Rebecca Schomer
- Assistant Professor, Plant Science
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Assistant Professor, Ecosystem Genomics - GIDP
- (520) 621-1977
- Marley, Rm. 341E
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- rschomer@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Bacteriology
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
- Two approaches to dissecting the role of the MbtH-like protein in nonribosomal peptide synthesis
- B.S. B.S. Microbiology, B.S. Anthropology
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Work Experience
- GIDP Ecosystem Genomics (2022 - Ongoing)
- University of California, Davis, California (2018 - 2022)
- Early Career Travel Award
- International Bacterial Wilt Symposium, Spring 2023
Microbial Physiology, Bacterial Genetics, Plant Pathology, Chemotaxis and chemosensing, Biodegradation
Microbial Physiology
2024-25 Courses
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Rsrch
MCB 392 (Spring 2025) -
Microbial Physiology
MIC 328R (Spring 2025) -
MCB 900 (Spring 2025) -
PLS 900 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Research
MIC 492 (Fall 2024) -
Directed Research
PLP 592 (Fall 2024) -
Journal Club
PLP 695A (Fall 2024) -
Journal Club
PLS 695A (Fall 2024) -
MCB 900 (Fall 2024) -
PLS 900 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
PLP 592 (Spring 2024) -
Microbial Physiology
MIC 328R (Spring 2024) -
Senior Capstone
BIOC 498 (Spring 2024) -
Directed Research
ABBS 792 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
MIC 399 (Fall 2023) -
PLS 900 (Fall 2023) -
Senior Capstone
BIOC 498 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Directed Research
BIOC 392 (Spring 2023)
Scholarly Contributions
- Huang, Y., Schomer, R. A., Reyes, M., Costa, K., Parales, R. E., Whitaker, R., & Dawson, S. C. (2024). Metagenome-assembled genomes of freshwater Hyphomicrobium sp. G-191 and Methylophilus sp. enriched from Cedar Swamp, Woods Hole, MA. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 13(12), e00608-24.
- Lowe-Power, T., Sharma, P., Alfenas-Zerbini, P., Alvarez, B., Arif, M., Baroukh, C., Bocsanczy, A. M., Biosca, E. G., Castillo, J. A., Cellier, G., Coutinho, T., Drenth, A., Friman, V., Genin, S., Guidot, A., Hikichi, Y., Huang, Q., Iyer-Pascuzzi, A., Kai, K., , Pecrix, Y., et al. (2023). The Ralstonia Research Community Rejects the Proposal to Classify Phylotype I Ralstonia into the New Species Ralstonia nicotianae. PhytoFrontiers, 3(4), 761-766.
- Valderrama-Gómez, M. Á., Schomer, R. A., Savageau, M. A., & Parales, R. E. (2020). TaxisPy: A Python-based Software for the Quantitative Analysis of Bacterial Chemotaxis. Journal of Microbiological Methods. doi:10.1101/2020.02.06.937714More infoSeveral species of bacteria are able to modify their swimming behavior in response to chemical attractants or repellents. Methods for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis such as quantitative capillary assays are tedious and time-consuming. Computer-based video analysis of swimming bacteria represents a valuable method to directly assess their chemotactic response. Even though multiple studies have used this approach to elucidate various aspects of bacterial chemotaxis, to date, no computer software for such analyses is freely available. Here, we introduce TaxisPy, a Python-based software for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis. The software comes with an intuitive graphical user interface and can be accessed easily through Docker on any operating system. Using a video of freely swimming cells as input, TaxisPy estimates the culture's average tumbling frequency over time. We demonstrate the utility of the software by assessing the effect of different concentrations of the attractant shikimate on the swimming behavior of Pseudomonas putida F1 and by capturing the adaptation process that Escherichia coli undergoes after being exposed to l -aspartate. • TaxisPy is a software for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis. • It has an intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface. • TaxisPy estimates average tumbling frequency of cells in culture using video input. • It can be easily accessed through Docker on any operating system.
- Valderrama-Gómez, M. Á., Schomer, R. A., Savageau, M. A., & Parales, R. E. (2020). TaxisPy: A Python-based software for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis. Journal of microbiological methods, 175, 105918.More infoSeveral species of bacteria are able to modify their swimming behavior in response to chemical attractants or repellents. Methods for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis such as quantitative capillary assays are tedious and time-consuming. Computer-based video analysis of swimming bacteria represents a valuable method to directly assess their chemotactic response. Even though multiple studies have used this approach to elucidate various aspects of bacterial chemotaxis, to date, no computer software for such analyses is freely available. Here, we introduce TaxisPy, a Python-based software for the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis. The software comes with an intuitive graphical user interface and can be accessed easily through Docker on any operating system. Using a video of freely swimming cells as input, TaxisPy estimates the culture's average tumbling frequency over time. We demonstrate the utility of the software by assessing the effect of different concentrations of the attractant shikimate on the swimming behavior of Pseudomonas putida F1 and by capturing the adaptation process that Escherichia coli undergoes after being exposed to l-aspartate.
- Luu, R. A., Schomer, R. A., Brunton, C. N., Truong, R., Ta, A. P., Tan, W. A., Parales, J. V., Wang, Y. J., Huo, Y. W., Liu, S. J., Ditty, J. L., Stewart, V., & Parales, R. E. (2019). Hybrid Two-Component Sensors for Identification of Bacterial Chemoreceptor Function. Applied and environmental microbiology, 85(22).More infoSoil bacteria adapt to diverse and rapidly changing environmental conditions by sensing and responding to environmental cues using a variety of sensory systems. Two-component systems are a widespread type of signal transduction system present in all three domains of life and typically are comprised of a sensor kinase and a response regulator. Many two-component systems function by regulating gene expression in response to environmental stimuli. The bacterial chemotaxis system is a modified two-component system with additional protein components and a response that, rather than regulating gene expression, involves behavioral adaptation and results in net movement toward or away from a chemical stimulus. Soil bacteria generally have 20 to 40 or more chemoreceptors encoded in their genomes. To simplify the identification of chemoeffectors (ligands) sensed by bacterial chemoreceptors, we constructed hybrid sensor proteins by fusing the sensor domains of chemoreceptors to the signaling domains of the NarX/NarQ nitrate sensors. Responses to potential attractants were monitored by β-galactosidase assays using an reporter strain in which the nitrate-responsive promoter was fused to Hybrid receptors constructed from PcaY, McfR, and NahY, which are chemoreceptors for aromatic acids, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, and naphthalene, respectively, were sensitive and specific for detecting known attractants, and the β-galactosidase activities measured in correlated well with results of chemotaxis assays in the native strain. In addition, a screen of the hybrid receptors successfully identified new ligands for chemoreceptor proteins and resulted in the identification of six receptors that detect propionate. Relatively few of the thousands of chemoreceptors encoded in bacterial genomes have been functionally characterized. More importantly, although methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, the major type of chemoreceptors present in bacteria, are easily identified bioinformatically, it is not currently possible to predict what chemicals will bind to a particular chemoreceptor. Chemotaxis is known to play roles in biodegradation as well as in host-pathogen and host-symbiont interactions, but many studies are currently limited by the inability to identify relevant chemoreceptor ligands. The use of hybrid receptors and this simple reporter system allowed rapid and sensitive screening for potential chemoeffectors. The fusion site chosen for this study resulted in a high percentage of functional hybrids, indicating that it could be used to broadly test chemoreceptor responses from phylogenetically diverse samples. Considering the wide range of chemical attractants detected by soil bacteria, hybrid receptors may also be useful as sensitive biosensors.
- Schomer, R. A., Park, H., Barkei, J. J., & Thomas, M. G. (2018). Alanine Scanning of YbdZ, an MbtH-like Protein, Reveals Essential Residues for Functional Interactions with Its Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Partner EntF. Biochemistry, 57(28), 4125-4134.More infoNonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are megasynthetases that require complex and specific interactions between multiple domains and proteins to functionally produce a metabolite. MbtH-like proteins (MLPs) are integral components of many NRPSs and interact directly with the adenylation domain of the megasynthetases to stimulate functional enzymology. All of the MLP residues that are essential for functional interactions between the MLP and NRPS have yet to be defined. Here we probe the interactions between YbdZ, an MLP, and EntF, an NRPS, from Escherichia coli by performing a complete alanine scan of YbdZ. A phenotypic screen identified 11 YbdZ variants that are unable to replace the wild-type MLP, and these YbdZ variants were characterized using a series of in vivo and in vitro assays in an effort to explain why functional interactions with EntF were disrupted. All of the YbdZ variants enhanced the solubility of overproduced EntF, suggesting they were still capable of direct interactions with the megasynthase. Conversely, we show that EntF also influences the solubility of YbdZ and its variants. In vitro biochemical analyses of EntF function with each of the YbdZ variants found the impact that an amino acid substitution will have on NRPS function is difficult to predict, highlighting the complex interaction between these proteins.
- Schomer, R. A., & Thomas, M. G. (2017). Characterization of the Functional Variance in MbtH-like Protein Interactions with a Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase. Biochemistry, 56(40), 5380-5390.More infoMany nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) require MbtH-like proteins (MLPs) for solubility or for activation of amino acid substrate by the adenylation domain. MLPs are capable of functional crosstalk with noncognate NRPSs at varying levels. Using enterobactin biosynthesis in Escherichia coli as a model MLP-dependent NRPS system, we use in vivo and in vitro techniques to characterize how seven noncognate MLPs influence the function of the enterobactin NRPS EntF when the cognate MLP, YbdZ, is absent. Using a series of in vitro assays to analyze EntF solubility, adenylation, aminoacylation, and in vitro enterobactin production, we show that interactions between MLPs and NRPSs are multifaceted and more complex than previously appreciated. We separate MLP influence on solubility and function in a manner that shows altered solubility is not indicative of a functional MLP/NRPS pair. Although much of the functional variation among these noncognates can be explained by differences in EntF affinity for an MLP or the extent an MLP alters EntF l-Ser affinity, we demonstrate that MLPs can have a broader impact beyond solubility and adenylation. First, we show that a noncognate MLP can affect formation of l-Ser-S-EntF. Second, under in vitro conditions saturating for substrate and MLP, enterobactin production remains compromised in the absence of an appropriate MLP partner. These data suggest that we expand our investigations into how the MLPs influence NRPS enzymology. A more detailed understanding of these influences will be essential for downstream engineering of hybrid NRPS systems.
- Ernst, D. C., Lambrecht, J. A., Schomer, R. A., & Downs, D. M. (2014). Endogenous Synthesis of 2-Aminoacrylate Contributes to Cysteine Sensitivity in Salmonella enterica. Journal of Bacteriology. doi:10.1128/jb.01960-14More infoABSTRACT RidA, the archetype member of the widely conserved RidA/YER057c/UK114 family of proteins, prevents reactive enamine/imine intermediates from accumulating in Salmonella enterica by catalyzing their hydrolysis to stable keto acid products. In the absence of RidA, endogenous 2-aminoacrylate persists in the cellular environment long enough to damage a growing list of essential metabolic enzymes. Prior studies have focused on the dehydration of serine by the pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent serine/threonine dehydratases, IlvA and TdcB, as sources of endogenous 2-aminoacrylate. The current study describes an additional source of endogenous 2-aminoacrylate derived from cysteine. The results of in vivo analysis show that the cysteine sensitivity of a ridA strain is contingent upon CdsH, the predominant cysteine desulfhydrase in S. enterica . The impact of cysteine on 2-aminoacrylate accumulation is shown to be unaffected by the presence of serine/threonine dehydratases, revealing another mechanism of endogenous 2-aminoacrylate production. Experiments in vitro suggest that 2-aminoacrylate is released from CdsH following cysteine desulfhydration, resulting in an unbound aminoacrylate substrate for RidA. This work expands our understanding of the role played by RidA in preventing enamine stress resulting from multiple normal metabolic processes.