Robin S Stryker
- (520) 621-3531
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0027
- rstryker@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Sociology
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
- Limits on Technocratization of the Law: The Elimination of the National Labor Relations Board's Division of Economic Research
- Legal Training Law
- Yale Law School and Indiana University Law School, New Haven, Connecticut
- M.S. Sociology
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
- Religio-Ethnic and Catholic School Effects on Attainments in the Early Career
- B.A. Sociology
- Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
- Class Consciousness in the French Working Class
Work Experience
- Stanford University (2016 - 2017)
- Sciences Po-LIEPP (2016)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2012 - Ongoing)
- National Institute for Civil Discourse (2011 - 2015)
- University of Arizona (2011 - 2012)
- Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (2011)
- College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona (2010 - 2011)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2008 - Ongoing)
- Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona (2008 - Ongoing)
- College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota (2004 - 2007)
- Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute (2001 - 2002)
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2000 - 2008)
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (1998 - 2000)
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (1996 - 1997)
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (1992 - 1997)
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (1986 - 1991)
- Invitation for another Sciences-Po CSO Visiting Professorship, this one on a more "permanent" basis
- Science-Po, CSO, Paris, France, Fall 2017 (Award Nominee)
- Nomination to run for Chair, Human Rights Section
- American Sociological Association, Fall 2017 (Award Nominee)
- Plenary Speaker
- Defenseur des Droits, Paris, France, Fall 2017
- CASBS Fellowship
- Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Spring 2017
- Asked to run for Chair of ASA Human Right's section, declined to run
- Human Rights Section, American Sociological Association, Fall 2016
- Nominated for Regents Professorship
- University of Arizona, Fall 2016 (Award Nominee)
- CASBS Residential Fellowship for 2016-2017
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Spring 2016
- Elected Council Member
- Human Rights Section, American Sociological Association, Spring 2016
- American Sociological Association Section on Human Rights, Fall 2015 (Award Nominee)
- Visiting Professor
- Sciences-Po, LIEPP, Spring 2016
- CASBS Residential Fellowship
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University., Fall 2015
- Regents Professorship
- University of Arizona, Fall 2015 (Award Nominee)
- Visiting Professor, Sciences-Po, LIEPP
- Sciences Po, LIEPP, Fall 2015
- Excellence Chair
- Sciences-Po, Paris, France, Summer 2015
- Invitation to submit proposal to edit Sociological Theory
- American Sociological Association, Fall 2014
- Invitation to submit proposal to edit the American Sociological Review
- American Sociological Association, Fall 2014
- Top papers in Political Communication
- National Communication Association Section on Political Communication, Fall 2014
- Graduate and Professional Teaching and Mentoring Award
- University of Arizona, Spring 2014
- Graduate and Professor Student Teaching and Mentoring Award
- University of Arizona, Spring 2013
- SBS Research Professorship 2011-2012
- What type of organization made the award?: University of Arizona;Description: This was awarded for the calendar year and I took one course off in fall, 2011 and another course off in spring, 2012.;, Fall 2012
- Earl H. Carroll Magellan Circle Fellowship 2010-11
- What type of organization made the award?: University of Arizona;Description: I was a Magellan Circle Fellow in 2010-11.;, Fall 2011
- Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Professorship
- What type of organization made the award?: University of Arizona, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences;Description: The Research Professorship was awarded for fall, 2011.;, Fall 2011
- Earl H. Carroll Magellan Circle Fellow
- What type of organization made the award?: University of Arizona;Description: Awarded in 2010 by SBS.;, Fall 2010
- SBS Research Professorship
- What type of organization made the award?: University of Arizona;Description: Awarded in 2010 for 2011. The research proposal is appended below. This award will help expedite production of the volume Rights and Their Translation into Practice: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.;, Fall 2010
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
- What type of organization made the award?: Foundation;Description: Fellowship awarded spring 2008 for academic year 2008-09;, Fall 2009
- John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship
- What type of organization made the award?: John Simon Guggenheim Foundation;Description: This fellowship was awarded for academic year 2008-09 my research project Social Science in Government Regulation of Equal Employment Opportunity;, Fall 2008
Law, Politics and Inequality; Political Discourse, Civic and Political Engagement and Democratic Governance, Comparative Welfare States and Social Policies; Social Theory; Organizational and Institutional Change; Politics, the State and Social Movements, Law, Social Movements and Social Change, Law and Organizations, Social Psychology, Historical and Comparative Methods, Methodology
Organizations and Institutions, Legitimacy, Law and Society, Political Sociology, Inequality, Theory, Social Movements and Social Change, Comparative Social Policy, Social Psychology, Culture, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Economic Sociology, Globalization, Law, Politics and Inequality, Race, Class and Gender
2018-19 Courses
SOC 920 (Spring 2019) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
SOC 920 (Spring 2018) -
Negotiating the Job Market
SOC 595C (Spring 2018) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2017) -
Research Presentations
SOC 595B (Fall 2017) -
Sociological Theory
SOC 500A (Fall 2017) -
Study in Sociology
SOC 595A (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
SOC 920 (Spring 2017) -
SOC 920 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
SOC 920 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
SOC 599 (Spring 2016) -
The State+Social Policy
SOC 514 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Haglund, L., & Stryker, R. S. (2015). Closing the Rights Gap: From Human RIghts to Social Transformation, edited by LaDawn Haglund and Robin Stryker. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.More infoAuthorship/editorship alphabetical LaDawn and I co-authored two chapters of this book. One of these I wrote, so I am first author and she is the ancillary author. LaDawn and I were equal co-editors of the book. Chapter titles are "Making Sense of the Complex Pathways by which Human Rights are Realized" (Haglund and Stryker) and "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Emerging Possibilities for Social Transformation (Stryker and Haglund)
- Stryker, R. S., & Stryker, S. (2016). Is Mead's Framework Still Sound?. In New Directions in Identity Theory and Research, edited by Jan E. stets and Richard T. Serpe(pp 31-57). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.More infoThis is a volume edited by Jan Stets and Richard Serpe, including revised versions of papers presented at an invited conference on Identity, held at the University of California Riverside, November 11-13, 2014. The book is now published.
- Stryker, R. S., & Stryker, S. (2016). Is Mead's Framework Still Sound?. In New Directions in Identity Theory and Research, edited by R. Serpe and J. Stets(pp 31-57). Oxford University Press.
- Stryker, R. S., & Haglund, L. (2015). Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Emerging Possibilities for Social Transformation. In In Closing the Rights Gap: From Human RIghts to Social Transformation, edited by LaDawn Haglund and Robin Stryker(pp 319-354). Berkeley, California: University of California Press.More infoI wrote this chapter.
- Stryker, R., & Haglund, L. (2015). Making Sense of the Complex and Multiple Pathways by which Rights are Realized. In In Closing the Rights Gap: From Human RIghts to Social Transformation, edited by LaDawn Haglund and Robin Stryker(pp 1-26). Berkeley, California: University of California Press.More infoAuthorship is alphabetical.
- Danielson, J. T., & Stryker, R. S. (2014). Cultural Influences on Social Policy Development. In The Oxford Handbook of US Social Policy. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.More infoAlphabetical, equal co-authorship. Editors of the Oxford Handbook are D. Beland, C. Howard and K. Morgan
- Stryker, R. S. (2013). Mechanisms of Legal Effect: Perspectives from the Law and Society Tradition. In Public Health Law Research: Theory and Method(pp 89-108). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Stryker, R. S., Eliason, S. R., Tranby, E., & Hamilton, W. (2011). Family Policies, Education and Female Labor Market Participation in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. In Social Policy in the Smaller EU Member States.
- Stryker, R. S., Eliason, S., Tranby, E., & Hamilton, W. (2012). Family Policies, Education and Female Labor market Participation in Advanced Capitaolist Economies. In Social Policy in the Smaller EU Member States(pp 37-57). New York and Oxford: Berghan Books.More infoEdited by G. Cohen et al
- Stryker, R. S. (2011). L'intermediation scientifique dans la mise en oeuvre des lois anti-discriminations americaines. In Droit et Regulation des activites economiques: perpectives scientifiques et institutionalistes(pp 183-202). Paris: Fondation Maison des Sciences de L'Homme et Reseau European Droit et Societe.More info(English translation -- the Mediation of American Anti-Discrimiantion Law by Industrial Psychologists)Research Collection edited by J. Pelisse, T. Delpeuch and C. Bessy.
- Eliason, S., Stryker, R. S., & Tranby, E. (2008). The Welfare State, Family Policies and Women's Labor Market Participation: Complementary Fuzzy Set and Compliers' Average Causal Effects Analyses. In Method and Substance in MacroComparative Analyss, ed. L. Kenworthy and A. Hicks(pp 135-195). Palgrave-MacMillan.
- Stryker, R. S., & Pedriana, N. (2017). From Legal Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. American Journal of Sociology, 123(1), 86-135.More infoEqual co-authorship. This article has a new title -- the old title was "Effects-based Civil Rights Law." Nick and I were asked to do a second revision of this article in 2016. We did so and the article was then accepted for publication.
- Stryker, R. S., Reynolds-Stenson, H., & Frederico, K. (2017). Family Responsibilities Discrimination, HR Work-Family Discourse and Organizational Mediation of US Civil Rights Law. Science-Po LIEPP (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques), Public Policy Series: Axe -Discriminations et Inégalités Sociales-.More infoIn spring, 2016, we received a Revise and Resubmit from Social Forces. We did substantial additional analyses and I rewrote the entire paper, providing a much more substantial theoretical framing. We revised the order of authorship to reflect the fact that I did all of the rewriting and designed the additional analyses. We also retitled the paper from what it had been on the first submission in 2015, to a new title that reflected our substantial theoretical and empirical revision. In summer, 2017 Social Forces rejected the paper but in the meantime, Sciences-Po LIEPP indicated they wanted to review it for publication in their Public Policy Series. They reviewed it in spring 2017 (the review was not blind because the reason they requested the paper was that I had delivered a presentation on it when I was a visiting professor there in summer, 2016) and accepted it for publication.I also am now doing another revision of this paper for peer review journal submission in the US. I probably will send it to Law & Society Review, but I may send it back to Social Forces because the one second round review that probably generated the rejected was seriously flawed. Still the two positive reviews made useful additional suggestions for revision and I am revising according to these suggestions.
- Stryker, R. S., Conway, B., & Danielson, J. T. (2016). What is Political Incivility?. Communication Monographs, 83(4), 535-566. doi:http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/03637751.2016.1201207More infoThis is a revised version of our NCA paper that won a "top paper in Political Communication" award in 2014. We resubmitted this paper to Communication Monographs on December 30, 2015, and in April, 2016 the paper was accepted for publication. It was first published online on July 4, 2016.
- Stryker, R. S., Conway, B., & Danielson, J. T. (2016). what is Political Incivility. Communication Monopgraphs, 83(4), 535-556. doi:doi/full/10.1080/03637751.2016.1201207
- Stryker, R. S., & Massaro, T. M. (2012). Freedom of Speech, Liberal Democracy and Emerging Evidence on Civility and Effective Democratic Engagement. Arizona Law Review.More info;Your Role: This is a fully collaborative article to which Toni and I contributed equally. She researched and wrote the portions of the article specifying key legal and philosophical debates about civility relative to the First Amendment. I researched and wrote the portions of the article specifying how empirical research bears on the large number of behavioral assumptions about the nature, causes and consequences of civil discourse that explicitly or implicitly undergird these longstanding legal and philosophical debates, as well as the current political debates about political civility/incivility.;Full Citation: Toni M. Massaro and Robin Stryker, "Freedom of Speech, Liberal Democracy and Emerging Evidence on Civility and Effrctive Democratic Engagement," Arizona Law Review 54: 375-441.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Stryker, R. S., Docka-Filipek, D., & Wald, P. (2012). Employment Discrimination Law and Industrial Psychology: Social Science as Social Authority and the Co-Production of Law and Science. Law and Social Inquiry, 37(4), 771-814.
- Eliason, S., & Stryker, R. S. (2009). Goodness of Fit Tests and Descriptive Measures in Fuzzy Set Analysis. Sociological Methods and Research, 38, 102-146.More infoURL is http://smr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/38/1/102;Your Role: Second author. The methodological innovations and their derivations stem entirely from Scott. I helped translate these innovations into a language and substantive context that enhances their utility to the majority of sociologists, who lack Scott's mathmatical and statistical capacities. ;Full Citation: Scott Eliason and Robin Stryker. 2009 “Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Descriptive Measures in Fuzzy Set Analysis.” Sociological Methods and Research. 38: 102-146. ;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Stryker, R. S., & Wald, P. (2009). Redefining Compassion to Reform Welfare: How Supporters of 1990s US Federal Welfare Reform Aimed for the Moral High Ground. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 4(16), 519-557.
- Stryker, R. S. (2017, December 11-12). Stryker Commentary on Graduate Student Research Papers. Graduate Student Working Conference on Law and Society. Maurice Halbwachs Center, Paris 75014, France: PSL Research University Paris (CNRS, ENS, EHESS, UMR 90, Liora Israel, Faculty Coordinator), University of California-Berkeley and Northwestern University.More infoGraduate students from Northwestern, UC-Berkeley and from French universities submitted papers to a competition for selection to this conference. It was a two day conference, in which each student selected presented his/her work and received extensive commentary delivered orally and in writing from invited faculty commentators.
- Stryker, R. S. (2017, Decenber 8). Stryker Commentary on Working Law, and Rights on Trial. French "Book Launch" for Working Law, by Lauren Edelman, and Rights on Trial, by Ellen Berrey, Robert Nelson and Laura Beth Nielson. Maurice Halbwachs Center, Paris, France 75014: EHESS, CNRS, ENS, Sciences-Po, Paris, organized by Liora Israel.
- Stryker, R. S. (2017, June 21). Author Meets Reader, Working Law by Lauren B. Edelman, Remarks by Robin Stryker. Law and Society Annual Meeting. Mexico City, Mexico: Law and Society Association.More infoIn addition to providing a discussion for this panel "Author Meets Reader" session, I organized and presided over the session and recruited all of the panelists for it.
- Stryker, R. S. (2017, March 16). Rights in Action: Symbols and Substance: Commentary on “Going by the Symbols: How Organizations, Courts and Regulators Undermine Legal Rights,”. Invited discussant for Kagan Lecture delivered by Lauren B. Edelman. Berkeley, California: Jurisprudence and Public Policy Program, Boalt Law School, University of California-Berkeley.More infoThe Kagan lecture and my and another scholar's discussion are to be published in the journal Regulation and Governance.
- Stryker, R. S. (2017, May 8). Law, Social Science, Legal and Social Change. CASBS (Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences) Fellows Talk. Stanford, California: Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, April 15). Are You a 'Civil-utionary?'. AKD Banquet and Awards Ceremony, Kent State University. Kent, Ohio: Kent State AKD.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, April 15). From Judicial Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation". Research Lecture, Department of Sociology, Kent State University. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio: Department of Sociology, Kent State University.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, June). Family Responsibilities Discrimination and the Transformation of Meaning Across Overlapping Organizational Fields. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics. Berkeley, California: SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics).
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, March 14). From Judicial Doctrine to Social Transformation: Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation". Center for Law & Society Seminar Series. Center for Law & Society, Boalt Law School, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA: Center for Law & Society, UC-Berkeley.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, May 23). From Legal Doctrine to Social Transformation: Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation". Seminar with Robin Stryker, organized by the Discrimination and Social Inequalities Research Group of LIEPP (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Social Policies) and Observatoire sociologiques du changement (OSC). 254 Boulevard St. Germain, Paris, France: Sciences-Po, LiEPP and Sciences-Po, OSC.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, November 15). Political Incivility and Political Dysfunction in US Electoral Politics. CASBS (Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences) Election Day Mini-Conference. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) Stanford University.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, August). Invited Critic, Author Meets Critics on Sandra Levitsky's "Why There is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights". American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois: American Sociological Association.More infoSession organized by Brian Steensland, Indiana University.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, January 9). Invited Presentation: Lessons From My Research on Applications of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in Law and Policy. National Research Council Roundtable on Application of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Workshop No. 1. Washington DC: National Academy of Sciences.More infoBrief invited presentation to help orient work of the Roundtable.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, June 9). From Judicial Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. Invited Lecture, CSO-Sciences-Po, Paris, France. Paris, France: Center for the Sociology of Organizations (CSO), Sciences-Po, Paris, France.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, March 3-5). Why Don't They Get it? Communicating Science to the Public. University and Industry Consortium. Yuma, Arizona: University and Industry Consortium and University of Arizona.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, May-June). Invited Consultant for Emprical Methods for Legal Research, Methods Cafe: Comparative and Historical Methods. Law & Society Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington: Law & Society Associationb.More infoMethods Café is an annual event at the LSA and I have been doing comparative and historical methods since the advent of this event. I host a roundtable, to which people come for advice on their research projects. So I essentially serve in the role of consultant.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, May-June). Invited Critic, Author meets Critics on Sandra Levitsky's "Why There is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights". Law & Society Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington: Law & Society Association.More infoSession organized by Ana-Maria Marshall
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, May-June). Invited Discussant, "Non-Appropriation of the Legal Category of Discrimination: The Case of France". Law & Society Associatio Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington: Law & Society Association.More infoSession organized by Laure Bereni
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, November). The Materiality of Rights: Realization of Rights Amidst Social Constraints. Invited, Conference on a New Politics of Human Rights: Crossing Disciplines, Regions and Issues. Madison, Wisconsin: Human Rights Program, University of Wisconsin.More infoConference organized by Heinz Klug and Sumudu Atapattu
- Stryker, R. S., Conway, B., & Danielson, J. T. (2015, September). Who is More Tolerant of Political Incivility? The Role of Gender, Political Partisanship and Media Use. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco: American Political Science Association.
- Stryker, R. S., Danielson, J. T., & Conway, B. (2015, September). Who is More Tolerant of Political Incivility? The Role of Gender, Partisanship and Media Use. We presented this paper at the American Political Science Association meetings in September, 2015 and then revised it for journal submission (see below for where submitted). r journal submission,.More infoThis is one of a series of papers I am writing with graduate students based on the Civility, Politics and Media Survey we conducted in 2012-2013. We have revised this paper for journal submission based on the feedback we received at the 2015 American Political Science Association meetings and are submitting it to American Politics Research.
- Frederico, K., Reynolds-Stenson, H., & Stryker, R. S. (2014, August). Family Responsibilities Discrimination: Institutional Intermediaries and The Transformation of Meaning across Overlapping Organizational Fields. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings 2014. San Francisco: American Sociological Association.More infoAuthorship is alphabetical. Equal authorship. In fall, 2012, Krista Frederico and Heidi Reynolds-Stenson took Soc 900 credits with me to work on a joint project in an area of interest to them. We are examining diffusion, translation, and transformation of the concept of family responsibilities discrimination from the legal to the business realm. Based on a combination of interview data, legal analyses and content/frame analysis of two key mass circulation resources for the personnel profession (HR Magazine and Workforce), we intend to write one or more journal articles. Our accepted ASA conference paper is the first completed from this project and we will revise it for journal publication. I also have done in-depth interviews to collect pertinent data, and I have done analyses of relevant case law.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Full Citation: Robin Stryker, Krista Frederico and Heidi Reynolds-Stenson;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Stryker, R. S. (2014, May 31). Methods Cafe: Historical and Comparative Methods. 50th Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Law and Society Association.More infoThis is a session I conduct every year at Law and Society Association as part of its Methods Café. I serve as an empirical methods consultant for those who want to do socio-legal research involving historical or comparative methods.
- Stryker, R. S. (2014, May 31). Taking Stock 50 Years after the Coterminous Enactment of the Civil Rights Act and the Founding of the Law and Society Association. Law and Society 50th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Law and Society Association.More infoThis was an invited inter-disciplinary panel session organized by political scientist of law Michael McCann.
- Stryker, R. S., & Pedriana, N. (2014, August 29-30). Effects-based Civil Rights Law: Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. New Legal Realism 10th Anniversary Conference: New Directions in Legal Empiricism. University of California-Irvine: American Bar Foundation and University of California-Irvine School of Law.More infoThis was an invited inter-disciplinary conference. I was invited and did the presentation.
- Stryker, R. S., & Stryker, S. (2014, November 11-13, 2014). Is Mead's Framework Still Sound?. Conference on Identity. University of California-Riverside: University of California-Riverside and Kent State University.More infoThis was an invited conference presentation and the paper presented will be included in an edited volume on Identity Theory, edited by Jan Stets and RIchard Serpe. Dad and I both attended the conference. I did the presentation.
- Stryker, R. S., Conway, B., & Danielson, J. T. (2014, November 18-22). What is Political Incivility. Presented in 'Top Papers in Political Communication," National Communication Association Annual Meetings. Chicago: National Communication Association.
- Pedriana, N., & Stryker, R. S. (2013, July). Effects-based Civil Rights Law. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting. Madrid: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.More infoEqual authorship
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, August). Rights, Law and Inequality. Thematic Session, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings 2013. New York: American Sociological Association.More infoI organized and was part of this invited thematic panel.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, December). Law, Politics and Economy: Effects-Based Civil Rights Law in Global Context. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Seminar, Universita degli Studi, Milan, Italy. Milian, Italy: Universita degli Studi, Milano.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, December). Professional Development and the American Job Market. Professional Development Workshop, Universita degli Studi, Milan, Italy. Milan, Italy: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universita degli Studi, MIlan, Italy.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, December). Rapport sur la these de Vincent-Arnaud Chappe. Soutenance de These de Vincent-Arnaud Chappe. Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan: Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, December). Seminaire sur les discriminations. Special Event: Seminar by Robin Stryker, Sciences-Po and EHESS, Paris. Paris: Sciences-Po and EHESS, Paris.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, May-June). Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2013. Boson: Law and Society Association.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, May-June). Mechanisms of Legal Effect. Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, Public Health Law Research Network. Boston: Law and Society Association.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, October). Comparing US Voting, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. Research Seminar, Rogers College of Law. Rogers College of Law, Tucson, Arizona: Rogers College of Law.
- Stryker, R. S., & Pedriana, N. (2013, May-June). Effects-based Civil Rights Law. Law and Society Association Annual Meetings. Boston: Law & Society Association.
- Stryker, R. S., & Stryker, R. S. (2013, December). La Coproduction Droit et Non-discrimination Americaine. La Journee d'Etudes ISIS, Paris Saclay.
- Stryker, R. S. (2012, 2012-08-01). Is There a Politics of Law or a Legality of Politics?. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings 2012. Denver, Colorado.More infoThese were remarks I gave at a Political Sociology Section Session I was invited to organize in my capacity as Chair of the Section. I organized the session with John Skrentny and he was scheduled to preside and serve as the moderator/discussant, but I did so because he was unable to attend.The session resulted in a symposium on law and politics, published in the Sociology of Law Section Newsletter. See 2012 Publications, above.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S. (2012, 2012-09-01). Can We Talk? Civil Discourse in a Partisan Era. National Institute for Civil Discourse Forum. Rogers College of Law.More infoAs part of a panel including NICD Executive Director Carolyn Lukensmeyer, SGPP Director Brint Milward, and Dean Emeritus of the Law School, Toni Massaro, I prepared and gave a brief research-based talk about the nature and consequences of uncivil political discourse. Further panel discussion and audience Q and A followed. The panel was held September 7, 2012 and was a joint undertaking of the Rogers College of Law and the NICD, and served as the kick-off event in a year-long series, entitled American Pluralism and Civil Rights, sponsored by the James E. Rogers College of Law. For more information, please seehttp://www.law.arizona.edu/news/collegenewsdetail.cfm?ThreadID=996;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Stryker, R. S. (2012, 2013-08-01). Civility and Incivility in American Politics. American Sociological Association 2012 Annual Meetings. Denver, Colorado.More infoI served as invited discussant for an ASA session on Civility and Incivility in American Politics, organized by Sarah Sobieraj, Tufts University. Remarks attached.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S., & Pedriana, N. (2012, 2012-06-01). 'Effects-based Civil Rights Law: Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. "L'Etat des Droits: Practiques des droits dans l'action publique" (The State of Rights, Rights Practices in Action), Conference organized by Pierre-Yves Baudet and Anne Reveillard, CERAL et Paris du Nord, Paris, June 25-26, 2012. Paris, France.More infoThe further elaborated version of this paper prepared and presented at;Your Role: This has been a fully collaborative enterprise, continuing in a longer line of collaboration. We both contributed theoretical ideas and primary research to this paper. Nick drafted about 1/3 of it and I drafted about 2/3 of it.;Invited: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: collaborative with one of my former students, now a faculty member at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S., & Pedriana, N. (2012, 2012-11-01). Effects-based Civil Rights Laws: Comparing Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Housing Legislation. Rights and Their Translation into Practice: Toward a Synthetic Framework 2 (Civil and Political Rights). Rogers College of Law, Tucson.More infoI and my co-author currently are completing final revisions before sending this paper out for review to the American Sociological Review or American Journal of Sociology.;Your Role: After Nick and I together presented the paper at the previously described Paris conference, I did a full scale revision and elaboration of the paper for inclusion in the second of my NSF funded conferences, "Rights and Their Translation into Pactice.";Submitted: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: collaborative with one of my former students, now a faculty member at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-02-01). Author Meets Critics: Frank Dobbin's Inventing Equal Opportunity. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.More infoI was one of three invited "critics" commenting on Frank Dobbin's book, Inventing Equal Opportunity.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-02-01). Social Determinants of Health: What's Law Got to Do with It?. Robert Johnson Wood Foundation Public Health Law Research Program Annual Grantees Meeting. Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona.More infoI was invited to take part in an inter-disciplinary panel, to introduce Robert Johnson Wood Foundation Public Health Law Research Program Grantees to a "law and society" approach to understanding within and between country health inequalities.;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-03-01). Regulation of the Workplace: The Co-Production of Law and Science. MIT-Harvard Economic Sociology Series, Harvard University.More infoI gave this invited talk at the joint Harvard-MIT Economic Sociology Series, and I spent two days meeting with Harvard and MIT Sloan School faculty and graduate students.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-04-01). The Co-Production of Law and Science. Harvard-MIT Economic Sociology Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard and MIT.More infoInvitation issued in 2010, fulfilled in 2011. Complete details will be given in 2011 PETS.;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-05-01). Research Mission: Presentation to National Institute for Civil Discourse Working Board. Meeting of the Working Board of the National Institute for Civil Discourse. Providence Building, downtown Tucson.More infoThis was a short presentation that, as NICD Research Director, I provided to brief the NICD Working Board. The presentation defined the NICD research function, indicated early NICD research accomplishments and laid out NICD research plans.;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Community Outreach;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-05-01). The Politics and Legal Culture of American Anti-Discrimination Law. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.More infoThis was a series of two lectures I did at EHESS, where I was an invited Visiting Professor in May-June, 2011. Both lectures were intended to acquaint a French graduate and law student audience with American legal culture and American legal institutions generally and with my research and publications on American anti-discrimination law specifically.;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-05-01). The Politics of Rights: Half Empty or Half Full?. La Justice en Action: Journee d'Etudes Stuart Scheingold. Paris, France.More infoThis workshop style conference, Justice in Action, was envisioned as a way of bringing the work of Stuart Scheingold (who wrote a very influential book titled The Politics of Rights [1974] 2nd Ed 2004) and his many legacies to a French academic audience.;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-08-01). New Directions in the Sociology of Law. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada.More infoI was the invited discussant for a Sociology of Law Section paper session organized by Sandy Levitsky, University of Michigan.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, 2011-08-01). Social Science Evidence and the Wal-Mart Controversy. American Sociological Association. Las Vegas.More infoI chaired, moderated and servved as "discussant" at a special session of the 2011 annual American Sociological Association meeting devoted to controversy over the role of social science evidence and experts in the Wal-Mart case and the role of the ASA in writing an amicus brief for the case. The case was decided by the Supreme Court in June, 2011, in a manner inconsistent with the ASA brief which supported plaintiffs. Discussion also focused more generally on the role of social science in litigation. Panelists included Laura Beth Neilson, Northwestern and the American Bar Foundation, who wrote the ASA brief in the Wal-Mart case, William Bielby, who was a key plaintiffs' expert in the case, Chris Winship, Harvard University,a key critic of both Bill's and the ASA's role in the case, and Trond Peterson, University of California, Berkeley. Chris Winship organized the panel.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, June). A Political-Institutional Approach to Law and the Economy. Seminar on Law and the Economy, Centre Maurice Hallbwachs, Paris France. Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris, France: Centre Maurice Halbwachs.
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, June). Competing Institutional Logics and the Co-Production of Law and Science. Seminar on Competing Instituitonal Logics, Sciences-Po, Paris. Paris, France: Sciences Po.More infoFrank Dobbin also did a presentation at this seminar.
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, June). Political-Instituitonal Approach to Law. Seminar on Law and Society, Paris-13, Villetaneuse, France. Villetaneuse, France: Paris-13.
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, May). EHESS Seminars I and 2: The Politics and Legal Culture of Anti-Discrimination Law. Stryker Seminar, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France.. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
- Stryker, R. S., & Milward, B. (2011, 2011-09-01). National Institute of Civil Discourse Faculty Convening. National Institute for Civil Discourse. University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center.More info;Your Role: Brint presented the mission of the NICD. As NICD Resarch Director, I discussed research accomplishments and research plans, and solicited faculty and graduate student input on additional research topics and projects on which they would like to collaborate with the NICD;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stryker, R. S., Danielson, J. T., & Schrank, Z. (2011, July). Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action and the Social Construction of Merit. Conference Paper for Panel titled The Social Construction of Merit, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics,Madrid.More infoThis is an over-time analysis of discourse and cultural framing, based on three key congressional hearings, in 1969, 1981 and 1995.I am planning on turning this into a journal publication
- Stryker, R. S. (2010, 2010-03-01). Discussant. Mini-Conference on Work, Power and Inequality. Eastern Sociological Society. Boston, Massachusetts.More infoThis mini conference was orgtanized by Don Tomaskovic-Devey and Steve Vallas. The session at which I commented was on States, Law and the Politics of Workplace Inequality.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Panel Discussant (Reporting Research);
- Stryker, R. S. (2009, 2009-04-01). Archival Research. Presented as part of Qualitative Methods Workshop Series, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ: Department of Sociology, University of Arizona.More infoTraining seminar for graduate students and faculty interested in conducting archival research.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stryker, R. S., Docka-Filipek, D., & Wald, P. (2009, 2009-07-01). Mutual Construction of Employment Discrimination Law and the Science of Industial Psychology. 21st Annual Meeting, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics. Sciences-Po, Paris,: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.
- Stryker, R. S. (2008, 2008-02-01). Comments on Papers by Green and Kalev, and by Still. Conference on the Role of Stereotyping and Implicit Bias Research in Family Responsibilities Discrimiantion. University of California-Hastings Law School, San Francisco.More infoI was an invited panelist, chargd with providing a synthetic discussion on papers presented. This conference was a hybrid conference -- part academic and part continuing legal education for Bay Area lawyers. My panel served both purposes.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Stryker, R. S. (2008, 2008-04-01). Maximizing Law's Effectiveness in Reducing Discrimination. Discrimination at Work, Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar. Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study.More infoThis conference, held April 25-26, 2008, involved a set of short participant presentations followed by collective discussion, with a view to identifying what works and what does not work in reducing workplace discrimination and increasing workplace diversity. The small workshop style invited conference was organized by Frank Dobbin, under the auspices of the Radcliffe Exploratory seminars. It included some non-academics as well as academics.;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S. (2008, 2008-08-01). The Role of Social Science in Legal Regulation of the Workplace. American Sociological Association annual meeting. Boston.More infoThis presentation was part of an invited Thematic session on Law and the Workplace. Susan Silbey of MIT organized the panel.;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Stryker, R. S. (2008, 2008-10-01). At the Interface of Law, Business Organizations and Social Science: Industrial Psychologists Shape the Meaning and Impact of US Employment Discrimination Law. Conference on Law and Regulation of Economic Activities. ENS-Cachan/Paris.More infoJoint Initiative of the Sociology of Law and Economic Sociology Networks of the French Sociological Association (AFS) and the Working Group on the Comparative Study of Legal Professions, International Sociological Association, Paris, October 2-3, 2008;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S. (2008, 2008-11-01). At the Interface of Law, Business Organizations and Social Science: Indusrial Psychologists Shape thej Meaning and Impact of Employment Discrimination Law. Conference of the Discoveries of the Discrimination Research Group. Stanford Law School.More infowww.americanbarfoundation.org/uploads/cms/documents/drgconferenceprogramfinal.pdf November 7-8, Stanford Law School -- final "dissemination" conference of a three year initiative funded by the American Bar Foundation, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences and the Ford Foundation;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S., Eliason, S., & Tranby, E. (2008, 2008-03-01). Family Policies and Women's Labor Market Participation. Social Policy in the New Europe: The Experience of Austria and the Smaller EU Countries. Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota.More infoThis small conference is resulting in an edited volume, to which we are contributing.;Your Role: Scott and I did a joint presentation. ;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Stryker, R. S. (2017. Review of Rights on Trial: How Workplace Discrimination Law Perpetuates Inequality, by Ellen Berrey, Robert Nelson and Laura Beth Nielson. Social Forces (online) Doi: 10.1093/sf/sox097.
- Stryker, R. S. (2014. Review of Documenting Desegregation: Race and Gender Segregation in Private Employment since the Civil Rights Act, by Kevin Stainback and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey.More infoBook Review
- Stryker, R. S. (2010. Review of Inventing Equal Opportunity, by Frank Dobbin(pp 508-511). Aministrative Science Quarterly 55 (September).
- Stryker, R. S. (2010. Review of The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941-1972 by Anthony S. Chen(pp 886-888). Law & Society Review 44 (3-4): 886-888.
- Stryker, R. S. (2009. Review of Disrupting Science: Social Movements, American Scientists and the Politics of the Military 1945-1875 by Kelly Moore(pp 280-281). Contemporary Sociology 28 (May):280-281.
- Stryker, R. S. (2016, January 21-22). National Research Council Roundtable on the Application of Social Science and Behavioral Research.More infoParticipation in person at the third meeting of this NRC Roundtable, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. This meeting focused especially on communicating better about the social and behavioral sciences, their methods and findings. The seminar and ensuing panel discussion convened producers, communicators and prospective users of SBS whose work covers an array of social issues (e.g., education, behavioral health, affordable housing, and economic mobility)
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, December). Research Director. National Institute for Civil Discourse.More infoFaculty Research Liaison, National Institute for Civil Discourse, beginning in March 2011. In 2012, I became the Research Director for the National Institute for Civil Discourse. I completed my Research Directorship in December, 2015.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, January). Invited Participant, National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council Roundtable on the Application of Social and Behavioral Sciences Research. National Academy of Sciences.More infoThis is an ongoing project of the National Academy of Sciences, bringing together roundtable panelists from academia, the media, politics and business to promote high quality communication and application of the social and behavioral sciences.We are organized into working groups to plan various events and produce products related to effective social science communication, use in policy making, by industry and the public. Currently, I am especially involved in two initiatives, one to promote effective institutional networks and aggregation of social and behavioral science knowledge, the other to promote the use of quality social science at the state and community level. This includes university-community engagement partnerships.
- Stryker, R. S. (2015, July). Invited Participant, National Academy of Science's National Research Council Roundtable on the Application of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. National Academy of Sciences.More infoThis was the second workshop in a series that will continue through at least 2017.
- Stryker, R. S., Whitham, M., Conway, B., Danielson, J. T., & Schrank, Z. (2015, Fall). Ongoing focus group study of comedy news.More infoWith sociology graduate students Monica Whitham, J. Taylor Danielson and Bethany Conway, and with former UA grad student now assistant Professor (Indiana University-South Bend) Zachary Schrank, I conducted focus groups, blocked by political partisanship, to study UA undergraduates' perceptions of humor, civility and political messaging in programming by John Stewart and by Stephen Colbert. I got a Confluencenter Award for 2013-14 to undertake this research, as well as to do the Civility, Politics and Media study from which we are now publishing.Though the study is complete, we continue to analyze data. We anticipate several papers from this project, and currently are working on the first, “Partisanship and Capacity for Reflexivity among Viewers of The Daily Show: Young Democrats and Republicans React to Satire News.”
- Stryker, R. S., & Lukensmeyer, C. (2014, October 9-11). National Institute for Civil Discourse National Research Convening:. Summary of convening included in NICD Research web pages..More infoIn my capacity as Research Director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse, I co-hosted and facilitated this national, inter-disciplinary research convening with NICD Executive Director Carolyn Lukensmeyer. I made several presentations during this three day meeting.
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, January). Law Without Politics? The State Without Law? Unthinkable. Amici, Newsketter of the Sociology of Law Section of the AMerican Sociological Association, pp. 18-22.More infoThis piece was part of a 20th anniversary symposium for the section, and stemmed from an invited panel that John Skrentny and I organized for the 2012 ASA meetings. We organized the panel for the Political Sociology Section, but the Sociology of Law Section decided it wanted to publish the symposium as part of its 20th anniversary celebration.;Full Citation: R. Stryker, "Law without Politics? The State without Law? Unthinkable" Pp. 18-22 in Amici, Newsletter of the Sociology of Law Section of the American Sociological Association, anuary 2013Volume 21, Number 1 atwww.umass.edu/asalaw;Electronic: Yes;Type of Publication: ASA Sociology of Law Section Newsletter;
- Stryker, R. S. (2013, January). Re-Interpreting Freedom: Obama's Second Inaugural Address. States, Power and Societies: Newsletter of the Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.More infoVol. 18 (2)
- Stryker, R. S., & Conway, B. (2013, November). National Instittute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 9: Media Effects on Individuals and Society. National Institute for Civil Discourse Website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., & Danielson, J. T. (2013, November). NICD Research Brief No. 11: Deliberative Practices and their Impact on Individuals and Society. National Institute for Civil Discourse Website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., & Danielson, J. T. (2013, November). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No 10: Deliberative Democracy and Civil Discourse. National Institute for Civil Discourse Website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., & Schrank, Z. (2013, December). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 8: Media Transformation and Civil Discourse. National Institute for Civil Discourse Website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S. (2012, November). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 3: New Media and Civic Engagement Part 2. National Institute for Civil Discourse webpage, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., & Reynolds-Stenson, H. (2012, November). NICD Research Brief No. 2: New Media and Civic Engagement Part 1. National Institute for Civil Discourse webpage, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, May-June). Visiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.. EHESS Seminars.More infoVisiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
- Stryker, R. S. (2011, September). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 6: Political Polarization. Naional Institute for Civil Discourse website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., & Danielson, J. T. (2011, September). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 5: Political Knowledge, Persuasion and Campaign Rhetoric. National Institute for Civil Discourse website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefsMore infoAuthorship alphabetical; equal authorship
- Stryker, R. S., & Lee, J. W. (2011, September). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 4: Classical Rhetoric, Contemporary Science and Modern Civil Discourse. National Institute for Civil Discourse website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs;. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefsMore info;Alphabetical authorship, equal co-authors.
- Stryker, R. S., & Reynolds-Stenson, H. (2011, September). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 1: Civil Discourse Online. National Institute for Civil Discourse website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S., Brosseau, C., & Schrank, Z. (2011, September). National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Brief No. 7: Negative Campaigning. National Institute for Civil Discourse Website, http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs;. http://nicd.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/NICD_research_briefs
- Stryker, R. S. (2009, Fall). Deregulation and Re-regulation: From Capital to Labor and Employment. States Power and Societies 15 (1) Newsletter of the Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association. http://www2.asanet.org/sectionpolitic/ENews.htmlMore infohttp://www2.asanet.org/sectionpolitic/ENews.htmlSolicited by Newsletter Editor Kathleen Swartzman for a symposium on regulation.