Sally J Stevens
- Research Professor
- (520) 626-9558
- Gender and Women's Studies, Rm. 205
- Tucson, AZ 85721
Sally Stevens, PhD is the Executive Director of the University of Arizona - Southwest Institute for Research on Women and a Distinguished Outreach Professor in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies. Dr. Stevens conducts collaborative research in the area of health disparities, substance abuse, mental health, sexuality, human trafficking, equity, and innovations in education. Much of her work is community-based with a focus on gender and culture, and those living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Dr. Stevens’ research also includes national cross-site evaluations examining process, outcome, and cost-benefit analysis for programs serving justice-involved youth; and women with children and youth enrolled in various substance abuse treatment modalities. She has been the Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Project Director, Evaluator, and Project Advisor for more than 60 projects; with funding from the National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation, National Institutes of Health (e.g. NIAAA; NIDA), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (CSAT; CHAB), Library of Congress, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and from other federal, state, local public and private agencies. Dr. Stevens serves as a reviewer for professional journals, conducts trainings and webinars on topics relevant to her work, and has published over 300 journal articles and technical reports. Contact:
- Ph.D. Educational Psychology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Work Experience
- University of Arizona - Gender and Women's Studies, (2004 - Ongoing)
- UA SIROW (2004 - Ongoing)
- Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Engineering Mentoring
- White House Council on STEM and the national Science Foundation, Fall 2019
- SIROW/WOSAC Travel Award
- SIROW/WOSAC, Fall 2019
- 2017 Diversity Award
- Women Transportation Seminar - Tucson Chapter, Fall 2017
- SIROW Travel Award
- SIROW, Spring 2017
- Mary Bernard Aguirre Professorship
- Fall 2016
- WOSAC Travel Award
- Women’s Studies Advisory Council, Fall 2015
- Women's Studies Advisory Council, Fall 2013
- Distinguished Outreach Professor
- University of Arizona, Fall 2012
- Local Hero Award
- Tucson Weekly newspaper, Fall 2012
Licensure & Certification
- LSAC (1992)
Health disparities; substance abuse, mental health, sexuality, human trafficking, education, criminal justice, gender
2017-18 Courses
GWS 393 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Internship
HNRS 393H (Fall 2017) -
GWS 393 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Honors Internship
HNRS 393H (Spring 2017) -
Honors Internship
HNRS 393H (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Honors Internship
HNRS 393H (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
GWS 599 (Spring 2016) -
GWS 393 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Bootzin, R., Cousins, J. C., Kelly, M., & Stevens, S. (2013). Substance use: Caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs. In The Oxford Handbook of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior(pp 532-544). Chennai, India.: New Knowledge Works Pvt Ltd.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020). Improvements in self-acceptance for LGBTQ+ and straight allied youth and young adults enrolled in an affirming, system-of-care program. Children and Youth Services Review. doi:
- Stevens, S. J. (2020). Socioenvironmental risk factors for adolescent marijuana use in a United States - Mexico border community. American Journal of Health Promotion. doi:DOI:10.1177/0890117120927527
- Stevens, S. J. (2020). Well-being of justice-involved youth in Arizona. Making Action Possible in Southern Arizona. Making Action Possible in Southern Arizona.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019). How the U.S.-Mexico Border Influences Adolescent Substance Use: Youth Participatory Action Research Using Photovoice. : Youth Participatory Action Research Using Photovoice. International Journal of Drug Policy.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019). Youth participatory action research for youth substance use prevention: A systematic review. Substance Use and Misuse.
- Stevens, S. J., Mayer, B., Blume, A., & Black, C. (2018). Improving student learning outcomes through community-based learning The Poverty Workshop.. Teaching Sociology,.
- Stevens, S. J., McCollister, K. E., Davis, M. M., Greene, A., & Dennis, M. L. (2018). Economic Evaluation of the Juvenile Drug Court Reclaiming Futures Model. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research..
- Stevens, S. J., Luibheid, E., & Andrade, R. (2017). Intimate attachments and migrant deportability: Lessons from undocumented mothers seeking benefits for citizen children. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-19, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2017.1286025..
- Stevens, S. J. (2016). History of juvenile justice in the United States: The need for ongoing research.. Drug Court Review, X, 1, 1-5..
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., & Melissa, P. (2016). Motivating Young Native American Students to Pursue STEM Learning through a Culturally Relevant Program. Journal of Science Education and Technology.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., & Page, M. (2016). Motivating Young Native American Students to Pursue STEM Learning through a Culturally Relevant Program. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25, 6, 947-960; and DOI: 10.1007/s10956-016-9629-1..
- Stevens, S. J., Dennis, M. L., & Baumer, P. C. (2016). The concurrent evolution and intertwined nature of juvenile drug courts and Reclaiming Futures approaches to juvenile justice reform.. Drug Court Review, X, 1, 6-30..
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C. C., Ellasante, I., Korchmaros, J. D., & Haverly, K. (2016). iTEAM: Outcomes of an affirming system of care serving LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. Journal of Contemporary Social Services Families in Society, 97, 181-190. DOI 10.1606/1044-3894.2016.97.24..
- Stevens, S. J., & Andrade, R. (2015). Fractured mothering: The impact of U.S. and Arizona immigration policies on Mexican immigrant mothers with U.S. and non-U.S. citizen children. The Mother Blame Game. Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 181-196.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Josephine, K., & Kelly, S. (2015). Intergenerational trauma among substance using Native American, Latina, and Caucasian mothers living in southwestern United States. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15(1), 6-24.
- Stevens, S. J., & Vinson, J. (2014). Preventing pregnancy or supporting students?: learning from the stories of young mothers. Journal of Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 10.1007/s13178-014-0157-6.
- Stevens, S. J., & Vinson, J. (2014). “I was the one who opened my legs”: The troupes and consequences of blaming pregnant and mothering teens. The Mother Blame Game. Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 82-104.
- Korchmaros, J. D., Powell, C., & Stevens, S. (2013). Chasing sexual orientation: a comparison of commonly used single-indicator measures of sexual orientation. Journal of homosexuality, 60(4).
- Korchmaros, J., & Stevens, S. (2013). Examination of the role of therapeutic alliance, treatment dose, and treatment completion in the effectiveness of The Seven Challenges. Child and Adolescent Social Work, 30, 3 ISSN 0738 0151 DOI 10.1007/s10560 013 0307 3, 1-26.
- Stevens, S. J., Thompson, E. M., Vinson, J., Greene, A., Powell, C., Lacona, A., & Russell, S. (2013). Informing sexuality education though youth generated anonymous questions. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 13(51), 84-98.More info;Your Role: lead author and writer;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW resaercher;
- Stevens, S. J., Thompson, E. M., Vinson, J., Greene, A., Powell, C., Lacona, A., & Russell, S. (2013). Informing sexuality education though youth generated anonymous questions. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 13, 51, 84-98. DOI:10.1080/14681811.2013.781020..
- Stevens, S. J. (2012). Meeting the substance abuse treatment needs of lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women: Implications from research to practice. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 3(1), 27-36.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Lo Dolce, B., Sinclair, K., & Swenson-Smith, C. (2012). Outcomes of a trauma-informed Arizona family drug court. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addiction, 12(3), 219-241.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020, Fall). Gender Differences in Trauma, IPV, and PTSD of Unstably Housed Adults: The Need for Gender-specific Interventions for Men. . Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma. San Diego, CA. Virtual presentation due to COVID 19.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020, Fall). Socioenvironmental Risk Factors for Adolescent Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana Use in a U.S.-Mexico Border Community. American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. Virtual presentation due to COVID 19.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020, Spring). Working Across Workforce Sectors to Combat Human Trafficking. 2nd Annual Winter Institute for Public Safety & behavioral Health Conference. Phoenix, AZ: 2nd Annual Winter Institute for Public Safety & Behavioral Health Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020, Summer). Gender Differences in Living Conditions, Substance Use, Mental Health, and IPV of Adults Enrolled in a Substance Abuse Treatment and Housing Program. 12th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Hollywood FL. Changed to virtual presentation due to Covid 19. Poster: RTI.
- Stevens, S. J. (2020, Summer). Improvements in Self-Acceptance for LGBTQ+ Emerging Adults Enrolled in a System of Care Substance Abuse Treatment Program. 12th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Hollywood FL. Changed to virtual presentation due to Covid 19. Poster: RTI.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, April). Juvenile Justice Initiative Project: Improving Policies and Practices for System-Involved Youth and Families. Youth and Families. 21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, November). Youth Advocacy: Changing Fines and Fees Policies and Practices to Increase Success of Court-Involved Youth. Coalition for Juvenile Justice. Coalition for Juvenile Justice: 2019 National Racial and Ethnic Disparities Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, September). Addressing Sex and Labor Trafficking: Coalition Building and Best Practices. 24th International Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma Across the Lifespan.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, September). Reducing Burdens and Increasing Success of Youth Involved in the Juvenile Justice System. 24th International Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma Across the Lifespan.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Fall). Health Issues and Disparities among Native American Women. Web-based presentation for Research Triangle International, Raleigh NC.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Fall). Health and Social Well-being in Chronically Homeless Women Living in Southern Arizona: Current Risks and Opportunities. Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness: 2018 Annual Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Effective Strategies for Coalition Building to Address Sex and Labor Trafficking. 15th Hawai’i International Summit: Prevention, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Engaging Native American Students in STEM: Theoretical Framework and the iSTEM Program. Perspectives on Diversity Speaker’s Series..
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Juvenile Justice: Policies and Practices that Impede the Wellbeing of Youth. 12th Annual Social Justice Symposium: Power and Privilege – Tackling Microaggressions in Public Health.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Planting the Seed: Strategies for Cultivating Coalition Partnerships in a Multi-Disciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force. 31st Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health.
- Stevens, S. J., & Andrade, R. (2018, Fall). Pima County Safety & Justice Challenge Qualitative Evaluation Report.. Pima County Safety and Justice.
- Stevens, S. J. (2017, August). SAATURN Evaluation Findings. SAATURN Quarterly Meeting. Nogales, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J. (2017, December). Women in the Transportation Industry. Women Transportation Seminar. Tucson. AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Andrade, R. (2017, September). Qualitative Evaluation. Pima County Safety and Justice Quarterly Stakeholder's Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Black, C. (2017, February). SAATURN Evaluation Findings. SAATURN Quarterly Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Black, C. (2017, May). SAATURN Evaluation Findings. SAATURN Quarterly Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Black, C. (2017, November). SAATURN Evaluation Findings. SAATURN Quarterly Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Mondell, B. (2017, November). Juvenile Justice Initiative. Vitalyst health Foundation Board Meeting. Phoenix AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., & Sargus, T. (2017, November). Juveile Justice : Reducing Burden and Increasing Opportunity. Southern Arizona Children's Action Alliance. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J. (2016, July). Essential Design Elements and Core Services for Family-Centered Care for PPW Women and Their Families: Lessons from the Field. Pregnant and Postpartum Women Family Centered Summit. Washington DC: SAMHSA.
- Stevens, S. J. (2016, May). Treatment Completion in SAMHSA-Funded Pregnant and Postpartum Women’s Programs. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grantee Meeting. Bethseda MD: SAMHSA.
- Stevens, S. J. (2016, October). iSTEM Project: Engaging Young Native American Students in STEM. Growing the Legacy of Native American Leadership in Science and Technology. A Thought Leadership Event,. Chandler AZ: Intel.
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., & Greene, A. (2016, April). Key Findings of the National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures. Reclaiming Futures National Conference. Miami, FL.: Reclaiming Futures.
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., & Greene, A. (2016, June). A System of Care Approach in Treating Substance Use Disorders among Adolescent Girls. The College of Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Conference. Palm Springs, CA: CPDD Annual Conference.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Ellasante, I., & Waters, C. (2016, April). Examining Outcomes of an Evolving, Trauma-Responsive System of Care for LGBTQSA Youth. 2016 Society for Research on Adolescents. Baltimore, MD: Society for Research on Adolescents.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Ellasante, I., & Waters, C. (2016, June). Outcomes of a Trauma Responsive System of Care for LGBTQ Youth. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Conference. Palm Springs, CA: CPDD.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Ellasante, I., & Waters, C. (2016, March). Centering the Most Marginalized: Striving to Meet the Unique Needs of LGBTQ Homeless Youth. 6th Annual South Hampton Roads Regional Conference on Ending Homelessness. Norfolk, VA.
- Stevens, S. J. (2015, April). Bad Mothers or Bad Policies? Intergenerational Mothering & Family Loss among Ethnically Diverse Substance Using Mothers in the U.S. Mexico Border Region. Maternal Subjectivities: Psychology/Psychoanalysis, Literature, Culture and the Arts, Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Rome, Italy.
- Stevens, S. J. (2015, March). Sex Trafficking and Pregnancy: Life in Context for two Teenage Mothers. Social Justice Symposium. Tucson AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Page, M., Knox, C., & Gomez, R. (2015, April). Engaging Native American 3rd – 8th Grade Students in STEM through Culturally Relevant Science. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.
- Stevens, S. J., Baumer, P., Korchmaros, J., Dennis, M., & Moritz, K. (2015, July). Programmatic factors related to outcomes in juvenile outpatient treatment: Evaluating the effectiveness of juvenile drug courts. National Association of Drug Court Professionals 21st Annual Training Conference. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J., McCollister, K., Baumer, P., Davis, M., Greene, A., & Dennis, M. (2015, October). Economic Evaluation of the Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF) Model. Addiction Health Services Research Conference. Marina Del Rey, CA.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2015, March). iTEAM: An Innovative Program Supporting LGBTQSA Homeless and Near Homeless Transitional Age Youth. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. Washington D.C..
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2015, May). Many obstacles, many fronts: Examining disparities in and barriers to health care and service engagement for LGBTQ homeless youth on the United States-Mexico border. 7th Annual Health Disparities at Teachers College. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2015, May). Many obstacles, many fronts: Examining disparities in and barriers to healthcare engagement for LGBTQ homeless youth on the United States-Mexico border. National Healthcare for Homeless. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Waters, C., & Ellasante, I. (2015, July). Putting the pieces together: Ten years of youth research and many lessons learned. National Conference on Ending Homelessness. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J., Valdez, E., Haverly, K., & Korchmaros, J. (2015, October). Gender and ethnic differences among youth enrolled in Juvenile Drug Courts-Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF). Addiction Health Services Research Conference. Marina Del Rey, CA..
- Stevens, S. J. (2014, Fall). Intergenerational Trauma: Substance Using Native American, Latina, and Caucasian Mothers Living in Southwest United States.. California State University at Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.. Long Beach, CA: UCLB.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Brinley, C., & Korchmaros, J. (2014, Fall). Women who Lose Children: Consideration of Health Consequences and Potential Solutions. Women’s Health Research: Sex and Gender Differences Symposium. Tucson AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Brinley, C., & Korchmaros, J. (2014, March 2014). Women Who Lose Their Children: Consideration of Health Consequences and Potential Solutions. Consideration of Health Consequences and Potential Solutions. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Korchmaros, J., & Sharon, K. (2014, Spring). Health, Opportunity, Mothering and Family Loss Disparities Experienced by Substance Using Native American Women Living in Southwestern United States. 17th Annual American Association of Behavioral & Social Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
- Stevens, S. J., Ellasante, I., & Powell, C. (2014, Summer). Assessing Sexual Orientation, Substance Abuse, and HIV Risk behavior among Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LBT) Women Living along the US/Mexican Border.. In-Women’s International Conference. San Juan PR.
- Stevens, S. J., Greene, A., & Korchmaros, J. (2014, Spring). Meeting the Needs for Integrated Sexual Health and Substance Abuse Interventions: SIROW-Health Education for Youth.. Society for Research on Adolescents. Austin, TX.
- Stevens, S. J., Greene, A., & Korchmaros, J. (2014, Spring). Process, Implementation Issues, and Challenges of Adapting and Integrating Sexual Health and Substance Abuse Interventions. Society for Research on Adolescents. Austin, TX.
- Stevens, S. J., Greene, A., Korchmaros, J., Ostlie, E., Kagan, R., Davis, M., & Canevale, J. (2014, Spring). Guiding System-Level Change: Developing a Comprehensive Plan for Integrating Innovative Programs into Drug Court.. National Association of Drug Court Professionals Annual Training Conference. Anaheim, CA.
- Stevens, S. J., Ian, E., & Claudia, P. (2014, Fall). Unstably housed LGBTQA youth: The impact of a community-based collaboration. Women’s Health Research: Sex and Gender Differences Symposium.. Tucson AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., & Greene, A. (2014, November). The National Cross-site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures.. American Society of Criminology 70th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.. San Francisco.
- Stevens, S. J., Luibheid, E., & Andrade, R. (2014, Spring). Fractured mothering: The impact of U.S. and Arizona immigration policies on Spanish speaking immigrant mothers with U.S. citizen and non-citizen children. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2014, Summer). Providing affirming and welcoming services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender homeless youth. National Conference on Ending Homelessness. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, April). Arizona State University’s Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center Annual Conference. Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center Annual Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, April). Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Women: Sexuality and Mental Health. 12th Annual Women’s Mental Health Symposium.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, April). Step Forward: A Collaborative Effort to Reduce Health Disparities Impacting Latino Youth. Health Disparities Research at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity and Disability.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, April). iTEAM’s Community Based Collaboration: Providing Wrap-Around Care for LGBTQ Youth. Arizona State University’s Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center Annual Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, December). Adolescent Substance Abuse in the United States. University of Arizona.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, December). National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures: Overview and Findings. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Juvenile Drug Court Research to Practice Initiative Meeting.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, July). Community-based collaboration: iTEAM’s wrap-around care for LGBTQA youth. 14th Annual Summer Institute.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, June). Health and Opportunity Disparities among Substance Using Native American Women Living in the US/Mexico Border Region. 2013 International Women’s Sixth Meeting and Conference: Health Disparities, Women, and Substance Abuse.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, May). Step Forward: A Collaborative Effort to Reduce Health Disparities Impacting Latino Youth. Familias En Accion Latino Health Equity Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, October). Innovations in Assessment, Effective program, Adaptations, and Program Outcomes for LGBTQSA Youth. Addictions Health Services Research Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, October). Models for Success: An Integrated Approach for Juvenile Drug Courts. Addictions Health Services Research Conference.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2013, April). Innovations in Assessment, Practice, and Care for LGBTQQSA Youth. Let’s Get Better Together Statewide Conference on LGBTQ Behavioral Healthcare. Tucson, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2013, Februrary). Addressing the treatment environment and therapeutic approach for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender homeless youth. National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness. Seattle, WA.
- Stevens, S. J. (2012, 2012-06-01). Addressing the Treatment Environment and Therapeutic Approach for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Youth and Young Adults in Trauma-Informed Substance Abuse Treatment. 74th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence. 74th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Palm Springs, CA.More info;Submitted: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., & Korchmaros, J. (2012, 2012-04-01). Innovative Strategies for Simple and Informative Program Evaluation. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Washington D.C..More info;Submitted: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW researcher;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., & Schwebel, R. (2012, 2012-04-01). Sustaining Programs in an Era of Health Care Reform: Monitoring and Improving Outcomes. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Washington D.C.More info;Your Role: editor and reviewer, data analysis;Submitted: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Community professional;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., & Vinson, J. (2012, 2012-03-01). My Pregnancy Story: Teenage Mothers' Views on Pregnancy and Parenting. The University of Arizona Honors College. Tucson, AZ..More info;Invited: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: University;
- Stevens, S. J., Andrade, R., Luibheid, E., Peterson, V. S., & Sinclair, K. (2012, 2013-02-01). Immigrant Mothers with US Citizen Children: Issues related to Recent US Immigration Policies. Mothers and Mothering in the Global Context Conference. Christ Church, Barbados.More info;Submitted: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW researcher, UA post doc student;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., Ellasante, I., & Powell, C. (2012, April). iTEAM’s Community Based Collaboration: Providing Wrap-around Care for LGBTQ Youth. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Annual Grantee Conference. Washington, DC: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
- Stevens, S. J., Greene, A., & ,, . (2012, 2013-07-01). Expanding the Definition of Risk: Integrated Sexual Health & Wellness and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. The 13th Annual Summer Institute. Sedona, AZ.More info;Your Role: editor and reviewer;Submitted: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW reseacher;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., Greene, A., & Ruiz, B. (2012, 2012-04-01). Implementing HIV Prevention and Sexuality Education Interventions into Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Washington D.C.More info;Your Role: editor and reviewer;Submitted: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW reseacher;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., Sinclair, K., Nutini, J., & Ellesante, K. (2012, 2012-04-01). Addressing the Treatment Environment and Therapeutic Approach for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Youth and Young Adults in Trauma-Informed Substance Abuse Treatment. Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. Washington D.C..More info;Submitted: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW researcher, community professional, UA post doc student;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., Vinson, J., Licona, A., Sinclair, K., & Russel, S. (2012, 2012-02-01). Teen Mothers' Changing Perspectives on Pregnancy and Parenting. Mothers and Mothering in the Global Context Conference. Christ Church, Barbados.More info;Submitted: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: UA post doc student;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Stevens, S. J., Vinson, J., Licona, A., Sinclair, K., & Russel, S. (2012, 2012-03-01). Student-Generated Anonymous Sex Questions: Informing Sexuality Education Curriculum. 14th Society for Adolescent Research Biennial Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.More info;Submitted: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: UA post doc student;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
Poster Presentations
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, June). Service Needs of Human Trafficking Victims in the U.S./Mexico Border Region: Where Does Substance Abuse Treatment Fit In?. International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Fall). Will Deterministic World Views Bring on the Zombie Apocalypse?. Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Developing a Community-Based Response to Sex Trafficking of Minors in the U.S./Mexico Borderlands.. 31st Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). HIV Risk, Substance Use, and Sex Work among Young Women in Belize: The Need for Prevention Efforts. 31st Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health..
- Stevens, S. J., & Black, C. (2017, June). What Does Law Enforcement and Victim Services Data Tell Us about Sex Trafficking in the U.S./Mexico Borderland? The Role of Substance Use. 10th Annual International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Montreal Canada.
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2017, June). Structural interventions in Myanmar to advance women’s economic independence to reduce substance use and other health risk behavior. 10th Annual International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Montreal Canada.
- Stevens, S. J., Pope, C., Castellanos, E., & Korchmaros, J. (2017, June). Female Sex in Belize: Substance Use, HIV Risk, and Prevention Activities. 10th Annual International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Montreal Canada.
- Stevens, S. J. (2016, June). Women in Crisis: Addressing Substance Use Disparities and Risks Facing Transgender Women. International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Palm Springs, CA: RTI.
- Stevens, S. J., Davis, M., Korchmaros, J., & Greene, A. (2016, June). Key findings of the national cross-site evaluation of juvenile drug courts and Reclaiming Futures. The International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference. Palm Springs, CA: RTI.
- Stevens, S. J., Valdez, E., Haverly, K., & Korchmaros, J. (2016, April). Gender and Ethnic Differences among Youth Enrolled in Juvenile Drug Courts Implementing Reclaiming Futures. Coalition for Juvenile Justice Conference. Washington DC: Coalition for Juvenile Justice.
- Stevens, S. J. (2015, March). Evidence of Abuse and Harassment among LGBTQ Youth and Adults. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. Washington DC.
- Stevens, S. J., Ellasante, I., & Powell, C. (2015, June). Improvements in housing stability, mental health status and access to services for LGBTQA youth in southern Arizona. International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Group Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Stevens, S. J., Rosi, A., Brinley, C., & Korchmaros, J. (2014, Spring). Women Who Lose Their Children: Consideration of Health Consequences and Potential Solutions.. Arizona Global Health Conference.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, April). Women in the ADOT Workforce Extended Report.
- Stevens, S. J. (2019, August). Women in the ADOT Workforce.
- Stevens, S. J. (2018, Spring). Securing and Administering Grant Funding. Workshop University of Arizona CALS.
- Stevens, S. J. (2017, February). Broadening Participation in STEM: A Hybrid Program for Engaging Young Native American Students. STELAR webinar.
- Stevens, S. J. (2017, February). Broadening Participation in STEM: A Hybrid Program for Engaging Young Native American Students.. Webinar.
- Stevens, S. J., & Page, M. (2017, October). An Innovative Hybrid Program for Diversifying and Building Capacity in the STEM/ICT Workforce: iSTEM - Final Report: 2/15/12 – 7/31/17. NSF.
- Stevens, S. J., Ashley, O., Greene, A., Ross, C., Clifton, C., Laborde, D., Hill, J., & Scaglione, N. (2017, January). Evaluating infrastructure development. webinar.
- Stevens, S. J., Ashley, O., Greene, A., Ross, C., Laborde, D., Hill, J., & Scaglione,, N. (2016, January). Evaluating Infrastructure Development. Webinar.
- Stevens, S. J., Doolen, A., Clifton, C., Ashley, O., Scaglione, N., Hill, J., Ross, C., Andrade, R., & Powell, C. (2017, January). Process Evaluation.. webinar.
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., & Greene, A. (2016, June). Findings from the National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures, X, 1.. Drug Court Review (guest editiors for journal issue).
- Stevens, S. J., Korchmaros, J., Greene, A., Davis, M., Baumer, P., Dennis, M., Carnevale, J., Ostlie, E., Kagan, R., & McCollister, K. (2016, January). National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures - Final Report: 7/1/2011-6/30/2015.. OJJDP.
- Stevens, S. J., Powell, C., & Ellasante, I. (2016, October). Starting with Accessibility and Affirmation: A System of Care for LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness. webinar.
- Stevens, S. J. (2012, Annually Spring, Summer, fall). SIROW Regional and Community Newsletters 2012- 2016.
- Stevens, S. J., Ashley, O., Ashok, M., Vance, M., & Laborde, D. (2015, April). System Evaluation. Webinar.
- Stevens, S. J., Ashley, O., Laborde, D., Hill, J., Ross, C., Caitlin, C., Andrade, R., & Powell, C. (2015, November). Using System Evaluation to Inform Intervention Development. Webinar.
- Stevens, S. J. (2014, November). iSTEM Project: Engaging Rurally Located Native American & Hispanic Youth in STEM. Strategies for Increasing Doversity in STEM Learning Environments, STELAR webinar,.
- Stevens, S. J., Stahmer, E., & Mckee, C. (2013, October). The link between domestic violence and animal abuse. The Feminist Wire.
- Stevens, S. J. (2012, April, October). iTEAM Biannual Reports 2012-2015.More info;Full Citation: iTEAM Biannual Reports: September - March, 2012 and April - September, 2012;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW reserachers;
- Stevens, S. J. (2012, October, January, April, July). RF/JDC Quarterly Reports 2012-2016.More info;Full Citation: Reclaiming Futures/Juvenile Drug Court National Cross-site Evaluation Quarterly Reports: Year 1 Quarters 1-3; Year 1 Quarter 4; Year 2 Quarter 1; Year 2 Quarter 2;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW researchers;
- Stevens, S. J. (2012, Summer). Project Final Reports 2012-2016.More info;Full Citation: My Prengancy Story Project Final Report, University of Arizona, December 2012;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Stevens, S. J. (2013, July). Youth and legislation: Sexuality education - Insights from youths’ anonymously submitted questions. Crossroads Connections, 2(1), 1-4..
- Stevens, S. J., & Davis, . (2012, October). RF/JDC Annual Report 2012-2016.More info;Full Citation: Reclaiming Futures/Juvenile Drug Court National Cross-site Evaluation Annual Report;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: SIROW reseachers;