Leslye A Obiora
- Professor, Law
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-1881
- College of Law Building, Rm. 230
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- obiora@arizona.edu
- Gender Equity and Reconciliation International Fellowship
- Gender Equity and Reconciliation International, Fall 2023
- Imago Dei Fund Girl Child Long Walk Fellowship
- Imago Dei Fund, Fall 2023
- Profiled in Latanya Frett, The Everyday Feminist: The Key to Sustainable Social Impact (Wiley: 2023)
- Fall 2023
- Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency Workshop Retreat
- Rockefeller Foundation, Fall 2023
- Finalist, Fulbright Canada Distinguished Research Chair
- Fulbright Canada Distinguished Research Chair, Fall 2022
- Global Scholar
- Rutgers Center for African Studies, Spring 2019
- Institute for Research on Women, Institute for Women's Leadership, and Center for African Studies at Rutgers, New Brunswick, NJ, Fall 2018
- Rutgers Institute for Research on Women, Fall 2018
- Rutgers Institute for Women's Leadership, Fall 2018
- Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Fall 2018
- Exco Class Representative
- Board of the Law and Society Association, Spring 2017
- Lead Author
- International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP), Spring 2017
- Membership
- Council on Foreign Relations, Spring 2017
- International Panel on Social Progress, Spring 2016
- Class Representative
- Law and Society Association, Spring 2015
Licensure & Certification
- Member (Retired), Connecticut Bar Association (1988)
- Member, Nigerian Bar Association (1985)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Clt Prop Indigenous Peop
LAW 656F (Spring 2025) -
Directed Research
PPEL 592 (Spring 2025) -
Public International Law
LAW 670 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Clt Prop Indigenous Peop
LAW 656F (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
LAW 498H (Spring 2024) -
LAW 626 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
LAW 498H (Fall 2023) -
Public International Law
LAW 670 (Fall 2023)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
LAW 699 (Spring 2018) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Spring 2018) -
Gender and the Law
GWS 695B (Fall 2017) -
Gender and the Law
LAW 695B (Fall 2017) -
Public International Law
LAW 670 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
LAW 626 (Spring 2017) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Spring 2017) -
Gender and the Law
GWS 695B (Fall 2016) -
Gender and the Law
LAW 695B (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
LAW 699 (Fall 2016) -
Public International Law
LAW 670 (Fall 2016) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
LAW 626 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Obiora, L. A. (2021). Feminist Legal Theory & the Technology of Culture. In Palgrave Handbook on African Women’s Studies – Invited. Edited by Yacob-Haliso, Ola & Falola, Toyin.
- Obiora, L. A. (2021). The Past Before Us: Reimagining Patriarchy and Gender in Africa. In Patriarchy and Gender in Africa – Invited. Edited by Bruey, Veronica Fynn.
- Obiora, L. A. (2020). The Discipline for a Passion for the Possible: Feedback from Africa to Enhance Development. In A Passion for the Possible – Excerpts from the Third Conference on Albert Hirschman’s Legacy.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019). Culture and Development: A Bias for Hope in Africa. In Second Conference on Albert Hirschman’s Legacy – A Bias for Hope.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018). International Organizations and Technologies of Governance. In RETHINKING SOCIETY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY, Report of the Intl Panel on Social Progress. Cambridge.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018). International Organizations and Technologies of Governance. In Rethinking Society for the 21st Century, Report of the International Panel on Social Progress, 457-490. Edited by IPSP, Volume 2, Chapter 11. UK: Cambridge University Press (Co-Lead Author with H. Charlesworth, S. Engel Merry, et al.).
- Obiora, L. A. (2018). Intersecting Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Feedback from Nigeria. In For a Better World: Excerpts from First Conference on Albert Hirschman’s Legacy – Theory and Practice, 197-211. Edited by Meldolesi, Luca & Stame, Nicoletta. Roma: Italic Digital Edition.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018). Intersecting Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Feedback from Nigeria. In Meldolesi & Stame, FOR A BETTER WORLD: First Conference on Albert Hirschman’s Legacy – Theory and Practice(p. 197).
- Obiora, L. A. (2017). Bridges and Barricades: Rethinking Polemics and Intransigence in the Campaign Against Female Circumcision, 47 Case Western Law Rev. 275-354 (1997). Lead article with responses by Lawrence Friedman, Kathy Abrams, Isabelle Gunning, Ron Krotoszynski, Ed Gordon, Sylvia Winter, Micere Mugo, Ada Ogbu, Preston Williams, & Pauline Peters.. In Reprinted in Bartlett & Rhode, GENDER & LAW.
- Obiora, L. A., Charlesworth, H., Engle Merry, S., Chimni, B. S., Couso, J., Halliday, T., Korhonen, O., Lin, V., Medina, E., Rodriguez-Garavito, C., Shaffer, G., Urena, R., & Okediji, R. (2017). Chapter 11 – International Organisations and the Technologies of Governance. In International Panel on Social Progress Report.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015). Probing the Parameters of Gender, Power, and Democracy in Nigeria. In Gender and Power: Towards Equality and Democratic Governance, 64-81. Edited by Vianello, Mino & Hawksworth, Mary. UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015). Probing the Parameters of Gender, Power, and Democracy in Nigeria. In Vianello & Hawksworth, eds. GENDER AND POWER: Towards Equality and Democratic Governance. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010). Federalism and Gender Politics in Nigeria. In Feminism, Federalism and Multi-Level Governance, 211-228. Edited by Haussman, Mellissa, Sawer, Marian, and Vickers, Jill. (With Toomey, Sarah). London: Routledge (First Published 2010 by Ashgate Publishing).
- Obiora, L. A., & Toomey, S. (2010). Federalism and Gender Politics in Nigeria. In Haussman, Sawer & Vickers, FEMINISM, FEDERALISM AND MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE.
- Obiora, L. A. (2007). A Refuge from Tradition and the Refuge of Tradition: On Anti-Circumcision Paradigms. In Hernlund & Shell-Duncan, eds. Trans-Cultural Bodies: Female Genital Cutting in Global Context. Rutgers.
- Obiora, L. A. (2006). Safe Harbor and Homage. In Abusharaf, Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives. Penn.
- Obiora, L. A. (2005). Access to Legal System, II Ency. of Women & Islamic Cultures: Family Law & Politics 381 (Brill 2005). In II Ency. of Women & Islamic Cultures: Family Law & Politics.
- Obiora, L. A., & Perry, R. (2002). Bridging False Divides. In Truyol, MORAL IMPERIALISM.
- Obiora, L. A. (2001). Barricades: Rethinking Polemics and Intransigence in the Campaign Against Female Circumcision. In Oyewumi, AFRICAN FEMINISMS.
- Obiora, L. A. (2001). Female Excision: Cultural Concern Essay, Intl Ency. of Social & Behavioral Sciences 5442 (2001). In Intl Ency. of Social & Behavioral Sciences.
- Obiora, L. A. (2001). Feminist Legal Theory, Smelser, et al, Intl Ency. of Social & Behavioral Sc. (2001: Perry, Co-Author). In Smelser, et al, Intl Ency. of Social & Behavioral Sc..
- Obiora, L. A. (2000). Bridges and Barricades: Rethinking Polemics and Intransigence in the Campaign Against Female Circumcision. In Reprinted in Wing, GLOBAL CRITICAL RACE FEMINISM.
- Obiora, L. A. (2000). The Deficits of the Anti-Circumcision Campaign. In Obioma Nnaemeka, AFRICAN WOMEN AND FEMINISM.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017). Advancing the Policy Dialogue in Africa. Africa Policy Journal, 1-10.
- Obiora, L. A., & Whalen, C. (2015). What is Right with Africa: The Promise of the Protocol on Women’s Rights. Transnational Human Rights Review, 2, 153.
- Obiora, L. A., & Whalen, C. (2010). What is Right with Africa: The Promise of the Protocol on Women’s Rights. Pambazuka.
- Obiora, L. A. (2006). The Full Belly Quotient: Renegotiating a Rite. Human Rights Review, 7(2).
- Obiora, L. A. (2004). "Supri, supri, supri, oyibol": An interrogation of gender mainstreaming deficits. Signs, 29(2), 649-662.
- Obiora, L. A. (2004). Supri, Supri, Supri Oyibo?. SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture & Society, 29, 649.
- Obiora, L. A. (2003). Affirmations and Ambiguities. 67 Albany Law Review (Globalization Symposium Issue), 629.
- Obiora, L. A. (2003). Transcription of Conference Presentation. Women’s Rights Law Reporter, 24, 181.
- Obiora, L. A. (2001). Remapping the Domain of Property. U. F. J.L. & Pub. Policy (2001: AALS Symposium), 12, 57.
- Obiora, L. A. (1999). Reclaiming a Heritage of Resistance. Syracuse JILC (Human Rights Symposium Issue), 26, 203.
- Obiora, L. A. (1999). Symbolic Episode in the Quest for Environmental Protection. Human Rights Q., 21, 464.
- Obiora, L. A. (1999). Symbolic episodes in the quest for environmental justice. Human Rights Quarterly, 21(2), 464-512.
- Obiora, L. A. (1998). Reconstituted Consonants: The Reach of a Common Core. Hastings Intl & Comp. L.J., 21, 921.
- Obiora, L. A. (1998). Toward an Auspicious Reconciliation of International and Comparative Analyses. American Journal of Comparative Law, 46(4), 669-.
- Obiora, L. A. (1998). Toward an Auspicious Reconciliation of Int’l & Comparative Law. Am J Comp Law, 46, 669.
- Obiora, L. A. (1997). Bridges and Barricades: Rethinking Polemics and Intransigence in the Campaign Against Female Circumcision, 47 Case Western Law Rev. 275-354 (1997). Lead article with responses by Lawrence Friedman, Kathy Abrams, Isabelle Gunning, Ron Krotoszynski, Ed Gordon, Sylvia Winter, Micere Mugo, Ada Ogbu, Preston Williams, & Pauline Peters.. Case Western Law Rev., 47, 275-354.
- Obiora, L. A. (1997). Feminism, Globalization and Culture: After Beijing. J. Global Legal Studies, 4, 355.
- Obiora, L. A. (1996). Beyond the Rhetoric of a Right to Development. Law & Policy, 18, 355.
- Obiora, L. A. (1996). Neither here nor there: Of the female in American legal education. Law and Social Inquiry, 21(2), 355-432.
- Obiora, L. A. (1996). Of the Female in American Legal Education,. Law and Social Inquiry, 21, 355.
- Obiora, L. A. (1996). The Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine: Re-visiting the Feminist Critique of Female Circumcision,. Canadian Journal of Women & Law, 9, 46.
- Obiora, L. A. (1995). New Wine, Old Skin: (En)Gaging Nationalism (Symposium Issue). Indiana Law Rev., 28, 575.
- Obiora, L. A. (1995). The Irony of Finger-Pointing: On Situating a Critic in Her Discourse – Sequel with M. Jardine & J. Hall. Circles, IV.
- Obiora, L. A. (1995). The Irony of Finger-Pointing: On Situating a Critic in Her Discourse. III Circles Buffalo Women's Journal of Law & Social Policy, III, 48.
- Obiora, L. A. (1994). Rekindling the Domain of Social Reform through Law. Third World Legal Studies.
- Obiora, L. A. (1993). Reconsidering African Customary Law. Invited Comments: Profs Roberts (History, Stanford), Westermark (Anthro, Santa Clara), Gadacz (Sociology, British Columbia). Legal Studies Forum, XVII, 217.
Proceedings Publications
- Obiora, L. A. (2019). IPSP Outreach Event with Special Guest Noam Chomsky. In International Panel on Social Progress.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, March). Harnessing Nigerians in the Diaspora. In Conference.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Fall). Council on Foreign Relations West Coast Conference. In CFR Menlo Park, CA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Summer). Council on Foreign Relations National Conference. In CFR, Manhattan, New York.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). Law and Society Association Executive Committee Meeting. In LSA EXCO, Salt Lake City.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, April). What’s Right with Africa: Reframing Africa’s Leadership Challenges – Remarks and Discussion by former Nigerian president Obasanjo. In Available at http://www.usip.org/events/what-s-right-africa-reframing-africa-s-leadership-challenges.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). Law and Society Association Executive Committee Meeting. In EXCO Meeting, Wash., DC.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Spring). Corruption and Human Rights: Challenges of Mineral Resource Stewardship. In ASIL, 104 American Society of International Law Proceedings, 250-254.
- Obiora, L. A. (2006, June). Stimulating Philanthropy in Nigeria (SPIN): Proceedings of Inaugural Leadership Conference, 2006. In Proceedings of Inaugural Leadership Conference -- Stimulating Philanthropy in Nigeria (SPIN).
- Obiora, L. A. (1999, Sep). The Gender of International Law, 93 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ASIL 206 (1999). In Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law.
- Obiora, L. A. (2022). The Future of the Academy. Ife Institute of Advanced Study, Nigeria.
- Obiora, L. A. (2022). Organic Influence of African Writers. James Currey Lecture, Oxford, UK.
- Obiora, L. A. (2022). Women’s Role in International Security. Global Takumbeng.
- Obiora, L. A. (2021). Learning and Development. BRAC Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Obiora, L. A. (2021). Nigeria Belongs to All of Us. AiMP Workshop.
- Obiora, L. A. (2020). Gender, Governance and Democracy. Institute for Research on Women Interdisciplinary, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
- Obiora, L. A. (2020). Nigeria’s Request for U.S. Import Restrictions on Archaeological and Ethnological Materials. Cultural Property Advisory Committee Open Session, United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
- Obiora, L. A. (2020). Unfinished Canvass. ICAN 4IR CEO Summit.
- Obiora, L. A. (2020). Nigeria's Request for a Bilateral Agreement with the U.S. to Protect its Cultural Property. DePaul Ctr. for Art, Museum and Cultural Heritage.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, July). Gender and Diversity Issues in Entrepreneurship. Mandela Washington Fellowship Leadership Institute. Lehigh University, PA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, July). Sexual Harassment Laws in Africa. Conference. Nairobi, Kenya: Strategic Working Group.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, March). IPSP Outreach Event with Special Guest Noam Chomsky. Event. Tucson: International Panel on Social Progress, Loft Cinema, and UA SBS.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Spring). Batten True North Workshop. Event. Princeton, NJ: Institute for Advanced Study.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Spring). I Am AMIAS,” Interview Series. Event. Princeton, NJ: Institute for Advanced Study.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Spring). Keynote Address, “Africa Rising: Enabling Conditions for Solid Minerals Development". Africa Business Forum. St. Louis, MS: Wash University Olin Business School.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Spring). Rethinking Society for the 21st Century. Tucson Festival of Books. Tucson: Tucson Festival of Books.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Spring). Women, Violence, and Islamic State,” Discussant. Seminar. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ: Institute for Research on Women Interdisciplinary Seminar.
- Obiora, L. A. (2019, Summer). Gender and Human Rights. Iacocca Institute Global Village Fellowship. Lehigh University, PA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, December). A New Society: IPSP Documentary Film. Event. Princeton Public Library.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Fall). Hirschman and Development, Panel Chair. 2nd Hirschman Conf. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Fall). Learning and Innovation. 2nd Hirschman Legacy Conference. World Bank, DC: World Bank, DC.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Fall). Speaking of Culture: An Alternative Perspective on the Uses and Abuses of Culture. Seminar. New Brunswick, NJ: Institute for Research on Women Interdisciplinary Seminar, Rutgers University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Feb). Participant, Aspen Institute Socrates “Learning from Lincoln” Seminar, Aspen, CO, Feb 2018. Aspen Institute Socrates “Learning from Lincoln” Seminar, Aspen, CO, Feb 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Feb). Speaker, Washington University Whitney Harris World Law Institute Lecture Series, St Louis, Feb 2018. Washington University Whitney Harris World Law Institute Lecture Series, St Louis, Feb 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, February). Reframing Accountability: Leadership Enterprise for African Development. Lecture.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, January). Human Rights and Gender Review. Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: Intl Panel on Social Progress.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, July). Facilitator, Iacocca Global Village for Future Leaders Program, Lehigh University, PA, July 2018. Iacocca Global Village for Future Leaders Program, Lehigh University, PA, July 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, June). Improving the Quality of Democracy: A Gender Perspective. Conference. Toronto, Canada: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, June). Panlist, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting Panels, Toronto, Canada, June 2018. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting Panels, Toronto, Canada, June 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, June). Presenter, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting Panels, Toronto, Canada, June 2018. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting Panels, Toronto, Canada, June 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, June). Women as Knowledge Architects: Feedback from the Field. Conference. Toronto, Canada: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, March). BRAC Study Tour, YWCA of Southern AZ Haury Foundation Seed Grant. Event. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Haury Foundation.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, March). Facilitator, Haury Foundation BRAC Study for the YWCA of Southern Arizona, Bangladesh, March ’18. BRAC Learning Tour.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, March). Speaker, Harnessing the Diaspora Roundtable, AiMP Nation Building Workshop, Lagos, March 2018. AiMP Nation Building Workshop, Lagos, March 2018.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, May). Micro-Lending for Economic and Social Justice: Power of International Partnerships. Event.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Nov). Panelist, Rethinking Society for the 21st Century, IPSP Report Launch, Princeton, NJ, November 2018. IPSP Report Launch, Princeton, NJ,.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, November). A Manifesto for Social Progress – Ideas for a Better Society. EventPrinceton University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Spring). Learning from Lincoln. Seminar. Aspen, CO: Aspen Institute.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Summer). Gender and Power. Iacocca Institute Global Village, Lehigh University. Iacocca Institute Global Village, Lehigh University: Iacocca Institute Global Village, Lehigh University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Dec). Participant, Council on Foreign Relations West Coast Conference, Menlo Park, California, Dec 2017. Council on Foreign Relations West Coast Conference, Menlo Park, California, Dec 2017.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Fall). Exit-Voice from the Standpoint of Gender Empowerment. First Hirschman Legacy Conference. Boston, MA: Boston University Center for Global Studies.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Fall). Law and Development in Africa. Guest Lecture. Harvard Law School.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Jan). Lead Author, International Panel on Social Progress Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2017. International Panel on Social Progress Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2017.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, June). Participant, Council on Foreign Relations National Conference, Manhattan, New York, June 2017. Council on Foreign Relations National Conference, Manhattan, New York, June 2017.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, June). Participant, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Mexico City, June 2017. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Mexico City, June 2017.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Oct). Guest Lecture, Law and Development in Africa, Harvard Law School, Boston, MA, Oct 2017. Harvard Law School, Boston, MA,.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Oct). Presenter, Conference on Hirschman Legacy, Center for Global Studies, Boston University, Oct 2017. Conference on Hirschman Legacy, Center for Global Studies, Boston University, Oct 2017.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Spring). Law and Society Association Executive Committee Meeting. Event. Berkeley, CA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Spring). Rethinking Society in the 21st Century. International Panel on Social Progress Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, June). Keynote Address, “Philanthropy in Nigeria”. Conference. Lagos, Nigeria: African Philanthropy Forum.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). African Legal Systems: A Critical Overview. Conference. American U., Washington, DC.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). Human Rights Case Study. Conference. Princeton University: Intl Panel on Social Progress.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). Nigeria’s Present. Stanford Africa Business Forum. Stanford U., Palo Alto.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). Presidential Learning Exchange. Event. Doha, Qatar: Georgetown University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Spring). Presidential Learning Exchange. Event. Singapore: Singapore Management University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Assessing Social Progress and its Barriers. Law and Society Association. New Orleans: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Empirical Challenges of Deepening Democracy. Conference. Poznan, Poland: Research Committee on the Quality of Democracy Main Theme Panel, Intl Political Science Association Congress.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Empirical Challenges of Deepening Democracy. Law and Society Association Conference. New Orleans.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Gender and Leadership Roundtable. Law and Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Human Rights Panel. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans.More infoI was invited by the LSA organizing committee to intervene as the Chair and Discussant for this panel.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Human Rights and Institutions. LSA Conference. New Orleans: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). IPSP Chapter 11 Panel. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Keynote. African Philanthropy Forum. Lagos, Nigeria.
- Obiora, L. A. (2016, Summer). Main Theme Panel. International Political Science Association Congress. Poland: International Political Science Association Congress,.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Fall). Nigeria We Hail Thee. Lecture. Doha, Qatar: Georgetown School of Foreign Service.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Fall). Reframing Governance: Diversity Audit and the Accountability Gap. NSF-Sponsored Short Course. San Francisco, CA: American Political Science Association Conference.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Fall). Transnational Organizations. Conference. Istanbul, Turkey: Intl Panel on Social Progress.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). Keynote Address, “Reimagining Gender and Power. Conference Keynote Address. Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA: Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). LEAD Presidential Dialogue. Event. United States Institute for Peace, Washington, DC: United States Institute for Peace, Washington, DC.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). LEAD Presidential Forum. Event. Johns Hopkins University SAIS & BSPH, DC & MD.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). Women in Leadership. Conference. Middlebury Institute of Intl Studies, Monterey, CA: Middlebury Institute of Intl Studies, Monterey, CA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Authenticity as Capital: A Reflection on the Maasai Community in Kenya. Conference Paper. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Back to the Basics: Analyzing the Competencies of Indigenous Practices in the Quest for African Development. Conference Paper. Seattle: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Bringing it Home: Sex Trafficking and State Action. Conference Paper. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Dignity and Gender Justice. Conference Paper. Seattle, WA: LSA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Governance Review. Panel. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Nigeria We Hail Thee:” A Centennial Audit of the Politics of Gender. Conference Paper. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Reimagining Gender & Power. Conference. San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). Swords into Plowshares: Appraising the Political Economy of International Peace and Security. Panel. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). When Two Elephants Fight, the Grass Suffers: The Quandary of Human Security in Liberia. Conference Paper. Seattle, WA: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Spring). BRAC Capacity Building Initiative. Event. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Spring). CBN Financial Inclusion Capacity Building. Training. Abuja, Nigeria.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Spring). Ministry of Justice Liberia Separation of Powers Intervention. Event. Monrovia, Liberia.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Spring). Platform of African Diaspora Youth (PADY) Retreat. Retreat. Greenwich CT.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). Gender, Power and Democracy in Nigeria. Conference. San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). Platform of African Diaspora Youth (PADY) Learning. Event. Singapore.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). Revisiting BRAC’s ‘Quiet Revolution’ as a Prism to Reframe the Discourse of Legal Imperialism. Conference. Law and Society Association: Minneapolis MN.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). Russian International Affairs Council and New Eurasia Foundation. Event. Moscow, Russia.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). The Politics of Gender and the Contingency of Rights. Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014, Summer). Women at Work -- Tempo de Donne. Conference. Venice, Italy: Venice Intl University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Fall). CJES Rivers State Government Educational Reform Collaborative. Event. New York.
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Fall). Faith-Based Organizations Peace Architecture Initiative. Event. Onitsha, Nigeria.
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Fall). The Digital Agora: Considerations for Equitable Inclusion and Democratic Consolidation. Conference. Montreal, Canada: World Social Science Forum.
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Summer). Gender and Power Working Group. Conference. Venice Intl University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2012, Fall). Realizing Progressive Realizations. Rights & Translation Conf., Tucson. UA, Tucson.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Fall). Ideas Festival Roundtable. Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Fall). Leaders Quest. Event. Brazil.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Spring). LEAD Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Workshop. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Spring). The Invention of Tradition: Reflections on Martin Chanock’s Scholarship. Law, History, and Culture Conference. University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Summer). Christian and the Marketplace. Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Summer). Opportunities and Challenges of Philanthropy in Nigeria: Lessons Learned from SPIN. Conference. Abuja, Nigeria: TY Danjuma Foundation Philanthropy Forum.
- Obiora, L. A. (2011, Summer). Wheeler Award Presentation, Law & Society Annual Mtg.,. Event. San Francisco.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). Challenges of Mining in Nigeria. Arizona Geological Society Conference. Tucson, AZ.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). China-Africa Conference, Yale University McMillan Center, New Haven. Conference. Yale University McMillan Center, New Haven.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). LEAD Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Workshop. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). Leaders Quest. Event. Russia.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). Leadership Enterprise for African Development (LEAD) Retreat. Event. Nigeria House, NYC.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). Ophelia: A Preliminary Inquiry into a Pilot Initiative. Conference. Florida A&M University Women’s Conference, Orlando, Florida.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Fall). Thabo Mbeki Leadership Institute. Event. Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Spring). African Women’s Proprietary Interest in Microfinance as a Global Institution. Third National People of Color Legal Conference. Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Spring). Corruption and Human Rights: The Challenges of Mineral Resources Stewardship. Conference Paper. American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C..
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Spring). Looking for Africa Where It Can Be Found. CLR James Distinguished Lecture. St Lawrence University, Canton, NY.
- Obiora, L. A. (2010, Summer). Keynote Address: Anambra State Integrated Development Strategy. Conference. Awka, Nigeria.
- Obiora, L. A., & Obiora, L. A. (2010, Spring). Leaders Quest. Event. India.
Poster Presentations
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). Voices in Africa Media. Event. Middlebury Institute of Intl Studies, Monterey, CA: Middlebury Institute of Intl Studies, Monterey, CA.
- Obiora, L. A. (2022. Chronicles of an Amazon.
- Obiora, L. A. (2014. Fellowship, Grant and/or Program Reviewer, MacArthur Foundation.
- Obiora, L. A. (2006. Book Review, Anghie, Imperialism and the Making of Intl Law, 40 Law & Soc. Rev 729 (2006)(p. 729).
- Obiora, L. A. (2005. Book Review, 31(1) SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture & Society (2005).
Creative Productions
- Obiora, L. A. (2017. Onyeka Nwelue, Documentary – House of Nwapa. https://www.nigeriafilms.com/max/44071-onyeka-nwelue-releases-the-house-of-nwapaMore infoSample blurb “chronicles the story of Flora Nwapa, considered as Africa’s first female novelist published in English. A string of narratives and interviews, featuring Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka … Professor Leslye Obiora … details who she was and what she represented.”
Other Teaching Materials
- Obiora, L. A. (2017. Gender and Law/Feminist Majority. Gender and Law/Feminist Majority.
- Obiora, L. A. (2009. Innovations for Successful Societies, Princeton University. Woodrow Wilson Institute, Princeton University.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, April). Bylaws 4-103(b)(1)(J) developing instructional or design projects: Instructional materials developed for Sakall's undergrad class.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, July). Bylaws 4-103(b)(1)(J) developing instructional or design projects: Instructional materials developed for Iaccoca Global Village.
- Obiora, L. A. (2018, Sep). Microlending for Economic and Social Justice: Power of International Partnerships. https://www.mrsgreensworld.com/podcast/microlending-power-of-international-partnerships/.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Dec). http://apj.hkspublications.org/leslye-obiora/. Harvard Kennedy School Africa Policy Journal (2017).
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, July). Rethinking Society for the 21st Century, Chapter 11, Report of the International Panel on Social Progress. Available at https://www.ipsp.org/.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, June). Law and Society Association Board & Annual Meeting.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Oct). Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Feedback from Nigeria. https://colornihirschman.org/first-conference-on-albert-hirschman-legacy.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Summer). Board Meeting and International Conference. Law and Society Association Mexico City.
- Obiora, L. A. (2017, Summer). National Conference. Council on Foreign Relations.
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Spring). What’s Right with Africa: Reframing Africa’s Leadership Challenges. http://www.usip.org/events/what-s-right-africa-reframing-africa-s-leadership-challenges
- Obiora, L. A. (2015, Summer). paying-rent-for-space-on-earth. http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/paying-rent-for-space-on-earth/213886/
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Sep). Thoughts on Gender Equality. www2.prx.org/pieces/94326-the-mikie-show-60-leslye.
- Obiora, L. A. (2013, Spring). Thoughts on Gender Equality. http://www2.prx.org/pieces/94326-the-mikie-show-60-leslye
- Obiora, L. A. (2012, Spring). BRAC Study Tour.
- Obiora, L. A. (2012, Spring). Presidential Papers Project.
- Obiora, L. A. (2009, May). Nigeria: So Much More Than Scam Artists,. Christian Science Monitor, May 20, 2009.
- Obiora, L. A. (2008, April). New Scramble for Africa,. Access Tucson Television Show and You-Tube Video Broadcast, April 2008.
- Obiora, L. A. (2008, May). My Commentary,. Access Tucson Television and You-Tube Video Broadcast, May 2008.
- Obiora, L. A. (1986, Sep). What Every Woman In Nigeria Should Know. Int'l. Planned Parenthood Federation Series.