Oscar Martinez
- (520) 621-1046
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0023
- martineo@arizona.edu
- No awards
- ;, Spring 2009
No activities entered.
2016-17 Courses
Honors Thesis
LAS 498H (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
HIST 499 (Fall 2016) -
U S Mexico Border Region
HIST 361 (Fall 2016) -
U S Mexico Border Region
LAS 361 (Fall 2016) -
U S Mexico Border Region
MAS 361 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
HIST 699 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). TROUBLESOME BORDER (REVISED EDITION).More infoSignificantly revised and updated, including the addition of one new chapter.;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Oscar J. Martinez, TROUBLESOME BORDER, revised edition (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2006).;
- Martinez, O. -. (2011). “Migration and the Border, 1965-1985”.More info;Full Citation: “Migration and the Border, 1965-1985,” in Mark Overmyer-Velázquez, ed., BEYOND THE BORDER: THE HISTORY OF MEXICO-U.S. MIGRATION (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 103-121.;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). CIUAD JUAREZ, MEXICO: IMAGES OF A LEGENDARY BORDER CITY.More info;Full Citation: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: Images of a Legendary Border City," in Christian Emden, Catherin Keen, and David Midgley, eds., IMAGINING THE CITY, vol. 2 (London: Peter Lang AG, 2006), 305-320.;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS.More info;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Ethical Dimensions of the War on Drugs," in Peter A. French and Jason A. Short, eds., WAR AND BORDER CROSSINGS: ETHICS WHEN CULTURES CLASH (Roman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005), 209-224.;
- Martinez, O. -. (2012). Romney is Wrong about Mexico. THRUTHOUT.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: "Romney is Wrong about Mexico," TRUTHOUT, 27 August 2012.;Electronic: Yes;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). BORDER CONFLICT, BORDER FENCES, AND THE.More info;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Border Conflict, Border Fences, and the 'Tortilla Curtain Incident of 1978-1979," JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHWEST (2008);
- Martinez, J. D., McNeill, K. M., Capp, M. P., Dallas, W. J., & Martinez, J. D. (1992). Standardization of network addressing in picture archiving and communications systems utilizing the ISO OSI protocols. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 37(4).More infoThe establishment of a communications network requires the definition of addressing schemes to identify systems attached to the network. When it is anticipated that such a network will interconnect to, or communicate with, other similar networks it is beneficial to define standardized addressing schemes. This paper discusses the need for the standardization of network service access point (NSAP) addresses in picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) which use the open systems interconnect (OSI) communications protocols. Possible methods for establishing the necessary hierarchy of address registration authorities are discussed, along with the corresponding address formats.
- Martinez, O. -. (2012, 2012-03-01). "Mexico como receptor de contrabando". Conference in honor of Dr. Victor Orozco. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.More infoWill be published as book chapter.;Your Role: Author;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Martinez, O. -. (2012, 2012-05-01). "Mexico as Receptor of Contraband: A Historical Overview". U.T. El Paso History Seminars. El Paso.More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Martinez, O. -. (2011, 2011-03-01). Immigration Issues along the U.S.-Mexico Border. SBS Immigration Week. Univ. of Arizona.More infoKeynote conference presentation.;Your Role: None;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Martinez, O. -. (2011, 2011-09-01). Mexican Immigration: History and Economics. Lutheran Church Conference on Immigration. El Paso.More infoMy lecture focused on the history of Mexican immigration to the United States, with an emphasis on economic issues.;Your Role: NA;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Martinez, O. -. (2011, 2011-11-01). Mexico Como Receptor de Contrabando. Lecture sponsored by Fundacion Mexico. Tucson.More infoLecture focused on the impact of foreign contraband introduced into Mexico since independence.;Your Role: NA;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Martinez, O. -. (2009, 2009-09-01). Ciudad Juarez and the War on Drugs. U.S. War on Drugs: Global Public Forum and Policy Debate. El Paso.More info;Your Role: Sole author;Submitted: Yes;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008. BOOK REVIEW.More info;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Review of Andres Resendez, CHANGING NATIONAL IDENTITIES AT THE FRONTIER, in the JOURNAL OF BORDERLANDS STUDIES 21:1 (Spring 2006), 113-115;
- Martinez, O. -., & Martinez, O. -. (2008. BOOK REVIEW.More info;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Review of LA GRAN LINEA: MAPPING THE UNITED STATES-MEXICO BOUNDARY, 1849-1857, by Paula Rebert. NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW, Summer 2004;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). DRUGS.More infoShort article;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Drugs," THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATINOS AND LATINAS IN THE UNITED STATES, 4 vols. (Oxford University Press, 2005; print and electronic resource).;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia article;
- Martinez, O. -. (2008). THE BORDER.More infoMajor article, 33 ms. pages;Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: The Border," THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATINOS AND LATINAS IN THE UNITED STATES, 4 vols. (Oxford University Press, 2005; print and electronic resource).;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia article;