Nancy N Odegaard
- Conservator, Arizona State Museum
- Volunteer
- (520) 621-6314
- Raymond H. Thompson Building, Rm. 125
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- odegaard@arizona.edu
Nancy is the Head of the Preservation Division at the Arizona State Museum on the campus of the University of Arizona in Tucson where she is also a professor with the Department of Material Science & Engineering, the School of Anthropology, American Indian Studies GIDP, and the Heritage conservation/historic preservation Certificate Program in the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture. She leads the effort to preserve the collections of the museum through loans, exhibits, excavations, research, storage, and repatriation; she teaches students at all levels and provides outreach services throughout the region; and she conducts research on topics related to conservation. Born in Minnesota, she moved with her parents to Arizona and then studied for a bachelor’s degree in California with a year abroad in Paris, France followed by graduate studies at George Washington University and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, and a doctoral degree in Canberra, Australia. She gained early career experience in conservation at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museo Ixchel in Guatemala, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and the Peabody Museum at Harvard University. She has worked at the Arizona State Museum since 1983. She has received Fulbright Awards (1991, 2001, 2015), a Winterthur Research Fellowship (2000), an ICCROM Visiting Fellow (2015), a Getty GCI Scholar Fellowship (2007), a Visiting Scholar Award at the American Academy of Rome (2015), and an Honorary Professorship at the Institute of Archaeology- University College London (2014-2018), and visiting. She is a Fellow of the AIC and IIC and received a Commendation Award from the US Department of Justice (2000), AIC Keck Award (2009), the AIC Conservation Advocacy Award (2013), and the Chancellor’s Alumni Award from the University of Canberra (2017). In 2016 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Gothenburg Sweden (Faculty of Science).
She has led major conservation projects involving survey, tribal consultation, research, treatment, and storage upgrades for collections of pottery, human remains, basketry, textiles, and pesticide residues. Her books include: A Guide to Handling Anthropological Museum Objects (WAAC); Old Poisons New Problems: Information and Resource Guide for Contaminated Cultural Materials in Museum Collections (AltaMira); Curating Human Remains: A Guide for Museums and Academic Institution (AltaMira); and Material Characterization Test for Objects of Art and Archaeology (Archetype).
- Ph.D. Conservation
- University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia
- Archaeological and Ethnographic Painted Wood Artifacts from the North American Southwest: The Case Study of a Matrix Approach for the Conservation of Cultural Materials
- M.A. Museum Studies; Anthropological Conservation
- George Washington University, Washington DC, DC, USA
- The Conservation of a Guatemalan House Model
- B.A. Art History
- University of Redlands, Redlands, California, USA
Work Experience
- American Indian Studies, GIDP, UA (2017 - Ongoing)
- Heritage Conservation Certificate Program, CAPLA, UA (2012 - Ongoing)
- Department of Materials Science & Engineering - UA (2006 - Ongoing)
- School of Anthropology, UA (2000 - Ongoing)
- Arizona State Museum - University of Arizona (1983 - Ongoing)
- Peabody Museum - Harvard University (1981 - 1983)
- Chancellor's Alumni Award
- University of Canberra, Fall 2017
- Professor
- American Indian Studies, GIDP, Fall 2017
- Dark Horse Project Expert
- Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Summer 2017
- Honorary Doctorate
- University of GothenburgFaculty of Science, Fall 2016
- Honorary Professorship extension
- University College London, Institute of Archaeology, Fall 2016
- Fulbright Senior Specialist
- Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State., Summer 2015
- Visiting Fellow
- ICCROM; InternationalInternational Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration, Spring 2015
- Visiting Scholar
- American Academy of Rome, Spring 2015
- Honorary Visiting Professorship
- Institute of ArchaeologyUniversity College London, Fall 2014
- Sabbatical
- University of Arizona, Summer 2014
Licensure & Certification
- Approval Holder Sealed Source, University of Arizona (2015)
- Radiation Generating Machine Protection, Univeristy of Arizona (2009)
- RAM Tranporter, University of Arizona (2011)
- Chemical Laboratory Safety, University of Arizona (2000)
- Approval Holder Research Machine, University of Arizona (2015)
- Advanced Training in Ethnographic and Archaeological Conservation, Smithsonian Institution (1983)
- Globally Harmonized System, University of Arizona (2013)
Pesticide Poison Residues- Detection and Removal; Conservation of SW ceramic vessels-ancient to historic; Conservation of American Indian Basketry-archaeological and ethnographic; Conservation of Painted Wood Objects; Care and Conservation Concerns for Human Remains; Terminology of hand crafted objects.
Clinical Conservation Methods; Conservation Science Method and Theory; Materials Characterization Techniques; Archaeological Conservation; Preventive Museum Conservation.
2020-21 Courses
Honors Thesis
CHEM 498H (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Independent Study
MSE 399 (Summer I 2020) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Summer I 2020) -
ANTH 696A (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
CHEM 498H (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
MSE 399 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ANTH 696A (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Spring 2019) -
MSE 693 (Spring 2019) -
MSE 910 (Winter 2018) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2018) -
MSE 900 (Fall 2018) -
MSE 910 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Summer I 2018) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2018) -
MSE 900 (Spring 2018) -
MSE 910 (Spring 2018) -
MSE 900 (Fall 2017) -
MSE 910 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
MSE 900 (Spring 2017) -
MSE 910 (Spring 2017) -
MSE 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Fall 2016) -
MSE 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
ANTH 599 (Summer I 2016) -
Independent Study
MSE 499 (Spring 2016) -
MSE 900 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Odegaard, N. N., & Pool, M. (2017). An Evolving Approach for the Conservation of Pottery Vessels. In Engaging Conservation: Collaboration Across Disciplines(pp 199-205). London: Archetype.
- Odegaard, N. N., & O'Grady, C. R. (2016). The Conservation Practices for Archaeological Ceramics of Sir Flinders Petrie and Others Between 1880 - 1930. In Recent Advances in Glass and Ceramics Conservation(pp 85-95). Wroclaw, Poland: POZKAL Spólka for the ICOM Committee for Conservation.: POZKAL Spólka for the ICOM Committee for Conservation.
- Anderson, J. R., Odegaard, N., Dawley, M., Farley, D. J., & Zimmt, W. (2014). Coping with Arsenic-Based Pesticides on Textile Collections. In Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 21. S. Davis (ed)(pp 181-204). Washington DC: American Institute for Conservation.More infoDevelopment and testing of a protocol for removing arsenic pesticide residues from textiles.Print ISSN 2169-379XOnline ISSN 2169-1290
- Gibson, L. T., Higgit, C., Odegaard, N., & Rushworth, I. (2014). Novel Non-Invasive Sensors for the Dectection of Pesticides on Heritage Objects. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Preprints, Melbourne, ed. J. Bridgland(pp art. 1602). Paris: International Council of Museums.More infoTesting of organic pesticides through vapor phase passive sampling using Tenax. Part of research was done in UA, ASM conservation lab.
- Odegaard, N. (2014). Ceramics: Conservation and Preservation. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith (ed)(pp 1315-1318). NY: Springer.More infoPrint ISBN978-1-4419-0426-3Online ISBN978-1-4419-0465-2
- Odegaard, N., & Cassman, V. (2014). Authentication and Conservation In Archaeological Science. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith (ed.)(pp 702-711). NY: Springer.More info12ppPrint ISBN978-1-4419-0426-3Online ISBN978-1-4419-0465-2
- Odegaard, N., Bott, S., Hamraz, M., Jeffery, R. B., & Rawan, A. (2014). Professional Education for Afghan Cultural Heritage Faculty. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, ed. J. Bridgeland(pp electronic). art. 0405: International Council of Museums.More infoDiscussion of partnership goals and achievements between University of Arizona and Kabul University. 8 pp. ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8
- Odegaard, N., Pool, M., & Watkinson, G. (2014). Woven Wonders: Revitalizing Collections and Community Relationships. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, Melbourne. ed. J. Bridgland(pp art 0405). Paris: International Council of Museums.More infoPresentation of an extremely large and complicated project to preserve and protect a large museum basketry collection with ongoing review and evaluation.8 pp. ISBN-92-9012-410-8
- Odegaard, N., Pool, M., Bisucla, C., Santarelli, B., Neiman, M., & Watkinson, G. (2014). Pine Pitch: New Treatment Protocols for a Brittle and Crumbly Conservation Problem. In Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 21. S. Davis (ed)(pp 21-41). Washington DC: American Institute for Conservation.More infoPrint ISSN 2169-379XOnline ISSN 2169-1290
- Odegaard, N. N., Basulca, C., & Pool, M. (2017). A Survey of Plant and Insect Exudates in the Archaeology of Arizona. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 15, 272-281.More infoThe Arizona State Museum has more than 30,000 archaeological perishable artifacts. A large scale inventory of this collection led to an analytical survey to identify the indigenous adhesives that are present in these objects. Adhesive samples from 64 objects that covered 31 different archaeological sites and encompassed every majorcultural tradition in Arizona were analyzed with attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The study found that Pinaceae exudates and insect lac were the primary adhesive materials. Insect lac was the predominant adhesive used by the Hohokam, and both pine resin and insect lac were found in artifacts from the Mogollon and Ancestral Pueblo. Because insect lac is produced by insects (Tachardiella spp.) endemic to the desert lowlands, this indicates exchange of insect lac throughout the cultural regions of Arizona. This study illustrates the value of addressing a collection as a whole to increase understanding of prehistoric material culture and fabrication technology.
- Odegaard, N. N., McFadden, P. D., Frederick, K., Arguello, L. A., Vandiver, P., & Loy, D. A. (2017). UV Fluorescent Epoxy Adhesives from Noncovalent and Covalent Incorporation of Coumarin Dyes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(11), 10061-10068. doi:10.1021/acsmi.6b13218More infoEpoxies are commonly used in art conservation as adhesives for artifact reconstruction and repair. However, with the development of colorless epoxies, it has become more difficult to detect repair work. Fluorescent epoxies would allow for easy detection
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016). The O-Toluidine Test for Plant Carbohydrates. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 55(4), 217-227.More infoUse of O-Toluidine test for various complex carbohydrates found in plant materials.
- Odegaard, N. N., & Cassman, V. (2016). The Conservation of Human Remains: Ethical Questions and Experiences in America. Technè, 44, 18-21.More infoThe ethics and deontology of the conservation-restoration of human remains in the US.
- Odegaard, N. N., Pack, C., Pool, M., Dawley, M., Jenkins, S., & Watkinson, G. (2016). Woven Wonders: Saving Basketry at the Arizona State Museum. KIVA, 82(4), 403-420.More infoAdvances in conservation employed at Arizona State Museum have expanded research options for over 35,000 artifacts.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017, FAll). Safely Handling and Moving Museum Objects: A Tutorial. ATALM. Santa Ana Plueblo, NM: ATALM.More infoTo avoid damage, safely handling and moving museum objects requires specialized knowledge.This session covers the proper handling of items commonly found in collections, as well asguidelines for establishing a handbook of policies and procedures. Participants will receive a copyof A Guide to Handling Anthropological Collections, a straightforward text of “do’s and don’ts”of collection handling, designed to be used by researchers, docents, volunteers, visitors,students, staff, or others who have not received formal training in the handling of museumartifacts.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017, FAll). Woman Ochre; A Stolen deKooning Painting Comes Home. WAAC. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT: Western Association of Art Conservators.More infoThe methods and approach for a preliminary authentication of the Woman-Ochre painting by Willem de Kooning was presented.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017, Fall). Investigating Liquid CO2 to Clean Textiles and Basketry. WAAC. Salt Lake City: Western Association of Art Conservators.More infoThe use of micron-sized snow particles to transfer and displace particles of surface soiling on delicate textile and basketry surfaces. The ASM process of testing this technique is described.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017, Spring). Hidden Hazards in the Museum Collection. Exposed: A Technical Art History Symposium. University of Arizona Student Union Kiva Room: University Museum of Art.
- Odegaard, N. N., Bisulca, C., & Santarelli, B. (2017, March/April). Characterization of Minerals on Hohokam Palattes. Society of American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Society of American Archaeology.More infoSession 105, Hohokam Archaeology
- Odegaard, N. N., Bisulca, C., & Santarelli, B. (2017, Spring). Characterization of Minerals on Hohokam Palettes. Society of American Archaeology. Vancouver BC Canada: SAA.
- Odegaard, N. N., Burr, B., & Farley, J. (2017, Fall). The Up- Down- Front- Back for Navajo Textiles, Part 1 & 2.. ATALM. Santa Ana Pueblo, NM: ATALM.More infoThe clues for determining the top (up), bottom (down), front (weaver's view), and back of Navajo made textiles. Weaving details that are unique to these textiles will be discussed along with comparisons to other types of textiles. Catalog number labels and whereto place them will be discussed. Recommendations for storage, infestation care, levels of conservation, restoration, and mounting for exhibition will be shared.
- Odegaard, N. N., Pool, M., & Bisulca, C. (2017, Spring). Dye Components in Insect Lac (Shellac) in Southwest. Society of Ethnobiology. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Society of Ethnobiology.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016, October). Conservation as a Discipline and Doctoral Degrees. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg.More infoPresentation of views regarding professions and disciplines, the place of conservation research, and the role of doctoral degrees in conservation.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016, October). Woven Wonders: Revitalizing Collections and Community Relations. Presentation to Faculty. University of Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo.More infoDescription of use of logic model for develop and complete complex project to preserve 35,000 basketry items.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016, spring). Basketry Conservation Update. Southwest Native Nations Advisory Board Meeting. Arizona State Museum: Arizona State Museum.More infoUpdate and case study discussion regarding multi-year project.
- Odegaard, N. N., Bisulca, C., & Pool, M. (2016, spring). Dye Components in Insect Lac (Shellac) of the American Southwest. 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology. University of Arizona Tucson: Society of Ethnobiology.More infoInsect exudate from Tachardiella spp. is used at an adhesive have a red dye. This paper discusses the analysis of the dye and compare it to Asian lac.
- Odegaard, N. N., Harrison, A., Watkinson, G., & Pool, M. (2016, Fall). Materials for Storage and Soft Packing. International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries and Museums. Gila River, AZ: ATALM.More infoDiscussion about choosing appropriate materials for storage containers, supports and soft packing.
- Odegaard, N. N., Pool, M., & Bisulca, C. (2016, November). Adhesives in the American Southwest and Testing for Identification. Western Association for Art Conservators. Old Main, University of Arizona: Western Association of Art Conservators.More infoDiscussion of various plants and resins in the American Southwest used by indigenous peoples as adhesives and coatings and how they can be identified.
- Odegaard, N. N., Pool, M., & Leah, B. (2016, fall). Material for Storage and Soft Packing. Western Museums Association Workshop. Phoenix, AZ Arizona Science Center: Western Museums Association.More infoHands-on workshop with lecture, discussion, and worksheet to better understand materials used in museums and why they are selected or not selected in storage and soft packaging.
Poster Presentations
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017, spring). Mending Baskets: Revisiting Older Approaches with New Techniques and Inventing Better Solutions. AIC. Chicago IL: AIC.More infoWith contributions from L. Bright, B. Burr, S.Jenkins, N. Odegaard, N. Peters, M. Pool, G. Watkinson.
- Odegaard, N. N., Canosa, E., & Dawley, M. (2017, Spring). NAGPRA and Conservation: Documenting Repatriation Materials from the Perspective of a Conservation Professional. AIC. Chicago, IL: AIC.
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016, Spring). What was Going on around here during Shakespeare's time. Shakespear Folio Exhibit compliment display in Conservation Lab Window. Arizona State Museum: Arizona State Museum.
- Odegaard, N. N., & Anderson, J. R. (2016, May). Investigation into the Removal of Arsenic Based Pesticides on Feathers. 42nd Annual Conference of the American Institute for Conservation. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: American Institute for Conservation.More infoFindings from a case study research project involving the use of aqueous treatment to study removal criteria for feathers on a sacred object.
- Odegaard, N. N., & Lindsey, W. (2016, October). Corn and Tobacco Residue Studies in Ceramic Vessels. Materials Science & Technology 16 Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International, Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM (MetSoc), NACE International, and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)..More infoDescribes study to make residue analysis more straight forward using minimal sampling and non-destructive techniques.
- Odegaard, N. N., & Lindsey, W. (2016, Spring). Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Snow to Clean Basketry and Textiles. The Arizona Imaging & Microanalysis Society (AIMS). University of Arizona: Microscopy Society of America.More infoResults of a case study utilizing artificial soils and Carbon Dioxide snow to illustrate a viable new treatment option for delicate museum objects.
- Odegaard, N. N., McFadden, P., Bagge, R., Frederick, K., Canosa, E., Loy, D., & Vandiver, P. (2016, August). Developing Epoxies for Art Conservation: Reworkable and Fluorescent Adhesives. Polymer Science for Everyday Things; American Chemical Society. Philadelphia, PA: American Chemical Society.
- Odegaard, N. N., Pool, M., Bisulca, C., Watkinson, G., Burr, E., & Peters, N. (2016, May). Testing a Model for Multi-Faceted Engagement and Maximized Efficiency for Collection Response Under Restricted Time. 42nd Annual Conference of the American Institute for Conservation. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: American Institute for Conservation.More infoDescription of a case study known as the Pottery Blitz that changed a programmatic methodology for conservation.
Creative Productions
- Odegaard, N. N. (2017. The Detective Work Behind Authenticating A Stolen Artistic Masterpice. Arizona Science (Episode 102) with NPR Science Friday. University of Arizona: AZPM. https://radio.azpm.org/.../118587-episode-102-the-detective-work-behind- authenticating-a-stolen-artistic-masterpiece/More infoNancy Odegaard, a leading expert in the analysis of archaeological materials, was invited to judge whether the painting that was brought in was, in fact, the painting that had been stolen. Like a forensic expert at a murder scene, she methodically examined the piece in question for telltale signs of the history
- Odegaard, N. N. (2016. Preserving the Past for the Future. Arizona Science (Episode 15) with NPR Science Friday, AZPM. University fo Arizona: AZPM. https://radio.azpm.org/.../95793-episode-15-preserving-the-past-for-the- future/More infoNancy Odegaard discusses science in the field of conservation.
Case Studies
- Odegaard, N. N., & Mozdy, M. (2016. Irons, Paint & Pulleys.More infoThe stabilization of Lynn Fausett’s 1940 Barrier Canyon Mural which hung in the Anthropology Hall at the George Thomas Building, the former location of the Utah Museum of Natural History where for 40 years the dust of decades clung to both sides.
- Smith, L., Odegaard, N. N., Pearlstein, E., Kaminitz, M., McHugh, K. M., Lamar-Chavez, C., Vallo, B., Enote, J., & Dawley, M. M. (2017, September). Museums plus Communities: Guidelines for Collaboration. Indian Arts Research Center, School of Advanced Research.