Suzanne L Dovi
- Professor, School of Government and Public Policy
- Associate Professor, Philosophy
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-7094
- Social Sciences, Rm. 325
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- sdovi@arizona.edu
- Fulbright Fellowship in Oslo, Norway
- Fulbright, Spring 2016
- Fulbright Fellowship to Norway
- Fulbright, Fall 2015
- Five Star Award Finalist
- Spring 2015 (Award Finalist)
- Public Voice Fellowship
- The Op Ed Project, Fall 2014
- Honor's College Distinguished Research Fellow
- Honor's College University of Arizona, Spring 2014
- Honors College Distinguished Research Fellowship
- University of Arizona Honors College, Fall 2013
- teaching stuff
- Teaching award from president thing;Type of Organization: fraternity;, Spring 2012
- Visiting Fellowship in the Political Science Program of the Research School of Social Sciences
- Australian National University, Summer 2008
- American Society for Political And Legal Philosophy
- Appointed Member;, Fall 2003
- Outstanding SBS Teaching Award for Upper Division
- Spring 2001
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Ethics for Public Admin
PA 330 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Spring 2025) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Fall 2024) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Fall 2024)
2022-23 Courses
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496H (Spring 2023) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2023) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2023) -
Seminar: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Spring 2023) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2022) -
Modern Political Theory
POL 323 (Fall 2022) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Honors Independent Study
POL 499H (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2022) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Spring 2022) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2022) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Spring 2022) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Fall 2021) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496H (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Fall 2021) -
Prob Cntem Pol Theory
POL 428 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2021) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2021) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Spring 2021) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Fall 2020) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496H (Fall 2020) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2020) -
Modern Political Theory
POL 323 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Spring 2020) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496H (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Spring 2020) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
POL 399 (Fall 2019) -
POL Honors Spec Tops Sem
POL 396H (Fall 2019) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Spring 2019) -
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496H (Spring 2019) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2019) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Spring 2019) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Capstone: Phil, Pol, Econ, Law
PPEL 496A (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2018) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Fall 2017) -
Modern Political Theory
POL 323 (Fall 2017) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Honors Independent Study
POL 499H (Spring 2017) -
Honors Thesis
POL 498H (Spring 2017) -
POL Honors Spec Tops Sem
POL 396H (Spring 2017) -
Prob Cntem Pol Theory
POL 428 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
POL 399 (Fall 2016) -
Political Ideas
POL 203 (Fall 2016) -
Women and the Law
POL 476 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Honors Thesis
PPEL 498H (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Dovi, S. L. (2007). The Good Representative. Blackwell Publishing.More infoSeries: New Directions in Ethics;Full Citation: The Good Representative. 2007. Blackwell Publishing;
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). Political Representation. In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(pp https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/political-representation/). Stanford.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016). "Measuring Representation: Rethinking the Role of Exclusion". In Political Representation: Roles, representatives and the represented.. Routledge.More infoBühlmann, Marc, and Jan Fivaz, eds. Political Representation: Roles, representatives and the represented. Vol. 7. Routledge, 2016.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016). Hannah Pitkin. In The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary [1950-2000]. Oxford University Press.More info“Hanna Pitkin,” In The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary [1950-2000] Political Theory. Oxford University Press. 2016.
- Dovi, S. L., & McCain, J. (2014). Are Lobbysts Lawyers?. In Political Ethics. Routledge.More infoSigned Contract. One way of understanding the ethics of lobbying is that lobbyists are like lawyers. Good lobbyists, like good lawyers, should zealously advocate on behalf of their clients. In this way, the practice of lobbying is conceptualized as an extension of legal representation. Lobbying should provide equal voice to all citizens no matter the cost; just like the justice system should provide defense attorneys despite the ethical and political reservations those defense attorneys might have about the clients’ interests or guilt. Due process demands representing the innocent and guilty alike. Thus, lobbying becomes a form of lawyering: everyone deserves seemingly unlimited interest representation, villains or not.In contrast, we argue that there are significant differences between lawyers and lobbyists. Drawing on the experiences of Jack Abramoff, we reveal problems with relying on a legalistic understanding of the ethics of lobbying. For instance, the “lobbyists as lawyers” framework oversimplifies and distorts how lobbying has the ability to leverage narrow interests against the capacity of democratic institutions to self-correct. In other words, zealous advocacy of lobbyists can harm democratic procedures in ways that that the zealous defense of the guilty does not. The potentially damaging repercussions for democratic institutions of unethical lobbying require identifying the proper legal regulations on lobbyists.But it also needs to recognize the moral ambiguities that plague lobbying activities. Unlike lawyers, there is no judge to mediate, monitor, and set procedural constraints on lobbyists to foster due-process. Moreover, the moral indeterminacy of lobbying can foster a moral free for all. By exploring important differences between lawyers and lobbyists, our paper reveals the problems with relying on an overly legalistic understanding of political ethics. While many public actors are lawyers, we should not let "lawyer think" consume and replace ethical understanding.
- Dovi, S. (2015).
Hanna Pitkin, The Concept of Representation
. In The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary [1950-2000] Political Theory. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198717133.013.24 - Dovi, S. L. (2015). Hannah Pitkin. In The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary [1950-2000] Political Theory. Forthcoming.. Oxford Publishing.
- Dovi, S. L. (2010). Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman, Black or Latino Do?. Oxford University Press.More infoA reprint of my APSR article. ;Full Citation: In Women, Gender and Politics: A Reader. Eds. Mona Krook and Sarah Childs. Oxford University Press, pp. 215-224.;
- Dovi, S. L. (2008). Theorizing women's representation in the United States. Cambridge University.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Political Women and American Democracy. edsChristina Wolbrecht, Karen Beckwith and Lisa Baldez. Cambridge University Press. March 2008.148-166.;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007). Theorizing Women's Representation in the United States. In Political Women and American Democracy. Cambridge University.More infoThis book chapter is a revised version of my Gender & Politics article. The title of the book is Political Women and American Democracy and is edited by Christina Wolbrecht, Karen Beckwithand Lisa Baldez.;
- Dovi, S. L., & Hayward, C. (2023). “Our Declaration”
Hayward, C., & Dovi, S. (2023). Our Declaration. Political Theory, 51(1), 106-111.. Political Theory, 51(1), 106-111. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/00905917221128890 - Dovi, S. L., & Wolbrecht, C. (2023). “Reevaluating the Contingent ‘Yes’ Essays on “Should Blacks Represent Blacks and Women Represent Women?” 2023. (Co-authored with Christina Wolbrecht). 1-3. Gender & Politics., 19(4), 1-3. doi:doi:10.1017/S1743923X22000277More infoWrote Introduction and co-edited the special issue.
- Dovi, S. L. (2020). Changing Gendered Expectations: Voting and running for office will not change how masculine and feminine identities are policed and punished for transgressing gender norms.. Boston Review, Forum XIV.More infoThis was published online as well as a chapter in the book The Right to Be Elected.
- Dovi, S. L., & Luna, F. (2020). "Women “doing” the judiciary: rethinking the justice argument for descriptive representation.". Politics, Groups, and Identities, 8(4), 790-802..More infoDovi, Suzanne, and Francy Luna. "Women “doing” the judiciary: rethinking the justice argument for descriptive representation." Politics, Groups, and Identities 8.4 (2020): 790-802.
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). Good Representatives Foster Resistance. PS: Political Science & Politics.More infoThis journal article is part of a special issue entitled Good Representative 2.0.
- Dovi, S. L. (2018). Misogyny and Transformation. European Journal of Politics and Gender.
- Dovi, S. L. (2018). Good Representatives Foster Autonomy. PS: Political Science & Politics.
- Dovi, S. L. (2018). The Ethics of Name-Brand Populism. Contemporary Political Theory.
- Dovi, S. L., & Severs, E. (2018). Symposium: The Good Representative 2.0 Why We Need to Return to the Ethics of Political Representation. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(2). doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/S1049096517002414
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). Despairing about War. Special Issue for Essays in Philosophy: Moral Psychology and War, 2(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.7710/1526-0569.1582More infoDovi, Suzanne (2017) "Despairing about War: The Democratic Limits of Pessimism," Essays in Philosophy: Vol. 18: Iss. 2, Article 2.
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). Representation in Context: Constructing Victims' Claims in the International Criminal Court. Representations.More infoDovi, Suzanne. "Representation in Context: Constructing Victims’ Claims in the International Criminal Court." Representation 53, no. 3-4 (2017): 263-275.
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). What's Missing? A Typology of Political Absence. Journal of Politics.
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). Why we're doing a teach-in for unity at University of Arizona on Inauguration Day. Arizona Daily Star.More infoI wrote this oped to publish the event that I organized with my co-organizers, Monica Casper, Phyliss Taouma and Liane Hernandez.
- Dovi, S. L. (2020). “What’s Missing: A Typology of Absences”. Journal of Politics. doi:https://doi.org/10.1086/706979
- Dovi, S. L. (2017). What's wrong with Indivisible?. Medium.More infoWritten oped with class's Honors Students.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015). Putting Abusers In The Dog House. truthout.More infoOp-ed coauthored with an Honors undergrad, Mariana Manriquez
- Dovi, S. L. (2015). The new mandatory civics exams are asking all the wrong questions. Here are the right ones.. Washington Post.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015). Want to influence a member of Congress? Dangle a K Street job. LA Times.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015). We have collective amnesia on race; I blame Chris Rock. quartz.com.
- Dovi, S. L., & Schwarz, J. (2015). How We can Lower Taxes for the Right Reasons. Talking Points Memo.
- Dovi, S. L., & Tachine, A. (2015). Arizona's Political Industrial Prison Complex. The Hill.More infohttp://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/education/236960-arizonas-political-industrial-prison-complex
- Dovi, S. L. (2014). Political lies need to be fact checked in ways that bridges different political truths, not silences them. USAPP. London School of Economics and Political Science’s Daily Blog..More info“Political lies need to be fact checked in ways that bridges different political truths, not silences them.” USAPP. London School of Economics and Political Science’s Daily Blog. July 3, 2014. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/category/authors/suzanne-dovi/. Accessed July 21, 2014.
- Dovi, S. L. (2014). The Ethics of the Revolving Door. The Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy Volume 12, Special Issue 2014, 12, 535-561.
- Dovi, S. L. (2009). In Praise of Exclusion. Journal of Politics.More info;Your Role: single author;Full Citation: In Praise of Exclusion" The Journal of Politics, Volume 71, Issue 03, July 2009, pp 1172-1186 ;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007). Theorizing Women's Representation in the United States. Gender And Politics.More info;Full Citation: “Theorizing the Representation of Women in the United States” Gender and Politics. Volume 3, Number 3 (September 2007): 297-319.;
- Dovi, S. L. (2006). "Sophie's Choice: Letting Chance Decide". Philosophy and Literature.More info;Full Citation: "Sophie's Choice: Letting Chance Decide" Philosophy and Literature. Volume 30, Number 1, (April 2006).;
- Dovi, S. L. (2005). Guilt and The Problem of Dirty Hands. Constellations.More info;Full Citation: "Guilt and The Problem of Dirty Hands" Constellations Volume 12, Issue 1, (March 2005).;
- Dovi, S. L. (2002). “Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman, Black, or Latino Do?”. American Political Science Review, 745-54.More infoThis article has been cited 272 times according to google scholar. Dovi, Suzanne. "Preferable descriptive representatives: will just any woman, black, or Latino do?." American Political Science Review 96.04 (2002): 729-743.APA
- Dovi, S. L. (2020, September). Toxic Representation: Schadenfreude Representation. Constituencies Revisited Panel Schedule. University of Manchester England: MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory.
- Dovi, S. L., & Luna, F. (2019, January). Women Doing Justice. ASU Diversity in the Judiciary. Phoenix, AZ: ASU.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, April). The Missing Piece of Accountability: Resistance. Political Science Colloquium at the University of Oslo. Oslo, Norway: Political Science Department.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, April). The Politics of Non-Presence. University of Birkbeck Gender Seminar. London, England: University of Birkbeck, Political Science Department.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, February). "The Representation of Victims at the ICC". American Embassy in Oslo. Oslo, Norway: US Embassy.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, March). Is the International Criminal Court Accountable?. Pluricourts Seminar. Oslo, Norway: Pluricourts Centre for Excellence.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, May). Representing Victims in the International Criminal Court. Public Lecture at University of Lund. Lund, Sweden: Law Center.
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, May). The Politics of Non-Presence. Political Science Colloquium at University of Lund. Lund, Sweden: Law Center.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, Fall). "Representing women: The importance of resistance". APSA. San Francisco: APSA.More infoThis paper is part of a special issue on the ethics of representation that centers on themese from my book The Good Representative.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, Fall). “Understanding Political Participation”. “The Challenges to Democracy". University of Oslo: The Nordic Initiative.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, June). The Politics of Non-Presence. Workshop on Women and Representation. London, England: McGill University..
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, October). The Participation of Victims in the International Criminal Court”. Colloquium. Oslo, Norway: Pluricourts, Centre for Excellence at the University of Oslo.
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, October). “The Politics of Non-Presence”. Colloquium. Oslo, Norway: Political Science Department, University of Oslo.
- Dovi, S. L. (2014, Fall). Democracy and Political Despair. American Political Theory Association. Madison Wisconsin.
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, 2013-01-01). Democracy and Exclusion. Joel Olsen Memorial Conference. Flagstaff, AZ.More info;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, 2013-03-01). The Missing Piece of INGO accountability. University of California, Riverside Colloquium. University of California, Riverside.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, 2013-05-01). Measuring the Representation of Women. European Conference on Gender and Politics. Barcelona, Spain.More info;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, 2013-05-01). Rethinking Democracy and Marginalization. Riverside Colloquium. Riverside CA.More info;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, 2013-05-01). Rethinking Marginalziation. Freedom Center Colloquium. Freedom Center, Tucson, AZ.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, Fall). “The Ethics of The Revolving Door”. “Ethics of Lobbying” Conference. Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics in Washington Dc..
- Dovi, S. L. (2013, March). “Measuring the Representation of Women”. European Conference on Gender and Politics. Barcelona, Spain.
- Dovi, S. L. (2012, 2012-10-01). Exclusion and Borders. Ethics of Exclusion. Northeastern University Boston, MA.More info;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2011, 2011-10-01). Exclusion and Democracy. PPEL. University of Arizona.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2010, 2010-03-01). Measuring Representation. Sociology Brown Bag. University of Arizona.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2010, 2010-09-01). Measuring Representation. APSA. Washington DC.More infoMy paper was one of the top 10 downloaded papers from APSA. ;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2010, 2010-10-01). Measuring Representation. Workshop on Representation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.More infoType of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2010, 2010-11-01). The Price of Justice: Human Rights and Democracy. Trudeau Foundation's annual conference on Public Policy. Winnipeg, Canada.More infoI was the keynote speaker. ;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2009, 2009-05-01). In Praise of Formal Exclusion?. Chicago Criminal Justice Roundtable. University of Chicago.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2009, 2009-06-01). In Praise of Exclusion. University of California, San Diego Colloquium. University of California, San Diego.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2009, 2009-11-01). Measuring Representation: Rethinking the role of Exclusion. Measuring Representation. University of Bern, Switzerland.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2009, 2010-03-01). New Accounts of Accountability. Western Political Science. San Francisco, CA.More info;Your Role: invited panelist;Invited: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: This panel brought together different feminist theorists to discuss innovations in how we study democratic accountability to women. ;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2008, 2008-07-01). In Praise of Exclusion. Political Science Colloquium at University of Canberra, Australia. University of Canberra, Australia.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2008, 2008-07-01). Political Despair. Political Philosophy Colloquium, University of Canberra Australia. Canberra, Australia.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, 2007-03-01). Democracy and Exclusion. The Global Society and Justice Workshop. University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.More info;Submitted: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, 2007-10-01). Comments on James Anaya's Indigenous Human Rights. The Global Society and Justice Workshop. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, 2007-10-01). Political Despair. Williams Speaker Series. Williams College, Williamstown MA.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, 2007-12-01). In Praise of Exclusion. UCLA Colloquium. UCLA, Los Angles CA.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, 2008-01-01). Representation of US Women. Graduate Student Colloquium. Women Studies Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.More info;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Dovi, S. L. (2006, 2006-03-01). “Democratic Representation: The More, The Better?”. “Rethinking Democratic Representation,”. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2006, 2006-03-01). “Making Democracy Work for Women”. MPSA. Chicago, IL.More info“Making Democracy Work for Women” Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago IL (April 2006).;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2006, 2006-06-01). “Making Democracy Work for Women”. “Political Women and American Democracy,”. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IL.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2005, 2005-04-01). “The Politics of Exclusion”. Midwestern Political Science Association. Chicago, IL.More info“The Politics of Exclusion” Midwest Political Association Chicago. IL. (April 2005).;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2005, 2005-09-01). Democracy and Terrorism: Beyond the Moral Pale. American Political Science Association. Washington, DC.More info“Democracy and Terrorism: Beyond the Moral Pale” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington D.C. (September 2005).;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2004, 2004-03-01). “Political Despair and Sources of Hope”. Western Political Science Association. Portland, OR.More info“Political Despair and Sources of Hope” Western Political Science Association, Portland, Oregon (March 2004).;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2004, 2008-01-01). “Rethinking Descriptive Representation”. the Workshop on Transformation of Democratic Representation. Georgetown University, Washington DC.More info“Rethinking Descriptive Representation” at the Workshop on Transformation of Democratic Representation at The Center for Democracy and the Third Sector at Georgetown University, Washington, DC (June 2004).;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003, 2003-02-01). "Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman Do?". Center for the Study of Women in Politics Conference. Center for the Study of Women in Politics, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.More info"Preferable Descriptive Representatives: Will Just Any Woman Do?" Center for the Study of Women in Politics, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland (February 2003).;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003, 2003-03-01). Commentator on. Conference on Moral and Political Aspects of Terrorism. Tucson, AZ.More info;Invited: Yes;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003, 2003-03-01). “Rethinking Descriptive Representation”. Race and Reprsentation Conference. University of Rochester, Rochester New York.More info“Rethinking Descriptive Representation” Race and Representation Conference at University of Rochester, Rochester New York (March 2003).;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference/Workshop;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003, 2003-09-01). “Piecemeal Peace: Sources of Hope”. American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA.More info“Piecemeal Peace: Sources of Hope” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA. (September 2003).;Submitted: Yes;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Dovi, S. L. (2009. Anne Phillips' Review.More info;Your Role: single-author;Full Citation: Book Review by Suzanne DoviMulticulturalism Without Culture. By Anne Phillips. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2007. 216 pp. $29.95, cloth, $19.95 paper.Politics & Gender (2009), 5:443-446 Cambridge University Press;
- Dovi, S. L. (2006. Review of Andrew Rehfeld's The Concept of Constituency: Political Representation, Democratic Legitimacy and Institutional Design..More info;Full Citation: Review of Andrew Rehfeld's The Concept of Constituency: Political Representation, Democratic Legitimacy and Institutional Design. In Perspectives on Politics. (2006). ;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003. Review of Danis Tanovic's No Man's Land.More info;Full Citation: Review of Danis Tanovic's No Man's Land". In Contemporary Justice Review. (2003).;Type of Publication: Film Review;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003. Review of Lorraine Bayard de Volo's Mothers of Heroes and Martyrs.More info;Full Citation: Review of Lorraine Bayard de Volo's Mothers of Heroes and Martyrs" In New Perspectives on Political Science. (2003).;
- Dovi, S. L. (2003. Review of Nadia Urbinati's Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative Government..More info;Full Citation: Review of Nadia Urbinati's Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative Government. In American Political Science Review. (2003).;
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, December). Shattering the International Glass Ceiling. truthout. http://www.truth-out.org/speakout/item/34163-shattering-the-international-glass-ceiling-for-female-judges
- Dovi, S. L. (2015, October). Professor: I can't teach with guns in class - AZCentral.com. Arizona Republic. http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2015/10/13/guns-campus/73844878/
- Dovi, S. L. (2003). Member of the Non-Profits and Pbulic Policy Group at the University of ArizonaMember of the Univer.More infoMember of the Non-Profits and Pbulic Policy Group at the University of ArizonaMember of the University of Arizona's Rogers Program Brown Bag Lunch SeriesEthics Reading Group
- Dovi, S. L. (2011). Political Representation.More infoThis entry has been cited 25 times since it's original publication.;Your Role: The Stanford Encyclopedia is an highly prestigious online resource. Authors are required to update their entries. I had to significantly rewrite and update the writings on representation. It is considered a significant substantive change.;Full Citation: Dovi, Suzanne, "Political Representation", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .;Electronic: Yes;
- Dovi, S. L. (2008, unknown). Review of Anne Phillips' "Multiculturalism without Culture. Politics & Gender.More infoReview of Anne Phillips’ Multiculturalism without Culture. In Politics & Gender (2009), 5:443-446
- Dovi, S. L. (2007, Summer). Moral Knowledge and Education in John Locke" Liberty Fund Conference. Liberty Fund Conference.More infoMoral Knowledge and Education in John Locke" Liberty Fund Conference
- Dovi, S. L. (2016, not applicable). Political Representation. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/political-representation/More info;Full Citation: "Political Representationâ" a refereed entry for the web-based Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that must be continutally updated. Electronic: Yes;Type of Publication: Encyclopedia Entry;According to google scholar, it has been cited 123 times.