Margaret Reimer
- Professor
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-9341
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0027
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Spring 2025) -
Logic+Critical Thinking
PHIL 110 (Spring 2025) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Independent Study
PHIL 499H (Fall 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Fall 2024) -
Logic+Critical Thinking
PHIL 110 (Fall 2024) -
Philosophy of Language
LING 463 (Fall 2024) -
Philosophy of Language
LING 563 (Fall 2024) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 463 (Fall 2024) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 563 (Fall 2024) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
PHIL 599 (Spring 2024) -
Logic+Critical Thinking
PHIL 110 (Spring 2024) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Fall 2023) -
Logic+Critical Thinking
PHIL 110 (Fall 2023) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2023) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Spring 2023) -
Isu+Meth Analytic Phil
PHIL 344 (Spring 2023) -
Philosophy Of Religion
PHIL 233 (Spring 2023) -
Philosophy Of Religion
RELI 233 (Spring 2023) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2023) -
20th Cent Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 264 (Fall 2022) -
Honors Thesis
LING 498H (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
PHIL 599 (Fall 2022) -
Philosophy of Language
LING 463 (Fall 2022) -
Philosophy of Language
LING 563 (Fall 2022) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 463 (Fall 2022) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 563 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
LING 498H (Spring 2022) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Spring 2022) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Spring 2022) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 596L (Spring 2022) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Fall 2021) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Fall 2021) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Fall 2021) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Spring 2021) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Spring 2021) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Spring 2021) -
FSHD 347 (Spring 2021) -
PHIL 347 (Spring 2021) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Spring 2021) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2021) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Fall 2020) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Fall 2020) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Fall 2020) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2020) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Honors Independent Study
PHIL 499H (Spring 2020) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Spring 2020) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Spring 2020) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Spring 2020) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Spring 2020) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Independent Study
PHIL 499H (Fall 2019) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Fall 2019) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Fall 2019) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Fall 2019) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2019) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Spring 2019) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Spring 2019) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Spring 2019) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Spring 2019) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Spring 2019) -
PHIL 491 (Spring 2019) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Fall 2018) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Fall 2018) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Fall 2018) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Fall 2018) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2018) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Fall 2018) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Honors Independent Study
PHIL 499H (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PHIL 499 (Spring 2018) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Spring 2018) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Spring 2018) -
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 596L (Spring 2018) -
20th Cent Continent Phil
PHIL 246 (Fall 2017) -
Honors Preceptorship
PHIL 491H (Fall 2017) -
Honors Thesis
PHIL 498H (Fall 2017) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2017) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Fall 2017) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Independent Study
PHIL 599 (Spring 2017) -
FSHD 347 (Spring 2017) -
PHIL 347 (Spring 2017) -
PSY 347 (Spring 2017) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Spring 2017) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
PHIL 599 (Fall 2016) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
LING 376 (Fall 2016) -
Intro Philosophy of Lang
PHIL 376 (Fall 2016) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PHIL 345 (Fall 2016) -
Philosophy + Psychiatry
PSY 345 (Fall 2016) -
PHIL 491 (Fall 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Reimer, M. -. (2011). A Davidsonian Perspective on Psychiatric Delusions.More infoIn this paper, I argue against those who claim that Donald Davidson's rationalist conception of the mental is undermined by the delusional beliefs of psychiatric patients. I argue that, on the contrary, the psychiatric phenomena are perfectly in keeping with the Davidsonian view.;Full Citation: "A Davidsonian Perspective on Psychiatric Delusions," Philosophical Psychology 24(5), 659-677.;
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Childhood trauma and the mentally ill parent: Reconciling moral and medical conceptions of "what really happened".More infoThis paper reflects on a memoir written by a young man raised by a mother suffering from bipolar disorder. In it, I attempt to reconcile a conflict at the heart of the memoir: Forgiving a parent for hurtful behavior that stemmed from genuine illness. (The conflict resides in the fact that there is something inappropriate in the idea of "forgiving" someone for something that, having stemmed from illness, was not really their fault to begin with.) ;Full Citation: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17(3);
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Distinguishing between the psychiatrically and philosophically deluded: Easier said than done. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.More infoI respond to commentaries on my paper "Only a philosopher or a madman," arguing in favor of the idea that some philosophical "delusions" (such as theism) are difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish from psychiatric delusions.;Full Citation: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17(4);
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Moral aspects of psychiatric diagnosis: the Cluster B personality disorders. Neuroethics.More infoThis paper discusses the intrusion of moral judgment in psychiatric diagnosis and invokes Gricean mechanisms in an attempt to explain how it might be avoided.;Full Citation: Neuroethics 3(2);
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Only a philosopher or a madman: Impratical delusions in philosophy and psychiatry. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.More infoI argue that our understanding of psychiatric delusions as genuine beliefs can be enhanced by comparing them to philosophical "delusions" such as libertarianism (with regard to free will), moral realism, and (Moorean) dogmatism.;Full Citation: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17(4);
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Reflections on Insight: Puzzles, paradoxes, and dilemmas. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.More infoResponse to commentaries on my "Treatment adherence in the absence of insight;Full Citation: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17(1), 85-89.;
- Reimer, M. -. (2010). Treatment adherence in the absence of insight: a puzzle and a proposed solution. Philosophy, Pychiatry, and Psychology.More infoIn this paper, I draw attention to a puzzle: the fact that psychiatric patients without insight nevertheless adhere to treatment. I then solve the puzzle by appealing to benefits of treatment adherence that might be conceptualized in non-medical terms.;Full Citation: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17(1), 65-75;
- Reimer, M. -. (2009). Is the Impostor hypothesis really so preposterous? Understanding the Capgras experience. Philosophical Psychology, Taylor and Francis.More info;Your Role: Sole Author;Full Citation: 2009. Philosophical Psychology. 226 (2). 669-689;
- Reimer, M. -. (2008). Metaphorical meanings: Do you see what I mean?. The Baltic International Yearbook of Logic and Communication/University of Latvia.More info;Full Citation: The Baltic International Yearbook of Logic and Communication, August 2008, vol. 3, pp. 1-20.;
- Reimer, M. -. (2008). Psychopathy without (the language of) disorder. Neuroethics/Springer.More info;Full Citation: Neuroethics, vol. 1, No. 3 (1 October 2008), pp. 185-198.;
- Reimer, M. -. (2011, 2011-10-01). Drawing, Seeing, Referring: Reflections on Macbeht's Dagger. Conference in Honor of Richard L. Cartwright. Cambridge, Massachusetts.More infoI combine my interests in psychosis (philosophy of psychiatry) and reference (philosophy of language) by proposing an account of reference to hallucinations. The account is based on analogies between drawing, seeing, and referring.;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Reimer, M. -. (2009, 2009-11-01). Moral Disorder in the DSM-IV: the Cluster B Personality Disorders. Philosophy Club Meeting. University of Arizona.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Philosophy Club;
- Reimer, M. -., & non, . (2009, 2009-11-01). Moral judgment in psychiatric diagnosis: the Cluster B personlity disorders. Moral Judgment Workshop. University of Arizona.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Reimer, M. -. (2008). Reference (revision).More infoThis is a Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article, published in 2003, that is being revised in light of a correspondence I have been having with Ruth Barcan Marcus over the past two years. The article is being revised to accommodate her important, but under-appreciated, work on reference.;Full Citation: Reference, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy;Status: Submitted But Not Yet Accepted;
- Reimer, M. -. (2012). Davidsonian Holism in Recent Philosophy of Psychiatry.More infoThis paper involves an extensive evaluation of Davidsonian holism in light of empirical data from psychiatry that allegedly discredit it. I argue that, contrary to what a number of theorists have suggested, psychiatric delusions not only fail to undermine Davidson's views, they actually lend them considerable credence. In making this argument, I manage to blend traditional analytic philosophy with contemporary philosophy of psychiatry and therewith the various disciplines whose integration defines the latter, including: philosophy, psychiatry, psychology (clinical as well as empirical), and cognitive neuroscience.The volume in which the paper appears was reviewed last month by Jose Luis Bermudez, who identified two of the volume's dozen papers (mine and Peter Pagin's) as the most "interesting" and "invigorating" papers in the volume, praising both for "bring[ing] Davidson into dialogue with other areas of philosophy and the human sciences.";Your Role: Sole author;Full Citation: Reimer, M.(2012) Davidsonian holism in recent philosophy of psychiatry. In Gerhard Preyer (ed.) Donald Davidson on Truth, Meaning, and the Mental. Oxford: Oxford University Press.;Type of Publication: Original article in an edited volume on Donald Davidson;