Daniel L Sullivan
- Associate Professor, Psychology
- Associate Professor, Social / Cultural / Critical Theory - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-7431
- Psychology, Rm. 312
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- swolf22@arizona.edu
- Rising Star
- Association for Psychological Science, Spring 2016
- Award for Excellence in Mentoring
- University of Arizona Honors College, Spring 2015
- Provost Author Support Award
- University of Arizona Office of the Provost, Spring 2015
- Self, Motivation, and Virtue Project Semi-Finalist
- Marquette University and the Templeton Foundation, Spring 2015 (Award Finalist)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Advanced Social Psyc
PSY 560 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2025) -
PSY 920 (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2025) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2024) -
PSY 920 (Fall 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2024) -
Psy of Culture & Div.
PSY 550 (Fall 2024) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2024) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2024) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Spring 2024) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2024) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Spring 2024) -
Topics in Social Psyc
PSY 496A (Spring 2024) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2023) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2023) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Spring 2023) -
PSY 920 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2023) -
Psy of Culture & Div.
PSY 550 (Spring 2023) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2023) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2022) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2022) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Fall 2022) -
PSY 920 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Fall 2022) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Summer I 2022) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Summer I 2022) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Summer I 2022) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 399H (Spring 2022) -
Intro to Cultural Psych
PSY 365 (Spring 2022) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Spring 2022) -
Psy of Culture & Div.
PSY 550 (Spring 2022) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2021) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2021) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Fall 2021) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2021) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Spring 2021) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2021) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Spring 2021) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2021) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2021) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2020) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2020) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Fall 2020) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2020) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Fall 2020) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2020) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Spring 2020) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2020) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Spring 2020) -
PSY 920 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2020) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Spring 2020) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2020) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2019) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Fall 2019) -
PSY 920 (Fall 2019) -
Honors Directed Research
PSYS 392H (Fall 2019) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 399H (Fall 2019) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Summer I 2019) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2019) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Spring 2019) -
PSY 920 (Spring 2019) -
Honors Directed Research
PSYS 392H (Spring 2019) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2019) -
Topics In Social Psych
PSY 596A (Spring 2019) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2018) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2018) -
Directed Research
PSYS 492 (Fall 2018) -
PSY 920 (Fall 2018) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Fall 2018) -
PSY 900 (Fall 2018) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 499H (Spring 2018) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2018) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2018) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2017) -
Directed Research
PSYS 392 (Fall 2017) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 399H (Fall 2017) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 499H (Fall 2017) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Fall 2017) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Honors Independent Study
PSY 299H (Spring 2017) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 499H (Spring 2017) -
Honors Seminar
PSY 496H (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
PSY 299 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2017) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Spring 2017) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2017) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Spring 2017) -
Adv Methods in Psych Research
PSY 389 (Fall 2016) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 399H (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
PSY 920 (Spring 2016) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 399H (Spring 2016) -
Honors Independent Study
PSY 499H (Spring 2016) -
Honors Thesis
PSY 498H (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
PSY 399 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
PSY 499 (Spring 2016) -
Master's Report
PSY 909 (Spring 2016) -
PSY 900 (Spring 2016) -
Social Psychology
PSY 360 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Sullivan, D. L. (2014). Cultural-existential Psychology: The Role of Culture in Suffering and Threat. Cambridge University Press.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Greenberg, J. (2013). Death in Classic and Contemporary Film: Fade to Black. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Morelock, J., & Sullivan, D. (2021). Introduction: Frankfurt School Methodologies. In How to Critique Authoritarian Populism(pp 1--46). Brill.
- Sullivan, D. (2021). In How to Critique Authoritarian Populism(pp 312--347). Brill.
- Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D., Young, I. F., & Schmitt, H. J. (2020). Religion and the construction of identity. In The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism(pp 207--222). Elsevier.
- Sullivan, D. (2019). The Science of the Last Man: Nietzsche and the Early Frankfurt School. In Nietzsche and Critical Social Theory(pp 361--380). Brill.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Stewart, S. A. (2016). Perceived uncontrollability as a coping resource: The control-serving function of enemies and uncertainty.. In Coping with lack of control in a social world. Routledge Psychology Press.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Palitsky, R. (2015). An existential-psychological perspective on the human essence. In The Handbook of the Human Essence. Oxford University Press.
- Sullivan, D. (2014). The consolations and dangers of fantasy: Burton, Poe, and Vincent. In The philosophy of Tim Burton(pp 47-66). Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press.More infoJ. L. McMahon (Ed.)
- Sullivan, D., Landau, M. J., Rothschild, Z. K., & Keefer, L. A. (2014). Searching for the root of all evil: An existential-sociological perspective on political enemyship and scapegoating. In Power, politics, and paranoia: Why people are suspicious about their leaders(pp 292-311). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.More infoJ. van Prooijen & P. A. M. van Lange (Eds.)
- Kay, A. C., Sullivan, D., & Landau, M. J. (2015). Psychological origins, functions, and consequences of motives for control and agency. In APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition(pp Vol. 1; pp. 309-337). Washington, D.C.: APA.More infoM. Mikulincer, P. Shaver, E. Borgida & J. Bargh (Eds.)
- Landau, M. J., & Sullivan, D. (2015). Terror management motivation at the core of personality. In APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences(pp Vol. 4; pp. 209-230). Washington, D.C.: APA.More infoM. Mikulincer, P. Shaver, L. Cooper & R. Larsen (Eds.)
- Pyszczynski, T., Sullivan, D., & Greenberg, J. (2015). Experimental existential psychology: Living in the shadow of the facts of life. In APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition(pp Vol. 1; pp. 279-308). Washington, D.C.: APA.More infoM. Mikulincer, P. Shaver, E. Borgida & J. Bargh (Eds.)
- Sullivan, D. (2022). The Greensburg tornado: Exploring meaning in environmental catastrophe.
- Flowers, C. S., Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D., & Peterson, M. A. (2021). Investigating the flexibility of attentional orienting in multiple modalities: Are spatial and temporal cues used in the context of spatiotemporal probabilities?. Visual Cognition, 29(2), 105--117.
- Palitsky, R., Schmitt, H., Sullivan, D., & Young, I. F. (2021). An Existential Analysis of Responses to the 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 61(2), 231--243.
- Schmitt, H. J., Calloway, E. E., Sullivan, D., Clausen, W., Tucker, P. G., Rayman, J., & Gerhardstein, B. (2021). Chronic environmental contamination: A systematic review of psychological health consequences. Science of The Total Environment, 772, 145025.
- Schmitt, H. J., Young, I. F., Keefer, L. A., Palitsky, R., Stewart, S. A., Goad, A. N., & Sullivan, D. (2021). Time-space distanciation as a decolonizing framework for psychology. Review of General Psychology, 25(4), 405--421.
- Sullivan, D. (2021). Angelaki, 26(6), 31--48.
- Sullivan, D. (2021). A World Otherwise: Environmental Praxis in Minamata. Environmental Philosophy, 18(2), 368--372.
- Sullivan, D., Schmitt, H. J., Calloway, E. E., Clausen, W., Tucker, P., Rayman, J., & Gerhardstein, B. (2021). Chronic environmental contamination: A narrative review of psychosocial health consequences, risk factors, and pathways to community resilience. Social Science \& Medicine, 276, 113877.
- Yang, Q., Young, I. F., Wan, J., & Sullivan, D. (2021). Culturally grounded scapegoating in response to illness and the CoViD-19 pandemic. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 1069.
- Young, I. F., Razavi, P., Cohen, T. R., Yang, Q., Alab\`ernia-Segura, M., & Sullivan, D. (2021). A multidimensional approach to the relationship between individualism-collectivism and guilt and shame.. Emotion, 21(1), 108.
- Young, I. F., Sullivan, D., Hart, J., & Palitsky, R. (2021). Insecurity orientations: A person-centered approach to existential concerns. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110288.
- Calloway, E. E., Chiappone, A. L., Schmitt, H. J., Sullivan, D., Gerhardstein, B., Tucker, P. G., Rayman, J., & Yaroch, A. L. (2020). Exploring Community Psychosocial Stress Related to Per-and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Contamination: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(23), 8706.
- Schmitt, H. J., Keefer, L. A., Sullivan, D., Stewart, S., & Young, I. F. (2020). A Brighter Future: The Effect of Social Class on Responses to Future Debt. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(1).
- Sullivan, D. (2020). Incarnation, Alienation, and Emancipation: A Sartrean Analysis of Filmic Violence. Sartre Studies International, 26(2), 1--21.
- Sullivan, D. (2020). Social psychological theory as history: Outlining the critical-historical approach to theory. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 24(1), 78--99.
- Sullivan, D., & Young, I. F. (2020). Place attachment style as a predictor of responses to the environmental threat of water contamination. Environment and Behavior, 52(1), 3--32.
- Sullivan, D., Palitsky, R., & Schmitt, H. (2020). The spatialization and temporalization of environmental suffering. Narrative Inquiry, 30(2), 271--293.
- Vail, I., Sullivan, D., Landau, M. J., & Greenberg, J. (2020). Editorial Foreword: Applying Existential Social Psychology to Mental Health. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(5), i--ix.
- Young, I. F., Sullivan, D., & Hamann, H. A. (2020). Abortions due to the Zika virus versus fetal alcohol syndrome: Attributions and willingness to help.. Stigma and Health, 5(3), 304.
- Adams, G., Estrada-Villalta, S., Sullivan, D., & Markus, H. R. (2019). The psychology of neoliberalism and the neoliberalism of psychology. Journal of Social Issues, 75(1), 189--216.
- Keefer, L. A., Stewart, S. A., Palitsky, R., & Sullivan, D. (2019). Time--space distanciation: An empirically supported integrative framework for the cultural psychology of time and space. Time \& Society, 28(1), 297--332.
- Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D., Young, I. F., & Dong, S. (2019). Worldviews and the construal of suffering from depression. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3(4), 191--208.
- Sullivan, D. (2019). Kapoor, Ilan (ed.). Psychoanalysis and the Global. Lincoln: U. of Nebraska Press, 2018.(= Cultural Geographies and Rewriting the Earth Series). 342 pp.. Kritikon Litterarum, 46(1-2), 155--161.
- Sullivan, D. (2019). Review of Jeremiah Morelock (Ed.), Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism (2018). London: University of Westminster Press.. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism \& Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 17(1), 101--110.
- Young, I. F., Sullivan, D., & Palitsky, R. (2019). Applying Terror Management Theory to Art, Film, and Media: A Theoretical and Empirical Review. Handbook of Terror Management Theory, 535--558.
- Aktipis, A., Cronk, L., Alcock, J., Ayers, J. D., Baciu, C., Balliet, D., Boddy, A. M., Curry, O. S., Krems, J. A., Mu\~noz, A., & others, . (2018). Understanding cooperation through fitness interdependence. Nature Human Behaviour, 2(7), 429--431.
- Baldwin, M., White, M. H., & Sullivan, D. (2018). Nostalgia for America's past can buffer collective guilt. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(4), 433--446.
- Lifshin, U., Greenberg, J., & Sullivan, D. (2018). Religiosity and Support for Killing Animals: Evidence of a Curvilinear Relationship. Anthrozo\"os, 31(6), 695--709.
- Sullivan, D. (2018). The Educator as Neurotic: A Rankean Analysis of Impotent Teachers in Film. Free Associations, 41--63.
- Sullivan, D., Palitsky, R., & Young, I. (2018). The role of cultural beliefs and existential motivation in suffering perceptions. Belief Systems and the Perception of Reality. New York: Routlege.
- Young, I. F., Sullivan, D., Stewart, S., & Palitsky, R. (2018). The existential approach to place: Consequences for emotional experience. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 60, 100--109.
- Baldwin, M., White, M. H., & Sullivan, D. L. (2015). Historical nostalgia elevates perceptions of ingroup authenticity: Implications for collective guilt. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Keefer, L. A., Stewart, S. A., Palitsky, R., & Sullivan, D. L. (2016). Time-space distanciation: An empirically supported integrated framework for the cultural psychology of time and space.. Time and Society.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016). Person-environment mergence and separation: Otto Rank’s psychology of emotion, personality, and culture.. The Psychoanalytic Review.
- Sullivan, D. L., Keefer, L. A., Stewart, S. A., & Palitsky, R. (2016). Time-space distanciation: An interdisciplinary account of how culture shapes the implicit and explicit psychology of time and space. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.
- Lifshin, U., Greenberg, J. L., Zestcott, C. A., & Sullivan, D. L. (2016). The evil animal: A terror management theory perspective on the human tendency to kill animals.. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- Lifshin, U., Helm, P., Greenberg, J. L., Soenke, M., Ashish, D., & Sullivan, D. L. (2016). Managing the death of close others: Evidence of higher ingroup identity in young adults who have experienced the death of a close other.. Self and Identity.
- Motro, D., & Sullivan, D. L. (2016). Could two negative emotions be a positive? The effects of anger and anxiety in enemyship.. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
- Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D. L., Keefer, L. A., & Stewart, S. A. (2015). The cultural backdrop to modern prospection: Exploring the relevance of time-space distanciation. Review of General Psychology.
- Sullivan, D. L., Stewart, S. A., & Diefendorf, J. (2015). Simmel's time-space theory: Implications for experience of modernization and place. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
- Sullivan, D. L., Stewart, S. A., Landau, M. J., Liu, S., Yang, Q., & Diefendorf, J. (2015). Exploring Repressive Suffering Construal as a Function of Collectivism and Social Morality. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- Yang, Q., Liu, S., Sullivan, D. L., & Pan, S. (2015). Interpreting suffering from illness: The role of collectivism and repressive suffering construal. Social Science and Medicine.
- Young, I. F., & Sullivan, D. L. (2015). Competitive victimhood: A review of the theoretical and empirical literature. Current Opinion in Psychology.
- Zachary, R. K., Mark, L. J., Lucas, K. A., & Sullivan, D. L. (2015). Another's punishment cleanses the self: Evidence for a moral cleansing function of punishing transgressors. Motivation and Emotion.
- Keefer, L. A., Landau, M. J., & Sullivan, D. (2014). Non-human support: Broadening the scope of attachment theory. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 8, 524-535.
- Keefer, L. A., Landau, M. J., Sullivan, D., & Rothschild, Z. K. (2014). Embodied metaphor and abstract problem solving: Testing a metaphoric fit hypothesis in the health domain. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 12-20.
- Keefer, L. A., Landau, M. J., Sullivan, D., & Rothschild, Z. K. (2014). The object of affection: Subjectivity uncertainty increases infrahumanization in close relationships. Social Cognition, 32, 484-505.
- Sullivan, D. L., Landau, M. J., & Kay, A. C. (2014). When enemies go viral (or not) - A real-time experiment during the "Stop Kony" campaign. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
- Sullivan, D. L., Landau, M. J., Young, I. F., & Stewart, S. A. (2014). The dramaturgical perspective in relation to self and culture.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2017, February). Fitness interdependence and related concepts in psychology and sociology. Fitness Interdependence WorkshopASU.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2017, February). The existential psychology of enemyship and scapegoating.. UA Eller School of Management Colloquium Series.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2017, January). From Nietzsche to Contemporary Social Science via the Frankfurt School. Nietzsche and Critical Social Theory Conference. San Diego State University.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2017, July). The consequences of coping with existential threat for intergroup cognition and judgment. European Association for Social Psychology Conference. Granada, Spain.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2017, March). The existential psychology of enemyship and scapegoating.. Group Dynamics Seminar at University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016, February). Cultural-existential psychology: The role of threat in reactions to cultural change.. Invited talk presented at the Cultural Psychology Preconference of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016, January). Cultural-existential psychology. Invited talk presented at the Second Needs-Based Transfers and Disaster Recovery Workshop, Decision Center for a Desert City, Phoenix..
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016, January). Theory and research in cultural-existential psychology. Invited talk presented to the University of Salzburg Psychology Dept..
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016, November). Control in the face of disaster: A perspective from cultural-existential psychology.. Invited talk presented at the ISS Conference on “Control and Agency”, Warsaw.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016, September). Exploring the cultural psychology of time and space.. Invited talk presented at the UA Cognitive Science Colloquium Series.
- Young, I. F., Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D. L., & Hart, J. (2016, February). The security system model: A preliminary investigation utilizing structural equation modeling.. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.More infoFinalist and runner-up for the Graduate Student Poster Award
- Sullivan, D. L. (2015, January). The cultural psychology of natural disaster. Need-based Transfers and Disaster Recovery Workshop, Phx, AZ.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Greenberg, J. L. (2015, April). The Psychology of Herzog's "Grizzly Man". Loft Cinema's Science on Screen Series.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Palitsky, R. (2015, March). A cultural-existential account of variation in conspiracy beliefs. Conspiracy Theories Conference, University of Miami.
- Sullivan, D. L., & Stephan, A. (2015, March). Existential feelings in virtue: A philosophical-psychological investigation. Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, Marquette University.
- Leavitt, P., & Sullivan, D. (2014, November). Culture and computer-mediated learning. Talk presented at the Social Psychologists of Arizona Conference. Phoenix.
- Motro, D., & Sullivan, D. (2014, November). Overcome by emotion: Anger, negative affect, and motivation. Talk presented at the Social Psychologists of Arizona Conference. Phoenix.
- Sullivan, D. (2014, April). Cultural-existential psychology. Talk presented at the Social Psychology Proseminar. University of Arizona, Tucson.
- Sullivan, D. (2014, October). Death in film: Exploring Ernest Becker’s relevance to cinema studies. Invited talk sponsored by the Ernest Becker Foundation. University of Seattle, Washington.
- Sullivan, D. (2014, September). The cultural psychology of theodicy. Inaugural address of the Psychology and Religion Lecture Series, Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture. Tucson, Arizona.
- Sullivan, D. (2013, July). Varieties of religion and threat experience. Talk presented at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas.
- Sullivan, D., Pyszczynski, T., & Greenberg, J. (2013, January). Integrating research by examining the existential nature of human motivation. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans.
- Sullivan, D. (2012, May). Collectivism and the meaning of suffering. Invited talk given for the University of Maryland MURI Virtual Brownbag Series.
Poster Presentations
- Sullivan, D., Landau, M. J., & Kay, A. C. (2012, January). Vertical collectivism and repressive suffering construal. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Diego.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2015. Review of G. Buelens, S. Durrant, & R. Eaglestone (Eds.), The Future of Trauma Theory.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2015. Review of R. Esposito, Persons and Things, and M. Lazzarato, Signs and Machines.
- Sullivan, D. L. (2016. Review of B. Fondane, Existential Monday. The Humanistic Psychologist.
- Sullivan, D. (2014. Review of M. Wieviorka, Evil. Contemporary Sociology, 43, 126-128.
- Sullivan, D. (2013. Review of S. Siewert & A. Mehnert (Eds.), The Morbidity of Culture: Melancholy, Illness, Trauma, and Dying in Literature and Film. Kritikon Litterarum, 40, 276-282.
- Palitsky, R., & Sullivan, D. (2020). The birth of relationship therapy: Carl Rogers meets Otto Rank: by Robert Kramer, Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag, 2019, 132 pp., $22.31 (paperback), ISBN 9783837927696.
- Sullivan, D. (2018). The ghost of the machine: The relevance of material systems for psychology.