Steven Maynard Erickson
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Internal Medicine
- (602) 827-2078
- UA College of Med-Phoenix(Adm), Rm. 245019
- stevenerickson@arizona.edu
Massingale S, Alexander A, Erickson S, McQueary E, Gerkin R, Kisana H, Silvestri B, Schodrof S, Nalepa B, Pardini J. Comparison of uninjured and concussed athletes on the Concussion Balance Test (COBALT). Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, in press.
Massingale S, Alexander A, Erickson S, McQueary E, Gerkin R, Schodrof S, Kisana H, Pardini J. Assessing balance in an athletic population: Normative data for the Concussion Balance Test (COBALT©). International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training, January 2018
Werk E, Erickson S, Baron R. Pure Ankle Dislocation; A Case Report of a Rare Injury to be published in Clin J Sports Med, 2018
- M.D. MD
- Univeristy of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
Work Experience
- Banner University Medical Center Sports Medicine and Concussion Specialists (2016 - Ongoing)
- Banner University Medical Center Sports Medicine and Concussion Specialists (2013 - Ongoing)
- 25 Year Service Award
- PBATS, Spring 2025
- MLB 20 Year Service Award
- Major League BaseballPBATS, Winter 2019
Licensure & Certification
- MD, State of Arizona (1996)
- Boart Certified, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (1996)
- Boart Certified, Sports Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (1998)
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Erickson, S. (2020). A Simple Preseason Test Could Help Keep Young Athletes Safe from Head Injuries. Everyday Health - online.
- Erickson, S. (2020). Concussion Expert Discusses Recent Study of Repeated Brain Injury and Risks of Depression. Cognitive Issues in Medical Research - Online.
- Erickson, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Acute Mood, Sleep, and Sex on Neurocognitive Performance post-concussion in Adolescents. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 4, suppl 3.
- Erickson, S. (2020). The relationship between mental health history and symptoms, sex and recovery time in a concussed pediatric population. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 4, suppl 3.
- Erickson, S., Massingale, S., Alexander, A., ES, M., RD, G., & JE, P. (2018). Assessing Balance in an Athletic Population: Normative Date for the Concussion Balance Test (COBALT). International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 23(3), 96-100.
- Erickson, S., Massingale, S., Alexander, A., McQueary, E., Gerkin, R., Nalepa, B., & Pardini, J. (2018). Comparison of uninjured and concussed adolescent athletes on the concussion balance test (COBALT). Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 42(3), 149-54.
- Erickson, S. M., Letendre, M. A., Shaarawy, K. M., & Overlin, A. J. (2012). Caring for umpires, officials, and referees. Current sports medicine reports, 11(5), 262-4.More infoUmpires, referees, and sports officials have not been accorded the same attention as athletes by the sports medicine community. The physical and psychological demands of their jobs expose them to a unique constellation of medical, psychological, and orthopedic problems. Likewise their age, fitness level, and disease risk factors may warrant closer scrutiny for them and greater need for participation evaluation than the athletes with whom they share the field. Limited medical literature is published regarding the care of sports officials, even though they have a higher incidence of medical problems, cardiovascular risk, and orthopedic injuries than sports participants.
- Carter, A. N., & Erickson, S. M. (1999). Proximal biceps tendon rupture: primarily an injury of middle age. The Physician and sportsmedicine, 27(6), 95-101.More infoA 51-year-old man suffered a rupture of the long-head tendon of the left biceps and a small rotator cuff tear while rock climbing. The typical signs and symptoms of a ruptured long-head biceps tendon include anterior shoulder pain, tenderness in the bicipital groove, and unusual bulging of the injured biceps. The history and physical exam are generally sufficient to make the diagnosis, but x-rays and MRI may be helpful to rule out related disorders. Because the injury is often associated with rotator cuff tendinitis, a complete shoulder exam is necessary. Conservative treatment will enable most patients to regain normal strength.
- Erickson, S. (2025, January). Sports Related Concussion. PBATS Baseball Medicine Course. Scottsdale, AZ: PBATS.
- Sessions, T., & Erickson, S. (2024, April). Saved by the Bell (Being Rung). AMSSM Annual ConferenceAMSSM.
- Erickson, S. (2016, January). Complex Recovery from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – The Causes and Most Effective Treatments. Arizona Athletic Trainers Association Winter Symposium.
- Erickson, S. (2016, January). Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Evaluation of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury from a Physician’s Perspective. Banner University Medical Center Phoenix Concussion Summit.
- Erickson, S. (2016, January). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Update 2013. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. Banner University Medical Center Phoenix.
Poster Presentations
- Alvarez, C., Overlin, A. J., & Erickson, S. (2024, April). As The Cora-Crow Flies. AMSSM Annual MeetingAMSSM.
- Bergeson, G., & Erickson, S. (2024, April).
A Sticky Stinger
. AMSSM Annual MeetingAMSSM. - Erickson, S., Jaffee, D., & Kisiel, S. (2024). Correlation of Shoe Wear Patterns and Weight Bearing Radiographs. AOFAS.
- Woodrow, J., Koolmees, V., Lederman, E., Erickson, S., & Shah, A. (2024). From Head to Toe: Investigating Post-Concussion Risks for Lower Extremity Injuries in Young Athletes. AOSSM Annua;l MeetingAOSSM.
- Erickson, S., Pardini, J., Hattrup, N., Komro, J., & Steele, M. (2020, April). Vision dysfunction as identified in post-concussion sports medicine and neuro-optometry assessments. 29th annual meeting virtual conference of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. Virtual.
- Pardini, J., Erickson, S., Gerkin, R., Stremlau, S., & Allred, R. C. (2020, January). The relationship between mental health history and symptoms, sex and recovery time in a concussed pediatric population. the 7th annual meeting of the Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine Society. Phoenix, AZ.
- Stremlau, S., Allred, R. C., Gerkin, R., Erickson, S., & Pardini, J. (2020, January). The relationship between acute mood, sleep, and sex on neurocognitive performance post-concussion in adolescents.. 7th annual meeting of the Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine Society. Phoenix, AZ.
- Erickson, S. (2019, April). Davies C, Erickson S, Werk E. Complications following missed bone lesion on x-ray.. Oral poster presentation at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. April, 2019..
- Erickson, S. (2019, May). Davies C, Erickson S, Werk E. Checklist for US Guided Injections to Improve Quality of Patient Care – Utilization of a phone app at the. BUMCP 6th annual Quality and Safety Day Poster Showcase. Phoenix, AZ. May, 2019.
- Erickson, S. (2019, May). Sprague Z, Erickson S, Werk E. Post-traumatic mood disorders: using the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 in patients with concussion. .. Poster presentation at the 6th annual Quality and Safety Day Poster Showcase. Phoenix, AZ. May, 2019.
- Erickson, S. M. (2019, April). Sprague Z, Erickson S, Werk E. Exertional chest pain in a track and field athlete.. Poster presented at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. April, 2019..