Simone Maria Sepe
- Professor, Law
- Professor, Finance
- Co-Director, Center on Law / Philosophy
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Professor, Chester H Smith-Law
- Coordinator, FC-College of Law
- (520) 626-3533
- College of Law Building, Rm. 223
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- simone.sepe@law.arizona.edu
- Faculty Research Fellowship
- James E. Rogers College of Law, Spring 2021
- James E Rogers College of Law Research Fellowship Award
- James E Rogers College of Law, Spring 2021
- Permanent Research Member of the European Corproate Governance Institute (ECGI)
- European Corproate Governance Institute, Spring 2018
- Research Fellow on the Future of the Croporation
- British Academy, Spring 2018
- IDEI award for scholarship in responsible investments
- Industrial Economic Institute, France, Spring 2015
Licensure & Certification
- American Law and Economics Association, American Law and Economics Association (2006)
- American Finance Association, American Finance Association (2014)
- Italian Law and Economic Association, Italian Law and Economic Association (2004)
No activities entered.
2023-24 Courses
Justice, Law and Capitalism
LAW 673A (Spring 2024) -
Justice, Law and Capitalism
PHIL 673A (Spring 2024) -
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Justice, Law and Capitalism
LAW 673A (Spring 2023) -
Justice, Law and Capitalism
PHIL 673A (Spring 2023) -
Substantial Paper
LAW 692 (Spring 2023) -
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Law and Finance of Banking
FIN 611G (Fall 2021) -
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Business Organization
LAW 616 (Spring 2021) -
LAW 626 (Spring 2021) -
PHIL 626 (Spring 2021) -
Law and Finance of Banking
FIN 611G (Fall 2020) -
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Business Organization
LAW 616 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
LAW 498H (Spring 2020) -
LAW 626 (Spring 2020) -
PHIL 626 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
LAW 498H (Fall 2019) -
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
LAW 626 (Spring 2019) -
PHIL 626 (Spring 2019) -
Jurisprudential Reading Group
LAW 626B (Spring 2019) -
Jurisprudential Reading Group
PHIL 626B (Spring 2019) -
Substantial Paper Smnr
LAW 696N (Spring 2019) -
Business Organization
LAW 616 (Fall 2018) -
Corporate Finance
LAW 617 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Law and Finance of Banking
LAW 611G (Spring 2018)
Scholarly Contributions
- Sepe, S. M. (2019). Is the Staggered Board Debate Really Settled? (with K.J. M. Cremers and Saura Masconale). 167 U. PA. L. REV. Online 9.
- Sepe, S. M. (2017). CEO Pay Redux. Texas Law Review, 96.
- Sepe, S. M. (2017). Investors' Time Preferences and Corporate Governance. Seattle University Law Review, 41.
- Sepe, S. M., Cremers, M., & Litov, L. (2017). Staggered Boards and Firm Value, Revisited. Journal of Financial Economics.More infoFinance article
- Sepe, S. M. (2016). 1. Activist Hedge Funds and the Corporation. WASH. U. L. REV, 94.
- Sepe, S. M. (2016). Board and Shareholder Power, Revisited. Minnesota Law Review, 101.
- Sepe, S. M. (2016). Commitment and Entrenchment in Corporate Governance. NW. U. L. REV..
- Sepe, S. M. (2016). Staggered Boards: Practice, Theory and Evi. RESEARCH HANDBOOOK ON MERGERS AND ACQUISITION.
- Sepe, S. M. (2016). The Shareholder Value of Empowered Boards. STAN. L. REV..
- Sepe, S. M. (2015). Academic Cast Doubt Over Value of Hedge Fund Activism. FINANCIAL NEWS.
- Sepe, S. M. (2015). Paying for Risk: Bankers, Compensation, and Competition. 100 CORNELL L. REV.
- Sepe, S. M. (2015). Rethinking Chutes: Incentives, Investments, and Innovation. B.U. L. REV..
- Sepe, S. M. (2015). Whither Delaware? Limited Commitment and the Financial Value of Corporate Law. THE HARVARD L. SCH. F. ON CORP. GOVERNANCE & FIN. REG.
- Sepe, S. M. (2014). Lawyers and Fools: Lawyer-Directors in Public Corporations (with L. Litov and C. Whitehead). 102 GEO. L. J. 413.More infoReproduced in T.H. MAYNARD & D. M. WARREN, BUSINESS PLANNING: FINANCING THE START-UP BUSINESS AND VENTURE CAPITAL FINANCING (2014).
- Sepe, S. M. (2014). Urban Decay, Austerity, and the Rule of Law (with B. White and S. Masconale). 64 EMORY L. J. 1 (lead article.
- Belloc, F., Nicita, A., & Sepe, S. M. (2013). Disentangling liberalization and privatization policies: Is there a political trade-off?. Journal of Comparative Economics.More infoAbstract: We empirically investigate the political determinants of liberalization and privatization policies in six network industries of 30 OECD countries (1975-2007). We unbundle liberalization and privatization reforms and study their simultaneous determination in a two-equation model. Unlike previous studies, we account for cross-effects between the two pro-market measures. Our findings unveil that both right-wing and left-wing governments implement liberalizations and privatizations, showing a common trend under the so-called neo-liberalism wave. However, although the privatization rate is higher than liberalization in right-wing environments, the opposite occurs under left-wing governments. We argue that ideological cleavages still affect pro-market reforms, particularly the combination of privatization and liberalization policies. We conclude that different deregulation patterns should be expected under governments characterized by different political ideologies. Our results shed new light on the literature investigating the political-economic rationale underpinning pro-market choices. © 2013 Association for Comparative Economic Studies.
- Sepe, S. M. (2013). Intruders in the Boardroom: The Rise of Constituency Directors. 91 WASH. U. L. REV. 311.
- Nicita, A., & Sepe, S. M. (2012). Incomplete contracts and competition: Another look at fisher body/general motors?. European Journal of Law and Economics, 34(3), 495-514.More infoAbstract: In this paper we analyze the problem of the enforcement of incomplete contracts with endogenous outside options. Some of the equilibria we outline may reverse one of the main results presented in the standard literature. We then revisit the literature on the highly debated Fisher Body/General Motors merger and suggest an explanation based on GM's need to control the Fisher brothers' outside options. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
- Sepe, S. M. (2012). Regulating Risk and Governance in Banks: A Contractarian Perspective. 62 EMORY L. J. 327.
- Sepe, S. M. (2011). Give ‘Em Enough Rope: A Reply to Professor Fried. 89 TEXAS L. REV. SEE ALSO 143.
- Sepe, S. M. (2011). Making Sense of Executive Compensation. 36 DEL. J. COR. L. 36.
- Sepe, S. M. (2010). Good Faith and Contract Interpretation: A Law and Economics Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1086323
- Sepe, S. M. (2007). Directors' Duty to Creditors and the Debt Contract. 1 J. BUS. & TECH. L. 553.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021, March). Contract Remedies for the New Economy Collaborations. George Mason Law & Economics Center, Research Roundtable on Capitalism and the Rule of Law. Destin, FL: George Mason Law & Economics Center.
- Sepe, S. M. (2022, March). Citizen Corp. George Mason Law & Economics Center, Research Roundtable on Capitalism and the Rule of Law. Destin, FL: George Mason Law & Economics Center.
- Sepe, S. M. (2022, March). Citizen corp.. Tulane Corporate and Securities Roundtable. New Orleans, LA: Tulane Law School.
- Sepe, S. M. (2022, May). Morality and Social Order. Social Philosophy and Policy Conference on Global Crises. Washington, DC.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021). Remedies for the New Economy. 7th Workshop on Relational Contracts, Chicago Law School. Chicago, IL: Chicago Law School.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021, November). Interim Contract Interpretation. Chicago Law School Workshop. Chicago, IL: Chicago Law School Workshop.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021, October). Blood in the Water: The Value of Anti-takeover Provisions During Market Shocks. American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), 31st Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: Chicago Law School.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021, October). Contract Remedies for New Collaborations. The University of Texas School of Law. Austin, TX: The University of Texas School of Law.
- Acharya, V. V., Litov, L. P., Litov, L. P., Sepe, S. M., & Sepe, S. M. (2014). Seeking Alpha, Taking Risk: Evidence from Non-executive Pay in U.S. Bank Holding Companies. n/aUniversity of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Weiss Center.More infoWe investigate whether incentives provided to non-executives in U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) in 2003-2006 are related to BHC risk and BHC value during the crisis of 2007-2009. To this end, we introduce measures of non-executive incentives based on the elasticity of BHC compensation, net of executive pay, to BHC performance. We find that higher non-executive compensation elasticity is associated with higher subsequent BHC risk and lower subsequent BHC value. These effects are robust to controlling for executive incentives. We also document that the association between non-executive incentives and BHC risk is mainly driven by incentives specific to peer group performance. Overall these findings support the hypothesis that bank competition for non-executives was largely responsible for the distortions in bank compensation and the accumulation of long-term risks that emerged during the crisis.
- Sepe, S. M. (2021. Justice in Transactions: A Theory of Contract Law.