of Migration Intentions Post-Deportation. American Sociological Association. Seattle, WA: American Sociological Association.
- Leon, K. S., & Martinez, D. E. (2015, November). Does Motive Matter? Quantitatively Differentiating Between Instrumental and Recreational Motives for Non- Prescribed Stimulant Use among 8th and 10th Grade Students. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, February). 'Place' and 'Home': A Re-theorization of the Mechanisms of Mass Unauthorized Migration in an Era of Increased Deportation. Eastern Sociological Society. New York, NY: Eastern Sociological Society.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, July). Violent Encounters: The Victimization of Unauthorized Border Crossers by Stick-Up Crews in Southern Arizona. Racial Democracy, Crime and Justice Network Symposium. Columbus, OH: Racial Democracy, Crime and Justice Network.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, March). Neither Here nor There: An Assessment of Unauthorized Migrants’ Crossing Intentions upon Repatriation. Southern Labor Studies Association. Washington, DC: Southern Labor Studies Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, May). Which Way’s Home? Unauthorized Migrants’ Crossing Intentions Post-Repatriation. Latin American Studies Association. San Juan, PR: Latin American Studies Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, November). Studying Rural Victimization: Challenges, Methodologies, and Findings. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, November). The ‘Crimmigration’ Landscape: A Discussion on the Nexus of Immigration and Crime. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC: American Society of Criminology.
- Martinez, D. E. (2015, October). Opening Remarks, Best Short Films. Greater Washington Immigration Film Festival. Alexandria, VA: Virginia Tech-Alexandria Campus, National Capital Region.
- Martinez, D. E., & Ward, M. (2015, March). The Crossing Corridor Less Traveled: Explaining Where Unauthorized Migrants Cross Along the Sonora-Arizona Border. Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, LA: Southern Sociological Society.
- Messing, E. L., & Martinez, D. E. (2015, March). Realities of Perception: An Examination of Personal Biases that Influence Gang Desistance. Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, LA: Southern Sociological Society.
- Martinez, D. E. (2014, July). Encounters and Victimization of Unauthorized Migrants by ‘Bajadores’ in Southern Arizona. American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA: American Sociological Association.
- Martinez, D. E. (2014, March). 'Neither Here nor There’: A Quantitative Assessment of Unauthorized Migrants’ Immediate and Future Crossing Intentions upon Repatriation. Race and Ethnic Studies Institute Research Colloquim. College Station, TX: Race and Ethnic Studies Institute and Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University.
- Martinez, D. E. (2014, March). The Consequence Delivery System: Examining the Deterrent Effect of Immigration Removal Policies. The Society for Applied Anthropology. Albuquerque, NM: The Society for Applied Anthropology.
- Martinez, D. E., & Anderson, B. (2014, February). Undocumented Border-Crosser Deaths Recorded by the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner from 1990-2013: Leading Causes of Death and Demographic Characteristics of Decedents. American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Seattle, WA: American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Martinez, D. E., & Olson, J. (2014, February). Commentary, Screening of 'Who is Dayani Cristal'. REACT to FILM AU. Washington DC: REACT to FILM AU, American University.
- Martinez, D. E., & Ward, M. (2014, April). Explaining Unauthorized Migrants’ Differential Awareness of and Susceptibility to Anti-Immigrant Mobilization along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Southern Sociological Society. Charlotte, NC: Southern Sociological Society.
- Martinez, D. E., Gutierrez, A. S., & Messing, E. (2014, October). Commentary, Screening of 'Who is Dayani Cristal'?. Greater Washington Immigration Film Festival. Washington, DC: Greater Washington Immigration Film Festival.
- Martinez, D. E., Reynolds, S., & Srivastava, L. (2014, October). Commentary, Screening of 'Who is Dayani Cristal'. Film Screening, US Department of State. Washington, DC: US Department of State.
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Whiteford, S. (2014, March). U.S. Authority Verbal and Physical Mistreatment of Unauthorized Migrants: New Evidence from Wave II of the Migrant Border Crossing Study. The Society for Applied Anthropology. Albuquerque, NM: The Society for Applied Anthropology.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2014, May). New Evidence on Destination Decisions of Unauthorized Mexican Migrants: Does Social Capital Still Matter?. Population Association of America. Boston, MA: Population Association of America.
- Whiteford, S., Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Peiffer, E. (2014, March). Ties that Divide and Bind as Seen from the U.S.-Mexico Border. The Society for Applied Anthropology. Albuquerque, NM: The Society for Applied Anthropology.
- Martinez, D. E. (2013, April). Ad-Hoc Hearing: Failures to Preserve Family Unity. Lines That Divide US: Failure to Preserve Family Unity in the Context of Immigration Enforcement at the Border. Expert Witness, Ad-Hoc Congressional Testimony to Members of Congress. Washington, DC: Representative Raul Grijalva.
- Martinez, D. E. (2013, April). Keynote Address. St. Cloud State University’s Annual Excellence in Leadership Award Banquet. St. Cloud, MN: St. Cloud State University.
- Martinez, D. E., Rodriguez, K., Peiffer, E., & Woodhouse, M. (2013, November). Border Militarization, the Migrant Experience, and Creating a Community Response. National Gathering for Global Justice. Tucson, AZ: Alliance for Global Justice.
- Olson, J., Martinez, D. E., & Reineke, R. (2013, October). Commentary, Screening of 'Who is Dayani Cristal'. Congressional Film Screening. Capitol Hill, Washington, DC: US Congress.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Lee, A., & Whiteford, S. (2013, November). Border Militarization and Health: Violence, Death and Security in Mexico and the United States. Puentes Consortium. Houston, TX: Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Whiteford, S., Peiffer, E., Perez, R., & Bass, S. (2013, May). In the Shadow of the Wall: Family Separation, Immigration Enforcement, and Security. Invited Presentation, Woodrow Wilson Center. Washington, DC: The Woodrow Wilson Center.
- Spiva, B., Hailes, E., Hopkinson, N., & Martinez, D. E. (2013, September). Race and Rights in the 21st Century. Panel preceding Michelle Alexander’s Key Note Address on “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness". Washington, DC: Africana Studies Program and Provost’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion, George Washington University.
- Martinez, D. E. (2022. Downtown Juarez: Underworlds of Violence and Abuse, by Howard Campbell(pp 628-629).
- Martinez, D. E. (2019. Protect, Serve, and Deport: The Rise of Policing As Immigration Enforcement, by Amada Armenta(pp 1907-1909).
- Martinez, D. E. (2018. From Deportation to Prison: The Politics of Immigration Enforcement in Post-Civil Rights America, by Patrisia Macías-Rojas(pp 138-139).
- Martinez, D. E. (2017. Deported: Immigrant Policing, Disposable Labor, and Global Capitalism, by Tanya Maria Golash-Boza(pp 1588-1589).
- Martinez, D. E. (2015. When I Wear my Alligator Boots: Narco-Culture in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, by Shaylih Muehlmann(pp 686-687).
- Kerwin, D., & Martinez, D. E. (2025, March). Migrant Deaths Along the US-Mexico Border: Causes, Counts, and What the Future May Hold. Social Sciences Space (Sage Publications).
- Martinez, D. E., Young, J., Simburger, D., & Granovsky-Larsen, S. (2025, February). The Hidden Truth About Migrant Deaths at the Canada-U.S. Border. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-hidden-truth-about-migrant-deaths-at-the-canada-u-s-border-247782
- Martinez, D. E. (2022, February). Escalated Border Enforcement and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona.. The Criminologist 47(2):1, 3-8.
- Martinez, D. E. (2021, September). Developing Networks to Increase Binational Collaborative Opportunities for Latina/o/x Students. Hispanic Serving Initiatives, University of Arizona.
- Martinez, D. E., Reineke, R. C., Boyce, G., Chambers, S., Launius, S., Anderson, B. E., Hess, G., Vollner, J., Parks, B., Vogelsberg, C. C., Soto, G., Kreyche, M., & Rubio-Goldsmith, R. (2021, April). Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona: Recovered Undocumented Border Crosser Remains Investigated by the Pima County Office of the Mexican Examiner, 1990-2020. Binational Migration Institute Report.
- Martinez, D. E., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. D. (2020, November). Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections.
- Martinez, D. E., Heyman, J., & Slack, J. (2020, August). Border Enforcement Developments Since 1993 and How to Change CBP. Center for Migration Studies Essays.
- Martinez-Schuldt, R. D., & Martinez, D. E. (2020, November). Immigration and Crime. Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections.
- Heyman, J., Slack, J., & Martinez, D. E. (2019, June). Why Border Patrol Agents and CBP Officers Should Not Serve as Asylum Officers. Center for Migration Studies Essays.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., & Heyman, J. (2018, December). Immigration Authorities Systematically Deny Medical Care for Migrants Who Speak Indigenous Languages. Center for Migration Studies. http://cmsny.org/publications/slackmartinezheyman-medical-care-denial/More infoCMS Essay (invited)
- Martinez, D. E. (2016, Novemeber). Im Schatten der Mauer: Die Auswirkungen des US-amerikanischen Ausbaus von Grenzschutz und verstärkter Zuwanderungskontrolle. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.More infoPolicy Report
- Ewing, W. A., Martinez, D. E., & Rumbaut, R. G. (2015, July). The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States. American Immigration Council.More infoSpecial Report.
- Martinez, D. E., Cantor, G., & Noferi, M. (2015, November). Enforcement Overdrive: A Comprehensive Assessment of ICE’s Criminal Alien Program. American Immigration Council.More infoSpecial Report.
- Martinez, D. E., Cantor, G., & Ewing, W. A. (2014, May). 'No Action Taken’: Lack of Accountability and Resolution in CBP Abuse Complaints. American Immigration Council.More infoSpecial Report.
- Reineke, R. C., & Martinez, D. E. (2014, June). Migrant Deaths along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: An Encyclopedia of Their Experience.More infoEncyclopedia Entry.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Whiteford, S., Peiffer, E., & Velasco, P. (2014, July). La Sombra Del Muro: Separación Familiar, Inmigración y Seguridad. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Arizona.More infoReport (Spanish Translation: In the Shadow of the Wall: Family Separation, Immigration Enforcement and Security).
- Martinez, D. E., & Slack, J. (2013, December). 'Possessions Taken and Not Returned.' Part II of Bordering on Criminal: The Routine Abuse of Migrants in the Removal System. American Immigration Council.More infoSpecial Report.
- Martinez, D. E., Reineke, R. C., Rubio-Goldsmith, R., Anderson, B. E., Hess, G. L., & Parks, B. O. (2013, June). A Continued Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: Undocumented Border Crosser Deaths Recorded by the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, 1990-2012. Binational Migration Institute, University of Arizona.More infoReport.
- Martinez, D. E., Slack, J., & Heyman, J. (2013, December). 'Migrant Mistreatment While in U.S. Custody.' Part I of Bordering on Criminal: The Routine Abuse of Migrants in the Removal System. American Immigration Council.More infoSpecial Report.
- Slack, J., Martinez, D. E., Whiteford, S., & Peiffer, E. (2013, March). In the Shadow of the Wall: Family Separation, Immigration Enforcement and Security. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Arizona.More infoReport.
- Rubio-Goldsmith, R., McCormick, M. M., Martinez, D. E., & Duarte, I. M. (2007, February). A Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: New Estimates of Deaths among Unauthorized Immigrants. American Immigration Council's Immigration Policy Center.More infoReport.
- Rubio-Goldsmith, R., McCormick, M. M., Martinez, D. E., & Duarte, I. M. (2006, October). The ‘Funnel Effect’ and Recovered Bodies of Unauthorized Migrants. Binational Migration Institute, University of Arizona.More infoReport submitted to the Pima County Board of Supervisors.
- Martinez, D. E. (2005, June). Minnesota. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States.More infoEncyclopedia Entry
- Martinez, D. E. (2005, June). North Dakota. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States.More infoEncyclopedia Entry
- Martinez, D. E. (2005, June). South Dakota. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States.More infoEncyclopedia Entry