Sara J Shuman
- Associate Research Professor
- (520) 626-0726
- Gender and Women's Studies, Rm. 203
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- sshuman@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Public Health
- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
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Scholarly Contributions
- Mercado, M., Drobnyh, K., Gentry, K., Law, L., Shuman, S. J., Quijada, F., Runger, G., & Ferguson, K. (2025). Engagement in outreach services among persons experiencing unsheltered homelessness in a southwestern urban county: A spatial study. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.
- Sabo, S., Longorio, A., Gomez, O., Liebert, M., Cuautle, M., Shuman, S., de Zapien, J., Milczarek-Desai, S., & Jiménez, D. (2024). Aquí Entre Nos (Just Between Us): Engagement of Hotel Housekeepers During Sociopolitical and Environmental Change. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 18(2). doi:10.1353/cpr.2024.a930717More infoBackground: Aquí Entre Nos (Between Us) is a community-based participatory research project to engage rural, ethnoracially diverse hotel housekeepers in a right to work state during a time of national anti-immigrant policy, wildfires and emergence of a global pandemic. Objectives: We aimed to (1) build trust and social support with the hotel housekeeping community, (2) learn about the occupational health, safety, and workers’ rights challenges, strategies, and solutions held by workers, and (3) develop a workforce-driven research and action agenda to improve labor and health conditions. Methods: Participatory mixed methods rooted in popular education are described to form an advisory board and engage the workforce. Lessons Learned: Trusted relationships built through community organizing around immigration, housing, and minimum wage were critical to engage and drive a worker centered research agenda. Conclusions: Despite challenges, housekeeper advisors defined a research agenda that addressed immediate-and long-term needs of the workforce.
- Samarron Longorio, A., Shuman, S., Lockmiller, C., & Robertson-James, C. (2024). Rejecting a Narrative of Individual Deficit: A Model for Developing Antiracist Curriculum in the Health Sciences. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 10(1). doi:10.1177/23733799231180614More infoRecent attention to issues of systemic and institutional racism have resulted in renewed calls for antiracist teaching and learning in the health sciences. Concurrently, there is an emerging socio-political mobilization to pass legislation that limits the teaching of systemic racism. We argue that teaching and learning about racism in academic health professional curricula often has serious limitations—stagnating in a place of teaching about the social and structural determinants of health, yet emphasizing health education and individual behavioral interventions as solutions to health inequities. We present a framework that explains essential components of antiracist knowledge and action that we argue must be implemented across health sciences curricula. Using this framework, we call on health sciences educators to examine how learners engage with racism as a determinant of health and to make curricular changes that provide opportunities to learn about and engage with antiracist actions.
- Camplain, R., Williamson, H., Pinn, T., Shuman, S., Robinson, B., Evans, M., & Luna, C. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to attending and being physically active during recreation time among women incarcerated. BMC Women's Health, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12905-022-01831-wMore infoBackground: Most women incarcerated in jail are not physically active and do not attend recreation time (rec-time), a time dedicated to being physically active, outside. The purpose of this study was to determine barriers and facilitators to attending and being physically active during rec-time among women incarcerated in jail. Methods: We recruited and distributed a cross-sectional questionnaire to 100 women incarcerated at the Coconino County Detention Facility (CCDF) in Flagstaff, Arizona from March to July 2020. Women were asked about their experience with rec-time at CCDF, including if they had ever attended, how often they attended, if they exercised at rec-time, activities they participated in, and facilitators, barriers, and benefits to attend rec-time. Results: Among 99 women who completed the questionnaire, 89% had ever attended rec-time. Most women identified environmental- and health-related facilitators to attending rec-time including enjoying natural light (74%), getting fresh air (83%), a change in environment (62%), and to move around and exercise (72%). Many women indicated environmental-, equipment-, clothing, and motivation-related barriers to attending rec-time. Specifically, women believed there was a lack of equipment (56%) and limited access to proper footwear (49%). Conclusions: As health and environment are important facilitators and barriers to being physically active among women incarcerated in jail, it is important to identify appropriate environmental and policy interventions to increase the use of rec-time and physical activity. If a correctional facility does not offer rec-time or a similar alternative, one should be established, accessible, and welcoming.
- Pinn, T., Williamson, H., Robinson, B., Shuman, S., Evans, M., Pro, G., & Camplain, R. (2022). “Everything has changed”: detention officer roles and recreation time changes due to COVID-19 policies at a Southwest County Jail. Health and Justice, 10(1). doi:10.1186/s40352-022-00181-xMore infoBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic responses in jails have forced detention officers to adjust how they approach the confinement and care of individuals while they are incarcerated. One aspect of incarceration affected was detention officers’ roles. The aims of this research project were to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the general duties of detention officers at a Southwest County Jail. Detention officers were recruited via email to participate in an online questionnaire from October to December 2020. Participants answered Likert scale and open-ended questions regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their job duties. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to identify themes and patterns in the responses. Results: Among 24 detention officers, 87% indicated agreement that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the duties of detention officers at CCDF. The most discussed change was the introduction of a 14-day quarantine process for newly incarcerated individuals. The 14-day quarantine increased the workload of detention officers. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic responses in jail may have unintended negative consequences for the job duties of detention officers. Current and future pandemic response strategies in jails would benefit from taking staff perspectives into consideration as they are directly impacted by the COVID-19 response strategies put into place. Policy implications are discussed.
- Shuman, S., & Songster, K. (2022). The power and promise of collaborative teaching: crossing boundaries in a higher education classroom. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice, 25(3-4). doi:10.1080/10282580.2023.2181290More infoThis paper describes an example of collaborative teaching between a university professor and a community advocate with lived experience with the criminal justice system. Inspired by bell hooks’ concept of boundary crossing, we describe the course logistics and the possibilities that collaborative teaching holds to challenge traditional notions of justice and power in the university classroom.
- Shuman, S., Pollitt, A., Ibrahim, J., Gupta, J., & O’Brien, M. (2022). Health Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence and Help-seeking Among Unauthorized Immigrant Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17-18). doi:10.1177/08862605211020981More infoIntimate partner violence (IPV) research on immigrant women who are unauthorized is particularly scarce, despite unique vulnerabilities associated with their documentation status that may impact help-seeking and health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to document the frequency of lifetime IPV and related help-seeking behaviors, and examine the relationship between IPV, major depressive disorder (MDD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and health-related quality of life (HRQL) among a community health center-based sample of unauthorized, Spanish-speaking immigrant women in Philadelphia. A clinic-based sample of unauthorized Spanish-speaking women (N = 200, ages 18-65) completed an anonymous, cross-sectional survey on IPV experiences, help-seeking behaviors, and self-reported health in 2013-2014. Chi-square tests assessed associations between sociodemographic variables and IPV. Multivariable logistic regression investigated whether IPV predicted mental health outcomes. Approximately one in three (34.5%) women reported lifetime IPV experiences. Of these, half (56.6%) sought help (formal n = 22; informal n = 25) because of the violence. Women identified not knowing where to go, believing that help was not necessary, and embarrassment as barriers to help-seeking. Symptoms consistent with MDD and PTSD were reported by 40.5% and 16% of the sample, respectively. In unadjusted logistic regression models, IPV survivors were more likely to endorse MDD and PTSD, and report low mental health HRQL scores than counterparts without IPV. In fully adjusted models, only the association between IPV and PTSD remained significant (OR: 3.80, p =.01). Study findings document high frequencies of IPV, MDD, and PTSD among this clinic-based sample of unauthorized immigrant women. Women who reported IPV also had a greater likelihood of reporting symptoms consistent with PTSD. Findings highlight the need for clinic-based mental health and trauma-informed services tailored to unauthorized immigrant women as well as interventions to decrease IPV.
- Cardoso, L., Gupta, J., Shuman, S., Cole, H., Kpebo, D., & Falb, K. (2016). What Factors Contribute to Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Urban, Conflict-Affected Settings? Qualitative Findings from Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of Urban Health, 93(2). doi:10.1007/s11524-016-0029-xMore infoRapid urbanization is a key driver of the unique set of health risks facing urban populations. One of the most critical health hazards facing urban women is intimate partner violence (IPV). In post-conflict urban areas, women may face an even greater risk of IPV. Yet, few studies have examined the IPV experiences of urban-dwelling, conflict-affected women, including those who have been internally displaced. This study qualitatively examined the social and structural characteristics of the urban environment that contributed to the IPV experiences of women residing in post-conflict Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Ten focus groups were conducted with men and women, both internally displaced (IDPs) and non-displaced. Lack of support networks, changing gender roles, and tensions between traditional gender norms and those of the “modern” city were reported as key contributors to IPV. Urban poverty and with it unemployment, food insecurity, and housing instability also played a role. Finally, IDPs faced heightened vulnerability to IPV as a result of displacement and discrimination. The relationship between economic strains and IPV are similar to other conflict-affected settings, but Abidjan’s urban environment presented other unique characteristics contributing to IPV. Understanding these factors is crucial to designing appropriate services for women and for implementing IPV reduction interventions in urban areas. Strengthening formal and informal mechanisms for help-seeking, utilizing multi-modal interventions that address economic stress and challenge inequitable gender norms, as well as tailoring programs specifically for IDPs, are some considerations for IPV program planning focused on conflict-affected women in urban areas.
- Shuman, S., Falb, K., Cardoso, L., Cole, H., Kpebo, D., & Gupta, J. (2016). Perceptions and experiences of intimate partner violence in Abidjan, côte d'ivoire. PLoS ONE, 11(6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157348More infoBackground Men and women's perceptions of intimate partner violence (IPV) within crisis-affected populations are not well understood. This mixed-methods study examined the frequency of IPV against women in urban Cote d'Ivoire, and qualitatively explored how men and women perceive the impact of various forms of IPV on health, everyday activities, and feelings of shame. Methods A survey was administered to Ivorian women (N = 80) to measure the frequency of IPV, and ten focus group discussions were conducted with women (n = 46) and men (n = 45) to explore perceptions of different forms of IPV, including its impacts on disruptions to health, everyday activities, and experiences of shame. Results Half of all surveyed women (53.6%) reported past year exposure to physical, sexual, or emotional IPV. Of the multiple types of violence, emotional IPV was most common (46.4%), followed by sexual IPV (21.7%) and physical IPV (17.4%). Focus group participants identified additional forms of violence including economic IPV and community discrimination. Lack of financial resources and unemployment were common problems among crisisaffected women and were described as an underlying source of IPV. Both women and men reported that shame and stigma play a large role in how women experience the repercussions of IPV, regardless of the form of violence, with public episodes of IPV almost always seen as more detrimental than private episodes of IPV. Conclusions These results underscore the need for increased social support mechanisms for women to reduce the shame, stigma, and isolation associated with their experiences. The creation of safe and supportive spaces for women to talk about and challenge social norms may be an important first step in reducing community shaming and the secrecy that often surrounds IPV. Safe spaces along with broader societal outreach, including challenging men's social positions and creating opportunities for increasing economic resources can, in turn potentially decrease the frequency of IPV and its deleterious impacts on a woman's well-being
- Garland, J., Murphy, K., Shuman, S., Whitaker, R., Larson, S., & O’Brien, M. (2014). Training medical students in the social determinants of health: The health scholars program at puentes de salud. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 5. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S67480More infoPurpose: Given the large influence of social conditions on health, physicians may be more effective if they are trained to identify and address social factors that impact health. Despite increasing interest in teaching the social determinants of health in undergraduate medical education, few models exist. Participants and methods: We present a 9-month pilot course on the social determinants of health for medical and other health professional students, which is based at Puentes de Salud, Philadelphia, PA, USA, a community health center serving a Latino immigrant population. This service-learning course, called the Health Scholars Program (HSP), was developed and implemented by volunteer medical and public health faculty in partnership with the community-based clinic. The HSP curriculum combines didactic instruction with service experiences at Puentes de Salud and opportunities for critical reflection. The HSP curriculum also includes a longitudinal project where students develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention to address a community-defined need. Results: In our quantitative evaluation, students reported high levels of agreement with the HSP meeting stated course goals, including developing an understanding of the social determinants of health and working effectively with peers to implement community-based projects. Qualitative assessments revealed students’ perception of learning more about this topic in the HSP than in their formal medical training and of developing a long-term desire to serve vulner-able communities as a result. Conclusion: Our experience with the HSP suggests that partnerships between academic medical centers and community-based organizations can create a feasible, effective, and sustainable platform for teaching medical students about the social determinants of health. Similar medical education programs in the future should seek to achieve a larger scale and to evaluate both students’ educational experiences and community-defined outcomes.
- O'Brien, M., Shuman, S., Barrios, D., Alos, V., & Whitaker, R. (2014). A Qualitative Study of Acculturation and Diabetes Risk Among Urban Immigrant Latinas: Implications for Diabetes Prevention Efforts. The Diabetes Educator, 40(5). doi:10.1177/0145721714535992More infoPurpose The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how acculturation influences diabetes risk among urban immigrant Latinas (Hispanic women). Five focus groups were conducted with 26 urban immigrant Latinas who were at high clinical risk for developing diabetes. The focus group sessions were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. The authors independently analyzed transcripts using an inductive method of open coding and established themes by consensus. All participants were foreign born and had low levels of acculturation. During the acculturation process, they noted changes in their lifestyle behaviors and the family context in which those behaviors are shaped. They reported that since living in the United States, their improved economic circumstances led to increased consumption of less healthy foods and beverages and a more sedentary lifestyle. They also described changing family roles and responsibilities, including working outside the home, which constrained healthy food choices. However, they perceived that their position of influence within the family offered opportunities to help family members prevent diabetes. Lifestyle interventions to prevent diabetes in Latinas should address their acculturation experiences, which affect family functioning and health behaviors related to diabetes risk. For example, given the perceived link between Latinas’ improved economic circumstances and their diabetes risk, prevention programs should incorporate strategies to help Latinas avoid adopting less healthy lifestyle behaviors that become affordable during the acculturation process. © 2014, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.
- Wanat, K., Kovarik, C., Shuman, S., Whitaker, R., Foster, G., & O'Brien, M. (2014). The association between obesity and health-related quality of life among urban latinos. Ethnicity and Disease, 24(1).More infoObjectives: To examine differences in health-related quality of life (HRQL) by obesity status in a community-based sample of urban Latinos. To determine if sex moderates the relationship between HRQL and obesity status in this cohort. Design, Setting and Participants: Cross-sectional study of 202 foreign-born Latinos with low levels of acculturation, living in an urban setting. Main outcome measure: Health-related quality of life by the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12). Methods: Including the entire study cohort, t-tests were used to determine the unadjusted difference between obese and non-obese participants on SF-12 physical and mental functioning scores (PCS and MCS, respectively). Linear regression was used to estimate the adjusted difference in SF-12 scores between obese and non-obese participants after adjusting for potential confounders. The association between obesity status and HRQL summary scores were then assessed separately in men and women both with and without adjustment for potential confounders. Results: There was a small but statistically significant unadjusted difference between obese and non-obese participants in the physical functioning domain of HRQL (-2.2, 95% CI -4.0, -.4), which was no longer significant in multivariate analysis (difference -1.5, 95% CI -3.3, .3). There were no significant differences in mental functioning scores in unadjusted or adjusted analyses. Sex did not moderate the relationship between obesity status and HRQL scores in stratified analyses. Conclusions: Our results in an under-studied population suggest that obesity may have little impact on HRQL in urban Latinos. Future studies with larger and more diverse Latino populations are needed to further investigate the relationship between obesity and HRQL, and explore how acculturation impacts the association between these two factors.
- Shuman, S. J., Granillo, A. B., & Florian, E. (2024, December). Nuevo Camino (New Path). A program to enhance and expand a system of care in Pima County, Arizona providing integrated comprehensive treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for adolescents and transition age youth (TAY) ages 12-21 who are experiencing SUDs and/or co-occurring disorders. Annual Progress Report.. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, Southwest Institute for Research on Women..