Norma E Gonzalez
- (520) 621-1311
- EDUCATION, Rm. 512
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0069
- ngonzale@arizona.edu
- Fulbright Garcia-Robles Scholar Grant
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Spring 2013
No activities entered.
2017-18 Courses
LRC 920 (Spring 2018) -
LRC 920 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
LRC 920 (Spring 2017) -
LRC 920 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
LRC 920 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Gonzalez, N. (2001). I Am My Language: Discourses of Women & Children in the Borderlands..
- McIntyre, E., Rosebery, A., & Gonzalez, N. E. (2001). Classroom Diversity: Connecting Curriculum to Students' Lives..
- Schwartz, L., Nogueron-Lui, S., & Gonzalez, N. E. (2014). The compression of time and space in transnational social fields: mobilizing the affordances of digital media with Latina students. In Time and Space in Literacy Research(pp 181-195). New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
- O'Connor, B. H., Anthony-Stevens, V., & Gonzalez, N. E. (2013). Nurturing and sustaining a culture of collaboration, trust, learning and high expectations. In The new instructional leadership and the ISLLC standards(pp 10-26). New York: Routledge.
- Convertino, C., Levinson, B. A., & Gonzalez, N. E. (2012). Culture, Learning and Schooling. In Handbook on Research in Multicultural Education (8th edition)(pp 24-40). New York: Jossey-Bass.
- Gonzalez, N. E., Griego Jones, M. A., Martinez Briseno, Y., & Montoya Zavala, E. (2012). Estudiantes transnacionales dentro de flujos globales: una perspectiva teórica. In Memorias del III Encuentro Internacional Migración y Niñez Migrante(pp 41-74). Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico: Colegio de Sonora.
- González, N. (2010). Advocacy anthropology and education: Working through the binaries. Current Anthropology, 51(SUPPL. 2), S249-S258.More infoAbstract: This article considers the role of anthropologists of education as social critics in contemporary issues concerning education, teaching, and learning. The field of anthropology and education has deep roots in critiques of schools and schooling, and anthropology research and knowledge has been effective in interrogating the structural inequities of educational policy and practice. Yet anthropological theorizing can be appropriated into political agendas, and concepts such as "culture" can be misconstrued as impediments to academic success. The sociohistorical context for the transfer of the anthropological construct of culture to educational practice is a space where anthropology and education have engaged in the struggle to influence educational policy. Arguments against the binary oppositions of fixed centers and margins are useful for conceptualizing complex intersections of multiple spaces, historical contingencies, and subject positions that students and teachers take up within and outside of schools especially as they relate to immigration, language, and education. The perceived opposition between academic anthropology and applied and advocacy anthropology is also a space for working through the binaries inherent in transdisciplinary work. © 2010 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved.
- O'Leary, A. O., Gonzalez, N. E., & Valdez-Gardea, G. C. (2008). Latinas' Practices of Emergence: Between Cultural Narratives and Globalization on the U.S.-Mexico Border.. Journal of Latinos and Education, 7(3), 206 - 226.
- Gonzalez, N. (2004). Disciplining the Discipline: Anthropology and the Pursuit of Quality Education.. Educational Researcher, 33(5), 17 - 25.
- Smith, P. H., Arnot-Hopffer, E., Carmichael, C. M., Murphy, E., Valle, A., Gonzalez, N., & Poveda, A. (2002). Raise a Child, Not a Test Score: Perspectives on Bilingual Education at Davis Bilingual Magnet School.. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1), 103 - 21.
- Gonzalez, N., Andrade, R., Civil, M., & Moll, L. (2001). Bridging Funds of Distributed Knowledge: Creating Zones of Practices in Mathematics.. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 6(1-2), 115 - 32.
- González, N. (2001). Finding the theory in practice: Comment on the Hammond-Spindler and Watkins exchange. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 32(3), 388-392.
- Gonzalez, N. (1999). What Will We Do When Culture Does Not Exist Anymore?.. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 30(4), 431 - 35.
- Gonzàlez, N. (1999). What will we do when culture does not exist anymore. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 30(4), 431-434.
- Gonzalez, N. (1996). Contestation and Accommodation in Parental Narratives.. Education and Urban Society, 29(1), 54 - 70.
- González, N. (1996). Contestation and accommodation in parental narratives. Education and Urban Society, 29(1), 54-70.
- Gonzalez, N., & And, O. (1995). Funds of Knowledge for Teaching in Latino Households.. Urban Education, 29(4), 443 - 70.
- Moll, L. C., Moll, L. C., Gonzalez, N., & Gonzalez, N. (1994). Lessons from Research with Language-Minority Children.. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26(4), 439 - 56.
- Gonzalez, N., Cultural Diversity, N. C., Second Language Learning, C., & And, O. (1993). Teacher Research on Funds of Knowledge: Learning from Households. Educational Practice Report: 6..
- Gonzalez, N. E. (2014, February). High Quality/High Equity education: Learning from households in an era of standarization. Keynote Address. University of Texas El Paso: LEAD: Leadership in English Language Acquisition, Academic Achievement and Development.
- Gonzalez, N. E., & Martinez Briseno, Y. (2014, December). Affordances of transnational literacies for 'retornos': Mobilizing communicative practices of English speakers In Mexican schools. Literacy Research Association. Marco Island, Florida.
- Gonzalez, N. E. (2013, May). Prácticas Comunicativas Transnacionales. IV Encuentro Internacional Migración y Niñez Migrante.. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
- Gonzalez, N. E., & Martinez Briseno, Y. (2013, November). Transnational communicative practices within the schooling experiences of border students. American Anthropological Association.
- Gonzalez, N. E. (2012, Fall). Science, Education and Culture within the framework of sustainability. Sustainable Development: Border dialogues: North/South Colloquium. Nogales, Sonora: Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
- Gonzalez, N. E. (2012, March). Discussant. Postdoctoral & Dissertation Fellows Spring Retreat. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Education/Spencer.
- Gonzalez, N. E. (2012, September). Educar en el mundo actual: estudiantes transnacionales dentro de flujos globales. Coloquio Internacional de Investigación Educativa.. Colima, Mexico: Universidad de Colima.More infoKeynote Address (Conferencia Magistral)