Shelley Beth McGrew
- Assistant Clinical Professor
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-6154
- Nursing, Rm. 327
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- shelleymcgrew@arizona.edu
- DNP Nurse-Midwifery
- Frontier Nursing University
- Fellow
- American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), Winter 2024
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
MW Care - Birthing Experience
NURS 681B (Spring 2025) -
Routine Antenatal and Gyn Care
NURS 681A (Spring 2025) -
Adv Hlth and Phys Assessment
NURS 609A (Fall 2024) -
Advanced Midwifery Gynecologic
NURS 681C (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Women's Hlth In Adv Prct
NURS 680 (Summer I 2024) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2024) -
Routine Antenatal and Gyn Care
NURS 681A (Spring 2024) -
Advanced Midwifery Gynecologic
NURS 681C (Fall 2023) -
Health Assessment
NURS 609A (Fall 2023)
Scholarly Contributions
- Holland, M., McGrew, S. B., & Kiser, L. H. (2024, May). Holland, M., Kiser, L., & McGrew, S. (2024). La Mesa Redondo: Rol de la Enfermera-Partera de Practica Advanzada y El Uso de Investigación (Panel Presentation: Role of the Advance Practice Nurse-Midwife and the Use of Research). May 3rd, 2024, . III Congreso Internacional IIESS. San Carlos, Sonora, MX..
- McGrew, S. B. (2024, May).
Two Virtual Presentations during the event:
1. Person-Centered Labor Support2. Teach-Back of Postpartum Warning Signs
- McGrew, S. B. (2023, June).
Tools to Address Disparities by Putting Our Humanity into Action.
. Podium Presentation at the National AWHONN Convention. New Orleans, LO: AWHONN.More infopodium presentation based on my DNP QI project results - McGrew, S. B., & Wood, S. (2023, September). Relational Communication for Improved Outcomes. Arizona Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health, 2023 annual conference. Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Healt and Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, Arizona Department of Health Services.More infoDissemination of my DNP QI project results.