Janet L Sturman
- (520) 621-0420
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0066
- sturman@arizona.edu
Dr. Sturman, an ethnomusicologist and pianist, joined the University of Arizona School of Music faculty in 1995. She received her Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from Columbia University in New York City, her M.A from Hunter College - CUNY, and her B.M. from Wittenburg University in Springfield, Ohio. Prior to teaching at the U. of Arizona she taught at the Louisiana Scholars' College where she served as Assistant Professor of Humanities and directed the College's Fine and Performing Arts Concentration.
She is the author of Zarzuela: Spanish Operetta, American Stage (University of Illinois Press, 2001). Her research centers on the role of music in the maintenance, creation, and projection of ethnic and social identity. Her special interest in American multicultural practice has led to studies of music in the American Southwest, as well as Spanish and Latin American expressions. Additional interests concern the role of technology and the entertainment industry in shaping musical expression and cultural responses to music.
Her scholarly publication includes articles and reviews in The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Current Musicology, The Yearbook for Traditional Music, Ethnomusicology, The World of Music, Interdisciplinary Humanities, and Louisiana Folklife. Her editorial work includes serving as review editor for The World of Music Journal from 1995-2001. An active member of several professional organizations, including the College Music Society, the International Council for Traditional Music and the Society for Ethnomusicology, Dr. Sturman has served terms on the Board of Directors for the Society for Ethnomusicology and for the College Music Society.
At the University of Arizona, Dr. Sturman currently serves as the Associate Dean of the Graduate College.
- Ph.D.
- Columbia University
- M.F.A.
- Hunter College of the City University of New York
- B.M.
- Wittenberg University
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Arizona (2014 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, School of Music (2008 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, School of Music (2002 - 2004)
- University of Arizona (2001 - 2008)
- University of Arizona (1995 - 2001)
- Louisiana Scholars (1989 - 1995)
- Iona College (1988 - 1989)
- Fine Arts Award for Teaching Excellence, 1997-1998.
- Spring 1998
- College of Fine Arts Student Advising/Mentoring Award
- Spring 2012
- Maestro Award
- Spring 2011
- UA School of Music Maestro Award for Student Achievements
- Spring 2011
- Honors College Teaching Award
- Spring 2010
- Outstanding Faculty Award
- Spring 2010
- Charles and Irene Putnam Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Spring 2009
- Honor's College Incentive Grant
- Fall 2005
- Beyond the Call of Duty Award
- Summer 2003
No activities entered.
2019-20 Courses
MUS 920 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Independent Study
MUS 499H (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
MUS 920 (Spring 2019) -
MUS 920 (Fall 2018) -
MUS 693 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
MUS 920 (Spring 2018) -
MUS 920 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Honors Independent Study
MUS 499H (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
MUS 699 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Other Musical Instrument
MUSI 580J (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Sturman, J. L. (2007). Sturman, Janet, ed. Contemporary Performance and the Colonial Legacy – Proceedings of the First Symposium on Latin American Choral Music, University of Arizona, January 2007. T. ucson: UA School of Music, in final editing stages.
- Sturman, J. L. (2004). Latin American popular culture : an introduction, second edition. Wilmington, Del. : SR Books, (spring 2005?).
- Sturman, J. L. (2000). The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: United States and Canada. Garland.
- Sturman, J. L. (2000). Zarzuela: Spanish Operetta, American Stage. University of Illinois Press.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998). Music and Culture Series. Wesleyan University Press.
- Sturman, J. L. (2013). A Legacy of Honor and Risk in Jewish Music. In The Jewish Experience in Classical Music, edited by Alexander Tentser. Cambridge Scholars Press.More infoN/a
- Sturman, J. L. (2012). Perserving Territory: THe Changing Language of the Accordion in Tohono O'odham Waila Music. In Accordion in the Americas. University of Illinois Press.More infon/a
- Sturman, J. L. (2011). Research Methods in Ethnomusicology - Music Ethnography. In Scholarly Research for Musicians. A Comprehensive Strategy.(p. 22). McGraw Hill.
- Sturman, J. L. (2010). Mexican Children's Musical Worlds. In Oxford Handbook on Children's Musical Cultures(p. 40). Oxford University Press.
- Sturman, J. L. (2009). Learning Music in Mexico: Three Case Studies, Oxford Handbook of Children's Music Cultures. In Oxford Handbook of Children's Music Cultures(pp ?). Oxford U. Press.
- Sturman, J. L. (2008). "Assessing Disciplinary Integration in New Anthropological Studies of Music". Reviews in Anthropology, 37/4, 302-341.
- Sturman, J. L. (2008). Waila. Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Part 3: Genres, edited by David Horn and John Shepherd, 9.
- Sturman, J. L. (2007). "La Orquesta de la Papaya: A Central American musical response to globalization,".
- Sturman, J. L. (2007). Review of ¡Arriba Suena Marimba!. Ethnomusicology.
- Sturman, J. L. (2004). Review of Cuban Music from A to Z by Hector Orovio. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, vol. 8, 700.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999). "From American Indian Dance Music to Video Games: Rethinking Instructional Methods". American String Teacher, 0.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999). Invited "CD Reviews" and "Briefly Mentioned" section.. the world of music, 8.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999). Invited "CD Reviews," with "Briefly Mentioned" section. world of music, 1998, vol. 3, 5.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998). Movement Analysis As A Tool For Understanding Identity: Retentions, Borrowings, And Transformations In Native American Waila. _the world of music_, 19.
- Sturman, J. L. (2013, Fall). "InterAmerican Musical Connections". Center for Latin American Studies Faculty Blitz. Cesar Chavez, Room 205.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2013, Jan. 13, 2013). A Legacy of Honor and Risk in Jewish Music. Symposium on the Jewish Influence in Classical Music: Shostakovich and Asia. University of School of Music: University of Arizona School of Music, Department of Jewish Studies.More infoI delivered the introductory lecture, introduced each subsequent guest lecturer, and chaired the discussions following each lecture.
- Sturman, J. L. (2013, November, 17, 2013). "Aesthetics and Connectivity". Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN: Society for Ethnomusicology.More infoI served as chair and respondent for this presentation section.
- Sturman, J. L. (2013, Spring). "Aesthetics and Connectivity". Society for Ethnomusicology. Indianapolis, IN.
- Sturman, J. L. (2013, Spring). A Legacy of Honor and Risk in Jewish Music. Symposium on the Jewish Influence in Classical Music: Shostakovich and Asia. University of Arizona School of Music.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Fall). "Reflexiones sobre aspectos de representación en interpretaciones modernas de música de la Nueva España". Third International Colloquium on Musicology in Morelia. Conservatory of the Roses, Morelia, Mexico.More infoKeynote Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Fall). Investigando las fronteras de alianzas musicales en América Central. Third International Musicology Gathering. Loja, Ecuador.More infoKeynote Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Fall). Navigating the Tenure and Promotion Process. College Music Society. San Diego, CA.More infoPanel Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Fall). Studies of Indigenous Musical Practices. AMS/SEM/SMT Joint Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Spring). "José F. Elizondo's Musico-Theatrical Frames for an Age of Technology". Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies. Park City, Utah.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2012, Spring). Latin American Music. Pacific Southwest Chapter of the College Music Society. UA.
- Sturman, J. L. (2011, Spring).
- Sturman, J. L. (2011, Spring). "Common Issues in Cultural Construction of Identity Through Music, Dance and Performance.". Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies. Santa Fe, New Mexico.More infoPanel Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2010, Fall). Building Bridges to Living Composers, Ballroom 2. 3) Janet Sturman (EthnomusicologyBuilding Bridges to Living Composers: Commentary on Danza for unaccompanied solo cello, by Jonathan B. McNair. College Music Society National Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2010, Fall). Forum on Communicating among the Music Subdisciplines. College Music Society National Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.
- Sturman, J. L. (2010, Fall). Keynote Presentation. Encuentro Musicologia. University of Costa Rica, San Jose.More infoKeynote Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2010, Fall). Tecnicas de intestigacion musical. Encuentro Musicologia. University of Costa Rica, San Jose.More infoKeynote Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2010, Spring). Grad Student Presentations at SEMSW. Regional Music Scholars Conference. UA School of Music (host).More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Fall). Locating Knowledge, Engaging Music Like an Ethnomusicologist (Teaching World Music, the Nuts and Bolts). College Music Society. Portland, Oregon.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Fall). New Music Today (Building Bridges Between the Living Past and the Living Present). College Music Society 52nd National Meeting. Portland, Oregon.More infoPanel Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Spring). Cosmopolitan Identity and the Making of the Comic Zarzuela Chin Chun Chan. Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies. Santa Fe, New Mexico.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Spring). Creativity and Sustained Inquiry in the Age of Twitter. Stetson Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium. Stetson University.More infoKeynote Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Spring). Identity and Ethnicity in Latin American Music. Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Spring). Indigenous Music of Mexico's Northwest. Society for American Music. Boulder, Colorado.More infoPanel Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2009, Summer). Conflicts of Perspective and Scholarship in Presenting Tohono O'odham Music. International Council for Traditional Music - 40th World Conference in Durban, South Africa. Durban, South Africa.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2008, Fall). "Confronting Difference in Latin American Music". Conference on Developing and Assessing Intercultural Competency.. University of Arizona, Marriott University Park.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2008, Fall). Ethnomusiconomies in Mexico. Society for Ethnomusicology. Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.More infoPanel Speaker
- Sturman, J. L. (2008, Fall). Open Forum on Ethnomusicology and General Education. College Music Society. Atlanta, GA.
- Sturman, J. L. (2008, Spring). Introduction to The Rai Story. Center for Middle Easter Studies. ILC Room 120.More infoIndividual Presenter
- Sturman, J. L. (2007, 2/23/07). "Resisting Homogenization: Cross-border musical collaborations in Central America". CLAS Coffee with Colleague Lecture Series. Presidio Room, UA Student Union.
- Sturman, J. L. (2007, April 10). "Issues and Careers in Music Publishing ". Careers in Music Class. Room 146 School of Music.
- Sturman, J. L. (2007, July 21). "Pre-expressive Performance Strategies: Lessons from Thai Music and Dance". College Music Society International Conference, Bangkok and Ayuthaya, Thailand, July 14-23. Ayuthaya, Thailand.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, 11/18/06). "Preserving the 'creative gap': Lessons from historical, non-western, and contemporary performance practices.". Society for Ethnomusicology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, 4/1/06). Orchestra as Embassy: An Integrative Response to Globalization. Joint Regional Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the AMS and SMT, and the Southwestern Chapter of the SEM, and. Lamont School of Music, University of Denver, Colorado.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, 5/15-5/19/2006). Las Tecnicas de Etnografia Musical (Techniques of Musical Ethnography). Facultad de Musica, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas (Music Faculty, UAT). Tampico, Mexico.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, July 14, 2006). Traveling with the La Orquesta de la Papaya: A Central American Response to Global, National and Local Dynamics. International Conference on Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds. Newcastle, England.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, Sep. 25, 2006). "Parallels and Paradoxes: Controversial Parallels in Middle Eastern Music". Honors College Lecture Series in conjunction with Reading Lolita in Tehran. Crowder Hall and Slonaker.
- Sturman, J. L. (2006, Sep. 27, 2006). The Culture Track in International Studies. INTS 396A. Harvill 101.
- Sturman, J. L. (2004, November 17, 2004). Arizona Historical Society, Desert Harmonies II - Fall Lecture Series: Zarzuela and Spanish opera in Tucson and the Southwestern U.S.. Arizona Historical Society, Fall Lecture Series: Music in the Southwest. Arizona Historical Society.
- Sturman, J. L. (2003, April 12, 2003). Mexican and Mexican-American Traditions. Southwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusciology. UA.
- Sturman, J. L. (2003, June 25, 2003). Border Strategies: Creating New Opportunities for Musical Exchange with Latin America". 2003 International Meeting of the College Music Society. Muelle, Costa Rica.
- Sturman, J. L. (2003, Oct. 2, 2003). "Top Ten Lists: Mediating Conflicting Methodologies". Combined Annual Meeting of the College Music Society and the Society for Ethnomusicology. Miami, Florida.
- Sturman, J. L. (2002, 9/29/02). "Teaching Native American Music in the University". College Music Society. Kansas City, MO.
- Sturman, J. L. (2002, February 19, 2002). Digitization Dilemmas: The University of Arizona's "Music of the Southwest" Online Initiative. Music Library Association. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sturman, J. L. (2002, Friday, Jan. 25, 2002). Online Sound Examples in Web-based Course Work. Distance Learning Conference. Sheraton Four Points, Tucson, AZ.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, July 6, 2001). "Electronic delivery and music use: Will new technologies resurrect old values?". International Council for Traditional Music. Rio de Janeiro.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, July 9, 2001). "Returning to the Source: Hispanic Music from the Americas in the Reconstruction of Cultural Identity". The International Council for Traditional Music. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, Nov. 15, 2001). Building Cultural Community. College Music Society. Santa Fe, NM.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, Nov. 18, 2001). Music and the Spirit of Place. College Music Society. Santa Fe, NM.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, November 27, 2001). Musica para la gente culta: Rock al Parque and the Rock music scene in Bogota, Colombia. Latin American Studies Area.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001, October 21, 2001). Cuban Music in Context. Cultures in Context: UA Presents. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Auditorium.
- Sturman, J. L. (2000, Nov. 2, 2000). Border Disputes: Negotiating Values in the Production of Zarzuela in El Paso. Toronto 2000 Musical Intersections Conference (11 different professional music organizations). Toronto, Ontario.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999, April 28, 1999). Pre-concert lecture: the Chieftains. UA Presents. Center for English as a Second Language.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999, Nov. 20, 1999). Chapter Coordinator's Report. Society for Ethnomusicology. Austin, TX.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999, Oct. 15, 1999). "Introducing ARIA 2000: Academic and Recording Industry Alliances and the Impact on College Level Instruction". College Music Society. Denver, Colorado.
- Sturman, J. L. (1999, October 30, 1999). Pre Concert Talk: Introduction to Mary Black. UA Presents. Center for English as a Second Language.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998, 9-30-97). Pre-Concert Talk:O'Daiko, Japanese Drummers. UA Presents. Douglass, UA CAmpus.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998, March 14). "Musica Para Gente Culta: Rock al Parque and the Spanish rock scene in Bogota.". Annual Meeting of the Southwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology. Albuquerque, NM.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998, Oct. 30). Introduction to Turkish Musician Latif Bolat. Middle Eastern Music Series. 104 Architecture.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998, October 24, 1998). "Reconfiguring Music Cultures: Views from the Recording Industry". College Music Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998, October 28, 1998). Pre-concert talk:"Trio Voronezh". UA Presents. Catalina United Methodist Church.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, 10-8-97). Vallenato and Musical Appropriations. Honor's Center Lecture. UA Student Union, Rincon Room.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, 11-14-97). "So You want to be a Professor: Job hunting strategies for Music graduates". College Music Society. Sheraton Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, 11-16-97). "New Paradigms in Teaching Music at the University". College Music Society. Sheraton Hotle, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, 6-30-97). "It's not the beat, its the motion: Body Movement and Identity in Southwestern U.S. Variants of the Polka". International Coucil for Traditional Music. Nitra, Slovakia.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, 7-30-97). Crossing Boundaries. International Council for Traditional Music. Nitra, Slovakia.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, April 15, 1997). "Music in the Arizona during the Colonial Period". Colonial Dames of America in the State of Arizona. Ventana Canyon Resort.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, Feb. 7, 1997). "Words on Music: Salmunori - Korean Traditional Music". UA Presents. Douglass Hall, U.A..
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, Jan. 24, 1997). Words on Music: SUKAY - Traditional Andean Music in Concert". UA Presents. Douglass Hall, UA.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, June 30, 1997). "It's not the beat, it's the motion: Body movement and identity in Southwestern U.S. variants of the polka.. International Council for Traditional Music. Nitra, Slovakia.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, March 26, 1997). "Postures and Polkas: Music as Movement in Southwestern Social Dance Traditions.". University Speaker Series. Gallagher Theater, U.A..
- Sturman, J. L. (1997, March, 1997). "The American Wind Ensemble Tradition and The University of Arizona". COncert Talk. 162 Music.
- Sturman, J. L. (2012. Review Essay: Engaging Mexican Musical Performance Beyond Borders(pp 115-123). Ethnomusicology, Vol. 57, No. 1.
- Sturman, J. L. (2012. Review: Island Songs, A Global Repertoire(pp ?). General Music Today.
- Sturman, J. L. (2010. Review: Natalie Curtis Burlin: A Life in Native and African American Music by Michelle Wick Patterson, University of Nebraska Press, 2010.(pp ?). Journal of Arizona History.
- Sturman, J. L. (2004. Music in the Afghan North, 1967-1972. Field material and texts by Mark Slobin. URL: http://learningobjects.wesleyan.edu/afghanistan(p. 0). Yearbook for Traditional Music.
- Sturman, J. L. (2001. Review of Peter Wade: _Music, Race, and Nation: Música Tropical in Colombia._ Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.(p. 0). Current Musicology No. 69.
- Sturman, J. L. (1998(p. 0). Yearbook for Traditional Music, Vol 29.
- Sturman, J. L. (1997. Review of: Fiesta de la Candelaria, CD set(p. 10). Yearbook for Traditional Music - The Journal of the International Council for Traditional Music.
Creative Works
- "Iberian Music in the United States"; Garland; October
- Bear Down! Arizona; October; During the fall of 2002, I coordinated the completion and production of the Bear Down CD featuring School of Music students, professors and alumni in a variety of arrangements of Jack Lee's beloved fight song.
- Report on the Nitra Conference; International Council for Traditional Music - UNESCO; October; Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music; This little bulletin is sent to the international membership of the ICTM. It is widely read.
- The Virtual Fiesta: An exploration of music, dance, and culture.; Web; March; Although this project has not been completed (it emerged from the Multimedia Authoring class that I took this semester) it gave me excellent experience collaborating with a visual artist (Clay Lipsky) to create an interactive multi-media presentation. Our intentions were to create a Virtual-Fiesta where the "attendee" could simulate visiting the fiesta and experience the sights and sounds (lots of music) through a computer presentation, either on-line via the Web, or on a CD-ROM. We played with various tools, Adobe Photo-Shop, Adobe PageMill, SoundEdit, and Authorware, and ended up with a prototype featuring the mojiganga, a cross between a play and a parade in which the residents of the Mexican town of Tlatcotalpan "invite" the spirits of the living and dead to join them in song and dance.
- Celebrate UA Music and Dance; Television (live video for delayed broadcast); June; Hosted and produced this series of four video productions was created at the Access Tucson Studios. Video One (3-12-03): Introducing the School of Music and Dance: Spartacular Showcase (guests: Ed Reid, Craig Walsh, Nathan Bill)Video Two (2-26-03) Coming to the School of Music and Dance: Auditions and Coursework (guests: Josef Knott, Melissa Lowe, Amanda Brod)Video Three (4-9-03) Outreach Activities (guests: Brian Ebie, Svetlana Nagachevskaya, Djana Ihas)Video Four (4-12-03) Summer Opportunities (guests: Richard Obregon, Charles Roe, Scott Matlick)
- Commentary and Response to "Drumming in Africa and Beyond" MTO, 16.4; Society of Music Theory; January 2011; Music Theory Online; Commentary offering contextualization and critical response to five articles focusing upon rhythmic analysis in African and African-influenced music, published in issue 16 of Music Theory Online. Our essay follows the five articles in the journal.
- Zazuela; Macmillan/Grove Dictionaries of Music; January 2010; Amerigrove Encyclopedia of Latin American Music; 1500 words
- Pastorela; Macmillan/Grove Dictionaries of Music; January 2010; Amerigrove Encyclopedia of Latin American Music; 750 words
- "A New Destiny for Folk Music?: Icelandic Composer Leads Nordic Network for Ethnomusicology"; Webdemusica; December 2008; Sonagrama 3