Maeve E Wallace
- Associate Professor, Public Health
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 694-7107
- Roy P. Drachman Hall, Rm. 200
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- maevewallace@arizona.edu
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Scholarly Contributions
- Cartwright, A. F., Wallace, M., Su, J., Curtis, S., Angeles, G., & Speizer, I. S. (2024). Neighborhood-level racialized socioeconomic deprivation and contraceptive use in the United States, 2011-2019. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 56(2), 182-196.More infoThe social and structural environments where people live are understudied in contraceptive research. We assessed if neighborhood measures of racialized socioeconomic deprivation are associated with contraceptive use in the United States.
- Dyer, L., Judson, J., Jahn, J. L., & Wallace, M. (2024). Investigating the Black Birth Experience: A Race-Stratified Analysis of Preterm Birth Risk and Exposure to Metropolitan Statistical Area-Level Police-Related Deaths, US 2018-2019. Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 101(3), 464-472.More infoPolice-related violence may be a source of chronic stress underlying entrenched racial inequities in reproductive health in the USA. Using publicly available data on police-related fatalities, we estimated total and victim race-specific rates of police-related fatalities (deaths per 100,000 population) in 2018-2019 for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) and counties within MSAs in the USA. Rates were linked to data on live births by maternal MSA and county of residence. We fit adjusted log-Poisson models with generalized estimating equations and cluster-robust standard errors to estimate the relative risk of preterm birth associated with the middle and highest tertiles of police-related fatalities compared to the lowest tertile. We included a test for heterogeneity by maternal race/ethnicity and additionally fit race/ethnicity-stratified models for associations with victim race/ethnicity-specific police-related fatality rates. Fully adjusted models indicated significant adverse associations between police-related fatality rates and relative risk of preterm birth for the total population, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic White groups separately. Results confirm the role of fatal police violence as a social determinant of population health outcomes and inequities, including preterm birth.
- Freije, S. L., Wallace, M., & Chaparro, M. P. (2024). Overall and race-specific associations between state-level minimum wage policy and food insecurity in the United States. Journal of epidemiology and community health.More infoIn the USA, states can set higher minimum wages than the federal government. We investigated the association between state minimum wages and racial/ethnic inequities in food insecurity.
- Haley, C. O., Singleton, C. R., King, L. E., Dyer, L., Theall, K. P., & Wallace, M. (2024). Association of Food Desert Residency and Preterm Birth in the United States. International journal of environmental research and public health, 21(4).More infoFood deserts are a major public health concern. Inadequate access to healthy food has been associated with poor nutrition and the development of dietary related chronic conditions.
- Johnson, I., Vilda, D., Allen, E., Boisson, D., Daniel, C., Giwa, L., Goldin Evans, M., Ledet, H., Richardson, L., & Wallace, M. (2024). Building Collective Power to Advance Maternal and Child Health Equity: Lessons from the New Orleans Maternal and Child Health Coalition. Maternal and child health journal, 28(12), 2126-2136.More infoThe New Orleans Maternal Child Health Coalition convenes to support and amplify the work of New Orleans-based individuals and organizations working to reduce disparities and protect the health of birthing families in the New Orleans area. The objectives of this qualitative study were to identify successes, challenges, and areas of growth for the Coalition and develop broadly generalizable recommendations for similar groups seeking to mobilize and advance health equity in their own communities.
- Potts, K. S., Gustat, J., Wallace, M. E., Ley, S. H., Qi, L., & Bazzano, L. A. (2024). Diet quality in young adulthood and sleep at midlife: a prospective analysis in the Bogalusa Heart Study. Nutrition journal, 23(1), 128.More infoDiet and sleep are both established risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases. Prior evidence suggests a potential link between these behaviors, though longitudinal evidence for how diet associates with sleep is scarce. This study aimed to determine the prospective association between diet quality in young adulthood and multiple sleep outcomes at midlife in the Bogalusa Heart Study (BHS).
- Potts, K. S., Wallace, M. E., Gustat, J., Ley, S. H., Qi, L., & Bazzano, L. A. (2024). Sleep apnoea symptoms and sleepiness associate with future diet quality: a prospective analysis in the Bogalusa Heart Study. The British journal of nutrition, 1-10.More infoSleep apnoea is a known risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases (CMD), but it is unknown whether sleep apnoea or its symptoms contribute to increased CMD through an association with diet quality. This study assessed the association between sleep apnoea symptoms on future diet quality in the Bogalusa Heart Study (BHS). This prospective study included 445 participants who completed a sleep apnoea questionnaire in 2007-2010 and a FFQ in 2013-2016 (mean follow-up: 5·8 years; age 43·5 years; 34 % male; 71 % White/29 % Black persons). Diet quality was measured with the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) 2010, the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) 2015 and the alternate Mediterranean diet score. Adjusted mean differences in dietary patterns by sleep apnoea risk, excessive snoring and daytime sleepiness were estimated with multivariable linear regression. Models included multi-level socio-economic factors, lifestyle and health characteristics including BMI, physical activity and depressive symptoms. Those with high sleep apnoea risk, compared with low, had lower diet quality 5·8 years later (percentage difference in AHEI (95 % CI -2·1 % (-3·5 %, -0·7 %)). Daytime sleepiness was associated with lower diet quality. After adjusting for dietary pattern scores from 2001 to 2002, having high sleep apnoea risk and excessive sleepiness were associated with 1·5 % ( < 0·05) and 3·1 % ( < 0·001) lower future AHEI scores, respectively. These findings suggest that individuals with sleep apnea or excessive sleepiness should be monitored for diet quality and targeted for dietary interventions to improve CMD risk.
- Sauter, S. R., Wallace, M. E., & Hernandez, J. H. (2024). Unequal Spatial Consequences of Abortion Restrictions in Texas, 2021-2023. American journal of public health, 114(10), 1024-1033.More infoTo demonstrate the spatially uneven effects of abortion restriction laws in Texas. We used network analysis to determine the change in distance to the nearest surgical abortion provider for 5253 Texas neighborhoods after the passing of Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB8; 2021) and the US Supreme Court's (2022) decision. We identified associations between key measures of neighborhood socioeconomic context and change in distance to providers using multivariable linear regression models. After the decision, Texas residents experienced an average change in distance to the nearest provider of 457 miles (SD = 179). Neighborhoods of concentrated disadvantage experienced the greatest increase in distance to abortion providers after SB8's passing, and neighborhoods with high levels of income inequality experienced the greatest increase in distance after the decision. We document the rapidly changing abortion landscape in a highly restrictive state and show that women living in more disadvantaged and unequal areas are most affected by the increasing distance to providers. Our methods and findings will continue to be relevant in understanding the burden placed on women in areas where medical abortion has been restricted because of the decision. (. 2024;114(10):1024-1033. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2024.307652).
- Vilda, D., Agénor, M., Wallace, M. E., Lian, I. B., Charlton, B. M., Reynolds, C. A., & Harville, E. W. (2024). Adverse Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes Among Birthing People in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Relationships in Louisiana. LGBT health.More infoWe investigated sexual orientation disparities in several obstetric and perinatal outcomes in Louisiana and examined whether these disparities differed among Black, Latine, and White populations. We analyzed cross-sectional vital records data on singleton live births in Louisiana (2016-2022). Same-sex relationships (SSR) vs. different-sex relationships (DSR) were classified based on the sex of the parents listed on the birth certificate. Using modified Poisson regression, we estimated adjusted risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals among birthing persons in SSR vs. DSR for preterm birth (PTB), low birthweight (LBW), spontaneous labor, Cesarean delivery, gestational hypertension, and gestational diabetes. We examined within and across group disparities in models stratified by sexual orientation and race/ethnicity. In the total birthing population, those in SSR experienced higher risk of gestational hypertension and gestational diabetes and were less likely to have spontaneous labor compared with persons in DSR. The risk of PTB and LBW was two-fold higher among Black birthing people in SSR compared with White birthing people in SSR and DSR. Latine birthing people in SSR experienced higher risk of gestational hypertension and gestational diabetes compared with their peers in DSR and White people in DSR. Some of these disparities were partially explained by including socioeconomic and health risk factors. Sexual orientation-related disparities exist across and within racial/ethnic groups among birthing people in Louisiana. Adopting an intersectional approach that considers the mutually constituted nature of heterosexism and racism is critical to addressing sexual orientation-related inequities in reproductive and perinatal health.
- Wallace, M. E., Stoecker, C., Sauter, S., & Vilda, D. (2024). States' Abortion Laws Associated With Intimate Partner Violence-Related Homicide Of Women And Girls In The US, 2014-20. Health affairs (Project Hope), 43(5), 682-690.More infoWomen who are pregnant or recently gave birth are significantly more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than nonpregnant, nonpostpartum women of reproductive age, implicating the risk of fatal violence conferred by pregnancy itself. The rapidly increasing passage of state legislation has restricted or banned access to abortion care across the US. We used the most recent and only source of population-based data to examine the association between state laws that restrict access to abortion and trends in intimate partner violence-related homicide among women and girls ages 10-44 during the period 2014-20. Using robust difference-in-differences ecologic modeling, we found that enforcement of each additional Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) law was associated with a 3.4 percent increase in the rate of intimate partner violence-related homicide in this population. We estimated that 24.3 intimate partner violence-related homicides of women and girls ages 10-44 were associated with TRAP laws implemented in the states and years included in this analysis. Assessment of policies that restrict access to abortion should consider their potential harm to reproductive-age women through the risk for violent death.
- Wallace, M. E., Vilda, D., Dyer, L., Johnson, I., & Funke, L. (2024). Health care use and health consequences of geographic lack of access to abortion and maternity care. Birth (Berkeley, Calif.), 51(2), 363-372.More infoRecent years have brought substantial declines in geographic access to abortion facilities and maternity care across the US. The purpose of this study was to identify the reproductive health consequences of living in a county without access to comprehensive reproductive health care services.