Nicol C Rae
- Acting Dean
- Professor
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-2422
- UA Sierra Vista Campus, Rm. 101
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- nicolrae@arizona.edu
Nicol Rae joined the University of Arizona's College of Applied Science and Technology (CAST) as Associate Dean for Research and Development in September 2021. Previously he served as the Dean of the College of Letters and Science at Montana State University (MSU) from 2013-2020. Dr. Rae also served as Senior Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). His professional administrative experience at FIU also included serving as the Chair of the Department of Political Science, Co-Director of the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence and Director of European Studies. Dr. Rae’s scholarship is often cited, and his research and teaching focus on American national political institutions, political parties and elections, and conservative politics. He is the author or co-author of five books and numerous articles and book chapters on American politics and has also served as co-editor of four scholarly volumes from leading academic publishers. Dr. Rae was awarded a Congressional Fellowship by the American Political Science Association in 1995 and served as a Capitol Hill aide to Congressman George P. Radanovich of California, and Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi. He holds a doctorate in Politics from Oxford University and an undergraduate degree in Politics from Edinburgh University.
- D. Phil Politics
- University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- The Decline of the Liberal Wing of the Republican Party: 1960-1984
- M.A. Politics
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
American national politics, national political institutions, and the politics of the American West.
US Political Parties, Congress and the Presidency
2022-23 Courses
Exec & Presidential Politics
GPSV 311 (Summer I 2023)
2021-22 Courses
Analysis Amer. Pol. Inst.
GPSV 302 (Summer I 2022)
Scholarly Contributions
- Rae, N. C. (2023, April). "The Decline of the Republican West: 1988 -2020". Annual Meeting of Western Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA: Western Political Science Association.
- Rae, N. C. (2022, June). “The Politically Problematic West”. Policy History Conference. Tempe, AZ: Institute for Political History, Arizona State University.