Michael J Chamberland
- Assistant Agent, ANR/Urban Horticulture
- (602) 827-8219
- Maricopa County/Ag Ext, Rm. N/A
- Phoenix, AZ 85040
- mchamb@arizona.edu
Michael Chamberland serves as the Assistant Agent for Urban Horticulture with the University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension. I work with Urban Horticulture, which includes overseeing the Maricopa County Master Gardener Program and plant problem diagnostic work, especially for the commercial horticulture industry. I have considerable experience with curation and management of living collections at botanical gardens, including the Desert Botanical Garden, Tucson Botanical Gardens, and the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington DC. My prior work with University herbaria has engaged me with many aspects of native and introduced plants in Arizona.
- M.S. Botany
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- Biosystematics of the Echinocactus polycephalus Complex
- B.F.A. Painting
- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States
- B.S. Biology
- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States
Work Experience
- Compass High School (2016 - 2018)
- Tucson Botanical Gardens (2006 - 2016)
- USDA, U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium (2005 - 2006)
- Cheekwood Botanical Garden (2003 - 2005)
- University of Arizona Herbarium (2000 - 2003)
- Michigan State University Herbarium (1994 - 1999)
- Arizona State university Herbarium (1993 - 1994)
- Desert Botanical Garden (1991 - 1993)
- AZ State Communications Award - Publication
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2024
- Weed Manager of the Year
- Southwest Vegetation Management Association, Winter 2023
Horticulture, cacti & succulents, weeds & invasive plant species, Arizona flora and native plants, plant pathology
Botany, botanical nomenclature, horticulture, plant pathology, weed science, Arizona flora
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Singh, N., Murcia Bermudez, J. M., Chamberland, M., & Poudel-Ward, B. (2024). First Report of Pitaya Virus X Infecting Lophocereus schottii f. mieckleyanus (Thin-Stemmed Totem Pole Cactus) in the United States. Plant Disease, 108(3), 825. doi:10.1094/pdis-06-23-1212-pdn
- Chamberland, M. J. (2023). Stinknet: a Weed Advancing in Southern Arizona (Revised 12/23). UArizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 6.More infoStinknet, also known as globe chamomile, is a relatively new weed in Arizona that has quickly spread. The first herbarium collection for Arizona was made in the spring of 1997 and the first published account of its presence in Arizona was by Landrum et al. (2005). By 2019 the plant had risen to public attention due to its conspicuous presence. Stinknet is now common in the Phoenix metro area and across much of Maricopa County. It is spreading south along the I-10 corridor, becoming well established in Pinal County. Outbreaks have occurred within the Tucson metro area, and also in rural parts of Pima County. Recent observations show stinknet has found its way into Mexico.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2023). The Terrarium – An Oasis of Humidity for Plants. UArizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 7.More infoA terrarium (plural: terraria or terrariums) is an enclosed or mostly-enclosed growing environment for plants. A terrarium encloses an environment with high humidity and moist soil. Terraria are useful in Arizona’s arid environment where the air is dry indoors and outdoors. Using terraria, it is possible to grow plants with high moisture needs without using a lot of water. This is useful for growing and exhibiting moisture-loving plants. Water-cycling, a microcosm of the Earth’s hydrologic cycle, can be demonstrated in closed terraria. The moist environment is maintained with limited water input, a real advantage in a region concerned with water conservation. Terraria can be designed as attractive displays for unusual specimens, promoting an interest in the diversity of plants.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2023). Understanding Plant Names. UArizona Cooperative Extension, 9.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Growing Adeniums in Southern Arizona AZ1953-2021. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 8.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Hybrids and the Pesky X. Southwest Horticulture, 38(1), 4.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Saguaro Horticulture: Habitats For Wild And Cultivated Saguaro AZ1933-2021. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 6.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Saguaro Horticulture: Saguaro Problems, Pests And Disease AZ1962-2021. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 9.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Saguaro Horticulture: Selecting and Planting Saguaro AZ1932-2021. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 7.
- Umeda, K., Nair, S., & Chamberland, M. J. (2021). Clear Up the Confusion: Know How to Select the Appropriate Herbicide to Control Weeds. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, 6.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020). Fountain Grass - Now A Noxious Weed. Southwest Horticulture, 37(4), 14.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020). Stinknet added to Arizona's Noxious Weeds List. Southwest Horticulture, 37(2), 6-7.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020). Stinknet: a Weed Advancing in Southern Arizona. Publications - UArizona Cooperative Extension, 6.
- Chamberland, M. J., & Kelly, J. J. (2020). How to Transplant a Cactus. Publications - UArizona Cooperative Extension, 6.
- Chamberland, M. J., & Scheuring, J. (2020). The Short Journey from Stinknet Introduction and Spread to Eruptive Explosion in Arizona. The Plant Press, 43(2), 27-31.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2022, April). Are Your Plants Becoming Weeds? A Look at Garden Invaders. 5th Annual School IPM ConferenceArizona Pest Management Center.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2022, December). When Landscape Plants Become Weeds. Pest Management and Pesticide Safety Training for Golf and Landscape Management Seminar. Sun City West, AZ: UArizona Cooperative Extension.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2022, June). Pests & Problems of Landscape Trees - Ongoing Research at UArizona Cooperative Extension. Arizona Community Tree Council - Pest Management SeminarArizona Community Tree Council.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2022, May). Invasive Potential of Cultivated Plants in Arizona. Desert Horticulture ConferenceUArizona Cooperative Extension.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2022, May). Pests and Disease of Cultivated Cacti in Arizona. Desert Horticulture ConferenceUArizona Cooperative Extension.
- Chamberland, M. J., & Carvalho de Souza Dias, J. (2022, October). Stinknet Management Trials: Test plots result for treatments in desert habitats. Southwest Vegetation Management Association ConferenceSouthwest Vegetation Management Association.
- Chamberland, M. J., & Wood, R. (2022, August). Plants for a Healthier Future: The Changing Plant Pallet. SHADE Conference. Renaissance Hotel, Glendale AZ: Arizona Nursery Association.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, August). Problems and Disease in Cultivated Saguaro. SHADE Conference. Virtual presentation: Arizona Nursery Association.More infoAn overview of common problems, pests and diseases afflicting saguaro cacti in horticulture and landscapes.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, January). A Study of Stinknet. CAZCA Speaker Series. Virtual presentation: Central Arizona Conservation Alliance (CAZCA) Desert Botanical Garden.More infoAn update on current knowledge and new information on the invasive stinknet weed.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, June). Pests and Problems of Landscape Trees - Under Study at UArizona Cooperative Extension. ACTC Pest Management Workshop. Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Community Tree Council (ACTC).More infoAn update on common tree issues submitted to Maricopa County cooperative Extension, with an emphasis on ongoing investigation of emerging maladies.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, June). Stinknet as a Community IPM Issue. Planning sessions for grant preparation for the Arizona Department of Foresty and Fire Management. Online: UArizona Community IPM Working Group.More infoA description of stinknet relevance to community IPM endeavors and positioning for the DFFM call for proposals.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, May). Stinknet - A Weed Advancing in Arizona. Gila County Webinar Series. Virtual webinar: Gila County Cooperative Extension.More infoAn overview and update on the invasive stinknet weed.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, April). Stinknet and Invasive Weeds. 3rd Arizona School IPM Conference. Virtual: University of Arizona - Arizona Pest Management Center.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, December). Stinknet and Invasive Weeds. Pest Management and Pesticide Safety Seminar. Virtual: UArizona Cooperative Extension & AZ Dept. of Agriculture.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, Februrary). Stinknet - Invasive Weed Update - Feb 2020. UA Herbarium - Herbarium Lunch Program. University of Arizona Herbarium: University of Arizona Herbarium.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, May). Stinknet and Other Invasive Plants. Desert Horticulture Conference. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, November). Stinknet - Weed Status Update. Southwest Vegetation Management Association Conference. Virtual: Southwest Vegetation Management Association.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, September). New Succulent Creations. SHADE Conference. Virtual: Arizona Nursery Association.
Poster Presentations
- Chamberland, M. J. (2021, November). Cactus Oddities. Arizona Native Plant Society Virtual Botany Meeting. Virtual meeting: Arizona Native Plant Society.More infoAn examination of unusual growth forms in saguaro and barrel cacti, some under study for possible pathogenic causes.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, October). Arizona Joins California in Battling Stinknet. California Invasive Plant Council 2020 Symposium. Virtual: California Invasive Plant Council.
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020, October). Stinknet - A Weed Advancing in Southern Arizona. UArizona Cooperative Extension Conference online. Virtual: UArizona Cooperative Extension.
Other Teaching Materials
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Botany I Training Class Powerpoint for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a three-hour class for Master Gardener training (revised and recorded in Panopto) (Botany Part 1 of 2).
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Botany II Training Class Powerpoint for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a three-hour class for Master Gardener training (revised and recorded in Panopto) (Botany Part 2 of 2).
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Cacti & Succulents Powerpoint for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a three-hour class for Master Gardener training (revised and recorded in Panopto).
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Plant Pathology Training Class Powerpoint for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a three-hour class for Master Gardener training (recorded in Panopto).
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Plant Selection, Planting & Care for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a three-hour class for Master Gardener training (revised and recorded in Panopto).
- Chamberland, M. J. (2020. Weeds Training Class Powerpoint for Master Gardener Training. University of Arizona Maricopa County Master Gardener Program.More infoA Powerpoint presentation supporting a two-hour class for Master Gardener training (recorded in Panopto).
- Chamberland, M. J., & Filer, P. (2020, August). Maintaining Landscapes During Heat and Drought. Web page. https://extension.arizona.edu/maintaining-landscapes-during-heat-drought
- Li, S., Chamberland, M. J., Umeda, K., Schuch, U. K., & Nair, S. (2020, December). Year-end landscape and turf tips.. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/community-ipm-documents/newsletters/dec2020azschoolandhomeipmnewletter-v2.pdf