Michael Craig Nolan
- Research Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-1978
- Gerard P. Kuiper Space Sci., Rm. 429B
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- mcn1@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Planetary Sciences
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Delivery of Meteorites from the Asteroid Belt
- B.S. Chemistry
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2015 - Ongoing)
- Universities Space Research Association (2011 - 2015)
- Cornell University (2008 - 2011)
- Cornell University (1995 - 2011)
- Outstanding Public Leadership Medal
- NASA, Summer 2017
No activities entered.
2019-20 Courses
PTYS 900 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
PTYS 900 (Spring 2019)
Scholarly Contributions
- Nolan, M. C. (1994).
Delivery of meteorites from the asteroid belt.
. The University of Arizona..
- {Harmon}, J., Nolan, M. C., {Ostro}, S., , D. (2004). Radar studies of comet nuclei and grain comae. In Comets II(pp 265-279).
- {Greenberg}, R., , M. (1993). Dynamical relationships of near-Earth asteroids to main-belt asteroids.. In Resources of near-earth space(pp 473-492).
- Barnouin, O., Ballouz, R., Marchi, S., Vincent, J., Agrusa, H., Zhang, Y., Ernst, C. M., Pajola, M., Tusberti, F., Lucchetti, A., Daly, R. T., Palmer, E., Walsh, K. J., Michel, P., Sunshine, J. M., Rizos, J. L., Farnham, T. L., Richardson, D. C., Parro, L. M., , Murdoch, N., et al. (2024). The geology and evolution of the Near-Earth binary asteroid system (65803) Didymos. Nature Communications, 15, 6202.
- Deleon, A. P., Marshall, S. E., Becker, T. M., Pravec, P., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., Virkki, A. K., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Taylor, P. A., Bolin, B. T., Aponte-Hern{\'andez}, B., Cabrera, I., Ku{\v{s}nir\'ak}, P., Hornoch, K., & Ku{\v{c}\'akov\'a}, H. (2024). Physical and Mutual Orbit Characteristics of Near-Earth Binary Asteroid (163693) Atira. Planetary Science Journal, 5(10), 235.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Aponte-Hern{\'andez}, B., Taylor, P. A., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Waller, D., Zambrano-Mar{\'\in}, L. F., Virkki, A. K., Ballouz, R., & Stickle, A. M. (2024). Radar Circular Polarization Ratio of Near-Earth Asteroids: Links to Spectral Taxonomy and Surface Processes. Planetary Science Journal, 5(10), 232.
- Ryan, A. J., Rozitis, B., Pino, M. D., Becker, K. J., Emery, J. P., Nolan, M. C., Bernacki, M., Delbo, M., Elder, C. M., Siegler, M., Jawin, E. R., Golish, D. R., Walsh, K. J., Haberle, C. W., Bennett, C. A., Edmundson, K. L., Hamilton, V. E., Christensen, P. R., Daly, M. G., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024). Rocks with Extremely Low Thermal Inertia at the OSIRIS-REx Sample Site on Asteroid Bennu. Planetary Science Journal, 5(4), 92.
- Walsh, K. J., Ballouz, R. -., Bottke, W., Avdellidou, C., Connolly, H., Delbo, M., Della-Giustina, D. N., Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Michel, P., Morota, T., Nolan, M. C., Schwartz, S., Sugita, S., & Lauretta, D. S. (2024). Numerical simulations suggest asteroids (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu are likely second or later generation rubble piles.. Nature Communications, 15, 5653.
- Daly, R. T., Ernst, C. M., Barnouin, O. S., Chabot, N. L., Rivkin, A. S., Cheng, A. F., Adams, E. Y., Agrusa, H. F., Abel, E. D., Alford, A. L., Asphaug, E. I., Atchison, J. A., Badger, A. R., Baki, P., Ballouz, R., Bekker, D. L., Bellerose, J., Bhaskaran, S., Buratti, B. J., , Cambioni, S., et al. (2023). Successful kinetic impact into an asteroid for planetary defence. Nature, 616(7957), 443-447.
- Della-Giustina, D. N., Nolan, M. C., Polit, A. T., Moreau, M. C., Golish, D. R., Simon, A. A., Adam, C. D., Antreasian, P. G., Ballouz, R., Barnouin, O. S., Becker, K. J., Bennett, C. A., Binzel, R. P., Bos, B. J., Burns, R., Castro, N., Chesley, S. R., Christensen, P. R., Crombie, M. K., , Daly, M. G., et al. (2023). OSIRIS-APEX: An OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission to Asteroid Apophis. Planetary Science Journal, 4(10), 198.
- Roshi, A., Apnote, N., Araya, E., Arce, H., Baker, L. A., Baan, W., Becker, T., Breakall, J., Brown, R. G., Brum, C., Busch, M., Campbell, D., Cohen, T., Cordova, F., Deneva, J., Devogele, M., Dolch, T., Fernandez-Rodriquez, F., Ghosh, T., , Goldsmith, P., et al. (2023).
The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope (NGAT)
. Vol. 55, Issue 3 (Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers). doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.d6cc0b85 - Virkki, A. K., Neish, C. D., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Hickson, D. C., Nolan, M. C., & Orosei, R. (2023). Planetary Radar\textemdashState-of-the-Art Review. Remote Sensing, 15(23), 5605.
- Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Zhang, Y., Thuillet, F., Michel, P., Roberts, J., Daly, R., Perry, M., Susorney, H., Jawin, E., Ballouz, R. -., Walsh, K., Sevalia, M., Al, A. M., Johnson, C., Bierhaus, E., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., , Weirich, J., et al. (2022). The Formation of Terraces on Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 127(4), e06927.
- Barnouin, O., Jawin, E., Daly, R., Ballouz, R. -., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Michel, P., Zhang, Y., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Al, A. M., Gaskell, R., Weirich, J., Palmer, E., Bierhaus, E., Nolan, M., Wolner, C., & Lauretta, D. (2022). Geologic Context of the OSIRIS-REx Sample Site from High-resolution Topography and Imaging. \psj, 3(4), 75.
- Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Walsh, K., Connolly, H., Ballouz, R. -., Ryan, A., Kaplan, H., Pajola, M., Hamilton, V., Barnouin, O., Emery, J., Rozitis, B., DellaGiustina, D., Daly, M., Bennett, C., Golish, D., Perry, M., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., , Nolan, M., et al. (2022). Global geologic map of asteroid (101955) Bennu indicates heterogeneous resurfacing in the past 500,000??years. \icarus, 381, 114992.
- Perry, M., Barnouin, O., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Ballouz, R. -., Walsh, K., Daly, M., DellaGiustina, D., Nolan, M., Emery, J., Al, A. M., Johnson, C., Ernst, C., Jawin, E., Michel, P., Golish, D., Bottke, W., Seabrook, J., & Lauretta, D. (2022). Low surface strength of the asteroid Bennu inferred from impact ejecta deposit. Nature Geoscience, 15(6), 447-452.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Meyer, H. M., Taylor, P. A., Mazarico, E., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Virkki, A. K., Nolan, M. C., Chabot, N. L., & Giorgini, J. D. (2022). Arecibo S-band Radar Characterization of Local-scale Heterogeneities within Mercury's North Polar Deposits. \psj, 3(3), 62.
- Rozitis, B., Ryan, A., Emery, J., Nolan, M., Green, S., Christensen, P., Hamilton, V., Daly, M., Barnouin, O., & Lauretta, D. (2022). High-Resolution Thermophysical Analysis of the OSIRIS-REx Sample Site and Three Other Regions of Interest on Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 127(6), e07153.
- Terik Daly, R., Ernst, C. M., Barnouin, O. S., Gaskell, R. W., Palmer, E. E., Nair, H., Espiritu, R. C., Hasnain, S., Waller, D., Stickle, A. M., Nolan, M. C., Trigo-Rodr{\'\iguez}, J. M., Dotto, E., Lucchetti, A., Pajola, M., Ieva, S., & Michel, P. (2022). Shape Modeling of Dimorphos for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). \psj, 3(9), 207.
- Virkki, A. K., Marshall, S. E., Venditti, F. C., Zambrano-Mar{\'\in}, L. F., Hickson, D. C., McGilvray, A., Taylor, P. A., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Devog{\`ele}, M., Franco, D. E., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Aponte, H. B., Rodriguez, S. C., Nolan, M. C., Perillat, P., Cabrera, I., Gonz{\'alez}, E., Padilla, D., Negr{\'on}, V., , Marrero, J., et al. (2022). Arecibo Planetary Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids: 2017 December-2019 December. Planetary Science Journal, 3(9), 222.
- Walsh, K. J., Ballouz, R., Jawin, E. R., Avdellidou, C., Barnouin, O. S., Bennett, C. A., Bierhaus, E. B., Bos, B. J., Cambioni, S., Connolly Jr., ., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D. N., DeMartini, J., Emery, J. P., Golish, D. R., Haas, P. C., Hergenrother, C. W., Ma, H., Michel, P., , Nolan, M. C., et al. (2022). Near-zero cohesion and loose packing of Bennu's near subsurface revealed by spacecraft contact. Science Advances, 8(27), eabm6229.
- Walsh, K. J., Bierhaus, E. B., Lauretta, D. S., Nolan, M. C., Ballouz, R., Bennett, C. A., Jawin, E. R., Barnouin, O. S., Berry, K., Burke, K. N., Brodbeck, B., Burns, R., Clark, B. C., Clark, B. E., Cambioni, S., Connolly, H. C., Daly, M. G., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D. N., , Dworkin, J. P., et al. (2022). Assessing the Sampleability of Bennu's Surface for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission. \ssr, 218(4), 20.
- Al, A. M., Philpott, L., Johnson, C., Barnouin, O., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Daly, M., Perry, M., Gaskell, R., Bierhaus, E., Seabrook, J., Espiritu, R., Nair, H., Ernst, C., Daly, R., Nolan, M., Enos, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021). Validation of Stereophotoclinometric Shape Models of Asteroid (101955) Bennu during the OSIRIS-REx Mission. \psj, 2(2), 82.
- Anish Roshi, D., Aponte, N., Araya, E., Arce, H., Baker, L., Baan, W., Becker, T., Breakall, J., Brown, R., Brum, C., Busch, M., Campbell, D., Cohen, T., Cordova, F., Deneva, J., Devogele, M., Dolch, T., Fernandez-Rodriguez, F., Ghosh, T., , Goldsmith, P., et al. (2021). The Future Of The Arecibo Observatory: The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2103.01367.
- Asad, M. A., Ballouz, R., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Bottke, W. (., Daly, R., Daly, M., DellaGiustina, D., Emory, J., Ernst, C., Golish, D., Jawin, E., Johnson, C., Lauretta, D., Michel, P., Nolan, M., Perry, M., Seabrook, J., & Walsh, K. (2021).
Impact-crater ejecta on Bennu indicate a surface with very low strength
. Nature Geosciences. doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-426688/v1 - Ballouz, R. -., Walsh, K., S{\'anchez}, P., Holsapple, K., Michel, P., Scheeres, D., Zhang, Y., Richardson, D., Barnouin, O., Nolan, M., Bierhaus, E., Connolly, H., Schwartz, S., {\c{C}elik}, O., Baba, M., & Lauretta, D. (2021). Modified granular impact force laws for the OSIRIS-REx touchdown on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. \mnras, 507(4), 5087-5105.
- Burke, K. N., DellaGiustina, D. N., Bennett, C. A., Walsh, K. J., Pajola, M., Bierhaus, E. B., Nolan, M. C., Boynton, W. V., Brodbeck, J. I., Connolly Jr., ., Deshapriya, J., Dworkin, J. P., Elder, C. M., Golish, D. R., Hoover, R. H., Jawin, E. R., McCoy, T. J., Michel, P., Molaro, J. L., , Nolau, J. O., et al. (2021). Particle Size-Frequency Distributions of the OSIRIS-REx Candidate Sample Sites on Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1315.
- DellaGiustina, D., Kaplan, H., Simon, A., Bottke, W., Avdellidou, C., Delbo, M., Ballouz, R. -., Golish, D., Walsh, K., Popescu, M., Campins, H., Barucci, M., Poggiali, G., Daly, R., Le Corre, L., Hamilton, V., Porter, N., Jawin, E., McCoy, T., , Connolly, H., et al. (2021). Exogenic basalt on asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature Astronomy, 5, 31-38.
- Ferrone, S. M., Clark, B. E., Hawley, C. L., Joseph, J., Nolan, M. C., Bennett, C., Zou, X., Selznick, S., Loveridge, M., Deshapriya, P., & Lauretta, D. S. (2021). Analysis of Projection Effects in OSIRIS REx Spectral Mapping Methods: Recommended Protocols for Facet Based Mapping. Earth and Space Science, 8(3), e00613.
- Hickson, D. C., Virkki, A. K., Perillat, P., Nolan, M. C., & Bhiravarasu, S. S. (2021). Polarimetric Decomposition of Near-Earth Asteroids Using Arecibo Radar Observations. \psj, 2(1), 30.
- Melikyan, R., Clark, B., Hergenrother, C., Chesley, S., Nolan, M., Ye, Q. -., & Lauretta, D. (2021). Bennu's Natural Sample Delivery Mechanism: Estimating the Flux of Bennuid Meteors at Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 126(9), e06817.
- Roberts, J., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., Daly, R., Michel, P., Zhang, Y., Perry, M., Neumann, G., Seabrook, J., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Watanabe, S., Hirata, N., Hirata, N. a., Sugita, S., Scheeres, D., , McMahon, J., et al. (2021). Rotational states and shapes of Ryugu and Bennu: Implications for interior structure and strength. \planss, 204, 105268.
- Tricarico, P., Scheeres, D., French, A., McMahon, J., Brack, D., Leonard, J., Antreasian, P., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Mazarico, E., Rowlands, D., Highsmith, D., Getzandanner, K., Moreau, M., Johnson, C., Philpott, L., Bierhaus, E., Walsh, K., , Barnouin, O., et al. (2021). Internal rubble properties of asteroid (101955) Bennu. \icarus, 370, 114665.
- Zegmott, T. J., Lowry, S., Ro{\.zek}, A., Rozitis, B., Nolan, M., Howell, E., Green, S., Snodgrass, C., Fitzsimmons, A., & Weissman, P. (2021). Detection of the YORP effect on the contact binary (68346) 2001 KZ66 from combined radar and optical observations. \mnras, 507(4), 4914-4932.
- Zegmott, T., Lowry, S., Rozek, A., Rozitis, B., Nolan, M., Howell, E., Green, S., Snodgrass, C., Fitzsimmons, A., & Weissman, P. (2021). VizieR Online Data Catalog: Contact-binary (68346) 2001 KZ66 light curves (Zegmott+, 2021). VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/MNRAS/507/4914.
- Adam, C. D., Asad, M. A., Ballouz, R. L., Barnouin, O. S., Bennett, C., Bierhaus, E. B., Bottke, W. F., Boynton, W. V., Burke, K. N., D'aubigny, C. D., Daly, R. T., Daly, M., Dellagiustina, D., Ernst, C. M., Espiritu, R. C., Gaskell, R., Hirata, N., Jawin, E., Johnson, C. L., , Lauretta, D. S., et al. (2020).
Author Correction: Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness
. Nature Geoscience, 13(11), 764-764. doi:10.1038/s41561-020-0643-9 - Ballouz, R. -., Walsh, K., Barnouin, O., DellaGiustina, D., Asad, M. A., Jawin, E., Daly, M., Bottke, W., Michel, P., Avdellidou, C., Delbo, M., Daly, R., Asphaug, E., Bennett, C., Bierhaus, E., Connolly, H., Golish, D., Molaro, J., Nolan, M. C., , Pajola, M., et al. (2020). Bennu's near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders. Nature, 587(7833), 205-209.
- Barnouin, O. S., Bierhaus, E. B., Bierhaus, E. B., Ciceri, F., Daly, M., Dellagiustina, D., Emery, J. P., Hanton, L. T., Hildebrand, A. R., Johnson, C. L., Lauretta, D. S., Nolan, M. C., Rizk, B., Rozitis, B., Sanchez, P., Scheeres, D. J., & Seabrook, J. (2020).
Equatorial features on asteroid (101955) Bennu support mass loss by fission
. Japan Geoscience Union. - Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Palmer, E., Johnson, C., Gaskell, R., Al Asad, M., Bierhaus, E., Craft, K., Ernst, C., Espiritu, R., Nair, H., Neumann, G., Nguyen, L., Nolan, M., Mazarico, E., Perry, M., Philpott, L., Roberts, J., Steele, R., , Seabrook, J., et al. (2020). Digital terrain mapping by the OSIRIS-REx mission. \planss, 180, 104764.
- Bottke, W., Moorhead, A., Connolly, H., Hergenrother, C., Molaro, J., Michel, P., Nolan, M., Schwartz, S., Vokrouhlick{\'y}, D., Walsh, K., & Lauretta, D. (2020). Meteoroid Impacts as a Source of Bennu's Particle Ejection Events. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(8), e06282.
- Bottke, W., Vokrouhlick{\'y}, D., Ballouz, R. -., Barnouin, O., Connolly Jr., ., Elder, C., Marchi, S., McCoy, T., Michel, P., Nolan, M., Rizk, B., Scheeres, D., Schwartz, S., Walsh, K., & Lauretta, D. (2020). Interpreting the Cratering Histories of Bennu, Ryugu, and Other Spacecraft-explored Asteroids. \aj, 160(1), 14.
- Brozovi{\'c}, M., Nolan, M. C., Magri, C., Folkner, W. M., Jacobson, R. A., Harcke, L. J., McMichael, J. G., Richardson, J. E., Harmon, J. K., Taylor, P. A., Benner, L. A., Giorgini, J. D., Ostro, S. J., Perillat, P. J., Hine, A. A., Naidu, S. P., Slade, M. A., Ro{\.zek}, A., Rodriguez-Ford, L. A., & Zambrano-Marin, L. F. (2020). Arecibo Radar Astrometry of the Galilean Satellites from 1999 to 2016. \aj, 159(4), 149.
- Chesley, S., French, A., Davis, A., Jacobson, R., Brozovi{\'c}, M., Farnocchia, D., Selznick, S., Liounis, A., Hergenrother, C., Moreau, M., Pelgrift, J., Lessac-Chenen, E. .., Molaro, J., Park, R., Rozitis, B., Scheeres, D., Takahashi, Y., Vokrouhlick{\'y}, D., Wolner, C., , Adam, C., et al. (2020). Trajectory Estimation for Particles Observed in the Vicinity of (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(9), e06363.
- Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Roberts, J., Ernst, C., Perry, M., Nair, H., Espiritu, R., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Weirich, J., Susorney, H., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., Jawin, E., Michel, P., , Trang, D., et al. (2020). The Morphometry of Impact Craters on Bennu. \grl, 47(24), e89672.
- DellaGiustina, D., Burke, K., Walsh, K., Smith, P., Golish, D., Bierhaus, E., Ballouz, R. -., Becker, T., Campins, H., Tatsumi, E., Yumoto, K., Sugita, S., Deshapriya, J. P., Cloutis, E., Clark, B., Hendrix, A., Sen, A., Al, A. M., Daly, M., , Applin, D., et al. (2020). Variations in color and reflectance on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science, 370(6517), eabc3660.
- Hergenrother, C., Maleszewski, C., Li, J. -., Pajola, M., Chesley, S., French, A., Davis, A., Pelgrift, J., Leonard, J., Shelly, F., Liounis, A., Becker, K., Balram-Knutson, S., Garcia, R., Kareta, T., Adam, C., Alkiek, K., Bos, B., Brozovi{\'c}, M., , Burke, K., et al. (2020). Photometry of Particles Ejected From Active Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(9), e06381.
- Jawin, E., Walsh, K., Barnouin, O., McCoy, T., Ballouz, R. -., DellaGiustina, D., Connolly, H., Marshall, J., Beddingfield, C., Nolan, M., Molaro, J., Bennett, C., Scheeres, D., Daly, M., Al Asad, M., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Susorney, H., Kaplan, H., , Enos, H., et al. (2020). Global Patterns of Recent Mass Movement on Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(9), e06475.
- Leonard, J., Adam, C., Pelgrift, J., Lessac-Chenen, E., Nelson, D., Antreasian, P., Liounis, A., Moreau, M., Hergenrother, C., Chesley, S., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2020). Initial Orbit Determination and Event Reconstruction From Estimation of Particle Trajectories About (101955) Bennu. Earth and Space Science, 7(9), e00937.
- Naidu, S., Benner, L., Brozovic, M., Nolan, M., Ostro, S., Margot, J., Giorgini, J., Hirabayashi, T., Scheeres, D., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Magri, C., & Jao, J. (2020). Radar observations and a physical model of binary near-Earth asteroid 65803 Didymos, target of the DART mission. \icarus, 348, 113777.
- Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., Brack, D., French, A., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Vokrouhlick{\'y}, D., Ballouz, R. -., Emery, J., Rozitis, B., Nolan, M., Hergenrother, C., & Lauretta, D. (2020). Particle Ejection Contributions to the Rotational Acceleration and Orbit Evolution of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(3), e06284.
- Barnouin}, O., Daly, M., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Weirich, J., Johnson, C., Al, A. M., Roberts, J., Perry, M., Susorney, H., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Seabrook, J., Espiritu, R., Nair, A., Nguyen, L., Neumann, G., Ernst, C., Boynton, W., , Nolan, M., et al. (2019). Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness. Nature Geoscience, 12(4), 247-252.
- Busch, M. W., Ostro, S. J., Benner, L. A., Brozovic, M., Giorgini, J. D., Jao, J., Scheeres, D. J., Magri, C., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Taylor, P. A., Margot, J., & Brisken, W. (2019). Corrigendum to ``Radar observations and the shape of near-Earth asteroid 2008 EV5'' [ICARUS 212 (2011) 649-660]. \icarus, 333, 548-548.
- Campbell, B. A., Campbell, D. B., Carter, L. M., Chandler, J. F., Giorgini, J. D., Margot, J., Morgan, G. A., Nolan, M. C., Perillat, P. J., & Whitten, J. L. (2019). The mean rotation rate of Venus from 29 years of Earth-based radar observations. \icarus, 332, 19-23.
- Campbell, B., Neish, C., Campbell, D., Carter, L., Morgan, G., Nolan, M., Patterson, G. W., Rivera-Valentin, E., Taylor, P., & Whitten, J. (2019). Radar Astronomy for Planetary Surface Studies. \baas, 51(3), 350.
- Dellagiustina}, D., Emery, J., Golish, D., Rozitis, B., Bennett, C., Burke, K., Ballouz, R. -., Becker, K., Christensen, P., Drouet, D. C., Hamilton, V., Reuter, D., Rizk, B., Simon, A., Asphaug, E., Bandfield, J., Barnouin, O., Barucci, M., Bierhaus, E., , Binzel, R., et al. (2019). Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis. Nature Astronomy, 3, 341-351.
- Hamilton}, V., Simon, A., Christensen, P., Reuter, D., Clark, B., Barucci, M., Bowles, N., Boynton, W., Brucato, J., Cloutis, E., Connolly, H., Donaldson, H. K., Emery, J., Enos, H., Fornasier, S., Haberle, C., Hanna, R., Howell, E., Kaplan, H., , Keller, L., et al. (2019). Evidence for widespread hydrated minerals on asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature Astronomy, 3, 332-340.
- Hergenrother}, C., Maleszewski, C., Nolan, M., Li, J. -., Drouet, D. C., Shelly, F., Howell, E., Kareta, T., Izawa, M., Barucci, M., Bierhaus, E., Campins, H., Chesley, S., Clark, B., Christensen, E., Dellagiustina, D., Fornasier, S., Golish, D., Hartzell, C., , Rizk, B., et al. (2019). The operational environment and rotational acceleration of asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx observations. Nature Communications, 10, 1291.
- Lauretta}, D., Dellagiustina, D., Bennett, C., Golish, D., Becker, K., Balram-Knutson, S., Barnouin, O., Becker, T., Bottke, W., Boynton, W., Campins, H., Clark, B., Connolly, H., Drouet D'Aubigny, C. Y., Dworkin, J., Emery, J., Enos, H., Hamilton, V., Hergenrother, C., , Howell, E., et al. (2019). The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature, 568(7750), 55-60.
- Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., Golubov, O., Hergenrother, C., Emery, J., Noll, K., Chesley, S., & Lauretta, D. (2019). Detection of Rotational Acceleration of Bennu Using HST Light Curve Observations. GRL, 46(4), 1956-1962.
- Rizk, B., Drouet, d. C., Hergenrother, C., Bos, B., Golish, D., Malhotra, R., Lauretta, D., Butt, J., Patel, J., Fitzgibbon, M., May, C., Bierhaus, E., Freund, S., Fisher, M., Cambioni, S., Bennett, C., Balram-Knutson, S., Harshman, K., DellaGiustina, D., , Antreasian, P., et al. (2019). OSIRIS-REx low-velocity particles during outbound cruise. Advances in Space Research, 63(1), 672-691.
- Rozek, A., Lowry, S., Nolan, M., Taylor, P., Benner, L., Fitzsimmons, A., Zegmott, T., Weissman, P., Green, S., Rozitis, B., Snodgrass, C., Smythe, W., Hicks, M., Howell, E., Virkki, A., Aponte-Hernandez, B. .., Rivera-Valentin, E., Rodriguez-Ford, L., Zambrano-Marin, L., , Brozovic, M., et al. (2019). VizieR Online Data Catalog: PHA contact-binary (85990) 1999 JV6 light curves (Rozek+, 2019). VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/A+A/631/A149.
- Ro{\.zek}, A., Lowry, S., Nolan, M., Taylor, P., Benner, L., Fitzsimmons, A., Zegmott, T., Weissman, P., Green, S., Rozitis, B., Snodgrass, C., Smythe, W., Hicks, M., Howell, E., Virkki, A., {Aponte-Hernand, e. B., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Rodriguez-Ford, L., Zambrano-Marin, L., , Brozovi{\'c}, M., et al. (2019). Shape model and spin-state analysis of PHA contact binary (85990) 1999 JV6 from combined radar and optical observations. \aap, 631, A149.
- Scheeres}, D., McMahon, J., French, A., Brack, D., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Leonard, J., Geeraert, J., Page, B., Antreasian, P., Getzandanner, K., Rowlands, D., Mazarico, E., Small, J., Highsmith, D., Moreau, M., Emery, J., Rozitis, B., , Hirabayashi, M., et al. (2019). The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements. Nature Astronomy, 3, 352-361.
- Seabrook, J., Daly, M., Barnouin, O., Johnson, C., Nair, A., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W., Espiritu, R., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Nguyen, L., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2019). Global shape modeling using the OSIRIS-REx scanning Laser Altimeter. \planss, 177, 104688.
- Taylor, P. A., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Bonsall, A., Becker, T. M., Benner, A., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Brozovic, M., Busch, M. W., Campbell, B. A., Ghigo, F. D., Harris, A. W., Magri, C., Mainzer, A. K., Margot, J., Marshall, S. E., Masiero, J. R., Naidu, S. P., Nolan, M. C., Patterson, G. W., , Prockter, L. M., et al. (2019). Planetary Radar Astronomy with Ground-Based Astrophysical Assets. \baas, 51(3), 539.
- Virkki, A., Zubko, E., Nolan, M., Howell, E., Benner, L., & Harmon, J. (2019). Decimeter-scale particle characterization in the coma of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 using dual-wavelength radar observations. \icarus, 325, 94-104.
- Walsh}, K., Jawin, E., Ballouz, R. -., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Connolly, H., Molaro, J., McCoy, T., Delbo', M., Hartzell, C., Pajola, M., Schwartz, S., Trang, D., Asphaug, E., Becker, K., Beddingfield, C., Bennett, C., Bottke, W., Burke, K., , Clark, B., et al. (2019). Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface. Nature Geoscience, 12(4), 242-246.
- Walsh}, K., Jawin, E., Ballouz, R. -., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Connolly, H., Molaro, J., McCoy, T., Delbo', M., Hartzell, C., Pajola, M., Schwartz, S., Trang, D., Asphaug, E., Becker, K., Beddingfield, C., Bennett, C., Bottke, W., Burke, K., , Clark, B., et al. (2019). Publisher Correction: Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface. Nature Geoscience, 12(5), 399-399.
- Barnouin, O., Palmer, E., Daly, M., Weirich, J., Johnson, C., Perry, M., Boynton, W., Nolan, M., Bierhaus, B., Espiritu, R., Nair, H., Al Asad, M., Nguyen, L., Susorney, H., Ernst, C., Roberts, J., Craft, K., Rizk, B., d'Aubigny, C., , DellaGiustina, D., et al. (2018). The Shape of Bennu.. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Bennett, C., Gay, P., Lehan, C., DellaGiustina, D., Walsh, K., Becker, K., Golish, D., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Burke, K. (2018). Hazard Identification Using CosmoQuest Citizen Science for the OSIRIS-REx Mission. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Bierhaus, B., Barnouin, O., Walsh, K., Connolly, H., Daly, M., Lauretta, D., Nolan, M., DellaGiustina, D., Rizk, B., McCoy, T., Jawin, E., Michel, P., & Pajola, M. (2018). Crater Population(s) on (101955) Bennu, a B-Class Asteroid and Target of the OSIRIS-REx Mission. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Brozovi{\'c}, M., Benner, L., McMichael, J., Giorgini, J., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Magri, C., Busch, M., Jao, J., Lee, C., Snedeker, L., Silva, M., Slade, M., Semenov, B., Nolan, M., Taylor, P., Howell, E., & Lawrence, K. (2018). Goldstone and Arecibo radar observations of (99942) Apophis in 2012-2013. \icarus, 300, 115-128.
- Burke, K., DellaGiustina, D., Bennett, C., Golish, D., Habib, N., Walsh, K., Bierhaus, B., Jawin, E., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Daly, M. (2018). Boulder Size Frequency Distribution (SFD) of (101955) Bennu. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Crombie, M., Selznick, S., Loveridge, M., Rizk, B., DellaGiustina, D., Golish, D., Bos, B., Christensen, P., Hamilton, V., Reuter, D., Simon, A., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Espiritu, R., Clark, B., Nolan, M. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2018). Schedule of Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer Data Product Releases to the Planetary Data System. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- DellaGiustina, D., Rizk, B., Golish, D., Bennett, C., Le Corre, L., d'Aubigny, C., Becker, K., Burke, K., Smith, P., Hergenrother, C., Clark, B., Nolan, M., Pajola, M., Walsh, K., Bierhaus, B., Sutton, S., Chojnacki, M., Milazzo, M., Campins, H., , DeLeon, J., et al. (2018). First Resolved Images of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Emery, J., Rozitis, B., Christensen, P., Hamilton, V., Delbo, M., Lim, L., Thomas, C., Clark, B., Ryan, A., Elder, C., Siegler, M., Howell, E., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2018). Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Hamilton, V., Christensen, P., Clark, B., Emery, J., Howell, E., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., Reuter, D., Simon, A., Thomas, C., & Kaplan, H. (2018). Spectral Analysis for the OSIRIS-REx Mission at Bennu. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Harp, G., Ackermann, R., Astorga, A., Arbunich, J., Barrios, J., Hightower, K., Meitzner, S., Barott, W., Nolan, M., Messerschmitt, D., Vakoch, D., Shostak, S., & Tarter, J. (2018). The Application of Autocorrelation SETI Search Techniques in an ATA Survey. apj, 869, 66.
- Hergenrother, C., Maleszewski, C., Kareta, T., Chesley, S., Christensen, E., Clark, B., DellaGiustina, D., d'Aubigny, C., Golish, D., Lauretta, D., Li, J., Nolan, M., Reddy, V., Rizk, B., Scheeres, D., Shelly, F., & Zou, X. (2018). OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Astronomical Observations of Asteroid Bennu: Searches for Hazards and Lightcurve, Color and Phase Function Photometry. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Hickson, D., Boivin, A., Daly, M., Ghent, R., Nolan, M. C., Tait, K., Cunje, A., & Tsai, C. (2018). Near surface bulk density estimates of NEAs from radar observations and permittivity measurements of powdered geologic material. \icarus, 306, 16-24.
- Howell, E., Magri, C., Vervack, ., Nolan, M., Taylor, P., Fern{\'andez}, Y., Hicks, M., Somers, J., Lawrence, K., Rivkin, A., Marshall, S., & Crowell, J. (2018). SHERMAN - A shape-based thermophysical model II. Application to 8567 (1996 HW1). \icarus, 303, 220-233.
- Lauretta, D. S., DellaGiustina, D., Enos, H., Bennett, C., Clark, B., Becker, K., Campins, H., Golish, D., Le Corre, L., Licandro, J., Cook, D., Rizos, J., Edmundson, K., Le{'on}, J., Chojnacki, M., Kinney-Spano, E., Crombie, M., Sutton, S., Rizk, B., , Milazzo, M., et al. (2018). Overcoming the Challenges Associated with Image-Based Mapping of Small Bodies in Preparation for the OSIRIS-REx Mission to (101955) Bennu. Earth and Space Science, 5, 929-949.
- Lauretta, D., Barnouin, O., Becker, K., Bennett, C., Bierhaus, B., Boynton, W., Burke, K., Christensen, P., Clark, B., Connolly, H., Crombie, M., Daly, M., DellaGiustina, D., Dworkin, J., Emery, J., Enos, H., Golish, D., Hamilton, V., Hergenrother, C., , Le Corre, L., et al. (2018). OSIRIS-REx Encounters Bennu: Initial Assessment from the Approach Phase. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Lawrance, K., Benner, L. A., Brozovic, M., Jao, J., Giorgini, J. D., Slade, M., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Jurgens, R., Ostro, S. J., & Taylor, P. A. (2018). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Images of Near-Earth Asteroid (469896) 2005 WC1. Icarus, 300, 12-20. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.08.028
- Le Corre, L., Mitchell, A., Barnouin, O., Becker, K., Bennett, C., Campins, H., Cho, Y., Clark, B., DellaGiustina, D., d'Aubigny, C., Ernst, C., Gaskell, R., Golish, D., Hayakawa, M., Hirata, N., Honda, C., Honda, R., Kameda, S., Kouyama, T., , Lauretta, D., et al. (2018). Comparison of Color Maps of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu from the Approach Phase of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Magri, C., Howell, E., Vervack, R., Nolan, M., Fern{\'andez}, Y., Marshall, S., & Crowell, J. (2018). SHERMAN, a shape-based thermophysical model. I. Model description and validation. \icarus, 303, 203-219.
- Pajola, M., DellaGiustina, D., Bennett, C., Burke, K., Lauretta, D., Rizk, B., Delbo, M., Walsh, K., Brucato, J., Dotto, E., Bierhaus, B., Campins, H., Daly, M., Elder, C., Michel, P., Molaro, J., Nolan, M., & Schwartz, S. (2018). The Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders $gt$10 m on Asteroid 101955 Bennu: landing safety and scientific return.. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Patterson, G., Carter, L., Stickle, A., Cahill, J., Nolan, M., Morgan, G., Schroeder, D., & Campbell, B. (2018). Mini-RF S- and X-band Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Rizk, B., d'Aubigny, C., Hergenrother, C., DellaGiustina, D., Golish, D., Fitzgibbon, M., Bennett, C., Balram-Knutson, S. .., Harshman, K., Kidd, J., Polit, A., Lambert, D., Westerman, M., Audi, E., Nelson, J., Lauretta, D., Enos, H., Boynton, W., Nolan, M., , Fellows, C., et al. (2018). OCAMS Reveals (101955) Bennu. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., Brack, D., French, A., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2018). Mass Determination of (101955) Bennu and Related OSIRIS-REx Gravity Science. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Shepard, M. K., Timmerson, B., Scheeres, D. J., Benner, L. A., Howell, E. S., Magri, C., Nolan, M. C., Springmann, A., Taylor, P. A., & Virkki, A. (2018). A Revised Shape Model of Asteroid (216) Kleopatra. Icarus, 311, 197-209.
- Virkki, A., Taylor, P. A., Springmann, A., Nolan, M. C., Magri, C., Howell, E. S., Benner, L. A., Scheeres, D. J., Timmerson, B., & Shepard, M. K. (2018). A Revised Shape Model of Asteroid (216) Kleopatra. Icarus.
- Walsh, K., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, B., Bennett, C., Burke, K., Clark, B., Connolly, H., Daly, M., DellaGiustina, D., Hamilton, V., Jawin, E., Lauretta, D., McCoy, T., Michel, P., Nolan, M., Nuth, J., Pajola, M., Rizk, B., Sakatani, N., , Scheeres, D., et al. (2018). Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Brozovic, M., Benner, L. A., Magri, C., Scheeres, D. J., Busch, M. W., Giorgini, J. D., Nolan, M. C., Jao, J. S., Lee, C. G., Snedeker, L. G., Silva, M. A., Lawrence, K. J., Slade, M. A., Hicks, M. D., Howell, E. S., Taylor, P. A., Sanchez, J. A., Reddy, V., Dykhuis, M., & Le Corre, L. (2017). Goldstone radar evidence for short-axis mode non-principal-axis rotation of near-Earth asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8. Icarus, 286, 314-329. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.10.016
- Carter, L. M., Campbell, B. A., Neish, C. D., Nolan, M. C., Patterson, G. W., Jensen, R., & Bussey, D. B. (2017). A Comparison of Radar Polarimetry Data of the Moon from the LRO Mini-RF Instrument and Earth-based Systems.. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 55, 1915-1927. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2016.2631144
- Crowell, J. L., Howell, E. S., Magri, C., Nolan, M. C., Fernandez, Y. R., Richardson, J. E., Warner, B. D., Marshall, S. E., Springmann, A., & Vervack, R. J. (2017). Radar and Lightcurve Shape Model of Near-Earth Asteroid (1627) Ivar. Icarus, 291, 254-267. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.11.008
- Daly, M., Barnouin, O., Dickinson, C., Seabrook, J., Johnson, C., Cunningham, G., Haltigin, T., Gaudreau, D., Brunet, C., Aslam, I., Taylor, A., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W. V., Nolan, M. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2017). The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) Investigation and Instrument. Space Science Reviews, 212, 899-924.
- Harmon, J. K., & Nolan, M. C. (2017). Arecibo radar imagery of Mars: II. Chryse–Xanthe and other regions. Icarus, 281, 162-199. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.08.015
- Harris, A. W., Giorgini, J. D., Benner, L. A., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., Magri, C., de Kleer, K., Adamkovics, M., de Pater, I., Conrad, A., Reddy, V., Warner, B. D., Taylor, P. A., Richardson, J., & Shepard, M. K. (2016). RADAR OBSERVATIONS AND SHAPE MODEL OF ASTEROID 16 PSYCHE.. Icarus.
- Hickson, D., Sotodeh, S., Daly, M. G., Ghent, R., & Nolan, M. C. (2017). Improvements on effective permittivity measurements of powdered alumina: Implications for bulk permittivity properties of asteroid regoliths. Advances in Space Research, 59(1), 472-482. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2016.08.011
- Howell, E. S., Crowell, J. L., Fernandez, Y. R., Hicks, M. D., Hicks, H., Lawrence, K. J., Magri, C., Marshall, S. E., Nolan, M. C., Rivkin, A. S., Somers, J. M., Taylor, P. A., & Vervack, R. J. (2017).
SHERMAN – A shape-based thermophysical model II. Application to 8567 (1996 HW1)
. Icarus, 303, 220-233. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.003More infoAbstract We apply a new shape-based thermophysical model, SHERMAN, to the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 8567 (1996 HW1) to derive surface properties. We use the detailed shape model of Magri et al. (2011) for this contact binary NEA to analyze spectral observations (2–4.1 microns) obtained at the NASA IRTF on several different dates to find thermal parameters that match all the data. Visible and near-infrared (0.8–2.5 microns) spectral observations are also utilized in a self-consistent way. We find that an average visible albedo of 0.33, thermal inertia of 70 (SI units) and surface roughness of 50% closely match the observations. The shape and orientation of the asteroid is very important to constrain the thermal parameters to be consistent with all the observations. Multiple viewing geometries are equally important to achieve a robust solution for small, non-spherical NEAs. We separate the infrared beaming effects of shape, viewing geometry and surface roughness for this asteroid and show how their effects combine. We compare the diameter and albedo that would be derived from the thermal observations assuming a spherical shape with those from the shape-based model. We also discuss how observations from limited viewing geometries compare to the solution from multiple observations. The size that would be derived from the individual observation dates varies by 20% from the best-fit solution, and can be either larger or smaller. If the surface properties are not homogeneous, many solutions are possible, but the average properties derived here are very tightly constrained by the multiple observations, and give important insights into the nature of small NEAs. - Lauretta, D. S., Balram-Knutson, S. S., Beshore, E., Boynton, W. V., Drouet d'Aubigny, C., DellaGiustina, D. N., Enos, H. L., Golish, D. R., Hergenrother, C. W., Howell, E. S., Bennett, C. A., Morton, E. T., Nolan, M. C., Rizk, B., Roper, H. L., Bartels, A. E., Bos, B. J., Dworkin, J. P., Highsmith, D. E., , Lorenz, D. A., et al. (2017). OSIRIS-REx: Sample Return from Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Space Science Reviews. doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0405-1
- Marshall, S. E., Howell, E. S., Magri, C., Vervack, R. J., Campbell, D. B., Fernández, Y. R., Nolan, M. C., Crowell, J. L., Hicks, M. D., Lawrence, K. J., & Taylor, P. A. (2017). Thermal Properties and an Improved Shape Model for Near-Earth Asteroid (162421) 2000 ET70. Icarus, 292, 22-35. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.03.02
- Patterson, G. W., Carter, L. M., Stickle, A. M., Cahill, J. T., Nolan, M. C., Morgan, G. A., Schroeder, D., & Team, M. (2017). Mini-RF S- and X-Band Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. LPI Contributions, 2041, 5046.
- Patterson, G. W., Stickle, A. M., Turner, F. S., Jensen, J. R., Bussey, D. B., Spudis, P., Espiritu, R. C., Schulze, R. C., Yocky, D. A., Wahl, E. E., Zimmerman, M., Cahill, J. T., Nolan, M. C., Carter, L. M., Neish, C. D., Raney, R. K., Thompson, B. J., Tise, B. L., Erteza, L. A., & Jakowatz, C. V. (2017). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon using Mini-RF on LRO and the Arecibo Observatory. Icarus, 283, 2-19. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.05.017
- Shepard, M. K., Richardson, J., Taylor, P. A., Rodriguez-Ford, L. A., Conrad, A., de Pater, I., Adamkovics, M., de Kleer, K., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Kaasalainen, M., Viikinkoski, M., Timmerson, B., Reddy Kanupuru, V. V., Magri, C., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Benner, L. A., , Giorgini, J. D., et al. (2017). Radar Observations and Shape Model of Asteroid 16 Psyche. Icarus, 281, 388-403. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.08.011
- Patterson}, G., {Bussey}, D., {Stickle}, A., {Turner}, F., {Jensen}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Yocky}, D., {Wahl}, D., & Team, {. (2016). Mini-RF on LRO and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. LPI Contributions, 1911, 6042.
- Scheeres, D. J., Hesar, S. G., Tardivel, S., Hirabayashi, M., Farnocchia, D., Chesley, S. R., Barnouin, O., Binzel, R. P., Bottke, W. F., Daly, M. G., Emery, J. P., Hergenrother, C. W., Lauretta, D. S., Marshall, J. R., Michel, P., Nolan, M. C., & Walsh, K. J. (2016). The Geophysical Environment of Bennu. Icarus, 276, 116-140. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.04.013
- Binzel, R., DeMeo, F., Burt, B., Cloutis, E., Rozitis, B., Burbine, T., Campins, H., Clark, B., Emery, J., {Hergenrother, C., Howell, E. S., Lauretta, D. S., Nolan, M. C., Mansfield, M., Pietrasz, V., Polishook, D., & Scheeres, D. (2015). Spectral slope variations for OSIRIS-REx target Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Possible evidence for a fine-grained regolith equatorial ridge. Icarus, 256, 22-29.
- Naidu, S. P., Margot, J. L., Taylor, P. A., Nolan, M. C., Busch, M. W., Benner, L. A., Brozovic, M., Giorgini, J. D., Jao, J. S., & Magri, C. (2015). Radar Imaging and Characterization of the Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (185851) 2000 DP107. Astronomical Journal, 150, 54.
- {Becker}, T., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., {Taylor}, P., {Oey}, J., {Higgins}, D., {Vil{\'a}gi}, J., {Korno{\v s}}, L., {Gal{\'a}d}, A., {Gajdo{\v s}}, {. S., {Gaftonyuk}, N., {Krugly}, Y., {Molotov}, I., {Hicks}, M., {Carbognani}, A., {Warner}, B., {Vachier}, F., , {Marchis}, F., et al. (2015). Physical modeling of triple near-Earth Asteroid (153591) 2001 SN263 from radar and optical light curve observations. Icarus, 248, 499-515. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.048
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- {Harp}, G., {Ackermann}, R., {Astorga}, A., {Arbunich}, J., {Hightower}, K., {Meitzner}, S., {Barott}, W., Nolan, M. C., {Messerschmitt}, D., {Vakoch}, D., {Shostak}, S., , J. (2015). A Radio SETI Campaign for microsec-sec Periodic Signals. ArXiv e-prints.
- {Lauretta}, D., {Bartels}, A., {Barucci}, M., {Bierhaus}, E., {Binzel}, R., {Bottke}, W., {Campins}, H., {Chesley}, S., {Clark}, B., {Clark}, B., {Cloutis}, E., {Connolly}, H., {Crombie}, M., {Delb{\'o}}, M., {Dworkin}, J., {Emery}, J., {Glavin}, D., {Hamilton}, V., {Hergenrother}, C., , {Johnson}, C., et al. (2015). The OSIRIS-REx target asteroid (101955) Bennu: Constraints on its physical, geological, and dynamical nature from astronomical observations. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 50, 834-849.
- {Shepard}, M., {Taylor}, P., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Warner}, B., {Harris}, A., {Stephens}, R., {Merline}, W., {Rivkin}, A., {Benner}, L., {Coley}, D., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., , C. (2015). A radar survey of M- and X-class asteroids. III. Insights into their composition, hydration state, {\amp} structure. \icarus, 245, 38-55.
- {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Springmann}, A., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Slade}, M., {Mainzer}, A., {Pollock}, J., {Reichart}, D., {Haislip}, J., {Frank}, N., , A. (2014). Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Bolin}, B., {Jedicke}, R., {Granvik}, M., {Brown}, P., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., {Jenniskens}, P., {Chyba}, M., {Patterson}, G., , R. (2014). Detecting Earth's temporarily-captured natural satellites-Minimoons. \icarus, 241, 280-297.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Slade}, M., {Teitelbaum}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Ghigo}, F., , J. (2014). High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging With The Deep-Space Network. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Campbell}, B., {Ray Hawke}, B., {Morgan}, G., {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2014). Improved discrimination of volcanic complexes, tectonic features, and regolith properties in Mare Serenitatis from Earth-based radar mapping. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 119, 313-330.
- {Chesley}, S., {Farnocchia}, D., Nolan, M. C., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Chodas}, P., {Milani}, A., {Spoto}, F., {Rozitis}, B., {Benner}, L., {Bottke}, W., {Busch}, M., {Emery}, J., Howell, E. S., Lauretta, D. S., {Margot}, J., , P. (2014). Orbit and bulk density of the OSIRIS-REx target Asteroid (101955) Bennu. \icarus, 235, 5-22.
- {Giorgini}, J., Howell, E. S., {Taylor}, P., {Richardson}, J., {Ford}, L., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., Nolan, M. C., {Brozovic}, M., , L. (2014). (2340) Hathor. \iaucirc, 9272.
- {Hergenrother}, C., {Barucci}, M., {Barnouin}, O., {Bierhaus}, B., {Binzel}, R., {Bottke}, W., {Chesley}, S., {Clark}, B., {Clark}, B., {Cloutis}, E., {Drouet d'Aubigny}, C., {Delbo}, M., {Emery}, J., {Gaskell}, B., Howell, E. S., {Keller}, L., {Kelley}, M., {Marshall}, J., {Michel}, P., , Nolan, M. C., et al. (2014). The Design Reference Asteroid for the OSIRIS-REx Mission Target (101955) Bennu. ArXiv e-prints.
- Nolan, M. C., {Magri}, C., Howell, E. S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Hergenrother}, C., {Hudson}, R., Lauretta, D. S., {Margot}, J., {Ostro}, S., , D. (2013). Asteroid (101955) Bennu Shape Model V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 211.
- Nolan, M. C., {Magri}, C., Howell, E. S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Hergenrother}, C., {Hudson}, R., Lauretta, D. S., {Margot}, J., {Ostro}, S., , D. (2013). Shape model and surface properties of the OSIRIS-REx target Asteroid (101955) Bennu from radar and lightcurve observations. \icarus, 226, 629-640.
- {Consolmagno}, G., {Schaefer}, M., {Schaefer}, B., {Britt}, D., {Macke}, R., Nolan, M. C., & Howell, E. S. (2013). The measurement of meteorite heat capacity at low temperatures using liquid nitrogen vaporization. \planss, 87, 146-156.
- {Consolmagno}, G., {Schaefer}, M., {Schaefer}, B., {Britt}, D., {Macke}, R., {Nolan}, M., , E. (2013). Low temperature heat capacities of solar system materials. European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8-13 September in London, UK.~Online at: http://meetings.copernicus.org/epsc2013, id.EPSC2013-248, 8, EPSC2013-248.
- {Hergenrother}, C., Nolan, M. C., {Binzel}, R., {Cloutis}, E., {Barucci}, M., {Michel}, P., {Scheeres}, D., {d'Aubigny}, C., {Lazzaro}, D., {Pinilla-Alonso}, N., {Campins}, H., {Licandro}, J., {Clark}, B., {Rizk}, B., {Beshore}, E., & Lauretta, D. S. (2013). Lightcurve, Color and Phase Function Photometry of the OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroid (101955) Bennu. \icarus, 226, 663-670.
- {Jensen}, E., Nolan, M. C., {Bisi}, M., {Chashei}, I., , F. (2013). MESSENGER Observations of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Corona from Faraday Rotation. \solphys, 285, 71-82.
- {Naidu}, S., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Taylor}, P., Nolan, M. C., {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2013). Radar imaging and physical characterization of near-Earth Asteroid (162421) 2000 ET70. \icarus, 226, 323-335.
- {Rivkin}, A., Howell, E. S., {Vervack}, R., {Magri}, C., Nolan, M. C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Cheng}, A., {Antonietta Barucci}, M., , P. (2013). The NEO (175706) 1996 FG3 in the 2-4 {$\mu$}m spectral region: Evidence for an aqueously altered surface. \icarus, 223, 493-498.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Naidu}, S., {Nugent}, C., {Magri}, C., , M. (2012). 2007 LE. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3175.
- {Busch}, M., {Takahashi}, Y., {Scheeres}, D., {Benner}, L., {Magri}, C., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., , J. (2012). Internal Structure of 4179 Toutatis. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Bussey}, B., {Schulze}, R., {Wahl}, D., {Patterson}, G., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, R., {Turner}, S., {Yocky}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Jakowatz}, J., {Carter}, L., {Neish}, C., {Spudis}, P., , R. (2012). Bistatic Radar Observations Of The Moon Using The Arecibo Observatory {\amp} Mini-RF On LRO. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Bussey}, D., {Schulze}, R., {Wahl}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, R., {Patterson}, G., {Turner}, F., {Yocky}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Raney}, R., {Neish}, C., {Spudis}, P., {Jakowatz}, C., & Team}, {. (2012). Exploring for Ice with Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory and the Mini-RF Instrument on LRO. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 75, 5329.
- {Harmon}, J., Nolan, M. C., {Husmann}, D., , B. (2012). Arecibo radar imagery of Mars: The major volcanic provinces. \icarus, 220, 990-1030.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., , E. (2012). (5143) Heracles. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3176.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Naidu}, S., {Nugent}, C., {Magri}, C., , M. (2012). 2004 FG11. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3091.
- Hammel, H. B., Howell, E. S., Moreno, R., Rodenhuis, M., Sonnett, S., Szutowicz, S., A'hearn, M. F., Adams, J. A., Bacci, P., Bai, J. M., Barrera, L., Battelino, M., Bauer, J. M., Becklin, E. E., Bhatt, B. C., Biver, N., Bockelee-morvan, D., Bodewits, D., Bohnhardt, H., , Boissier, J., et al. (2011).
. The Astrophysical Journal, 734(1), 1-9. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/734/1/l1More infoEarth- and space-based observations provide synergistic information for space mission encounters by providing data over longer timescales, at different wavelengths and using techniques that are impossible with an in situ flyby. We report here such observations in support of the EPOXI spacecraft flyby of comet 103P/Hartley 2. The nucleus is small and dark, and exhibited a very rapidly changing rotation period. Prior to the onset of activity, the period was ~16.4 hr. Starting in 2010 August the period changed from 16.6 hr to near 19 hr in December. With respect to dust composition, most volatiles and carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, the comet is similar to other Jupiter-family comets. What is unusual is the dominance of CO2-driven activity near perihelion, which likely persists out to aphelion. Near perihelion the comet nucleus was surrounded by a large halo of water-ice grains that contributed significantly to the total water production. - Howell, E. S., Giorgini, J. D., Harmon, J. K., Nolan, M. C., & Taylor, P. A. (2011).
. The Astrophysical Journal, 734(1), L2. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/734/1/l2More infoComets rarely come close enough to be studied intensively with Earth-based radar. The most recent such occurrence was when Comet 103P/Hartley 2 passed within 0.12 AU in late 2010 October, less than two weeks before the EPOXI flyby. This offered a unique opportunity to improve pre-encounter trajectory knowledge and obtain complementary physical data for a spacecraft-targeted comet. 103P/Hartley 2 is only the fourth comet nucleus to be imaged with radar and already the second to be identified as an elongated, bilobate object based on its delay-Doppler signature. The images show the dominant spin mode to be a rotation about the short axis with a period of 18.2 hr. The nucleus has a low radar albedo consistent with a surface density of 0.5-1.0 g cm{sup -3}. A separate echo component was detected from large (>cm) grains ejected anisotropically with velocities of several to tens of meters per second. Radar shows that, in terms of large-grain production, 103P/Hartley 2 is an unusually active comet for its size. - {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Benner}, L., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Scheeres}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Pollock}, J., {Pravec}, P., {Gal{\'a}d}, A., {Fang}, J., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Shepard}, M., {Reichart}, D., {Ivarsen}, K., {Haislip}, J., {LaCluyze}, A., , {Jao}, J., et al. (2011). Radar and optical observations and physical modeling of triple near-Earth Asteroid (136617) 1994 CC. \icarus, 216, 241-256.
- {Busch}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Jao}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., , W. (2011). Radar observations and the shape of near-Earth ASTEROID 2008 EV5. \icarus, 212, 649-660.
- {Fang}, J., {Margot}, J., {Brozovic}, M., Nolan, M. C., {Benner}, L., , P. (2011). Orbits of Near-Earth Asteroid Triples 2001 SN263 and 1994 CC: Properties, Origin, and Evolution. \aj, 141, 154.
- {Harmon}, J., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., {Giorgini}, J., , P. (2011). Radar Observations of Comet 103P/Hartley 2. \apjl, 734, L2.
- {Magri}, C., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., {Taylor}, P., {Fern{\'a}ndez}, Y., {Mueller}, M., {Vervack}, R., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Scheeres}, D., {Hicks}, M., {Rhoades}, H., {Somers}, J., {Gaftonyuk}, N., {Kouprianov}, V., {Krugly}, Y., {Molotov}, I., {Busch}, M., , {Margot}, J., et al. (2011). Radar and photometric observations and shape modeling of contact binary near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1. \icarus, 214, 210-227.
- {Meech}, K., {A'Hearn}, M., {Adams}, J., {Bacci}, P., {Bai}, J., {Barrera}, L., {Battelino}, M., {Bauer}, J., {Becklin}, E., {Bhatt}, B., {Biver}, N., {Bockel{\'e}e-Morvan}, D., {Bodewits}, D., {B{\"o}hnhardt}, H., {Boissier}, J., {Bonev}, B., {Borghini}, W., {Brucato}, J., {Bryssinck}, E., , {Buie}, M., et al. (2011). EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Observations from a Worldwide Campaign. \apjl, 734, L1.
- {Shepard}, M., {Harris}, A., {Taylor}, P., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., , L. (2011). Radar observations of Asteroids 64 Angelina and 69 Hesperia. \icarus, 215, 547-551.
- Lauretta, D. S., {Drake}, M., {Benzel}, R., {Campins}, H., {Chesley}, S., {Clark}, B., {Delbo}, M., {Emery}, J., {Hergenrother}, C., Nolan, M. C., {Scheeres}, D., & Team, {. (2010). Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36: Optimum Target for an Asteroid Sample Return Mission. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 73, 5153.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Scheeres}, D., {Giorgini}, J., Nolan, M. C., {Margot}, J., {Jurgens}, R., , R. (2010). Radar observations and a physical model of contact binary Asteroid 4486 Mithra. \icarus, 208, 207-220.
- {Busch}, M., {Kulkarni}, S., {Brisken}, W., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., & Nolan, M. C. (2010). Determining asteroid spin states using radar speckles. \icarus, 209, 535-541.
- {Campbell}, B., {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., Nolan, M. C., {Chandler}, J., {Ghent}, R., {Ray Hawke}, B., {Anderson}, R., , K. (2010). Earth-based 12.6-cm wavelength radar mapping of the Moon: New views of impact melt distribution and mare physical properties. \icarus, 208, 565-573.
- {Harmon}, J., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., , J. (2010). Radar observations of 8P/Tuttle: A contact-binary comet. \icarus, 207, 499-502.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Bauer}, J., {Walker}, R., {Mainzer}, A., {Masiero}, J., {Beck}, R., {Masci}, F., {Cutri}, R., {Wright}, E., {A'Hearn}, M., {Meech}, K., {Lisse}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Pittichova}, J., {Riesen}, T., {Kaluna}, H., , {Geophys}, J., et al. (2010). Comet 103P/Hartley. \iaucirc, 9179.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Samarasinha}, N., {Mueller}, B., {A'Hearn}, M., {Farnham}, T., {Drahus}, M., {Jewitt}, D., {Guilbert}, A., {Lis}, D., , W. (2010). Comet 103P/Hartley. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 2515.
- {Ostro}, S., {Magri}, C., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., Nolan, M. C., {Hine}, A., {Busch}, M., , J. (2010). Radar imaging of Asteroid 7 Iris. \icarus, 207, 285-294.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Harris}, A., {Warner}, B., {Stephens}, R., , M. (2010). A radar survey of M- and X-class asteroids II. Summary and synthesis. \icarus, 208, 221-237.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Shepard}, M., {Carter}, L., {Jao}, J., {van Brimmer}, J., {Franck}, C., {Silva}, M., {Kodis}, M., {Kelley}, D., {Slade}, M., {Bramson}, A., , {Lawrence}, K., et al. (2009). (136617) 1994 CC. \iaucirc, 9053.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Magri}, C., {Scheeres}, D., , J. (2009). Radar observations and a physical model of Asteroid 4660 Nereus, a prime space mission target. \icarus, 201, 153-166.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, B., {Hawke}, B., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2009). Radar remote sensing of pyroclastic deposits in the southern Mare Serenitatis and Mare Vaporum regions of the Moon. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 114, E11004.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Shepard}, M., , J. (2009). 2000 CO\_101. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 1957.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Brozovic}, M., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Shepard}, M., {Carter}, L., , T. (2008). 2008 BT\_18. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 1450.
- {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Margot}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Busch}, M., , M. (2008). Near-Earth asteroid surface roughness depends on compositional class. \icarus, 198, 294-304.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Scheeres}, D., {Magri}, C., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2008). Corrigendum to {\ldquo}Physical properties of near-Earth Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24{\rdquo} [Icarus 195 (2008) 614 621]. \icarus, 197, 375-375.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Scheeres}, D., {Magri}, C., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2008). Physical properties of near-Earth Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24. \icarus, 195, 614-621.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2008). Predicting the Earth encounters of (99942) Apophis. \icarus, 193, 1-19.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , J. (2008). Comet 8P/Tuttle. \iaucirc, 8909.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Carter}, L., {Anderson}, R., {Magri}, C., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., , R. (2008). (153591) 2001 SN\_263. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 1254.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Carter}, L., {Anderson}, R., {Magri}, C., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Vervack}, R., , M. (2008). (153591) 2001 SN\_263. \iaucirc, 8921.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Vilas}, F., {Jarvis}, K., {Lederer}, S., {Lim}, L., {McConnochie}, T., {Bell}, J., {Margot}, J., {Rivkin}, A., {Magri}, C., {Scheeres}, D., , P. (2008). Multi-wavelength observations of Asteroid 2100 Ra-Shalom. \icarus, 193, 20-38.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Harris}, A., {Warner}, B., {Pray}, D., {Pravec}, P., {Fauerbach}, M., {Bennett}, T., {Klotz}, A., {Behrend}, R., {Correia}, H., {Coloma}, J., {Casulli}, S., , A. (2008). A radar survey of M- and X-class asteroids. \icarus, 195, 184-205.
- {Shepard}, M., {Kressler}, K., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., , S. (2008). Radar observations of E-class Asteroids 44 Nysa and 434 Hungaria. \icarus, 195, 220-225.
- {Shepard}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., , C. (2008). 2005 NB\_7. \iaucirc, 8936.
- {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Rose}, R., {Slade}, M., {Jurgens}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Black}, G., , L. (2007). 2006 VV\_2. \iaucirc, 8826.
- {Busch}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Hicks}, M., {Pravec}, P., {Kusnirak}, P., {Ireland}, M., {Scheeres}, D., {Broschart}, S., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., , J. (2007). Physical modeling of near-Earth Asteroid (29075) 1950 DA. \icarus, 190, 608-621.
- {Busch}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Campbell}, D., {Shapiro}, I., , J. (2007). Arecibo radar observations of Phobos and Deimos. \icarus, 186, 581-584.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Ghent}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Carter}, L., , N. (2007). Looking Below the Moon's Surface With Radar. EOS Transactions, 88, 13-18.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Ghent}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Chandler}, J., {Carter}, L., , N. (2007). Focused 70-cm Wavelength Radar Mapping of the Moon. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45, 4032-4042.
- {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., , J. (2007). A radar survey of main-belt asteroids: Arecibo observations of 55 objects during 1999 2003. \icarus, 186, 126-151.
- {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Scheeres}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., , J. (2007). Radar observations and a physical model of Asteroid 1580 Betulia. \icarus, 186, 152-177.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Scheeres}, D., {Pravec}, P., {Lowry}, S., {Fitzsimmons}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2007). Spin Rate of Asteroid (54509) 2000 PH5 Increasing Due to the YORP Effect. Science, 316, 274.
- Nolan, M. C., {Harmon}, J., Howell, E. S., {Campbell}, D., , J. (2006). Detection of large grains in the coma of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) from Arecibo radar observations. \icarus, 181, 432-441.
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- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Shepard}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Busch}, M., , A. (2006). 2006 GY2. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 534.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Campbell}, D., {Benner}, L., , J. (2006). Radar observations of Comet P/2005 JQ5 (Catalina). \icarus, 184, 285-288.
- {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Fahnestock}, E., {Broschart}, S., {Bellerose}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., {Scheirich}, P., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {De Jong}, E., , S. (2006). Radar Imaging of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Science, 314, 1276-1280.
- {Pravec}, P., {Scheirich}, P., {Ku{\v s}nir{\'a}k}, P., {{\v S}arounov{\'a}}, L., {Mottola}, S., {Hahn}, G., {Brown}, P., {Esquerdo}, G., {Kaiser}, N., {Krzeminski}, Z., {Pray}, D., {Warner}, B., {Harris}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Margot}, J., {Gal{\'a}d}, A., {Holliday}, W., , {Hicks}, M., et al. (2006). Photometric survey of binary near-Earth asteroids. \icarus, 181, 63-93.
- {Scheeres}, D., {Fahnestock}, E., {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Benner}, L., {Broschart}, S., {Bellerose}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., {Scheirich}, P., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {De Jong}, E., , S. (2006). Dynamical Configuration of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Science, 314, 1280-1283.
- {Shepard}, M., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Schlieder}, J., {Estes}, B., {Bus}, S., {Volquardsen}, E., {Rivkin}, A., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., , M. (2006). Radar and infrared observations of binary near-Earth Asteroid 2002 CE26. \icarus, 184, 198-210.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2006). 2004 DC. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 535.
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- {Campbell}, D., {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2005). Radar Observations of Comet Nuclei and Comae. Highlights of Astronomy, 13, 763.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2005). (99942) Apophis. Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 212.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2005). (99942) Apophis. \iaucirc, 8593.
- {Harmon}, J., , M. (2005). Radar observations of Comet 2P/Encke during the 2003 apparition. \icarus, 176, 175-183.
- {Howell}, E., {Rivkin}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Black}, G., {Bus}, S., {Hicks}, M., {Reach}, W., {Jarrett}, H., , R. (2005). Observations of 2002 NY 40: an ordinary chondrite?. Highlights of Astronomy, 13, 771-772.
- {Nicholson}, P., {French}, R., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Black}, G., , H. (2005). Radar imaging of Saturn's rings. \icarus, 177, 32-62.
- {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Black}, G., {Campbell}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Hine}, A., {Howell}, E., {Margot}, J., , S. (2005). Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids. Highlights of Astronomy, 13, 759.
- {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Howell}, E., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., , M. (2005). (1862) Apollo. \iaucirc, 8627.
- {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {Yeomans}, D., {Hine}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Scheeres}, D., {Broschart}, S., {Kaasalainen}, M., , J. (2005). Radar observations of Itokawa in 2004 and improved shape estimation. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 40, 1563-1574.
- {Pravec}, P., {Harris}, A., {Scheirich}, P., {Ku{\v s}nir{\'a}k}, P., {{\v S}arounov{\'a}}, L., {Hergenrother}, C., {Mottola}, S., {Hicks}, M., {Masi}, G., {Krugly}, Y., {Shevchenko}, V., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Kaasalainen}, M., {Gal{\'a}d}, A., {Brown}, P., {DeGraff}, D., {Lambert}, J., {Cooney}, W., , S. (2005). Tumbling asteroids. \icarus, 173, 108-131.
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- {Janches}, D., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2004). Radiant measurement accuracy of micrometeors detected by the Arecibo 430 MHz Dual-Beam Radar. Atmospheric Chemistry \& Physics, 4, 621-626.
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- {Nolan}, M., , S. (2004). Uses of Several Photographic Methods to Detect Changes of Glaciers in Arctic Alaska. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , A. (2004). 2003 YT\_1. \iaucirc, 8336.
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- {Ostro}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Jurgens}, R., , R. (2004). Asteroid Radar Shape Models, Asteroid 52760. NASA Planetary Data System, 16.
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- {Chesley}, S., {Ostro}, S., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {{\v C}apek}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Hine}, A., {Benner}, L., , A. (2003). Direct Detection of the Yarkovsky Effect by Radar Ranging to Asteroid 6489 Golevka. Science, 302, 1739-1742.
- {Janches}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Mathews}, J., , D. (2003). A Semi-Annual Study of the Micrometeor Influx in the Mesopause. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
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- {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., , C. (2003). 1990 OS. \iaucirc, 8237.
- {Pravec}, P., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Kusnirak}, P., {Pray}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Grauer}, A., , S. (2003). (65803) 1996 GT. \iaucirc, 8244.
- {Pravec}, P., {Kusnirak}, P., {Sarounova}, L., {Brown}, P., {Esquerdo}, G., {Pray}, D., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., , J. (2003). (66063) 1998 RO\_1. \iaucirc, 8216.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Black}, G., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., {Pravec}, P., {Ostro}, S., , R. (2002). Radar Images of Asteroid 38071 (1999 GU3). Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 37, A15.
- {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Hudson}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {Slade}, M., {Howell}, E., {Campbell}, D., , D. (2002). Radar observations of asteroid 1999 JM8. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 37, 779-792.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Chodas}, P., {Chesley}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Klemola}, A., {Standish}, E., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Chamberlin}, A., {Yeomans}, D., , J. (2002). Asteroid 1950 DA's Encounter with Earth in 2880: Physical Limits of Collision Probability Prediction. Science, 296, 132-136.
- {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Jurgens}, R., {Giorgini}, J., {Slade}, M., , D. (2002). Binary Asteroids in the Near-Earth Object Population. Science, 296, 1445-1448.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Beeney}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , J. (2002). 2002 BM\_26. \iaucirc, 7824.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., , D. (2002). 2002 KK\_8. \iaucirc, 7921.
- {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., , D. (2002). Radar Observations of Asteroid 25143 (1998 SF36). Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 37, A113.
- {Ostro}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., {Margot}, J., , M. (2002). Asteroid Radar Astronomy. Asteroids III, 151-168.
- Bhat, R., Ghosh, T., Heiles, C., Lewis, M., Lorimer, D. R., Nolan, M. C., O'neil, K., Perillat, P., Salter, C., & Stanimirovic, S. (2001).
Mueller Matrix Parameters for Radio Telescopes and Their Observational Determination
. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 113(788), 1274-1288. doi:10.1086/323289More infoModern digital cross-correlators permit the simultaneous measurement of all four Stokes parameters. However, the results must be calibrated to correct for the polarization transfer function of the receiving system. The transfer function for any device can be expressed by its Mueller matrix. We express the matrix elements in terms of fundamental system parameters that describe the voltage transfer functions (known as the Jones matrix) of the various system devices in physical terms and thus provide a means for comparing with engineering calculations and investigating the effects of design changes. We describe how to determine these parameters with astronomical observations. We illustrate the method by applying it to some of the receivers at the Arecibo Observatory. - {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , J. (2001). 1998 ST\_27. \iaucirc, 7730.
- {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Margot}, J., , M. (2001). 1999 KW4. \iaucirc, 7632.
- {Heiles}, C., {Perillat}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Lorimer}, D., {Bhat}, R., {Ghosh}, T., {Howell}, E., {Lewis}, M., {O'Neil}, K., {Salter}, C., , S. (2001). All-Stokes Parameterization of the Main Beam and First Sidelobe for the Arecibo Radio Telescope. \pasp, 113, 1247-1273.
- {Nolan}, M., {Asphaug}, E., {Greenberg}, R., , H. (2001). Impacts on Asteroids: Fragmentation, Regolith Transport, and Disruption. \icarus, 153, 1-15.
- {Ostro}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Jurgens}, R., , R. (2001). Radar observations of asteroid 1998 ML14. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 36, 1225-1236.
- {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Harris}, A., , J. (2001). NOTE: Radar Observations of Asteroid 288 Glauke. \icarus, 152, 201-204.
- {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Jurgens}, R., {Slade}, M., {Giorgini}, J., , D. (2000). Satellites of Minor Planets. \iaucirc, 7503.
- {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Jurgens}, R., {Giorgini}, J., , D. (2000). 2000 UG\_11. \iaucirc, 7518.
- {Ostro}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Campbell}, D., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., , D. (2000). Asteroid radar shape models, 216 Kleopatra. NASA Planetary Data System, EAR-A-5-DDR-RADARSHAPE-MODELS-V1.1:RSHAPES-216KLEOPATRA-200006, 11.
- {Ostro}, S., {Hudson}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Campbell}, D., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., , D. (2000). Radar Observations of Asteroid 216 Kleopatra. Science, 288, 836-839.
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- {Harmon}, J., {Campbell}, D., {Ostro}, S., , M. (1999). Radar observations of comets. \planss, 47, 1409-1422.
- Geissler, P., Greenberg, R., Bottke, W. F., Durda, D. D., Geissler, P. E., Moore, J. M., Nolan, M. C., & Petit, J. M. (1996).
. Icarus, 120(1), 140-157. doi:10.1006/icar.1996.0042More infoAbstract Galileo images of Asteroid 243 Ida and its satellite Dactyl show surfaces which are dominantly shaped by impact cratering. A number of observations suggest that ejecta from hypervelocity impacts on Ida can be distributed far and wide across the Ida system, following trajectories substantially affected by the low gravity, nonspherical shape, and rapid rotation of the asteroid. We explore the processes of reaccretion and escape of ejecta on Ida and Dactyl using three-dimensional numerical simulations which allow us to compare the theoretical effects of orbital dynamics with observations of surface morphology. The effects of rotation, launch location, and initial launch speed are first examined for the case of an ideal triaxial ellipsoid with Ida's approximate shape and density. Ejecta launched at low speeds ( V ⪡ V esc ) reimpact near the source craters, forming well-defined ejecta blankets which are asymmetric in morphology between leading and trailing rotational surfaces. The net effect of cratering at low ejecta launch velocities is to produce a thick regolith which is evenly distributed across the surface of the asteroid. In contrast, no clearly defined ejecta blankets are formed when ejecta is launched at higher initial velocities ( V ∼ V esc ). Most of the ejecta escapes, while that which is retained is preferentially derived from the rotational trailing surfaces. These particles spend a significant time in temporary orbit around the asteroid, in comparison to the asteroid's rotation period, and tend to be swept up onto rotational leading surfaces upon reimpact. The net effect of impact cratering with high ejecta launch velocities is to produce a thinner and less uniform soil cover, with concentrations on the asteroids' rotational leading surfaces. Using a realistic model for the shape of Ida (P. Thomas, J. Veverka, B. Carcich, M. J. S. Belton, R. Sullivan, and M. Davies 1996, Icarus 120, 000–000), we find that an extensive color/albedo unit which dominates the northern and western hemispheres of the asteroid can be explained as the result of reaccretion of impact ejecta from the large and evidently recent crater “Azzurra.” Initial ejection speeds required to match the color observations are on the order of a few meters per second, consistent with models (e.g., M. C. Nolan, E. Asphaug, H. J. Melosh, and R. Greenberg 1996, Icarus , submitted; E. Asphaug, J. Moore, D. Morrison, W. Benz, and R. Sullivan 1996, Icarus 120, 158–184) that multikilometer craters on Ida form in the gravity-dominated regime and are net producers of locally retained regolith. Azzurra ejecta launched in the direction of rotation at speeds near 10 m/sec are lofted over the asteroid and swept up onto the rotational leading surface on the opposite side. The landing locations of these particles closely match the distribution of large ejecta blocks observed in high resolution images of Ida (P. Lee, J. Veverka, P. Thomas, P. Helfstein, M. J. S. Belton, C. Chapman, R. Greeley, R. Pappalardo, R. Sullivan, and J. W. Head 1996, Icarus 120, 87–105). Ida's shape and rotation allow escape of ejecta launched at speeds far below the escape velocity of a nonrotating sphere of Ida's volume and presumed density. While little ejecta from Ida is captured by Dactyl, about half of the mass ejected from Dactyl at speeds of up to 20 m/sec eventually falls on Ida. Particles launched at speeds just barely exceeding Dactyl's escape velocity can enter relatively long-term orbit around Ida, but few are ultimately reaccreted by the satellite. Because of its low gravity, erosion of Dactyl would take place on exceedingly short time scales if unconsolidated materials compose the satellite and crater formation is in the gravity regime. If Dactyl is a solid rock, then its shape has evolved from a presumably irregular initial fragment to its present remarkably rounded figure by collision with a population of impactors too small to be detected by counting visible craters. As the smallest solar system object yet imaged by a spacecraft, the morphology of Dactyl is an important clue to the asteroid population at the smallest sizes. - Nolan, M. C., Asphaug, E. I., {Melosh}, H., & Greenberg, R. J. (1996). Impact Craters on Asteroids: Does Gravity or Strength Control Their Size?. Icarus, 124, 359-371.
- {Asphaug}, E., {Moore}, J., {Morrison}, D., {Benz}, W., {Nolan}, M., , R. (1996). Mechanical and Geological Effects of Impact Cratering on Ida. \icarus, 120, 158-184.
- {Bottke}, W., {Nolan}, M., {Melosh}, H., {Vickery}, A., , R. (1996). Origin of the Spacewatch Small Earth-Approaching Asteroids. \icarus, 122, 406-427.
- {Geissler}, P., {Petit}, J., {Durda}, D., {Greenberg}, R., {Bottke}, W., {Nolan}, M., , J. (1996). Erosion and Ejecta Reaccretion on 243 Ida and Its Moon. \icarus, 120, 140-157.
- {Greenberg}, R., {Bottke}, W., {Nolan}, M., {Geissler}, P., {Petit}, J., {Durda}, D., {Asphaug}, E., , J. (1996). Collisional and Dynamical History of Ida. \icarus, 120, 106-118.
- {Nolan}, M. (1996). Orbital Evolution of Very-Near-Earth Asteroids. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 31.
- Akimov, L. A., Angeli, C. A., Angelini, P., Barucci, M. A., Birch, P. V., Blanco, C., Buie, M. W., Caruso, A., Chiornij, V. G., Colas, F., Dentchev, P., Dorokhov, N. I., Dotto, E., Ezhkova, O. B., Fulchignoni, M., Green, S. F., Harris, A. W., Howell, E. S., Hudecek, T., , Kalashnikov, A. V., et al. (1995).
The lightcurve of 4179 Toutatis: Evidence for complex rotation.
. Icarus, 117(1), 71-89. doi:10.1006/icar.1995.1143More infoThe Apollo asteroid 4179 Toutatis passed within 0.0242 AU of Earth in December 1992, and photometry was obtained by observers from at least 25 sites around the world, at solar phase angles between 121° and 0.2°. The phase curve is well described in the H, G system with a mean H of 15.3 and a slope parameter G of 0.10 ± 0.10. However, the rotational lightcurve is very unusual. The amplitude is large (1.2 magnitudes) and the rotation period is extremely long (several days). Most remarkably, the lightcurve does not appear to be periodic: it is unlikely that a single rotation period can account for the lightcurve even when the rapidly changing viewing and illumination geometry during the close Earth approach is taken into account, though strong lightcurve minima recurred approximately every 7.3 days. The likely explanation is that Toutatis has complex, tumbling, rotation with a characteristic period between 3 and 7 days. As noted by A. W. Harris (1994 Icarus 107, 209-211), the damping time scale from complex to simple rotation for a small, slowly rotating asteroid like Toutatis is so long that complex rotation is expected, but Toutatis is the first asteroid to show such strong observational evidence for complex rotation. - {Rivkin}, A., {Howell}, E., {Britt}, D., {Lebofsky}, L., {Nolan}, M., , D. (1995). 3-{$\mu$}m Spectrophotometric Survey of M- and E-Class Asteroids. \icarus, 117, 90-100.
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- {Lunine}, J., & Nolan, M. C. (1992). A massive early atmosphere on Triton. Icarus, 100, 221-234.
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Proceedings Publications
- Barnouin, O., Mayorga, L., Seabrook, J., Daly, M., Daly, R., Nolan, M. C., Polit, A., Wolner, C., & Della-Giustina, D. N. (2024, apr). Preparing for OSIRIS-APEX Laser Altimeter Observations at Apophis. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Binzel, R., Michel, P., Kueppers, M., Barbee, B., Barnouin, O., Dotson, J., Leon, J., Murdoch, N., Nolan, M. C., Raymond, C., Sugita, S., & Thomas, C. (2024, apr). The Science Case for Apophis 2029 at T-5 Years to Encounter. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Golish, D., Bos, B., Daly, M., Hamilton, V., Moreau, M., Nolan, M. C., Polit, A., Rizk, B., Simon, A., & Della-Giustina, D. N. (2024, apr). Anticipated Data Products from the OSIRIS-APEX Mission at Asteroid Apophis. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Nolan, M. C., Della-Giustina, D. N., Golish, D., Moreau, M., Polit, A., Simon, A., & Team, A. (2024, apr). The OSIRIS–APEX Mission to Apophis. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Perez-Cortes, S., Bramson, A., Rivera-Valentin, E., Nypaver, C., Melikyan, R., Patterson, G., Virkki, A., Taylor, P., Nolan, M. C., & Slade, M. (2024, mar). Lunar Mass Wasting Events Using Mini-RF Radar m-chi Decomposition. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Polit, A., Golish, D., Moreau, M., Nolan, M. C., Simon, A., Della-Giustina, D. N., & Team, A. (2024, apr). OSIRIS-APEX Proximity Operations at Apophis. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Rivera-Valentin, E., Aponte, H. B., Taylor, P., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Waller, D., Zambrano-Marin, L., Virkki, A., Ballouz, R., & Stickle, A. (2024, oct). On the Radar Detectability of Near-Earth Asteroid Surface Refreshing Processes. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 56.
- Zambrano-Marin, L., Marshall, S., Brisset, J., Venditti, F., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Christian, R., & Morales, G. (2024, apr). A Collaborative Platform for Asking about Apophis: Addressing Public Interest and Global Reach. In Apophis T-5 Workshop, 3006.
- Ballouz, R. -., Barnouin, O., Daly, R., Ernst, C., Sugita, S., Walsh, K., Pajola, M., Lucchetti, A., Raducan, S., Jutzi, M., Schwartz, S., Cambioni, S., Asphaug, E., Nolan, M., & Kohout, T. (2023, mar). Disrupted Boulders on the Surfaces of Near-Earth Asteroids Bennu, Ryugu, and Dimorphos. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Barnouin}, O., Ballouz, R., Marchi, S., Vincent, J. -., Pajola, M., Luchetti, A., Daly, R., Ernst, C., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Kahout, T., Robin, C., Murdoch, N., Sunshine, J., Farnham, T., Tusberti, F., Rizos, J., Zhang, Y., Ferrari, F., , Agrusa, H., et al. (2023, mar). The Geology of the Didymos System. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Bramson, A. M., Patterson, G. W., Morgan, G. A., Jozwiak, L. M., Nypaver, C. A., Neish, C. D., Nolan, M. C., O'Shea, C., Virkki, A. K., Taylor, P. A., & Slade, M. A. (2023, oct). Bistatic radar analysis of buried basaltic maria on the Moon. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- Brozovic, M., Benner, L., Nolan, M., Pravec, P., Magri, C., & Howell, E. (2023, oct). Spin and shape of near-Earth asteroid (53319) 1999 JM8 from radar and lightcurve observations in 1999. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- Daly, R., Ernst, C., Barnouin, O., Agrusa, H., Ballouz, R. -., Farnham, T., Gaskell, R., Hirabayashi, M., Jacobsen, S., McMahon, J., Meyer, A., Michel, P., Nair, H., Nolan, M., Pravec, P., Raducan, S., Sanchez, D., Scheeres, D., Zhang, Y., & Zinzi, Z. (2023, mar). The Shape Of Dimorphos with Relevance To Binary Asteroid Formation. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Fassett, C., Rivera-Valentin, E., Patterson, G., Cahill, J., Morgan, G., Neish, C., Virkki, A., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Slade, M., & Bhiravarasu, S. (2023, mar). Mini-RF S-Band Radar Observations of the Moon as a Function of Local Incidence Angle. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Medina, V., Marshall, S., Devogele, M., Brozovic, M., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Ferrais, M., & Jehin, E. (2023, oct). Shape Modeling of 1036 Ganymed from Radar and Lightcurve Data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- Patterson}, G., Bhiravarasu, S., Fassett, C., Thomson, B., Cahill, J., Chakraborty, T., Putrevu, D., Morgan, G., Stickle, A., Rivera-Valentin, E., Nypaver, C., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Slade, M., Team, M., & Team, {. (2023, mar). Availability of LRO Mini-RF and Chandrayaan-2 DFSAR Data for Artemis Landing Zone Characterization. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Patterson}, G., Bhiravarasu, S., Morgan, G., Fassett, C., Thomson, B., Cahill, J., Chakraborty, T., Putrevu, D., Stickle, A., Rivera-Valentin, E., Nypaver, C., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Slade, M., Team, M., & Team, {. (2023, apr). Availability of LRO Mini-RF and Chandrayaan-2 DFSAR Data for Artemis Landing Zone Characterization. In LPI Contributions, 2989.
- Perez, C. S., Bramson, A., Nypaver, C., Melikyan, R., Patterson, W., Virkki, A., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., & Slade, M. (2023, oct). Characterization and analysis of lunar landslides using Mini-RF radar data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- P{\'erez-Cort\'es}, S., Bramson, A., Nypaver, C., Patterson, G., Virkki, A., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., & Slade, M. (2023, mar). Comparison of Lunar Rockfalls Events in Different Geologic Settings Using Mini-RF Data. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Richards, L., Nolan, M., Osinski, G., Frost, E., Dickinson, C., Gremm, A., & Kaplan, H. (2023, mar). Albedo-Based Textural Analysis for Mapping Water-Rich Lithologies on Asteroid Bennu. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Aponte, H. B., Taylor, P., Devog{\`ele}, M., Zambrano-Marin, L., Howell, E., Nolan, M. C., & Virkki, A. (2023, oct). Kernel Density Estimation of the Distribution of Asteroid Radar Polarization Ratios as a Function of Taxonomy. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Bhiravarasu, S., Virkki, A., Nolan, M., Himani, T., Patterson, G., Meyer, H., & Chabot, N. (2023, mar). Polarimetric Radar Analysis of Potentially Ice-Hosting PSRs from Mercury to the Moon. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Meyer, H., Bhiravarasu, S., Neish, C., Nolan, M., & Virkki, A. (2023, mar). Arecibo S- and P-Band Radar Characterization of Putative Ancient Impact Melts Within Mare Crisium. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Roshi, A., Apnote, N., Araya, E., Arce, H., Baker, L., Baan, W., Becker, T., Breakall, J., Brown, R. G., Brum, C., Busch, M., Campbell, D., Cohen, T., Cordova, F., Deneva, J., Devogele, M., Dolch, T., Fernandez-Rodriquez, F. .., Ghosh, T., , Goldsmith, P., et al. (2023, jul). The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope (NGAT). In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 55.
- DellaGiustina, D., Golish, D., Guzewich, S., Moreau, M., Nolan, M., Polit, A., & Simon, A. (2022, may). OSIRIS-APEX: A Proposed OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission to Apophis. In Apophis T-7 Years: Knowledge Opportunities for the Science of Planetary Defense, 2681.
- Englander, J., Getzandanner, K. M., Hatten, N., Hughes, K. M., Lauretta, D., Moreau, M. C., Mudek, A. J., Nolan, M., Polit, A., Sutter, B., Wibben, D., & Williams, K. (2022).
OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission Trajectory Design & Target Search
. In AIAA SciTech Forum. - Isham, B., Kooi, J., Kassim, N., Helmboldt, J., Chau, J., Vierinen, J., Milla, M., Nolan, M., Blanc, M., & Kofman, W. (2022, oct). An Advanced Low-band VHF Radar and Radio Observatory for Atmospheric, Space, Planetary, Solar, and Astronomical Research. In The Third Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS, 54.
- Isham, B., Kooi, J., Kassim, N., Helmboldt, J., Vierinen, J., Milla, M., Nolan, M. C., Blanc, M., & Kofman, W. (2022, jul). An Advanced Low-band VHF Radar for Solar, Deep Space, and Geospace Research. In 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 44.
- Mayorga, L., Robinson, T., Golish, D., Guzewich, S., Nolan, M., Polit, A., Simon, A., & DellaGuistina, D. (2022, nov). Earth as an Exoplanet Analog with OSIRIS-APEX. In Exoplanets in Our Backyard 2, 2687.
- Nolan, M., Golish, D., Moreau, M., Polit, A., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Simon, A., & DellaGiustina, D. (2022, may). OSIRIS-APEX Coordination with Observers and Missions. In Apophis T-7 Years: Knowledge Opportunities for the Science of Planetary Defense, 2681.
- Stickle}, A., Patterson, G., Slade, M., Nolan, M., Taylor, P., Morgan, G., Tolometti, G., & Team, {. (2022, mar). Mini-RF Observations of Radar Scattering Behavior of Young Lunar Craters and Implications for Relative Crater Age Dating. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Virkki, A. K., Marshall, S., Venditti, F., Marin, L. F., Hickson, D., Taylor, P., Rivera-Valentin, E., McGilvray, A., Devogele, M., Diaz, E. F., Bhiravarasu, S., Hernandez, B., Sanchez-Vahamonde,, C. R., Nolan, M. C., L{\'opez-Oquendo}, A., Presler-Marshall, B., McGlasson, R., Repp, D., Howell, E. S., & Margot, J. (2022, dec). Arecibo Planetary Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids: December 2017 - December 2019. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 54.
- Ballouz, R. -., Walsh, K., Michel, P., Zhang, Y., S{\'anchez}, P., Scheeres, D., Nolan, M., Schwartz, S., Richardson, D., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Connolly, H., & Lauretta, D. (2021, mar). Landing on an Asteroid: Simulations of the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Touching Down on (101955) Bennu. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Nair, H., Espiritu, R., Jawin, E., Walsh, K., Bierhaus, E., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2021, mar). Topography of Nightingale, the OSIRIS-REx Sample Site on Bennu. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Binzel, R., Barbee, B. W., Barnouin, O. S., Bell, J. F., Birlan, M., Boley, A., Bottke, W., Brozovic, M., Cahill, J. T., Campins, H., Cheng, A., Chodas, P. W., Daly, T., Danchi, W. C., DeMartini, J. V., DeMeo, F., Durda, D., Freeman, A., Hirabayashi, M., , Kim, Y., et al. (2021, may). Apophis 2029: Decadal Opportunity for the Science of Planetary Defense. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Roberts, J., Ernst, C., Perry, M., Nair, H., Espiritu, R., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Weirich, J., Susorney, H., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., Jawin, E., Michel, P., , Trang, D., et al. (2021, mar). Mound Craters on Rubble-Pile Bennu Indicate Strength at Depth. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Dellagiustina}, D., Nolan, M., Polit, A., Golish, D., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2021, oct). An OSIRIS-REx Extended Mission to Apophis. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 53.
- Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Walsh, K., Connolly, H., Ballouz, R. -., Ryan, A., Pajola, M., Barnouin, O., Kaplan, H., Hamilton, V., Emery, J., DellaGiustina, D., Scheeres, D., Daly, M., Bennett, C., Golish, D., Perry, M., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., , Nolan, M., et al. (2021, mar). Last Epoch of Resurfacing on Asteroid (101955) Bennu Revealed by Global Geologic Map. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Mainzer, A., Abell, P., Bannister, M. T., Barbee, B., Barnes, J., Bell, I., Benner, L., Betts, B., Bose, M., Bottke, W., Britt, D., Brozovi{\'c}, M., Bruckner, M., Busch, M. W., Carey, S., Castillo-Rogez, J. .., Chesley, J., Christensen, E., Chodas, P., , Cotto-Figueroa, D. .., et al. (2021, may). The Future of Planetary Defense in the Era of Advanced Surveys. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Nolan, M., Michel, P., Venditti, F. C., Samarasinha, N., Sugita, S., Perry, M. E., Daly, R. T., Binzel, R. P., Rodriguez, S. C., Devogele, M., Asphaug, E., Hickson, D. C., Masiero, J., Busch, M. W., Swindle, T. D., Brozovic, M., Becker, T. M., Marshall, S. E., Virkki, A. K., , Liao, Y., et al. (2021, may). Near-Earth Objects. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Nolan}, M., & Team, {. R. (2021, mar). The Heterogeneous Population of Near-Earth Asteroids Revealed by the Arecibo Planetary Radar. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Pajola, M., Delbo, M., Brucato, J. R., Barnouin, O., Michel, P., Schwartz, S., Lauretta, D., Nolan, M., & Walsh, K. (2021, jan). Clasts on (101955) Bennu's boulders: Implications for their possible origin. In 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 43.
- Patterson}, G., Cahill, J., Carter, L., Morgan, G., Neish, C., Nolan, M., Schroeder, D., Slade, M., Stickle, A., Thomson, B., & Team, {. (2021, mar). Mini-RF X-Band Bistatic Observations of the Moon. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Rivera-Valent\'\in}, E., Taylor, P. A., Rodriguez, S. C., Hickson, D., Neish, C., Brozovi{\'c}, M., Whitten, J., Meyer, H., Busch, M., Campbell, B. A., Campbell, D. B., Margot, J., Virkki, A., Venditti, F., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., Womack, M., & Pinilla-Alonso, N. (2021, may). The importance of ground-based radar observations for planetary exploration. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Meyer, H., Taylor, P., Bhiravarasu, S., Nolan, M., Chabot, N., & Virkki, A. (2021, mar). Arecibo S-Band Radar Characterization of the Mercurian North Polar Deposits. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Virkki, A., Taylor, P. A., Busch, M. W., Howell, E. S., Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E. G., Fernandez, Y., Benner, L. A., Brozovic, M., Becker, T. M., Marshall, S. E., Hickson, D. C., Masiero, J., Springmann, A., Paganelli, F., Venditti, F. C., Zambrano, M., Lopez, O. A., Womack, M., Brucker, M. J., , Campbell, B. A., et al. (2021, may). Near-Earth Object Characterization Using Ground-Based Radar Systems. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Ballouz, R., Walsh, K., Bottke, W., DellaGiustina, D., Al, A. M., Michel, P., Avdellidou, C., Delbo, M., Jawin, E., Asphaug, E., Olivier, B., Carina, B., Bierhaus, E., Connolly Jr., ., Daly, M., Daly, R., Golish, D., Molaro, J., Pajola, M., , Rizk, B., et al. (2020, oct). Craters on (101955) Bennu's boulders. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Daly, R., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Nair, H., Espiritu, R., Nguyen, L., Jawin, E., Walsh, K., Neumann, G., Johnson, C., AlAsad, M., Bierhaus, E., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). Topographic Evidence for Surface Processes Occurring at the OSIRIS-REX Nightingale Sample Site. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Daly, M., Barnouin, O., Seabrook, J., Dickinson, C., Haltigin, T., Perry, M., Philpott, L., Al, A. M., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Bierhaus, E., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Jawin, E., DellaGiustina, D., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., Boynton, W., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). New Views on Bennu from the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Roberts, J., Ernst, C., Perry, M., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Weirich, J., Susorney, H., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., Jawin, E., Michel, P., Trang, D., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). The Topographic Character of the Largest Candidate Impact Craters on Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Enos, H., Polit, A., Lauretta, D., Antreasian, P., Bennett, C., Berry, K., Bierhaus, E., Burns, R., Connolly, H., Clark, B., Crombie, M., DellaGiustina, D., Freund, S., Lorenz, D., Houghton, M., Moreau, M., Mink, R., Nolan, M., & Walsh, K. (2020, mar). OSIRIS-REx's Search for a Sample Site: Selecting the Prime (Nightingale) and Backup (Osprey) Sites on Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Howell, E., Nolan, M., Lejoly, C., Springmann, A., Taylor, P., Rivera-Valentin, E., Virkki, A., Magri, C., Zambrano-Marin, L., & Aponte Hernandez, B. (2020, oct). Near-Earth Asteroid CW Radar Observations at Arecibo Observatory 1998-2016. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Jawin, E., Walsh, K., McCoy, T., Connolly, H., Ryan, A., Ballouz, R. -., DellaGiustina, D., Bennett, C., Barnouin, O., Emery, J., Hamilton, V., Bierhaus, E., Daly, M., Delbo, M., Molaro, J., Nolan, M., Marshall, J., Beddingfield, C., Pajola, M., , Perry, M., et al. (2020, mar). The Geology of (101955) Bennu from the First Year of OSIRIS-REx Observations: Diverse Boulders and Recent Mass Movement. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Jawin, E., Walsh, K., McCoy, T., Connolly, H., Ryan, A., Ballouz, R., DellaGiustina, D., Bennett, C., Barnouin, O., Emery, J., Hamilton, V., Bierhaus, E., Daly, M., Delbo, M., Molaro, J., Nolan, M., Marshall, J., Beddingfield, C., Pajola, M., , Perry, M., et al. (2020, oct). Diverse Boulders and Recent Mass Movement: Two Years of OSIRIS-REx Observations of the Geology of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Melikyan, R., Clark, B., Hergenrother, C., Chesley, S., Nolan, M., Ye, Q., & Lauretta, D. (2020, sep). A Natural Sample Delivery Mechanism: Estimating the Flux of Bennuid Meteors. In European Planetary Science Congress.
- Melikyan, R., Hergenrother, C., Chesley, S., Ye, Q., Clark, B., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2020, oct). Estimating Annual Meteor Flux from Active Asteroid Bennu. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Pajola, M., Rizk, B., Jawin, E., Walsh, K., DellaGiustina, D., Campins, H., Molaro, J., Delbo, M., McCoy, T., Schwartz, S., Ballouz, R. -., Poggiali, G., Brucato, J., Dotto, E., Bierhaus, E., Burke, K., Bennett, C., Daly, M., Elder, C., , Michel, P., et al. (2020, mar). Surface Density and Size Distribution of Clasts on (101955) Bennu's Boulders: Exposed Clasts or Fallback Material?. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Bhiravarasu, S., Meyer, H., Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, C., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Chabot, N., & Virkki, A. (2020, oct). High-Resolution Radar Images of Mercury from the 2019 and 2020 Inferior Conjunctions. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Rivera-Valent{\'\in}, E., Bhiravarasu, S., Meyer, H., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Chabot, N., & Virkki, A. (2020, mar). High-Resolution Radar Images of Mercury from the 2019 Inferior Conjunction. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Roberts, J., Barnouin, O., Neumann, G., Nolan, M., Perry, M., Daly, R., Johnson, C., Al, A. M., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Walsh, K., Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., Watanabe, S., Hirata, N., Hirata, N., , Sugita, S., et al. (2020, mar). Rotational State and Shapes of Ryugu and Bennu: Implications for Interior Structure and Strength. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, C., Neish, C., Rivera-Valentin, E. .., Taylor, P., & Nolan, M. (2020, oct). Constraints on the Surface Roughness Properties of Martian Lava Flows from Planetary Radar Observations and HiRISE Imagery. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Rozitis, B., Ryan, A., Emery, J., Christensen, P., Hamilton, V., Simon, A., Reuter, D., Al Asad, M., Ballouz, R., Bandfield, J., Barnouin, O., Bennett, C., Bernacki, M., Burke, K., Cambioni, S., Clark, B., Daly, M., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D., , Elder, C., et al. (2020, oct). Thermophysical properties of Bennu and the OSIRIS-REx sample sites. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., French, A., Davis, A., Brack, D., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Park, R., Leonard, J., Antreasian, P., Getzandanner, K., Liounis, A., Highsmith, D., Rowlands, D., Mazarico, E., Moreau, M., Tricarico, P., Barnouin, O., , Daly, M., et al. (2020, mar). Higher-Order Gravity and Global Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Susorney, H., Johnson, C., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Al, A. M., Bierhaus, E., Walsh, K., Jawin, E., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., DellaGiustina, D., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). The Surface Roughness of (101955) Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Walsh, K., Ballouz, R. -., Bottke, W., Avdellidou, C., Connolly, H., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D., Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Michel, P., Morota, T., Nolan, M., Schwartz, S., Sugita, S., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). Likelihood for Rubble-Pile Near-Earth Asteroids to be 1st or Nth Generation: Focus on Bennu and Ryugu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Walsh, K., Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Connolly Jr., ., Ballouz, R., Lauretta, D., Barnouin, O., Beddingfield, C., Bennet, C., Bierhaus, E., Burke, K., Clark, B., Daly, M., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D., Hamilton, V., Howell, E., Marshall, J., Michel, P., , Molaro, J., et al. (2020, oct). Geology of Bennu's Equatorial Region. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 52.
- Zou, X. -., Li, J. -., Clark, B., Golish, D., Hamilton, V., Simon, A., Reuter, D., Howel, E., Ferrone, S., Emery, J., DellaGiustina, D., Hergenrother, C., Barucci, M., Fornasier, S., Hasselmann, P., Bennett, C., Nolan, M., Barnouin, O., & Lauretta, D. (2020, mar). Global Photometry of Asteroid (101955) Bennu with OVIRS. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Antreasian, P., Asad, M. A., Barnouin, O. S., Brack, D. N., Brozovic, M., Chesley, S., Daly, M., Davis, A. B., Farnocchia, D., French, A. S., Getzandanner, K., Goossens, S., Hergenrother, C., Highsmith, D. E., Jacobson, R. A., Johnson, C. L., Lauretta, D. S., Leonard, J. M., Liounis, A., , Mazarico, E., et al. (2019).
Implications of the gravity and geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu for NEA exploration
. In International Astronautical Congress. - Barnouin}, O., Palmer, E., Gaskell, B., Weirich, J., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Johnson, C., Al Asad, M., Susorney, H., Perry, M., Daly, R., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W., Dellagiustina, D., Ernst, C., Espiritu, R., Nair, H., Mazarico, E., Nguyen, L., , Neumann, G., et al. (2019, Mar). Investigating the Shape of Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Bottke, W., Vokrouhlicky, D., Ballouz, R., Barnouin, O., Connolly, H., Elder, K., Lauretta, D., McCoy, T., Michel, P., Nolan, M., Rizk, B., Scheeres, D., Schwartz, S., & Walsh, K. (2019, Sep). Interpreting the Cratering History of Bennu, Ryugu, and Other Spacecraft-Explored Asteroids. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Chesley, S. R., Adam, C., Antreasian, P., Bos, B. J., Boynton, W. V., Brozovi{\'c}, M., Carcich, B. T., Davis, A. B., Emery, J. P., Farnocchia, D., French, A. S., Hergenrother, C., Jacobson, R. A., Lauretta, D. S., Leonard, J., Lessac-Chenen, E., Liounis, A. J., McMahon, J., Moreau, M. C., , Nolan, M. C., et al. (2019, Jun). Trajectory estimation for Bennu's particles. In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, 51.
- Daly, M., Barnouin, O., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Seabrook, J., Al, A. M., Roberts, J., Perry, M., Johnson, C., Walsh, K., Weirich, J., Rizk, B., D'Aubigny, C., Susorney, H., Philpott, L., Neumann, G., Bierhaus, E., Nolan, M., Scheeres, D., & Lauretta, D. (2019, Sep). New insights from (101955) Bennu's global digital terrain model. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Daly}, M., Barnouin, O., Seabrook, J., Johnson, C., Al Asad, M., Nolan, M., Boynton, W., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter at \>7km from Asteroid 101955 Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Emery}, J., Rozitis, B., Christensen, P., Hamilton, V., Simon, A., Reuter, D., Delbo, M., Lim, L., Thomas, C., Clark, B., Ryan, A., Elder, C., Siegler, M., Howell, E., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Observations. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Enos, H., Lauretta, D. S., Antreasian, P., Bartels, A. E., Bartels, A., Bierhaus, B., Burns, R., Connolly, H. C., Clark, B. E., Clark, B. E., Freund, S., Moreau, M., Mink, R., Messenger, S., Nolan, M. C., Nolan, M. C., Polit, A., Walsh, K. J., Antreasian, P. G., , Enos, H. L., et al. (2019).
Title: OSIRIS-REx at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Selecting the Prime and Backup Sample Sites, Invited Paper 492627
. In AGU Winter Meeting. - Espiritu}, R., Nair, A., Nguyen, L., Barnouin, O., Palmer, E., Gaskell, B., Weirich, J., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Perry, M., Johnson, C., Al Asad, M., Susorney, H., Roberts, J., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Jun). Utilizing the Open Sun Grid Engine in the OSIRIS-REx Altimetry Pipeline. In 4th Planetary Data Workshop, 2151.
- Jawin}, E., Walsh, K., Barnouin, O., McCoy, T., Ballouz, R. -., Molaro, J., Delbo, M., Pajola, M., Lauretta, D., Nolan, M., Burke, K., Bennett, C., Dellagiustina, D., Connolly, H., Daly, M., Scheeres, D., Susorney, H., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). The Geology of Bennu's Biggest Boulders. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Jawin}, E., Walsh, K., McCoy, T., Connolly, H., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Burke, K., Bennett, C., Dellagiustina, D., Clark, B., Nolan, M., Enos, H., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Jun). Geologic Feature Mapping on Asteroid (101955) Bennu to Inform Sample Site Selection on the OSIRIS-REx Mission. In 2019 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, 2154.
- Lauretta, D., Al, A. M., Ballouz, R., Barnouin, O., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W., Breitenfeld, L., Calaway, M., Chojnacki, M., Christensen, P., Clark, B., Connolly, H., d'Aubigny, C., Daly, M., Daly, R., Delbo, M., DellaGiustina, D., Dworkin, J., Emery, J., , Enos, H., et al. (2019, Mar). OSIRIS-REx Arrives at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Exploration of a Hydrated Primitive Near-Earth Asteroid. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Leonard, J., Adam, C., Pelgrift, J., Lessac-Chenen, E., Nelson, D., Antreasian, P., Liounis, A., Moreau, M., Hergenrother, C., Chesley, S., Scheeres, D., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2019, Sep). Initial Orbit Determination and Event Reconstruction from Estimation of Particle Trajectories about Bennu. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- McCoy}, T., Connolly, H., Corrigan, C., Jawin, E., Sandford, S., Molaro, J., Dellagiustina, D., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Jul). Brecciated Boulders: Evidence for Impact Mixing on Bennu's Parent Body. In 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 82.
- McCoy}, T., Connolly, H., Corrigan, C., Jawin, E., Sandford, S., Molaro, J., Lauretta, D., Dellagiustina, D., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Scales of Brecciation in Hydrated Carbonaceous Chondrites: Thin Sections to Asteroidal Boulders. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- McMahon}, J., French, A., Scheeres, D., Brack, D., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Leonard, J., Geeraert, J., Page, B., Antreasian, P., Getzandanner, K., Rowlands, D., Mazarico, E., Small, J., Moreau, M., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Mass and Gravity Field Estimation of (101955) Bennu from Osiris-Rex Observations. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Nolan}, M., Al, A. M., Barnouin, O., Benner, L., Daly, M., Drouet, D. C., Gaskell, R., Giorgini, J., Hergenrother, C., Howell, E., Magri, C., Margot, J., Palmer, E., Pajola, M., Perry, M., Rizk, B., Weirich, J., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Comparing the RADAR Shape Model of (101955) Bennu with Ground Truth from OSIRIS-REx. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Pajola, M., Burke, K., DellaGiustina, D., Lauretta, D., Rizk, B., Bennett, C., Walsh, K., Jawin, E., Delbo, M., Molaro, J., Schwartz, S., Ballouz, R., Brucato, J., Dotto, E., Bierhaus, E., Campins, H., Daly, M., Elder, C., Michel, P., , Barnouin, O., et al. (2019, Mar). Global and Select Regional Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders on Asteroid (101955) Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Barnouin, O., Gaskell, R., Antreasian, P., Adam, C., Leonard, J., Al, A. M., Daly, M., Perry, M., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2019, Mar). Stereophotoclinometry Models in Support of the OSIRIS-REx Mission. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Patterson, W., Carter, L., Stickle, A., Cahill, J., Nolan, M., Morgan, G., & Schroeder, D. (2019, Sep). Mini-RF S- and X-band Bistatic Observations of the Moon. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Perry, M., Barnouin, O., Jawin, E., Walsh, K., Pajola, M., Daly, M., Johnson, C., Al, A. M., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2019, Sep). Surface lineaments on Bennu. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Perry}, M., Barnouin, O., Jawin, E., Walsh, K., Pajola, M., Daly, M., Johnson, C., Al, A. M., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Topographic Lineaments on Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Rizk}, B., Dellagiustina, D., Golish, D., Bennett, C., Drouet, D. C., Becker, K., Smith, P., Le Corre, L., Burke, K., Hergenrother, C., Ballouz, R., Clark, B., Nolan, M., Enos, H., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Results from Early Resolved Images of Asteroid Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Roberts}, J., Barnouin, O., Johnson, C., Daly, M., Perry, M., Daly, R., Al, A. M., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., Michel, P., Bottke, W., Walsh, K., Nolan, M., Scheeres, D., McMahon, J., Neumann, G., Lauretta, D., & Team, {. (2019, Mar). Deviation of the Shape of Bennu from Rotational Figures of Stability. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Scheeres}, D., McMahon, J., French, A., Brack, D., Leonard, J., Geeraert, J., Page, B., Antreasian, P., Getzandanner, K., Rowlands, D., Marzarico, E., Small, J., Moreau, M., Chesley, S., Farnocchia, D., Takahashi, Y., Hirabayashi, M., Sanchez, P., Barnouin, O., , Wal, S., et al. (2019, Mar). The Gravity and Global Geophysical Environment of (101955) Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Susorney, H., Johnson, C., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Al, A. M., Walsh, K., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Weirich, J., DellaGiustina, D., Rizk, B., Nolan, M., Lauretta, D., Jawin, E., & Rozitis, B. (2019, Mar). The Global Surface Roughness of 101955 Bennu: First Results from the OSIRIS-REx Mission. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Walsh}, K., Jawin, E., McCoy, T., Connolly, H., Lauretta, D., Ballouz, R., Barnouin, O., Beddingfield, C., Bennet, C., Bierhaus, E., Burke, K., Clark, B., Daly, M., Delbo, M., Dellaguistina, D., Dworkin, J., Hartzell, C., Marshall, J., Michel, P., , Molaro, J., et al. (2019, Mar). Bennus' Global Geology. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Zegmott, T., Lowry, S., Rozek, A., Nolan, M., Rozitis, B., Green, S., Snodgrass, C., Fitzsimmons, A., & Weissman, P. (2019, Sep). Physical Characterisation of Near-Earth Asteroid (68346) 2001 KZ66 from Optical and Radar Observations. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Zou, X., Li, J., Clark, B., Kaplan, H., Hamilton, V., Simon, A., Reuter, D., Ferrone, S., Emery, J., Howell, E., Golish, D., DellaGiustina, D., Hergenrother, C., Le, C. L., Barucci, M. A., Fornasier, S., Bennett, C., Nolan, M., & Lauretta, D. (2019, Sep). Phase Reddening and Bolometric Bond Albedo Variations in Global Photometry of (101955) Bennu with OVIRS. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Palmer, E., Johnson, C., Perry, M., Gaskell, R., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W., Craft, K., Ernst, C., Espiritu, R., Nair, H., Mazarico, E., Nguyen, L., Neumann, G., Philpott, L., Roberts, J., Seabrook, J., Susorney, H., , Nolan, M., et al. (2018, mar). Altimetry Efforts at Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Bhiravarasu, S., Taylor, P., Rivera-Valent{\'{\i}n}, E., Virkki, A., Patterson, G., Cahill, J., & Nolan, M. (2018, mar). Bistatic Radar Observations of a Sample of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Golish, D., DellaGiustina, D., Bennett, C., Le Corre, L., Becker, K., Smith, P., d'Aubigny, C., Burke, K., Hergenrother, C., Chojnacki, M., Sutton, S., Carcich, B., Rizk, B., Milazzo, M., Nolan, M., Enos, H., & Lauretta, D. (2018, mar). OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS) Observations of the Earth and Its Moon During Earth Gravity Assist. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Howell, E. S., Belton, M., Samarasinha, N., Mueller, B., Harris, W. M., Nolan, M. C., Taylor, P., Rivera-Valentin, E., & Zambrano-Marin, L. .. (2018, oct). Arguments for NPA rotation of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kres\'ak. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#50, 50.
- Lauretta}, D., Balram-Knutson, S., Bennett, C., Bos, B., Drouet, D. C., Christensen, P., Church, E., Dellagiustina, D., Enos, H., Golish, D., Hamilton, V., Hergenrother, C., Howell, E., Kidd, J., Nolan, M., Reuter, D., Rizk, B., Simon, A., & Team, {. (2018, mar). OSIRIS-REx Encounters Earth: Signatures of a Habitable World. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Naidu, S., Margot, J., Benner, L., Taylor, P., Nolan, M., Magri, C., Brozovic, M., Busch, M., & Giorgini, J. (2018, oct). Radar Observations and Characterization of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (35107) 1991 VH. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#50, 50.
- Naidu, S., Margot, J., Giorgini, J., Benner, L., Magri, C., Scheeres, D., Brozovic, M., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Hirabayashi, M., & Nolan, M. (2018, jul). Observations and characterization of binary near-Earth asteroid 65803 Didymos, the target of the AIDA mission. In 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 42.
- Patterson}, G., Carter, L., Stickle, A., Cahill, J., Nolan, M., Morgan, G., Schroeder, D., & Team, {. (2018, apr). Mini-RF S- and X-Band Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. In New Views of the Moon 2 - Asia, 2070.
- Springmann, A., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., Lejoly, C., Taylor, P., Rivera-Valentin, E., Virkki, A., Zambrano-Marin, L. .., Harris, W. M., Harmon, J., & Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, C. (2018, oct). Modeling the large-grain ($\gt$2 cm) coma of comet 45P/Honda\ndashMrkos\ndashPajdu\v s\'akov\'a from Arecibo Observatory radar observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#50, 50.
- Taylor, P., Marshall, S., Venditti, F., Virkki, A., Benner, L., Brozovic, M., Naidu, S., Howell, E., Kareta, T., Reddy, V., Takir, D., Rivkin, A., Zambrano-Marin, L., Bhiravarasu, S., Rivera-Valentin, E., Aponte-Hernandez, B. .., Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, C., Nolan, M., Giorgini, J., , Vervack, R., et al. (2018, mar). Radar and Infrared Observations of Near-Earth Asteroid 3200 Phaethon. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Virkki, A., Taylor, P., Bhiravarasu, S., Howell, E., Lejoly, C., Nolan, M., & Rivera-Valent{\'{\i}n}, E. (2018, mar). Surface Properties of Space Flight Accessible Near-Earth Objects. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Virkki, A., Zubko, E., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E., Benner, L., & Harmon, J. (2018, oct). Decimeter-Scale Coma Particle Characterization of Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Using Dual-Wavelength Radar Observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#50, 50.
- Daly, M. G., Barnouin, O. D., Dickinson, C., Seabrook, J., Johnson, C. L., Cunningham, G., Haltigin, T., Gaudreau, D., Brunet, C., Aslam, I., Taylor, A., Bierhaus, E., Boynton, W. V., Nolan, M. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2017, mar). The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 48.
- Howell, E. S., Lejoly, C., Taylor, P. A., Rivera-Valentin, E. G., Zambrano-Marin, L. F., Giorgini, J. D., Nolan, M. C., Samarasinha, N. H., Mueller, B. E., Aponte-Hernandez, B. .., Saran Bhiravarasu, S., Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, C., & Harris, W. M. (2017, oct). Arecibo radar observations of 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák constrain the nucleus size and rotation. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #49, 49.
- Lejoly, C., Howell, E. S., Taylor, P. A., Springmann, A., Virkki, A., Nolan, M. C., Rivera-Valentin, E. G., Benner, L. A., Brozovic, M., & Giorgini, J. D. (2017, oct). Arecibo Radar Observation of Near-Earth Asteroids: Expanded Sample Size, Determination of Radar Albedos, and Measurements of Polarization Ratios. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#49, 49.
- Marshall, S. E., Howell, E. S., Vervack, R. J., Magri, C., Crowell, J. L., Fernandez, Y. R., Campbell, D. B., Nolan, M. C., Reddy Kanupuru, V. V., Pravec, P., & Bozek, B. (2017, oct). Thermophysical Modeling of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (85989) 1999 JD6. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #49, 49.
- Perry, M. E., Barnouin, O., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Craft, K., Roberts, J., Philpott, L., Asad, M., Johnson, C., Nair, A., Espiritu, R., Nolan, M. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2017, sep). The global topography of Bennu: altimetry, photoclinometry, and processing. In European Planetary Science Congress, 11, EPSC2017-952.
- Perry, M. E., Barnouin, O., Nair, A., Daly, M., Seabrook, J., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Craft, K., Roberts, J., Philpott, L., Al Asad, M., Johnson, C., Espiritu, R., Nolan, M. C., & Lauretta, D. S. (2017, mar). Processing of Altimeter Data for Global Topography of Bennu. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 48.
- Taylor, P. A., Benner, L. A., Rivera-Valentin, E. G., Virkki, A., Busch, M. W., & Nolan, M. C. (2017, feb). Ground-Based Radar Observations: Enabling the Future of Small-Body Science, Planetary Defense, and Solar System Exploration. In Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop, 1989.
- Taylor, P. A., Howell, E. S., Zambrano-Marin, L. F., Rivera-Valentin, E. G., Virkki, A., Aponte-Hernandez, B., Lopez-Oquendo, A., Vervack, R. J., Fernandez, Y. R., Crowell, J. L., Margot, J. L., & Nolan, M. C. (2017, mar). Radar and Infrared Observations of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 5143 Heracles. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 48.
- Virkki, A., Taylor, P. A., Zambrano-Marin, L. F., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., Lejoly, C., Rivera-Valentin, E. G., & Aponte, B. (2017, sep). Near-surface bulk densities of asteroids derived from dual-polarization radar observations. In European Planetary Science Congress.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Naidu}, S., {Taylor}, P., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Shepard}, M., {Magri}, C., {Richardson}, J., {Rivera-Valentin}, E., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., , L. (2016, oct). Population trends of binary near-Earth asteroids based on radar and lightcurves observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Crowell}, J., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Nolan}, M., {Vervack}, R., , S. (2016, oct). Understanding the Importance of Shape in Thermal Modeling: The Case of 1627 Ivar. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {DellaGiustina}, D., {Barnouin}, O., {Nolan}, M., {Johnson}, C., {Le Corre}, L., , D. (2016, mar). Cartographic Planning for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Lawrence}, K., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Jao}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Slade}, M., {Jurgens}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , P. (2016, oct). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 WC1. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Marshall}, S., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Campbell}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., {Vervack}, R., {Crowell}, J., {Hicks}, M., {Lawrence}, K., , P. (2016, oct). Thermal Properties and a Revised Shape Model for Near-Earth Asteroid (162421) 2000 ET70. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Patterson}, G., {Stickle}, A., {Turner}, F., {Jensen}, J., {Bussey}, D., {Spudis}, P., {Espiritu}, R., {Schulze}, R., {Yocky}, D., {Wahl}, D., {Zimmerman}, M., {Cahill}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Carter}, L., {Neish}, C., {Raney}, R., {Thomson}, B., {Kirk}, R., {Thompson}, T., , {Tise}, B., et al. (2016, mar). Mini-RF/AO Bistatic Observations of the Floor of Cabeus Crater and Their Implications for the Presence of Water Ice. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Sharkey}, B., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , L. (2016, oct). 2013 Apparition of Near-Earth Asteroid (52760) 1998 ML14: Radar and Optical Constraints on Shape and Spin State. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Shepard}, M., {Richardson}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Conrad}, A., {de Pater}, I., {Adamkovics}, M., {de Kleer}, K., {Males}, J., {Morzinski}, K., {Miller Close}, L., {Kaasalainen}, M., {Viikinkoski}, M., {Timerson}, B., {Reddy}, V., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Warner}, B., , A. (2016, oct). Asteroid 16 Psyche: Radar Observations and Shape Model. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Rivera-Valentin}, E., {Richardson}, J., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., {Howell}, E., , J. (2016, mar). The Arecibo Observatory Planetary Radar System. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Taylor}, P., {Richardson}, J., {Rivera-Valentin}, E., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Naidu}, S., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Marshall}, S., {Margot}, J., {Greenberg}, A., {Ghigo}, F., {Shepard}, M., , J. (2016, mar). Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids from Arecibo and Goldstone. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Zambrano Marin}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., , A. (2016, oct). Comparing near-surface and bulk densities of asteroids using radar scattering properties. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- Brozovic, M., Benner, L., McMichael, J., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Giorgini, J., Magri, C., Busch, M., Jao, J., Lee, C., Nolan, M. C., Taylor, P., Howell, E. S., & Slade, M. (2015, nov). Size estimate of (99942) Apophis based on radar imaging. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- Patterson}, G., {Bussey}, D., {Stickle}, A., {Turner}, F., {Jensen}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Yocky}, D., {Wahl}, D., & Team, {. (2015, mar). Mini-RF on LRO and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- Patterson}, G., {Bussey}, D., {Stickle}, A., {Turner}, F., {Jensen}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Yocky}, D., {Wahl}, D., & Team, {. (2015, oct). Mini-RF on LRO and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon. In Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 1863.
- Wooden, D. H., Lederer, S. M., Bus, S., Tokunaga, A. T., Jehin, E., Howell, E. S., Howell, E. S., Nolan, M. C., Nolan, M. C., Fernandez, Y. R., Fernandez, Y., Harker, D. E., Benner, L. A., Benner, L. A., Lovell, A. J., Lovell, A. J., Moskovitz, N., Kerr, T., Woodward, C. E., & Ryan, E. L. (2015, 8/2015).
NEAs: Phase Angle Dependence of Asteroid Class and Diameter from Observational Studies
. In IAU General Assembly.More infoWe will discuss the results of a planned observation campaign of Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs), 1999 CU3, 2002 GM2, 2002 FG7, and 3691 Bede with instruments on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) from 15-Mar-2015 to 28-April 2015 UT. We will study the phase-angle dependence of the reflectance and thermal emission spectra. Recent publications reveal that the assignment of the asteroid class from visible and near-IR spectroscopy can change with phase angle for NEAs with silicate-bearing minerals on their surfaces (S-class asteroids) (Thomas et al. 2014, Icarus 228, 217; Sanchez et al. 2012 Icarus 220, 36). Only three of the larger NEAs have been measured at a dozen phase angles and the trends are not all the same, so there is not yet enough information to create a phase-angle correction. Also, the phase angle effect is not characterized well for the thermal emission including determination of the albedo and the thermal emission. The few NEAs were selected for our study amongst many possible targets based on being able to observe them through a wide range of phase angles, ranging from less than about 10 degrees to greater than 45 degrees over the constrained date range. The orbits of NEAs often generate short observing windows at phase angles higher than 45 deg (i.e., whizzing by Earth and/or close to dawn or dusk). Ultimately, lowering the uncertainty of the translation of asteroid class to meteorite analog and of albedo and size determinations are amongst our science goals. On a few specific nights, we plan to observe the 0.75-2.5 micron spectra with IRTF+SpeX for comparison with UKIRT data including 5-20 micron with UKIRT+UIST/Michelle to determine as best as possible the albedos. To ensure correct phasing of spectroscopic data, we augment with TRAPPIST-telescope light curves and R-band guider image data. Our observations will contribute to understanding single epoch mid-IR and near-IR measurements to obtain albedo, size and IR beaming parameters (the outcomes of thermal models) and asteroid spectral class. - {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Ford}, H., , F. (2015, nov). Radar imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid (357439) 2004 BL86. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- {Brauer}, K., {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Taylor}, P., , J. (2015, nov). The Shape of Near-Earth Asteroid 275677 (2000 RS11) From Inversion of Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Images. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Slade}, M., {Teitelbaum}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Ghigo}, F., , J. (2015, jan). High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging in Support of Asteroid and Comet Spacecraft Missions. In Spacecraft Reconnaissance of Asteroid and Comet Interiors, 1829.
- {Carter}, L., {Orosei}, R., {Watters}, T., {Campbell}, B., {Plaut}, J., {Morgan}, G., {Nolan}, M., , R. (2015, mar). Stratigraphy and Physical Properties of Southeastern Amazonis Planitia and the Eastern Medusae Fossae Formation. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Marshall}, S., , J. (2015, nov). SHERMAN: A Shape-based Thermophysical Model for Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- {Marshall}, S., {Howell}, E., {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Campbell}, D., {Benner}, L., {Naidu}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Richardson}, J., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Rivera-Valentin}, E., {Ghigo}, F., {Kobelski}, A., {Busch}, M., {Pravec}, P., {Warner}, B., {Reddy}, V., , {Hicks}, M., et al. (2015, nov). Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (85989) 1999 JD6: Radar, Infrared, and Lightcurve Observations and a Preliminary Shape Model. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- {Marshall}, S., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Campbell}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Pollock}, J., , M. (2015, mar). Thermal Modeling of Three Non-Spherical Near-Earth Asteroids. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Prettyman}, T., {Koontz}, S., {Miller}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Pinsky}, L., {Sykes}, M., {Empl}, A., {Lawrence}, D., {Mittlefehldt}, D., , B. (2015, jan). Muon Imaging of Asteroid and Comet Interiors. In Spacecraft Reconnaissance of Asteroid and Comet Interiors, 1829.
- {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., {Petty}, B., {Howell}, E., , M. (2015, mar). Arecibo Observatory Space Academy: Inspiring the next Generation of Scientists from Puerto Rico. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Sharkey}, B., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., , E. (2015, nov). Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroid (52760) 1998 ML14: Constraints from the 1998 and 2013 Apparitions. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- Carter}, L., {Neish}, C., {Patterson}, G., {Bussey}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Thomson}, B., & Team, {. R. (2014, mar). The Mini-RF Radar: Polarization Performance and Comparison with Prior Radar Data. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 45.
- Nolan, M. C., {Bramson}, A., , C. (2014, jul). Radar scattering functions using Itokawa as ground truth. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Becker}, T., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., , P. (2014, jul). Triple near-Earth asteroid 2001 SN\_$\{$263$\}$: Physical models of the primary asteroid and its two satellites. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Springmann}, A., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Slade}, M., {Mainzer}, A., {Pollock}, J., {Reichart}, D., {Haislip}, J., {LaCluyze}, A., , N. (2014, nov). Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Images of Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Brozovic}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Busch}, M., {Howell}, E., {Margot}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Springmann}, A., {Naidu}, S., {Magri}, C., , M. (2014, jul). Arecibo and Goldstone radar evidence for boulders on near-Earth asteroids. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ford}, T., {Springmann}, A., {Taylor}, P., {Shepard}, M., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2014, nov). Radar evidence for diverse shapes of the primaries among binary near-Earth asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Busch}, M., {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Sheppard}, M., , S. (2014, jul). Radar investigations of near-Earth asteroids at Arecibo and Goldstone. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., , P. (2014, nov). Recent Radar Speckle Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Bussey}, D., {Patterson}, G., {Turner}, F., {Schulze}, R., {Wahl}, D., {Erteza}, I., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, J., {Yocky}, D., {Stickle}, A., {Carter}, L., {Jakowatz}, C., {Spudis}, P., & Team}, {. (2014, mar). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory and Mini-RF on LRO. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 45.
- {Ford}, T., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Leford}, B., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., , J. (2014, nov). Radar observations and physical modeling of binary near-Earth asteroid (1862) Apollo. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Hergenrother}, C., {Hill}, D., {Spitz}, A., {Barucci}, M., {Binzel}, R., {Beshore}, E., {Bottke}, W., {Brucato}, J., {Clark}, B., {Cloutis}, E., {Connolly}, H., {Delbo}, M., {Dotto}, E., {Ieva}, S., {Licandro}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Perna}, D., {Sandford}, S., {Takir}, D., , D. (2014, nov). Crowd-sourcing Near-Earth Asteroid Science with the OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroids! Program. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Rodriguez-Ford}, L., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2014, nov). Radar images of Comet 209P/LINEAR: Constraints on shape and rotation. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Magri}, C., , M. (2014, jul). Radar characterization of asteroids and comets. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Marshall}, S., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Campbell}, D., {Benner}, L., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Brown}, P., {Pravec}, P., {Fernandez}, Y., {Vervack}, R., {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Busch}, M., {Giorgini}, J., , S. (2014, jul). Near-Earth asteroid (137032) 1998 UO\_1: Shape model and thermal properties. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Marshall}, S., {Vervack}, R., {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., {Fernandez}, Y., {Campbell}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Pollock}, J., , M. (2014, nov). Shape-Based Thermal Modeling of Three Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Miller}, K., {Taylor}, P., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., , E. (2014, nov). Detectability of Boulders on Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Shepard}, M., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., , C. (2014, nov). Recent Arecibo Radar Observations of Main-Belt Asteroids.. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Springmann}, A., {Taylor}, P., Nolan, M. C., Howell, E. S., {Brozovi?}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Lee}, C., {Jao}, J., & Lauretta, D. S. (2014, nov). Radar-Derived Shape Model of Near-Earth Binary Asteroid System (285263) 1998 QE2. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Springmann}, A., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Giorgini}, J., , J. (2014, mar). Radar Shape Model of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (285263) 1998 QE2. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 45.
- {Springmann}, A., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Lee}, C., , J. (2014, jul). Shape model of the binary near-Earth asteroid (285263) 1998 QE\_2. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., , C. (2014, jul). Comparing the diameters and visual albedos derived from radar and infrared observations. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Taylor}, P., {Warner}, B., {Magri}, C., {Springmann}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Miller}, K., {Zambrano-Marin}, L., {Richardson}, J., {Hannan}, M., , P. (2014, nov). The Smallest Binary Asteroid? The Discovery of Equal-Mass Binary 1994 CJ1. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Vervack}, R., Howell, E. S., {Magri}, C., {Fern{\'a}ndez}, Y., Nolan, M. C., {Taylor}, P., {Marshall}, S., {Jones}, J., , A. (2014, jul). Understanding near-Earth asteroids: Is it in the details?. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- {Virkki}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Howell}, E., {Muinonen}, K., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Hicks}, M., {Hergenrother}, C., , L. (2014, jul). Circular-polarization ratio variation with rotation for 2006 AM\_4. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014.
- Bussey}, D., {Patterson}, G., {Schulze}, R., {Wahl}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, J., {Turner}, F., {Yocky}, D., {Jakowatz}, C., {Erteza}, I., {Carter}, L., {Neish}, C., & Team, {. (2013, mar). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory {\amp} Mini-RF on LRO. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 44.
- {Bolin}, B., {Jedicke}, R., {Granvik}, M., {Brown}, P., {Chyba}, M., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Patterson}, G., , R. (2013, oct). Minimoon Discovery with Ground-based Radar Facilities. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Carter}, L., {Morgan}, G., {Hawke}, B., , M. (2013, mar). Earth-Based Radar Data for the Moon at 12.6-cm and 70-cm Wavelengths: Mapping Update and Science Results. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 44.
- {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Reddy}, V., {Vervack}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Taylor}, P., {Springmann}, A., {Sanchez}, J., {Scheeres}, D., , Y. (2013, oct). Using a Radar Shape Model to Interpret Spectral Observations of near-Earth Asteroid 4179 Toutatis. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- {Levengood}, S., {Shepard}, M., {Magri}, C., , M. (2013, mar). Asteroid Shape Modeling with CUDA. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 44.
- {Marshall}, S., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., , A. (2013, oct). Application of a Shape-Based Thermophysical Model to Contact Binary Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- {Shepard}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Warner}, B., {Harris}, A., {Stephens}, R., , W. (2013, mar). Radar Observations of Three X/M-Class Main-Belt Asteroids. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 44.
- {Shepard}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Springmann}, A., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Warner}, B., {Harris}, A., {Stephens}, R., {Merline}, W., {Rivkin}, A., {Coley}, D., {Clark}, B., {Bell}, M., , C. (2013, oct). Volatiles in the M-class Population: A Lesson from Vesta?. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- {Springmann}, A., {Brozovi{\'c}}, M., {Pravec}, P., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Busch}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Shepard}, M., {Marshall}, S., {Law}, M., {Gal{\'a}d}, A., {Vil{\'a}gi}, J., {Gary}, B., {Hicks}, M., , {Hills}, K., et al. (2013, oct). Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (285263) 1998 QE2: Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Imaging and Lightcurve Observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- {Springmann}, A., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., , M. (2013, mar). Are the Radar Scattering Properties of Near-Earth Asteroids Correlated with Size, Shape, or Spin?. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 44.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Springmann}, A., {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Jao}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Margot}, J., {Fang}, J., {Becker}, T., {Fernandez}, Y., {Vervack}, R., {Pravec}, P., {Kusnirak}, P., {Franco}, L., {Ferrero}, A., {Galad}, A., {Pray}, D., , {Warner}, B., et al. (2013, oct). Physical Characterization of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (153958) 2002 AM31. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 45.
- Bussey}, D., {Schulze}, R., {Jakowatz}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, R., {Turner}, F., {Wahl}, D., {Yocky}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Raney}, R., {Patterson}, G., & Team, {. (2012, mar). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory and the Mini-RF Instrument on LRO. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 43.
- Bussey}, D., {Schulze}, R., {Wahl}, D., {Patterson}, G., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, J., {Turner}, F., {Yocky}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Jakowatz}, C., {Raney}, R., & Team, {. (2012, oct). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory and Mini-RF on LRO. In Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 1685.
- {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Lawrence}, K., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Magri}, C., , M. (2012, may). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Observations of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid and Marco Polo-R Mission Target (175706) 1996 FG3. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Lawrence}, K., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Magri}, C., , M. (2012, oct). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Observations of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid and Marco Polo-R Mission Target (175706) 1996 FG3. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Bolin}, B., {Jedicke}, R., {Granvik}, M., {Vaubaillon}, J., {Wainscoat}, R., {Brown}, P., {Jenniskens}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Chyba}, M., {Picot}, G., , G. (2012, oct). The Detectability of Earth{\rsquo}s Temporarily Captured Orbiters. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Busch}, M., {Taylor}, P., , M. (2012, may). Shape Modeling of Near-Earth Asteroid (53319) 1999 JM8 from Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Images. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Slade}, M., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Ghigo}, F., {Brisken}, W., {Margot}, J., {Naidu}, S., {Howell}, E., {Carter}, L., , M. (2012, may). Shape and Spin of Near-Earth Asteroid 308635 (2005 YU55) from Radar Images and Speckle Tracking. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Busch}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Magri}, C., {Scheeres}, D., {Jacobson}, S., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Shepard}, M., , J. (2012, oct). Radar Imaging Of 11066 Sigurd, 2000 YF29, And 2004 XL14 And The Obliquity Distribution Of Contact Binary Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Bussey}, D., {Schulze}, R., {Jakowatz}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Jensen}, R., {Patterson}, G., {Turner}, F., {Wahl}, D., {Yocky}, D., {Cahill}, J., {Neish}, C., {Raney}, R., , P. (2012, sep). Bistatic Radar Observations of the Moon Using the Arecibo Observatory and the Mini-RF Instrument on LRO. In European Planetary Science Congress 2012.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Carter}, L., , M. (2012, mar). Long-Term Monitoring of Venus Volcanism Using Earth-Based Radar. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 43.
- {Chesley}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Farnocchia}, D., {Milani}, A., {Emery}, J., {Vokrouhlicky}, D., {Lauretta}, D., {Taylor}, P., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Brozovic}, M., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Howell}, E., {Naidu}, S., {Valsecchi}, G., , F. (2012, may). The Trajectory Dynamics of Near-Earth Asteroid 101955 (1999 RQ36). In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Chesley}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Farnocchia}, D., {Milani}, A., {Emery}, J., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Lauretta}, D., {Taylor}, P., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Brozovic}, M., {Busch}, M., {Margot}, J., {Howell}, E., {Naidu}, S., {Valsecchi}, G., , F. (2012, may). The Trajectory Dynamics of Near-Earth Asteroid 101955 (1999 RQ36). In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, 43.
- {Hergenrother}, C., {Scheeres}, D., {Nolan}, M., {D'Aubigny}, C., {Barucci}, M., {Clark}, B., {Dotto}, E., {Emery}, J., {Lauretta}, D., {Licandro}, J., , B. (2012, mar). Lightcurve and Phase Function Photometry of the OSIRIS-REx Target (101955) 1999 RQ36. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 43.
- {Howell}, E., {Vervack}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Taylor}, P., , A. (2012, may). Combining Thermal and Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Howell}, E., {Vervack}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Taylor}, P., {Rivkin}, A., , T. (2012, oct). Combining Thermal and Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Lauretta}, D., {Barucci}, M., {Bierhaus}, E., {Brucato}, J., {Campins}, H., {Christensen}, P., {Clark}, B., {Connolly}, H., {Dotto}, E., {Dworkin}, J., {Emery}, J., {Garvin}, J., {Hildebrand}, A., {Libourel}, G., {Marshall}, J., {Michel}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Nuth}, J., {Rizk}, B., , {Sandford}, S., et al. (2012, may). The OSIRIS-REx Mission {\mdash} Sample Acquisition Strategy and Evidence for the Nature of Regolith on Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Naidu}, S., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., , C. (2012, may). Dynamics of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid System (35107) 1991 VH. In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, 43.
- {Naidu}, S., {Margot}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., , C. (2012, oct). Radar Observations and Shape Modeling of Near-Earth Asteroid (162421) 2000 ET70. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Naidu}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, .., {Fang}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., , C. (2012, jul). Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2000 DP107, A Prime Spacecraft Target. In 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 39.
- {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Hergenrother}, C., {Howell}, E., {Hudson}, R., {Lauretta}, D., , J. (2012, may). The Shape of OSIRIS-REx Mission Target 1999 RQ36 from Radar and Lightcurve Data. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Benner}, L., {Hergenrother}, C., {Howell}, E., {Hudson}, R., {Giorgini}, J., {Lauretta}, D., , J. (2012, oct). The Shape of OSIRIS-REx Mission Target 1999 RQ$_{36}$ from RADAR and Lightcurve Data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Rivkin}, A., {Howell}, E., {DeMeo}, F., {Vervack}, R., {Binzel}, R., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., {Cheng}, A., {Barucci}, M., , P. (2012, mar). New Observations and Proposed Meteorite Analogs of the MarcoPolo-R Target Asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 43.
- {Rivkin}, A., {Howell}, E., {DeMeo}, F., {Vervack}, R., {Binzel}, R., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., {Cheng}, A., {Barucci}, M., , P. (2012, may). New Observations and Proposed Meteorite Analogs of the MarcoPolo-R Target Asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Rivkin}, A., {Howell}, E., {DeMeo}, F., {Vervack}, R., {Binzel}, R., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., {Cheng}, A., {Barucci}, M., {Michel}, P., {de Le{\'o}n}, J., , D. (2012, sep). The MarcoPolo-R target asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3: hydrated minerals and a variable spectral slope. In European Planetary Science Congress 2012.
- {Scheeres}, D., {McMahon}, J., {Takahashi}, Y., {Chesley}, S., , M. (2012, may). Radio Science at 1999 RQ36 for OSIRIS-REx. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Shepard}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Warner}, B., {Harris}, A., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., , D. (2012, mar). Radar Observations of Seven X/M-Class Main-Belt Asteroids. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 43.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2012, may). The Shape and Spin Distributions of Near-Earth Asteroids Observed with the Arecibo Radar System. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#220, 220.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2012, may). The Shape and Spin Distributions of Near-Earth Asteroids Observed with the Arecibo Radar System. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, 1667.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2012, oct). The Shape and Spin Distributions of Near-Earth Asteroids Observed with the Arecibo Radar System. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 44.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Jao}, J., {Lee}, C., {Slade}, M., {Ghigo}, F., , J. (2012, jan). Radar Observations of 2005 YU55's Flyby of Earth. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#219, 219.
- {Thane}, A., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., , C. (2012, jan). Examining the Shape Distribution of Near-Earth Asteroids. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#219, 219.
- Campbell, D. B., Harmon, J. K., & Nolan, M. C. (2011).
Solar system studies with the Arecibo planetary radar system
. In 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 1-4.More infoThe 305 m Arecibo telescope equipped with a 1 MW 2.38 GHz transmitter is used for studies of the terrestrial planets, planetary satellites including the Moon and small bodies in the solar system. Much of the recent program emphasis has been on astrometric and characterization observations of near-Earth objects for which the Arecibo radar system has capabilities not matched by any other Earth-based telescope. However, studies of the surfaces of Mercury, the Moon and Mars continue and renewed observations of Venus are planned. - {Busch}, M., {Benner}, L., {Scheeres}, D., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., , J. (2011, oct). Twenty Years Of Toutatis. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., , P. (2011, mar). Comet 103P/Hartley: Radar Observations of the Nucleus and Large-Grain Coma. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 42.
- {Howell}, E., {Rivkin}, A., {Vilas}, F., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Vervack}, R., , Y. (2011, oct). Hydrated silicates on main-belt asteroids: Correlation of the 0.7- and 3 micron absorption bands. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.
- {Jones}, T., {Lee}, P., {Bellerose}, J., {Fahnestock}, E., {Farquhar}, R., {Gaffey}, M., {Heldmann}, J., {Lawrence}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Prettyman}, T., {Smith}, P., {Thomas}, P., {Veverka}, J., {Benedix}, G., {Elphic}, R., {Gellert}, R., {Hildebrand}, A., {Yano}, H., {Bhavsar}, P., , {Chartres}, J., et al. (2011, mar). Amor: A Lander Mission to Explore the C-Type Triple Near-Earth Asteroid system 2001 SN263. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 42.
- {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Fern{\'a}ndez}, Y., {Mueller}, M., {Rivkin}, A., , R. (2011, oct). Thermophysical Modeling of Contact Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.
- {Naidu}, S., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., , C. (2011, oct). Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2000 DP107: Component Shapes, Mutual Orbit, Evolution. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.
- {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , J. (2011, oct). Constraints on the Rotation State of Comet 103P/Hartley 2. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.
- {Benner}, L., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Brozovic}, M., {Scheeres}, D., {Magri}, C., , S. (2010, oct). Radar Imaging and a Physical Model of Binary Asteroid 65803 Didymos. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Shepard}, M., {Scheeres}, D., , L. (2010, oct). Radar Images And Shape Model Of A Triple Asteroid (136617) 1994CC. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Busch}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Scheeres}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Brozovic}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Magri}, C., {Jao}, J., , W. (2010, oct). Radar Observations and the Shape of 2008 EV5: Ridges and Craters on Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Campbell}, B., {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Chandler}, J., {Ghent}, R., {Hawke}, B., {Anderson}, R., , K. (2010, mar). Earth-Based S-Band Radar Mapping of the Moon: New Views of Impact Melt Distribution and Mare Physical Properties. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 41.
- {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Mueller}, M., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Hicks}, M., {Rhoades}, H., {Somers}, J., {Gaftonyuk}, N., {Krugly}, Y., {Kouprianov}, V., {Molotov}, I., {Benishek}, V., {Protitch-Benishek}, V., , {Galad}, A., et al. (2010, oct). Radar Shape Modeling Of (8567) 1996 HW1 Combined With Thermal Observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Jimenez}, N., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Taylor}, P., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Mueller}, M., {Margot}, J., , M. (2010, oct). Radar Shape Modeling of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2000 CO101. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Jones}, T., {Bellerose}, J., {Lee}, P., {Prettyman}, T., {Lawrence}, D., {Smith}, P., {Gaffey}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Goldsten}, J., {Thomas}, P., {Veverka}, J., {Farquhar}, R., {Heldmann}, J., {Reddy}, V., {Williams}, B., {Chartres}, J., {DeRosee}, R., , D. (2010, oct). Amor: Investigating The Triple Asteroid System 2001 SN263. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Nolan}, M., {Vervack}, R., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Fernandez}, Y., {Taylor}, P., {Mueller}, M., {Rivkin}, A., , L. (2010, oct). Observations of NEAs at Arecibo Observatory and NASA's IRTF: Combining Radar and Thermal Measurements to Better Understand NEA Physical Properties. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Nugent}, C., {Margot}, J., {Russell}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., , J. (2010, mar). SHAPE Modeling of (4) Vesta for Dawn Mission Support and SHAPE Inversion Validation. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 41.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Benner}, L., , J. (2010, oct). Radar Observations of Asteroids 64 Angelina and 69 Hesperia. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Vervack}, R., {Fernandez}, Y., {Magri}, C., , M. (2010, oct). Characterization of Near-Earth Asteroid 2009 KC3 from Radar and Thermal Infrared Observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#42, 42.
- Nolan}, M., & Team, {. I. (2009, dec). Imaging of Near-Earth Objects. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- Nolan}, M., & Team, {. N. (2009, dec). Near-Earth Objects Community Consensus White Paper. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Becker}, T., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , C. (2009, jan). Physical Modeling of Triple Near-Earth Asteroid 153591 (2001 SN263). In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#213, 41.
- {Benner}, L., {Brozovic}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Jao}, J., {Lawrence}, K., {Margot}, J., {Busch}, M., {Shepard}, M., {Howell}, E., {Taylor}, P., , L. (2009, sep). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Images of Near-Earth Asteroid (136849) 1998 CS1. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Bramson}, A., {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , P. (2009, sep). The Hayabusa Spacecraft Model of Itokawa: Lessons Learned for Radar Shape Models. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Benner}, L., {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Scheeres}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Jurgens}, R., , R. (2009, sep). Radar Observations and a Physical Model of Candidate Contact Binary Asteroid 4486 Mithra. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Busch}, M., {Kulkarni}, S., {Ostro}, S., {Brisken}, W., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Brozovic}, M., , C. (2009, sep). Delay-Doppler and Radar-Interferometric Imaging of the Near-Earth Asteroid 2008 EV5. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Carter}, L., {Chandler}, J., {Ghent}, R., {Nolan}, M., , R. (2009, mar). Earth-Based Radar Mapping of the Lunar Nearside at 12.6-cm Wavelength. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 40.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, B., {Hawke}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Nolan}, M., {Anderson}, R., , K. (2009, sep). Radar Observations of Nearside Lunar Domes. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Harmon}, J., , M. (2009, sep). High-Resolution Radar Imagery of Mars. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2009). The Origin of the Solar System: Progress in Understanding Accretion from its End Products. In astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010.
- {Nolan}, M. (2009, sep). The Heterogeneous Population of Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Harris}, A., {Warner}, B., {Stephens}, R., , M. (2009, sep). Radar Observations of Main-Belt M-class Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Taylor}, P., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Vervack}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., {Rivkin}, A., , M. (2009, sep). Variability of Thermal Infrared Emission from Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#41, 41.
- {Becker}, T., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , C. (2008, sep). Physical Modeling of Triple Near-Earth Asteroid 153591 (2001 SN263). In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Brozovic}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Shepard}, M., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., , M. (2008, sep). Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Imaging of Contact Binary Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Margot}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Busch}, M., , M. (2008). Near-Earth Asteroid Surface Roughness Depends on Compositional Class. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Brozovic}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Magri}, C., {Scheeres}, D., , J. (2008, sep). Radar Observations and a Physical Model of Asteroid 4660 Nereus. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Busch}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Kulkarni}, S., {Brisken}, W., , M. (2008, sep). Radar Interferometric Imaging of Near-Earth Objects. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Campbell}, D., {Black}, G., {Carter}, L., , M. (2008, mar). Titan: 13 cm Arecibo Radar Observations and Comparisons with Cassini Radar Imagery. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 39.
- {Campbell}, D., {Campbell}, B., {Carter}, L., {Ghent}, R., {Nolan}, M., , K. (2008, sep). A High Resolution Radar Survey of the Lunar Near Side. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, B., {Hawke}, B., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2008, sep). Multi-Wavelength Radar Studies of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Chesley}, S., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Margot}, J., {Matson}, R., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2008). Direct Estimation of Yarkovsky Accelerations on Near-Earth Asteroids. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Ghent}, R., {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., {Carter}, L., {Nolan}, M., , B. (2008, jul). Earth-based Radar Observations for Lunar Geologic Investigations. In NLSI Lunar Science Conference, 1415.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2008). Predicting the Earth Encounters of Apophis in 2029 and 2036. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , J. (2008). Comet 8P/Tuttle: Arecibo Radar Observations of the First Bilobate Comet. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2008, sep). Arecibo Radar Observations of Comet 8P/Tuttle: A Possible Contact Binary. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Vervack}, R., {Nolan}, M., {Fernandez}, Y., , A. (2008, sep). Thermal Infrared Observations of Several Near-Earth Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , C. (2008). What We Learn from Radar Shape Models. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Harmon}, J., , G. (2008, sep). What do we learn from radar observations of asteroids and comets?. In IAC Talks, Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars from the Instituto de Astrof{\'{\i}}sica de Canarias.
- {Margot}, J., {Taylor}, P., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., , L. (2008, sep). Detailed Characterization Of Asteroid (35107) 1991 VH. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Becker}, T., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., , J. (2008, sep). Arecibo Radar Observations of 2001 SN$_{263}$: A Near-Earth Triple Asteroid System. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#40, 40.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Busch}, M., {Carter}, L., {Anderson}, R., {Magri}, C., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Vervack}, R., , M. (2008). Arecibo Radar Imaging of 2001 SN263: A Near-Earth Triple Asteroid System. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Shepard}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., , B. (2008). Radar Observations of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 68950 (2002 QF15). In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2008). The Shape, Mutual Orbit, and Tidal Evolution of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2004 DC. In Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 1405.
- {Ansdell}, M., {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., , C. (2007, oct). Physical Modeling Of Near Earth Asteroid 2004wg1 From Arecibo Observatory Radar Data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Benner}, L., {Busch}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Rose}, R., {Jao}, J., {Black}, G., {Carter}, L., {Slade}, M., {Jurgens}, R., , A. (2007, oct). Radar Images Of Binary Near-earth Asteroid 2006 VV2. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Campbell}, D., {Black}, G., {Carter}, L., , M. (2007, mar). Titan: 13 cm Arecibo Radar Observations and Comparisons with Cassini ISS and Radar Imagery. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 38.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2007, oct). Radar Polarimetric Studies of Near-Earth Asteroid Surface Properties. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Nolan}, M., , M. (2007, oct). The Earth Encounters of Apophis in 2029 and 2036. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Harmon}, J., , M. (2007, jul). Arecibo Radar Imaging of Mars During the 2005 Opposition. In Seventh International Conference on Mars, 1353.
- {Howell}, E., {Nolan}, M., {Harmon}, J., {Lovell}, A., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Campbell}, D., , J. (2007, oct). Radar and Radio Observations of the Fragmented Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann3. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Kressler}, K., {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Ockert-Bell}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., , S. (2007, oct). Radar Observations of E-Class Asteroids 44 Nysa and 434 Hungaria. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Howell}, E., , R. (2007, oct). The Shape and Spin of 101955 (1999 RQ36) from Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Imaging. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Vokrouhlicky}, D., {Scheeres}, D., {Pravec}, P., {Lowry}, S., {Fitzsimmons}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2007, oct). Spin Rate of Asteroid (54509) YORP Increasing due to the YORP Effect$\lt$/u$\gt$. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#39, 39.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Scheeres}, D., {Pravec}, P., {Lowry}, S., {Fitzsimmons}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2007, mar). The Increasing Spin Rate of Asteroid (54509) 2000 PH5: A Result of the YORP Effect. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 38.
- Benner, L. A., Benner, L. A., Busch, M. W., Ostro, S. J., Giorgini, J. D., Hine, A. A., Hine, A. A., Harmon, J. K., Nolan, M. C., Nolan, M. C., Rose, R., Jurgens, R. F., Jao, J. S., Magri, C., Margot, J. L., & Giorgini, J. D. (2006).
Radar Images of Asteroid 100085 (1992 UY4)
. In IAU Symposium no. 236, Near-Earth Objects, Our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunities and Risk. - {Busch}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Jurgens}, R., {Rose}, R., {Pravec}, P., {Scheeres}, D., {Broschart}, S., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., , A. (2006, sep). Physical Modeling of Near-Earth Asteroid 29075 (1950 DA). In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2006, sep). Regolith Cover on Near-Earth Asteroids: Radar Polarimetric Imaging and Analysis. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Hanson}, H., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., , M. (2006, dec). Correlating Arecibo Radar and IRTF Near-Infrared Spectral Observations of 105 Artemis. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 38.
- {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Hanson}, H., , M. (2006, sep). Correlating IRTF Spectra and Arecibo Radar Observations of Low-Albedo Main-Belt Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Nolan}, M., {Harmon}, J., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Campbell}, D., , J. (2006, sep). Radar Observations Of Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Scheeres}, D., {Fahnestock}, E., {Broschart}, S., {Bellerose}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., {Scheirich}, P., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {Suzuki}, S., , E. (2006, sep). Radar Investigation of Asteroid 66391 (1999 KW4). In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Reddy}, V., {Dyvig}, R., {Pravec}, P., {Kusnirak}, P., {Kornos}, L., {Vilagi}, J., {Galad}, A., {Gajdos}, S., {Pray}, D., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., , P. (2006, mar). Photometric and Radar Observations of 2005 AB: A New Binary Near-Earth Asteroid. In 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 37.
- {Scheeres}, D., {Fahnestock}, E., {Ostro}, S., {Margot}, J., {Benner}, L., {Broschart}, S., {Bellerose}, J., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Magri}, C., {Pravec}, P., {Scheirich}, P., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {Suzuki}, S., , E. (2006, sep). Dynamical Investigation of Asteroid 66391 (1999 KW4). In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2006, sep). More Results from a Long-Term Radar Survey of M-Class Asteroids.. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Simpson}, R., {Tyler}, G., {Nolan}, M., {P{\"a}tzold}, M., usler}, B. (2006, sep). Mars Express Bistatic Radar Explores Stealth. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , C. (2006, sep). Radar Imaging of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2004 DC. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#38, 38.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., , J. (2005, aug). Radar Images of Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 CR37. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Black}, G., {Campbell}, D., {Treacy}, R., , M. (2005, dec). Radar-Interferometric Asteroid Imaging Using a Flexible Software Correlator. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 37.
- {Chesley}, S., {Ostro}, S., {Vokrouhlick{\'y}}, D., {Giorgini}, J., {{\v C}apek}, D., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., , J. (2005, may). Direct Detection of the Yarkovsky Effect: Progress and Prognostications. In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting \#36, 37.
- {Dreier}, C., {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., , M. (2005, aug). A Physical Model of the NEA 1988 XB (7753) using Arecibo Radar Data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2005, aug). Radar Astrometry of Asteroid 99942 (2004 MN4): Predicting the 2029 Earth Encounter and Beyond. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Giorgini}, J., {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2005, may). Recent Radar Astrometry of Asteroid 2004 MN4. In AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting \#36, 37.
- {Nolan}, M., {Hine}, A., {Howell}, E., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Ostro}, S., {Black}, G., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., {Carter}, L., , C. (2005, dec). Extreme Diversity of Near-Earth Asteroid Physical Properties from Arecibo Radar Imaging. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 37.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Campbell}, D., {Margot}, J., , S. (2005, aug). Arecibo Radar Imaging of 4 Vesta. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Magri}, C., {Giorgini}, J., {Rose}, R., {Jurgens}, R., {Yeomans}, D., {Hine}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Scheeres}, D., {Broschart}, S., {Kaasalained}, M., , J. (2005, aug). Radar Observations of Itokawa in 2004 and Improved Shape Estimation. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Scoles}, S., {Magri}, C., {Howell}, E., , M. (2005, aug). Physical Modeling of Near-Earth Asteroids 2005EU2 and 2002HK12. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark}, B., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Howell}, E., {Magri}, C., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2005, aug). A Long-Term Radar Survey of M-Class Asteroids. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nicholson}, P., {Campbell}, D., {Jurgens}, R., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Hine}, A., {Magri}, C., , R. (2005, aug). The shape and spin state of asteroid 54509 (2000 PH5). In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#37, 37.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Carter}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., {Magri}, C., , J. (2004, dec). Radar imaging of near-Earth asteroid 11066 Sigurd. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Harmon}, J., , M. (2004, nov). Radar Observations of Comet 2P/Encke during the 2003 Apparition. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Howell}, E., {Lovell}, A., {Nolan}, M., , F. (2004, nov). Recent observations of the 18-cm OH lines in bright comets with the Arecibo ALFA receiver. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Larson}, S., {Grauer}, A., {Beshore}, E., {Christensen}, E., {Pravec}, P., {Kaasalainen}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Hine}, A., {Galad}, A., {Gajdos}, B., {Kornos}, C., , D. (2004, nov). Physical Characteristics of the Binary PHA 2003 YT1. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., , G. (2004, nov). Radar Images of Binary Asteroid 2003 YT1. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Schlieder}, J., {Shepard}, M., {Nolan}, M., {Benner}, L., {Ostro}, S., {Giorgini}, J., , J. (2004, dec). Radar Observations of Binary Asteroid 2002 CE26. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Shepard}, M., {Clark-Joseph}, B., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Kusnirak}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Ostro}, S., {Pravec}, P., {Sarounova}, L., , D. (2004, mar). Multi-Wavelength Observations of 2100 Ra-Shalom: Radar and Lightcurves. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 35.
- {Taylor}, P., {Margot}, J., {Nicholson}, P., {Campbell}, D., {Jurgens}, R., {Ostro}, S., {Benner}, L., {Giorgini}, J., {Nolan}, M., {Howell}, E., {Hine}, A., , R. (2004, nov). Properties of Horseshoe Object 2000 PH5 From Radar Observations. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#36, 36.
- {Benner}, L., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Ostro}, S., , J. (2003, may). Radar Imaging of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 1998 ST27. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#35, 35.
- {Campbell}, B., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2003, mar). New High-Resolution 70-cm Wavelength Radar Images of the Moon. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 34.
- {Campbell}, D., {Harmon}, J., {Nolan}, M., , S. (2003). Radar Observations of Comet Nuclei and Comae. In IAU Joint Discussion, 19.
- {Carter}, L., {Campbell}, D., , M. (2003, may). Searching for Regolith on the Asteroid 1999 JM8 Using Multi-Polarization Radar Imaging. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#35, 35.
- {Howell}, E., {Rivkin}, A., {Nolan}, M., {Margot}, J., {Black}, G., {Bus}, S., {Hicks}, M., {Reach}, W., {Jarrett}, T., , R. (2003). Observations of 2002 NY40: AN Ordinary Chondrite?. In IAU Joint Discussion, 19.
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