Shufang Su
- Department Head, Physics
- Professor, Physics
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2866
- Physics-Atmospheric Sciences, Rm. 420L
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- shufang@arizona.edu
- UA ACTT Fellow
- Spring 2024
- Women of Impact
- UA Office of Research, Innovation & Impact, Fall 2023
- UA College of Science Galileo Circle Fellow
- College of Science, Spring 2023
- Outstanding Referee Award, APS Physical Review journals,
- American Physics Society, Spring 2022
- Physics Department Graduate Teaching Award
- Department of Physics, Spring 2022
- Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Fall 2014
- Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Fall 2010
- APS fellow
- American Physics Society, Division of Particles and Fields, Fall 2014
- APS 4CS Annual Meeting best non-student talk award
- APS 4CS, Fall 2013
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
PHYS 920 (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2025) -
PHYS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2024) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570A (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
PHYS 920 (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2024) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570B (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2023) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570B (Spring 2023) -
Quantum Theory
PHYS 371 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Adv Relativ Quantum Mech
PHYS 579C (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2021) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
PHYS 920 (Spring 2021) -
Quantum Theory
PHYS 371 (Spring 2021) -
PHYS 920 (Fall 2020) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570A (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Adv Rel Quantum Mech I
PHYS 579A (Spring 2020) -
PHYS 920 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2020) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2019) -
Quantum Theory II
PHYS 472 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Adv Rel Quantum Mech I
PHYS 579A (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2019) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2018) -
Quantum Theory II
PHYS 472 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PHYS 499 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2017) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570A (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
PHYS 920 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2017) -
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570B (Spring 2017) -
Current Problems Physics
PHYS 695A (Fall 2016) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Fall 2016) -
PHYS 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Fall 2016) -
Quantum Theory II
PHYS 472 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
PHYS 920 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Accettura, C., Adrian, S., Agarwal, R., Ahdida, C., Aimé, C., Aksoy, A., Alberghi, G. L., Alden, S., Alfonso, L., Amapane, N., Amorim, D., Andreetto, P., Anulli, F., Appleby, R., Apresyan, A., Asadi, P., Mahmoud, M. A., Auchmann, B., Back, J., , Badea, A., et al. (2024). MuCol Milestone Report No. 5: Preliminary Parameters.More infoThis document is comprised of a collection of updated preliminary parametersfor the key parts of the muon collider. The updated preliminary parametersfollow on from the October 2023 Tentative Parameters Report. Particularattention has been given to regions of the facility that are believed to holdgreater technical uncertainty in their design and that have a strong impact onthe cost and power consumption of the facility. The data is collected from acollaborative spreadsheet and transferred to overleaf.[Journal_ref: ]
- Accettura, C., Adrian, S., Agarwal, R., Ahdida, C., Aimé, C., Aksoy, A., Alberghi, G. L., Alden, S., Amapane, N., Amorim, D., Andreetto, P., Anulli, F., Appleby, R., Apresyan, A., Asadi, P., Mahmoud, A. M., Auchmann, B., Back, J., Badea, A., , Bae, K. J., et al. (2024). Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC).More infoThe International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) [1] was established in2020 following the recommendations of the European Strategy for ParticlePhysics (ESPP) and the implementation of the European Strategy for ParticlePhysics-Accelerator R&D Roadmap by the Laboratory Directors Group [2],hereinafter referred to as the the European LDG roadmap. The Muon ColliderStudy (MuC) covers the accelerator complex, detectors and physics for a futuremuon collider. In 2023, European Commission support was obtained for a designstudy of a muon collider (MuCol) [3]. This project started on 1st March 2023,with work-packages aligned with the overall muon collider studies. Inpreparation of and during the 2021-22 U.S. Snowmass process, the muon colliderproject parameters, technical studies and physics performance studies wereperformed and presented in great detail. Recently, the P5 panel [4] in the U.S.recommended a muon collider R&D, proposed to join the IMCC and envisages thatthe U.S. should prepare to host a muon collider, calling this their "muonshot". In the past, the U.S. Muon Accelerator Programme (MAP) [5] has beeninstrumental in studies of concepts and technologies for a muon collider.[Journal_ref: ]
- Ai, X., Altmannshofer, W., Athron, P., Bai, X., Calibbi, L., Cao, L., Che, Y., Chen, C., Chen, J., Chen, L., Chen, M., Chen, S., Chen, X., Cheng, S., Chiang, C., Crivellin, A., Cui, H., Deschamps, O., Descotes-Genon, S., , Du, X., et al. (2024). Flavor Physics at CEPC: a General Perspective.More infoWe discuss the landscape of flavor physics at the Circular Electron-PositronCollider (CEPC), based on the nominal luminosity outlined in its TechnicalDesign Report. The CEPC is designed to operate in multiple modes to address avariety of tasks. At the $Z$ pole, the expected production of 4 Tera $Z$ bosonswill provide unique and highly precise measurements of $Z$ boson couplings,while the substantial number of boosted heavy-flavored quarks and leptonsproduced in clean $Z$ decays will facilitate investigations into their flavorphysics with unprecedented precision. We investigate the prospects of measuringvarious physics benchmarks and discuss their implications for particle theoriesand phenomenological models. Our studies indicate that, with its highlightedadvantages and anticipated excellent detector performance, the CEPC can explorebeauty and $\tau$ physics in ways that are superior to or complementary withthe Belle II and Large-Hadron-Collider-beauty experiments, potentially enablingthe detection of new physics at energy scales of 10 TeV and above. Thispotential also extends to the observation of yet-to-be-discovered rare andexotic processes, as well as testing fundamental principles such as leptonflavor universality, lepton and baryon number conservation, etc., making theCEPC a vibrant platform for flavor physics research. The $WW$ threshold scan,Higgs-factory operation and top-pair productions of the CEPC further enhanceits merits in this regard, especially for measuring theCabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements, and Flavor-Changing-Neutral-Currentphysics of Higgs boson and top quarks. We outline the requirements for detectorperformance and considerations for future development to achieve theanticipated scientific goals.[Journal_ref: ]
- Han, T., Low, M., McGinnis, N., & Su, S. (2024). Measuring Quantum Discord at the LHC.More infoThere has been an increasing interest in exploring quantities associated withquantum information at colliders. We perform a detailed analysis describing howto measure the quantum discord in the top anti-top quantum state at the LargeHadron Collider (LHC). While for pure states, quantum discord, entanglement,and Bell nonlocality all probe the same correlations, for mixed states theyprobe different aspects of quantum correlations. The quantum discord, inparticular, is interesting because it aims to encapsulate all correlationsbetween systems that cannot have a classical origin. We employ twocomplementary approaches for the study of the top anti-top system, namely thedecay method and the kinematic method. We highlight subtleties associated withmeasuring discord for reconstructed quantum states at colliders. Usuallyquantum discord is difficult to compute due to an extremization that must beperformed. We show, however, that for the $t\bar{t}$ system this extremizationcan be performed analytically and we provide closed-form formulas for thequantum discord. We demonstrate that at the high luminosity LHC, discord isprojected to be measurable with a precision of approximately 5% using the decaymethod and sub-percent levels using the kinematic method. Even with current LHCdatasets, discord can be measured with 1-2% precision with the kinematicmethod. By systematically investigating quantum discord for the first timethrough a detailed collider analysis, this work expands the toolkit for quantuminformation studies in particle physics and lays the groundwork for deeperinsights into the quantum properties in high-energy collisions.[Journal_ref: ]
- Li, J., Song, H., Su, S., & Su, W. (2024). Charged Higgs Search in 2HDM.More infoIn this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the collider search limitson the charged Higgses in the four types of Two Higgs Double Models (2HDM). Inaddition to constraints from flavor physics measurements, we include both theLEP charged Higgs search channels, as well as the LHC search results on thelight and heavy charged Higgses. We consider both the conventional chargedHiggs search channels of $H^\pm \rightarrow \tau\nu, cs, cb, tb$, and thelatest search results on the exotic decay channels $H^\pm \rightarrow A W^\pm /H W^\pm$. We find that $H^\pm \rightarrow A W^\pm / H W^\pm$ are complementaryto the conventional fermionic channels for $m_{H^\pm} < m_t$. For heavy$H^\pm$, $H^\pm \rightarrow A W^\pm / H W^\pm$ extend the reach of $\tan \beta$beyond that of $H^\pm \to tb$ in the Type-L 2HDM. We also present the combinedreach of all the neutral and charged Higgs searches.[Journal_ref: ]
- Accardi, A., Achenbach, P., Adhikari, D., Afanasev, A., Akondi, C. S., Akopov, N., Albaladejo, M., Albataineh, H., Albrecht, M., Almeida-Zamora, B., Amaryan, M., Androić, D., Armstrong, W., Armstrong, D. S., Arratia, M., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Austregesilo, A., Avagyan, H., , Averett, T., et al. (2023). Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab.More infoThis document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading theContinuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab)to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights froma series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. With a trackrecord of over 25 years in delivering the world's most intense and precisemulti-GeV electron beams, CEBAF's potential for a higher energy upgradepresents a unique opportunity for an innovative nuclear physics program, whichseamlessly integrates a rich historical background with a promising future. Theproposed physics program encompass a diverse range of investigations centeredaround the nonperturbative dynamics inherent in hadron structure and theexploration of strongly interacting systems. It builds upon the exceptionalcapabilities of CEBAF in high-luminosity operations, the availability ofexisting or planned Hall equipment, and recent advancements in acceleratortechnology. The proposed program cover various scientific topics, includingHadron Spectroscopy, Partonic Structure and Spin, Hadronization and TransverseMomentum, Spatial Structure, Mechanical Properties, Form Factors and EmergentHadron Mass, Hadron-Quark Transition, and Nuclear Dynamics at ExtremeConditions, as well as QCD Confinement and Fundamental Symmetries. Each topichighlights the key measurements achievable at a 22 GeV CEBAF accelerator.Furthermore, this document outlines the significant physics outcomes and uniqueaspects of these programs that distinguish them from other existing or plannedfacilities. In summary, this document provides an exciting rationale for theenergy upgrade of CEBAF to 22 GeV, outlining the transformative scientificpotential that lies within reach, and the remarkable opportunities it offersfor advancing our understanding of hadron physics and related fundamentalphenomena.[Journal_ref: ]
- Accettura, C., Adams, D., Agarwal, R., Ahdida, C., Aimè, C., Amapane, N., Amorim, D., Andreetto, P., Anulli, F., Appleby, R., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Arsenyev, S., Asadi, P., Mahmoud, M. A., Azatov, A., Back, J., Balconi, L., Bandiera, L., , Barlow, R., et al. (2023). Towards a Muon Collider.More infoA muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that isneeded for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challengesof producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of massenergy are being investigated by the recently-formed International MuonCollider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recentadvances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is toprovide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for futurework.[Journal_ref: ]
- Group, T. C. (2023). CEPC Technical Design Report -- Accelerator (v2).More infoThe Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large scientific projectinitiated and hosted by China, fostered through extensive collaboration withinternational partners. The complex comprises four accelerators: a 30 GeVLinac, a 1.1 GeV Damping Ring, a Booster capable of achieving energies up to180 GeV, and a Collider operating at varying energy modes (Z, W, H, and ttbar).The Linac and Damping Ring are situated on the surface, while the Booster andCollider are housed in a 100 km circumference underground tunnel, strategicallyaccommodating future expansion with provisions for a Super Proton ProtonCollider (SPPC). The CEPC primarily serves as a Higgs factory. In its baselinedesign with synchrotron radiation (SR) power of 30 MW per beam, it can achievea luminosity of 5e34 /cm^2/s^1, resulting in an integrated luminosity of 13 /abfor two interaction points over a decade, producing 2.6 million Higgs bosons.Increasing the SR power to 50 MW per beam expands the CEPC's capability togenerate 4.3 million Higgs bosons, facilitating precise measurements of Higgscoupling at sub-percent levels, exceeding the precision expected from theHL-LHC by an order of magnitude. This Technical Design Report (TDR) follows thePreliminary Conceptual Design Report (Pre-CDR, 2015) and the Conceptual DesignReport (CDR, 2018), comprehensively detailing the machine's layout andperformance, physical design and analysis, technical systems design, R&D andprototyping efforts, and associated civil engineering aspects. Additionally, itincludes a cost estimate and a preliminary construction timeline, establishinga framework for forthcoming engineering design phase and site selectionprocedures. Construction is anticipated to begin around 2027-2028, pendinggovernment approval, with an estimated duration of 8 years. The commencement ofexperiments could potentially initiate in the mid-2030s.[Journal_ref: ]
- Li, S., Song, H., Su, S., & Su, W. (2022). Light Scalars at FASER. JHEP 08 (2023) 001. doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2212.06186More infoFASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, is a currently operating experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that can detect light long-lived particles produced in the forward region of the LHC interacting point. In this paper, we study the prospect of detecting light CP-even and CP-odd scalars at FASER and FASER 2. Considering a model-independent framework describing the most general interactions between a CP-even or CP-odd scalar and SM particles using the notation of coupling modifiers in the effective Lagrangian, we develop the general formalism for the scalar production and decay. We then analyze the FASER and FASER 2 reaches of light scalars in the large $\tan\beta$ region of the Type-I two Higgs double model as a case study, in which light scalars with relatively long lifetime could be accommodated. In the two benchmark scenarios we considered, the light (pseudo)scalar decay length varies in $(10^{-8}, 10^5)$ meters. Both FASER and FASER 2 can probe a large part of the parameter space in the large $\tan\beta$ region up to $10^5$, extending beyond the constraints of the other existing experiments. [Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2020). Probing Exotic Charged Higgs Decays in the Type-II 2HDM through Top Rich Signal at a Future 100 TeV pp Collider. JHEP 11 (2020) 105, 11, 105.More infoThe exotic decay modes of non-Standard Model Higgs bosons are efficient inprobing the hierarchical Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM). In particular, thedecay mode $H^\pm\to HW^\pm$ serves as a powerful channel in searching forcharged Higgses. In this paper, we analyzed the reach for $H^\pm\to HW^\pm \tot\bar{t}W$ at a 100 TeV $pp$ collider, and showed that it extends the reach ofthe previously studied $\tau\tau W$ final states once above the top threshold.Top tagging technique is used, in combination with the boosted decision treeclassifier. Almost the entire hierarchical Type-II 2HDM parameter space can beprobed via the combination of all channels at low $\tan\beta$ region.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2021). Comparative Studies of 2HDMs under the Higgs Boson Precision Measurements. JHEP 01 (2021) 045, 01, 045.More infoWe perform comparative studies for four types of the two Higgs Doublet Models(2HDMs) under the precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM) Higgsobservables at the proposed Higgs factories. We explore the discovery potentialbased on the hypothetical deviations in the precision data for the 2HDMs up toone-loop level. We find $5\sigma$ observability from the $\chi^2$ fitting in asignificant theory parameter space at future Higgs factories. For the Type-I2HDM, regions with $\cos(\beta-\alpha)\lesssim -0.1$ or$\cos(\beta-\alpha)\gtrsim 0.08$ are discoverable at more than $5\sigma$ level.For the other three types of 2HDMs, the $5\sigma$ region is even bigger:$|\cos(\beta-\alpha)|\gtrsim 0.02$ for $\tan\beta\sim 1$. At small and largevalues of $\tan\beta$, the region in $\cos(\beta-\alpha)$ is further tightened.We examine the extent to which the different 2HDM theories may bedistinguishable from one to the other at the $95\%$ Confidence Level with fourbenchmark points as case studies. We show that a large part of the parameterspace of the other types of 2HDMs can be distinguished from the benchmarkpoints of the target model. The impacts of loop corrections are found to besignificant in certain parameter regions.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2021). Heavy Higgs Bosons in 2HDM at a Muon Collider. Phys. Rev. D104 (2021) 055029.More infoWe study the discovery potential of the non-Standard Model (SM) heavy Higgsbosons in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDMs) at a multi-TeV muon collider andexplore the discrimination power among different types of 2HDMs. We find thatthe pair production of the non-SM Higgs bosons via the universal gaugeinteractions is the dominant mechanism once above the kinematic threshold.Single Higgs boson production associated with a pair of heavy fermions could beimportant in the parameter region with enhanced Yukawa couplings. For bothsignal final states, $\mu^+ \mu^-$ annihilation channels dominate over thevector boson fusion (VBF) processes, except at high center of mass energieswhere the VBF processes receive large logarithmic enhancement with the increaseof energies. Single Higgs boson $s$-channel production in $\mu^+\mu^-$-annihilation via the radiative return can also be important for theType-L 2HDM in the very large $\tan\beta$ region, extending the kinematic reachof the heavy Higgs boson mass to the collider energy. Considering both theproduction and decay of non-SM Higgs bosons, signals can be identified over theStandard Model backgrounds. Different types of 2HDMs can be distinguishable formoderate and large values of $\tan\beta$.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2021). MSSM at future Higgs factories. Chinese Physics C 45 (2021) 4, 045106.More infoIn this work, we study the implication of Higgs precision measurements atfuture Higgs factories on the MSSM parameter space, focusing on the dominantstop sector contributions. We perform a multi-variable fit to both the signalstrength for various Higgs decay channels at Higgs factories and the Higgsmass. The chi-square fit results show sensitivity to mA, tan beta, stop massparameter mSUSY as well as the stop left-right mixing parameter Xt. We alsostudy the impact of the Higgs mass prediction on the MSSM and compare thesensitivities of different Higgs factories.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2021). Precision Higgs Couplings in Neutral Naturalness Models: an Effective Field Theory Approach. JHEP 02 (2021) 234, 02, 234.More infoThe Higgs sector in neutral naturalness models provides a portal to thehidden sectors, and thus measurements of Higgs couplings at current and futurecolliders play a central role in constraining the parameter space of the model.We investigate a class of neutral naturalness models, in which the Higgs bosonis a pseudo-Goldstone boson from the universal SO(N)/SO(N-1) coset structure.Integrating out the radial mode from the spontaneous global symmetry breaking,we obtain various dimension-six operators in the Standard Model effective fieldtheory, and calculate the low energy Higgs effective potential with radiativecorrections included. We perform a chi-square fit to the Higgs couplingprecision measurements at current and future colliders and show that the newphysics scale could be explored up to 2.7 (2.8) TeV without (with) the Higgsinvisible decay channels at future Higgs factories.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S., Li, G., Ramsey-Musolf, M., & Vasquez, J. C. (2022). Lepton Number Violation: from $0νββ$ Decay to Long-Lived Particle Searches. PRD 105 (2022) 115018, 105, 115018. doi:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.105.115018More infoWe study the complementary tests of lepton number violation in $0\nu\beta\beta$-decay experiments, long-lived particle (LLP) searches at the LHC main detectors ATLAS/CMS, and a proposed far detector MATHUSLA. In the context of a simplified model with a scalar doublet $S$ and a Majorana fermion $F$, we show that while the $0\nu\beta\beta$-decay experiments can probe a larger portion of parameter space, the LLP searches can uniquely probe the region of smaller couplings and masses if $S$ is at TeV scale while $F$ is at or below the electroweak scale. [Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2020). 2HDM Neutral Scalars under the LHC. JHEP 06 (2020) 163, 06, 163.More infoTwo Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) provide a simple framework for new physicsmodels with an extended Higgs sector. The current LHC results, including bothdirect searches for additional non-Standard Model (SM) Higgs bosons, as well asprecision measurements of the SM-like Higgs couplings, already provide strongconstraints on the 2HDM parameter spaces. In this paper, we examine thoseconstraints for the neutral scalars in the Type-I and Type-II 2HDM. In additionto the direct search channels with SM final states: $H/A \to f\bar f, VV, Vh,hh$, we study in particular the exotic decay channels of $H/A \to AZ/HZ$ oncethere is a mass hierarchy between the non-SM Higgses. We found that $H/A \toAZ/HZ$ channel has unique sensitivity to the alignment limit region whichremains unconstrained by conventional searches and Higgs precisionmeasurements. This mode also extends the reach at intermediate $\tan\beta$ forheavy $m_A$ that are not covered by the other direct searches.[Journal_ref: JHEP 06 (2020) 163]
- Su, S. (2020). Deciphering the Archaeological Record: Cosmological Imprints of Non-Minimal Dark Sectors. Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) 123511, 101, 123511.More infoMany proposals for physics beyond the Standard Model give rise to a darksector containing many degrees of freedom. In this work, we explore thecosmological implications of the non-trivial dynamics which may arise withinsuch dark sectors, focusing on decay processes which take place entirely amongthe dark constituents. First, we demonstrate that such decays can leavedramatic imprints on the resulting dark-matter phase-space distribution. Inparticular, this distribution need not be thermal --- it can even bemulti-modal, exhibiting a non-trivial pattern of peaks and troughs as afunction of momentum. We then proceed to show how these features can inducesmall-scale modifications to the matter power spectrum. Finally, we assess theextent to which one can approach the archaeological "inverse" problem ofdeciphering the properties of an underlying dark sector from the matter powerspectrum. Indeed, one of the main results of this paper is a remarkably simpleconjectured analytic expression which permits the reconstruction of many of theimportant features of the dark-matter phase-space distribution directly fromthe matter power spectrum. Our results therefore provide an interesting toolboxof methods for learning about, and potentially constraining, the features ofnon-minimal dark sectors and their dynamics in the early universe.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2020). Non-Minimal Dark Sectors: Mediator-Induced Decay Chains and Multi-Jet Collider Signatures. Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) 075024, 101, 075024..More infoA preponderance of astrophysical and cosmological evidence indicates that theuniverse contains not only visible matter but also dark matter. In order tosuppress the couplings between the dark and visible sectors, a standardassumption is that these two sectors communicate only through a mediator. Inthis paper we make a simple but important observation: if the dark sectorcontains multiple components with similar quantum numbers, then this mediatoralso generically gives rise to dark-sector decays, with heavier dark componentsdecaying to lighter components. This in turn can even give rise to relativelylong dark decay chains, with each step of the decay chain also producingvisible matter. The visible byproducts of such mediator-induced decay chainscan therefore serve as a unique signature of such scenarios. In order toexamine this possibility more concretely, we examine a scenario in which amulti-component dark sector is connected through a mediator to Standard-Modelquarks. We then demonstrate that such a scenario gives rise to multi-jetcollider signatures, and we examine the properties of such jets at both theparton and detector levels. Within relatively large regions of parameter space,we find that such multi-jet signatures are not excluded by existing monojet andmulti-jet searches. Such decay cascades therefore represent a potentialdiscovery route for multi-component dark sectors at current and futurecolliders.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2020). Type-I 2HDM under the Higgs and Electroweak Precision Measurements. JHEP 08 (2020) 131, 08, 131.More infoWe explore the extent to which future precision measurements of the StandardModel (SM) observables at the proposed $Z$-factories and Higgs factories mayhave impacts on new physics beyond the Standard Model, as illustrated bystudying the Type-I Two-Higgs-doublet model (Type-I 2HDM). We include thecontributions from the heavy Higgs bosons at the tree-level and at the one-looplevel in a full model-parameter space. While only small $\tan\beta$ region isstrongly constrained at tree level, the large $\tan\beta$ region getsconstrained at loop level due to $\tan\beta$ enhanced tri-Higgs couplings. Weperform a multiple variable global fit with non-alignment and non-degeneratemasses. We find that the allowed parameter ranges could be tightly constrainedby the future Higgs precision measurements, especially for small and largevalues of $\tan\beta$. Indirect limits on the masses of heavy Higgs bosons canbe obtained, which can be complementary to the direct searches of the heavyHiggs bosons at hadron colliders. We also find that the expected accuracies atthe $Z$-pole and at a Higgs factory are quite complementary in constrainingmass splittings of heavy Higgs bosons. The typical results are$|\cos(\beta-\alpha)| < 0.05, |\Delta m_\Phi | < 200\ {\rm GeV}$, and$\tan\beta \gtrsim 0.3$. The reaches from CEPC, FCCee and ILC are alsocompared, for both Higgs and $Z$-pole precision measurements. Comparing to theType-II 2HDM, the 95\% C.L. allowed range of $\cos(\beta-\alpha)$ is larger,especially for large values of $\tan\beta$.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2019). Implication of Higgs Precision Measurement on New Physics. LCWS 2018 conference proceeding.More infoFuture precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM) parameters at theproposed Z-factories and Higgs factories may have significant impacts on newphysics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). We illustrate this by focusing on theType-II two Higgs doublet model. A multi-variable global fitting is performedwith full one loop contributions to relevant couplings. The Higgs signalstrength measurements at proposed Higgs factories can provide strongconstraints on new physics and are found to be complementary to the Z-polemeasurements.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2020). Higgs Assisted Razor Search for Higgsinos at a 100 TeV pp Collider. Science China 63 (2020) 10, 101011, 63(10), 101011.More infoA 100 TeV proton-proton collider will be an extremely effective way to probethe electroweak sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Inthis paper, we describe a search strategy for discovering pair-producedHiggsino-like next-to-lightest supersymmetric particles (NLSPs) at a 100 TeVhadron collider that decay to Bino-like lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP)via intermediate Z and SM Higgs boson that in turn decay to a pair of leptonsand a pair of b-quarks respectively: $\widetilde{N}_2^0\widetilde{N}_3^0\rightarrow (Z\widetilde{N}_1^0)(h\widetilde{N}_1^0)\rightarrowbb\ell\ell+\widetilde{N}_1^0\widetilde{N}_1^0$. In addition, we examine thepotential for machine learning techniques to boost the power of our searches.Using this analysis, Higgsinos up to 1.4 TeV can be discovered at $5\sigma$level for a Bino with mass of about 0.9 TeV using 3000 fb$^{-1}$ of data.Additionally, Higgsinos up to 1.8 TeV can be excluded at 95% C.L. for Binoswith mass of about 1.4 TeV. This search channel extends the multi-lepton searchlimits, especially in the region where the mass difference between the HiggsinoNLSPs and the Bino LSP is small.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2018). CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector. arXiv:1811.10545.More infoThe Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large internationalscientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community toexplore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlyingfundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal newphysics. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel ofapproximately 100 km in circumference, is designed to operate as a Higgsfactory producing electron-positron collisions with a center-of-mass energy of240 GeV. The collider will also operate at around 91.2 GeV, as a Z factory, andat the WW production threshold (around 160 GeV). The CEPC will produce close toone trillion Z bosons, 100 million W bosons and over one million Higgs bosons.The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and tau-leptons produced in thedecays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and tau-charmfactory. The CEPC will have two interaction points where two large detectorswill be located. This document is the second volume of the CEPC ConceptualDesign Report (CDR). It presents the physics case for the CEPC, describesconceptual designs of possible detectors and their technological options,highlights the expected detector and physics performance, and discusses futureplans for detector R&D and physics investigations. The final CEPC detectorswill be proposed and built by international collaborations but they are likelyto be composed of the detector technologies included in the conceptual designsdescribed in this document. A separate volume, Volume I, recently released,describes the design of the CEPC accelerator complex, its associated civilengineering, and strategic alternative scenarios.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2018). FCC Physics Opportunities : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1. Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 6, 474. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6904-3
- Su, S. (2018). FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2. Eur.Phys.J.ST 228 (2019) 2, 261-623. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2019-900045-4
- Su, S. (2018). FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3. Eur.Phys.J.ST 228 (2019) 4, 755-1107. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2019-900087-0
- Su, S. (2018). HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4. Eur.Phys.J.ST 228 (2019) 5, 1109-1382. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2019-900088-6
- Su, S. (2019). Exotic Higgs Decays in Type-II 2HDMs at the LHC and Future 100 TeV Hadron Colliders. JHEP 06 (2019) 031..More infoThe exotic decay modes of non-Standard Model (SM) Higgses in models withextended Higgs sectors have the potential to serve as powerful search channelsto explore the space of Two-Higgs Doublet Models (2HDMs) that cannot be studiedeffectively using conventional decay channels. Once kinematically allowed,heavy Higgses could decay into pairs of light non-SM Higgses, or a non-SM Higgsand a SM gauge boson, with branching fractions that dominate those of theconventional decay modes to SM particles. In this study, we focus on theprospects of probing exotic decay channels at the LHC and a future 100 TeV\emph{pp} collider in the context of Type-II 2HDMs. We study the threeprominent exotic decay channels, A -> HZ, A -> H^+ W and H^+ -> HW, and findthat a 100-TeV pp collider can probe the entire region of the Type-II 2HDMparameter space that survives current theoretical and experimental constraintswith exotic decay branching fraction > 20%.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2019). Precision Higgs Physics at CEPC. Chin.Phys.C 43 (2019) 4, 043002.More infoThe discovery of the Higgs boson with its mass around 125 GeV by the ATLASand CMS Collaborations marked the beginning of a new era in high energyphysics. The Higgs boson will be the subject of extensive studies of theongoing LHC program. At the same time, lepton collider based Higgs factorieshave been proposed as a possible next step beyond the LHC, with its main goalto precisely measure the properties of the Higgs boson and probe potential newphysics associated with the Higgs boson. The Circular Electron PositronCollider~(CEPC) is one of such proposed Higgs factories. The CEPC is an$e^+e^-$ circular collider proposed by and to be hosted in China. Located in atunnel of approximately 100~km in circumference, it will operate at acenter-of-mass energy of 240~GeV as the Higgs factory. In this paper, wepresent the first estimates on the precision of the Higgs boson propertymeasurements achievable at the CEPC and discuss implications of thesemeasurements.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2019). Type-II 2HDM under the Precision Measurements at the $Z$-pole and a Higgs Factory. JHEP 03 (2019) 023, 1903(023). doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2019)023More infoFuture precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM) parameters at theproposed $Z$-factories and Higgs factories may have significant impacts on newphysics beyond the Standard Model in the electroweak sector. We illustrate thisby focusing on the Type-II two Higgs doublet model (Type-II 2HDM). Thecontributions from the heavy Higgs bosons at the tree-level and at the one-looplevel are included in a full model parameter space. We perform a multiplevariable global fit and study the extent to which the parameters ofnon-alignment and non-degenerate masses can be probed by the precisionmeasurements. We find that the allowed parameter ranges are tightly constrainedby the future Higgs precision measurements, especially for small and largevalues of $\tan\beta$. Indirect limits on the masses of heavy Higgs can beobtained, which can be complementary to the direct searches of the heavy Higgsbosons at hadron colliders. We also find that the expected accuracies at the$Z$-pole and at a Higgs factory are quite complementary in constraining masssplittings of heavy Higgs bosons. The typical results are $|\cos(\beta-\alpha)|< 0.008, |\Delta m_\Phi | < 200\ {\rm GeV}$, and $\tan\beta \sim 0.2 - 5$. Thereaches from CEPC, FCC-ee and ILC are also compared, for both Higgs and$Z$-pole precision measurements.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S., & Zhang, H. (2018). Higgs and $Z$ Assisted Stop Searches at Hadron Colliders. JHEP 05 (2018) 135, 05(135). doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2018)135More infoCurrent searches for the light top squark (stop) mostly focus on the decaychannels of $\tilde{t} \rightarrow t \chi_1^0$ or $\tilde{t} \rightarrow b\chi_1^\pm \rightarrow bW \chi_1^0$, leading to $t\bar{t}/bbWW+\met$ finalstates for stop pair productions at the LHC. However, in supersymmetricscenarios with light neutralinos and charginos other than the neutralinolightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), more than one decay mode of the stopcould be dominant. While those new decay modes could significantly weaken thecurrent stop search limits at the LHC, they also offer alternative discoverychannels for stop searches. In this paper, we studied the scenario with lightHiggsino next-to-LSPs (NLSPs) and Bino LSP. The light stop decays primarily via$\tilde t_1 \to t \chi_2^0/\chi_3^0$, with the neutralinos subsequent decayingto a $Z$ boson or a Higgs boson: $\chi_2^0/\chi^0_3 \to \chi_1^0 h/Z$. Pairproduction of light stops at the LHC leads to final states of $t \bar thh\met$, $t \bar t hZ\met$ or $t \bar t ZZ\met$. We consider three signalregions: one charged lepton (1$\ell$), two opposite sign charged leptons (2 OS$\ell$) and at least three charged leptons ($ \ge 3 \ell$). We found that the1$\ell$ signal region of channel $t \bar t hZ\met$ has the best reachsensitivity for light stop searches. For 14 TeV LHC with 300 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$integrated luminosity, a stop mass up to 900 GeV can be discovered at 5$\sigma$significance, or up to 1050 GeV can be excluded at 95\% C.L. Combining allthree decay channels for $1 \ell$ signal region extends the reach for about100$-$150 GeV. We also studied the stop reach at the 100 TeV $pp$ collider with3 ${\rm ab}^{-1}$ luminosity, with discovery and exclusion reach being 6 TeVand 7 TeV, respectively.[Journal_ref: ]
- Dienes, K. R., Huang, F., Su, S., & Thomas, B. (2017). Dynamical Dark Matter from Strongly-Coupled Dark Sectors. Phys. Rev. D 95.043526. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.043526More infoDynamical Dark Matter (DDM) is an alternative framework for dark-matterphysics in which the dark sector comprises a vast ensemble of particle specieswhose decay widths are balanced against their cosmological abundances. Previousstudies of this framework have focused on a particular class of DDM ensembles--- motivated primarily by KK towers in theories with extra dimensions --- inwhich the density of states scales roughly as a polynomial of mass. In thispaper, by contrast, we study the properties of a different class of DDMensembles in which the density of states grows exponentially with mass.Ensembles with this Hagedorn-like property arise naturally as the "hadrons"associated with the confining phase of a strongly-coupled dark sector; theyalso arise naturally as the gauge-neutral bulk states of Type I stringtheories. We study the dynamical properties of such ensembles, and demonstratethat an appropriate DDM-like balancing between decay widths and abundances canemerge naturally --- even with an exponentially rising density of states. Wealso study the effective equations of state for such ensembles, and investigatesome of the model-independent observational constraints on such ensembles thatfollow directly from these equations of state. In general, we find that suchconstraints tend to introduce correlations between various properties of theseDDM ensembles such as their associated mass scales, lifetimes, and abundancedistributions. For example, we find that these constraints allow DDM ensembleswith energy scales ranging from the GeV scale all the way to the Planck scale,but the total present-day cosmological abundance of the dark sector must bespread across an increasing number of different states in the ensemble as theseenergy scales are dialed from the Planck scale down to the GeV scale. Numerousother correlations and constraints are also discussed.[Journal_ref: Phys. Rev. D 95, 043526 (2017)]
- Han, T., Kling, F., Su, S., & Wu, Y. (2017). Unblinding the dark matter blind spots. JHEP 02 (2017) 057. doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2017)057
- Su, S., Gu, J., Li, H., Liu, Z., & Su, W. (2017). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. JHEP 1712 (2017) 153. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2017)153
- Kling, F., No, J., & Su, S. (2016). Anatomy of Exotic Higgs Decays in 2HDM. Journal of High Energy Physics. doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2016)093More infoLarge mass splittings between new scalars in two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDM)open a key avenue to search for these new states via exotic heavy Higgs decays.We discuss in detail the different search channels for these new scalars at theLHC in the presence of a sizable mass splitting, i.e. a hierarchical 2HDMscenario, taking into account the theoretical and experimental constraints. Weprovide benchmark planes to exploit the complementarity among these searches,analyzing their potential to probe the hierarchical 2HDM parameter space duringLHC Run 2.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2016). Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector. ArXiv.More infoThis Report summarizes the results of the activities of the LHC Higgs CrossSection Working Group in the period 2014-2016. The main goal of the workinggroup was to present the state-of-the-art of Higgs physics at the LHC,integrating all new results that have appeared in the last few years. The firstpart compiles the most up-to-date predictions of Higgs boson production crosssections and decay branching ratios, parton distribution functions, andoff-shell Higgs boson production and interference effects. The second partdiscusses the recent progress in Higgs effective field theory predictions,followed by the third part on pseudo-observables, simplified template crosssection and fiducial cross section measurements, which give the baselineframework for Higgs boson property measurements. The fourth part deals with thebeyond the Standard Model predictions of various benchmark scenarios of MinimalSupersymmetric Standard Model, extended scalar sector, Next-to-MinimalSupersymmetric Standard Model and exotic Higgs boson decays. This reportfollows three previous working-group reports: Handbook of LHC Higgs CrossSections: 1. Inclusive Observables (CERN-2011-002), Handbook of LHC Higgs CrossSections: 2. Differential Distributions (CERN-2012-002), and Handbook of LHCHiggs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs properties (CERN-2013-004). The current reportserves as the baseline reference for Higgs physics in LHC Run 2 and beyond.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2016). Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies. ArXiv.More infoThis report summarises the physics opportunities for the study of Higgsbosons and the dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking at the 100 TeV ppcollider.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2016). The Higgs Portal and Cosmology. ArXiv.More infoHiggs portal interactions provide a simple mechanism for addressing two openproblems in cosmology: dark matter and the baryon asymmetry. In the latterinstance, Higgs portal interactions may contain the ingredients for a strongfirst order electroweak phase transition as well as new CP-violatinginteractions as needed for electroweak baryogenesis. These interactions mayalso allow for a viable dark matter candidate. We survey the opportunities forprobing the Higgs portal as it relates to these questions in cosmology at theLHC and possible future colliders.[Journal_ref: ]
- Dienes, K., Su, S., & Thomas, B. (2015). Strategies for Probing Non-Minimal Dark Sectors at Colliders: The Interplay Between Cuts and Kinematic Distributions. Physical Review D, 91, 054002.More info1407.2606
- Eckel, J., Su, S., & Zhang, H. (2015). Complex decay chains of top and bottom squarks. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1507, 075.More infoarXiv:1411.1061
- Han, T., Su, S., Wu, Y., Zhang, B., & Zhang, H. (2015). Sbottom discovery via mixed decays at the LHC. Physical Review D, 92, 115009.
- Kling, F., Pyarelal, A., & Su, S. (2015). Light Charged Higgs Bosons to AW/HW via Top Decay. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11, 051.
- Li, T., & Su, S. (2015). Exotic Higgs decay via charged Higgs. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1511, 068.
- Su, S. (2015). Searches for non-SM heavy Higgses at a 100 TeV pp collider. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30, 1544005.
- Coleppa, B., Kling, F., & Su, S. (2014). Charged Higgs search via AW±/HW± channel. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1412, 148.
- Coleppa, B., Kling, F., & Su, S. (2014). Constraining Type II 2HDM in Light of LHC Higgs Searches. Journal of High Energy Physics, 161.
- Coleppa, B., Kling, F., & Su, S. (2014). Exotic Decays Of A Heavy Neutral Higgs Through HZ/AZ Channel. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1409, 161.More infoarXiv:1404.1922
- Eckel, J., Ramsey-Musolf, M., Shepherd, W., & Su, S. (2014). Impact of LSP Character on Slepton Reach at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1411, 117.More infoarXiv:1408.2841
- Han, T., Liu, Z., & Su, S. (2014). Light Neutralino Dark Matter: Direct/Indirect Detection and Collider Searches. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1408, 093.
- Christensen, N., Han, T., Liu, Z., & Shufang, S. (2013). Low-mass higgs bosons in the NMSSM and their LHC implications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 8, 019.More infoAbstract: We study the Higgs sector of the Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) in light of the discovery of the SM-like Higgs boson at the LHC. We perform a broad scan over the NMSSM parameter space and identify the regions that are consistent with current Higgs search results at colliders. In contrast to the commonly studied "decoupling" scenario in the literature where the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model CP-odd Higgs boson mass is large m A m Z, we pay particular attention to the light Higgs states in the case when m A 2m Z. The Higgs bosons in the NMSSM, namely three CP-even states, two CP-odd states, and two charged Higgs states, could all be rather light, near or below the electroweak scale, although the singlet-like states can be heavier. The SM-like Higgs boson could be either the lightest CP-even scalar or the second lightest CP-even scalar, but is unlikely to be the heaviest scalar. These NMSSM parameter regions have unique properties and offer rich phenomenology. The decay branching fractions for the SM-like Higgs boson may be modified appreciably. The correlations of γγ/VV and VV\bb̄. can be substantially altered. The new Higgs bosons may be readily produced at the LHC and may decay to non-standard distinctive final states, most notably a pair of Higgs bosons when kinematically accessible. We evaluate the production and decay of the Higgs bosons and comment on further searches at the LHC to probe the Higgs sector of the NMSSM. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
- Erler, J., & Shufang, S. (2013). The weak neutral current. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 71, 119-149.More infoAbstract: This is a review of electroweak precision physics with particular emphasis on low-energy precision measurements in the neutral current sector of the electroweak theory and includes future experimental prospects and the theoretical challenges one faces to interpret these observables. Within the minimal Standard Model they serve as determinations of the weak mixing angle which are competitive with and complementary to those obtained near the Z-resonance. In the context of new physics beyond the Standard Model these measurements are crucial to discriminate between models and to reduce the allowed parameter space within a given model. We illustrate this for the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model with or without R-parity. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Han, T., Li, T., Su, S., & Wang, L. (2013). Non-Decoupling MSSM Higgs Sector and Light Superpartners. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1311, 053.More infoarXiv:1306.3229
- Han, T., Padhi, S., & Su, S. (2013). Electroweakinos in the Light of the Higgs Boson. Physical Review D, 88(11), 115010.More infoarXiv:1309.5966
- Alves, D., Arkani-Hamed, N., Arora, S., Bai, Y., Baumgart, M., Berger, J., Buckley, M., Butler, B., Chang, S., Cheng, H., Cheung, C., Chivukula, S., Cho, W. S., Cotta, R., Dalfonso, M., Hedri, S. E., Essig, R., Evans, J. A., Fitzpatrick, L., , Fox, P., et al. (2012). Simplified models for LHC new physics searches. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 39, 105005.More infoAbstract: This document proposes a collection of simplified models relevant to the design of new-physics searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the characterization of their results. Both ATLAS and CMS have already presented some results in terms of simplified models, and we encourage them to continue and expand this effort, which supplements both signature-based results and benchmark model interpretations. A simplified model is defined by an effective Lagrangian describing the interactions of a small number of new particles. Simplified models can equally well be described by a small number of masses and cross-sections. These parameters are directly related to collider physics observables, making simplified models a particularly effective framework for evaluating searches and a useful starting point for characterizing positive signals of new physics. This document serves as an official summary of the results from the Topologies for Early LHC Searches workshop, held at SLAC in September of 2010, the purpose of which was to develop a set of representative models that can be used to cover all relevant phase space in experimental searches. Particular emphasis is placed on searches relevant for the first 50-500 pb 1 of data and those motivated by supersymmetric models. This note largely summarizes material posted at http://lhcnewphysics.org/, which includes simplified model definitions, Monte Carlo material, and supporting contacts within the theory community. We also comment on future developments that may be useful as more data is gathered and analyzed by the experiments. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
- Christensen, N., Han, T., & Shufang, S. (2012). MSSM Higgs bosons at the LHC. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 85, 115018.More infoAbstract: The recent results on Higgs boson searches from LHC experiments provide significant guidance in exploring the minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) standard model (MSSM) Higgs sector. If we accept the existence of a SM-like Higgs boson in the mass window of 123 GeV-127 GeV as indicated by the observed γγ events, there are two distinct mass regions (in m A) left in the MSSM Higgs sector: (a) the lighter CP-even Higgs boson being SM-like and the non-SM-like Higgs bosons all heavy and nearly degenerate above 300 GeV (an extended decoupling region); (b) the heavier CP-even Higgs boson being SM-like and the neutral non-SM-like Higgs bosons all nearly degenerate around 100 GeV (a small non-decoupling region). On the other hand, due to the strong correlation between the Higgs decays to W +W - and to γγ predicted in the MSSM, the apparent absence of a W +W - final state signal is in direct conflict with the γγ peak. If we consider the W +W - channel on its own, the absence of the W +W - signal would imply that the SM-like Higgs boson has reduced coupling to W ±, and that the other non-SM-like Higgs bosons should not be too heavy and do not decouple. If both the γγ excess and the absence of a W +W - signal continue, new physics beyond the MSSM will be required. A similar correlation exists between the W +W - and τ +τ - channels: a reduced W +W - channel would force the τ +τ - channel to be larger. Future searches for the SM-like Higgs boson at the LHC will provide critical tests for the MSSM prediction. We also study the signals predicted for the non-SM-like Higgs bosons and emphasize the potential importance of the electroweak processes pp→H +H -, H ±A0, which are independent of the SUSY parameters except for their masses. In addition, there may be sizable contributions from pp→H ±h0, A0h0 and W ±H0, ZH0 in the low-mass non-decoupling region, which may serve to discriminate the model parameters. We allow variations of the relevant SUSY parameters in a broad range and demonstrate the correlations and constraints on these parameters and associated SUSY particles. © 2012 American Physical Society.
- Eckel, J., Shepherd, W., & Shufang, S. (2012). Slepton discovery in electroweak cascade decay. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(5).More infoAbstract: The LHC studies on the MSSM slepton sector have mostly been focused on direct slepton Drell-Yan pair production. In this paper, we analyze the case when the sleptons are lighter than heavy neutralinos and can appear in the on-shell decay of neutralino states. In particular, we have studied the χ 1±χ 20 associated production, with the consequent decays of χ 1± → ν ℓℓχ 10 and χ 02 → ℓℓ 01 via on-shell sleptons. The invariant mass of the lepton pairs, mℓ ℓ, from the neutralino decay has a distinctive triangle shape with a sharp kinematic cutoff. We discuss the utilization of this triangle shape in m ℓ distribution to identify the slepton signal. We studied the trilepton plus missing E T signal and obtained the effective cross section, σ × BR × acceptance, that is needed for a 5σ discovery as a function of the cutoff mass for the LHC with center of mass energy 14TeV and 100 fb -1 integrated luminosity. Our results are model independent such that they could be applied to other models with similar decay topology. When applied to the MSSM under simple assumptions, it is found that with 100 fb -1 integrated luminosity, a discovery reach in the left-handed slepton mass of about 600 GeV could be reached, which extends far beyond the slepton mass reach in the usual Drell-Yan studies. © SISSA 2012.
- Su, S. (2012). Distinguishing Dynamical Dark Matter at the LHC. Physical Review D, 86, 054008.More infoarXiv:1204.4183
- Alwall, J., Feng, J. L., Kumar, J., & Shufang, S. (2011). B′s with direct decays: Tevatron and LHC discovery prospects in the bb̄+E□T channel. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 84(7), 074010.More infoAbstract: We explore the discovery prospects for B′B̄′ pair production followed by direct decays B′→bX, where B′ is a new quark and X is a long-lived neutral particle. We develop optimized cuts in the (mB′,mX) plane and show that the 7 TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 1(10)fb-1 may exclude masses up to m B′∼620(800)GeV, completely covering the mass range allowed for new quarks that get mass from electroweak symmetry breaking. This analysis is applicable to other models with bb̄E□T signals, including supersymmetric models with bottom squarks decaying directly to neutralinos, and models with exotic quarks decaying directly to GeV-scale dark matter. To accommodate these and other interpretations, we also present model-independent results for the bb̄E□T cross section required for exclusion and discovery. © 2011 American Physical Society.
- Rentala, V., Shepherd, W., & Shufang, S. (2011). Simplified model approach to same-sign dilepton resonances. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 84(3), 035004.More infoAbstract: We discuss same-sign dilepton resonances in the simplified model approach. The relevant SU(3)QJ quantum numbers are 120,1,2. For simplicity, we only consider a spin 0 scalar, which is typically referred to as a doubly charged Higgs in the literature. We consider the three simplest cases where the doubly charged Higgs resides in a singlet, doublet or triplet SU(2)L representation. We discuss production and decay of such a doubly charged Higgs, summarize the current direct search limits, and obtain mass limits in the cases of singlet and doublet for the first time. We also present a complete set of updated indirect search limits. We study the discovery potential at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with center of mass energies 7 and 14 TeV for the dominant Drell-Yan pair production with H±± decay in the ee and μμ channels. We find that at 7 TeV, the LHC with 10fb -1 luminosity can probe mass of the doubly charged Higgs up to 380 GeV assuming 100% decay to leptons. At 14 TeV, the LHC with 100fb-1 luminosity can reach a mass of up to 800 GeV. © 2011 American Physical Society.
- Alwall, J., Feng, J. L., Kumar, J., & Shufang, S. u. (2010). Dark matter-motivated searches for exotic fourth-generation mirror quarks in Tevatron and early LHC data. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 81(11).More infoAbstract: We determine the prospects for finding dark matter at the Tevatron and LHC through the production of exotic fourth-generation mirror quarks T ′ that decay through T′→tX, where X is dark matter. The resulting signal of tt̄+ET has not previously been considered in searches for fourth-generation quarks, but there are both general and specific dark matter motivations for this signal, and with slight modifications, this analysis applies to any scenario where invisible particles are produced in association with top quarks. Current direct and indirect bounds on such exotic quarks restrict their masses to be between 300 and 600 GeV, and the dark matter's mass may be anywhere below mT′. We simulate the signal and main backgrounds with MadGraph/MadEvent-Pythia-PGS4. For the Tevatron, we find that an integrated luminosity of 20fb-1 will allow 3σ discovery up to mT′=400GeV and 95% exclusion up to mT′=455GeV. For the 10 TeV LHC with 300pb-1, the discovery and exclusion sensitivities rise to 490 GeV and 600 GeV. These scenarios are therefore among the most promising for dark matter at colliders. Perhaps most interestingly, we find that dark matter models that can explain results from the DAMA, CDMS, and CoGeNT collaborations can be tested with high statistical significance using data already collected at the Tevatron and have extraordinarily promising implications for early runs of the LHC. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
- Dolle, E., Miao, X., Shufang, S. u., & Thomas, B. (2010). Dilepton signals in the inert doublet model. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 81(3).More infoAbstract: The inert doublet model is one of the simplest and most versatile scenarios for physics beyond the standard model. In this work, we examine the prospects for detecting the additional fields of this model at the LHC in the dilepton channel. We investigate a wide variety of theoretically and phenomenologically motivated benchmark scenarios, and show that within regions of model parameter space in which the dark-matter candidate is relatively light (between 40 and 80Â GeV) and the mass splitting between the neutral scalars is also roughly 40-80Â GeV, a signal at the 3σ to 12σ significance level can be observed with 100fb-1 of integrated luminosity. In addition, even if the mass splitting between the neutral scalars is larger than MZ, a signal of more than 3σ can be observed as long as the mass of the dark-matter candidate is around 40Â GeV. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
- Miao, X., Shufang, S. u., & Thomas, B. (2010). Trilepton signals in the inert doublet model. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 82(3).More infoAbstract: In this work, we investigate the prospects for detecting the Inert Doublet Model via the trilepton channel at the LHC. We present a set of representative benchmark scenarios in which all applicable constraints are satisfied, and show that in some of these scenarios, it is possible to obtain a signal at the 5σ significance level or better with integrated luminosity of 300fb -1.© 2010 The American Physical Society.
- Dolle, E. M., & Shufang, S. u. (2009). Inert dark matter. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 80(5).More infoAbstract: The lightest neutral scalar in the inert Higgs doublet model is a natural candidate for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter. In this paper, we analyzed the dark matter relic density in the inert Higgs doublet model. Various theoretical and experimental constraints are taken into account. We found that there are five distinctive regions that could provide the right amount of the relic density in the Universe. Four out of those five regions have a light particle spectrum which could be studied at the Large Hadron Collider. © 2009 The American Physical Society.
- Shufang, S. u., & Thomas, B. (2009). LHC discovery potential of a leptophilic Higgs boson. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 79(9).More infoAbstract: In this work, we examine a two-Higgs-doublet extension of the standard model in which one Higgs doublet is responsible for giving mass to both up- and down-type quarks, while a separate doublet is responsible for giving mass to leptons. We examine both the theoretical and experimental constraints on the model and show that large regions of parameter space are allowed by these constraints in which the effective couplings between the lightest neutral Higgs scalar and the standard-model leptons are substantially enhanced. We investigate the collider phenomenology of such a "leptophilic" two-Higgs-doublet model and show that in cases where the low-energy spectrum contains only one light, CP-even scalar, a variety of collider processes essentially irrelevant for the discovery of a standard model Higgs boson (specifically those in which the Higgs boson decays directly into a charged-lepton pair) can contribute significantly to the discovery potential of a light-to-intermediate-mass (mh 140GeV) Higgs boson at the LHC. © 2009 The American Physical Society.
- Shufang, S. u., & Thomas, B. (2009). h → μ+ μ- via t over(t, ̄) h production at the LHC. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 677(5), 296-300.More infoAbstract: In this work, we examine the process at the LHC in which a Higgs boson is produced in association with a t over(t, ̄) pair and subsequently decays to a pair of muons. We show that the statistical significance for the discovery of a light, Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass around 120 GeV in this channel is comparable to those for other processes (gluon fusion, weak-boson fusion) in which the Higgs decays to a muon pair. Combining all three of these channels, we show that evidence for a Higgs boson with a mass in the range 115 GeV < mh < 130 GeV could be obtained at the 3σ significance level with an integrated luminosity of 300 fb- 1. We also calculate the enhancement factor to the t over(t, ̄) h cross-section that would be needed to discover a non-standard Higgs boson in this channel. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Dolle, E. M., & Shufang, S. u. (2008). Dark matter in the left-right twin Higgs model. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 77(7).More infoAbstract: In the left-right twin Higgs model, one of the neutral Higgses is a natural candidate for WIMP dark matter. We analyzed the dark matter relic density in this framework and identified regions of parameter space that provide the right amount of dark matter. We also studied the dark matter in the more general inert Higgs doublet model in which the mass splittings between the dark matter and other particles do not follow the relations in the left-right twin Higgs model. © 2008 The American Physical Society.
- Heinemeyer, S., Miao, X., Su, S., & Weiglein, G. (2008). B-physics observables and electroweak precision data in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(8).More infoAbstract: We explore electroweak precision observables (EWPO) and B-physics observables (BPO) in the CMSSM, the mGMSB and the mAMSB. We perform a χ 2 analysis based on the combination of current EWPO and BPO data. For the first time this allows the comparison of the mGMSB and mAMSB in terms of EWPO and BPO with the CMSSM. We find that relatively low mass scales in all three scenarios are favored. However, the current data from EWPO and BPO can hardly exclude any parameters at the level of Δχ 2 = 9. Remarkably the mAMSB scenario, despite having one free GUT scale parameter less than the other two scenarios, has a somewhat lower total minimum χ 2. We present predictions for the lightest Higgs boson mass, based on the χ 2 analysis of current data, where relatively good compatibility with the bounds from Higgs searches at LEP is found. We also present the predictions for other Higgs sector parameters and SUSY mass scales, allowing to compare the reach of the LHC and the ILC in the three scenarios. We furthermore explore the future sensitivities of the EWPO and BPO for the current best-fit results and for a hypothetical point with somewhat higher mass scales that results in a similar Higgs and SUSY spectrum in the three scenarios. We find that the future improvement of the accuracy of the EWPO and BPO will lead to a significant gain in the indirect parameter determination. The improvement is similar in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB and will yield constraints to the parameter space even for heavy Higgs and SUSY mass scales.
- Ramsey-Musolf, M., & Su, S. (2008). Low-energy precision tests of supersymmetry. Physics Reports, 456(1-2), 1-88.More infoAbstract: Supersymmetry (SUSY) remains one of the leading candidates for physics beyond the Standard Model, and the search for SUSY will be a central focus of future collider experiments. Complementary information on the viability and character of SUSY can be obtained via the analysis of precision electroweak measurements. In this review, we discuss the prospective implications for SUSY of present and future low energy precision studies. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Goh, H., & Shufang, S. u. (2007). Phenomenology of left-right twin higgs model. AIP Conference Proceedings, 903, 431-434.More infoAbstract: Twin Higgs mechanism has recently been proposed to solve the "little Hierarchy" problem. We studied the implementation of twin Higgs mechanism in left-right models. We discussed the particle spectrum, and the collider phenomenology at the Large Hadron Collider. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
- Goh, H., & Shufang, S. u. (2007). Phenomenology of the left-right twin Higgs model. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 75(7).More infoAbstract: The twin Higgs mechanism was proposed recently to solve the little hierarchy problem. We study the implementation of the twin Higgs mechanism in left-right models. At the TeV scale, heavy quark and gauge bosons appear, with rich collider phenomenology. In addition, there are extra Higgs bosons, some of which couple to both the standard model fermion sector and the gauge sector, while others couple to the gauge bosons only. We present the particle spectrum and study the general features of the collider phenomenology of this class of model at the Large Hadron Collider. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
- Ramsey-Musolf, M. J., Shufang, S. u., & Tulin, S. (2007). Pion leptonic decays and supersymmetry. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(9).More infoAbstract: We compute supersymmetric contributions to pion leptonic (πl2) decays in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). When R-parity is conserved, the largest contributions to the ratio Re/ μΓ[π+→e+νe(γ)]/Γ[π+→μ+νμ (γ)] arise from one-loop (V-A)(V-A) corrections. These contributions can be potentially as large as the sensitivities of upcoming experiments; if measured, they would imply significant bounds on the chargino and slepton sectors complementary to current collider limits. We also analyze R-parity-violating interactions, which may produce a detectable deviation in Re/μ while remaining consistent with all other precision observables. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
- Feng, J. L., Shufang, S. u., & Takayama, F. (2006). Lower limit on dark matter production at the CERN large hadron collider. Physical Review Letters, 96(15).More infoAbstract: We evaluate the prospects for finding evidence of dark matter production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We consider weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and superWIMPs and characterize their properties through model-independent parametrizations. The observed relic density then implies lower bounds on dark matter production rates as functions of a few parameters. For WIMPs, the resulting signal is indistinguishable from background. For superWIMPs, however, this analysis implies significant production of metastable charged particles. For natural parameters, these rates may far exceed Drell-Yan cross sections and yield spectacular signals. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
- Farris, T., Logan, H. E., & Shufang, S. u. (2004). E+ e- → H+ e- v̄ in the two-Higgs-doublet model. Physical Review D, 69(3).More infoAbstract: We calculate the cross section for e+ e- → H+ e- v̄ in the two-Higgs-doublet model from one-loop diagrams involving top and bottom quarks. This process offers the possibility of producing the charged Higgs boson at the e+ e- collider when its mass is more than half the center-of-mass energy, so that charged Higgs pair production is kinematically forbidden. The cross section receives contributions from both s-channel and t-channel processes; the s-channel contribution dominates for center-of-mass energies of 1 TeV and below. About 80% of the s-channel contribution comes from the resonant process e+ e- → H+ W-, with W- → e-v̄. The cross section is generally small, below 0.01 fb for tanβ>2, and falls with increasing tanβ. ©2004 The American Physical Society.
- Feng, J. L., Shufang, S. u., & Takayama, F. (2004). SuperWIMP gravitino dark matter from slepton and sneutrino decays. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 70(6), 063514-1-063514-14.More infoAbstract: Dark matter may be composed of superWIMPs, superweakly-interacting massive particles produced in the late decays of other particles. We focus on the case of gravitinos produced in the late decays of sleptons or sneutrinos and assume they are produced in sufficient numbers to constitute all of nonbaryonic dark matter. At leading order, these late decays are two-body and the accompanying energy is electromagnetic. For natural weak-scale parameters, these decays have been shown to satisfy bounds from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background. However, sleptons and sneutrinos may also decay to three-body final states, producing hadronic energy, which is subject to even more stringent nucleosynthesis bounds. We determine the three-body branching fractions and the resulting hadronic energy release. We find that superWIMP gravitino dark matter is viable and determine the gravitino and slepton/sneutrino masses preferred by this solution to the dark matter problem. In passing, we note that hadronic constraints disfavor the possibility of superWIMPs produced by neutralino decays unless the neutralino is photinolike.
- Feng, J. L., Shufang, S. u., & Takayama, F. (2004). Supergravity with a gravitino lightest supersymmetric particle. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 70(7), 075019-1-075019-15.More infoAbstract: We investigate supergravity models in which the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a stable gravitino. We assume that the next-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) freezes out with its thermal relic density before decaying to the gravitino at time t ∼ 104 - 108s. In contrast to studies that assume a fixed gravitino relic density, the thermal relic density assumption implies upper, not lower, bounds on superpartner masses, with important implications for particle colliders. We consider slepton, sneutrino, and neutralino NLSPs, and determine what superpartner masses are viable in all of these cases, applying cosmic microwave background (CMB) and electromagnetic and hadronic big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraints to the leading two- and three-body NLSP decays. Hadronic constraints have been neglected previously, but we find that they provide the most stringent constraints in much of the natural parameter space. We then discuss the collider phenomenology of supergravity with a gravitino LSP. We find that colliders may provide important insights to clarify BBN and the thermal history of the Universe below temperatures around 10 GeV and may even provide precise measurements of the gravitino's mass and couplings.
- Kurylov, A., Ramsey-Musolf, M., & Su, S. (2004). Supersymmetric effects in parity-violating deep inelastic electron-nucleus scattering. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 582(3-4), 222-228.More infoAbstract: We compute the supersymmetric (SUSY) corrections to the parity-violating, deep inelastic electron-deuteron asymmetry. Working with the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) we consider two cases: R parity conserving and R parity-violating. Under these scenarios, we compare the SUSY effects with those entering other parity-violating observables. For both cases of the MSSM, we find that the magnitude of the SUSY corrections can be as large as ∼1% and that they are strongly correlated with the effects on other parity-violating observables. A comparison of various low-energy parity-violating observables thus provides a potentially interesting probe of SUSY. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Dedes, A., Heinemeyer, S., Su, S., & Weiglein, G. (2003). The lightest Higgs boson of mSUGRA, mGMSB and mAMSB at present and future colliders: Observability and precision analyses. Nuclear Physics B, 674(1-2), 271-305.More infoAbstract: We investigate the physics of the lightest CP-even MSSM Higgs boson at the Tevatron, the LHC, a linear e+e- collider, a γγ collider and a μ+ μ- collider. The analysis is performed in the three most prominent soft SUSY-breaking scenarios, mSUGRA, mGMSB and mAMSB. For all colliders the observability and parameter regions with suppressed production cross sections (compared to a SM Higgs boson with the same mass) are investigated. For the lepton and photon colliders the potential is analyzed of precision measurements of the branching ratios of the light CP-even Higgs boson for obtaining indirect bounds on the mass of the CP-odd Higgs boson and the high-energy parameters of the soft SUSY-breaking scenarios. In regions of the parameter space where the LHC can detect the heavy Higgs bosons, precision measurements of the properties of the light Higgs boson at the linear collider can provide valuable information for distinguishing between the mSUGRA, mGMSB and mAMSB scenarios. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Farris, T., Gunion, J. F., Logan, H. E., & Shufang, S. u. (2003). E+e- → vv̄A0 in the two-Higgs-doublet model. Physical Review D, 68(7).More infoAbstract: We compute the cross section for e+e- → vv̄A0 in the general CP-conserving type-II two-Higgs-doublet model. We sum the contributions from the "t-channel" e +e- → vv̄WW → vv̄A0 graphs and "s-channel" e+e- → ZA0 → vv̄A0 graphs, including their interference. Higgs-triangle graphs and all box diagrams are included. For many parameter choices, especially those in the decoupling region of parameter space (light h0 and mA0,mH0,mH± > 2mZ), the Higgs-triangle and box diagrams are found to be of minor importance, the main contributing loops being the top and bottom quark triangle diagrams. The predicted cross section is rather small for tan β>2 and/or mA0 > 2mt. However, we also show that if parameters are chosen corresponding to large Higgs self-couplings then the Higgs-triangle graphs can greatly enhance the cross section. We also demonstrate that the supersymmetry-loop corrections to the bb̄A0 coupling could be such as to greatly enhance this coupling, resulting in an enhanced vv̄A0 cross section. Complete cross-section expressions are given in the Appendixes. © 2003 The American Physical Society.
- Kurylov, A., Ramsey-Musolf, M., & Shufang, S. u. (2003). Supersymmetric effects in deep inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering. Nuclear Physics B, 667(1-2), 321-348.More infoAbstract: We compute the supersymmetric (SUSY) contributions to ν (ν̄)-nucleus deep inelastic scattering in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We consider the ratio of neutral current to charged current cross sections, Rν and Rν̄, and compare with the deviations of these quantities from the Standard Model predictions implied by the recent NuTeV measurement. After performing a model-independent analysis, we find that SUSY loop corrections generally have the opposite sign from the NuTeV anomaly. We also study for R-parity-violating (RPV) contributions. Although RPV effects could, in principle, reproduce the NuTeV anomaly, such a possibility is also ruled out by other precision electroweak measurements. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Kurylov, A., Ramsey-Musolf, M., & Su, S. (2003). Probing supersymmetry with parity-violating electron scattering. Physical Review D, 68(3).More infoAbstract: We compute the one-loop supersymmetric (SUSY) contributions to the weak charges of the electron (Qwe), proton (Qwp), and cesium nucleus (QwCs) in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). Such contributions can generate several percent corrections to the corresponding standard model values. The magnitudes of the SUSY loop corrections to Qwe and Qwp are correlated over nearly all of the MSSM parameter space and result in an increase in the magnitudes of these weak charges. In contrast, the effects on QwCs are considerably smaller and are equally likely to increase or decrease its magnitude. Allowing for R-parity violation can lead to opposite sign relative shifts in Qwe and Qwp normalized to the corresponding standard model values. A comparison of Qwp and Qwe measurements could help distinguish between different SUSY scenarios. © 2003 The American Physical Society.
- Logan, H. E., & Shufang, S. u. (2003). Variation of the cross section for e+e- → W +H- in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Physical Review D, 67(1).More infoAbstract: We study the loop-induced process e+e- → W +H- in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). This process allows the charged Higgs boson to be produced in e +e- collisions when e+e- → H+H- is kinematically forbidden due to a large charged Higgs boson mass. We scan over the MSSM parameters subject to experimental constraints to examine the range of values the cross section can take. We find that large enhancements of the cross section over that in a nonsupersymmetric two Higgs doublet model are possible, especially for large tan β and light top and bottom squarks. Choosing a few typical MSSM parameter sets, we show the regions in the mH±-tan β plane in which at least 10 W±H∓ events would be produced at the e +e- collider. © 2003 The American Physical Society.
- Ambrosanio, S., Dedes, A., Heinemeyer, S., Su, S., & Weiglein, G. (2002). Implications of the Higgs boson searches on different soft SUSY-breaking scenarios. Nuclear Physics B, 624(1-2), 3-44.More infoAbstract: We investigate the Higgs boson sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in the framework of the three most prominent soft SUSY-breaking scenarios, mSUGRA, mGMSB and mAMSB. For each scenario, we determine the parameters at the electroweak scale from the set of input variables at higher energy scales (depending on the specific scenario) and evaluate the Higgs boson properties. The latter are based on results obtained within the Feynman-diagrammatic approach by taking into account the complete one-loop and the dominant two-loop contributions. The maximum value of the mass of the lightest neutral CP-even MSSM Higgs boson, mh, is determined in the three scenarios, and the behavior of the Higgs couplings to fermions and gauge bosons is investigated. Restrictions on tan β and on the set of higher-energy scale parameters are derived from the lower limits arising from the Higgs search at LEP2. We furthermore discuss the regions of parameter space in the three scenarios compatible with interpreting the excess observed at LEP2 as a Higgs signal, mh = 115-0.9+1.3 GeV. The case where the events observed at LEP2 could originate from the production of the heavier neutral CP-even Higgs boson is also considered. The implications of a possible Higgs signal at 115 GeV for SUSY searches at future colliders are briefly discussed for each of the three scenarios. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- Kitano, R., Moroi, T., & Shufang, S. u. (2002). Top-squark study at a future e+e- linear collider. Journal of High Energy Physics, 6(12), 207-225.More infoAbstract: We discuss a potential of studying the production and the decay of the lightest top squark (t̃1) in the framework of the supersymmetric standard model at a future e+e- collider. In particular, we consider the process t̃1 → tχ10 (with χ10 being the lightest neutralino) followed by t → bW. It is shown that, by the study of the angular distribution of the bottom quark (as well as the production cross section of the top squark), properties of χ10 can be extracted. We also discuss that, if χ10 is gaugino-like, the neutralino mixing parameters (i.e., the so-called μ-parameter and tan β) may be constrained. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.
- Logan, H. E., & Shufang, S. u. (2002). Associated production of H ± and W ± in high-energy e +e - collisions in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Physical Review D, 66(3).More infoAbstract: We study the associated production of the charged Higgs boson and W ± gauge boson in high energy e +e - collisions in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). This associated production, which first arises at the one loop level, offers the possibility of producing the charged Higgs boson at the e +e - collider with a mass more than half the center-of-mass energy, when the charged Higgs pair production is kinematically forbidden. We present analytic and numerical results for the cross section for e +e -→ W +H - in the full MSSM, taking into account the previously uncalculated contributions from supersymmetric (SUSY) particles. We find that the contributions of the SUSY particles enhance the cross section over most of SUSY parameter space, especially when the SUSY particles are light, ∼200 GeV. With favorable SUSY parameters, at small tan β, this process can yield more than ten W ± H ± events for m H±≲;350 GeV in 500 fb -1 at a 500 GeV e +e - collider, or m H±≲600 GeV in 1000 fb -1 at a 1000 GeV collider. 80% left-handed polarization of the e - beam improves these reaches to m H±≲375 GeV and m H±670 GeV, respectively. © 2002 The American Physical Society.
- He, H., Polonsky, N., & Shufang, S. u. (2001). Extra families, Higgs spectrum, and oblique corrections. Physical Review D, 64(5).More infoAbstract: The standard model accommodates, but does not explain, three families of leptons and quarks, while various extensions suggest extra matter families. The oblique corrections from extra chiral families with relatively light (weak-scale) masses, Mf∼〈H〉, are analyzed and used to constrain the number of extra families and their spectrum. The analysis is motivated, in part, by recent N=2 supersymmetry constructions, but is performed in a model-independent way. It is shown that the correlations among the contributions to the three oblique parameters, rather than the contribution to a particular one, provide the most significant bound. Nevertheless, a single extra chiral family with a constrained spectrum is found to be consistent with precision data without requiring any other new physics source. Models with three additional families may also be accommodated but only by invoking additional new physics, most notably, a two-Higgs-doublet extension. The interplay between the spectra of the extra fermions and the Higgs boson(s) is analyzed in the case of either one or two Higgs doublets, and its implications are explored. In particular, the precision bound on the standard model-like Higgs boson mass is shown to be significantly relaxed in the presence of an extra relatively light chiral family. ©2001 The American Physical Society.
- Polonsky, N., & Shufang, S. u. (2001). Low-energy limits of theories with two supersymmetries. Physical Review D, 63(3).More infoAbstract: Given its non-renormalization properties, low-energy supersymmetry provides an attractive framework for extending the standard model and for resolving the hierarchy problem. Models with softly broken N= 1 supersymmetry have been extensively studied and are phenomenologically successful. However, it could be that an extended N= 2 supersymmetry survives to low energies, as suggested by various constructions. We examine the phenomenological viability and implications of such a scenario. We show that consistent chiral fermion mass generation emerges in N =2 theories, which are vectorial, as a result of supersymmetry breaking at low energies. A rich mirror quark and lepton spectrum near the weak scale with model-dependent decay modes is predicted. A Z2 mirror parity is shown to play an important role in determining the phenomenology of the models. It leads, if conserved, to a new stable particle, the LMP. Consistency of the N=2 framework and its unique spectrum with electroweak precision data is considered, and the discovery potential in the next generation of hadron collider experiments is stressed. Mirror quark pair production provides the most promising discovery channel. Higgs boson searches are also discussed and it is shown that there is no upper bound on the prediction for the Higgs boson mass in the framework of low-energy supersymmetry breaking, in general, and in the N =2 framework, in particular. Possible N=2 realizations of flavor symmetries and of neutrino masses are also discussed. © 2001 The American Physical Society.
- Polonsky, N., & Shufang, S. u. (2001). More corrections to the Higgs mass in supersymmetry. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 508(1-2), 103-108.More infoAbstract: In supersymmetry, the Higgs quartic couplings is given by the sum in quadrature of the weak gauge couplings. This leads to the prediction of a light Higgs boson, which still holds when considering loop corrections from soft supersymmetry breaking. However, another source of corrections, which explicitly depends on the scale of the mediation of supersymmetry breaking, is from generic hard breaking terms. We show that these corrections can significantly modify the Higgs mass prediction in models of low-energy supersymmetry breaking, for example, gauge mediation. Conversely, the Higgs mass measurement can be used to constrain the scale of mediation of supersymmetry breaking. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
- Shufang, S. u., & Wise, M. B. (2001). Supersymmetric correction to top quark pair production near threshold. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 510(1-4), 205-210.More infoAbstract: We studied the leading supersymmetric contribution to top-antitop threshold production using the NRQCD framework. The one-loop matching to the potential and the Wilson coefficient of the leading 3S1 production current were considered. We point out that the leading correction to the potential is zero due to SU(3)c gauge invariance. This is true in general for any new physics that enters above the electroweak scale. The shape of the top quark pair production cross section is therefore almost unaffected near threshold, allowing a precise determination of the top quark mass based on the Standard Model calculations. The supersymmetric correction to the Wilson coefficient c1 of the production current decouples for heavy super particles. Its contribution is smaller than the Standard Model next-to-next-leading-log results. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
- Shufang, S. u. (2000). Higgs sector in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario. Nuclear Physics B, 573(1-2), 87-96.More infoAbstract: In the minimal anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) model, a universal contribution m0 to all the scalar masses is introduced in order to avoid the negative slepton mass problem. The Higgs spectrum and couplings are determined by four parameters: maux, m0, tan β and sign(μ). The sign of μ affects mA at large tan β and mh at small tan β. The CP-odd Higgs mass mA is usually much larger than mz and the lightest CP-even Higgs is simply analogous to the one in the standard model. The reach of the current and future Higgs searches in LEP, Tevatron and LHC for the AMSB parameter spaces in studied in detail. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- Feng, J. L., Moroi, T., Randall, L., Strassler, M., & Shufang, S. u. (1999). Discovering supersymmetry at the Tevatron in W-ino lightest supersymmetric particle scenarios. Physical Review Letters, 83(9), 1731-1734.More infoAbstract: In supersymmetric models, W-inos, partners of the SU(2) gauge bosons, may be the lightest supersymmetric particles. For generic parameters, charged and neutral W-inos are highly degenerate. Charged W-inos travel macroscopic distances, but can decay to neutral W-inos and extremely soft leptons or pions before reaching the muon chambers, thereby circumventing conventional trigger requirements. However, these charginos are detectable, and can be triggered on when produced in association with jets. In addition, we propose a new trigger for events with a high pT track and low hadronic activity. For Tevatron Run II with luminosity 2 fb-1, the proposed searches can discover W-inos with masses up to 300 GeV and explore a substantial portion of the parameter space in sequestered sector models. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
- Randall, L., & Shufang, S. u. (1999). Cp-violating lepton asymmetries from B decays and their implication for supersymmetric flavor models. Nuclear Physics B, 540(1-2), 37-57.More infoAbstract: The lepton and dilepton charge asymmetries from Bd and Bs are predicted to be small in the standard model, whereas new physics could increase their values significantly. In this paper, we explore the use of the lepton asymmetries as a probe of the flavor structure of supersymmetric theories. In particular, we determine the sensitivity to parameters of various models. We find that in many interesting models which attempt to address the supersymmetric flavor problem, the mixing structure is such that it could be possible to detect new physics. The predictions are model dependent; with a measurement in both the Bs and Bd systems one can hope to constrain the flavor physics model, especially once squarks are detected and their masses measured. Thus, lepton charge asymmetries can be used as an alternative means of searching for new physics and distinguishing among potential solutions to the flavor problem. They are interesting precisely because they are small in the standard model and are therefore necessarily evidence of new physics. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
- Katz, E., Randall, L., & Shufang, S. u. (1998). Supersymmetric partners of oblique corrections. Nuclear Physics B, 536(1-2), 3-28.More infoAbstract: We discuss the violation of the equality of the gauge coupling and gaugino coupling in the presence of soft supersymmetry breaking. Although this is a hard supersymmetry breaking effect, there are finite contributions to this difference that can be determined as a function of the soft supersymmetry breaking masses. The largest sources of this difference are the "super-oblique" corrections, which can be enhanced by a multiplicity factor and a logarithm of the soft supersymmetry breaking mass. This is to be contrasted to standard oblique corrections to the electroweak sector, which decouple for large supersymmetry breaking. We show that these parameters can be relatively large, particularly in models of supersymmetry breaking motivated by solving the supersymmetric flavor problem. We also perform a detailed study of the non-oblique corrections for the example of squark decay. We find that they can be significant, and should be accounted for in the theoretical prediction. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
- Ye, Y., Su, S., & Gang, J. i. (1996). Polarization of Λ's produced in S + Pb collisions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon. Chinese Physics Letters, 13(5), 351-354.More infoAbstract: The Λo polarization is analyzed with the experimental data in S + Pb collisions at energy 200 GeV per nucleon, which were produced at SPS of CERN. The small polarization value and the correlation between the transverse polarization and transverse momentum were obtained in Feynman parameter xF > 0, xF < 0 and all xF. The results show that the non-polarization of lambda appears in the region of larger transverse momenta, say, at 1 - 2 GeV/c in PT. The origins of polarization reduction are discussed. © ay the Chinese Physical Society.
- Yunxiu, Y. e., Shufang, S. u., Zhou, X., Zhu, G., & Gang, J. i. (1996). The Correlation between the Transverse Polarization and Transverse Momentum of Lambda Produced in Relativistic Nucleus - Nucleus Collisions. Kao Neng Wu Li Yu Ho Wu Li/High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, 20(8), 689-690.More infoAbstract: The transverse polarization of lambda produced in relativistic nucleus - nucleus collisions is determined. The effect from the interaction between spin moment and magnetic field is corrected. The near zero transverse polarization and non - correlation between transverse polarization and transverse momentum are obtained and compared to ones obtained from the nucleus - nucleus interactions at lower energies. This comparison shows that the production mechanism of lambda in the relativistic nucleus - nucleus collisions is different from one in the nucleus - nucleus reactions at lower energies.
Proceedings Publications
- Black, K. M., Jindariani, S., Li, D., Maltoni, F., Meade, P., Stratakis, D., Acosta, D., Agarwal, R., Agashe, K., Aime, C., Ally, D., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Asadi, P., Athanasakos, D., Bao, Y., Barzi, E., Bartosik, N., Bauerdick, L. A., , Beacham, J., et al. (2022, September). Muon Collider Forum Report. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoA multi-TeV muon collider offers a spectacular opportunity in the direct exploration of the energy frontier. Offering a combination of unprecedented energy collisions in a comparatively clean leptonic environment, a high energy muon collider has the unique potential to provide both precision measurements and the highest energy reach in one machine that cannot be paralleled by any currently available technology. The topic generated a lot of excitement in Snowmass meetings and continues to attract a large number of supporters, including many from the early career community. In light of this very strong interest within the US particle physics community, Snowmass Energy, Theory and Accelerator Frontiers created a cross-frontier Muon Collider Forum in November of 2020. The Forum has been meeting on a monthly basis and organized several topical workshops dedicated to physics, accelerator technology, and detector R&D. Findings of the Forum are summarized in this report. [Journal_ref: ]
- Bose, T., Boveia, A., Doglioni, C., Griso, S. P., Hirschauer, J., Lipeles, E., Liu, Z., Shah, N. R., Wang, L., Agashe, K., Alimena, J., Baum, S., Berkat, M., Black, K., Gardner, G., Gherghetta, T., Greaves, J., Haehn, M., Harris, P. C., , Harris, R., et al. (2022, September). Report of the Topical Group on Physics Beyond the Standard Model at Energy Frontier for Snowmass 2021. In Contribution to Snowmass 2022.More infoThis is the Snowmass2021 Energy Frontier (EF) Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) report. It combines the EF topical group reports of EF08 (Model-specific explorations), EF09 (More general explorations), and EF10 (Dark Matter at Colliders). The report includes a general introduction to BSM motivations and the comparative prospects for proposed future experiments for a broad range of potential BSM models and signatures, including compositeness, SUSY, leptoquarks, more general new bosons and fermions, long-lived particles, dark matter, charged-lepton flavor violation, and anomaly detection. [Journal_ref: ]
- Craig, N., Csáki, C., El-Khadra, A. X., Bern, Z., Boughezal, R., Catterall, S., Davoudi, Z., Gouvêa, D. A., Draper, P., Fox, P. J., Green, D., Harlow, D., Harnik, R., Hubeny, V., Izubuchi, T., Kachru, S., Kribs, G., Murayama, H., Ligeti, Z., , Maldacena, J., et al. (2022, November). Snowmass Theory Frontier Report. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoThis report summarizes the recent progress and promising future directions in theoretical high-energy physics (HEP) identified within the Theory Frontier of the 2021 Snowmass Process. [Journal_ref: ]
- Han, T., Li, S., Su, S., Su, W., & Wu, Y. (2022, May). BSM Higgs Production at a Muon Collider. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoThe potential of the non-Standard Model heavy Higgs bosons in 2HDM at a muon collider is studied. The pair production of the non-SM Higgs bosons via the universal gauge interactions is the dominant mechanism once above the kinematic threshold. On the other hand, single Higgs boson production associated with a pair of heavy fermions is also important in the parameter region with enhanced Yukawa couplings. Both $\mu^+\mu^-$ annihilation channels and Vector Boson Fusion processes are considered, as well as radiative return $s$-channel production. Different types of 2HDMs can also be distinguishable for moderate and large values of $\tan\beta$. [Journal_ref: ]
- Kahn, Y., Monzani, M. E., Palladino, K. J., Anderson, T., Bard, D., Baxter, D., Buuck, M., Cartaro, C., Collar, J. I., Diamond, M., Fan, A., Knapen, S., Kravitz, S., Lang, R. F., Nachman, B., Samblas, I. O., Ostrovskiy, I., Parikh, A., Riffard, Q., , Roberts, A., et al. (2022, March). Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: Modeling, statistics, simulations, and computing needs for direct dark matter detection. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoThis paper summarizes the modeling, statistics, simulation, and computing needs of direct dark matter detection experiments in the next decade. [Journal_ref: ]
- Kling, F., Li, H., Li, S., Pyarelal, A., Song, H., Su, S., & Su, W. (2022, May). Exotic Higgs Decays in the Type-II 2HDMs at Current and Future pp Colliders. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoThe exotic decay modes of non-Standard Model Higgses can serve as powerful search channels to explore the parameter space of extended Higgs sectors. In this Snowmass contribution, we illustrate this using the Two-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) as an example. We first review the current experimental constraints on the parameter space of a Type-II 2HDM arising from existing searches for the exotic Higgs decay mode $A/H\rightarrow HZ/AZ$. We then present the sensitivity of future colliders to discover addition Higgs bosons using the exotic decay channels $A\rightarrow HZ$, $A\rightarrow H^\pm W^\mp$ and $H^\pm\rightarrow H W^\pm$. We find that a 100 TeV collider can probe almost the entire region of the Type-II 2HDM parameter space that survives current theoretical and experimental constraints and would therefore be an ideal machine to search for heavier Higgses in hierarchical scalar sectors. [Journal_ref: ]
- Li, H., Song, H., Su, S., Su, W., & Yang, J. M. (2022, May). MSSM Under Higgs Factories. In Contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoThe high precision measurements of the Higgs mass and couplings at the future Higgs factories are sensitive to the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Focused on the dominant stop sector contributions, we study the implication of the Higgs precision measurements on MSSM using multi-variable $\chi^2$ fit. The results show nice complementarity between the indirect searches at Higgs factories and the direct searches at the current LHC program. [Journal_ref: ]
- Maltoni, F., Su, S., & Thaler, J. (2022, October). TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena. In contribution to Snowmass 2021.More infoTheoretical research has long played an essential role in interpreting data from high-energy particle colliders and motivating new accelerators to advance the energy and precision frontiers. Collider phenomenology is an essential interface between theoretical models and experimental observations, since theoretical studies inspire experimental analyses while experimental results sharpen theoretical ideas. This report -- from the Snowmass 2021 Theory Frontier topical group for Collider Phenomenology (TF07) -- showcases the dynamism, engagement, and motivations of collider phenomenologists by exposing selected exciting new directions and establishing key connections between cutting-edge theoretical advances and current and future experimental opportunities. By investing in collider phenomenology, the high-energy physics community can help ensure that theoretical advances are translated into concrete tools that enable and enhance current and future experiments, and in turn, experimental results feed into a more complete theoretical understanding and motivate new questions and explorations. [Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2022, Spring/2022). Muon Collider Physics Summary. In Contribution to: 2022 Snowmass Summer Study.More infoThe perspective of designing muon colliders with high energy and luminosity,which is being investigated by the International Muon Collider Collaboration,has triggered a growing interest in their physics reach. We present a concisesummary of the muon colliders potential to explore new physics, leveraging onthe unique possibility of combining high available energy with very precisemeasurements.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2022, Spring/2022). The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC. In Contribution to: 2022 Snowmass Summer Study.More infoHigh energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC)produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside ofthe acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward PhysicsFacility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interactionpoint and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments toprobe Standard Model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the StandardModel (BSM). In this report, we review the status of the civil engineeringplans and the experiments to explore the diverse physics signals that can beuniquely probed in the forward region. FPF experiments will be sensitive to abroad range of BSM physics through searches for new particle scattering ordecay signatures and deviations from SM expectations in high statisticsanalyses with TeV neutrinos in this low-background environment. High statisticsneutrino detection will also provide valuable data for fundamental topics inperturbative and non-perturbative QCD and in weak interactions. Experiments atthe FPF will enable synergies between forward particle production at the LHCand astroparticle physics to be exploited. We report here on these physicstopics, on infrastructure, detector, and simulation studies, and on futuredirections to realize the FPF's physics potential.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2022, Spring/2022). The International Linear Collider: Report to Snowmass 2021. In Contribution to: 2022 Snowmass Summer Study.More infoThe International Linear Collider (ILC) is on the table now as a new globalenergy-frontier accelerator laboratory taking data in the 2030s. The ILCaddresses key questions for our current understanding of particle physics. Itis based on a proven accelerator technology. Its experiments will challenge theStandard Model of particle physics and will provide a new window to look beyondit. This document brings the story of the ILC up to date, emphasizing itsstrong physics motivation, its readiness for construction, and the opportunityit presents to the US and the global particle physics community.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2022, Spring/2022). The physics case of a 3 TeV muon collider stage. In Contribution to: 2022 Snowmass Summer Study.More infoIn the path towards a muon collider with center of mass energy of 10 TeV ormore, a stage at 3 TeV emerges as an appealing option. Reviewing the physicspotential of such muon collider is the main purpose of this document. In orderto outline the progression of the physics performances across the stages, a fewsensitivity projections for higher energy are also presented. There are manyopportunities for probing new physics at a 3 TeV muon collider. Some of themare in common with the extensively documented physics case of the CLIC 3 TeVenergy stage, and include measuring the Higgs trilinear coupling and testingthe possible composite nature of the Higgs boson and of the top quark at the 20TeV scale. Other opportunities are unique of a 3 TeV muon collider, and stemfrom the fact that muons are collided rather than electrons. This isexemplified by studying the potential to explore the microscopic origin of thecurrent $g$-2 and $B$-physics anomalies, which are both related with muons.[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S. (2018, August/2018). New physics implication of Higgs precision measurements. In International Journal of Modern Physics A.More infoStudying the properties of the Higgs boson can be an important window toexplore the physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). In this work, we presentstudies on the implications of the Higgs precision measurements at future HiggsFactories. We perform a global fit to various Higgs search channels to obtainthe 95 % C.L. constraints on the model parameter spaces of Two Higgs DoubleModel (2HDM) and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). In the 2HDM, weanalyze tree level effects as well as one-loop contributions from the heavyHiggs bosons. The strong constraints on $\cos(\beta-\alpha)$, heavy Higgsmasses and their mass splitting are complementary to direct search of the LHCas well as possible future Z pole precision measurements. For the MSSM, westudy both the Higgs couplings and mass precisions. The constraints on theCP-odd Higgs mass $m_A$ and stop mass scale $m_{SUSY}$ can be complementary tothe direct search of HL-LHC. We also compare the sensitivity of various futureHiggs factories, namely Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), FutureCircular Collider (FCC)-ee and International Linear Collider (ILC).[Journal_ref: ]
- Su, S., Dienes, K. R., Thomas, B., & Huang, F. (2017, September). Regge trajectories and Hagedorn behavior: Hadronic realizations of dynamical dark matter. In Workshop on Neutrino Physics : Session of CETUP*, 1900, 040003.
- Dienes, K. R., Su, S., & Thomas, B. (2016, June, 2016). Beyond the bump-hunt: A game plan for discovering dynamical dark matter at the LHC. In 9th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology.
- Berggren, M., Han, T., Jenny, L., Padhi, S., Su, S., & Tanabe, T. (2013, Summer). Electroweakino Searches: A Comparative Study for LHC and ILC (A Snowmass White Paper). In Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013.More infoarXiv: 1309.7342
- Coleppa, B., Kling, F., & Su, S. (2013, Summer). Exotic Higgs Decay via AZ/HZ Channel: a Snowmass Whitepaper. In Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013.More infoarXiv: 1308.6201
- Su, S., Agashe, K., & al., e. (2013, Fall). Snowmass 2013 Top quark working group report ,Top Quark Working Group. In Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013.More infoarXiv: 1311.2028
- Su, S., Dawson, S., & et., a. (2013, Fall). Higgs Working Group Report of the Snowmass 2013 Community Planning Study. In Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013.More infoarXiv: 1310.8361
- Su, S., Gershtein, Y., & et., a. (2013, Fall). New Particles Working Group Report of the Snowmass 2013 Community Summer Study. In Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013.More infoarXiv: 1311.0299
- Su, S. (2025). BSM Higgses: Current and Future. Seminar at ATLAS HMBS Group. ATLAS.
- Su, S. (2025). No Charged Higgses Unturned. Utah Workshop: No Stone Unturned. Salt Lake City: University of Utah.
- Su, S. (2024). Precision Higgs Physics at Current and Future Colliders. Physics Potential of Future Colliders. TRIUMF, Canada.
- Su, S. (2023). PASCOS 2023. University of California, Irvine.
- Su, S. (2023, April). Seminar. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
- Su, S. (2023, May). Panelist. Beyond the SM from Colliders to the Early Universe. University of Chicago.
- Su, S. (2023, November). Higggs 2023. Institute of High Energy Physics, China.
- Su, S. (2022, August). Panel Discussion on New Physics beyond the Standard Model. Physics beyond the Standard Model Workshop. Jefferson National Lab.
- Su, S. (2022, February). Higgs Factory: Why, What, How?. Physics Colloquium at Arizona State University.
- Su, S. (2022, July). Precision Higgs Physics at Current and Future Colliders. Higgs Potential 2022. Peking University, China.
- Su, S. (2022, July). Precision Higgs Physics. SUSY 2022. University of Ioannina, Greece.
- Su, S. (2022, July). Theory Frontier Presentation. Snowmass 2022 Summer Study. University of Washington.
- Su, S. (2022, May). Precision Higgs Physics. XV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology. Washington University in St. Louis.
- Su, S. (2022, November). LNV: from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay to Long-Lived Particle Searches. Seminar. University of California, Irvine.
- Su, S. (2022, October). Higgs Factory: Why, How, What? . Colloquium. University of Oklahoma.
- Su, S. (2020, November, 2020). 2HDM at 100 TeV pp collider. 4th FCC Physics meeting. CERN, Switzerland (online).
- Su, S. (2021, April). Higgs Measurements at CEPC and its implication on 2HDM. 2021 CEPC workshop.
- Su, S. (2021, August). Collider Phenomenology. invited Lecture at 2021 Pre-SUSY Summer School.
- Su, S. (2021, August). Heavy Higgs Bosons in 2HDM at a Muon Collider. 2021 SUSY Conference.
- Su, S. (2021, August). MSSM at Future Higgs Factory. 20th LOMONOSOV in Elementary Particle Physics.
- Su, S. (2021, March). MSSM at Future Higgs Factory. Seminar at FCC Monthly Meeting. CERN, Switzerland (online).
- Su, S. (2021, March, 2021). 2HDM Neutral Scalars at the LHC. HPNP 2021: Higgs as a Probe of New Physics. Osaka University, Japan (online).
- Su, S. (2021, October). Higgs Factory: Why, How, What?. Physics Colloquium at University of Arizona.
- Su, S. (2020, August). Snowmass Topic Group Presentation. Snowmass 2021. online.
- Su, S. (2020, Dec, 2020). 2HDM at a High Energy Muon Collider. PITT PACC muon collider workshop. University of Pittsburgh, PA (online).
- Su, S. (2020, June, 2020). Lecturer at TASI Summer School. Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI). University of Colorado (online).More infoI delivered three lectures to about 100 students, discussing collider phenomenology.
- Su, S. (2019, August). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. Searching for new physics -- leave no stone unturned. Utah, USA.
- Su, S. (2019, February, 2017). Learn from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. Higgs Physics and New Physics, Osaka University.
- Su, S. (2019, June). Learn From Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. Seminar at TDLi Institute. Shanghai Jiaotong University.
- Su, S. (2019, June). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. The 2nd workshop on the Frontier of Particle Physics. Chengdu, China.
- Su, S. (2019, May). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. SUSY 2019. Texas, USA.
- Su, S. (2019, May). Precision Higgs and Electroweak Physics and Other Higgses. Phone 2019.
- Su, S. (2019, November). Extended Higgs Sector at Future Higgs Factories. CEPC workshop at IHEP.
- Su, S. (2019, September). Extended Higgs Sector at Future Higgs Factories. CEPC workshop. Chicago.
- Su, S. (2018, January). Implication of Higgs Precision Measurement on New Physics Models. 2nd FCC Physics workshop. CERN, Switzerland.
- Su, S. (2018, July/2018). Implication of Higgs Precision Measurements on New Physics Models. New Physics beyond the SM. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiaotong University.
- Su, S. (2018, July/2018). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. ICHEP 2018. Seoul, South Korean.
- Su, S. (2018, March). Future Colliders. Colloquium at Washington University at St. Louis. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Su, S. (2018, October/2018). Implication of Higgs Precision Measurements on New Physics Models. Linear Collider Workshop.
- Su, S. (2018, September/2018). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. Seminar. Beijing University, China.
- Su, S. (2018, September/2018). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. Seminar. Institute of Theoretical Physics.
- Su, S. (2017, January). 2HDM at 100 TeV pp Collider. 1st FCC Physics Workshop.
- Su, S. (2017, July). Higgs Phenomenology. OCPA 2017. Beijing, China.
- Su, S. (2017, May). Physics of Future Colliders. the Fifth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics. Shanghai, China.
- Su, S. (2017, November). Implication of Higgs Precision Measurement on New Physics Models. Annual Meeting for Chuang-Xin team. Beijing, China.
- Su, S. (2017, November). Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories. International Workshop on High Energy Circular Electron Positron Collider 2017. Beijing, China.
- Su, S. (2016, April, 2016). Theory Discussion: CEPC and SppC. CEPC April Workshop.
- Su, S. (2016, February). Future Colliders. University of Arizona, colloquium, Physics Department.
- Su, S. (2016, January). Dark Matter Searches. Seminar at Physics Department, Zhongshan University.
- Su, S. (2016, January). The Big Picture. CMS Data Analysis School, Fermilab.
- Su, S. (2016, January). Theory Overview. HKUST IAS Program on High Energy Physics.
- Su, S. (2016, July). FCC/SppC Physics Studies. MC4BSM.
- Su, S. (2016, June). BSM Higgs Searches via Exotic Modes. Seminar at Fermilab, Topic of the Week.
- Su, S. (2016, March). BSM Higgs Searches. Seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Su, S. (2016, May). Physics at Future Colliders. Phenomenology Symposium.
- Su, S. (2016, November). Dark Matter at the 2HDM. Talk at ATLAS Astro Particle Forum.
- Su, S. (2016, November). New Physics Implication of Higgs Precision Measurements. Presentation at Chuangxin Team Annual meeting.
- Su, S. (2015, Fall). Future Colliders. APS 4CS Annual Meeting. Tempe: Arizona State University.
- Su, S. (2015, Fall). Search for non-SM Higgses via Exotic Modes at the LHC. Annual meeting of Chuang-Xin Team. Beijing, China: IHEP.
- Su, S. (2015, February). Overview on 2HDM. Invited Prensentation at Higgs Cross Section Working Group, WG3: Extended Scalars meeting. Virtual online meeting: CERN.
- Su, S. (2015, February). The Quest for Mass. Seminar at University of Arizona, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
- Su, S. (2015, January). Higgs Decay via Exotic Modes. Invited presentation at HKUST IAS program on the Future of High Energy Physics. Hongkong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.More infoAll talks are plenary.
- Su, S. (2015, Spring). Higgs Decays via Exotic Modes. 4th MCTP Spring Symposium. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
- Su, S. (2015, Spring). Non-SM Higgs Discovery Via Exotic Modes. Seminar. Stony Brook University.
- Su, S. (2015, Spring). Physics at SPPC. CEPC-SPPC preCDR Review.
- Su, S. (2015, Summer). BSM Higgs Searches via Exotic Modes. MIAPP workshop. Munich: MIAPP.
- Su, S. (2015, summer). BSM Higgs Searches via Exotic Modes. Gordon Conference. HongKong: HKUST.
- Su, S. (2014, August). Future Colliders. Invited Prensentation at US ATLAS Physics Workshop. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington.More infoAll talks plenary.
- Su, S. (2014, August). New Physics after the LHC: Now and Future. Invited plenary talk at Fermilab Confeence: Next Steps in the Energy Frontier - Hadron Colliders. Illinois: Fermilab.More infoAll talks plenary.
- Su, S. (2014, Feb). Beyond the SM Higgs. Seminar at Institute of Theoretical Physics. Beijing, China: Institute of Theoretical Physics.
- Su, S. (2014, Feb). Dark Matter: in the Sky, underground, at Colliders. Colloquium at Hsinghua University.
- Su, S. (2014, July). Light Neutralino Dark Matter: Direct/Indirect Detection and Collider Searches. Seminar at Institute of Theoretical Physics. Beijing, China: Institute of Theoretical Physics.
- Su, S. (2014, May). Light Neutralino Dark Matter. Invited Presentation at Mitchell workshop on collider and dark matter physics. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University.
- Su, S. (2014, May). New Physics under the Higgs Lamp Post. Invited Parallel Session Summary Talk at Phenomenology 2014 Symposium. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Su, S. (2014, October). Higgs Decay via Exotic Modes. Seminar at University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Penssylvania: University of Pittsburgh.
- Su, S. (2014, October). The Quest for Mass. Colloquium at University of New Mexico.
- Su, S. (2014, Summer). Experimental Results of SUSY and BSM. Lecture at 2014 CTEQ School “QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology”. Beijing, China: Peking University.More infoInvited lecturer at 2014 CTEQ School “QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology”, Peking University, Beijing, July, 2014. I delivered 1 lecture to about 100 partici- pants.
- Su, S. (2013, April). NMSSM in the low MA region and the Type II 1HDM. Invited presentation at Davis HEFTI Higgs workshop. Davis, California: University of California, Davis.
- Su, S. (2013, August). Beyond SM Higgs. Invited plenary talk at IHEP Higgs symposium. Beijing, China: IHEP.More infoAll talks are plenary
- Su, S. (2013, August). Dark Matter. Lecture at IHEP Higgs Symposium pre-conference summer school. Beijing, China: IHEP.More infoInvited lecturer at “Higgs Symposium” pre-conference summer school, IHEP, Bei- jing, August, 2013. I delivered 2 lectures to about 100 participants.
- Su, S. (2013, August). Low Energy Precision Measurements. Colloquium at Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013, Energy frontier. Minneapolis: University of Minessota.
- Su, S. (2013, December). New Physics after the LHC: Now and Future. Invited plenary talk at Symposium on future circular machine. Beijing, China.More infoAll talks are plenary.
- Su, S. (2013, July). Overview on Theoretical Aspects Related to Higgs Assisted SUSY Electroweak Sector. Invited plenary talk at Pre-Snowmass meeting. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington.More infoAll talks are plenary.
- Su, S. (2013, June). Dark Matter. Lecture at Asian-American Advanced Study Institute for Particle Physics and Cosmology. Hangzhou, China.More infoInvited lecturer at Asian-American Advanced Study Institute for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Hangzhou, China in June, 2013. I delivered 3 lectures to about 100 participants.
- Su, S. (2013, March). Higgs Physics: Theory and Practice. Lecture at KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2013). Japan: KEK.More infoInvited lecturer at KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2013), KEK, Japan in March, 2013. I was one of four lectures and delivered two lecturers to about 120 participants.
- Su, S. (2013, March). Low Mass Higgs Bosons in the NMSSM and Their LHC Implication. Seminar at IPMU. Japan: IPMU.
- Su, S. (2013, May). Beyond the SM Higgs. Invited plenary talk at 25th Rencontres de Blois Particle Physics and Cosmology. Blois.
- Su, S. (2013, May). Dark Matter at the LHC. Colloquium at University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago.
- Su, S. (2013, May). Low Mass Higgs Bosons in the NMSSM and Their LHC Implication. Seminar at University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin.
- Su, S. (2013, November). Beyond the SM Higgs. Seminar at South Methodolic UniversitySouth Methodolic University.
- Su, S. (2013, November). Fermilab LPC physics on SUSY searches. Invited plenary talk at Fermilab LPC physics on SUSY Searches. Illinois: Fermilab.More infoAll talks are plenary
- Su, S. (2013, October). Dark Matter at the LHC. Colloquium at University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Su, S. (2013, October). The Quest for Mass. Invited plenary talk at APS 4CS annual meeting. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver.More infoWon the Best non-Student Talk Award.
- Su, S. (2012, August). Study Dark Matter at the LHC. Invited plenary talk at SUSY2012, 20th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions. Beijing, China: Peking University.
- Su, S. (2012, December). NMSSM and Type II 2HDM Higgs in Light of the LHC Higgs Searches. Invited presentation at KITP workshop: Higgs Identification. Santa Barbara, California: University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Su, S. (2012, January). Implication for 126 GeV Higgs for New Physics beyond the SM. Invited presentation at PITT PACC workshop: Light Higgs: Implications for the Search for New Physics at the LHC. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh.
- Su, S. (2012, July). Distinguishing Dynamical Dark Matter at the LHC. Invited presentation at the CETUP* workshop,. Lead/Deadwood, South Dakota.
- Su, S. (2012, July). LHC Studies on the Electroweak Sectors of the MSSM. Seminar at Beijing Normal University. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University.
- Su, S. (2012, June). Implication for 126 GeV Higgs for New Physics beyond the SM. Invited presentation at KITPC workshop: The First Two Years at the LHC. Beijing, China: KITPC.
- Su, S. (2012, October). MSSM Higgs Boson at the LHC. PITT PACC workshop. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh.
Case Studies
- Ismail, A., Kling, F., Liu, T., & Su, S. (2015. Extended Higgs Sector(p. 283).
- Su, S. (2015, May). CEPC-SppC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report, Volume I: Physics and Detector. http://cepc.ihep.ac.cn/preCDR/volume.htmlMore infoA study group was formed in Beijing in September 2013 to investigate the fea- sibility of a high energy Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) as a Higgs and/or Z factory, and a subsequent Super proton- proton Collider (SppC). The CEPC-SppC study group undertook a preliminary Conceptual Design Report (preCDR) study, with an aim to address some of the critical questions about the CEPC-SppC: identifying the most exciting and fundamental physics case, per- forming the initial design of the accelerator and of the detector, and selecting critical R&D projects for the Technical Design Report (TDR).
- Su, S. (2015, May). CEPC-SppC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report, Volume II: Accelerator. http://cepc.ihep.ac.cn/preCDR/volume.htmlMore infoCEPC-SPPC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report: Physics and Detector.A study group was formed in Beijing in September 2013 to investigate the fea- sibility of a high energy Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) as a Higgs and/or Z factory, and a subsequent Super proton- proton Collider (SppC). The CEPC-SppC study group undertook a preliminary Conceptual Design Report (preCDR) study, with an aim to address some of the critical questions about the CEPC-SppC: identifying the most exciting and fundamental physics case, per- forming the initial design of the accelerator and of the detector, and selecting critical R&D projects for the Technical Design Report (TDR).