Tomas Cerny
- Associate Professor, Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6548
- Engineering, Rm. 221
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- tcerny@arizona.edu
Tomas Cerny is an Associate Professor of Of Systems and Industrial engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson. After earning an Engineer and Masters's degrees from the Czech Technical University, FEE, and from Baylor University, he has served as an Assistant professor at the Science and Computer Department at the Czech Technical University, FEE, since 2009. Soon after earning a Doctoral degree in 2016, he returned to Baylor University to join the Computer Science department. He was tenured in 2023 at Baylor and moved as Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona. His research focus is Software Engineering, Static Analysis, and Cloud-computing applications. Dr. Cerny served 10+ years as the lead developer of the International Collegiate Programming Contest Management System. He authored nearly 100 publications, mostly related to code analysis and aspect-oriented programming. Among his awards are the Outstanding Service Award ACM SIGAPP 2018 and 2015 or the 2011 ICPC Joseph S. DeBlasi Outstanding Contribution Award. In the past few years, he chaired multiple conferences, including ACM SAC, ACM RACS, or ICITCS. Furthermore, he led special issues and tracked Code Analysis and Enterprise Applications.Degrees
- Ph.D. Information Science and Computer Engineering
- Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
- On Concern-separation of Data Presentations in User Interfaces
- M.S. Computer Science
- Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
- B.S. Computer Science
- Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Work Experience
- Baylor University (2017 - 2023)
- Czech Technical University, FEE (2009 - 2017)
- CLOSER 2022: Best Industrial Paper Award
- CLOSER, Fall 2023
- Microservices 2022: Best Tool and Best Presentation Awards
- Microservices 2022, Fall 2023
- Baylor Outstanding Faculty - Scholarship Award
- Baylor University, Spring 2023
- IEEE SOSE 2022: Best Paper Award
- IEEE, Fall 2022
- LXNLP 2022: 2nd Best Paper Award
- LXNLP, Spring 2022
Cloud-native systems, Cloud-native system analysis, static code analysis, Software Architecture, System evolution, Technical debt
Software Engineering, Cloud-native, Enterprise system development, Design patterns, System design, System Architecture
2024-25 Courses
SFWE 900 (Spring 2025) -
Software Architecture & Design
SFWE 302 (Spring 2025) -
Special Topics in SIE
SIE 496 (Spring 2025) -
Special Topics in SIE
SIE 596 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Research
SFWE 492 (Fall 2024) -
Research Methods
SFWE 513 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
SIE 492 (Spring 2024) -
Software Architecture & Design
SFWE 302 (Spring 2024) -
Intro:Systems & Indust. Engr
SIE 250 (Fall 2023)
Scholarly Contributions
- Duncan, S., Walker, A., DeHaan, C., Alvord, S., Cerny, T., & Tisnovsky, P. (2021). Pyclone: A Python Code Clone Test Bank Generator. In Information Science and Applications(pp 235--243). Springer.
- Cemus, K., & Cerny, T. (2014). Aspect-Driven Design of Information Systems. In SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, LNCS 8327(pp 174--186). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.
- Abdelfattah, A. S., & Cerny, T. (2023). Roadmap to Reasoning in Microservice systems: A Rapid Review. Applied Sciences, 13(3).
- Abdelfattah, A. S., & Cerny, T. (2023). The Microservice Dependency Matrix. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02804.
- Abdelfattah, A. S., Rodriguez, A., Walker, A., & Cerny, T. (2023). Detecting Semantic Clones in Microservices Using Components. SN Computer Science, 4(5), 470.
- CERNY, T., FRAJTAK, K., & TISNOVSKY, P. (2023). Visualizing Anti-Patterns in Microservices at Runtime: A Systematic Mapping Study.
- Caballero, E. Q., Perez, A. R., Cerny, T., & Rivas, P. (2023). Dual Architecture for Name Entity Extraction and Relation Extraction with Applications in Medical Corpora.
- Cerny, T., Abdelfattah, A. S., Maruf, A. A., Janes, A., & Taibi, D. (2023). Catalog and detection techniques of microservice anti-patterns and bad smells: A tertiary study. Journal of Systems and Software.
- Cerny, T., Al, M. A., Janes, A., & Taibi, D. (2023). Microservice Anti-Patterns and Bad Smells. How to Classify, and How to Detect Them. A Tertiary Study. How to Classify, and How to Detect Them. A Tertiary Study.
- Elsayed, A., Cerny, T., Salazar, J. Y., Lehman, A., Hunter, J., Bickham, A., & Taibi, D. (2023). End-to-End Test Coverage Metrics in Microservice Systems: An Automated Approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09257.
- Giddens, L., Petter, S., Bichler, G., Rivas, P., Fullilove, M. H., & Cerny, T. (2023). Navigating an Interdisciplinary Approach to Cybercrime Research.
- Lazo-Quispe, C., Huamani-Malca, J., Per'u, P., Huam'an-Ramos, M., Bejarano, G., Rivas, P., & Cerny, T. (2023). Impact of Pose Estimation Models for Landmark-based Sign Language Recognition.
- Parker, G., Kim, S., Al, M. A., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Tisnovsky, P., & Taibi, D. (2023). Visualizing Anti-Patterns in Microservices at Runtime: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE Access.
- Perez, A. R., Sooksatra, K., Rivas, P., Quevedo, E., Turek, J., Bichler, G., Cerny, T., Giddens, L., & Petter, S. (2023). Aligning Word Embeddings from BERT to Vocabulary-Free Representations.
- Rahaman, M. S., Islam, A., Cerny, T., & Hutton, S. (2023). Static-Analysis-Based Solutions to Security Challenges in Cloud-Native Systems: Systematic Mapping Study. Sensors, 23(4), 1755.
- Rahaman, M. S., Tisha, S. N., Song, E., & Cerny, T. (2023). Access Control Design Practice and Solutions in Cloud-Native Architecture: A Systematic Mapping Study. Sensors, 23(7), 3413.
- Smith, S., Robinson, E., Frederiksen, T., Stevens, T., Cerny, T., Bures, M., & Taibi, D. (2023). Benchmarks for End-to-End Microservices Testing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.05895.
- d'Aragona, D. A., Li, X., Cerny, T., Janes, A., Lenarduzzi, V., & Taibi, D. (2023). One Microservice per Developer: Is This the Trend in OSS?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02843.
- Abdelfattah, A., & Cerny, T. (2022). Microservices Security Challenges and Approaches. Information Systems Development: Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations (ISD2022 Proceedings).
- Cerny, T., & Taibi, D. (2022). Static analysis tools in the era of cloud-native systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08527.
- Das, D., Maruf, A. A., Islam, R., Lambaria, N., Kim, S., Abdelfattah, A. S., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Bures, M., & Tisnovsky, P. (2022). Technical debt resulting from architectural degradation and code smells: a systematic mapping study. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 21(4), 20--36.
- Gortney, M. E., Harris, P. E., Cerny, T., Al, M. A., Bures, M., Taibi, D., & Tisnovsky, P. (2022). Visualizing microservice architecture in the dynamic perspective: A systematic mapping study. IEEE Access.
- Islam, M. R., Maruf, A., & Cerny, T. (2022). Code Smell Prioritization with Business Process Mining and Static Code Analysis: A Case Study. Electronics, 11(12: 1880).
- Klima, M., Bures, M., Frajtak, K., Rechtberger, V., Trnka, M., Bellekens, X., Cerny, T., & Ahmed, B. S. (2022). Selected Code-Quality Characteristics and Metrics for Internet of Things Systems. IEEE Access, 10, 46144--46161.
- Schiewe, M., Curtis, J., Bushong, V., & Cerny, T. (2022). Advancing static code analysis with language-agnostic component identification. IEEE Access, 10, 30743--30761.
- Trnka, M., Abdelfattah, A. S., Shrestha, A., Coffey, M., & Cerny, T. (2022). Systematic Review of Authentication and Authorization Advancements for the Internet of Things. Sensors, 22(4).
- Bushong, V., Abdelfattah, A. S., Maruf, A. A., Das, D., Lehman, A., Jaroszewski, E., Coffey, M., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Tisnovsky, P., & others, . (2021). On Microservice Analysis and Architecture Evolution: A Systematic Mapping Study. Applied Sciences, 11(17).
- Das, D., Walker, A., Bushong, V., Svacina, J., Cerny, T., & Matyas, V. (2021). On automated RBAC assessment by constructing a centralized perspective for microservice mesh. PeerJ Computer Science, 7, e376.
- Schaeffer, D., DeHaan, C., Alvord, S., Cerny, T., & Tisnovsky, P. (2021). Pyclone: A Python Code Clone Test Bank Generator. Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020, 739, 235.
- Cerny, T., Svacina, J., Das, D., Bushong, V., Bures, M., Tisnovsky, P., Frajtak, K., Shin, D., & Huang, J. (2020). On code analysis opportunities and challenges for enterprise systems and microservices. IEEE access, 8, 159449--159470.
- Huang, J., Yu, B., Xing, C., Cerny, T., & Ning, Z. (2020). Online Energy Scheduling Policies in Energy Harvesting Enabled D2D Communications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Walker, A., & Cerny, T. (2020). On cloud computing infrastructure for existing code-clone detection algorithms. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 20(1), 5--14.
- Walker, A., Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2020). Open-source tools and benchmarks for code-clone detection: past, present, and future trends. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 19(4), 28--39.
- Walker, A., Das, D., & Cerny, T. (2020). Automated code-smell detection in microservices through static analysis: A case study. Applied Sciences, 10(21), 7800.
- Ahmed, B. S., Bures, M., Frajtak, K., & Cerny, T. (2019). Aspects of quality in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions: A systematic mapping study. IEEE Access, 7, 13758--13780.
- Bures, M., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., & Ahmed, B. S. (2019). Testing the consistency of business data objects using extended static testing of CRUD matrices. Cluster Computing, 22, 963--976.
- Cerny, T. (2019). Aspect-oriented challenges in system integration with microservices, SOA and IoT. Enterprise Information Systems, 13(4), 467--489.
- Trnka, M., Svacina, J., Cerny, T., Song, E., Hong, J., & Bures, M. (2019). Securing internet of things devices using the network context. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(6), 4017--4027.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2018). Second screen engagement of event spectators. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2018.
- Cerny, T., Donahoo, M. J., & Trnka, M. (2018). Contextual understanding of microservice architecture: current and future directions. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 17(4), 29--45.
- Hong, M., Kim, T., Heo, J., Cerny, T., Sankaran, S., Ahmed, B. S., & Jung, J. (2018). Pattern matching based sensor identification layer for an android platform. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (Online), 2018.
- Tomasek, M., & Cerny, T. (2018). Automated user interface generation involving field classification. Softw. Netw, 53--78.
- Trnka, M., Cerny, T., & Stickney, N. (2018). Survey of Authentication and Authorization for the Internet of Things. Security and Communication Networks, 2018.
- Cemus, K., & Cerny, T. (2017). Automated extraction of business documentation in enterprise information systems. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 16(4), 5--13.
- Cemus, K., Klimes, F., Kratochvil, O., & Cerny, T. (2017). Separation of concerns for distributed cross-platform context-aware user interfaces. Cluster Computing, 20, 2355--2362.
- Trnka, M., & Cerny, T. (2017). Authentication and authorization rules sharing for internet of things. Software Networking, 2017(1), 35--52.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2016). On energy impact of web user interface approaches. Cluster Computing, 19, 1853--1863.
- Cemus, K., Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Automated business rules transformation into a persistence layer. Procedia Computer Science, 62, 312--318.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). On separation of platform-independent particles in user interfaces. Cluster Computing, 1--14.
- Cerny, T., Macik, M., Donahoo, M. J., & Janousek, J. (2015). On distributed concern delivery in user interface design. Computer Science and Information Systems, 12(2), 655--681.
- Macik, M., Cerny, T., & Slavik, P. (2014). Context-sensitive, cross-platform user interface generation. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 1--13.
- Cerny, T., Cemus, K., Donahoo, M. J., & Song, E. (2013). Aspect-driven, Data-reflective and Context-aware User Interfaces Design. Applied Computing Review, 13(4), 53--65.
- Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2012). Model-driven Rich Form Generation. International Information Institute(Tokyo). Information, 15(7), 2695--2714.
- Cerny, T., Chalupa, V., Rychtecky, L., & Linhart, T. (2012). Machine-driven code inspection to reduce restated information. Lecture Notes in Information Technology.
- v{C}ern`y, T., Praus, P., Jaromv{e}v{r}sk'a, S., Matl, L., & Donahoo, M. (2012). Towards a Smart, Self-scaling Cooperative Web Cache. SOFSEM 2012: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 443--455.
- Cerny, T., & Mannova, B. (2011). Competitive and Collaborative Approach Towards a More Effective Education in Computer Science. CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 2(2), 163--173.
- Praus, P., Jaromv{e}v{r}sk'a, S., & v{C}ern`y, T. (2011). SScAC: towards a framework for small-scale software architectures comparison. SOFSEM 2011: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 482--493.
Proceedings Publications
- Abdelfattah, A. S., Cerny, T., Taibi, D., & Vegas, S. (2023). Comparing 2D and Augmented Reality Visualizations for Microservice System Understandability: A Controlled Experiment. In 2023 IEEE/ACM 31st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC).
- Abdelfattah, A., & Cerny, T. (2023). Filling The Gaps in Microservice Frontend Communication: Case for New Frontend Patterns. In 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2023).
- Abdelfattah, A., Schiewe, M., Curtis, J., Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2023). Towards Security-Aware Microservices: On Extracting Endpoint Data Access Operations to Determine Access Rights. In 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2023).
- Lelovic, L., Mathews, M., Abdelfattah, A., & Cerny, T. (2023). Microservices Architecture Language for Describing Service View. In 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2023).
- Maharjan, R., Chy, M., Arju, M. A., & Cerny, T. (2023). Benchmarking Message Queues. In Telecom, 4.
- Perez, A. R., Sooksatra, K., Rivas, P., Caballero, E. Q., Turek, J. S., Bichler, G., Cerny, T., Giddens, L., & Petter, S. (2023). An Empirical Analysis Towards Replacing Vocabulary-Rigid Embeddings by a Vocabulary-Free Mechanism. In LatinX in AI Workshop at ICML 2023 (Regular Deadline).
- Quevedo, C. E., Donahoo, M., & Cerny, T. (2023). Fairness Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Multi-Path QUIC Scheduling. In Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Al, M. A., Bakhtin, A., Cerny, T., & Taibi, D. (2022). Using microservice telemetry data for system dynamic analysis. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE).
- Bakhtin, A., Al, M. A., Cerny, T., & Taibi, D. (2022). Survey on tools and techniques detecting microservice api patterns. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC).
- Burgess, K., Hart, D., Elsayed, A., Cerny, T., Bures, M., & Tisnovsky, P. (2022). Visualizing architectural evolution via provenance tracking: a systematic review. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Bushong, V., Coffey, M., Lehman, A., Jaroszewski, E., & Cerny, T. (2022). Matching Code Patterns Across Programming Language. In Southwest Data Science Conference.
- Bushong, V., Das, D., & Cerny, T. (2022). Reconstructing the Holistic Architecture of Microservice Systems using Static Analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER.
- Caballero, E. Q., Rahman, M. S., Cerny, T., Rivas, P., & Bejarano, G. (2022). Study of Question Answering on Legal Software Document using BERT based models. In LatinX in Natural Language Processing Research Workshop.
- Cerny, T., Abdelfattah, A. S., Bushong, V., Al, M. A., & Taibi, D. (2022). Microservice architecture reconstruction and visualization techniques: A review. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE).
- Das, D., Islam, R., Kim, S., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Bures, M., & Tisnovsky, P. (2022). Analyzing Technical Debt by Mapping Production Logs with Source Code. In Southwest Data Science Conference.
- Islam, R., Cerny, T., & Shin, D. (2022). Ontology-based user privacy management in smart grid. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Lambaria, N., & Cerny, T. (2022). A Data Analysis Study of Code Smells within Java Repositories. In 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems.
- Lelovic, L., Mathews, M., Elsayed, A., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Tisnovsky, P., & Taibi, D. (2022). Architectural languages in the microservice era: A systematic mapping study. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Pablo, R. (2022). Bottleneck-based Encoder-decoder ARchitecture (BEAR) for Learning Unbiased Consumer-to-Consumer Image Representations. In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 162, 2022At: Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Sooksatra, K., Maharjan, R., & Cerny, T. (2022). Monolith to Microservices: VAE-Based GNN Approach with Duplication Consideration. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE).
- Svacina, J., Bushong, V., Das, D., & Cerny, T. (2022). Semantic Code Clone Detection Method for Distributed Enterprise Systems. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER.
- Al, M. A., Lambaria, N., Abdelfattah, A. S., & Cerny, T. (2021). Using version control and issue tickets to detect code debt and economical cost. In 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
- Bushong, V., Curtis, J., Sanders, R., Du, M., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Tisnovsky, P., & Shin, D. (2021). On log analysis and stack trace use to improve program slicing. In Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020.
- Bushong, V., Das, D., Al, M. A., & Cerny, T. (2021). Using static analysis to address microservice architecture reconstruction. In 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
- Frajtak, K., & Cerny, T. (2021). On Persistent Implications of E2E Testing. In International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
- Fuller, M., Brighton, E., Schiewe, M., Das, D., Cerny, T., & Tisnovsky, P. (2021). Automated error log resolution: A case study. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Islam, M. R., & Cerny, T. (2021). Business process extraction using static analysis. In 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
- Lombardi, V., Ortiz, S., Phifer, J., Cerny, T., & Shin, D. (2021). Behavior control-based approach to influencing user's cybersecurity actions using mobile news app. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Marks, J., Montano, B., Chong, J., Raavi, M., Islam, R., Cerny, T., & Shin, D. (2021). Differential privacy applied to smart meters: a mapping study. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Raffety, J., Stone, B., Svacina, J., Woodahl, C., Cerny, T., & Tisnovsky, P. (2021). Multi-source log clustering in distributed systems. In Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020.
- Svacina, J., Bushong, V., Das, D., & Cerny, T. (2021). A Comprehensive Enterprise System Metamodel for Quality Assurance. In Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020.
- Walker, A., Das, D., & Cerny, T. (2021). Automated microservice code-smell detection. In Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020.
- Walker, A., Laird, I., & Cerny, T. (2021). On automatic software architecture reconstruction of microservice applications. In Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020.
- Wood, D., & Cerny, T. (2021). Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using Containerization. In In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2.
- Bushong, V., Sanders, R., Curtis, J., Du, M., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Bures, M., Tisnovsky, P., & Shin, D. (2020). On matching log analysis to source code: A systematic mapping study. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Cerny, T., Walker, A., Svacina, J., Bushong, V., Das, D., Frajtak, K., Bures, M., & Tisnovsky, P. (2020). Mapping Study on Constraint Consistency Checking in Distributed Enterprise Systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Das, D., Schiewe, M., Brighton, E., Fuller, M., Cerny, T., Bures, M., Frajtak, K., Shin, D., & Tisnovsky, P. (2020). Failure prediction by utilizing log analysis: A systematic mapping study. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Svacina, J., Raffety, J., Woodahl, C., Stone, B., Cerny, T., Bures, M., Shin, D., Frajtak, K., & Tisnovsky, P. (2020). On vulnerability and security log analysis: A systematic literature review on recent trends. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Svacina, J., Simmons, J., & Cerny, T. (2020). Semantic code clone detection for enterprise applications. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Walker, A., Coffey, M., Tisnovsky, P., & Cerny, T. (2020). On limitations of modern static analysis tools. In Information Science and Applications: ICISA 2019.
- Walker, A., Svacina, J., Simmons, J., & Cerny, T. (2020). On automated role-based access control assessment in enterprise systems. In Information Science and Applications: ICISA 2019.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2019). Survey on Compromise-Defensive System Design. In Information Science and Applications 2018: ICISA 2018.
- Elkhail, A. A., & Cerny, T. (2019). On relating code smells to security vulnerabilities. In 2019 IEEE 5th intl conference on big data security on cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing,(HPSC) and IEEE intl conference on intelligent data and security (IDS).
- Elkhail, A. A., Svacina, J., & Cerny, T. (2019). Intelligent token-based code clone detection system for large scale source code. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Sebek, J., Vondrus, P., & Cerny, T. (2019). Degree of Similarity of Root Trees. In Information Science and Applications 2018: ICISA 2018.
- Smid, A., Wang, R., & Cerny, T. (2019). Case study on data communication in microservice architecture. In Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Trnka, M., Rysavy, F., Cerny, T., & Stickney, N. (2019). Using Wi-Fi enabled Internet of Things devices for context-aware authentication. In Information Science and Applications 2018: ICISA 2018.
- Bures, M., Cerny, T., & Ahmed, B. S. (2018). Internet of things: Current challenges in the quality assurance and testing methods. In International conference on information science and applications.
- Cerny, T., Sedlisky, F., & Donahoo, M. J. (2018). On isolation-driven automated module decomposition. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Hussein, S. M., Donahoo, M. J., & Cerny, T. (2018). Security Challenges in Smart City Applications. In Int'l Conf. Security and Management | SAM'18.
- Trnka, M., Svacina, J., Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2018). Aspect oriented context-aware and event-driven data processing for internet of things. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Bures, M., & Cerny, T. (2017). Static Testing Using Different Types of CRUD Matrices. In Information Science and Applications 2017: ICISA 2017 8.
- Bures, M., Cerny, T., & Klima, M. (2017). Prioritized Process Test: More Efficiency in Testing of Business Processes and Workflows. In International Conference on Information Science and Applications.
- Cemus, K., Klimes, F., & Cerny, T. (2017). Aspect-driven context-aware services. In 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS).
- Cerny, T., Donahoo, M. J., & Pechanec, J. (2017). Disambiguation and comparison of soa, microservices and self-contained systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on research in adaptive and convergent systems.
- Trnka, M., Tomasek, M., & Cerny, T. (2017). Context-aware security using internet of things devices. In Information Science and Applications 2017: ICISA 2017 8.
- Brabec, Z., Cerny, T., & Sebek, J. (2016). On metadata extension to derive data presentations with angular 2. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Cemus, K., & Cerny, T. (2016). Business Documentation Derivation from Aspect-driven Enterprise Information Systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Cemus, K., Cerny, T., Matl, L., & Donahoo, M. J. (2016). Aspect, Rich, and Anemic Domain Models in Enterprise Information Systems. In SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 23-28, 2016, Proceedings 42.
- Cemus, K., Klimes, F., Kratochvil, O., & Cerny, T. (2016). Distributed Multi-Platform Context-Aware User Interface for Information Systems. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. (2016). Survey on second screen systems. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2016). Survey on concern separation in service integration. In SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 23-28, 2016, Proceedings 42.
- Cerny, T., Trnka, M., & Donahoo, M. J. (2016). Towards shared security through distributed separation of concerns. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Helbich, J., & Cerny, T. (2016). Energy impact of web user interface technology on mobile devices. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Rysavy, F., Cerny, T., & Tomasek, M. (2016). Aspect-Oriented User Interfaces Design Integration to Angular 2 Framework. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Sebek, J., & Cerny, T. (2016). Aop-based approach for local data management in adaptive interfaces. In 2016 6th international conference on IT convergence and security (ICITCS).
- Sebek, J., Cerny, T., & Richta, K. (2016). Adaptive application structure design for java ee applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Tomasek, M., & Cerny, T. (2016). Context-Aware User Interface Field Classification. In 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).
- Trnka, M., & Cerny, T. (2016). Identity management of devices in internet of things environment. In 2016 6th international conference on it convergence and security (ICITCS).
- Trnka, M., & Cerny, T. (2016). On security level usage in context-aware role-based access control. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.
- Cemus, K., Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Evaluation of approaches to business rules maintenance in enterprise information systems. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on research in adaptive and convergent systems.
- Cemus, K., Cerny, T., Matl, L., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Enterprise information systems: comparison of aspect-driven and MVC-like Approaches. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on research in adaptive and convergent systems.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Impact of remote user interface design and delivery on energy demand. In 2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS).
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Separating out platform-independent particles of user interfaces. In Information Science and Applications.
- Cerny, T., Matl, L., Cemus, K., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Evaluation of separated concerns in web-based delivery of user interfaces. In Information Science and Applications.
- M'atl, L., v{C}ern`y, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2015). Effective Manycast Messaging for Kademlia Network. In ACM Symposium On Applied Computing.
- Sebek, J., Trnka, M., & Cerny, T. (2015). On aspect-oriented programming in adaptive user interfaces. In 2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS).
- Tom'av{s}ek, M., & Cerny, T. (2015). Automated User Interface Derivation for Remote Data in Standalone Apps. In 19th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering.
- Tomasek, M., & Cerny, T. (2015). On web services ui in user interface generation in standalone applications. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on research in adaptive and convergent systems.
- Trnka, M., & Cerny, T. (2015). Context-aware role-based access control using security levels. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on research in adaptive and convergent systems.
- Cerny, T., Macik, M., Donahoo, M. J., & Janousek, J. (2014). Efficient description and cache performance in aspect-oriented user interface design. In 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems.
- Cemus, K., & Cerny, T. (2013). Towards Effective Business Logic Design. In Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Student Conferenece POSTER 2013.
- Cerny, T., Donahoo, M. J., & Song, E. (2013). Towards effective adaptive user interfaces design. In Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems.
- Macik, M., Cerny, T., Basek, J., & Slavik, P. (2013). Platform-aware rich-form generation for adaptive systems through code-inspection. In Human Factors in Computing and Informatics: First International Conference, SouthCHI 2013, Maribor, Slovenia, July 1-3, 2013. Proceedings.
- Matl, L., & Cerny, T. (2013). ELISA: Extensible Layer for Internet Services and Applications. In Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Student Conferenece POSTER 2013.
- Matl, L., Kloucek, V., Bohdal, V. B., Kubr, J., & Cerny, T. (2013). Elisa: Extensible layer for internet services and applications. In Building Sustainable Information Systems: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems Development.
- Cerny, T., & Mannova, B. (2012). Debt Environment in Computer Science Education. In In he 3rd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2012., 1.
- Cerny, T., Chalupa, V., & Donahoo, M. J. (2012). Impact of user interface generation on maintenance. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2.
- Cerny, T., Chalupa, V., & Donahoo, M. J. (2012). Towards smart user interface design. In 2012 International Conference on Information Science and Applications.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2011). Formbuilder: A novel approach to deal with view development and maintenance. In In SofSem 2011 Proceedings of Student Research Forum.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2011). How to reduce costs of business logic maintenance. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, 1.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2011). Metamorpic: Self-contained photo archival and presentation. In Information Systems Development: Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development.
- Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2011). Uml-based enhanced rich form generation. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Research in Applied Computation.
- Cerny, T., Praus, P., Jaromerska, S., Matl, L., & Donahoo, J. (2011). Cooperative web cache. In 2011 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing.
- Cerny, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2010). Performance optimization for enterprise web applications through remote client simulation. In In Proceedings of the 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2.
- Cerny, T., & Song, E. (2010). A profile approach to using uml models for rich form generation. In 2010 International Conference on Information Science and Applications.
- v{C}ern`y, T., & Donahoo, M. J. (2010). A Tool for Evaluation and Optimization of Web Application Performance. In In Proceedings of 44th Spring International Conference MOSIS'X.
- vC}ern`y, T. (2016). On Concern-separation of Data Presentations in User Interfaces.